IM THE CHAMPION - All Challenges Complete - Clone Drone In The Danger Zone

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God no you've got to be kidding me new new new panic panic fire just Panic fire at everything I was about to jump in the spikes holy crap how did we survive that it was so close I could smell that guy's balls on my chin what's up guys and welcome back to clone drone in the danger zone and for today's episode against my better judgment I'm gonna try to finish all challenges in this game only have three left all we have to do is the endless armor challenge the laser Challenge and the endless Hammer Challenge and the first two were only like 10 levels each so like half challenges in length not in difficulty I get the feeling they're gonna be plenty difficult with a hammer challenge I already made an episode on and I kept failing over and over again so I got us back to the point where I kept stumbling being the final level with Marcia Ritter the 69 year old swimming instructor with a really big hammer and no clones left now Mrs Ritter what I really need from you right now is to look at this wall of success and draw inspiration from it okay I know just yesterday you were an elderly swimming instructor but today you were gonna be a giant hammer wielding Robot Gladiator champion and when you really think about it the two aren't that dissimilar they're they're pretty much the same thing right I'm sure you can draw from your inspiration and hopefully not get crushed I really really want to beat this okay we're off to a good start that spider Tron seems to be broken don't look at the don't look at the spider Tron just smash the robots smash the big robots the hats the important thing stay away from me because she's quick for her old age she's got a whole lot of pepper in her step get him get him get him good good good good okay the spider trons are really helping me out right now no no I I'm actually super paranoid right now I do not want to die on some stupid technicality did we get all little robots what is wrong with this guy what happened to you I'll take it oh no die die there we go the only thing standing between us and success is one stupid spider Tron you could do this you can do this yeah yes mystery congratulations human well done you are very good at smashing things so good so good okay you get to move on to the elderly home in the sky I I swear every person I get in this game is over the age of 65. that's fine you know what if they're all winners I'll take them moving on to the laser challenge with one gay the 73 year old hot pink fashion designer found power Bruno uh okay uh oh f for laser got it all right and they're gonna line up for me really so is it just uh oh my God you must be thrilled oh yeah you know what being shot into tiny little pieces very fashionable it's in right now can't believe I got an elderly citizen who's a hot pink fashion designer with the last name gay it's just the perfect storm of people that I keep getting in this game what can I even upgrade if I have a laser oh right it costs energy which we might need uh I'm gonna get a clone though better to get as many clones as I can get these clones are to your satisfaction human if we will fix them no you won't again I knew it there's only 10 levels right so I probably want to get all the Clones I can get and aiming the laser isn't exactly easy they're not gonna line up for me forever hello oh oh interesting okay so they do kind of line up for me but I need to move oh my God I'm really lucky there how is this supposed to work I guess I just wait for them there they both shoot and then I shoot it's a tag laser tag you're it oh Jesus yes the next fight will not be so easy okay I think I'm it fortunately analyzer can't even pick up on that damage okay he can't repair me so tis but a flesh wound or I guess a paint scratch I'm a robot I don't really know I'm gonna get uh energy recharge that seems super useful right fire all the lasers we need all the more lasers more lasers more power I would assume I might also want to get Mobility a jet pack might be kind of useful what's coming at me now ooh okay uh probably don't want to let you guys get up close do I so we should do something like that there we go and uh can can we fire again fire again good this challenge is such a joke where are they where are they oh oh here they come okay you want some don't don't you move oh I can move I didn't realize that that's good to know I can turn while I'm shooting I'm gonna need to turn while I'm shooting because they're getting a little close getting a little close fire fire fire fire oh God we're gonna breathe him in no we're gonna turn into vapor fire fire fire fire oh that's the stuff nice work no man make to thank upgrade bot I was on the elevator it's fightertron 5000 hello I've missed that bar Atron 5000 just say hello did you guys hear that oh that was that guy saying hello never mind I'm an idiot we're a second there I panicked and thought I fell through the floor but it was because I was on the elevator you don't really need to move or want to move when you have the laser right uh I should probably get another clone right all the Clones only 10 levels oh you want to make up robots yeah do you well how about something like this can't just Build Me Out of Water you're built out of there's so many hot pink gay fashion designer jokes that I want to make but probably won't okay we got the important one right off the bat that's good how about you all right can I kick can I punch I should get kick right cake would be really useful because then I would be able to deal with it move move oh my God you gotta be kidding me we can see them coming in slow motion but you're stuck oh it's brutal how about we hide behind this and then shoot you there we go that's the good stuff getting it all over the crowd's face but they still love it now you take your shot and I'll take mine we'll go back and forth there you go that was yours and here comes mine which man the laser is wicked amazing perhaps this human was a professional video gamer technically oh they're talking about her him probably not I don't think uh fashion designer not video gamer in my mind we're still the last Lady the 69 year old swimming instructor but no no we've moved on to the fashion designer and we probably want to get kicked right I get the feeling if anybody gets too close to us and we can't fight them off we're gonna need that it's a real long time to start charging my laser and I should be doing it when I'm coming up the elevator she never even got a chance to fire her laser oh that's genius I'm happy I came up with that on the Fly oh baby is doing very much like a robot but not enough like a robot no not enough yeah robots don't usually do kickboxing classes I don't think we really need something like energy capacity or get up or kick power we could use a jet pack to get around but they're not going to use my energy and then I can't fire my laser I think I'm just gonna keep getting clones you know what if I'm gonna die screw it I'd rather reset on the elevator you should always make a back always always make more multiple me backup s dress them in the finest of clothes oh no all right we're gonna try something here and then I can't I can't shoot what I'm in the air can't shoot when I'm in the air that's a prop that's a problem problems have been found oh no uh I'm gonna try to kick these guys that's all I can really do right we need to get them off because they can't be shooting at me go away stop it they're killing the guys behind me which is kind of beneficial oh wait can't you just can I kick you all off what if I tried that we might be able to just uh never even bother firing a laser victory victory oh really why are you guys all laser-proof this is a bogus if somebody shoots an arrow at me when I'm charging up my laser I just have to concede the fact that I'm gonna die but I really need to get get up as much as I feel like it's a waste because I can't deal with spider trying knocking me down I think we want to start firing our laser right around here and then adjust I couldn't adjust fast enough that's not good come on come on come on come on Arrow Arrow oh it missed okay they're missing targets that are standing still you got to feel pretty good about that can you guys please leave me alone what if I just quickly there we go that's a two for oh okay I really needed those hands did I need those hands I probably did I needed them for fashion design I was about to say swimming two for one here there we go okay freaking arrows man will you guys leave me alone stop it um I could go over there let's get rid of these guys first if we do something like that I want to get over there so that I can line these two up with one shot but it's being a bit of a difficulty right back here shoot you perfect now can I make that jump yeah you got hops right girl oh a guy I keep thinking that we're the swimming instructor I'm sorry please die please die no Arrow Arrow Dodge we're fine fine perhaps this human had coffee before they were uploaded water-based break what I only heard like half of that water-based drink water-based either way I am now handless and that's gonna make things awkward I wouldn't say difficult awkward action yay jet packs and Raptors oh we can repair this can we I guess I don't really need to right legs are the only one that give you an actual handicap I should probably get uh let me get energy capacity I want to fire my laser more I'm tired of waiting one it should not be very hard for you to react and shoot oh I don't know what we just hit but it was in midair and that was awesome I thought we were gonna hit a raptor but no I think we got a couple of jumpers dude craw there's a lot of them this this is oh my God this is a bad day what do we do what do we do leave me alone fire fire get these ones get the Raptor get new okay good perfect that's exactly what we need to do just just kick them down and run away and I can't fire campfire is there like a safe space around here that I could visit what if we yeah there we go that's the good stuff just give us a little bit of distance and they can come to us come on Big Boys you know you want it you know you want it come on come get Tom that's the stuff well I keep clipping through the walls the banners and crap who's left out there fire fire fire fire fire fire Goods that they're kind of fire our kind of fire I can fire my laser so much quicker now having energy rocks you did not tell me you had a nose installed he probably didn't because he's wrong they're flaming hammers on energy swords I think that level made a pretty good case that we need the jet pack I have all the energy I can get I I really do think that I just need to be able to make space in case they're fast or big or fast and big fire oh oh there's a bunch of them that's not good the new new they're firing back at us oh what oh this is not good how how do I I just gotta hit them on the way up right I just gotta be able to do something like this cut you in half and then move you guys miss your shots and then I get my shot and I kind of miss oh that's bad that's bad that's bad that's bad that's bad no it's good it's good it's perfect it's beautiful it's everything I I crippled you that's not what I wanted to do uh uh no no no one's home no one's home go away good good that works oh baby what a show you just say Jorge my name's Juan something tells me armor isn't gonna do diddly squat if I get evaporated by a laser so I'm just gonna get another clone raise the last level all we have to do is survive four lives they don't act as Replacements when one of them dies sure what is hold up hold up hold up guys oh that's not a robot okay that just scared the crap out of me I was gonna say I just nailed that right in the guts and it didn't even Flinch no oh that was bad that's a bad shot that's bad shot nope nailed it nailed it I gotta have faith in myself and the fact that I got this far on sheer Talent oh you know what how about this how about uh hold on hold on one moment sir I'm in charge of my laser oh that's rude can I kick you okay I can kick you in the tank but it doesn't really do anything oh God you hit babies should I have kicked her in the tank here here just just there we go orphan babies this human is pretty good with a laser too good let's end this experiment here here agreed two down one to go endless armor challenge with Moses the 78 year old car mechanic human partition so how does this work I have armor when starting things off they all have armor when starting things off great that's that's just perfect they don't have helmets nobody ever has a helmet so I'm gonna do what they know said and just go for the head every time I'm not gonna be making Thor's mistake trust me ow ow okay that kind of hurts rude rude boys I hate the spear Bots man why are they the first level they're actually really tough die oh baby 360 headshot let's move on let's move on the only things that I found useful in this game against armor has been the fire breath and the laser and they're not gonna give either of them to me so you know what I'm gonna get to both if I could sneak an arrow between the spaces in their armor I'll be good mind you that's easier said than done when you're a 78 year old something or other oh careful there we go that's the good stuff that's exactly what we want come on now Moses okay two isn't bad and we could just split the difference come on ah there we go I mean they're level one bots in all reality they're not Gippy what's difficult in all this that's gotta count right count it oh baby I love seeing the armor explode off of them it's easy to look up in bronze oh come on those were good shots so I think my plan is gonna be to focus on upgrading the bow early and then when we expect to see some level three Bots that block arrows we'll get the hammer even if it bounces off their armor I gotta do something right I can't have them blocking my arrow shots in my sword but for now we'll get fire arrows right again sneak one through Heaven burn out I don't need a clone yet right it's only level one I'm sure I'll be perfectly fine hopefully oh whoa I didn't even see that Arrow coming I just took a step four because I figured I would need to oh what they're talking usually when they're talking they're gonna fire and arrow back at me I'm gonna be down here a little paranoid die stop you mean no no blocking stop that do I want wider arrows or more arrows probably more arrows right I'm just trying to get a lucky shot in did I say lucky I made skill I want to get a skill shot I hate these levels hi guys hey how's it going hey no come to calm down come I think that one died hopefully maybe yep Goods I'm so paranoid when it comes to the archers I keep expecting oh that's bad that is bad well then got a little spicy hit in oh I need to lead them over this right yeah they're dumb I forgot about that that makes life so much easier thank you hold on I'm recharging thank you for your patience I appreciate it once again I find myself asking the question do I need wider arrows do I need more arrows and once again I just want more arrows I don't really care about them being wide right if anything I would like them to be small because I want them to fit between the armor rather than blow the armor off because if we can burn out the body underneath the armor then we're in the clear oh I don't like this one this is always difficult hey guys hi hi hey okay hold on I just gotta get the archers right they're the main here we go oh yeah we're rolling them that's exactly what I'm talking about just squeeze through the old armor and everything is dead holy crap that was wickets I am showing off and was that a pun cool move after burning them out with the fire arrows way to go guys I'm starting to feel like I'm getting a little greedy here we should probably get a clone what are we like halfway through the challenge with copies of itself it is the human way we could be friends I keep inviting you guys to my parties but you keep saying no no Bingo and shuffleboard isn't fun it's not my fault that I have to be in bed before eight holy crap that's a lot of arrows are we good I can also fire a lot of arrows that's surprising uh I think we're in the clear here you're dead oh yeah this was another easy level beautiful that's what I'm talking about hold on charging charging there we go oh really I was gonna get the two four there oh I'm not gonna take my sword out I refuse but would much rather play it safe so I'm walking away from you okay I'm ignoring you goodbye who's good silver level it's a pretty good level pretty good level here take this next human please some rep customers Wait On Fire Island they seek to purchase the dead human death is their currency fire Island's death currency okay I was wondering if I could hit the king there and get something out of him but I want to make sure that when I go back up the elevator I don't get hit by that Arrow if it's frozen in space right now I'm gonna lose my damn mind uh are we gonna face level three Bots yet didn't say anything about level three Bots I should probably get the hammer anyway I feel like I just I gotta have it if I go up against the level three bot it can block a sword and can block an arrow I'm dead that's all there is to it I can't hit them oh that's what you mean by Fire Island oh this thing this always sucks this is always just the worst hey guys hi how's it going okay excuse me coming through no owl come on there is a level three mod I knew it good kind of I only have one clone um and I can't shoot the level three on the way down or you might pick me off in the air so I gotta just a little something like this good and then Hammer ah suck it oh this bad I forgot that you have armor so how oh wait what what wait the hammer goes through armor since when you've got to be kidding me really is a beast running Diagnostics no still a human still a 70 year old car mechanic that's still learning things about this game I don't think it goes through the armor I think it's probably just really good at breaking off the armor if you hit in between you can kill them I gotta get another clone don't I yeah I gotta waste it I would love to get a bigger Hammer I would love to get something for my bow no more versions but this human will die perhaps they will die in different ways we why do you guys gotta be like that when do I become the fan favorite that is an absolutely Ballin trophy I only just noticed it it was so close I only got a one more and then the full cabinet oh come on Moses you can do it I believe in you even though you're living Life One clone at a time you're gonna make it to retirement but all right I I believe I believe I believe I believe no no no stay back say hey stay back these guys are probably gonna take out swords I would imagine so we gotta keep our distance and just let them burn how do you not burn out burn out there we go one left don't don't do it don't do don't do it don't do it I told you not to do it hey you get the hammer that was quite the battle I shouldn't do this I'm just making more work for the poor garbage Bots if I was smart I would get another clone right now but I'm not smart we're gonna get arrow with because I hit people with arrows there and they didn't die and it's pissing me off if I hit somebody they should go down so we gotta make sure that happens all right the best defense is a good offense oh boy um they are they they are not gonna take any of your crap so we gotta go with this oh don't jump away jump away yeah you see it does oh it doesn't go through the armor it does I went through that armor hmm I remain confused it seems like sometimes it goes through the armor and then other times it bounces off that's fine you know what screw it I don't need answers I just need results they're getting really close if I can get rid of this purple guy is he is he dead was that his head I think that was his head okay good now you guys suck it right just die die die die um perfect never panicked this time gonna play it safe gonna get the Clone definitely want to make sure that I don't die now humans created I am told that they are grown inside other humans you yes yeah yeah you know what ooh is uh you is fair oh boy kill her with fire all the fire did we that didn't kill her how did that not kill her you've got to be kidding did that kill her how I don't understand how she dies please die please please I know that it's a really rude thing to say but please die what is wrong with this lady oh she's got she's got everything she's got fire breath that's gotta do it there we go perfect okay now we just deal with all you guys slowly but surely this whole casually shooting them in the head thing it's taking a really long time perhaps it has learned from its mistakes I don't think I'm learning anything I just killed three of them and it was a surprise to even me I feel pretty comfortable with two clones right now and I don't really need kick if I have the hammer I might want to get energy recharge it's taking me a really long time to fire off these arrows Hammer one is probably good enough right if I face off against some level threes that block Hammer one should be able to do the job oh boy oh boy that's a that's a lot of big boys what's going on guys oh oh that was a three I got all of them there good you you're dead Goods good good good good good good good good good good good oh sh not good not good not good not good high level commentary here today folks you really need to stop shooting things at me I appreciate it there we go these guys keep dodging which is gonna drive me freaking insane they're the size of a burn and I can't I can't hit them they're not opposed to Friendly Fire though look if I can't shoot them then where do I do no no I'm too close you're too close man you're too close back up you're making me feel uncomfortable so I just need to be within Hammer distance to shoot them great great that's that's exactly where I Wanna Be stop jumping stop jumping come on there we go I don't think I can kill you guys with that right I'm pretty sure that if I try to shoot you you're gonna deflect it so I'll just go ahead and it's the old sword yep they do they do deflect okay deflect this didn't see that comment did you smart ass you young whipper snipper oh no no just die who's alive who else wants some Moses is coming for you where'd he go he oh you do need there for a second did I hit him hit him now oh boy these are getting way too hectic I probably shouldn't say it because I'm gonna jinx myself but I'm feeling awesome right now right everything is going our way I feel like this build is really paying off and I might want to invest in more arrow with I guess I got two clones It's gotta be enough I just wanna make sure that I kill them damn those are white arrows yeah that'll do it see somebody walk away from this oh okay uh yep well I'm gonna hope that I can kill okay yep that works for me that worked perfectly no no I can literally feel the wind just rushing past my ear they all Dodge when you stop dodging I hate you so much how do your Dodge subroutines work tell me if I just kind of oh if I do a little flick shot they don't know where it's going are you serious so they just dodge predicting where I expect to shoot but if I'm super sporadic then they don't know where I'm gonna shoot it's a genius oh I got you guys figured out now you're so done yes that was fun to watch that's all you got fun to watch I just dismantled the entire Army by myself I figured out their subroutines and fun to watch okay Moses we need to calm down we can't be getting all riled up at what the stupid robot say I I know we don't have a heart anymore but we're still 78 at heart so let's just focus on what did they say was coming up next swordbots and a tunnel or something like that so I probably want Hammer size yeah that's probably gonna be really important if they're gonna deflect everything may have wanted a clone you think they're gonna be deflection oh why hey they lied to me there was no tunnel there was no tunnel oh you have got no you've got to be kidding me new new new new panic panic fire just Panic fire at everything I was about to jump in the spikes holy crap how did we survive that it was so close I could smell that guy's balls on my chin careful careful oh that's a grenade get up get up get up Moses press the Life Alert button there we go oh come on no no how are they missing right now oh okay can we can we take care of that guy one of those has to land please actually hit him I'm afraid to shoot up there because I don't want the king firing them back at oh we got him we did get him good good good maybe we get a little closer just Just a Touch just a smidge oh you tit stop it how are we how are we hitting armor this is the last it's the last one the last yeah I wasn't the last one okay oh right there's always a level three waiting up here all right let's Rango Tango you want it come on come on that's the stuff yeah let's see you walk away from that new new no I'm good I didn't think that you would actually walk again not gonna lie victory not bad not at all not bad at all that's right final level final level final level and your best damn believe that I'm getting another clone because I am not screwing around this is the end of the game if I can beat this I'm done and I got so many bow upgrades oh don't give me that okay I'll swing my hammer and disgusted you guys right now one more level finishing off everything please this is gonna be insane isn't it it's gonna be Raptors riding Raptors riding floating boxes uh hello excuse me well he's dead oh it's the weird floaty Blazer box thing again oh this thing's trouble I'm not a fan of this there's people down there hold on we'll we'll get him we'll get him there we go something like that good yeah I want to say that he's probably dead maybe nope looks like he's still moving I gotta make sure right I don't want to go in there unless they're good and dead okay get away get oh well we're getting surrounded this is bad this is not good they're falling from everywhere that's what we needed yeah okay this is madness no stop kicking me damn kick boss get away from me no no I don't have get up I don't have get up I'm out of here see ya we're just gonna hang it up here it's it's safe up here I'm sure right maybe possibly stupid kid fox suck it who else wants some what would I think one of them just got bug Zapped oh I didn't see that oh that would have pissed me off uh you guys are all that's left I think I think you're all that's left hold on hold on hold on we got this we got this one you are all the stands between me and a full trophy case sir and I can't have that I can't have I can't have that oh come on stop making it anticlimactic you tits whoa oh you don't have anything really finish everything you guys don't even have like a congratulations good job human anything like that oh you can suck it you know what I think that's gonna be it for this episode of Clone grown in the danger zone guys and while I'm done for now I will definitely return when they release another story chapter or more challenges or maybe when the online mode picks up a little bit I have a lot of fun with it but there's only over like five or six people playing when I record it's just not popular enough for me to make a lot of content on but I will return for more clone drone if you guys want it as always be sure to leave a like in the video leave a comment letting me know and maybe there'll be something even harder on the horizon thanks so much watching this video I hope you enjoyed and I'll see you next time thank you
Channel: CaptainSauce
Views: 2,479,536
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: clone drone in the dangerzone, clone drone, clone drone in the danger zone challenge, clone drone in the danger zone all challenges complete, clone drone in the danger zone all trophies, clone drone in the danger zone funny moments, clone drone funny moments, clone drone in the danger zone gameplay, clone drone gameplay, endless hammer challenge, laser challenge, endless armor challenge, captainsauce, captain sauce
Id: blgUFdokiKE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 46sec (2026 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 09 2019
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