DEMO flight in a NEW STATIONAIR at 14,000 FEET!

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everyone I'm Mindy I'm Sarah and today we're going to show you guys around the new 2020 turbo stationary 206 and why it's such a workhorse Sarah's gonna do a walk around with you guys here in the hangar and then we're gonna take you guys on a demo flight [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] so like Mindy was saying the Cessna T 206 is such a workhorse and the biggest reason is because of this big beefy engine up here this is the lycoming t io 540 it's 310 horsepower and there's a lot of power this airplane has it's great for off-airport landings hauling a big useful load and having some fun so the 206 is kind of like a BB caravan especially with this cargo pod it is removable and it can hold 300 pounds of extra baggage or cargo so think about your skis golf clubs or your roller on bag it's pretty useful the 206 is landing gear is a leaf spring steel tricycle landing gear system it's very rugged and super forgiving especially for off-airport and short field landings and a great off-airport feature is going to be this brake line which is behind the strut here and that's to protect it from any debris or rocks hitting it on landing here we are at the 206 is flaps and you can see that the flaps on this airplane are more than half of the wingspan of the wings taking a large surface area and this is going to be for your short field performance and slow airspeed handling characteristics [Music] here we are at the cargo door and since we were just talking about flaps we do have a flap safety switch here and this is to make sure that you don't lower your flaps into your door when you're still loading things back into the 206 so the doors have to be closed and the batter needs to be on for the flaps to operate and then if there is an emergency scenario this is that you can still egress this door with the flaps down as well the cabin of the 206 is really flexible as far as loading goes you can either put bags and equipment back here or you can fold the seat down and lay your equipment down flat back here you can lay your equipment down flap or what a lot of 206 operators do is they take this ass bench out just held down by these pins here and you can just operate this airplane as a really big four seat airplane or a true six passenger airplane 2016 Cessna came out with the HD model which is for heavy duty where we increased the gross weight of the airplane by a hundred and eighty nine pounds so you no longer have to put tip tanks on the airplane but you still can if you want to get the extra fuel so this airplane holds 87 gallons of fuel so with full tanks you can hold about 950 pounds of useful load it's pretty impressive here we are back at the tail of the 206 by the oxygen port here so the 206 has standard built-in oxygen for six places because the service ceiling on this airplane is 26,000 feet and the really nice thing is that the oxygen port is very convenient for the line guys to fill the bottle for you you don't even need to give them the keys okay so thank you Sarah for doing our walk around now we're gonna take you guys for a flight and the turbo station air and show you guys a little bit of what it could do here we are we're going to do a short field takeoff it's one of the things that the stationers good at we're going to take off or runway 8 and we're gonna climb up to a little over 15,000 feet and show off the oxygen system and then we're gonna come back around for a visual approach and a short feel anything so good I think it's a good plan let's do it all right we're right at the end of the runway we've got 20 degrees of flaps in our big fake flaps we're gonna hold our brakes give full power we'll add it it's smooth but we do have an overboost protection lots of right rudder for a short field takeoff when we add power like that and looking for 56 knots here we are past all of our obstacles we're going to shoot for dy which is a knot we do have rudder trim which is helpful for the 206 my right leg is working out right now especially since we're going up to 15,000 feet you'll be holed up there for a while so yeah I used to have that so we'll throw the autopilot on its going to hold this heading and it's just going to hold 88 knots when I get trimmed out on our rudder that way I get my leg a break you see that lime just about 1,200 feet per minute right now and we could hold this full power climb up through about 17,000 feet yeah so this is the climb speeds we're gonna see up to our fifteen five still holding V Y eighty eight knots through 4500 feet and we're anywhere from 1100 to 1400 feet per minute it's just we're kind of still going through some of the thermals so it kind of bounce it up and down once we get to smooth the air it'll stabilize and normally how we're loaded now is gonna stabilize around 1,200 feet per minute and like Benny was saying we're not at max carousing with just two of us in the air believe but even if we were at Beck's gross I mean it still at a pretty impressive climb rate that we're seeing it probably hours maybe around a thousand feet a minute today yep that's about what I would guess all right so now we're level at ten thousand five hundred we're gonna stop here for just a moment and both get situated with our oxygen systems it took us just a little over seven minutes at ten thousand five hundred yeah that's pretty good that is awesome that means we held well over a thousand feet per minute the whole way up here so how about you guys situated first I'll stay on the controls and then we'll switch alright sounds good [Music] all right and I'm back all right so it's really important to get prepared before you get up into the flight levels to have your asses on ready to go so it's really oh you just look great okay so oxygen on yep it's pretty simple so right now we're both adjusting our cannulas on the cannula we have a bunch of little dash marks on it and it has a little floater ball and you twist the knob to make the little floater ball inside at the altitude that you're at or in our case where we're planning to go out so let's go ahead and put it to 60,000 just to be safe I have rather have a little bit more oxygen definitely but now that we both have oxygen flowing let's continue our client yeah the 206 it's a very simple airplane and that does not stop with the oxygen you literally just have to turn the lever on and you set your cannulas your altitude and that's it we're back here at view y88 knots that we're still seeing about anywhere between 1100 to 1200 feet per minute going up to 14 five so flying on oxygen it's you know most people think it's little daunting but not really at all it's pretty easy all you have to do is breathe in through your nose and then out through your mouth pretty relaxing actually makes you focus on your breathing the only thing that's a little different is that you just kind of look funny I know I can't even look at you okay we're gonna set out for cruise no we decided to go to 14 five we got flipped around westbound so we stayed at an even altitude now and I'm gonna get it leaved out 75 degrees rich a peak is what we're gonna go for the lycoming engine is only rated for red to peak it's not rated for Lena peak and to get your best power best performance is gonna be that 75 degrees on the red side okay I got us all laid out 75 degrees rich peak at 14,500 feet and our true airspeed right now is a hundred and sixty knots not too bad for a single-engine high weight Cessna in this plane isn't really meant to be a speed Cruiser by any means it really shines with short field takeoff and landing performance and it's hauling capability is that big useful load that we talked about before but I'm not gonna complain about 162 knots definitely not no that's for sure there's some different reasons for kind of coming up so high at altitude not only just because you can you know it might be to get over terrain or you gonna take advantage of some better winds up at altitude if you're taking a long cross-country office 75 degrees rich a peak for seeing roughly 20 gallons per hour that's pretty standard for the 206 about 20 gallons per hour once you get leaned out and that's kind of at any flight level it doesn't really matter until you get pretty high up towards the service ceiling since the turbocharger thinks it's that sea level all the time you're gonna see those same fuel flows whether you're down at 3,000 feet or up here at 14,000 five but the difference in going higher and the advantage is that you have a much better air speed up here down lower you're gonna really sacrifice a lot of your air speed but still be taking that 20 gallons per hour at fuel but it once you come up to 45 you gain 10 12 knots of airspeed with that same fuel flow so you have a big advantage for one of the climb yeah it's a turbocharged airplane it wants to climb high want to fly high definitely [Music] so now we're descending now that we got to see what a flight profile would look like a normal cruise altitude at the 206 we're going to do what's called a visual approach in the g1000 so not what you typically think about the g1000 who's gonna help us with it we will show you guys that but in the meantime who are you see that's 206 buyers you know the true oh six is a really great transitional airplane so someone coming out of a 172 or a 182 the transitions very seamless so if you look at the panel of this airplane I mean they look pretty darn identical to the 172 or 182 so it just makes coming out of those airplanes so easy the avionics are exactly the same which makes it just a great transitional airplane yeah and the type of buyers that we're seeing are so diverse so it can be how you guys saw it today a fixed-gear plane you could put it on floats some instances you could put it on skis it's got a lot of cargo opportunities so people use it for that Forbush flying so you can put tundra tires on it and get into some really tight strips up in Alaska or you know whatever your mission could be it even buyers around where I live where Atlanta maybe don't have that dramatic of a flight profile for it but they just want to be able to take four adults in his bag bags as they want to their vacation home so it just helps you be able to load the plane and not worry about the weight balance you know that you can do it and it just makes it really versatile airplane for a lot of different missions so what we're gonna do going into this Airport is a visual approach often g1000 so this is just visual situational guidance it's not meant to be used for you know ioc conditions or anything like that it just gives you an extended runway centerline and a 3-degree glide path down to the numbers it's for every runway at every Airport so even if there's not an instrument approach procedure and you're unfamiliar with that Airport you can load this it just to be sure you're lined up on the right runway at the right Airport yeah that's what I use it for all the time it for unfamiliar airports it's just a really good guide it's definitely so the autopilot will even fly it for you so it's captured the glide path that I want and I just have to prepare it for landing down the airplane and treating the visual approach kind of just like an issue approach so it's the entire thing on the autopilot which is really helpful to Florence County stationary about a two mile straight in runway need I gotta pop the autopilot off we pop it off a little bit earlier in visual conditions and we would do in instrument conditions like we still get our cart got it so you can still get apply using a guide that straight apply the whole way in the full flaps if they're like speed breaks when they come out these huge barn door looking things awesome right yeah Italy gives you quite the amount of a balloon but then it points your nose pretty much right at the numbers and you just fly right in and now Minnie is gonna show us how a great short field landing is done in the 206 and get us off the first taxiway here oh you're talking big for me huh you got it and we're just over that numbers we're just hearing the stall warning hurt chirp and we're down oh yeah that was pretty darn good with me hahaha and we are fully stopped on the runway halfway before we got to that first taxiway the first taxiway is about 1,800 feet down the runway I favor take it we're stopped about halfway so full stop in about 900 feet and let's be honest you could really step on those brakes and shorten that up even two but it's nice to be kinda yeah you don't need to stop on the rigs I certainly wouldn't recommend it but dang it it's fun to get that thing stopped at a couple hundred feet though ya know I think that might have been better as if we were on a crash strip so we're gonna tax you back it continue to have some fun and yeah we've got a couple more plants today but this is where we're dropping you guys off well thanks for coming along with us for our walk around and our flight hope you guys enjoyed it and stay tuned for some work yeah see you again [Music]
Channel: Schmiiindy
Views: 121,976
Rating: 4.9175124 out of 5
Keywords: stationair, cessna, cessna206, 206, turbo, turbocharged, ga, generalaviation, aviatrix, femalepilot, pilot, flying, demoflight, newcessna, newplane, plane, aviation, flightvlog, textronaviation, schmiiindy
Id: CC_dgIkUkaI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 3sec (963 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 05 2020
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