Armor Challenge! - Clone Drone in the Danger Zone Gameplay

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hey everybody I'm blitz walk back to claw drone in the danger zone today we're gonna be playing another challenge that you guys suggested well mainly because it's the only challenge remaining this is the endless Armour challenge everyone is armored can you reach titanium which is level 14 Jesse banks the shop cashier will try to do it look at that armor we're ready to go we okay robots with armor man this is this is hard I've been trying for a little bit trying to get through this oh hey this is a cool akin bronze level hate bronze we hate bras okay and slice no he blocked me well anyway the first couple levels are pretty easy because we just have armored blue guys and then we can just take the rubber up really simply and we just slice through the top slice to the top and it's done that's the cool looking level mode so the problems we get is the arrows arrows are really nasty because they can hit in the unarmored area which is that little pink area in our middle that's our that's like the heart or the robot core and we're gonna avoid some arrows manases easy but the problem is like if we block them doesn't do much oh oh wow and you get this stupid knock back when you try to kill someone - hi oh whoa there good good hit there good hit again I'm gonna go after the archers just because they're kind of nasty right now I think I'm gonna get to kick pretty soon - whoa you didn't die you did now I think dead pea dead he did he dead you dead okay and then we come after your hammer guy everybody level one hammer botton of oh whoa whoa bad joke nice Airness off goes his legs alright I'm gonna go for kick next just to get the kickee kick and we'll try it good job kanga I like kicking kick kick is really overpowered okay well get down from the pillars there's only three guys here this shouldn't be too hard big red hammer guy is kind of nasty sometimes we came to luck out and he was gonna attack his friends where we'll attack his leg well does it there's a pillar and there's this leg again whoa whoa whoa whoa see that's the problem you get in this game when you get the armor on these bad guys whoa okay and Oh nope there it is Oh what hey there we go and nope bad armor bad armor bad armor bad armor bad armor bad armor okay oh man die die what this guy just anymore there we go whoa spider Tron 5000 I wonder if we're gonna get the flame Raptors - that'd be awesome let's see should we get a clone let's just take a clone early in case we get accidentally hit into a pile of lava or something okay we got the kick your spider shot all this is the spider transient armored are you joking this is amazing yeah we got to go for spider turn first oh that's so sad he's got a little ear buck hey and oh boy well let's go get oh you fell over I'm fine with that come on archers hey oh we got hit Oh spider shots upside down hey what are you gonna do now armor spider Sean man I'm gonna kill you oh yeah you gotta get away get away doing okay I got away let's let's take these guys into a nice like saw blade factory here pretty good set and get cut get cut good cut I mean one guy cut oh yeah yeah what okay that wasn't as good as I thought it was gonna be problem is with these arrows is that was good one sometimes they're dumb and they follow you exactly there we go oh yeah that was good just gonna take him out that way I rolled out of it oh that guy got hit again yeah we got to be we got to be very careful that was good and the tech gotta watch the arrows perfect I know let's go after the archer shoot me hard Oh get in there this time how you roll the right way good and slice whoa slice and slice got it oh no hits yet that was level four Oh another spider Shawn 5,000 iLike it okay we're good on armor we're good on clones let's go with the fire sword all right I wonder if the hammer would be good whatever I hammer no hammer doesn't break through hmm a fire hammer could that be fun okay spider Shawn is he activated sometimes they don't activate until you jump on that platform oh he's activated let's go up there I just don't want to I'm gonna try to hit his chest plate don't miss oh boy that's kind of messy everyone's attacking him I'll blow up there oh he's dead we missed there's good hit oh no no no okay hit each other yes yes perfect oh I hit it oh and cut okay cut a little heart nope nope whoa nope nope you got a dance hey that was everything hey I figured there'd be more on the third tier okay death cube hammer addition death cube is that the one where everyone's up top I think so let's take another clone just in case alright death cubed F cube death cube yes death cube is a good one easy easy level whoa wrong side wrong side just have everyone kind of you know jump inside the circle jump in the circle jump in the circle just like that they are so dumb they are so dumb they are so dumb they are so dumb sometimes oh you hear that cartage down below hey I got an idea would you like to fall in he roll over roll in there roll in there that's the wrong way to roll in I know you would ooh he wants to actually fight you want to fight do you want to do you want to go you want to dance and bingo all right hammer man let's go let's go get your arm burn very good oh how far we're gonna win is gold here now now there also are the jetpack BOTS dark and gold tier so kick fire sword maybe block arrows hammer we don't need a hammer jetpack might be good to get away from things I don't really use that very often though we'll try it I think it's shifting yep okay all right oh wow purple dudes already I don't like this here let's go get this guy boom oh he blocked it back oh boy oh I thought I would have killed him okay I'm gonna try to hit right behind his eyes right nope whoa whoa okay that was good it blew up in there roll it wait roll away go okay I just need you to clear some area now let's get some line up here let's get some line up so guys shoot each other in the back yeah that works there that works whoa bad idea okay take it whoa he blocked it at me nice hey good idea for the jetpack whoa you see that you shot an arrow kind of hey hit me hit me okay these guys block arrows forgot about that nice that's what I wanted want an accidental arrow hits on our friends or honor enemies here oh and that right there is why we get we get to block arrows too just for that defense mode nice nope nope nope got it perfect does exactly what it's waiting for hey oh come on come on got it perfect move on move up move up hit each other hit each other hit each other hit each other hate each other hit each other each other right there right there shoot me hey he's out there's three left it seems I just have to make sure no one is missing legs behind me Hey all right not so bad you guys aren't so bad to stay our distance hey you're out now that was a tough one oh we got to go to diamond we got to make it to titanium we haven't been hit yet so that's awesome archers behind spikes so an spiders run let's take another Archer upgrade okay here we go up we go up we go to spider all this is easy this is easy I think I can get over here is that two spider trots you have two spider trots I go over here oh I blew up okay those guys all got spiked though let's go get this guy and I'll try to hit it right behind the head see there we go whoa archers didn't notice you before let's go blow this guy's face up okay and now well okay let's see if they'll take it or put an easier liter engine they did so all those guys are dead come back here and we'll just sit in the line and it will work shoot me shoot my friend shoot my friend right here shoot him shoot him yes hahaha okay is the other guy dead no he's not dead well let's go make him dead and then we'll go up here make this guy dead big boob hi shoot me whoopsies oh really get back here there then do it he went all the way down a little dork how am I supposed to kill him now kick him over the lavinny's here okay shoot me that worked yes it burned up armored archers what okay well if that's the case I'm taking another archer upgrade just so I can block them back into people man I like that we get tips on how to defeat these guys and we do have the jetpack we can get away from things if we need to be nice if we had arrows but I'm not worried about those was this it really that's it okay and that's not hard Oh armored air air Archer dudes is it busy easy peasy I'm trying I'm taking this little risk as I can because it gets very difficult if we get a hard level hey that's what I wanted Oh your legs got blown up let's do that your arms on fire that's too bad too okay hello yes man I'll take all these easy levels okay we're on ten now what are we good spider Tron jump pads robots and spikes yes yes power kick let's do let's do another clone and then we'll go for or maybe energy up through this so I can jetpack farther here we go here we go okay these are not fun looking let's get over here and see what we can do on the jumpy pads okay one blew up let's go get the spider Tron's Wow I hear arrows flying all over the place that's what I wanted exact placement oh he's not dead though I figured that would kill him man how am I supposed to do this now did that kill it oh he's not dead either I hit the spikes bad okay he's down good okay I to move let's go see if I can get him on the spikes hey who's coming over here jump over okay come on Spike's time like time just one or two on spikes one on spikes that was good let's go as spikes over here spike spike spike spike spike spikes and swing got it okay so far so good we still haven't won purple guy left it looks like take him down Oh dirty purple dude just got roasted okay Archer should I take the archer there's two archers yep okay know how to kill you best we haha I can fly uh take you up perfect pick you up whoa you got lit up all right one left one left yes wait what what he took three strikes from the spikes 3:11 mark three hammer butts oh and jetpack butts and come on wow wow I'm taking another clone just because I will die I'm gonna be I'm gonna be roasted unless there's spikes or something on the map this is gonna be very very difficult what is this 11 no spikes yeah there's the big hammer bots oh we do have archers though so oh it's the combat archers so Yanks I forgot about jetpack BOTS okay whew moving okay give me archers give me give me arrows nope hey run away run away run away early probably fly fly fly you fool woah dude chill a little bit yep oh he's after me like stink on a dead clam no oh hey and bingo bango yes I hit something no good you hit me you dork no wahoo you know dear you broke my armor he broke my armor I don't know what to do there's so much happening okay ready it's set and slice we owe half my armors gun this is not good shoot me shoot me hard this way should be hard right they're gonna be heard this way this is not a flat level it could be easier if it was hey a jetpack hammer bot oh boy yes yes that's what I was aiming for me okay I got some good distance I just need you to attack me so I can shoot him hit me really hard please whoa whoa giant hammer flying in my face I got an itch my nose better help me okay distance traveled good oh that was close I can't go over here that's the problem I need to be in that middle area so I can get these arrows I have to I have to get these arrows knock back at these guys follow those clothes there we go that's what I wanted that was a good hit okay shoot me yes that's the only way I can really do oh boo hoo I didn't see you I'm gonna jump back here can you get a couple more arrows yes right there right there come on come on come on hit me arrows arrows yes yes even better even better we're getting a few of them gone all right you're gonna jump up here shoot me oh that was close should I go in for the kill I think I can hit him that worked I'm not going in for the kill okay these guys turn into regular dudes with swords if you get close to them and they're moving so fast so I need to go in and kill him with the swords that was good he's gone I'm hit come on come on one more time one more hit there we go Oh bloom up there it is haha okay do I do I need to be repaired I feel like I'm missing what is it tap feel like I'm missing my right arm no I have it I'm just missing the harbor whoo more fire sword get up kick power I didn't really use up my energy kick powder get up I'm gonna do another clone and then there's a second job back what did that do I don't know they didn't give me a hint oh wow spider trying to 18 million up here okay I need arrows I'm just gonna fire arrows okay we're gonna go after the archers first as bad of a call is that I like using arrows but they're gonna be dangerous in this one and we can always jump down on this guy there's more arrows okay we're gonna take the arrows and shoot it at the spider trunk that's kind of like that oh wow hey I didn't realize there's a guy over there hey what's below me oh no come on yes spider trunk just took some big damage okay flowing right back at him excellent okay what do we got down here I don't know I have no idea Oh poop nuggets I have no more archers okay all right need to get over here so they'll try to play with the saw blades a little bit maybe yes perfect whoa whoa whoa - duck dive weave if I can if I can dodge oh there's another one oh my leg oh whoa hey got one bad shot get out of here get dead whoa whoa hey he's dead he's dead he's dead you got one left and spider John get cut up what um okay I don't care spider chard walks on the sublights this guy's gonna die now spider Tron it's your date with destiny and I am NOT I'm destiny as my name and it is a game ha we burn up burnin up burnin up burnin up burnin up burnin up burnin up burnin up run away you have no chance to survive yes okay so maybe I should repair that was level 12 or do I am I on level nope this is level 13 okay where do we get predictions why didn't you lava spider Tron lava okay we're gonna take the repair because that repairs up the damage I did Plus hope I don't have repair I could get new armor I'm missing two-thirds of my armor okay I'm gonna do it more armor toast me although armor doesn't do anything if you fall in love us oh yeah okay here we go no hey these guys are good to start with shoot me wait spider [Music] whoa whoa definitely getting knocked into lover oh man hey wait he's still alive hey over and yes got him hey oh my word why is there so much stuff happening let me shoot up here Oh somebody just fell down Archer I want to shoot up is that gonna work okay yes Fighter Chun got hit okay let's take this little guy out on its own wondered that good oh hey the other one up top didn't die but how many a spider trout's are up there yeah he's down I got a I got to go up there I really don't want to know I don't want to go up there at all okay go fire we're gonna jump oh boy I have no idea what to expect yeah mission mode oh that's a fire one hey I got one we're going down we're going down boys we're going through it I'm not I have enough energy I don't I'm going up I'm gonna go up go away fire go away I'm going up going up you're going up and going up hey this is easy I think some people killed themselves okay I gotta get that spider try and shoot me shoot me okay you're going after spider Sean but I had a tech got it alright that was good I hear an archery one Archer remaining is there anyone else down below anyone else down below nobody else down below you got a fake careful here in case there is someone else down below besides Archer man yes yes yes we did it annihilation extermination and destroy a mission Fire Island oh no way Wow so Fire Island is literally the hardest one in the game jetpacks not gonna help me fire swords not gonna help me kid power maybe kick in two others that could help this is this is gonna be a good finale here um Wow I might I might actually lose like four lives here okay it's not that many guys let's just do some kicks right away oh hey I think one of the robots did fall in the laminar Wow oh my finger was on the PT not W all right well we got one we did get one oh my word Oh dirty hey bowling oh no oh no am I missed I missed there get kicked yes yes yes yes we did it we're dead we've done it oh we haven't done the arbor Arbor challenge I think it was called yes and here come the robot BOTS oh man then really took it out of me guys thank you for watching - cloture on the danger zone I really hope the developers add some more challenges here in the next few weeks if they do I will make sure to play them so thanks for watching and keep your stick on the ice we'll catch you next time you
Channel: Blitz
Views: 523,780
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Clone Drone in the Danger Zone, Clone Drone in the Danger Zone Game, Clone Drone in the Danger Zone Gameplay, clone, drone, danger, zone, funny moments, clone drone in the danger zone gameplay, clone drone gameplay, clone drone, clone drone game, clone drone in the danger zone funny moments, clone drone in the danger zone alpha, greatsword, clone drone in the danger zone greatsword, clone drone in the danger zone greatsword challenge, june2018
Id: 87W4pcT8wQA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 36sec (1476 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 10 2018
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