Transformation Church Worship + Prayers Sep 26, 2021

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come on let's make some noise whether you're at home or in this room come on it's going to be a glorious day come on turn to your neighbor turn to you never say it's going to be a glorious day it's going to be glory today here we go what's very [Music] it was my job till i met [Music] jesus [Music] oh [Music] oh [Applause] [Music] [Music] jesus [Music] oh is me [Music] i needed rescue my sin was heavy chains break at the weight of your glory i needed sheldon i wasn't now you call me a citizen of heaven [Music] [Music] [Music] everybody [Applause] [Music] come on just clap your head [Music] i am free [Music] [Music] is [Music] now tim i don't think they got that i don't believe they don't know that they're free yet can we sing it again again come on [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] living in the light is come on [Music] [Music] [Music] philippians 4 13 says that i have strength through christ who gives us strength do you believe that this morning if you believe that come on can we sing [Music] is impossible [Music] [Music] and i'm not going to live you're here with me [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Applause] [Music] you gotta see it before [Music] [Music] oh i can do everything [Music] [Applause] [Music] come on this is [Music] is [Applause] [Applause] me [Music] [Music] [Music] yes [Music] [Music] forever [Music] god we thank you that you're someone we can stand on god we have the privilege of believing you lord we stand on your promises today [Music] somebody worship we praise you we pray god of abraham you're the god of covenant and faithful promises and time and time again you have proven you'll do just what you said and though the storms may come and the winds may blow out remain steadfast and let my heart learn when you speak upward it will come to pass a greatest [Music] [Applause] [Music] from the rising side oh [Music] so we believe we believe we've lived your god from h2h though the earth may pass away your word remains the same your history will prove there's nothing you can't do you're faithful and true and though the storms may come [Music] it will come [Music] is for your faithful you are faithful you are oh [Music] standing in the presence [Music] i put my faith in jesus my anchor to he'll never let me down [Music] [Music] jesus [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] rise is [Music] [Applause] [Music] i don't have to worry you will never let me down [Applause] [Applause] is i still trust you [Music] rising [Music] from the rising sun [Music] is [Music] [Music] come on just right now where you are begin to lift up our faithfulness the only reason we can have crazy faith and see all we see around us is because we serve a god who is faithful he is faithful to perform exceedingly abundantly above all we can ask or think go on right now just lift your hands right where you are begin to worship our god god we thank you cause there's no hope that cannot live the grace you freely give it's the raging flood thank you lord that covers us for [Music] [Music] today we're free in you [Music] with faith declare this right now there [Music] is broken there is no burning [Music] jesus are open no gift [Applause] [Music] [Music] is [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] the grace and the mercy that's new every day [Music] we come in every rebellious thought that would raise yourself up against the name of jesus christ we thank you lord right now that we're free and you are free and here we're free in you come on if you're free today [Music] is [Music] is [Music] foreign [Music] there's specific things that i know you're believing for right now for god to break off of your life i want to tell you today that crazy faith is not just about things that you can receive but god wants to send freedom to you right now he wants to send freedom into your home he wants to send freedom to your family whatever you need right now i dare you in crazy faith to believe that god can shift your mind that he can change your heart that every chain is broken when our father speaks her word god we [Music] lies in addiction fear and insecurity [Music] generational curses fear and insecurity [Music] is is right now [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] see something happens when we come to our father he doesn't see us as we are right now it says that when you come to him in salvation he throws your sins as far as the east is from the west can you take a moment and just realize that he sees you as blameless and righteous he wants to love you right now right where you are no again no shame there is [Music] [Applause] [Music] i want to uh i want to take a moment and read what the scripture says this is ephesians 3 starting in verse 16. it says i ask him to strengthen you by his spirit not a brute strength but a glorious inner strength that christ will live in you as you open the door and invite him in i am asking him that with both of your feet planted firmly on love that you will be able to take it in as all of the followers of jesus the extravagant dimensions of christ's love that you would be able to reach out and experience the breath that you would test its length that you would plumb the depths rise to the height that you would live full lives in the fullness of god you know we were singing that song and i was thinking about you know what good is freedom if you don't know what to do with it like i know we sing a lot of songs about how we want to be free that we want to like just i want to be free even like the the the narrative and the idea of freedom usually it means i want to be free so i can just do whatever i want but that's not the call of jesus he doesn't call you to be free so you can do whatever you want he doesn't call you to be free so you can live any type of way he doesn't call you to be free so you can live below who you're supposed to be he calls you to be free because there's more he has for you he calls you to be free because there's a beautiful life full of love full of compassion full of grace full of mercy and today this scripture says i'm praying not that god would grant you with this brute strength that's the strength that america teaches us you just gotta be strong and toughen up and show em no god says i want something much deeper i want a deep inner strength and that's my prayer for you right now that out of christ's love that his his insane love for you you need to understand the reason you can be free today is because there is a god who is madly in love with you the bible is the story of a god who was so obsessed with humanity that he sent his only son he sent his son just for a moment for you and you need to know that he is so in love with you that there is not anything that can stop him from you you see some of you think there's spaces of your heart there's spaces there's pain there's depression that god can't get to but i'm telling you right now god will do whatever it takes to get to you you see i asked the team we're about to sing a song called reckless love because some of you need to be reminded that regardless of who else has cast you to the side regardless of the own thoughts you have against yourself there is a god who stands outside of time and he looks on you and says my precious and beautiful daughter my incredible son i am madly in love with you i am madly in love with you that's his work i am madly in love with you i am madly in love with you which you lift up your voice and declare the reckless love of god over your life come on sing it out sing it out [Music] [Music] oh [Music] never is [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you lord [Music] thank you lord thank you lord [Music] you know that um that line it says there's no wall you won't kick down and that's funny because this story this this actually happened to me so my two-year-old like three months ago locked himself in the house like abby calls me in the middle of the day and she's like arlo i walked outside and i came back in and the door was locked and so we're i'm looking at him through the window and i'm like arlo just do what you did this last time just the other way just like and he's bawling crying like losing it luna's inside arlo's inside and we're like freaking out so i call the locksmith person and i say hey like my little two-year-old's locked himself in the house don't judge us but i need you to get here he's like okay like two or three hours i'll be there and something i realized that because he didn't have any personal connection to what was happening there wasn't a necessary drive to make something happen and so i literally i go up to the door and i'm like arlo i need you to back up from the door son just scoot back as far as you can and literally my five foot eight 150 pound self gave it all i had and i just threw myself into this door and it hurt really bad but i realized in that moment that that was just a small depiction of what god does when you're in that place of depression that you feel like you can't get out of when you're in that place of confusion that you feel like i don't even know how i got myself here i don't i didn't even end up to be in this place god says if you will just back up if you would just get out of the way for a moment if you would just stop trying to muscle your way through the situation if you would stop trying to to to tell everybody i'm fine and i don't need help and i can do it myself and i got myself here and you're just at your bed and you gotta lay in no that's not the grace of god the grace of god says you get out of the way let me be god and i will step in holy spirit i thank you that you are granting your children not with a brute strength lord god you're the only one that can bust down doors of depression you're the only one that can set a family member free lord god but with us you are asking us and granting us with a beautiful inner strength a strength not only to leave but a strength to stay when it's tough a strength to stay faithful when we can't see what's ahead a strength to forgive when we don't feel like forgiving a strength to serve when we don't feel like serving a strength to say hey i was wrong and i'm sorry even though there were reasons and other things and other things in fact oh god i thank you for a beautiful inner strength that your church would not be marked by lights and cameras and big theatrics but we would be marked by forgiveness we will be marked by love compassion grace and mercy lord right now we thank you for your goodness for your love and for your faithfulness that you've always shown to us it is in the beautiful matchless name of jesus we pray and everybody said amen [Music] come on can you give our god some praise this morning thank you lord thank you lord
Channel: Ocean of Worship
Views: 11,515
Rating: 4.9501557 out of 5
Id: JIXgFWp91Gs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 31sec (2131 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 26 2021
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