Defeating the Random Upgrade Challenge! - Clone Drone in the Danger Zone Gameplay

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hey everybody I'm let's welcome back to quote Roman in the danger zone today you guys have challenged me over and over hey let's do the random upgrade challenge play the Rhino update challenge and you know what we get a red guy today I'm feeling good about a red guy I'm feeling really good about a red guy except we get a hammer to start with I'm not feeling so great about having a hammer to start with I don't like the hammer and I don't like it when he spaz out saying yay okay what do we have to start off with probably just a lot of WoW already have a hammer guy we're against that's great - hammer guys haha well then and we're okay that was C we hit people and they don't even die that is so annoying to me with the stupid hammer why can we oh how can we hit somebody they don't even get rent and oh yeah they could kill each other but I can't kill him oh yeah that's good err get rekt and you get dominated yeah I hit these guys that guy took three kits from the hammer and he's not dead yet four hits from a hammer there five hits from a hammer and he finally dies wow that's so annoying alright so runs a lottery system and a picks out a brand new weapon or an upgrade for us kick we get kicked to start with that's that's pretty strong I'll take that I like the kick especially at the low levels and kick with a hammer is a decent combo so we'll do the best we can oh great lava island others only four dudes though that's fine with me we can just kick them away whoa okay I guess they're gonna cut each other up get out here no get out of here yes we did it mission complete Kabam okay next up come on give me a girlfriend energy capacity one why I can't even I can't even use energy like it pops that's knowing those are the ones that bother me will do we'll give it the old blitz try though should be alright here still especially we can keep dominating like that shoot Hey yes oh I hate that no see you didn't even die you didn't even get hit get out here hey I know you're done and you nope nope nope nope nope and you nope nope nope nope and you get just stop stop bouncing thank you come on the sword come on sword oh hey a clone that's okay oh wow the spider trying to start it off that's amazing at least these guys are all standing in a line oh except I just got smoked oh that's not cool okay we're gonna go spider truck oh my word oh my word I'm gonna die I'm gonna get hit from behind I gotta take him out though oh I got kick I forgot about that oh man I'm so scared her always doubt he's out oh this is bad this is super bad super bad feels like that's a movie or something hey got an idea get on there I'm just gonna let you get dealt with by the saw blades keep yes he's gone okay and we got one guy left okay we got one guy than this guy man I hate our shoes behind me I hate or just I hate having arches behind me uh-huh nope nope okay you don't there okay now we're gonna deal with you I didn't want to take the time okay see down he will be in a second that's always stuck in the corner okay you go in here and take him out no yes get out of here that was awesome and just because this is so amazingly difficult I'm gonna I'm gonna do the cheesy thing I'm gonna go to the main menu and once we jump back into this mode our guys fully healed up look at that back he's all fully healed up there so excellent Oh energy capacity 3 that's exactly what I wanted today thank you very much game thank you yeah great applause playing a long game that is right come a tent come a complement Ron let's see oh your this is all I hate this level okay I'm this guy stay right there you're wrecked and get rekt oh you just kicked himself Oh to move don't don't oh oh I got hit wait everyone oh I can't both stop the thingy those guys are riding on top of each other you nerds why are you doing that getting over there you know there no shoot but I think all of the I think the jumpy dudes are jumpy fighting themselves into the jumpy pity nice so I made it yes I made it oh what a lucky day for us come on something cool come on something cool what I can't even use energy oh my word this is what we start off with today okay tell you what hahahaha yeah nerd your nerdlings it burn perfectly get over here you over here over here slow down oh boy I got hit I think I got hit that guy got hit that guy got kicked I'm gonna have to recharge it Oh No Iraq yes I did it we did take damage hey wait what was that all about we didn't take damage so I think I'm gonna repair again and we get where do we get an energy recharge number two Oh Bo well now we can use the energy anyway that's fine these are kind of derpy though yeah we'll see let's see what happens what's this level level seven oh boy big hammer BOTS alright it's kind of scary actually I'm I'm not not gonna lie I do not like these big hammer BOTS oh why why me oh I sniped his face off ready get set go okay I want I think what happened there is he jumped I jumped and I killed it when he landed is there anything else you know about here good I'm just gonna stay my distance and pew pew him with these air arrows I think that'll work better nice there good shot I don't last thing I want to do is get in this dude's face because he's mean mean green Leroy Brown whatever that song lean mean I don't have jetpack go help help me yeah I didn't kill him - guy oh I missed oh shoot hammers got some nasty range don't get stuck in the corner stuck in the crack oh that was so close you go back over here go back we're just were just like a rabbit bouncing around like crazy I don't oh not good he's so fast - oh that was a twitch too fast okay nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope get outta here there we go one's down yeah I feel like he wants to kill me oh man they're so quick come on come on give me a good shot there just me and you uncle Uncle Fester whatever your name is big purple dude is your name Uncle Fester all I hit is like I hit it's like did I take it off no of course not okay ready you got to come down oh I didn't want to back into that man that was a good shot I'll take that that was a bad shot I won't take that I just do not want to I do not want to get up in his face not at all oh I feel like are you I just skewer this dude and he's not dying okay so you have to come around the corner yes oh I did dominated nope yes mark for combat archers those are the fire archers oh boy come I get me the sword another clone probably gonna need it ready do the best we can with arrows oh boy really are they coming in I think these guys also block arrows all right all they change direction at air - oh boy I don't know how to do I'm so scared right now shoot each other that's what I'm gonna do I'm gonna have them to shoot each other like that come over oh shoot me nope don't shoot me shoot your other buddies shoot your buddies come round the corner all that was so close I would have accidentally had one there whoa that's warm enough to wake you up in the morning oh I figured that would have been a good shot but it wasn't oh they're so quick - they're so quick oh that would have been a good trying to predict where they go oh I hit them yes that's what I wanted to do try to predict where they're gonna go to see me I jumped it right they have the fire swords - oh my word I did it oh we're down to you it's the last of the Mohicans here and he gets set and hello here so what do we get at level 9 um arrow width number what okay I'm cool with that it works decently um I like the arrow with more it's a it's a decent upgrade ooh kill those guys I got one no I didn't kill it I'm gonna jump up there and smash your legs away oh you're kidding me come on oh no I gotta get over there I gotta go go go go roll oh yes go stay away stay away stay awake good up go go go go go a n smash I missed smash Oh kid me nope oh my arms on fire without being on fire get rekt no that's a bomb god so much problems so much problems I do have kicked but I don't want to waste kick on you okay get up you get up here again oh shoot get rekt yes he's done okay we're fine not now we're good we got this I got this we're good to go haha yeah ding dogs you're the dumbest dumbest robots ever see dumb robots whoop oh you know what boom oh I missed I don't want to play around now oh one more a second I would've been a dead dead reptile robot whatever it's called level 10 you know what I took damage so no more damage for me haha level 10 oh come on hey jetpack why can't I have the sword I want the sword and block arrows did you not know that well we'll do the arrows okay I'm just gonna blast a few arrows on you maybe you're gonna blow up I missed I missed all three low take another one holy this yes oh so close but yet so far away yes there it is okay and now let's watch these guys jump over the spiky spikes cuz they're not smart enough I jumped just don't jump thank you I hate it when they tried it they just jump over oh man get up here get up here oh I missed I gotta go down and then we go across yeah get out of here it's easier to kill you on the ground then it is up on that jump pad form fine hohoho stay away from that no no okay hit something okay you're not dead you did you did die good and let's kick you good job I'm gonna go down and murder his face off Oh probably with a bow I missed it i minister oh my nose it's just I gotta yes yes and now I should just be able to pew pew make the best of him pick his leg up he's on the ground headshot and we have one more and you're right here oh-ho I thought that was gonna right at me I hit him again peekaboo whoa was it another one I wasn't expecting that I'm gonna go in a little closer it's a leg and tada oh oh you missed I want to get close okay there it is yes I was that level double ten this hasn't been so hard hey level 11 diamond spider Tron 16 million okay yeah give me a clone energy research well that's okay flame breath would be kind of fun with this I do have jet pack forgot about that and it's better trying oh great we got a roll come on get over there Oh murder eyes down the saw blades oh that's not cool I should have jetpack through it I forgot you're gonna do - oh he's down I must have hit him with one go go go go go get across that almost got me okay okay we're okay oh he's not dead spider spider bot man is no get up there that was too high yeah I get over here so the objective skill of the archers Oh jump over there bullets hey don't oh no no no no - oh no jump this ah oh oh look at them I back out shaved I don't I hate I hate shaving my back no I don't that's gross unless I was really I don't know not really hairy either okay go up there and okay you'll get right you get right and you're directed in night right you just stop stop living Thank You Ellis guy fell down backwards and now you are gonna die oh I didn't die did he he's not dead yet hey that gonna kill him is that gonna kill it yes that did and you are being very smart okay spider bot man I did it I did it we got the shape back probably gonna repair that up come on oh I have to eat I was planning on smashing all the buttons when he was taking me up didn't work come on arrow width 2 that'll work I'll take that level 12 let's see what we get what do we get what do we get arrow with two three Baker Olo this will work Oh fire arrows who have been cool too I've accepted both oh boy hey wait we have a kid right we can kick these big guys in nice everyone - oh there's the big guy I thought I killed Oh spider Tron hello there nice of you I thought let's go let's roll plus another spider bullet great get get me moved get me moved okay you get rekt you get rekt no nope well the whole that almost killed me hey wait you died spider bet okay spider bot musta killed him oh let's take that spider bot off pretty soon - hello right there hello right there oh there's spider bullets okay let's get up a little bit more how the spider it's better trodden broken how's that work is that a sword coming up oh yes that's a sword for sure ah oh this guy's gonna be rough okay come down and if he falls off oh can I just make him walk onto this I can't who's the live still wait a minute how did he do that he walked all the way up and did dying we're gonna make him do that again there it goes nice and next up come on sword energy capacity Wow for energy oh the next one that tier is the flame breath I'd be a lot of fun that uses up all of the energy though hmm okay let's see you know I'll try this I mean I have to this can be rough we're gonna have to roll with these purple guys on the spike traps whoa whoa whoa what just happened I think was that my own arrow that killed me spike traps there's not saw saw saw traps ooh nice okay roll up here I get my foot I hit my oh I hit no it wasn't my foot my foot is gonna gnarled up isn't it nice oh he blocked it back he hit his buddy again well let's let's keep doing this spike trap thing or saw blade that dude just oh okay that was unintentional come on over here okay we have like five coming on and we'll jump man guys you're supposed to run on the saw blades it's what I need you to do right now no don't don't dodge them oh no hey hammer hammer time it's hammer time oh that was not me that was not me killing oh wait yeah correct ha ha and you get destroyed dominated died yes problem is we have no more clones now that's not cool we did mess up our foot I guess I'll go repair it okay my foot see is fixed up come on come on give me some clone hey we needed a clone I'll take that what do we get today oh my okay not bad not bad hey whoa those are air that dude's got like superheroes here I'm gonna just blast a bunch of arrows down the tunnel and hopefully I kill all of them oh I got one nice you got the purple dude oh I got both purple dudes excellent now this is easier that dues missing a leg and I'll just hit that all they jumped over it come on come on little nerd links come on little nerd things and jump nice up with his brain up with this brain and spice that didn't quite work come on they're two pot of his science like yes right through his head I feel like I'm on the opposite side of the map of where I need to go and you're done what what and you're done yeah get dominate uh I was gonna smack with my sword but I don't have one this'll work instead let's fire on picnic sounds great who were in titanium we got five levels to go hammer size hammer sizeable - we still don't have block arrows but hammer says number two sounds good to me upgrade bot is playing the long game okay here we go what do we get probably a spreader Tron 18 million Oh - Spider John 18 millions Oh nope spider Tron 7 19 million hi there get out of my life no no no that's not fun would you not do that again I think the green dudes block arrows if I'm not if I remember correctly just try it you know what oh okay we're gonna make you go this way hello a spider truck I didn't kill it how did what is he gonna continue shooting things Kenny continue ken that somebody wanted me to do then to take okay let's just kill it wait did the did the green guy die I think green guy did die how'd he die how he dead he ded yo are you gonna kill me already nice come on do you do your work oh yes I did it hold it yep green guy died there 15 oh we're getting so close mark to jetpack BOTS we just fought mark to jetpack BOTS give me another clone please fire hammer oh well that's that changes nothing really okay okay oh yes yes yes this isn't bad this is not bad this is not bad at all cuz they just jump right into this and I can kill them as they come in oh this is nice this is really nice hi there you guys aren't the smartest oh my word that was an accident oh yes Oh bread we're gonna do the roll we're gonna do the roll like this we're gonna roll it up and we're gonna hit E and we're gonna go for a clone give me a clone give me a clone or fire arrows that'd be fun too got a clone okay that's that's better he's got um he's got to bow out I want you to have the hammer up well let's actually draw an arrow let's see what we get what do we get up here at level oh there's this bite oh great green dudes oh I think I hit I hit the spider John excellent so let's try to take all there's another one here we're gonna go get him real quick but fast in a hurry all I missed okay oh I missed oh I can't do that I got I got a flea okay now oh I can't well let's try to kill all the little dudes on the spiky spikes oh that's not gonna work oh this is so nasty that was a horrible shot Wow what just what was that all about hey I got him oh I took this leg off not quite a gun spikes oh shoot get out of here uh-huh I missed me okay every time it's hammer time Oh Oh do you see that dodge the kick it's all I can do to make myself think I'm good at this game okay up oh right all right now get out of here you know to Dodge City Kansas good not enough energy I got it oh he blocked it Wow okay it took his leg off though that was nice what happened to green guy nice nice what do we have left what do we have what do we are we doing it what happened a green guy did it oh we did it level owns 17 per level 18 that's amazing thank you thank you it's fantastic work uh what do we get next um another clone please hammer sighs OH enormous fire hammer that's actually cool what's the next tier after that on the fires at fires fire hammer too yeah so much fire we also have the flame breath we could get and I guess no swords at all huh so this whole look at the size of that monster okay ready get set and okay I really really wish that I had whoa get out of here I really wish that I had the fire arrows feel like that would be very beneficial right now I don't like this guy at all no no there's two of them oh oh there's only one of them now yes oh that's that's the ticket that's the ticket to the big ticket event look at this month's oh yes how many arrows is one guy take to kill gonna shoot him by his buddy death by assistance aha I don't want to you whoa seriously how many arrows that guy's taken like six arrows no he'll do it I feel like this is gonna be someone else in here they gangs up on me no no we're taking two arrows no chances oh oh that would have hit peekaboo are you jumped over it thank you there it is yes yes it burned up what was that level that was 18 we have two to go two to go wait yeah we have to beat level 20 I should really let my energy charge up shouldn't I fire arrows okay jetpack - hmm and our energy starship so let's go upstairs slowly and oh boy I wish I wish I had fire arrows though Oh okay we've done this before we've done this one many times maybe not with the quality of enemies that we're facing right now that's number one skill and then what you do is you kind of just jump back and forth and hope that they're dumb and they get stuck in the lava puddle like these guys are doing right are they oh there he is wait maybe that one's dead where are we what's shooting at me still you there's only one guy left where are you hello come on down come on down if I can get him to go down and come back he tries to bring himself back in the middle he lands in the lava we got one left to go but all this though when the human died I got to go bathroom this is level 20 titanium we're doing it guys we're doing it come on what do we get what do we get what do we get flavorant yes yes that's gonna be the icing on the top of the cheesecake wait wait oh I thought something happened okay so man we're to start with the arrow oh great oh great great great remove I try to get on top of this thing so I can just kind of shoot them this shouldn't be able to get to me and I've done this all without oh man this is actually pretty easy okay just need to dodge that arrow and hopefully they don't get smart enough to jump up here like that one just might have and then where are you no no I don't like you hey it's chill chill snip oh ho what you this guy it is stabbing Wow slow down buckaroo whatever rain kill these guys as they come in because he's not smart enough to jump no oh I'm so scared oh you know what I can do flame breath for the Victory Lane bit haha nope dude come around here come just wow you're your excitable aren't you here excitable little fellow okay flame breath time it's F key right guys missing this arc will take this guy away nope this is like anxiety kept how did you get behind those cheaters whoa dude jumps they're on tech okay here we go ready gets it fight one gotta kill him no flame breath oh it's just a little sport now how is he immune to flame breath no there yeah burned up whoop AHA oh who knew no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no green guy guy I hate you oh man oh man oh man oh man oh man my heart is absolutely racing right now come on in come on in weather is fine Oh ready that's it no no burn up get out of here I can't oh I'm in trouble - my legs cut my legs cut this is - hisses - okay naked dance we can dance oh no I still have a clone I still the clone come on breathe fire in his life I did it yes oh I did I did it I breathe fire I need to straight himself Oh awesome let's see let's see how long we can keep playing except we have you know what should we should we heal herself up I guess we could Wow that that's frankly that's awesome on how he looks I'm gonna do one more without it and I'm gonna try to get a cool screen shot it's my goal here pick it up yeah Wow I can't believe we actually did it this is one of my best runs ever okay we'll try hi purple dude yeah this ain't gonna last long especially that I can't do anything hi there I fellas hey let's go kill this guy up here oh boy Wow yeah well he's to get her leg back I was gonna go into screenshot mode but oh I could burn them hey everyone come over here come to the fortress of blitz topia it is nice seasonal temperatures about 55 degrees in you're in robot language here watch watch this cool trick ready get set and go nope that's the wrong button or is it actually that's kind of cool yeah I like I like this mode look at that it actually it's kind of cool I like that okay now we have to hit this and run away quick never to try it again now I'm braiding the fire on it in his life we've got tiny is comparatively that's actually a bad coloration oh man I love how it just freezes we're gonna have to dodge that arrow cuz that's not cool Wow okay that's that's so awesome I love that motorcade and go well speaking of the devil that does it Jarrod Weiss you have been good to me I could go to the next human that's oh and we go up to the top I never want to do that again I never want to do the random up good challenge what I wanted to see was I wanted to see what the statue look like first level you get to mark two guys that's horrible I can't even jetpack away right now okay there's a little of tap and you're done nice now we're gonna go see where our new Statue looks like here it is oh man look at us the random upgrade that's actually a really cool looking statue I like that one well guys that's gonna do it for today's video if you enjoyed this episode of clone drone in the danger zone please do let me know probably gonna be a while before we play this again because well frankly there's no more challenges and I don't know no more challenges I might do twitch mode again someday once they get a little more time to stream again otherwise thanks for watching keep your stick on the ice we'll catch you next time [Music]
Channel: Blitz
Views: 2,083,186
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Clone Drone in the Danger Zone, Clone Drone in the Danger Zone Game, Clone Drone in the Danger Zone Gameplay, clone, drone, danger, zone, funny moments, clone drone in the danger zone gameplay, let's play clone drone, clone drone gameplay, clone drone, clone drone game, clone drone in the danger zone funny moments, clone drone in the danger zone alpha, lets play clone drone in the danger zone, Clone Drone in the danger zone flame, clone drone in the danger zone fire
Id: wNhFvvUEy_0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 28sec (1888 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 05 2017
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