Deeper Fellowship Church - LIVE // Coming Home Sunday

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i know that you're ready for the word because you're already standing we have a custom in this house but we don't have to uh do it well we're doing it now we stand for the reading of the word to say to the lord that we honor your word above all things it is not like anything else and so we are going to read the word of the lord starting with psalm 126 psalm 126 uh verse one through six i'm going to read this in the new living translation and also the amplified as well um i'll read this and then we will pray together when the lord brought back his exiles to jerusalem it was like a dream we were filled with laughter and we sang for joy and the other nations said what amazing things the lord has done for them yes the lord has done amazing things for us what joy restore our fortunes lord as streams renew the desert those who plant in tears will harvest with shouts of joy they weep as they go to plant their seed but they sing as they return with the harvest hallelujah i'm just going to read this in the amplified really quickly then we will pray together when the lord brought back the captives to zion jerusalem we were like those who dream it seems so unreal then our mouth was filled with laughter in our tongue with joyful shouting then they said among the nations the lord has done great things for them the lord has done great things for us we are glad restore our captivity oh lord as stream beds in the south the negev are restored by torrents of rain they who sow in tears shall reap with joyful singing he who goes back and forth weeping carrying his bag of seed for planting will indeed come again with a shout of joy bringing his sheaves with him let's pray together father thank you for your word thank you for your promise thank you for your goodness lord i pray that the next few moments you will anoint me as your servant to proclaim your word to proclaim your heart but i pray that the the heart of every hearer would be open to receive and lord that it would produce a harvest of a hundred fold do not allow the enemy to steal this word from anyone but lord i pray that you would plant it deep into our hearts and lord i also pray that because of your goodness and your mercy you would reveal jesus to those who do not yet know him may they be saved in this room and online and i pray as always that the words of my mouth are the meditations of my heart be acceptable in thy sight o lord my strength and my redeemer in jesus name amen you can be seated i'm good thank you i have been excited to preach to you yeah for 18 and a half months i've preached to a camera and about 10 people and so i'm really really happy that you are in this room yeah i uh to be honest i've been i've been meditating on studying reading musing over this particular passage of scripture for over a month um looking forward to this time because the lord put it in my heart and i thought that i understood why he put it into my heart i had been preparing this time i've been writing down notes i've been doing uh research i've been doing all these things and i thought okay i understand exactly why you want me to say this thing on this day and then last night he changed the whole thing as he does it's the same scripture but but a different declaration that comes with it because literally it was like there was a particular portion of it that jumped off the screen so perhaps if i'm obedient and and and i will be obedient in the declaration of what he wants me to say today maybe the other things that i study are either for me or i'll get an opportunity to share them with you at another time out of the same path of scripture but the lord has something he wants to say to us if you're ready say let's go deeper you know i was to be honest with you i was thinking uh uh just uh about y'all remember maybe maybe you know it or not but there was a viral uh video that was going around on youtube uh about seven eight nine years ago um actually the the the person lives in orlando is actually a friend of uh the mcmullen family but it was a video everybody knows him at mullen family but um it was a video called david goes to the dentist anybody remember that video david goes to the dentist anybody huh oh david after dennis yes david after dennis and uh it went viral um i was gonna pull it up but i didn't want to waste my time here but it was actually um a kid who had gone to the dentist and he had i don't know if he uh put to sleep or something like that so he's coming awake from from putting being put to sleep and everything is like weird to him and he makes this statement is this real life y'all remember that is this real like anybody remember that video okay y'all know y'all not youtube y'all don't go on youtube holes like me okay all right i got it well well um i i can tell you um that that to be honest with you i can identify with a lot of that sentiment because a lot of this moment right here the moment i'm standing in this weekend the last 18 and a half months have had me want to say at times is this real life i was sitting there i was thinking that this season has kind of felt like that we were apart from each other for 18 and a half months now that i'm like is this real life like did this actually happen that that actually happened like we we we were in another building 18 and a half months ago crammed in like sardines shouting while nathaniel bassett blew a trumpet and said the next time i'm with you you'll be in a new building we had no idea when he said that that was our last service not only was it our last service it was our last service in that building and everything shut down and it was like is this is this really happening right now i was thinking about that i was thinking about the fact that that we haven't been able to lift up a shout or a sound together in 18 and a half months now now yes that's the way to do it i was thinking i was thinking um when we came together we were our volunteers came together for just a moment to to spend some time in prayer preparing the atmosphere and even though everybody had on mass the moment that we began to shout to the lord i was reminded there's no sound like this church um if you're grateful for the fact that we can lift up a sound together would you do it right now that's not just a sermon illustration by the way it's an opportunity we haven't had the opportunity for 18 and a half months to have a shout that goes up to the lord for no reason other than the fact that he's worthy of it hallelujah i was preaching to a camera for 18 and a half months asking is this real life you know this wasn't a part of my introduction but i'm here now so we are good um um i learned something in in this camera preaching mode uh something happened to me y'all that none of y'all knew about and and um it happened to me physically in my body it was really really crazy and bishop garland said what did you learn out of it and i i certainly had to learn a lesson but one day i was preaching to the camera y'all on the other side of the camera watching at your house and i said something about how god was getting ready to prophetically expose uh what the enemy was doing in the nation and he was gonna use us to begin to expose this thing and while i was preaching y'all this is gonna sound so crazy to y'all while i was preaching a demon showed up next to the camera it was crazy and i thought it was a figment in my imagination i was like is this real life so literally a demon showed up now now that this is crazy and spoke to me while i was talking and said we're going to get you for that and so what happened was literally i was like okay uh i just kept preaching because i thought this is i don't know how to communicate that to y'all on the camera like there's a camera and i'm like wait a minute wait a minute y'all just just hold on look the other way i didn't know what to do i learned though bishop garland he helped me but literally what happened was um do y'all remember um for like about six to eight weeks i was preaching from a chair y'all remember that well what happened was that i wasn't just a prop i mean i had a really great message called would you sit with me and so i was sitting down and all that stuff but it wasn't just the prop what happened was literally later that day i went home uh we baptized my daughter in the pool that day it was a wonderful day and then um i was walking up the stairs and i felt like i might have tweaked my knee or something like that and and it was like that's really weird and so i just didn't pay much attention to it and then later on that night my knees swole up the next day i couldn't walk and could not walk for the next eight weeks i was coming into church preaching on in front of the camera sitting down with crutches because i was thinking is this real life and i learned something that day bishop garland said did you learn what did you learn he said well i bet you won't ever allow that to happen and not stop and rebuke that thing so i said yeah but that was one of those moments so when i think about preaching to a camera it's not just me talking about youtube i'm talking about the fact that things are happening and i was wondering is this is this real life and then and god gave us a building in the middle of a pandemic and hold up y'all because you guys are so faithful and you're giving to the lord he gave us this building and we redesigned the whole thing redecorated the whole thing retrofitted the whole thing and we never asked y'all for money i don't know about you but if there were other pastors in the room they'd be like what are you talking about that y'all got a building without a capital campaign somebody ought to give jesus praise for that now i do hope that you understand that the prophetic word that we just received was going to require more capital amen people were physically healed while watching the stream hallelujah your dad anita yes is that you okay stand up real quick see with the mask on you're like in the middle of a stream god gave a word of knowledge about the condition of her father and he turned it in a moment and he was healed god is moving darius darius where you at darius where you at you were ending you just did a spoken word oh he's in the back with the baby just so you know god didn't leave miracles at 170. just right after service on friday god healed him y'all pray you're like okay we're so used to this now no no no no we're gonna give god praise because this is real life [Applause] and at the same time there was this weird uh feeling for me we've been preparing for this moment for a year really god gave us the building and the staff was able to move in but you weren't able to be here and so we've been preparing for this moment and then when it came it was almost like it was too good to be true it felt like a dream and and when we were in worship on thursday night it felt like a dream when we were in worship on friday night it felt like a dream and when i was paying for this moment right here it felt like a dream and it was almost like this how is this how is this happening and the lord began to minister to my heart to say there is a reason it feels like this and i want us i want us to deal with it for just a moment because um there are some things that i'm going to remind you of and some things that i'm going to announce to you uh in this moment you see we are in a historical cycle we are in a historical cycle there is a biblical pattern and biblical promise that speaks loudly to moments and seasons like the one that we are in if you study the scripture we can see the pattern and the promise which allows us to know what is going to happen next while we don't know when we do know how i want you to know family prophetically and biblically what is getting ready to happen next is not a mystery now i know that the next the last 18 and a half months have been perplexing to a lot of people they've been confusing to a lot of people it's not been easy you talk to people you're like are you okay and people who are honest are like you know i'm really not okay i really am struggling in this area and i'm struggling that area and i understand that what this season has produced in us has been a lot for us to deal with but i also want you to know that god is still in charge god still has plans he's still using this season and we can see the historical patterns biblically that let us know that the result of this season is going to end in something for our good we do not have to be confused about the season that we are in i'm going to help us i'm going to help us i'm going to help us you see time you've heard me say this before time moves for us in a linear fashion which is line after line it's a consecutive thing it moves forward that way but it is revealed in cycles time moves forward in a linear fashion but it is revealed in cycles and one of the reasons why i'm using the word cycles i'm not trying to be deep i'm not trying to impress you i just want us to understand where we are um one of the ways that time is spoken of in scripture is the utilization of the word age everybody say age the word age uh one of the the transcriptions of the word age uh is the the transliteration aeon i'm just giving this to you um it's it's it means a space of time and age but it's usage is an age or a cycle of time that is the use of the word age it is a cycle of time especially of the present age as constructed uh contrasted with the future age and so basically um time moves in cycles time moves and cycles and so when you come to the end of a space or you come to the end of a cycle what it means is that something new is getting ready to burst forth now let me let me help us understand this because a lot of times um if you wonder um those who have been given kind of the ability to either know the times or pay attention to the times and for those of you who read the scriptures what you'll begin to understand is as you read the scriptures things that are happening to us at this time we're not the first generation for this thing to happen to we are not the first generation to walk through a pandemic we are not the first generation to have to go into quarantine we're not the first generation that has to go into what we would call an exile we're not the first generation who could not gather together we're not the first generation who was uncomfortable we're not the first generation who is sad and so if we recognize that then what we do with wisdom is we go back and we look at the scriptures and we say god what are you doing with this a lot of people have been asking god what are you doing and i would suggest to you that one of the ways that you'll find out what god is doing is to find out what he's done because time while it moves forward in linear fashion is revealed in cycles whenever we come to the end of a cycle we experience turbulence whenever we come to the end of a cycle whenever god is ending one thing and beginning a new thing in the middle there is turbulence the season that we've been experiencing is a turbulent season everybody would admit that but if you would recognize that even in the turbulence what it means is if i can hold on during the turbulence a new thing is about to burst forth can i preach prophetically to us today because because i i want i want us i want us to be a people who will say god will hold on we will hold on to this we can make it through this because we are going to see what it is that you are going to do after this in other words i'm not going to go through all this just to go through all this i i feel like i feel like the older generation which used to say i'm gonna run on to see what the end's gonna be i'm not gonna stop right here but i'm gonna see where the end's gonna be i didn't come this far just to come this far if god is doing a new thing i'm going to see it do i have any people in the house turbulence everybody would admit and acknowledge that this has been a turbulent season what i want us to understand is that these things these these turbulence these disturbances these are signs of the end of an age these are signs of the end of an age we can preach and prophesy but at times even the church seems to ignore the messages which are declared from the mouth of his servants and so when the church begins to ignore the messages from the mouth of his servants what god will do is he will insert catalytic moments or signs in order for us in order to get our attention for us to recognize if you will ignore them you can ignore this prophet eric butler can get up here and prophesy and prophesy and prophesy and after a while you can become numb to it because you say that's just what he does and then what god will do is he'll say no no no i want to get your attention what i'm going to do is i'm going to thrust you into a season that lets you know that if you've been ignoring the verbal word of the lord you can't ignore the sign i dare anybody to try to ignore a pandemic although some have tried so then what happens is we can say perhaps if you don't believe us you'll believe the signs every generation i love this about god has signs that point to the shifting of a season or a time nearly a year ago to the sunday would be next sunday a year ago we talked about the grace period in the age of grace anybody remember that we talked about the grace period and the age of grace some people struggle understanding certain things because they don't understand the heart of god as revealed in scripture it is one of the reasons why so many people have literally turned a deaf ear towards god in the season because they're assuming they can just outlast the season and we're not called to try to outlast the season perhaps we should ask him y'all y'all remember um i i made this statement when i was preaching at acting church i know most of you are watching but when i was preaching at acting church uh we brought up the scripture and bishop garlington and i were talking about this uh and he he brought this out and it was amazing to me as we were talking about he was talking about the fact that there was a famine in the land uh during david's reign and the bible says year after year after year the famine persisted which is to say that for three years it persisted but it wasn't until the third year that david asked god about it which meant for the first two years he was trying to outlast it we we still have this going on family we still have this going on where people are trying to outlast the moment outlast this let's just get over it let's just vaccinate wear our mask a little bit longer and we'll get back to church as normal god is not interested in it the turbulence is to say to us there is a new era there is a new age there is a new thing that god wants to do there will not be church as normal [Applause] so because we don't want to ask god because we don't have room in our theological construct for certain things to happen um because of the way that we define the goodness of god because of the way that we define the grace of god there's a number of things that we don't have room for however god understood that he wanted us to know his heart i'll give you two particular passages about his heart second peter chapter three verse nine through eleven the lord is not being slow about his promise as some people think no he is being patient for your sake he does not want anyone to be destroyed but wants everyone to repent but the day of the lord will come as unexpectedly as a thief then the heavens will pass away with the terrible noise and the very elements themselves will disappear in fire and the earth and everything on it will be found to deserve judgment since everything around us is going to be destroyed like this what holy and godly lives you should live the heart of our god is not that people perish but that people repent that is his heart god is not around here saying you die you die you die i don't care he wants everybody i'm so glad we're not him because if we were everyone who crossed us the wrong way would be gone you you and i have condemned so many people in our mind that god's probably looking at y'all like i'm so glad i didn't give you all this ability [Laughter] some of y'all walk around you wish your car was like james bond you could just send a missile to somebody's car because they cut you off another passage that lets us know the heart of god um ezekiel chapter 33 verse 11 say to them as i live declares the lord i have no pleasure in the death of the wicked but that the wicked turn from his way and live turn back turn back from your evil ways for why will you die or house of israel god takes no pleasure in the death of the wicked you see the challenge that we have is that we are ignoring some of these things because somehow or another we're like this cannot possibly be god but understand he takes no pleasure but we enter into turbulent moments because he wants to get our attention the global nature of what god is doing to get the attention of the godly and what god is doing is to get the attention of the godly and the ungodly at the same time it's to accomplish two things to confront the prayerlessness of the believer or the lack of urgency of the believer and to save those who are dead in their trespasses there is a set time in the mind of god for everything that is not known to man therefore man can never take the grace of god for granted we are living in an overarching grace period from the moment of the cross we are living in an overarching grace period i'm trying to give you a sense of the time so that you can understand what god's getting ready to do next we are living in an overarching grace period both the age of grace and within this generation the age of grace is initiated by god through the coming of the lord and is accessed by faith this is what ephesians chapter 2 tells us for by grace we have been saved through faith and it is not your own doing it is the gift of god not the result of works so that no man could boast so this is the overarching age that's been initiated by god through christ now the lens of eschatology tells us that the day of the lord is coming like a thief in the night or when we least expect it and we are instructed to prepare or to be prepared and the perpetual preparation for the coming of the lord is a perpetual posture of repentance which is a consistent turning to the lord that's how we stay ready we are consistently turning to the lord in other words as we preach to you online you don't graduate from repentance it's not something we do once and then we're good it's a constant turning to the lord why because the world is constantly pulling us in the other direction so we see this happening unfortunately family false teaching leads us into comfortable complacent postures as it relates to the grace of god that upright living doesn't matter and that sin doesn't matter but we must never forget that the age of grace initiated by mercy ends in judgment when christ comes again can we talk the gospel jesus came and he initiated grace but when he comes again he's coming with fire when it comes again he's coming in judgment i recognize that for many of us we almost think grace is coming again that's why we don't live right because we think that when he shows up it's going to be grace again it's grace now grace now judgment when it comes again the second coming of christ is glorious for the believer it is a terrible day for those who have refused the grace period unfortunately what we have is too many believers who keep thinking grace is coming grace is here judgment [Applause] if we really believe that there's no way you would not witness we continue to believe that somehow or another people have time or that the world is going to somehow get better without christ newslast the world does not get better without jesus okay okay we are in the overarching grace period the wages of sin is death but the free gift of god is eternal life the whole earth was in sin and this holy god came and instead of judging the earth for its sin initiated a grace period now let me help us because for those of us who have bills which is every adult which is why children like i can't wait till i'm adult i'm like oh enjoy it now every month like my kids had no concept of the fact that they leaving the the water on in the bathroom all day doesn't matter i'm like we have to pay for that you have to pay for water i'm like oh yeah and then in every room in the middle of the day every light is on and like turn that off we have to pay for it you have to pay for lights [Music] every month what is a grace period a grace period as you know is a time beyond the due date in which a financial obligation can be met without penalty a grace period the time beyond the due date in which your obligation can be met without penalty for the last 2 000 years we've been living in a time beyond the due date our due date is said to us that we owed him our life but instead what he did was he initiated a grace period and when we placed our faith in him the debt that we had that we could not that we could not pay was literally wiped out we are living [Applause] in a grace period the due date this is when it's supposed to happen however a grace period extends the time so this is how we are to always live this is the posture we are to always have this is how we are to live in a perpetual state of righteousness which is also a perpetual state of being ready now we are in an overarching grace period we've established that i'm building something here uh and at the same time not only are we in an overarching grace period but then within the generation we are also in a grace period or an age of grace god does this within generations in order to create urgency because if we live in a 2 000 year cycle without anything happening men would lose their urgency to pray if we live in an overarching cycle without anything interrupting it people would say what they said in second peter what happened to the second coming what happened to the promise that he's coming because it's been 2 000 years and he's still not here and you up here preaching and shouting and spitting and hollering and everything else but everything has remained the same and so what god does for a church for a people for the earth is he says no everything's not remaining the same i'm going to do something in the middle within the age what what he does how how do you know that you've entered into a grace period in the realm of the spirit within a generation when a divine catalyst comes to produce urgency to what should have already been done we are told to repent but we don't and we're told to turn away from idols but we don't when we place our faith in the systems of the world instead of god what he will do is he will allow a divine catalyst to happen in order to get our attention to get a sense of urgency for people are we still here so so this is why it's important not to ignore the signs of the age we we what is age again age is a cycle of time in the all of that discourse that jesus has with his disciples in matthew 24 which many uh uh end times people people who deal in in eschatology and all that they they always look at this particular passage in luke 21 and and several other passages but i just want to point out something to us the bible says in matthew 24 verse 3 it says as he sat on the mount of olives the disciples came to him privately saying tell us when these things will be and what will be the sign of your coming and the end of the what the end of the what and jesus answered them see that no one leads you astray for many will come in my name saying i am the christ and they will leave many astray and you will hear of wars and rumors of wars see that you are not alarmed for this must take place but the end is not yet for nation will rise against nation and kingdom against kingdom and there will be famines and earthquakes in various places uh luke 21 adds pestilences all these are but the beginning of the birth pains then they will deliver you up to tribulation and put you to death and you'll be hated by all nations for my name's sake and many will fall away and betray one another and hate one another and many false prophets will arise and lead many astray and because lawlessness will be increased the love of many will grow cold but the one who endures to the end will be saved and this gospel of the kingdom will be proclaimed throughout the whole world as a testimony to all nations and then the end will come tell us the end of the age tell us the end of the age which is in this context two things at once and i love god for it it is the end of a cycle of time can also coincide with the end of all times and you don't actually know which one it is and because you don't know which one it is you have to live right because you don't know when we enter into a certain age if it's the end of all times or the beginning of a new time so what god does is he inserts matthew 24 events into every generation [Applause] i i hope you i hope you're getting this what what he does because for some people you read the scripture and you say okay well this is what's coming and so every single time this kind of thing happens everyone says you know what it's the end of the world it's the end of the world these are the signs that are happening the challenge is if you look throughout history you'll see that those things have already happened and because they've already happened they've happened over and over and over and over again so you don't actually know whether the thing that's happening now is the end or if it's the end of a cycle of time so the end of every cycle produces matthew 24 type events how do we know we're getting ready to enter into another season because it feels like the end either the end of it all or the end of this season this is the urgency this is the love of god the love i see i recognize it for most of us we don't look because we don't like it and because we don't like it and because we want it to end and because we want wanted to be over and because we don't like the season we're in and we don't like how it feels and you want to take off your mask right now and you don't want to have to be worried about whether you're going to get sick from breathing in somebody's air space you don't like it and so therefore you're like this just just just the devil [Applause] i'm sitting here like the whole body of christ been rebuking something for 18 months and ain't moving [Applause] could it be could it be that there is a sign in the heavens that god is saying i'm about to make a shift in the earth and this generation is about to step into something new why because time moves in linear fashion but it is revealed in [Applause] this kind of activity here here here's the amazing thing about preaching it it could be the end we could be at the end jesus listen the way things are going here i'm the pastor jason and i were joking it's like the father's like you know what sandals you're gonna wear [Laughter] get the horse asked nathaniel if he can borrow your trumpet because literally it does feel like the end but at the same time i guarantee you that a hundred years ago preachers felt like the end when they were preaching the spanish flu we we had an epiphany my mom had an epiphany you know my grandparents generation you know i'm older so for some of y'all's a great grandparents generation but i kept my gray hair and i didn't die at this time have y'all um so my my mom's mom and dad and and i i heard this kind of testimony from a number of different people of their generation we would always hear they had a fourth grade education or they had a sixth grade education or they had a you know second grade education or whatever and they just stopped and never went back and you know if you trace it what you discover is that all of them stop at the same time in their different grades because of the spanish flu a pandemic a hundred years ago that caused people to have to stop because people were dying so kids had to go work they weren't just people who didn't want to go to school that same generation built historically black colleges and universities and said education is important so don't think they just want to stop in the fourth grade something happened a cycle ended and a new season began and we are in a moment right now where literally we don't know but what we do know about the love of god is that whenever we lose our urgency whenever we become complacent he says i i need to allow some things that happen to get them to read their bible again i have a theory i have a theory but i know that the theory will get me in trouble it's good trouble it's good trouble there was a lot of prophetic confusion in this last season do you know what my theory is that god hid his will and his word and so therefore the people who were used to hearing stuff and not seeing stuff couldn't see correctly because they were used to the language of dreams telling them what happened so everybody was saying i had a dream about this i had a dream about that but nobody had the bible [Applause] time is revealed in cycles and the cycles are revealed in his [Applause] he just might have exposed the prophets that weren't reading the book all right it's a theory it's a theory it's a theory [Applause] oh man okay it's good to have you all back the things we are experiencing and have experience indicates that we're at the end of an age either the end of a cycle of time or the end of time but either way we're coming to the end of something in the beginning of something else why am i saying all of this why take my time to say all of this which you're like what in the world does this have to do with why we were shouting when we read psalm 126 because when you read psalm 126 it automatically does something in you when you consider it and absolutely it was doing that to me and that's exactly what i thought i was going to say to you today i thought i was going to have this expository teaching on all the wonderful things that are in psalm 126 i had prepared i had done my exegesis to come and do this wonderful exposition verse by verse on psalm 126 i was gonna make bishop garlington proud i was gonna make pastor matt proud everybody was gonna be like you did a really great job you really studied that scripture and the holy spirit is like i want you to say that scripture but i want you to reveal something through that scripture looking through the lens of biblical history where we are on the timeline or in the cycle is speaking loudly about what is coming next i thought that psalm 126 was applicable to deeper uh specifically because we get to come together today oh what joy when the exiles come home we've been exiled for 18 and a half months and the lord is showing me that this is a prophetic passage of scripture it's not just about us ladies and gentlemen what comes next is available to everyone but won't necessarily be experienced by everyone this has been a very difficult reality for me in the last 18 and a half months because everybody was talking about when we come back together it's gonna be amazing and i was a little jealous of the churches that had buildings we couldn't come back together because y'all are coming here you ought to be like this ain't it what y'all see today is your faithful giving and some really hard-working people but had you come in here before you would have said this is wonderful at first and he'd be like this feels old that's what would have happened so i was a little jealous of those who had the opportunity to to come back together and everything else and i would watch like okay because i know what the cycle of time is indicating so i'm like okay oh it's just church as usual you just doing what you used to do you're satisfied with what you used to have what was the season for then why are we going through this to go back to that like i don't know about y'all but i'm like okay i refuse i ref like [Applause] if i want to see something different i'm going to do something different i'm going to worship different i'm going to pray i'm not about to come back here here and settle into a routine i'm certainly not going to let a new building change my praise or change the world so based on the biblical timeline and cycle here it is now you've heard this word at our church so many times you probably won't get excited but you should get really excited when you hear it based on what the bible reveals about the cycles of time whenever we end a moment or a season like this in the scripture it is almost always followed by revival you see see that's that's where y'all was we've had that before is there anything else no no no no i'm talking about a life-changing life-altering encounter with god the kind of thing that literally is as the word of the lord said to us a few days ago is undeniable look at somebody and say you haven't seen anything yet i know it feels a little bit better when you when you say it with our colloquialism you ain't seen nothing yet we are either on the precipice of some amazing localized fires or a global awakening how we respond as a nation and as a people will determine whether or not the fire will be local or wild i don't know about you but i intend for orlando to be a wildfire no no i don't just want people coming and wondering what's going on in the church with the orange roof that's the place that's the place the orange roof is because we're on it's not just a coincidence our roof is to say when you see that place that place is on what the lord has been doing in my heart for the last number of months for those of you who've been listening to me i've been trying to preach to you about expectation yeah for the last three months almost i've been trying to preach about expectation i i i had a message as you all know if you remember online i said i had 10 points and i only preached one of them and the lord wouldn't let me get past the one point and every sunday i thought okay this will be the sunday he'll let me finish the message on expectation but he didn't let me finish the message on expectation and i'ma tell you why because he had to do something with mine i understood now the message wasn't for y'all what the lord was actually doing was he was saying in order for you to be able to proclaim what i need you to proclaim in this next season you son are gonna have to get your expectation up because i can tell you uh in this season there was a level of sadness that came over me there was a level of distress that came over me i know i'm not the only one but it wouldn't allow me to stand up and boldly declare that we're still going to see a move of god it wouldn't allow me it was a suppressed thing that was happening on the inside and so what the lord began to do is he began to say i need you to wake up your expectation i need you to understand what it is that i'm doing i have revealed to you son what i'm doing in the earth and what you need to now do is proclaim it loud this is no ordinary season do you recognize that the majority of the people who were invited into this kind of season on the earth before are gone god is trusting this generation with this he's he's he said i found a generation of people that will not turn a blind eye to what i'm doing i found a generation of people who will actually pay attention and who will actually allow the promise of my reciprocity to happen to them what is the promise of his reciprocity if you return to me i will so i've been going for a little bit and y'all are used to that amen [Music] because of this last season and i'm preaching some of this to you right now and you some of you are like yes and others of you are like i'm trying to get there i understand it there's actually nothing wrong with you can i help you if you're like i'm trying to shout i'm trying to get with it but it's not actually something wrong with you when you go through seasons like this things happen in your soul i just want to help you because i want to help you along because it happened to me um i i was not i did not have the ability to preach with this kind of exuberance about the future just three months ago can i be honest with you i was looking at the state of the church i was looking at the fracturing of the american church i was looking at some people acting like nothing is happening and i'm like like any any of y'all gonna like we're just no prayer meeting no nothing just okay i looked at our partisanship i looked at our lack of empathy i looked at these things i looked at people that we call brother and sister who care nothing about how we feel you know i'm like well if we are part of the same body and one part of the body hurts and the other part doesn't rush to attention are we a part of the same body do we even have the same father then i learned there were some people who were not actually my brother because we don't have the same father because the way that they love reveals that their father is the devil [Applause] and i'm like okay i thought you were my brother but you oh got you got you so there's no light in you at all no okay okay and so i hurt and i had pain and then i had to learn how to preach without emoting that takes discipline where literally i feel monday through saturday but have to stand up on sunday and make sure that it's just the word with no me so i do understand why some of you are hearing me talk about this right now and cycles of time in the era that we're in and the moment that we're in and the season that we're in and some of you are like yes i've been waiting i've been praying i've been fasting i've been believing and i know there are people in this room who are believing for that bishop garlington who is 82 years old is still contending for revival in the city of pittsburgh and around the nations of the earth so this means something to him for some of you you're like ah i crawled in here i could barely get dressed this morning i don't understand this season i don't understand what i'm feeling i don't i don't understand why this is happening i have i have all of this going on and i totally get it because there are moments in our life in which the seasons we're entering into even with prophetic understanding don't feel good when the children of israel or a portion of them were sent into babylonian captivity or exile they were sent into babylonian captivity or exile with a prophetic word they knew the heart of god we we love we love the scripture i i've brought it out to us before um we love to quote it as if it had you know he's saying it to us right now it's forth telling not just foretelling it was foretelling for them foretelling for us you remember that for i know the plans i have for you declares the lord plans for good and not evil to bring you a hope in the future or to an expected end it it was literally telling them i know that is a bunch of confusion right now you got prophets among you sound like today you got prophets among you who are telling you it's not that bad and and god is doing this and god is doing that but what god is actually saying is i am sending you into exile you're going to be there for 70 years you can build houses you can plant gardens you can marry go ahead and pray for the peace of the city in which you're in and i know the plans because you think that i'm sending you there to harm you but i'm sending you there to preserve you and so he said i know listen you may not know the plans but i know the plans i have he sent them there with a prophetic word that said how long they were going to be there and what he was going to do when you return i'm going to give you revival when you pray i will answer when you seek me you will find me the heavens will be opened and even with the prophetic word that cleared up the confusion the bible declares that they were sad i won't go through all the scriptures for the sake of time but but psalm psalm uh 137 gives us this indication beside the rivers of babylon we sat and wept as we thought of jerusalem we put away our harps hanging them on the branches of the popular trees for our captors demanded a song from us our tormentors insisted on a joyful hymn sing us one of these songs of jerusalem but how can we sing the songs of the lord while in a pagan land that's psalm 137 verse 1 through 4 it speaks of their emotions psalm 42 verse 3 through 5 day and night i have only tears for food while my enemies continually taunt me saying where is this god of yours my heart is breaking as i remember how it used to be i walked them on the crowds of worshippers leading a great procession to the house of god singing for joy and giving thanks amid the sound of great celebration like and when i remember what it was like to be in the house of god my heart breaks and i'm not there they were sad family you see some of us whether we admit it or not we're happy to be here today but some of us were so sad being away from the house of god so sad not being able to sing the songs of zion so so heartbroken over these things this is why i'm telling you that i do understand why some of you can't necessarily get with what i'm saying just yet i'm almost finished amen so they entered into a season where there was confusion and sadness the word of the lord comes to clear up our confusion that's why god spoke to jeremiah i want you to clear up their confusion clear it up for them tell them what my will is march of 2020 god gave us a message may i have your attention he said tell them what my will is the issue is that most of us didn't know it was going to take this long because we want seasons to move as fast as sermon series [Applause] it's over in four weeks [Music] i'm still waiting on 16 days to slow to spread to flatten the curve some of y'all missed that one seasons don't move like that we don't get to impose our will on god we have a free will but we don't get to change his he works everything after the council of his own will he doesn't have to check with anybody just because you're frustrated doesn't mean it's going to stop he's going to do everything he wanted to do and when he's finished a new season will begin this turbulence is the end of a cycle of time and the beginning of a new one god is famous for this he gave it to jeremiah to clear the confusion this is what's going to happen and this is why i'm doing it revival he did it with solomon in the answer to solomon's prayer when he dedicated the temple you prayed that if the people turn from you and you do what you said you would do in your word when they turned but they turn back to you would you hear them from heaven he says i will so he says at times i will send pestilence and drought and famine and all this stuff but when they turn i'll hear your prayer i'll give them revival i'll give them revival when they turn back to me so what did god give jeremiah the word for to awaken his expectation why am i preaching to you today to awaken your expectation i want you to know the season we're in all right all right y'all getting tired on me it was not as many as y'all smiles like not at all if somebody else is like i'm tired and hungry [Laughter] nobody told you that you were in an involuntary fast [Applause] when the lord brought back his exiles from jerusalem psalm 126 it was like a dream is this real life i have a word for you i was doing all of this all of this and i told you before that my purpose my intent my desire was to give us an exposition on each verse of psalm 126 when the lord would not let me get past verse one because what the cycles of time reveal are you ready this is what is going to happen this turbulence is revealing to us what is going to happen next there is only one thing i don't know i don't know when but there is something i do know i do know how this is why i spent all this time preaching to you what is going to happen next is revival when it's going to happen i do not know how it's going to happen is revealed in psalm 126. can i say it again what is going to happen next is revival when it's going to happen i do not know how it's going to happen is revealed in psalm 126 how suddenly [Applause] here's what the holy spirit had me say and then i'ma sit down somebody can come play and i have more but i'll save him here's what the lord arrested my entire message hijacked the entire message said you're not going to say anything else but this this is the only thing you get to say today you get to say everything leading up to that to say this how is it pastor matt that they would say it was like a dream if jeremiah told them how long it was going to be they knew that the captivity was 70 years one would think that they would be counting down the days on their calendar but when it happened they couldn't believe it because it happened so fast i don't think you recognize what kind of season that we are in we are entering into the time of suddenlies i don't know about you but that made me a little bit excited because it's gonna i started out saying is this real life there's gonna be some things that are gonna happen for the church there are gonna be some things that are gonna happen in your life and you're gonna be like when it happened it was like a dream because i didn't know it was gonna happen that fast why because it happened suddenly it was like i was like one who was dreaming i didn't like peter i didn't know if i was asleep or awake when the angel told me to come out of here and the gates of the prison just started opening it was like a dream to me and i'm telling you that if he's doing it for the church he's about to do it for your life somebody in this room needs to receive this and get your expectation to the next level because for some of you you've been in a season so long 18 and a half months now you think god is slow walking everything but the entire time the lord by his spirit has been on the move he's been rearranging things he's been orchestrating things he's been moving things he's been doing things he's been changing the cycle he's been setting up things for a new season to begin i don't know when it will begin but i can tell you this for those who have expectation i can tell you how it will begin it will begin suddenly [Applause] no more no more no more no more am i going to walk around here without looking for god to do something mind-blowing [Applause] let me tell you how you are to come to church next sunday looking for god to blow your mind let me tell you how you are to wake up in the morning you are to wake up in the morning looking for god to blow your mind because i want you to know that while you live in this world you don't operate by the systems of this world the kingdom is still on the move the kingdom is still being revealed and god is about to release suddenly [Music] i came to wake up some people i came to wake up some people because for 18 and a half months like me maybe you've been sad about what's going on in the world maybe you've been sad about what's going on in your family maybe you've been sad about what's going on in your life and i came to prophesy to you that god is about to give you a suddenly [Applause] [Music] what do you think a miracle is it's evidence of a suddenly on friday night standing over here it's not about me but on friday night i'm standing over here and darius who is anointed for spoken word he's walking over to me hobbling he's athletic dude plays basketball has a family and i'm like why are you hobbling like that there's something wrong with my knee it's been around my knee for the last few months i did the mri i don't they don't see anything they don't see any damage they don't see any structural damage they don't see anything they don't see anything like that and i'm like well you're not leaving like that [Applause] we're going to pray right now and god gave him a suddenly god healed him at the moment what a mri couldn't reveal what a ct scan could reveal what an x-ray couldn't reveal what the doctors did not know today i asked him this morning and i didn't want to tell the testimony that they were sure i asked in the morning how's your knee he said i'm doing things i have not done in months what happened family god gave him and suddenly what do you have in our history family three or four hundred suddenly [Music] this is what is about to happen in this room in the next 30 seconds and i'ma stop god is getting ready to break the chains off of you suddenly [Music] this is not a part of my message this is the part of what the holy spirit is saying in this room some of you came into this room weighed it down some of you came into this room with chains on your mind chains on your thinking chains on the future chain to the past chain to relationship god is getting ready to break these chains suddenly and you are about to leave this room completely different than the way that you came in and this is how he showed me it's going to happen it's going to happen with your shout out [Applause] this is one of the reasons why the devil wanted to keep you exiled because he didn't want you to come into the context of a room where chains suddenly break with healings suddenly happen where miracles suddenly happen there is and suddenly happening in this room [Applause] [Music] shane's breaking off of your mind saying it's breaking off with your family saying it's breaking off for your finances mental health disorders being healed in the name of jesus procrastination being broken faith rising saints breaking [Applause] see right there the devil wants some of y'all to stop the devil wants some of y'all to stop because he's been afraid of this the entire time but now that i'm here i'm gonna get all that it was like a dream i came in here one way and i left another it was like a dream i came in here sick and i left healed it was like a dream i came in here bound but i'm not free it was like a dr [Music] he did it suddenly [Music] hey don't stop don't stop don't stop don't let the music do it don't let the music do it he's breaking chains he's breaking chains it's not just a musical thing he's been waiting for you to lift up your voice [Applause] [Music] [Applause] hallelujah [Music] [Applause] we contended for an atmosphere like this we're not letting it go we're not letting it go we're not leaving it at 170 it's coming with us because it's in us [Music] [Applause] [Music] my [Music] some of y'all need to shout again just to say no devil i'm not going back to where i was i'm not going back to where i was you won't mute me with the mask and you won't mute me in my mind i am gonna get here [Music] [Applause] god's doing a new thing god's doing a new thing in the earth god's doing a new thing in the earth there are going to be houses that are on fire and you're gonna see it happen suddenly [Applause] if you had to wait 18 and a half months can you give him 18 and a half more seconds [Music] [Applause] there's a sound in the people there's a sound in the people there's a sound in the people [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] hey thank you [Applause] [Applause] [Music] yes [Applause] [Music] [Applause] hey [Applause] [Music] [Applause] hey [Applause] [Applause] oh [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] ah [Music] [Applause] [Music] holy spirit set them on fire set them on fire set them on fire release it now release it now release it now take it take it take it take it take it take it take it take it take it take it take it that's it revival now revival now come come come come revival now global church come come jesus lift up your hands lift up your hands what's on them let the fire go on you let the fire go on you let the fire go on you take it take it take it take it that's it that's it that's it that's it some of you are already sensing it take it now take it now take it home with you take it home with you fire yes lord jesus jesus jesus jesus jesus that's it that's it that's it that's it [Music] [Applause] [Music] jesus jesus [Music] [Applause] dgf lift your hands take it back home with you take it back home with you take it back home with you take it back home with you lord set every house on fire set every house on fire and do it suddenly do a suddenly work do a suddenly work in every city in every state in every nation do a suddenly work do a suddenly work in jesus name [Music] don't let the devil convince you that atmospheres of revival are dead they are not dead they are very much alive they are very much alive a pandemic won't stop it [Music] how did i get from there to here it was like a dream it was like a dream it was like a dream i didn't know if i was awake or sleeping just [Music] what the scripture reveals to us family the scripture reveals what's next the scripture reveals what's next it also reveals how suddenly suddenly suddenly lift your hands to the lord in this room [Music] father thank you for shifting this room everyone in it and everyone watching online from one place to another suddenly thank you father that as we walk out of these doors we are not walking out the same way that we came in our expectation is alive we are on fire and you are beginning revival with us holy spirit would you now breathe upon your people in the way that only you can awaken our expectation open up our eyes so that we can see what it is that you are doing in the earth [Music] let us come into agreement with you lord and let us see it happen in the mighty name of jesus [Music] thank you jesus jesus jesus [Music] if you're able to put your hands down for just a moment if you're able to if you're able to some of you god may be asking you to keep them up that's fine and that's why i said if you're able if you're watching online or you're in this room and you have not surrendered your life to jesus the thing about the moment that we're in that we do not know is if we are at the end of a cycle of time or the end of all times or whatever moment that we're in it's a moment to make sure that we are right with god [Music] and i don't want anyone in this room or anyone online to leave this moment not being sure if you're right with god [Music] so if you're in this moment right now and you want someone in this room to pray with you because you want to surrender your life to jesus i'm going to ask you to do something in this room and then i'm going to speak to the online audience and every head bowed at this moment the bible says we're made right with god by placing our faith in jesus christ and this is true for everyone who believes no matter who you are but god so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son whoever believed in him would not perish but have everlasting life god did not send his son into the world to condemn the world but that through him the world might be saved we are saved by placing our faith in jesus christ if you're in this room and eternity is not sure for you or you've been running from god but you know now is the time to surrender to him and you want to stop running from god when i count to three if you're in this room and you're a person like that just put your hand up really quickly i want to be right with god i want to be right with god one two three if that's you put your hand up in the room i want to know that i'm right with god i want to be right with god [Music] amen thank you jesus thank you jesus thank you jesus i see some hands just just throw them up really high really quickly throw them up really high thank you jesus thank you jesus we got to give god praise for this he's faithful now listen if you're online and you want to get right with god i want you to type this in the chat i surrender i surrender i surrender what you will see happen with the online families a number of people will congratulate you on on making this decision to yield your life to christ to surrender to him for those of you who are in the room and online to give you some language in the place of prayer i want to help you maybe some of you don't know how to pray it's just an honest communication from your heart to god it's your way of saying to the lord i surrender i believe in you so if you're in this room and you'd raise your hand if you're online and you said i surrender i want everyone in this room to pray with me it's not the prayer that saves you it's your faith what we're doing is giving you language so i want everyone to pray this together we're giving some language on prayer in this moment say father in the name of jesus i come to you just as i am jesus i believe that you are the son of god that you came lived died and rose again for the sins of the world including mine so today i give my life to you i surrender to you completely and with your help i will live for you for the rest of my life in jesus name amen family let's give god praise in this room listen two things are gonna happen two things are gonna happen they will pray and dismiss you but if you're a person who raised your hand it's not our goal to single anyone out embarrass anyone anything of that nature there's some people standing right in the back they're gonna wave at you some people standing in the back they're waving right there just would you uh on your way out would you say listen i'm one of those i'm one of those would you actually it would be awesome if you go right now they're just gonna to pray with you this is gonna pray with you it's okay for you to go it's okay we're all about to dismiss so you're not gonna come back nothing weird is gonna happen but i encourage you to go just make your way to them i saw those hands just make your way why don't we clap and encourage them yeah [Applause] people that want to get right with god yeah keep clapping keep clapping they're not moving yet because they're afraid it's okay you're not looking at them jesus is yeah keep clapping keep laughing keep fapping you'll encourage him you'll encourage him it's okay brothers why don't you go i'm not gonna single you out but i just want you to go yeah amen there's a few that went there's some more that did not go but i encourage you they'll stand right there if you're online and you did this this is all new for us so we're working it out but if you're online and you did this i want you to put in the chat i met jesus i met jesus our online moderators will be able to give you a connection card there and connect with you at this moment we're gonna throw it back to our uh deeper global fellowship our deeper global family host uh there online yes father
Channel: Deeper Fellowship Church
Views: 6,214
Rating: 4.9381442 out of 5
Id: giuc7kug1u8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 90min 40sec (5440 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 03 2021
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