Busted Echo Chamber Challenge

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what is up everybody my name is hudson welcome to the bonding of isaac repentance i asked you guys on twitter what my next challenge run should be every item is blank and the number one answer was from slay your pack but you start with echo chamber apparently echo chamber is going to be nerfed what does it do right now when using a pill or card echo chamber activates one of every pill type and card type that's been previously used since let's do it this sounds crazy starting with echo chamber every item is booster pack oh once again every single time that i use a pill or card and it's going to be all cards i guess we could still get pill drops in the rooms and card drops i mean we can get lots of stuff but basically what's happening here is every time i use a card i use every single card that i've used prior so ace of diamonds let's say that i use that in a room with a bunch of enemies in it boop now i grab a nazir ace of diamonds two of diamonds if i use the two of diamonds it should use the two of diamonds and the previous ace and you know what maybe i should save that for the very end full card i don't know what the order is going to be maybe handman let's try that i should be able to hang man and yep there we go that looks like it happened instantaneously too which is very good oh there's a tinted rock in the room you missed it if you want to try i got it i see it i'm fine what do you want very nice let's see what happens with the full card does it teleport me before it turns them into money looks like it turned them into money first and it didn't complete the room so we might have to fight them again and their money we have to fight the money booster okay the mods a little bit broken in the shops right now and i don't know how to fix this i don't know how to make them not for sale so like maybe let's just set a rule that i can only buy one of them or you know grab one of them i could grab them all i mean i don't know if it really matters right oh shoot i shouldn't have used the full card every time that i use a card or pill in the future i'm going to teleport i don't even think about that oh god oh no oh no oh no that's going to be super annoying justice go oh god that's annoying wait a second i i literally i think i just lost the challenge i have to fight everybody again still booster pack um i think the challenge is over i mean i can still fight them with my tears but i'm gonna have nothing but base tats restart that actually seemed like it was gonna be really spicy not that we needed the money from the ace of diamonds like i said the shop pedestals were busted are busted speed down oh no guess we're gonna see how low our speed can go ruined the challenge again first room oh wait am i gonna use that every single time now speed down oh god oh god why do i keep doing these things to myself why am i like this okay ow which one of you chests wants to give me a booster pack that one just gave me a card straight up stars card no we we can't take the teleport cards you guys it doesn't work i'll take my one sun card yeah buddy i priestess yes rules card no oh i forgot that it activated everything ah tower card two of hearts uh yeah you know what throw that in there oh i forgot again no no no no no we're fine i'm fine this is good i'm fine you think i'm not fine because i'm totally fine my speed's at point five good yep yep that's that's just that's what i wanted that's what i wanted i could use the bombs like this though okay that didn't really work the way i thought it would oh okay item room more booster boost me oh wow rules card two of diamonds ace of hearts ace of diamonds how was that they're gonna have to fight here's what i'm gonna do two spades and i'm gonna like leave the room before i drop the bombs smart see another rules card give me double rules 0.16 speed your buddy 0.1 speed we're at the minimum just walking along on the moon taking my sweet ass time gonna take me all day baby plum i'm sorry that i'm not sorry good luck godspeed did he do all of them missed you're trying to convince me that i missed all of them what do you got hang at the main i turned into the keeper form oh i just blew the rest of the cards oh oh oh good thing i picked up that soul heart i uh i'm gonna i think i'm gonna um a chew oops what happened oh no it reset on me that's so weird booster pack nice death question mark book of the dead effect bone orbitals two of diamonds nice two of diamonds two double knights two diamonds two purple nice devil card i'm in what do you got for me i'm gonna buy this thing too oh stuff queen of hearts dope another queen of hearts we're breaking it already ace of spades hey there we go maybe we could turn them all into other things full card that breaks its world card that's pretty good ace of spades tons oh he's a genius oh he's a genius infinite money infinite keys and the devil card stacks now so we can just continually get those damage upgrades i like it what do you got two of spades even more keys okay that's a weird one it spawned one key in a bunch of hearts i don't know i should have saved one of those cards for the boss fight oops pills uh oh uh oh oh oh oh that's not good i think i need cards to defeat you think again okay ow i dang it yo booster pack no way got the goods can't do teleport full question mark dropped all of your hearts coins keys and bombs on the floor nope turns to stone can't move for 10 seconds but tier rate goes up significantly interesting let's try it we need to use these cards outside of the room though otherwise they turn everything in the room to stuff ace of diamonds interesting turns everything into money now i really don't need the money second floor yeah look at me like a super expert chariot go oh i can like move a little bit what would the best card be i mean obviously like a tears up pill would be super cool but for thinking like super good cards um runes counted right we saw that the blue baby soul of blue baby works um so soul of lilith if i got like a permanent buddy every single time i used uh a card that would be crazy cool aimed man i take the flight to yeah sure i gotta remember though i'm stoned me me me me me me me me me i'm still starting the other room i can do it yeah death is pretty good sun question mark i've got external item descriptions i don't know why i'm asking what they do it tells me damage up for the current level turns red hearts into bone hearts but reverts once the effect ends applies cursive darkness wait what how i not seen this before sweet more more joker card like i can't teleport i can't do it moon justice yes more like yesters how many ace of cards can we get away with oh that was a bad idea wait doesn't hurt me because i'm stoned dope i keep not saving cards for the boss fight oh never mind there's a whole nother booster pack strength question mark enemies in a room are weakened slowed and take double damage yes let's just walk into the boss oh hey ah that made no sense trying to question mark you look at my fire rate and damage ooh la la let's get to that devil room does it make more sense to go for angel rooms yes mine pyrophant spawns two bone hearts that works judgment why not bomb them why not death question mark the book of the dead effect yeah i suppose i can play this guy with all the red health a pill pills are so risky pick up the health first and frickin send it dude amnesia pill oh yeah oh good oh i require more please oh hi high priestess why not more judgment yeah we've pretty much broken the game magician why not still unidentified going for it experimental pill it could be different every time what if we did an echo chamber run with nothing but experimental pills another strength card i'm willing to see what happens all right question mark that is i wonder if enemies are gonna take four times as much damage all right i'm calling it i'm leaving should literally be able to walk to the finish line at this point in time yeah slowly crawl to the finish line he'll go i could see forever pill good one more judgments why not pretty sure we could do tower cards actually because we turned into the stone form and i don't think we've been taking explosion damage freddy fly yeah buddy tower card go look at that carnage look at the carnage angel a bunch of booster packs hurt against humanity am i gonna do it watch me do this a little bit of that oh he didn't die i'm gonna need some help got him credit card that yeah true devil yes more damage i can't leave and come back though so i'm choosing devil over credit card hey the tower card clears out of the poops that we spawn and then we get a bunch of stuff for it that was smart oh smart irophant i'm looking for just a bunch of devils now i want to stack up the damage tricky part is getting to the first item room so we can start using cards um why is that going to work it's not going to work apparently a booster pack in a freaking way get out of jail free card why not a more high priestess count me in luck uphill yeah buddy i need to just race to the boss room grab a card go to boss bus 11 fire rate plus 888 damage when i need the card more tower all the tower i just bomb i should just bomb to the boss room gotta go found it and it's over deal with the devil that's a good one huge growth yeah buddy huge growth is so good huge growth go plus 19 damage mom i'm bleeding out a tad health is not doing so hot trying to bomb through rums holy card go sorry bloat can't wait to start stacking up holy card charges empress another damage upgrade good yes plus 18 damage making my way downtown walking fast faces pass and i'm homebound devil more damage unidentified pill let's say you retro vision oh jesus one bad pill could ruin this but one good pill could be hilarious another huge growth have fun not being able to see anything for the rest of the game it lives fight still plus 18 damage i don't know if we've hit some sort of like weird cap a double huge growth should have uh been giving me more especially the devil cards more high priestess let's go down to show we're almost done just bombing through excuse me coming through and i bomb my way through without dying is the real question maybe got it i'm there good shot bomb is for you take the bomb sir and oh it's a multi-phase we'll be fine we got this okay out go send it full send not an issue got him back to full health darkroom go strength question mark we're going to use one per rum because i can't bomb that's fine devil's pretty good ace of diamonds works nice get it a jail free card what if i just uh jumped into the mega satan fight does that make sense would that be more fun that might be more fun might also get me killed because i can't spawn cards in the middle of the fight hmm still waiting to try let's go fight me a bastard oh cheerio was a horrible idea now i can't take advantage of the damage up because i was invincible and i couldn't move uh i see now this is the tricky part i had to fight him with 25 damage oh it's so tricky i should have hit him with a chaos card that came out duh i didn't even think about it it's actually going a lot slower than i thought it was going to go be honest can you die sir one card right now would make a huge difference pretty flies protect me ow he's almost done we got him we got him it's almost over got um oh shoot i tripped into the chest oh he should have totally done the void that would have been super fun and not very very very long-winded and probably painful and probably caused my death darn oh man thank you guys so much for watching let me know your thoughts on this thank you again to slay for the suggestion stay tuned for the next time that i ask you guys for my next challenge idea be it on reddit or twitter or somewhere else keep your eyes peeled peel your eyes like i said thank you for watching and i will see you in the next one see you guys baby plum doesn't give a baby plum doesn't judge me for teleporting what the heck ah just for a party just you and me just hanging out just blowing it up goodbye
Channel: Hutts
Views: 236,375
Rating: 4.9624257 out of 5
Keywords: Hutts, Gaming, Channel, Afterbirth, repentance, the binding of isaac repentance, easter eggs, greed mode, greedier mode, Rebirth, delirium, Let's play, lets play, lets play binding of isaac, fail, win, mods, brimstone, modding, beat the game, mother, dogma, beast, final, indie, best items, devil, angel, secret room, how to find secret room, keeper, secret, character, unlock
Id: q1ypcTa-lbU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 24sec (864 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 02 2021
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