Leaving a 6-Figure Corporate Job to Making 6-Figures in 17 Days - How Charles Built His Brand

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[Music] what's up my name is rich welcome back to another video i got somebody special with me today he's an entrepreneur he's a hustler he's a father he's a facebook ad killing machine he's selling t-shirts like crazy man the homie charles man i appreciate it bro let them know who you are and what you do bro yeah i appreciate that rich so um yeah man i'm charles smith uh basically i am you know somewhat of an internet geek social media um advertiser um and i do all that around t-shirt brands so basically i own um a t-shirt brand around black fatherhood um i've been pushing it for the last couple of years and i also help t-shirt brand owners do the same thing online so yeah that's that's mean a nutshell that's what's up man yeah all right so we're here at charles warehouse about asking us a question to see how he got here all right so i think like back in march february i don't know what month it was but you did 600k in a month two weeks less than two weeks or something man explain that to me you know i got like i said i got a brand around black fatherhood so uh you know when you look at father's day that's pretty much like my christmas time for my brand and last year when i was when i had my first big breakthrough um i did 242 000 um and t-shirt sales within 30 days and so that kind of really like was the first time where i you know did that much volume at once and so i knew coming around this year it was going to be a little bit different um and i was my whole goal i was trying to i was aiming really high and so we got around to like may and i started you know advertising for the brand facebook ads instagram ads and you know over a 17 day sprint um i did 656 000 um and t-shirt sales within 17 days and uh it was a blessing bro but you know i can't take all the credit one thing that i always say is um it's a testament of how powerful this digital age is you know i'm saying being able to run ads get in front of your target market and if you have an offering you know i'm saying that message with that audience you know you can do do really well and that's kind of how everything lined with me or just kind of like the stars lined up um but it was crazy too when you talk about getting autumn orders it's a lot of a lot of stuff you go through with fulfilling you know what i'm saying yeah there's a lot of fulfillment stuff going on with that but yeah that's why i gotta hear that again though last year you did 242 right to 42. so how'd you even get into that how did you even just get to 242 to begin with man i mean i didn't even know bro because you know i wasn't even to be honest the store wasn't even running for the first part of the year you know i'm saying i actually i was still going through some struggles at that time you know i'm saying i wasn't running the store my mom kept coming to me was like charles open up the store father's day around the corner i kept brushing it off but finally you know we paid some fees to the store open it up and uh i ran ads for the first day i probably spent like 40 some dollars some small you know i'm saying and the thing with facebook ads is like the numbers will tell you if it's working or not like how many times people click how are they interacting on your website so i'm looking at the numbers i'm like okay it's doing good today run it and go the next day put the budget up a little bit more still good so it got to a point maybe about three four days in i was like man it's kind of like go time you know it's time to like really try to try to make it happen and so i start pushing on ads real hard and you know what i'm saying um you know my highest day during that run was like it was like forty two thousand dollars right in a day that's crazy and and i remember that day when i did it i put on instagram and i was like you know i did and when i got my first full-time job out of college i had a forty two thousand dollar salary and i did like forty two thousand dollars in a day and i didn't even leave the house that's amazing i'm saying that's just the power of social media bro all right so that's crazy amounts of sales bro we gotta talk about fulfillment how you got to fulfill all those orders but before we talk about it can we see some of the shirts that you sold oh yeah for sure all right i see you got a lot of um inventory bro can you show me something from it oh yeah no problem so yeah man uh here's a design uh this is one of my favorites it's uh very busy you know i'm saying but uh for father's day uh this is really a popular one you know it has the black father black king um you'll see that it's like this trophy is like the world's best dad trophy and what i did is came up with different ideas as far as putting like you know different awards a father can have like example a 365 uh leader by example award right golden wallet winner you know saying uh 24 7 personal sacrifice medal so this is one that's really popular around father's day you know the the women in the man's lives will will use that to celebrate you know i'm saying uh that does the father or the man so that's a really nice one i like that one all this inventory so you already knew about screen printing after you did print on or you just went in blind yeah i went in blind bro like um you know for the past for the first two years really i did uh i did uh print on demand um and i went through printify and they did everything they did dtg and um when it came around to covey you know a lot of the print on demand companies the turnaround times were so slow right and then i was like i need to find do screen printing but at the same time you know the profits right when you do print on demand you don't have to do all that fulfillment but it's going to cost you a little bit more so also bringing it in the house i know i could bring more profit into the business and so we went that route yeah that's what's up man so what kind of struggles did you go through just going straight from pen on demand to screen printing because in a sense it's kind of easy but taking the actual steps right right so i mean just put it like this bro we had like 13 000 orders you know i'm saying that we had to get printer fulfilled um i don't know man it had to be maybe somewhere maybe around 20 000 shirts or something like that something ridiculous so um you know first off just figuring out what what screen printer around town could be able to print them right so we called around a lot of places and we actually found one and we told them hey we got this amount of demand can you handle it for us within this time frame because we needed to send it out in time to get it to people for father's day right um and so basically uh we found a guy he said that he would be able to do it get it done within five days man we started the screen printing process day one day two day three still nothing right we get to day five still nothing right and and it's like at this point in time i'm like bro like what's going on do we need to find somebody else to be able to help um and you know he finally started passing stuff and as we got it we would ship it out we would ship out the orders that had like one shirt send that stuff out but it got real close to father's day bro to where we was like really in a bind because they were slowing the printing and the fulfillment and um it got tight you know i'm saying so we actually found somebody else that was able to help us fulfill and out of those 13 000 orders we probably had you know i'm saying about 10 000 that we got out in time but it was still like 3 000 that still weren't out and they weren't able to get there in time for father's day so you know you got a whole bunch of customers just going crazy on the social media the emails going crazy and one thing about scaling you know i realized i wasn't ready you know i'm saying it's like one thing to make the sales but i didn't really have the infrastructure in place the customer support right the fulfillment processes all of that was new printing labels you know i'm saying going to the post office it's like all new bruh so it was stressful man we were running on fumes for weeks and it felt like it was never going to end and the pressure from the customers it was tough bro you know what i'm saying and i did not want to be in that fire whatsoever you know what i'm saying like that's experience that i didn't want to go through i was taxed i felt like the business was going to break i felt like i was gonna break and but we made it through you know what i'm saying yeah i had to do a lot of hard stuff too i sent videos to customers just letting them know like it's not gonna make it in time you know please show me mercy and grace and i'm thankful that a lot of customers did you know what i'm saying and we got it to them eventually after father's day but you know i'm saying that's one lesson is like when you grow your business you got to make sure you got the infrastructure in place to be able to handle the demand but yeah man it's a blessing i got through it and made me stronger as an entrepreneur you know what i'm saying all right yeah so speaking of entrepreneur yeah i want to ask you a few questions um before we even get to t-shirts right right can we do that yeah for sure let's do it all right [Music] all right so we talked about fulfillment we talked about how you got your inventory we talked about 242 242 your first year first not even first year first month in your first year nah well actually so now my i started in 2018 and then it was mid-year 2019 when i did that okay so let's move on all the way back like what were you doing before we got here okay man just trying to figure it out bro like um i saw i used to work in corporate america i was in uh finance and accounting for nine years and um you know i knew at the very beginning that you know i'm saying i i i wanted to do something different with my life and it got to a place man i felt like my soul was dying you know i'm saying like i just knew that i had this creativity and i couldn't express it especially in that field and then be sitting in a cubicle for like 40 plus hours a week bruh it was just it was wearing on me so midway through my career i figured out how to um sell create a product and sell on amazon amazon fba and uh i remember um i got a product created in china's in the wine niche and basically um i remember it went live on amazon the first night i went to sleep woke up had like three cells on my phone that was the first time i had made anything outside of my job bro and it just was like magic these people didn't know me you know i'm saying it was like a totally different state so for men i was hooked so i kept going on that journey left my job in 2017 took the jump sold my home everything you know i'm saying exciting time in my life but it was scary because i had never you know it's like you gotta you know it's like sink or swim you gotta make it happen so i started trying to make it happen about nine ten months saying man it's flat broke bro ran through all my finances all my resources had to sell some of the most valuable things you know i'm saying my wife sold a wedding ring and we took a lot of losses title loans like all type of stuff bro and you know i'm saying i share that because when i say these big numbers people will look at them but they you know i'm saying there's a certain struggle that i had to do to get there you know what i'm saying um and so it was bad but you know i kept pushing kept persevering got to a point to where i had to go back to corporate for like six months as my you know i'm saying managers for recommendations you know what i'm saying and i can just remember telling them i'm going out and chasing my dreams yeah now i gotta i failed can you give me a recommendation but you know it's like i was blessed cause i had my mba everything i was able to get plugged back in and kind of get back on my feet so i tried to stay with that company like it got to a point i was like i'm trying to just give me a full-time job you know what i'm saying and i tried and they wouldn't let me in finance so they had like a digital marketing job i ended up trying you know what i'm saying and i was pushing so much like i got all this experience i did all this stuff on my own give me a shot they didn't even want to hear me they shut me down so basically uh my contract ended and i started back on this journey right and that was like january 2019 january february 2019 and then may june came around that's when i did at 2 42 and ever since then man it's been going up those are some crazy stories some crazy fulfillment some crazy sales but i think it was worth it man you did it i appreciate it bro man i salute you so i appreciate y'all for hanging out with us today i appreciate you for letting us hang out with you bro man let the people know where can they follow you man um yeah so most of you know you can follow me at uh t-shirt millionaires um t-shirt millionaires.com uh you can find me on instagram at t-shirt millionaires um if you want to reach out to me if you want to get tips and tricks and all type of strategy to sell t-shirts online um go ahead and text me at 256-588-8495 and uh that's about it man hit me up on instagram i got a lot of live content on there um and i try to add value all right man appreciate you i appreciate it [Music] you know i'm charles i'm the owner of a black fatherhood t-shirt brand um i love e-commerce and digital marketing but one thing i want people to know about me is that you know i'm saying i'm just a dreamer man i'm just like everybody else and although i've achieved a certain things i'm still not perfect i'm still rebuilding my life from my low times but i just want to be an inspiration to anybody who has a vision and they want to take things to the next level that no matter what you go through you can make it happen
Channel: Hustle Ninjas
Views: 270,494
Rating: 4.9536414 out of 5
Keywords: how to start a clothing brand, starting a clothing brand, how to sell tshirts, selling tshirts saturated, black owned business, selling tshirts, starting a brand, starting a tshirt brand, how to start a brand, how to start a tshirt brand, charles smith, tshirt millionaires, tshirtmillionaires
Id: Iqbj1FfXv6c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 14sec (854 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 29 2020
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