Delete This Challenge (Attempt #6)

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what is up everybody my name is hudson welcome back to the binding of isaac repentance and another attempt i delete this all right we're gonna beat this in the first floor i can just feel it can't you feel it because i can feel it 65 cents 39 cents okay i mean we're already on the womb look at me i'm cruising we've obviously gotten uh stomped the last couple times we played this and i think that some people are a little bit confused they're like huh as soon as you find like a really good combo why don't you stop first of all not in the spirit of the challenge and secondly uh i didn't have anything that was super overpowered last time so of course i'm gonna keep taking things because there's items out there that literally spawn the finish uh trophy why wouldn't i go for something like that like pretty much every single person that i've seen beat this challenge has had an item that spawned the end trophy anyways long story short i'm just trying to have fun with it give you guys some entertaining content i don't have to like beat this super fast it's fine whatever i mean it's annoying right it's definitely testing my my patience but i know in the end you guys like watching these you guys would probably like to have this be a 300 episode series if if i could handle it my mind would mentally break before that point in time but golden key in the last room on the floor it's just like really nice seven c flame tea i'm using this on the bottles you got duke great that was helpful and i'm back bring it duke and give me a better item would you so i recently finished tainted eden and i unlocked basically the ability to get glitched items like this in all secret rooms oh hey yeah we got a little uh bird buddy that's good i like bird buddy all right all right not as trash as i thought it was he like instantly killed some flies that he spawned look at him go yeah buddy let's just not get that weird teleporty thing next floor come on birdie friends please tell me it continues to spawn hello empty room okay there we go it's like the trinket effect i think and it's when you land a hit on an enemy there's a chance that it uh that it spawns maybe i have to like keep using my active item oh what the heck okay this time it didn't teleport me i thought it was supposed to be like random but like that was permanent is it random every single time that you use it 11 cents oh my goodness that's cheap we go into our boss room probably oh we have a chance to earn this deal with the devil of course changing it to an angel um but no way this these are super speedy gurglings and unless i can get them to charge into the red poops i don't see this ending well yikes dude oh no oh god get get in there what are you doing would you just get in there there we go okay that did not do nearly enough damage okay there it goes deal with the devil gone i'm gonna be lucky to get out of this with my life wow one left one left one left one left there we go ick it multi-dimensions number vitamins i don't know look a bell it is just okay what the heck it's random every time i use it oh we permanently have brimstone now i'm happy with this that's basically like and we got the bird still yeah basically like we got to deal with the devil for free if i use it again am i going to lose it though tammy's head oh wait um i think we just d7 we did hold a ds7 above our head last time i'm just so confused cupid's arrow pie um plus fire rate minus range give us number one which is great with brimstone it's perfect bunch of money let's go buy some stuff oh it's a rechargeable number one um okay oh so you should stop playing now you should stop borrowing the items would you would you knock it off no let's send it let's hope cross our fingers that we still have brimstone lisa looks like we do we have uh a my shadow yeah still got number one from this thing okay so this one is actually consistent so i don't know why the last one was random every time we used it i mean which is kind of exciting i guess it could have been um like a dead sea scrolls that's probably what it was it was probably like a random use dead sea scroll thing look at me my health is looking good damage is good i guess it could be better because three five damage on later floors might be trouble him all gotta fart tomorrow nope gonna go with cupid's arrow pie please 98 cents for that item that's a good one that's really funny huge growth okay is the series over already and looking like it's over we're dropping troll bombs after every single room yeah trail what do you got you got nothing that's what you got even more fire rate by using this active item again look at that ow okay damage could be better damage could be better finish it going angel room as present plus damage when i picked that up infinite use what does it do i'm gonna stick with the fire rate upgrade that we're gonna get from our cupid's arrow point three damage wasn't uh enough to sell me there big money no whammies [Music] bbf hey we got enough to do this i got plus 0.92 damage another 0.84 like any damage ups for you or for getting hit bow bumble one coin that's not bumbo you're not bombo that was a phony i'm gonna get this guy to pay out too shop prices are ridiculous i guess i gotta bomb them hi crib we got a mod buddy from that sticking with my original item yeah 46 cents i told you they were ridiculous prices look at this got a payout too heck we got rotten buddy i'll take all of it now that i just picked up that uh tail i think that he's gonna give us double okay and everybody's done a samso he would have given us double flies and spiders did we gulp my trinket or did it just disappear oh well last time uh oh we have a teleport thing now teleport when i take damage or was that cursed eye i might have been cursed because i think i was charging up my my beam got him got him earned an angel deal two seven that was minus damage no we're back down to normal damage better range better for what the oh marks marked as good it just uh auto fires your brim for you he's got a place where you want it to go that's not bad oop plop when you're taking a whiz and didn't realize you had to whiz out of the other hole too oop plop i used it i got plus 1.97 damage it's a 12 room recharge pass obviously keeps saying that you want more damage you keep ignoring the damage upgrades yeah yeah all right though self marks we still have mark see this isn't so bad this isn't so bad taking damage on this door coming and going um it seems like either has to be an active room when we teleport out or it is a cursed eye kind of thing look at that look at this diagonal brimstone is is hot i wonder if cursed eye is going to activate while i'm charging it like this he can't even get me he can't even get me you ain't no dvd symbol you gotta oh that's a good one forgot he could do that jump attack miss me hey you suck at this game y'all got him mmm follows my every mmm mom's wig i still like the fire rate devil rum whatever i guess i don't even care whatever give me a thing what does that do nothing what's this ezva all right skipping my item rum does it even matter let's just go tank depths 2. i think we could beat it with just this okay guys there we go we won't teleport when we're stay gauzed exploding take damage very interesting skipping another item room screw it full send baby full sense ow good hit good hit somehow got a little monstro buddy which is great because we have to charge him up once again with marks oh yeah mark's very good with chargeables another deal with the devil as well and an our range up good good that's step frizz can't wait to try these out scarred womb one more step but it's the furthest away from home i've ever been have we gotten this far though for real i don't think so we're doing it mom mom i was just trying to freaking throw this now that i've spent all my health and deals with the devil that were completely unnecessary okay everyone's just like taking damage all over the place here for some reason this is great another one gotta have it let airstrike but i'm lit hard then take it then layer strike still chugging along matriarch what you got whoa buddy what's that spit attack that he did to me what is that bs never seen that before in my life almost done here we're almost done here close your eyes oh you son of a absolute didgeridoo doug demidogen didgeridoo playing dim a dome double decker piece of using the strength card in this room top secret room first pass strength active item go look at all the hearts he dropped still though oh come on keep it together keep it together keep it together keep it together keep it together do it for the kids lump of coal what does it do holy water which is great don't get me wrong but today i'm gonna oh gonna go ahead and uh bombs that's a gall of my health i have no more health this is how we blow it this i'm not even trying to blow it i just want to have fun guard wound one a couple more floors to go actually just two more this one and then the next one we have to go to the chest because there's no polaroid why didn't i grab my huge growth before we left i don't know maybe i am throwing i don't think i am but maybe i am cause that was stupid was that a super secret tinted rock looks like it to me what do you got for me some health blue slot gamble you know be cool if the names and the symbols on the item had anything to do with what the item actually did like at all you could kind of like piece it together like that would be fun of course i think it's all random not if it's supposed to make sense whatever consumable that was spawned as a scythe uh-huh uh-huh uh-huh uh-huh yeah yeah it lives fight send it whole sense not once during this episode have i ever half cent i'm even quarter cent yet okay this is going slower than i expected okay good one that's a good one we didn't teleport thank god let me hurry this thing up a little bit let me uh speed it up just a tish and done one more floor one more floor that's it one more step but it'll be the furthest away from home i've ever been further away from home remember sean bean uh oh random damage boss this is where the damage is catching up with me we're not clearing rooms as quickly as we could be three five damage we have base damage still and how many items have i taken a ton empress there we go that answer is that we're gonna stop picking the wrong way to go here nope once again wrong oh purple fires look out please don't hurt me there's a tinted rock back there i did see that i'm gonna need to go get that despite the purple fires fight me a douchey purple ah this guy again crawl space though um i blew up i'd like to take this challenge back please i'd like a refund it blew up in my face you need to repent you need to confess your sins and become saved let his light inside you cleanse your sword insane you are taking this too far can you hear how you sound pray for yourself come pray with us let's listen to that again plus damage i might roll with it then we're gonna need the damage the fire rate's like really really good obviously but almost doubling our damage is gonna be a game changer i think for the final boss assuming give a charge good job spawning on top of me good stuff love that tippity tip top nachorino there bud permit question mark when you use all items and pickups in the current room are turned into money house oh i think money no emmys a2 82 to you too i'm almost there to be a walk in the park with the two damage upgrades that we have all right go plus two damage empress go plus three five five blast it this is it this is the very end you guys this is how it ends it's over isaac i have the high ground out looks like we're spawning little monstros look at all those monster shots fun taking damage responding little monsters i'm just glad that we're not teleporting yeah buddy it's over i've done it right what do you mean no it is blue baby not isaac we have to fight the chest ah well arc matter damage scatter bombs protection the rechargeable what does it do nothing arc matter damage we teleported away it seems like it's all trash that was very nice uh secret room though to be teleported to okay uh i took damage and i d7 and it restarted the whole room oh we're here at the boss let's just finish this missing our damage upgrade but i don't know if i want to go all the way back let's just end it end it and send it maybe even bend it if we get enough views we might be able to trend it little each is in there he's deep if he gets hurt though i'm gonna mend it almost over for real this time gosh that challenge is so easy temperance has appeared in the basement can you imagine if like someone out there was struggling with that challenge that person would be like an idiot temperance question mark when used this card activates five random pale effects one after another awesome i would totally use that finally we did it we did it we did it we did it thank you guys for watching let me know your thoughts in the comment section down below please leave a like if you enjoyed and i will see you in the next video that won't be this one challenge is done see you guys why didn't i grab my huge growth before we left i don't know save that card i raised that card from a baby and then i just left it behind cold and alone and afraid god's taking my bird in my bush and my health how have i not seen this before sweet more more making my way downtown walking fast faces pass and i'm homebound need
Channel: Hutts
Views: 227,162
Rating: 4.9785042 out of 5
Keywords: Hutts, Gaming, Channel, Afterbirth, repentance, the binding of isaac repentance, easter eggs, greed mode, greedier mode, Rebirth, delirium, Let's play, lets play, lets play binding of isaac, fail, win, mods, brimstone, modding, beat the game, mother, dogma, beast, final, indie, best items, devil, angel, secret room, how to find secret room, keeper, secret, character, unlock
Id: Q0ecS-FsXSs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 52sec (892 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 07 2021
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