Against All Odds | Sam & Emmanuel Acho

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[Music] all right good morning welcome to willow creek it is great to have you here with us this morning we have a very very special morning that we're so grateful that you are here with us i'd love to invite you to stand and you can join us as we sing together patriots y'all ready to worship today are you guys ready come on let's put our hands together [Music] [Music] [Music] who could carry that kind of weight [Music] i was breathing but not alive [Music] it was [Music] [Music] to your glorious days [Applause] let's go [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] is jesus when i met you [Music] [Applause] is [Music] come on we're gonna stay this month [Music] come on [Music] i ran out of glorious day [Music] [Music] he's so good he's so good he's so good he's good he's good he's good [Music] i've been held in your hands [Music] of the goodness on lift it up [Music] that i am [Music] your voice [Music] [Music] i [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Applause] [Applause] is is [Applause] [Music] is [Music] yeah and all my life you have been so so good with every breath that i am [Music] have a goodness [Music] is [Music] he's so good isn't he family come on would you thank him this morning yeah there's nothing worth more that could ever come close nothing can compare you're our living your presence is all around i've tasted and seen the sweetest of love when my heart becomes free and my shame is undone it's your grace [Music] this place [Music] [Applause] change us from the inside this morning right now [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] your glory [Music] if you long for him come on lift up your voice if you need jesus this morning more of him come on sing it out [Applause] [Music] oh [Applause] [Music] is [Applause] [Music] [Applause] this morning [Music] let us more aware of your presence let us experience the glory of if you want that this morning lift it up come on we pray let us be let us let us [Music] yes your glory god god [Music] thank you thank you [Music] can't go back to the beginning [Music] but i know here in the middle is the place where you promised to be come on let's let this [Music] will you leave me here [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] as [Music] your glory appears [Music] unless you come will you meet me here again cause all i want is [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] will you be is [Music] [Music] the lord is in this place [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] will you meet me here church cause all i want is [Music] god god we thank you that you're a god that never forsakes us that no matter how much we try to push you that no matter how many times of the day how many days we go without thinking about you god you're always thinking about us god we thank you that you're with us in this moment you are here right now you're with each and every one of us in the midst of our pain in the midst of our confusion in the midst of our anxieties in the midst of our joys you are with us god and you're not only here god but your word tomorrow we will be god you are there you go before us god you are never surprised by any situation that comes our way god you are never surprised even when we are you are never caught by surprise and we thank you we thank you for that for that we worship you for that we lift you up for the god that you are to us we love you it's in jesus name that we all prayed and we said amen amen so good to worship with y'all today y'all can take your seats well good morning willow how are you doing this morning great to have you here today what a very special welcome to all of you also a welcome to those of you joining online whether you're watching us locally around the country around the world we consider you a part of the willow family as well so we're so grateful that you are here i also want to say a very special welcome to those of you who are first-time guests if that's you we are so grateful that you chose to be here with us this weekend if you are here for the first time i'd love to encourage you following the service you're going to find an area it's a room in our lobby called guest central there's a place that we'd love to meet you get to know your story find out how we can best serve you as a church so we hope to meet you out there after the service and speaking of those who are newer around willow we have a brand new experience they're gonna be kicking off on october the 10th called welcome to willow so if you're newer around willow we'd love to have you a part of this two-week journey where you can learn a little bit more about who we are as a church and how you can best plug yourself in here at willow so we hope that you would check that out that's right well here at willow we really believe that the best way to live our lives is to love god love people and together we're able to change the world but we also know that living generously is really important part of doing that and when we give through willow to our partners both locally and globally we're able to partner together to change the world and ultimately to change the lives of the people in our world now a few weeks ago we had an organization reach out to us and ask if we as a willow family would help pack welcome kits for afghan refugee families who are moving into our community and we told you about the opportunity and willow you rose to the occasion we've been able to pack dozens of refugee kits for new families within our community and there's one family in our church who was able to pack a kit this woman named elaine and her husband they packed a kit and they said they were so moved by the experience of being able to help welcome an afghan refugee family into our community they were so grateful for the opportunity to give back and so blessed that they were able to give to a new family within our church community so willow we'd love to invite you into an opportunity to give now as well whether it's your first time or your next step in your giving journey i want to invite you to give with us there are a couple different ways that you can do it you can text willow creek to 40101 or you can give online at give now if you'll pray with me for a moment let's pray for our offering god thank you that you allow us to participate in your movement around the world thank you god that you have called us into relationship with you to love you to pour out our love for you in the way that we love people god and that through those things that we are able to give to your ministry around the world god we love you we pray over these offerings that we collect this morning may you use them may you multiply them and may lives be transformed through them we pray this all in your name amen amen well you've come to a very special weekend around here at willow we have a couple of special guest speakers today sam and emmanuel acho are here with us which we're really excited about let me tell you a little bit about these these two brothers emanuel is a recent two-time emmy award winner first his emmy came from his role as a coast and producer of a show difficult conversations with a black man his second emmy he won as a sports analyst with fox sports emmanuel is a former nfl linebacker also earned his master's degree from the university of texas in sports psychology and sam he is a 10-year nfl veteran he is a two-time walter payton man of the year finalist and he is also an espn sports analyst on top of all of that he's also a graduate from the university of texas and holds a graduate degree from the thunderbird school of global management which he earned while he was a player in the nfl if that is not enough if that's not enough he is also the best-selling author of his book let the world see you we are so excited to have the opto brothers with us this morning so willow family welcome to week three of against all odds [Applause] there's fear on our tvs in our newspapers and in our feeds but fear is nothing new to god when we trust in him we can take down any giant no matter the odds he's ready to fight for us are we ready to let him [Music] this is um only my first time speaking in front of an audience since coving so bear with me let me just take it in for a moment um let me pray for us if i may father god i thank you i come to you right now just humbly i'm just honored to be able to be an administer of your word be thou glorified in this moment let hearts move as your word moves and speak and teach and let your love overwhelm us all in your name we pray amen you've got the thing my friend you've got the thing and coming from someone who had the thing and has the thing you my friend you have the thing july 9th 2020. those were the words oprah said to me i finished doing a conversation with oprah for apple tv after i started uncomfortable conversations with a black man i got a call from a no caller id number i've learned to pick up no caller id number calls i got a call from a no caller id number and i hear hi emmanuel oprah winfrey speaking i was like oprah you called it my phone um she's like oprah winfrey speaking i would um do you have a moment today she had seen my viral episode uncomfortable conversation with the black man i say do i have a moment does oprah have a moment um i end up facetiming her and we talk i do a conversation with her for apple tv after the conversation that is when she calls my phone i miss the call i highly recommend if oprah calls y'all don't miss the call um so i missed the call and um she instantly calls me back and and that's when i pick up and she says you have the thing my friend you have the thing and coming from someone who had the thing that has the thing you my friend you have the thing so i'm thinking to myself well what is the thing um and so she said you have a gift an ability to speak to people and give them harsh truths but they still want to hear it so why am i here today i'm here today to tell you all that each of you have that gift that spiritual gift now there are three points which we'll talk about very very quickly you got to find it you have to develop it and then you got to use it first peter 4 10. it very simply says turn there if you will if not i'm going to read it anyway it very simply says if each has received a gift use it to serve one another as good stewards of god's varied grace whoever speaks is one who speaks oracles of god whoever serves is one who serves by the strength that god supplies in order that in everything god may be glorified through jesus christ to him belong glory and dominion forever and ever so what do we know based upon the text what we know based upon the text is that everyone here has a gift everyone listening everyone watching has a gift everyone has the thing but the kicker is the trick is in finding the thing so how in the world do you find the thing and i was thinking to myself how does one realize and recognize the gifts that the spirit has bestowed upon them well whenever i lose something it typically helps if i want to find it that i solicit help you ever lost your cell phone and you start asking your kids or your friends hey y'all help me find my cell phone it's the same thing i've learned with our gifts that the spirit has bestowed upon us is that often times people will tell us and help us find our gifts see i don't really consider myself a great listener if you would ask my brother he would probably say i'm not a very good listener not even close not a class i don't consider i don't consider myself very empathetic if you were to ask my brother he would say i'm not very empathetic oh worse at empathy than he is at listening but for some reason people have told me like emmanuel what's what distinguishes you is your ability to listen it's your ability to feel that is how in the middle in the midst of so much chaos in our world i sat down and had a conversation an uncomfortable conversation and it ended up piercing the hearts and minds of so many it leads to oprah calling me because i had help in finding the thing and finding my thing in the same manner you all may need help at times and finding what are you gifted at what is it that you excel at more naturally than anybody else more supernaturally if you will than any body else now after you find it and and i will quickly just read one more passage before i move into really the bulk of the passage and helping yourself find it help identify what the different it's maybe first corinthians 12 4 through 11. now they're a variety of gifts but the same spirit and they're varieties of service but the same lord varieties of activities but it is the same god who empowers them all and everyone to each is given the manifestation of the spirit for the common good for to one is given through the spirit the utterance of wisdom and to another the utterance of knowledge according to the same spirit to another faith by the same spirit to another gifts of healing by the one spirit to another the working of miracles to another the working of prophecy to another the ability to distinguish between spirits to another various kinds of tongues to another the ability to interpret tongues all these are empowered by one and the same spirit who apportions to each one individually you all have the thing you gotta find the thing but here's the secret here's the secret i'll tell you all a couple secrets don't tell anyone um finding it isn't enough the real key is in developing the thing because if you find something but to never develop it well what good does it do you to find it now i know pastor dave talked to you all about the story of david and goliath and i know for the most part everyone here has heard the story of david and goliath but if you turn to first samuel 17 i want to share some bits and pieces that you either may not have heard before you may not have looked at it that particular way because i'm going to pick up at first samuel 17 17. the reason i'm going to pick up there well i find it kind of ironic that in first samuel 17 17 the youngest of all the brothers he tries to act like he's the older brother he's the younger brother he tries to act like he's older the youngest of all the brothers ends up serving his older brother first samuel 17 i'm out guys take for your brothers and f of this parched grain and take ten loaves and carry them quickly to the camp for your brothers and take these ten cheeses to the commander of their thousands see if your brothers are well and bring some token for them how come the younger brothers always gotta help serve the older brothers i don't know i just find issue with that anyways um so in in first daniel 17 we we know the story of david and goliath david was the youngest of the brothers and as you all know and if you all don't know david was a shepherd's boy he was a shepherd's boy he was the youngest and he tended to sheep but there's chaos going on in their society like there's so much chaos going on in our society so what does david do well david hears this macho man goliath philistine talking all of this noise if you will and he thinks to himself why are you talking so crazy does he not know that we are under the hand of the living god now again i want to focus on the part that was just so sweet to me when you get to first samuel 17 verse 33 david has now essentially convinced everyone to let him fight goliath david has convinced saul david after arguing with his oldest brother david had convinced other people to let him fight goliath so if you pick up in first samuel 17 33 this is where it gets so sweet and saul said to david you were not able to go against the philistine to fight with him for your buddy youth and he has been a man of war since his youth but david said to saul your servant used to keep sheep for his father and when there came a lion or bear and took a lamb from the flock i went after him and struck him and delivered it out of his mouth and if he rose against me i caught him by his beard and struck him and killed him your servant has struck down both lions and bears and this uncircumcised philistine shall be like one of them for he has defied the armies of the living god think for a second david had the thing what was david's thing see david had a supernatural ability if you will with a sling and a slingshot but it's not just that he had the thing and he found his thing david developed his thing because david when no one was watching when he wasn't going to be made a hero had to deliver lamb out of the mouth of lions and out of the mouths of bears and so you all have your gifts but the the beauty is not necessarily in just finding your gifts but rather developing your gifts in the silence develop your gifts in silence because you all do not know when you are going to have to battle goliath see david had delivered sheep from the mouths of lion so he said if i've slayed a lion what's the low goliath if i slayed a bear what's goliath going to do and and the trick is that he says in verse 37 the lord who delivered me from the paw of the lion and the paw of the bear will deliver me from the hand of the philistine so david had the thing he found it but then he developed it and he developed it in quiet and he developed it in silence so again reminding you all first point you got to find it your gift your supernatural spiritual gift because we all have one then after you find it you have to it is imperative that you develop it but remember when you develop a gift you will likely develop it in silence quick tangent quick aside before oprah ever took notice of me and mind you before oprah ever called me academy award winner call matthew mcconaughey called me from another no caller id number um i'll just tell the story we have time y'all are family um i'm sitting i'm sitting my breakfast table so again if y'all don't know i recorded a video called uncomfortable conversations with a black man i sit down after the murder of george floyd and i just answer questions in an all-white room within five days 25 million people had seen the video my whole life changes and so i'm sitting at this my dining room table in austin texas and i get a call from a no caller id number i pick it up ocho mcconaughey speaking i want to have a conversation i'm like what mcconaughey you want to have a conversation uh well i'm free in four days he says let's talk tomorrow mcconaughey wants to talk tomorrow we talk tomorrow i end up sitting down with matthew mcconaughey oprah sees that and that's why oprah calls me anyway i encourage you all pick up no caller id numbers unless it's the irs don't pick up no call any numbers um so anyway so what before all of that happened before uncomfortable conversations with a black man happens i tell that story i had been recording videos in the silence nobody ever gave me recognition for him i was just doing different things based upon different moments in our society that needed a that had a need i tried to meet that need but it was developing my it my ability to listen my ability to speak it was developing my it in silence that led me to be able to battle the goliath of the moment the racial tension in our society so you have to find it you have to develop it but then lastly you got to use it after you find it and everybody in here has it after you find it and then you must develop it like david and the quiet and the silence you develop it when nobody's watching you have to use it because first samuel 17 48 and you all know the story and how it goes when the philistine arose and came and drew near to meet david david ran quickly toward the battle line to meet the philistine david put his hand in his bag took out a stone slung it and struck the philistine in his forehead the stone sank into his forehead and he fell on his face on the ground david found it david developed it in the quietness and the silence and lastly he used it but the beauty is once you find it and everyone in here who has it now be conscious and cognitive as you navigate the rest of this day you navigate the rest of this week you navigate the rest of your life you find it make sure you have and if you haven't you do and if you have make sure now you go on to develop it your gift whatever it is make sure you go on to develop it maybe it's the gift of loving the gift of patience the gift of teaching the gift of prophesying the gift of listening the gift of caretaking because we all need each other's help in our society more now than ever i fervently believe that then lastly you gotta use it but why do you use it you don't just use it for yourself you use it because as david did a whole group a whole nation of people got victory so i will simply end by saying you've got the thing my friends you've got the thing and coming from someone who has the thing you my friends you all have the thing thank you i got some stuff for you today but what happens if you don't believe that you have the thing because stories like these sound great right emmy winner played in the nfl played for the bears all these different things right they sound great [Applause] but not everybody believes that they have the thing that everybody believes that they have the thing um go to my store you all know me some of you all know me i go to willow i go to the south lake campus shout out to my south lake members uh on the screen uh i live in chicago i played for the bears but two years ago after torn peck i got released by the bears got cut my dreams in a lot of ways were ended i just signed a multi-year multi-million dollar contract with my dream team chicago bears it was a team we were going to playoffs and all the things and all of a sudden i get injured and i don't know what to do my identity had been in what i thought was my thing and by the grace of god someone happened to be in town and that someone was the younger brother emanuela so we're sitting at a restaurant i'm i'm literally like a little bit distraught because like i said i had just done everything i could do to earn this dream to live out this dream to go to the nfl to make it to the nfl to finally get a contract where i said man i'd be long this is my thing i made it i am here no one can touch me then i got touched torn peck week three of the season against the tempeh buccaneers out for the season soon thereafter i get released my brother happened to be in town we're sitting at a restaurant and i'm kind of just listening right he had been through his nfl journey though he's younger than me he played in the nfl he finished earlier than i did and he went to his tv career and i'm sitting like i don't know what to do i don't know what's next this is all that i thought that i had he looks at me he says sam you're so much bigger and better in the nfl he said you're the smartest person i know you don't need the nfl there's so much more for you in store than you could have ever imagined see i didn't believe that i had the thing but it took community took someone who knew me someone who was for me someone who was in my corner to remind me of who i was you can't do that alone see the thing about relationships think about love the thing about time together the thing about community is that it's a two-way street you see long before emanuel was ever an a two-time enemy winner yeah i got the mic second bro bruh long time before he was a two-time emmy award winner a long time before his uncomfortable conversations with a black man long time before oprah called or matthew mcconaughey called i was there yes that's right i was there yes yes yes yes i was there and i haven't told you this story but i believe it to be true and if you want to disagree we can turn off his mic we could turn off his mic right so i wrote a book i wrote a book called let the world see you had to be real in a world full of faith before anybody even knew about this book emanuel knew about this book you knew about the idea about this book he knew about my pain my struggle this book about is about what it means to be seen to be known to be loved to be real to be authentic how do we let the world see us how do we let god see us and how did that how does that relationship work and so i shared this idea with emmanuel and i started kind of processing processing and working on it i finished the book and before i said it to anyone i sent it to emmanuel i had him look over it okay don either i see some of my friends in the stage in the audience i had him look over it i had him read through it adam process it this idea of like taking your pain your struggle your doubts your fears the thing that you thought would break you down and say you know i'm going to stand on these things because with god all things are possible like that story like not the pretty put together i did it all day no it's like i thought i was done but god i shared that story emmanuel read it he said wow phenomenal book you're such a great writer big bro i love you so much he didn't say that part um he didn't say that he didn't say that but what did happen soon thereafter after reading the book he said you know what i mean i need to have some uncomfortable conversation and i'm kind of joking a little bit but something came out inside of him like there was this call to do something more there's this call to say you know what like people might have said that i am uh you know whether it's a good listener or a bad listener empathetic not not empathetic i'm too business oriented or ever but i'm gonna start using the things that god gave me and not shunning or hiding or pretending or minimizing the gifts that are inside of me because like you heard in scripture like you heard from my brother we all have gifts but what he didn't emphasize was that we're supposed to use them for one another [Music] you see our gifts they're not just for us i'll say it again our gifts they're not for us whether we are brilliant in the business world whether we are you know pro athletes or speakers or a great caretakers or our gifts aren't for us our gifts are meant to serve one another but like you said sometimes if you don't know you have the thing you need people next to you people in your corner people who are kind of like in in the trenches with you to remind you of who you are you see bat see like we've always called him young hollywood right he moved to l.a doing his thing winning emmys but like since he's been a kid this is who he's been but there may have been times where he wanted to hide that or pretend or not be all who god caused him to be and so when things like that happen it causes me to ask why why would i not use all the things that god gave me why would i not go the places that god called me to go why would i not do the things he caused called me to do and oftentimes that why can come from a hurt from our past a hurt from our presence come from fear from doubt from shame from lies from the enemy we've all been there before all been there before sometimes the only thing that can bring us out of that mire that dust that dirt is community genesis 1 26 27 then god said let us make man in our image and after our likeness as the bible says let us make man in our image in our likeness it says that god created them male and female he created them in his in in his image in his likeness genesis 2 17 it's not good for man to be alone it's not good for us to be alone god knew something he planned something he prepped something like we're in a day and an age in a society where we feel like we're supposed to do it alone we're supposed to build our brand and build our thing and take everything else away and just do it ourselves and god says no no no it's not good for you to be alone you are a church you are my church you are a people you are my people you are one body you see right after that that verse in first samuel when david slayed goliath chapter 17 well chapter 18 talks about a friend that david had in jonathan a friend the bible talks about uh this friend it says uh i'll even read it right here it says as soon as he finished this is david first samuel 18 1 as soon as he finished and saul was jonathan excuse me son of saul their souls were knit together son of david david and the son of saul's souls were knit together right it's like so when you do these big things that you care about that you want to do or you have these big dreams you want to find the thing and develop a thing and use the thing you cannot do it alone especially when you've been through some dirt lord knows as individuals as a body as a family we've been through it and we're going through it so my question for you my ask is how will you rise up against all odds how will you get out of that dirt that mud that mire and rise will it be with community or will it be by yourself we'll be with people who have been with you from the beginning people you're trying to come together and do life with will you come out of where you were before and come where you need to go and be who god called you to be or were you sick alone hidden fearful of the future stuck in doubt shame anxiety and fear y'all know the verse well god didn't give us a spirit of fear second timothy 1 7 a spirit of power spirit of love and a sound mind i know the times where i get fearful and i love my brother more than almost anybody on this earth but the bible talks about friends that sit closer than a brother not all of us have siblings spouses even kids or parents but sometimes god gives us friends and in my darkest times times were either like i talked about being injured being released times where i doubted myself doubted my abilities yes god gave me a brother and i'm so grateful for that but he also gave me friends friends like boomer who will challenge me to be the man that god called me to be friends like lucas who will see the best in me and call it out friends like steve who will pray for me when i don't have the words to pray for myself there have been times where i doubted like what god has me has for me i didn't know how to pray and my friends were praying for me and all of a sudden something changed the spirit of god inside of me was lifted spirit that same spirit man you'll talk about it that spirit that spirit that spirit we are one body we are one church we are one family but we cannot do it alone number one we have to get up talk about finding it okay we found it we developed it but now we got to get up and use it what does getting up look like it means some of us we're at home right now it's been hard it's been coveted it's been so much doubt and fear and work and all these things it's time to get up it's time to show up the bible says man i was glad when they said unto me let us go into the house of the lord we need to change our minds about that let us go into the house of the lord number one get up number two find someone to do life with it's not easy like i got like like i call it my board of directors it's like five people those three names you heard my dad who's up in this front stage and my wife that's my board my five people and all the good all the bad all the ugly all my fear shame doubt and frustration they know about it because i've seen the hurt and pain that's caused when i hide it and how that how that not only hurts me but hurts everyone right next to me and those around me when you hide when you pretend because he's right we all have it some of us are afraid to use it so i got with my board my friends my people i said hey this is me the worst this is the best do you still love me and they all said yes so okay we found it we developed it now let's use it let's use it together together together together you know when i uh obviously we're talking about this uh against all odds series i've heard about david goliath against allies heard about even megan last week talking about what she's been through against allah it's even a manual story against all odds and oftentimes we think that um our stories are supposed to be easy i think our story is supposed to be in a lot of ways like with all odds and god says if it was easy how could i show up if it was perfect how could i get the glory if you hadn't been through some stuff how can people know about me we shall overcome by the blood of the lamb and the word of our testimony god's giving us a test so we can have a testimony god has given you a test so you can have a test timoni you can't have a testimony without a test you can't be against allah's if the odds aren't stacked up against you it's really really simple so like we need to kind of reframe our brains instead of thinking oh man this horrible thing happened and i can't believe we've been through this and i don't know what's gonna happen and say you know what god's going to use this for his glory and he's not going to do it alone he's going to use me and my brother and my sister and my family and my not related family and my church because we've been through some stuff but i cannot sit down i cannot go alone i have to go together i had a mentor of mine name is jerry he was my next-door neighbor when i lived in arizona playing with the cardinals and jerry got had cancer about 75 years old been married for 50 years had kids and grandkids business was thriving a brilliant man they got cancer jerry was gregarious and loving and kind and joyful and youthful then all of a sudden saw this message on facebook he's a follower of jesus he was asking for permission to go i'm sitting here like what do you mean like jerry like we've been praying for you we've been supporting you physically emotionally financially we've been there for you what do you mean permission to go so i pick up my phone i call him and this man who's usually gregarious and full of life he had probably about 20 of the strength left in his voice he said sam i'm ready to see jesus i've lived a long life i've been fighting for years i'm ready to go home and so i didn't really know exactly what to say so i just said hey man like i used to be i used to go to your house all the time we were next door neighbor so i'd sit and listen to you give me wisdom advice he's a lot like my dad and that waves a wise man say give me what you got any wisdom any advice anything give me what you got he said sam i've got two things for you these are the most important things i want you to know as i transition he said number one sam the most important thing you can do on this earth is to get to know jesus he said god takes no greater joy in you getting to know jesus and oh by the way it's a two-way street you will get no greater joy than you getting to know jesus take time to get to know jesus i even i was thinking about as emmanuel and i were prepping for this moment i was like man you want to come off the stage and be great and be excellent and change lives and i feel like the lord was like son if you don't know me none of that matters i don't care how many lives you change on tv espn or fox or emmys or whatever i was mad at him he's like yeah let's do a picture of my brother you know let's do an intro he's like let's do a picture of me playing football picture you playing football you know a picture of us in college you know all that kind of stuff picture me with my emmy and i was like come on bro you can't just stun on me like that um but but like all that doesn't matter if we don't know jesus he said the most important thing you can do on this earth is to get to know jesus then he paused pause waiting to hear like if that's number one number two better be good paused second thing that he told me that's what i'll tell you he said sam the second thing i want you to know he said you are worth getting to know never forget that you are worth getting to know those would be the last words i heard from my friend my mentor he would go on to slip into a coma and pass away and be with our lord those words that he share with me the words that i will share with you as i close you are worth getting to know the reason that god gave you the thing the reason that he's allowing you to develop the thing and to use the thing is that people need to see you we got to see you the time for hiding is far gone you are worth getting to know and so if there's ever a reason talking about the church right we're thinking about it yes it's a build yes we're in a building i get that but like this man is being the church at fox in la i'm being the church in new york in bristol connecticut with espn where are you going to be the church where are you going to let the world see you where are you going to show up and shine it's not just here yes come here get fed get filled but go out like we got to go out i'm trying to tell y'all like the church has changed times have changed we have to go out we have to come in get filled find it develop it use it all those things but then let the world see you let people see you let them see the god in you let them see the jesus inside of you by how you love by how you serve by how you give and by how you show up and so if there's anything i want you to remember as i close as we close and i'm going to pray yes get to know jesus but the truth is the fact is you are worth getting to know you hear me [Applause] you're worth getting to know god thank you so much for this time god thank you for this family god thank you for this church god thank you for giving me a brother god like emmanuel god who has led me in so many ways who has guided me been a god for me in so many ways thank you for giving me your brother god but also thank you that your word is true you say there is a friend that is closer than a brother god there are people here who don't have a brother or a sister or a parent but god i pray that you would give us a friend who is closer than a brother god i pray that we would do life together with this brother with this sister god with this friend gotta pray that we would overcome against all odds god we would that we would run against the wind god that we would go with you almost like like like gideon went into battle he had he said god said you got 300 and i will give you victory god help us not to think that we have to get all these warriors get all our ducks in a row and figure it all out have the right call god help us to know that with you all things are possible help us to get to know you jesus help us to take the time to get to know you jesus not to overlook it not to brush by it or to rush past it but help us also to remember lord that we are worth getting to know you want to know us you want to see us it's like adam in the garden where are you stop hiding where are you my son my daughter where are you awaken us god to the truth that we are worth getting to know amen can we give it up first sam and emmanuel thank you for blessing us this morning well willow family if you would like to learn more about sam and his story you can grab a copy of his book it's out in the lobby for you there's also a qr code unless in case you'd like to purchase one online but we are so grateful that sam and emmanuel were here to share some truth with us this morning that's right they can preach can't they love it well again we're so grateful you're here today next week is another special weekend we're going to wrap up our against all odds series with the weekend we're calling free swag sunday so we're going to give out some free swag next week all you have to do is be here to receive it we hope you have a fantastic week we love you lot willow we'll see you next week you
Channel: Willow Creek Community Church
Views: 4,007
Rating: 4.8461537 out of 5
Keywords: willow creek community church, willow creek, willow, willow south barrington, mission, vision, mission and vision, love god. love people. change the world, love god, love people, change the world, willow creek mission and vision, willow creek mission, willow creek vision, dave dummitt
Id: OFtCaPNfduY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 66min 48sec (4008 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 26 2021
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