Defeating the Deadly Lazer Challenge In Clone Drone In The Danger Zone

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welcome back to clone a drone in the danger zone there is a brand new challenge called feel the power of the laser so I figured we trying oh great great we have a pinkish purple II thing okay so I have no idea we have a big laser and that's their objective is destroy the robots with the laser okay this how does this actually work okay ready get set in oh shoot okay hey I did it haha well that was easy peasy lemon squeezy so all I can get is more clothes I can get kick I can get a jet pack let's do more energy upgrade actually we have all those recharge faster oh oh wait wait wait we got we got archers yep okay I got I got those too you a laser beam them in the face and made these two oh this this challenge is super easy so I'm gonna grab the last and the final energy capacity so I can do it lasers for days here we go I mean maybe I should wait oh there's more coming out of the thingy okay here we go they're all gonna come through there aha yep oh I think I got a couple well I might have missed the ball oh no all bad Neil Betty oh okay ready just set and group them up from up and lasers yes don't oh really okay this is a little bit more exciting than I thought it'd be oh hello up there okay now I mean I'll just cut you up ah I got them okay if they get too close to me I think they can still cut my life open Oh No enough energy we wait a second how are there three still alive come on come around that corner you know you want a laser in your face oh no I missed it again boink all the way across we're gonna keep jumping ready keep jetpacking Oh robots really hey I was a little bit of premature firing going on there already and oh yes yes I think oh I got you a laser - hello blue one yummy oh great we get a spider Tron 5000 let's do a clone quick no if I die okay spider Tron Oh two of them what they're moving whoa oh I didn't see that there were archers good thing I bought that I think I bought the extra clones gonna be a little bit more difficult than I anticipated yeah oh oh I think I got him I got him nice I didn't think I was gonna get the red one yeah we gotta pay attention to those ready and cut you up oh no oh I got hit I got hit but I didn't die I'm okay I'm okay whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa bad idea bad idea we got bombs everywhere ready get set and oh okay and then that was coming back uh-huh uh-huh and lasers lasers well I cut him in half he's gonna roll off into the lava yes okay that was good and another laser here Oh beautiful who's that talking over interesting I've not seen the feet over here before let's do another clone here we go oh shoot man oh that's the fleet over Z right there ah yes yes I killed him whoa whoa okay who just will lasered me you want a laser won't play the laser game yeah get lasered I think I think I got it I think what oh I didn't quite kill it have another laser in your face have another lay there your face yes that was easy so we can get kick but I don't really want to get that close to people unless I can kick him into lava kick time hey what's yeah whoo what you have and what's yah whoa listen you two be bad oh this is gonna be oh this is not gonna be too bad at all whoop ah I miss me we wait I think is what smashes a friend okay where they kick all these nerds gonna kick you in the lot yes I got one in yeah they're after me they're after me okay oh ampere pow yes oh you got skewered by the love of the thing not to love it hey hey ha nice work you dork oh right my little la oh hi yeah yes yes bird I did it I did it commentator bod sweet okay how do i what if I get now more kick another picking it armor I don't know if I need the jet pack another clone here we go later the bots yeah we got one of those guys right here perfect oh I missed oh oh did you see that whoa whoa hi dodge duck time weep okay oh come on I'll blow it up blow it up okay I need that I need to get I need oh whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa I don't like this I don't like this at all I want to get these guys dead whoo okay get me get me oh nice maybe if I bring him over to the lava I can kick him into the lava or I can just laser this guy what I have enough time Hey oh whoa hey this works this works right here just walk through this walk through the big sparklies get burned up ha ha ha both burn nice beautiful okay ready get set and lasers lasers and switch oh let's try to get the big BOTS okay we're okay we're all right yeah we're gonna watch the balls falling in from space I'm gonna lace your face up yes he blew up good let's laser this guy okay he's not a big threat to us right now we and I mean I'm just gonna pick him up I like how they just explode into puddles hey Margie give me more energy laser beams did it I mean that was level seven this is these peasy lemon squeezy reminds me of what was it one of these was really really hard like the boat only challenge might have been really hard okay I'm gonna get let's go with another clone okay whoa what's going on here do we have oh okay I just gotta cut some up whoa whoa oh my god Oh doh whoa no whoa it's a flame Raptor yeah run away all there's two flavor afters okay this is gonna be difficult though I got Raptors Raptors four days Raptors today's jump we can I land on a tree oh oh I can't ready get set laser oh ho ho whoa whoa-kay I did IPAB two of them yeah pop - I think I might have get out the treat No Oh somebody just got absolutely this tail smack right there oh whoa whoa whoa run away run away where are we run away fleet jump jump oh please okay I want to jump on this tree on a Java Street I can't oh my word all the flame Raptors are after me Oh hit me flame wrap your hit me run get up get up you dork Noli bird me are you ready for this that's why I didn't want to get the oh here we go bye just bird one just bird one nice and the other one any other one Oh perfect okay uh-huh gachi Oh gotcha oh yes yes him okay that was good oh the fleet overseer is here great well I'm gonna get another extra life night of ten okay Mia might as well I might as well try to know it dodge it okay I got one I got one I got a I got a duck right here no no I think I'm hiding I think oh I got evaporated but I did kill the other one I think this might be one where I use the environmental hazards we have the fire laying around yeah Kent I got a line a side of my come on oh I got it oh I didn't kill it though Paul it's pooping it's pooping it pooped all over some okay yeah stay right there coming from right here onto the player all minute no no no no no no I don't like this okay go stand on the fire and burn and stuff get right that Ridge right there bird bird bird bird yes it bird bird it didn't die though I'm sort of I don't like what's happening to me yep wait no no no no no all those blows how is that things still alive got you I got him I killed it I killed it okay we got one left I got him no I missed I missed nothing zig zag okay it's going up in the air it's coming back down I got you oh and we do it can we beat this final level oh great cool form I mean kick power let's get let's get the armor I know the armor is kind of bad unless you need it and I hope I don't need it cuz I mean the laser is just gonna rip right through me whoa what is that I killed like three of them all there's Borg popping out okay bad laser what is that pot I don't know what that one was did I kill them all except this one I think I did yes wait no no whip okay gimme gimme lasers give me a laser yes I did it wow that was that was surprisingly easy you know Joe was my first attempt I didn't even have to redo it netted a bunch out so look if I am beautiful my prayers it my beautiful challenge there's this the laser challenge update.we anyway guys that'll wrap it up potatoes video phone drone if you enjoyed it let me know keep your stick on the ice we'll catch you next time [Music]
Channel: Blitz
Views: 589,641
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blitz, clone drone gameplay, clone drone update, lets play clone drone, clone drone game, clone drone in the danger zone gameplay, clone drone in the danger zone raptors, clone drone in the danger zone battle royale, clone drone in the danger zone last bot standing, nov2018
Id: c_FrPQBm4e0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 36sec (636 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 16 2018
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