Building Dedication Celebration

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deeper fellowship family god has been riding an incredible story with us what he has chosen to do with this group of people with this community and actually even in this place is pretty remarkable as we move into our next chapter as we move into the next part of our story i didn't want to not give us the opportunity as a family to look in remember and thank god for all that he has done here 170 sunport lane totally transformed my life and i know the lives of hundreds if not thousands of you who are watching right now and thousands who have come through these doors who have felt the presence of god whenever they've come through these doors who have been healed by the lord whenever they've come through these doors who have received revelation when they've come through these doors it's been absolutely amazing it was right in this area where miss andrea first got out of her wheelchair and walked i remember the way that we celebrated the sunday that we we knew that god had healed the mcmullen family i i remember the presence nights where people would literally be laid out all over the floor hundreds of people couldn't get in lines would be happening everywhere i remember dwi just a couple of years ago right here in this room people from 21 different nations came to receive from the river that is flowing out of this place and so many other stories your story my story my wife and i and our family took on the personal financial burden of supporting this place until the lord sent people uh to partner with us and we've just seen god do so much here but as he began to do so much here it was very very clear that here we could not stay here that the vision that god had given us was so much larger than what this place could contain but yet not only did he remain faithful but we remain faithful here as well you remained faithful we were faithful in our stewardship faithful in our giving faithful in our worship faithful in our prayers and for years we prayed and prayed and prayed that god would hear our prayer and he heard our cry he answered our cry and is opening up the next chapter of the story of deeper fellowship church [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] hello family what is up hello everyone welcome again to delecation celebration sunday here at deeper fellowship church we want to officially welcome all of our diver global family and everyone watching from around the world to be at our very first sunday experience this river and this new facility it's been incredible it has been absolutely incredible so thank you so much for tuning in to today's broadcast actually tonight's broadcast you know this is a big deal because we are dedicating this building and we are so excited that you're here with us we also want to give a special shout out to our global campuses dfc namibia and dfc australia we are so excited that you are here and experience this this historic moment this beautiful moment with you all so we're so grateful absolutely and no matter where you're watching from in the world you can be you know global or you can be local watching we're just glad that you were able to tune in and we pray that you can tangibly feel god's presence from behind the camera i got to meet some deeper global members today actually after the first service which was only like three hours ago we just got out of service and they were saying how much they literally are able to experience god's presence even in their home and how grateful they are so we are we're praying that you're able to experience the tangibleness of god's goodness that overflow that we feel you know we've been jumping and shouting and singing all day but even if you just sat on that on your in your couch all day you know that you still were able to be overcome by god's presence but to not be full because we still are coming back empty like hungry so let your hunger arise for all that god is going to do through the broadcast you're going to experience god's presence because guess what we are getting ready to take it higher we're going higher you all the first sunday in our new building is a big deal and we're going to be celebrating this entire weekend has literally been incredible it's been incredible we hope that you guys were able to join us thursday last night on that last night see all the days we've been in revival for 15 days straight so i don't even know what day it is but thursday and friday and if you miss it you can go back and watch the broadcast from those two nights today concludes all that we have been celebrating because we're dedicating this building to the lord and it's just such a big deal for us that deep verb and while we're standing here we're standing in our new facility i don't know if you guys heard we used to call our last building 170 open heaven we're going to have to change the address because we're at 4 400 south at uh south orange avenue literally in downtown orlando we're on a whole strip of stores and restaurants and eateries and prayerfully people who are driving by will just pop on over and see what god is doing because he's literally moving and is in such a tangible and incredible way it has been absolutely incredible and we also want to greet all of our new viewers every single time we go live on this broadcast someone new is hopping on and if that's you hello hey hey you just became a part of the family a deeper global family member we are so glad that you are here and for everyone watching around the world welcome please let us know where you are watching this broadcast yes and feel free to share your prayer requests and also let us know how god has been answering your prayers how god's been moving we've seen the lord move in miraculous ways just through this broadcast healing the holy spirit is not just here it's exactly where you are and we've seen the lord do amazing things in this broadcast so let us know the praise reports and the prayer requests and as you release those things as god is moving you're going to be greeted by a whole community of people and moderators looking to minister and to release prayers over you to partner with you in a place of prayer absolutely our goal is to do this together you are a part of this family this global family and so we invite you to stay connected yeah yeah we stay connected and you could do it right now it's so simple it's just a text we're simple we'll be texting all day we do i actually enjoy the ministry of voice texting he is the king of voice texting my goodness i do it quite a bit it's just you know it's a little slow my thumbs are yeah and it makes it more personal too it does it's not a phone call but i can still hear your voice exactly exactly that's the purpose behind it we always want you to make sure that you join us stay connected text message to our text messaging list so that you're always in the know for what is happening because it's always happening here at dfc yeah so simply text dfc at 844-929-2001 to stay up to date for all the amazing things are happening here and beyond absolutely and don't forget on all of our social medias we want you to share the broadcast on your timeline so if you're watching on facebook like and follow our page but go ahead and share put jesus on the timeline share the good news our instagram our twitter and of course if you're watching on youtube don't forget to subscribe and hit that notification bell and share the stream so that everybody knows what is happening here don't keep the good news to yourself hashtag sanctify the title there we go i love it i love it and so much has been happening over the last several days and it's just been overwhelming and so um refreshing to be back in the house again and for those of you all who may be watching you know from your couch or in your car literally or pray that you're able to sense that expectation and the hunger just from the screen um watching you know virtually and hearing i uh someone we're in the building but someone once someone was playing the service live and you could hear the cry from the broadcast and so we pray that as you're hearing the hunger that it makes you hungry as you're hearing the thirst it makes you thirst because literally we're in the river and his well never ever ever runs dry so we're going to reflect on some of the things that the lord has done and we're going to ask some more questions to one another but as we did earlier we want you to answer in the chat as well too because we're still doing life together okay so i want to ask jeremy but you need to answer as well too what are some of your favorite moments oh no i'm gonna say moment because you gonna go in if i say moments he got one one moment from any of the past dfc conferences or events that like stuck with you anything that's happened or was said or was sung you know anyway that the lord moved look now listen she's correct i have a couple stories i want to share a moment a moment how to choose a moment i would choose i think it was habitation 2017 2018. okay we have an amazing man of god that comes all the way from abuja nigeria yeah pastor sam and this uh theme for this habitation was uh the language of revival something along those terms yes and so what was beautiful about this story and it stuck with me uh it was all focused around the point of prayer the purpose of prayer how to pray and um how we can join and pray with prayers with other individuals but uh it's so important that we know the language of uh how to pray and so what he did is he um he told we were talking about revival and he asked several people to come on the stage i don't remember this right in front of the stage and he was going through one by one by one and he was asking them to define revival and so as they're defining revival every single individual was saying something different and he was saying how it's so important when you're praying for revival that you're praying from one unified space one unified definition so you're not saying revival but your your your thought process behind it is something completely different than the other person and another person so i think that stuck with me so um as one of the directors over the youth ministry whenever we pray for something i don't just mention the popular catch phrase like revival but i also talk about the heart behind it the pouring out of the spear for death things come back again so i make sure that the students are all aware of what we're praying for and so that was a moment that it was really practical but it was really it was a teaching moment for me to make sure that we have a unified understanding of these things that we're praying for so good for me i'm gonna say i don't remember which habitation it was you remember the the year it was one of the first habitations and there was a sound that was going up and it was so incredible that you thought the roof was going to pop off and you didn't think there was room for more and then the minstrels for one there is no place like deeper the worship that that goes forth the minstrel started playing this sound that is a tagline that we put on so many other songs since then and it was like and everybody's like it was insane i will never ever ever forget that moment because it became like the true meaning of us creating a sound like there's no other sound there's no other church that has that can create moments like that like i won't say that well yes i'm partial there's no way to church you never create a lot of sounds for fever so that would probably be like the biggest thing that stuck out to me is when we started creating our own sound that's so good that's okay okay another quick question okay um what are some ways that you have encountered god's faithfulness and your personal relationship with jesus throughout the pandemic so i know that's that's probably not a short answer it's not i'm going to try to i'm going to try to sum it up my goodness oh wow i'll just have to say that he's just been so present his voice it's interesting because in the room where before the pandemic where there's so many of us you hear him loud because people are singing and shouting and dancing and at home that still small quiet voice still whispering still speaking still wooing even at home like i said the other day in pajamas you know and just by myself he still has been faithful to become to be tangible in pajamas and all in pajamas look here the lord the lord is insanely faithful and i said insanely faithfully faithful and it's just so good to reflect upon all the things that the lord has done and how we as a house make sure that we posture ourselves in a place to honor him and if there's one thing that i hear that's very common things that when you visit this house of worship when you visit this place uh deeper fellowship church there is an encounter that awaits you you encounter jesus and people people feel can tangibly feel the presence of the lord and it's so interesting because like there's been so many healings that have taken place we've lost count of people it's going to say countless yes it's been it's been a countless thing whether we're here physically yeah whether it's on a broadcast the lord has been moving amazing such an amazing way and i believe it's the way that we choose to host the presence of the lord how we honor the presence of the lord and it's a core value that we have here in this house to make sure that we honor the presence of the lord and god meets us and salvations occur and people experience healing and it's such a beautiful thing and so as we delve into this time of like how we honor the presence of the lord yeah it's it's important that we also you know take time to look and reflect and just get a sense of what the lord has done and so yeah a question for you another one is how has this posture of this house of like honoring the presence of the lord how has that like changed your life man you know the first thing that sticks out is pastor has literally created a culture where we don't mind waiting you know you would get a fast song medium tempo song slow song move on the offering word and hallelujah amen we don't do that deeper we're going to linger and make room and so i've learned to have a posture of waiting not just in a sunday morning service but even in our own life while we're all praying and expecting for the lord to move and sometimes we want it to happen in the blink of an eye but what happens when he's building our character and our temperance through long suffering and a season of waiting like we're learning here the posture of our hearts that we can apply to our everyday life so that would be mine how about you how about you i have a question for jeremy don't forget to answer the questions also in the chat room what are some practical ways that people can honor the presence of god just in their everyday life not just on a sunday how can we honor the lord and then you know any given wednesday yeah i feel like one of the most important things that we never lose sight is that we're always in his presence that's good we are always in his presence that's good um the lord he's not void of us countless times in scripture it talks about how he'll never leave us no forsake us how there's nothing that can separate us from the love of god and so simply just being aware that the lord is here i think it's a very very practical way of recognizing like the presence of god and to honor him and host him well you don't have to be in a service to host the presence of the lord that's right that's so good you can just know that god is here with you and host and well wherever you are i think that another practical way um that we could get into this this this realm of honoring the presence of god is that as you go into the quiet place i know i hear time and time against a popular thing amongst people not just students but that when they go there there's so many things on their minds it's so true that all these things are popping in your head and so what i go back to um is a prayer in scripture but i i i say a prayer but it was a time in scripture where you have this young man who is hearing his name being called and eli is just like no no it's not me sammy's like are you sure you know go back to bed and then he finally recognizes he like okay no no this is this is the lord and he's and he's speaking so when you hear them being called against they speak lord your servant's listening yeah so one of the things i practice because i'm a creative yeah and i think that there's always stuff happening in our minds we're always creating stories and writing things down so it's a consistent thing and so what i do is i go back to the place of being quiet with the lord and i just say speak lord your servant's listening yeah and anything that pops in my mind i just get a book my little notebook and i jot all these things down the top of my mind and i go back to that posture until there's stillness and then from that place of stillness and being fully engaged and the reason why i'm there man i just dive into the place of prayer worship intercession or just stillness yeah i love what you said because that's a huge thing that i learned as well it's just waiting just waiting in the presence of the lord and there's this peace that can come over you that surpasses all understanding it says the philippians and it's such a beautiful thing so yeah that's something that uh i guess a few things yeah i told you he'd go in i should have just said what's one way i said waze it's so good it's so good we've learned so much we've created such a culture of waiting and making room and building expectation that we pray that it's contagious for you as well too it's literally incredible to see how much god is moving yeah week after week and month after month how about this we want you guys to think about this as well too we're going to reflect on a moment where we encountered god's presence right what was revealed to you in that time it could it could be from a sunday morning service here and an overflow time of like what has the lord revealed to you when you encountered his presence i know i'm thinking too because there's just so many different things days there's like oh can i answer why yes yes because i talked a whole bunch less what a way one way one way okay cause he gonna preach [Music] okay the first thing that i thought of was coming in i think i grew up in a culture where you're just like pray pray pray pray pray and you come in and you've got a whole list from a to z and you just spill it all out i've learned how to come pray sit and listen you know he knows what we need and nothing doesn't mean to come and lay your heart bear before the lord but i've encountered the lord in the greatest ways by coming in his presence and just listening coming to sit because you would be surprised how much the lord has on his heart for us to hear and know if you just sit and and be still be still and listen i think so many times we use that time of prayer for us to run down i want you know all i want for christmas kind of list you know and it's just you know something that we just you know are just prone to doing but how about listening to what is on the lord's heart and so in moments of me encountering god's presence here and us waiting and making room i've also heard him speak more clearly than ever before that's beautiful i think for me i'll make it real short and simple yeah it's the reality that i'm a chosen son i love that i said first peter 2 9 i think as it were in his presence and you begin going over scripture that has become so it became so real me and hit me so hard and i never let i love that moment that we were chosen and that is just so humbling because it means so much it means so much that we are humbled that we're that we're chosen that there's no condemnation for those who go into christ jesus that it's no obligation given to your flesh that that you're free there's so many things that come of being chosen and it's just a beautiful thing and so super grateful for these times we get to just encounter the presence of the lord absolutely and i also like to say that i'm his favorite [Laughter] chosen but we are also his favorite so we're just so glad that you guys came to host the presence of the lord with us tonight the presence of god is already here make room wherever you are watching from go ahead and make room and get ready because we're going to be going in tonight i don't even know what to expect we're going to cry and shout and sing and dance but literally just offer a sacrifice so let's get ready to pray father we thank you for this time you're already here we offer you a sacrifice of praise and thanksgiving and affection our devotion and our adoration because you're worthy of it all in jesus name we pray let's go deeper [Music] and what can stand against us your [Music] and your [Music] [Music] promises [Music] i know that in this flesh drop your hands like this [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] i will [Music] [Music] [Music] your pants your promise is foreign [Music] [Applause] why don't you just lift your hands and your voice to jesus and just say thank you oh [Music] in your [Music] i'm [Music] [Music] your name [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] your [Applause] [Music] oh we speak to faith right now let it rise [Music] thank you jesus for allowing our faith to rise now [Music] we thank you we believe for the future because of who you are and so we lift our hands once again to you in this moment and lord we just say that we love you and we love your presence we thank you for all that we have when we encounter you just keep your hands lifted to the lord in this moment jesus we take delight in you we honor you we love you we need you is your presence [Music] only you [Music] i know [Music] [Music] tell you [Music] [Music] just lift [Music] only you can love [Music] but you are the greatest [Music] is [Music] is [Music] [Music] is [Music] jesus [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] day [Music] [Music] me one more time [Music] is [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] jesus [Music] is [Music] [Music] oh [Music] with you we love your friends [Music] oh [Music] [Music] we're here for you jesus [Music] [Music] hey you just sing that to the lord [Music] [Music] [Music] just lift your hands into sweet presents and just sing your own song to him sing your own love songs with this moment [Music] [Applause] [Music] come on deeper casing i delight in you come on let's say [Music] [Music] one more time say i delight in you [Music] i don't want to destroy the worship moment but i want to ask you are you sleepy [Music] you act like you've been in church all day or something i'm reminded of when i was a child a country church in north carolina we would have church in the morning sunday school church again and then we wouldn't go home some people would go somewhere and start cooking some food and they would cook that food and then we'd come back and have church again and now we're like we would never do that it kind of feels like that today except for the fact that they typically wouldn't start those services with soft music uh it would pretty much be something you know loud and boisterous and stuff like that but we didn't want to offend your sensibilities however i do know that there's a group of people in this room who love jesus with all of their heart [Applause] so i have a deeper fellowship throwback moment um you have to go back like 18 and a half months ago and we'd be in a moment um and probably me or someone would get up and say i love you jesus i worship and adore you i just wanna tell you what i love you more than anything i know you have a mask on but can you just sing that out real quick [Music] [Music] and because you know he's looking and watching just in case you're not sleepy one more time [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] is but i love you i'm gonna give you one more time i'm gonna give you one more time just one more time are y'all ready here we go oh [Music] if i hadn't told you all day i think i have but i just wanna tell you [Music] if you're not afraid you lift up your hands and your heart to the lord just one more time saying just wanna tell [Music] you sound like you have the right heart posture now so can we do this one last time say i love you jesus [Music] i said sing to him [Music] more than anything if you do can you give him praise in this room [Music] that's it can you give him praise in this room [Applause] [Music] when you think about the fact that he is the god who answers prayer the reason why you're standing here now it's not because of good business alone or good banking alone a good giving alone all that kind of stuff family we had the money but didn't have the open door we had the business together and didn't have the open door god is the one who opened up the door and so because of that we give him praise [Music] we give him praise i know that this is a dedication service and we are so grateful that you are here and for those who are watching online around the country and around the world we're so grateful that you've joined us for this moment it's a significant moment i know we feel like we've already dedicated it to the lord with our worship however there are some significant things that we need to do today that will signify our heart posture in all of this towards the lord and the fact that this belongs to him ultimately everything that we have comes from him and belongs to him and so because of that it's important that we make that declaration that we say that officially not just something that's unspoken but something that is spoken it says to the lord this is your house we just happen to be in it but this is your house and so i'm grateful and and to that end we have uh some special things that are going to be taking place today and i want us to stay standing for just a moment uh in honor uh because um one of the things that that has helped us has actually been a relationship that is beginning with the city of edgewood and we want to be good partners with the city of edgewood we want to make sure that we are good neighbors in the city of edgewood we want to make sure that us being here is a blessing to the city of edgewood and not a burden to the city of edgewood [Music] [Applause] you would actually be surprised some churches have difficult relationship with their city and their municipality it is our desire not to have a difficult relationship with our city but an amazing relationship with our city where we serve the people of this city we have the the privilege of being a local church with a global reach and so we serve people around the world but we will not serve people around the world while also forgetting our neighbors right here in front of us in other words we won't cross the ocean without crossing the street and the beginning of a good relationship happens to be that we are blessed uh today uh with our dedication service to have some dignitaries from the city of edgewood the mayor of edgewood john dallas is here with us [Applause] the chief of police john freberg is with us the chief of staff shannon patterson is with us [Applause] and the deputy city clerk sandy rifle is with us as well can you put your hands together we're so grateful that you're here this is mayor dallas once more put your hands together thank you is it on can you hear me welcome it is my honor to welcome you to edgewood and to your new home here pretty exciting times how do you like your new home yeah i think it's called new wine skins for new wine right um is there just by chance or anyone who lives in edgewood here not yet well you're all our extended family and it is it is my honor and of course you introduced our police chief you have about a fourth of the city here in the room with you we have about 20 total in our city hall that kind of keep things running police chief rieberg our chief of staff shannon patterson our sister city clerk sandy riffle and we are uh very honored to have you here and uh my hope is that we are a blessing to each other so enjoy grow and may we both become good friends over time thank you very much [Applause] [Music] [Applause] we also received a proclamation from orange county which pastor jerry is going to read to us [Music] [Applause] so i know many of you are not from central florida and for the benefit of the several hundred that are watching from around the world you know me as pastor jerry i am jerry bell i am reading a congratulatory letter from mayor jerry dimmings so let's just make sure we get that separated because i don't want the sheriff's coming looking for me greetings it is my distinct pleasure to congratulate pastor william mcdowell and deeper fellowship church on your new location deeper fellowship has served as a spiritual pillar in orange county for several years the influence your ministry has made the local area is visibly evident through your engagement in civic service i applaud you for your ongoing commitment to serve our local families through faith compassion and outreach as you celebrate the opening of your new facility i hope you take the time to reflect on the accompli accomplishments achieved and the level of service you have provided to our residents i also want to acknowledge pastor mcdowell [Applause] [Music] i also want to acknowledge pastor mcdowell for his leadership and for moving the ministry forward i know you will continue to do great work for your congregants as your church grows in faithful servants congratulations again and i wish you all the best and much success sincerely jerry l demings orange county mayor [Music] awesome awesome well now this is a ceremonial portion uh and so you can be seated for just a moment um we have just a couple of friends we did not uh do a lot of friends because i wanted to be people who are actually friends of the church uh and not just famous people uh we know we could have gotten some famous people that knew what would have recognized them but they don't actually have a connection to us as a family so i want to make sure that these are people who have a connection to us as a family not everyone got their stuff in on time but we will show the ones who did and if you'll turn your attention to the screen what's up deeper fellowship church pastor justin daly here from action church right around the corner man we are so excited for you guys all that god has done in the few years of your church is incredible and we've been cheering you guys on for years learning from you guys so grateful for my personal relationship with pastor william and pastor william what can you say about it phenomenal songwriter phenomenal worship leader pastor preacher leader she's a great human come on if you know him you know that he's a great dad a great husband a great friend getting to know him a little bit more this past summer his personal investment into action church and in to my life personally was invaluable over the years he's led me into some of the most precious moments in the presence of god through his albums and live worship experience just so grateful for the mantle and for the leadership that god has given pastor william we are excited for you guys but i want to encourage you i feel like the lord would would give me this word for you don't stop celebrate man shout dance have a blast in this new facility then you deserve it and you've prayed for it you've given to it you've sacrificed and you should enjoy the blessing of god that is this new facility but i want to remind you this is not the end this is the beginning man we've prayed for it we've waited for it but god is just getting started in your life and in your church so keep serving come on keep giving keep sacrificing because there are so many more seats there are so many more services there are so many more people on the other side of your sacrifice and your obedience enjoy this season celebrate all that god has done but don't let it cause you to stop let it cause you to keep going further and faster man we love you guys we're cheering you on and i cannot wait to worship in that place really soon hey everybody pastor cheryl brady here i wanted to say congratulations to my good friend pastor william mcdowell to your lovely wife to your children to your staff and to our entire wait a minute did i just say our entire church family i guess the cat is out of the bag i feel like i'm part of y'all's church family out of all the churches in the whole wide world outside of the potter's house let me tell you something i think i'm part of y'all's church i love your house i love what god is doing through you and with you and on your behalf listen i just want to say congratulations i can't wait to see what god has done right there in orlando florida listen just somebody get a praise in for me okay from my house to your house look what the lord has done it is marvelous in our eyes i love y'all congratulations hey this is pastor john hanna from chicago deepa you've made it pastor william mcdowell you your lovely wife your mother mother i love you so much let me say this to you guys so you might not notice but pastor william and i always called one another when we are going through certain things so this process of moving into your facility and we're moving into our facility having our ribbon cutting at the exact same time and knowing that we used to call each other every time we hit a bump in the road which lets us know that now unto him that is able we stand as a testimony that he is able deeper i remember when i was at my lowest point and i would call pastor william and he would encourage me and speak at work he would call me and i'd be like william all i know is all things are going to work together for the good so now here we stand at the end of this has it been worth it absolutely so i want to encourage everyone whatever you're working towards whatever you're fighting to complete let the house of god be your example jeremiah 32 and 27 is there anything too hard for god behold i am the lord the god of all flesh is there anything too hard for me answer that there is nothing too hard for god and we praise him for what he's already done so continue to be encouraged i celebrate you and knowing he did this and guess what and he's not done love you guys that's the william you're my boy i love you man hey what's up deeper fellowship church it's your friend pastor jonathan stockstill man i am so pumped about you guys getting in your brand new building how amazing is god you guys have prayed you have sold literally for years and i just i remember several years ago pastor william saying man we need a bigger space and now god has finally provided that and you guys are able to be in that space and people from all over the world are rejoicing with you guys to see what god has done for you i do want to tell you something that i feel like god has put on my heart for you and it's this unless the lord builds the house those who labor labor in vain and i want you to know that this whole time it's obvious that god has been building this house things have come against you there have been trials there have been tribulations but it's obvious that the lord is building this house because it is sustained through all of it and here you are and i just want you to just to continue to allow god to build his house it's not by might nor by power but it's by his spirit and this is what the lord is saying that he is wanting to build deeper fellowship because this is it is an altar to his throne and what you guys do there blesses his heart and he is going to continue to bring the finances he's going to continue to bring people as god who is building this house and you guys are his co-laborers it is also god who is defeating your enemies and he goes before you to defeat your enemies and allow him to continue to do war on your behalf it's your job to keep lifting him high and to keep worshiping because as you do he steps into battle so allow the lord to build the house i love you pastor william and latay you guys are dear to my heart and i just send a huge congratulations from the family at bethany to deeper fellowship let's go guys well what's up everybody darius daniels here and i want to pause for the cause of congratulating and celebrating the deeper family on this momentous occasion now listen i heard a leader say this once that wisdom is the ability to discern difference the difference in a moment and this is a different kind of moment and i think it's ushering you into a different season god has always dwelt in a very unique way at this house and i think you know that you don't need me to tell you that but this is what i know i know he never takes away one thing and gives you something else that's going to be inferior in this exchange what am i saying i'm saying the glory of this house the latter is going to be greater than the glory of the former pastor william i love you people family congratulations [Applause] so it's good to have friends at the house amen i would say to us that probably one of the the greatest friends to our house really is more than a friend to a house but a father uh to me personally and as a result has made me a better pastor and better person because every pastor needs a pastor and i have a pastor and i'm so grateful for my pastor who literally would not allow anything to stop him from being here to celebrate with his son and i am so grateful uh he's been with us all weekend uh just to take in the atmosphere but also to celebrate and support his son and would you help me uh in the dedication portion of our building now welcome my spiritual father my pastor no strength to this house bishop joseph garlington [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] i love you jesus man i don't need to sing that song since he did it that was so good if you haven't been here then you haven't been here but if you've been here then you know what's been going on but you won't be able to define it but it's just been an amazing time in and i'm grateful would you celebrate jesus for just a loud moment tell them how good he is and praise [Applause] and then would you celebrate the senior leader of this house visionary his wife [Music] pastor william [Applause] william mcdowell tay mom elders deacons you've got an incredible team here and i'm just grateful to to be a part you may be seated and [Music] my wife sends her greetings and she's on her way to a conference in columbus probably she's probably there now but one of my favorite verses is in first corinthians 16 9 where the apostle paul says to the church a wide and effective door has been open to me and there are many who oppose me and i have discovered that opposition is always present at the point of great opportunity and the more you are opposed the more you got to be saying to yourself must be a big door a really big door and of course this place is not the door it's not the place but it's the entrance to the door that god has for you better things are coming bigger things are coming and it's going to require a greater sense of prayer and insight that whatever god's building here it has to stay in keeping with what jesus declared concerning the temple that my house will be called a house of prayer for how many uh people so there's no critical race theory going on in heaven so um i thought i'd just be controversial since my son was already he took it off so i just said he went somewhere today and i went with him [Music] in baseball they have a concept called a five tool player hitting hitting for power running fielding and throwing and then there's something else that they called the six tool player and that's someone who has an in-depth knowledge of the game as one as well as an in-depth knowledge of oneself and so i'm so grateful for those who are here to honor those recognize those dignitaries who joined us here and wherever you are wherever you're watching greeting us and telling us thank you i was speaking to bishop mark sharon the other day and he said would you congratulate william on this wonderful opportunity and forgetting yours and so there are people all over the world who are happy for you and the only people who are unhappy for you are those who just can't be happy for anybody so i'm i'm just amazed at how much god has done and how much god is up to and i want to just take a few moments to just share with you some things that i believe are important as we come to this time of dedication i'm not going to ask you to join hands with anybody but if you want to sneak one over there you can just i'm always concerned about how people view where we are father i just bring this time before you and i just ask that you would be so clear to make this moment a moment that we won't forget a moment that we'll think about a moment that will remember and believe that you were there amen when barbara bought her cookware i didn't know how she felt about it but i know some really great meals came from it and she had one large pot in which she made pizza dough our kids our young men the guys in our family are trencher men they are people who can eat they when they're eating their lunch they're saying what's for dinner and barbara used to make pizza in this large large pot just about this high stainless steel and one day she saw me headed to the garage with that pot and she said what are you going to do with it i said i want to wash my car [Applause] and i heard a scream [Music] and uh and even though she honors me in that moment there was no honor it was have you lost your freaking mind are you crazy you can't i said i'll clean it i'll take care of it she says but you won't be able to eliminate the thought that i had that you used it for something other than cooking she was saying to me it's dedicated when you dedicate something it's specifically oriented to something special and you don't make it happen for everything you don't wash your car in it you don't take a bath in it you don't do all the things that you could do if you weren't aware that it was dedicated it was dedicated when i was a teenager my first trip to florida they took me to a place called lake wales and lake wales has this this wonderful thing called bach tower and when you're coming into bach tower you see a sign that says bird sanctuary and i want to know what the heck was a bird sanctuary well it's a place where you can't kill birds where birds are cared for birds are honored birds are recognized as having a right to live and and that's what they do a sanctuary is a place where something has been set apart for other things when you want to when you want to find a safe place we used to play games hide games and hide and seek games and and until you got to that safe place you were out of it the sanctuary is a place of insight when the psalms was concerned about the kind of world he was living in and i don't know how he would be praying if he knew what this word was like but he said the more i determined to see what was going on the more i realized that if i say what i feel i'm going to fail and he said all of it was it was confusing to me until i came to the sanctuary the sanctuary is a place of perspective it's a place where you can come and things that you can't hear in other places or things that you can't see in other places in a sanctuary you can see it someone called prayer walking praying with insight on sight there have been moments in my life when i have been in a worship service and it didn't make any difference whether the building was a large beautiful sanctuary or whether it was a small storefront church but the moment you came into that place the moment you became aware this is not the usual place and like jacob who was running from his brother the bible says he lighted upon a certain place everybody's a certain place certain places is is it's capturing something that it wants you to see because that place even though he is lighting on it and i love the word light because there are moments in my life when i just happen to be in the right place at the right time and something took place we're on our way to new zealand and uh the line at los angeles international airport was going all around out the ceiling and outside and i turned to clarence and i said we're going to miss this flight and as we got closer to it still further away a young man african-american in a uniform looked at me and he said do you have your boarding pass and i wanted to get smart with him but i decided i wouldn't because you're not supposed to be in that line if you don't have a boarding pass and i said yes sir and he opened the line right by the x-ray machine clarence was talking to somebody and i said clarence we got a door and clance turned and the guy he was talking to said if they've got a door i've got one and so he came on through with us i happen to light upon a spot if you're here and there have been moments in your life when you happen to light up on a spot and god did something for you that he chose to do in that place and whenever you find a place where god is doing something amazing in your life you want to mark that place and at times you want to get back to it there's a place in my in my building back home where i have i've laid on the floor and and i've poured my heart out to god and there's enough fluids from the past that on that floor that indicates somebody was there once in a while i'll come and someone will be standing in that spot and uh and i'll just kind of do like this pressing up against him this is before safe space and i'd press a little more and then they would look at me and then they would just move over and i just move over until they were out of my spot there are some things i can believe god for when i'm in my spot and this is why david said if i can just get to the sanctuary it's a place where you can hear from god as a place where you can believe god it's a place where worship is so uncommonly real that you don't have to strain for it it's a place where you can understand when the psalmist or not the psalmist but jesus says my yoke is easy and you find the unforced rhythms of his grace that's why i like deeper deeper is not just a building it's people it's a leader it's a commitment to serve god the first altar that we are aware of that was built from the heart of the faith of abraham was that genesis tells us that when he came out of er the counties he found a place between bethel and i and he built his tent and he pitched he pitched the scent and built an altar abraham made sure and i want to know where i live but i want to know where i worship and he continued to do that wherever he traveled his first priority get his tent up his next priority was get his altar built i'm not sure isaac pursued it because the next time you hear the mention of betel and i it's when jacob lighted on a spot while he was fleeing his brothers hundreds of miles from where he started he just happened to be at the spot where abraham had offered and as he's there the bible tells us he came to a certain place you can remember the time you came here if you're part of it you came here and when you came here you just something in you said home home e.t home and you never left and it's been a part of you here is isaac lying on the spot running from his brother but in that moment at that certain place god speaks to him there's a vision a dream and when the bible says when he awakened he said how awesome is this place say that please say it again now now saying about this place come on how awesome is this place and then he said it is none other than the house of god and the gateway to heaven the house of god and the gateway to heaven and in that moment when he heard in his heart what god was saying to him he said i've got to do something and the bible says he took a stone a pillar raised it up the one he was sleeping i raised it up poured oil on it the rabbis the they tell us that you don't pour oil on any rock that hasn't had blood on it so he had found a place of sacrifice he found the place where his grandfather had worshipped and he dedicated that moment and called that place they tell the house of god your deepest desire in your heart the thing that god has created you to do is to find that place that you can call the house of god because in that place you'll have faith because you know there's a gate there there's an opening there there there are people there who love god something has happened their offerings have taken place sacrifice is there blood is there oil is there and all of a sudden you realize this is who i am this is where i belong there's no place and i've seen it in pictures and advertisement where they would say there's no place like this place anywhere near this place so this must be the place it may not be the place for everybody but for those of you who are called and those who are watching those who are part of it it's your place abraham built a simple altar jacob remodeled it but then moses said god said we need to do something different and so built a tabernacle a tent it was it didn't look all that much on the outside but on the inside there was gold in there it was expensive it was if you look at the category of of how much something qualified to be and what it costs probably close to a billion u.s right now but you were not allowed in it it was exclusive only a hand full of people could get in and come close to it and only one could go into the inner sanctum but then along comes david who says god wants this thing to be open to everybody and so he established something called david's tabernacle and in david's tabernacle there was one piece of furniture and that was the ark of the covenant and instead of being a levite or a high priest anybody could come everybody could worship it was wide open night and day day and night they could worship and it would go on for days it would go on and on and on you heard the call that this place is going to be 24 7. somebody's gonna have to say i'll take the night shift i'll take that moment when others are sleeping because there's something that god just loves to do at midnight it was at midnight when paul and silas prayed and sang songs and all of a sudden something broke open it was like god in heaven was saying to the angels i need you guys to be quiet i'm trying to hear that song down there what is it about god that loves our worship we heard a song years ago when we sing redemption's story the angels fold their wings for angels never knew the joy that our salvation brings and when you sing redemption story and you sing i love you jesus i worship and adore you just want to tell you how much you tell him how long can you tell him how often can you tell that you just keep right on telling it and it doesn't make any difference if you repeat yourself because he loves the joy of hearing what it is you're doing and what you're saying in this season we want to set aside a structure a building it's been used to worship before and we don't we don't demand demean what took place prior to this but israel holden used to sing a song we are going to another level and i love the idea that no matter where you are you can still go higher new wine for a new wine skin this wine skin has been made fresh because of what's coming to it you can't put new wine in old wine skins but you can take an old wine skin soak it in water until it becomes soft again if you find any hard spots you get a rock and you beat the hard spots out and then when you're finished you take some oil and you just oil it down until it becomes flexible and it says ready for new wine [Music] i prayed with pastor william and mom and visited other facilities and it looked like it might work but that wasn't what god had in mind it's almost like samuel coming to jesse's house looking for the one that god had pointed out and they kept bringing out these different ones and he would look and he says surely the lord's anointed is there and god says and then he goes to the next one and finally all the aaahs hadn't produced anything and so he asked the question is there another son and jesse said well yeah but he's a musician and we don't know where he is all the time he's probably writing songs someplace and samuel said go and find him there won't be any church until he gets here and after seven of us david walks in and the holy spirit says and he pours the oil on him and when he pours the oil on david something had to take place you know what it's like when you've had oil poured on you and hands have been laid upon you you've been struck you've been flattened you've been laid out you've been shaking there's things that didn't take place in your life that can never take place until holy spirit touches your life he touched david and he was never the same he became a giant killer he became a worshiper he became a man of god when solomon dedicated the temple he's he raised this question he said will god indeed dwell on earth behold heaven and the heaven of heavens cannot contain you how much less this temple which i have built if the heavens of heaven cannot contain him i think of something that i like to call quantum sanctuary it's this ability to house something infinite in what appears to be a finite structure john says it like this greater is he who is in you than he who is in the world you have the capacity when solomon raised that question as wise as he was the heavens have had to who can build a place that contain you he didn't know that god had already built a place that could contain him you and i are the temples of the living god he lives in us the greater lives in us the god of the universe i don't know how he does it it's not magic it's just infinite wisdom that enables him to create a structure a human structure that can hold on to the infinite that can house the infinite god that's why he calls us a holy people a people for his own possession and when he brings that to light for us he wants us to acknowledge that i belong to someone else i love your message today all of it i'm going to have to fight for some of it but i love all of it because it was so right on and i'm tired of a grace that just allows you to do anything and doesn't call for this thing called holiness and living right so when we set this place apart we're talking about a church within a church a temple within a temple a building within a building and realizing that what god is up to is so much bigger than anything that we can imagine so i'm glad that you would stand with me and uh we will make some words together and uh on the screen i don't know how you how you place it on the screen but you'll see in bold black letters we dedicate this house and those are your words so as we read through this i'm gonna ask that you would join us and i'm gonna ask that pastor william and his leadership team if you guys will come and face the congregation and then feel good about what god's doing and what god's up to would you just celebrate this moment now just tell god [Music] [Applause] deacons would you come as well please elders and deacons they are part of the new testament church leadership [Music] years ago when they were starting the church service they would come down the aisle with their robes on singing we've come this far by faith and that took up about 20 minutes because they weren't walking fast and but you need to know that this journey has been a faith journey it's required warfare intercession tears money believing [Music] repeated an infinite amount of times and so i take this prayer from solomon as he stands before the altar and he's dedicating this beautiful expression that god has given david then solomon stood before the altar of the lord in the presence of all the assembly of israel and spread out his hands toward heaven and he said lord god of israel there is no god in heaven above or on earth below like you who keep your covenant and mercy with your servants who walk before you with all their hearts you have kept what you promised your servant david my father you have both spoken with your mouth and fulfilled it with your hand and i want you to hear that phrase you spoke in with your mouth and fulfilled it with your hand one translation says what your mouth promised your hand fulfilled this is an evidence of god's hand being fulfilled therefore lord god of israel now keep what you promised your servant david my father saying you shall not fail to have a man sit before me on the throne of israel only if your sons take heed to their way that they walk before me as you have walked before me and now i pray o god of israel let your word come true which you have spoken to your servant david my father but will god indeed dwell on earth behold heaven and the heaven of heavens cannot contain them how much less this temple which i have built [Music] the prayer of your servant and his supplication o lord my god and listen to the cry in the prayer which your servant is praying before you today that your eyes may be open toward this temple night and day toward the place of which you have said my name shall be there that you may hear the prayer which your servant makes toward this place and may you hear the supplication of your servant and of your people israel when they pray toward this place here in heaven your dwelling place and when you hear forgive as a sanctuary where we will glorify god the father exalt the lordship of jesus christ and welcome the presence of the holy spirit say we dedicate this house and i'm not going to ask you to say it until we get to that part but i need you to declare it come up we dedicate this house as a sanctuary where we will honor the bible as the word of god and faithfully teach and preach the truths of scripture with passion imagination integrity and consistency declare we dedicate this house as a sanctuary holy committed to a corporate expression of glorious praise and extravagant worship we dedicate this house as a sanctuary where we will model the great commandment by loving god and one another we dedicate this house as a sanctuary in which we will go and obey the mandate of the great commission by discipling the nations we dedicate this house as a sanctuary where we will initiate cultivate nurture and support strong covenantal relationships we dedicate this house as a sanctuary where we will regularly recognize affirm and celebrate the infinite worth and uniqueness of every person we dedicate this house as a sanctuary for the healing of the broken in spirit soul and body we dedicate this as a sanctuary dedicated to the recovery of the arts sciences music and drama we dedicate as a sanctuary totally committed to spreading the message of good news of the kingdom of god throughout the world by every means possible we dedicate this house as a sanctuary in which we will hunger and thirst for an ever increasing measure of the presence of the lord we dedicate this house as a sanctuary which we will earnestly long for the earth to be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the lord as the waters cover the sea we dedicate this house let your voice and give him praise [Applause] come on we bless you god we worship you we acknowledge you are so good [Applause] you are so good you are so good you are so good you are so good [Applause] you are so good [Music] thank you i was telling pastor william that this morning i awakened with that little chorus all my life you have been faithful [Music] all my life you have been so so good with every breath that i [Applause] of the goodness of god come and let your voice declare it all my life on my life you have been faithful on my life you have been so so [Music] of the goodness of god one more time lift your voice declare all my lies [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh oh i will see of the goodness of god who i will sing of the goodness of god oh i will sing of the goodness of god [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] wow [Music] oh [Music] you have been so [Music] good [Music] of god is [Music] oh [Music] can we sit there just one more time just for me say all my life [Music] all my life you've been so so good [Music] with every breath that i am able [Music] let's sing it just one more time lift up your voice all over this room all my life you have been faithful [Music] you've been so so good [Music] [Music] and when i look back over my life i can declare this then your goodness is running after me is [Music] right now [Music] is [Music] [Music] yes all my life you have been so [Music] [Music] of the goodness [Music] you have been faithful so faithfully [Music] with every breath that i will [Music] apparently he's been messing [Music] [Music] is [Music] don't y'all wish i could sing it like that [Music] [Applause] [Music] hallelujah i want us to pray and then what we are going to do after we pray we're going to give him the worship that he's worthy of the team is going to sing a song declaring what the lord will do and after that point it's what we're going to basically allow you if you want to you'll be crazy to do it but allow you if you want to to be dismissed but you're going to miss nathaniel bass if you do so i don't think anybody wants to leave really but we are going to allow him to lead us in a time of worship to give god glory for what he has done so i know that we've prayed already i'm just going to say this prayer the team is going to sing and i just want us to thank god for these amazing leaders down front [Music] every one of them every one of them [Music] [Applause] [Music] so so grateful so grateful i have so many thoughts flooding my mind and i won't make it a personal moment because it's a corporate moment but i'm so grateful to the lord so father thank you [Music] thank you thank you for fulfilling your word thank you for fulfilling your promise thank you for hearing the cries of your people thank you for teaching us persistence in prayer thank you for not making it easy thank you for what you did in us as a result of having to pursue this we wouldn't trade it for the world you changed us because of the pursuit of this and you showed us in pursuing this what it would take for us to pursue nations what it would take for us to pursue territories what kind of prayer it would take thank you i know at times we had to wonder why it was so hard but now we know it's because you were doing something in us not just for us [Music] and we say thank you we thank you for fulfilling your word [Music] that in a january two whole years before this you said it was finished we saw the papers [Music] the judge hit the gap and you invited us to pursue the reality of the finish thing and we say thank you we thank you that you use this to teach us the already not yet tension that it was already done but not yet fulfilled and you taught us how to pray in the middle thank you thank you for teaching us how to prophesy against all odds thank you thank you for teaching us how to give sacrificially thank you thank you for unifying this body thank you thank you for the many miracles you've done we say thank you thank you for the lives that you've changed we say thank you thank you for the people that have been saved we say thank you thank you for the hungry which have been fed we say thank you thank you for causing this ministry to cross international borders we say thank you thank you for pushing us into our destiny thank you lord we say thank you for every voice that has spoken into the life of this ministry thank you thank you for every fathering voice we say thank you thank you for every prophetic voice we say thank you thank you for teaching us your word thank you for maturing us thank you for rooting us thank you for grounding us thank you for growing us thank you for providing for us and thank you that this is not the last thank you that you've shown us that this is the first there's more to come thank you thank you lord and so as we've already said this is your house and we are your people do with the house and your people what you desire may we bring you glory may you look upon deeper and smile in jesus name we pray amen amen let's give the lord praise let's give the lord praise that's a a decent applause let's give the lord praise hallelujah now the team is getting ready to sing a song it's kind of popular you've probably heard it already but we've never done it before and so if you know it sing along if you don't pick it up you'll get it all right [Music] our cheap cornerstone no we're the foundation can we build upon not philosophy [Music] is [Music] upon this rock you build your church and the gates of hell will not [Music] we proclaim your truth in jesus name we will not be [Music] crucified raised up from the dead let captivity captain it is [Music] [Music] we will not be [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] we will never fail we will never [Music] build it from the ground up get to your chair build your church build your church build it from the ground up breathe build your church build your [Music] your [Music] is oh [Music] from the ground [Music] [Music] you build [Music] [Music] we proclaim your truth and in jesus name [Music] [Music] is it's your build it from the ground up is [Music] got some turkey [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] i haven't seen a clap like that in a long time come on one more time [Music] [Music] [Applause] oh [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] skipper y'all got to turn everything around y'all [Applause] [Applause] okay y'all hilarious to me okay okay okay okay so y'all just y'all just y'all just gonna act up huh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] build your here we go [Music] [Applause] all right all right all right i see what y'all want to do y'all want to act up okay okay we got you we got you somebody said all right i've been acting with decorum all day long [Applause] now that we've dedicated the building we want to tear it up [Applause] you're like i see y'all like uh now that the mayor and all them have left we want to turn up now i see [Applause] okay so this is what i'm gonna do i want y'all to get a little bit of room i need i need a couple people a couple people who actually know how to church dance [Applause] where are you at where are you at and where you at we need some people to actually tear up the carpet for a second this we call it breaking it in we're going to break it in we're going to make sure that the carpet works all right uh y'all just take take me to church real quick i need some people who just know this since y'all want to act up you want to act up here we go y'all ready i i see some people here say one two one two i don't know how to so y'all got to do it for me there you go i think some of y'all scared some of y'all scared i need a few more people i need a few more people come on there's only one time to say i was the first person who cut a rug in this place you bout to miss on your moment you bout to miss on your moment i'm gonna give you one more time here we go one two three go so y'all not acting like he did anything for y'all some of y'all just watching so let me help you let me help you for those of you who are like me who don't know how to church dance you don't know how to cut and rug you at least know how to jump and wave you just at least i need somebody who god's been good to to do something but we can't just stand here after all he's done so everybody can at least jump away here we go that money jumping that's 85 of y'all we're not going to let this go until 100 of the people who god's been good to which is everybody in this room are doing it here we go one two three so [Music] [Applause] i'm giving y'all a short little break because i learned something it's hard to dance with a mask on so i'ma let you catch your breath for a second but i just want you to think about the goodness of god while you're breathing i just need us to think about the goodness of god while we're breathing catch your breath come on [Applause] [Music] i heard my brother down here saying i'm gonna pray i'm gonna [Music] [Music] are you ready to get out one two three [Music] you say i was there the first time i was not a christian [Applause] [Music] [Applause] listen y'all i preach today i can't sing like that i need y'all to sing with me now i think y'all just might be ready to give god the praise now that he's worthy of all right [Applause] let's do something y'all know y'all ready come on let's see this out together [Music] is is [Music] [Music] is [Music] there is is there's freedom here for you and your family oh we say chains will fall to shake at the sound of jesus [Music] [Music] [Music] there is freedom [Music] [Music] yes is come on this is a room full of free people i need you to make some noise right here come on act like jesus did something for you act like you're standing here today [Music] just [Music] is [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] in africa [Music] three [Music] for your children [Music] we [Applause] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] one more time [Music] oh [Music] there is freedom there is freedom [Music] blessed is where the spirit of the lord [Music] [Music] [Music] you [Music] if there's somebody in this room that's still waiting on the healing i dare you to just grab hold of it by faith and just declare that where the spirit of the lord is there is healing for you that is healing for your family for your marriages for your children for your [Music] is household [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] why don't you just lift your hands and your heart right there and to say thank you jesus for the freedom and the healing and all that we have hearing your presence [Music] we will go [Music] [Music] and in the presence of the lord this fullness of joy and at the right hand of god our pleasure's evermore [Music] in the presence of the lord [Music] oh [Music] [Music] i know there are creatures all around you i know there are linings and thunderings i know there's a storm all around you holy holy holy i know there are creatures all around you i know there are lightnings and thunderings i know there's a storm all around you holy holy holy holy [Music] i see the seven lamps of fire burning in a sea sea of glass gold with fire burning i see the sun a man with eyes of fire burning burning burning i see the seven lamps a fire burning in a i see a sea of glass mingled with fire burning i see the sun a man with eyes and fire burning burning burning [Music] [Music] i know i know there are creatures all around you i know there are lightnings and fun rings i know there's a storm all around you holy holy holy i know there are creatures all around you i know there are lightnings and thunderings i know there's a storm all around you holy holy i see i see the seven lamps a fire burning and i see the sea of glassman gold with fire burning i see the sun a man with eyes a fight burning burning i see seven lamps a fire burning and i i see a sea of glass mingle the fire burning i see the sun a man with eyes of fire burning burning burning [Music] [Music] hallelujah [Music] oh [Music] hallelujah happy new year [Music] everyone in the temple cries glory everyone in the temple cries glory everyone in the temple cries glory everyone in the temple cries glory everyone in the temple cries glory everyone in the temple cries glory everyone in the temple cries glory everyone in the temple cries glory everyone in the temple cries come on everyone everyone in the typical [Music] christians glory everyone in the temple cries glory everyone in the temple cries glory everyone in the temple christ glory everyone in the triple crown glory [Music] glory everyone is everyone in the temple cries glory everyone in the temple cries lord everyone in the devil cries how are you here [Music] you everyone in the temple [Music] glory everyone [Music] glory everyone in the temple [Music] [Music] [Music] wow wow [Music] [Music] holy holy [Music] [Applause] [Music] is to come [Music] [Music] i joined with the seraphim with the burning ones with the song in heaven holy holy holy lord god almighty they say holy holy holy lord god almighty [Music] is [Music] holy holy holy lord god almighty holy holy holy lord god [Music] i know there are creatures all around you i know there are lightnings and thunderings i know there's a storm all around you holy holy holy i know there are creatures all around you i know they're linings in thunderings there's a storm all around you [Music] holy holy holy and we participate in the anthem around your throne cause we've been made away by your blood we participate right now we sing with the angels around your throne cause we've been made away by our [Music] holy just for a moment church would you tell him he's holy would you tell him he's beautiful would you tell him that there's nobody else like him that nobody else can be compared to him that he is completely totally other there would you tell him in your own way in your own melody with your own words just lift up your voice would you lift up your worship to it to a holy god to an eternal god to the king eternal immortal invisible the only wise king you're holy [Music] is [Music] holy holy [Music] holy holy [Music] them foreign [Music] ah [Music] ah [Music] ah [Music] [Applause] [Music] wow [Music] oh [Music] [Music] hmm [Music] um [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] second chronicles can we just stand for a few minutes i know you've been standing i want us to just proclaim some songs when solomon dedicated the temple they sang specific songs and i just want to one more time just celebrate god in this house the grace on my friend and brother my covenant brother william and the leadership he said something so profound that it's it's beyond just having a building it's it's god doing something in us in the process of getting it preparing us for things to come second chronicles new king james version i want us to re-echo some of the songs second chronicles seven from verse three [Music] do we have it can you help me [Music] this is when all the children of israel saw how the fire came down [Music] and the glory of the lord on the temple they bowed their faces to the ground on the pavement and worship and praise the lord saying this is one of the songs that sound for his good for his mercies and yours forever so can we sing this simple song you are good at your mercies forever [Music] you are good at your mercies [Music] you are good [Music] you are good and your mercy is forever [Music] for you are good your mercy is foreign [Music] [Music] one more time [Music] now the sisters alone let the ladies alone sing you are good sing you are good [Music] you are [Music] you are good [Music] you are good you are good and your mercy's [Music] me [Applause] [Music] [Music] forever [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] is [Music] one more time [Music] you are good at your mercy it's for [Music] now let me tell you something about songs the spirit just a few days ago said to me songs are roared see rods you know with a rod moses parted the red sea and there's some battles [Music] that you only fight with songs you know i mean because of the calling on my life i get to do a lot of fighting you know warring with songs that's the calling of my life so i get to go for on my way here in nigeria i was in a city called abuja ministering for one of the biggest denominational churches in nigeria also called deeper deeper christian life so from deeper i came to deeper so we had four days of crusades and that's the calling of my life you know the lord seems to send me to nations where there are strongholds and when i sing and when i blow the trumpet something just shifts and by by election of grace i know what it is i've been in a few churches where pastors say to me you know um brother nathaniel we're having this issue we're having this um opposition can you come sound your horn and when we do that singing a song some things shift so i know a little bit about songs and worrying in the spirit now when you declare for you are good and is mercy and just forever it's not just a song of praise this is a song of worship it's an instrument of war now in this next season you're already a worshipping church but i feel strongly to let you know by the prophetic word you had this morning about signing the gap for your city you you've got to learn to war with songs intentionally if you go to second chronicles 20 20 verse 17 you find the same songs when they came against the children of ammon as they began to declare for his good and his mercy and just forever that should be a song of praise but it became an instrument of war then the lord said ambushment for them so when you are declaring his good and his mercy endures forever you're not just praising god you are warring in the spirit are you ready are you ready okay let me show you go to isaiah 30 verse 29 isaiah 30 29 we're going somewhere because we're going to sound the horn and we're going to just declare some things in the spirit you know you don't enter a new land in the spirit without praise you send judah first [Applause] can i teach you a few things you know i'm from africa and in in africa the demons they are quite crazy you know amen when you're going for a crusade in in in the villages you better be sent by god because there are people there are you know we call them juju men we call i mean you call them all the native doctors who just come show up and this is not in the spirit they come prepared with with their charms and everything and they they confront you in a face-to-face battle so we've learned to fight that way and see god move amen he says you shall have a song as in the night when a holy festival is kept somebody say a song say a song and gladness of hearts so when we say shout you know we're not just trying to you know to to fill up an empty space and gladness of heart and as when one goes with a flute someone say lord to come into the mountain of the lord to the mighty one of israel verse 30 the lord will cause his glorious voice to be heard and show the descent of his arm with indignation of his anger and the flame of a devouring fire with scattering and tempest and hailstone verse 31 for through the voice of the lord assyria will be beaten down as he strikes with the road so they had a song say a song then they lift up they lifted up a song and with the sound of gladness and then it provoked the voice of the lord and through the voice of the lord what happened the assyrian was smitten i dare say that deepa won't be here if they never had a song see i travel around the world and what you have is the hand of god a church getting a building in the pandemic that's because you had a song you've got to have so many songs in the coming days somebody say songs say songs are you ready to declare this song again can you stand you are good and your mercy is foreign [Music] is [Music] you are good and your mercy is foreign [Music] i was seated there and i just began to sing a song i don't know if it's a known song but it feels like a new song van can you just flow with me can we just flow tonight see what the lord has done see what the lord has done what we waited for he has brought to pass see what the lord has done can you see what the lord what we waited for what we waited for he has brought to pass can you see what the lord [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] can you testify to your neighbor just tell him say see on the lord see what the lord [Music] can you see what the lord has done see what the lord has done oh see what the lord says what we waited for when we waited for [Music] what oh lord has done [Music] see what the lord has done can you see what the lord has done what we were praying for he has brought the lord see what the lord has done [Laughter] [Music] and hope you know that deepest testimony is your testimony this is a sign and a symbol of what will come in your life [Applause] [Music] i'm releasing something about the house and prophetic service [Music] can you see what the lord has done see what the lord has done what we waited for he hasn't brought to pass sing it one more time the lord [Music] [Music] see what the lord is [Music] now you're gonna sing it like a prophecy to someone in front of you the testimony of jesus is the spirit of prophecy now sing say see i don't know what you're waiting for i don't know what you're trusting foreign [Music] what you waited for what you waited for [Music] come on trinity sing with me just sing for me trinity [Music] she [Music] this is your moment this is your moment [Music] see what the lord has died oh see what the lord has done one more time [Music] is [Music] [Music] foreign [Applause] [Music] [Music] one more time says [Music] [Music] the oh has done see what the lord has done we see what the lord has done what we have waited for has come to that to see what has done [Music] has come to them see what the lord has done [Music] yes [Applause] [Music] is [Applause] [Music] [Music] what you are waiting for he will bring to pass and you will see what the lord has to and prophesy the healing you were waiting for he has started already [Music] of the lord has done a prophesy over this house a prophesy over deeper that everything that you will wait for he will do it hasn't said it and we will not do it hey see what the lord has done to see what the lord [Music] has done [Music] [Music] you trinity you will see while the lord has think what you are waiting or praying for he will bring to pass you will see what the lord has done [Music] i have seen what the lord has done he said years ago and i have seen every bit of it and more to come what you were waiting for serving faithfully he will bring it to pass don't be distracted hey set your eyes as a fleet as he said it and will not do it you will see it you will see it you will see it and we'll see it you always see it the nations will see it what you are waiting for i call it see what the lord has [Music] see what now i don't i don't i don't mean to project myself april fest of this year i got a message that my mother-in-law was dead my wife's mom and i'm like how could she die i'm supposed to release a new album on april 1st i was supposed to release this song or praise hallelujah again and then we're praying we're praying and then i remember the holy ghost said to me didn't you tell the people on social media that whatever they go through the ending praise didn't you tell them so i said to them no more prayer just form a wall around her and we sang her literally back to life now i'm gonna sound the trumpet we're gonna shout but there's something i need to leave in this house right now [Music] can you lift your hands right now what you are praying for he will bring to pass you will see what the lord has done see what the lord has done see what this god has done what we can praise him for he has brought to pass see what the lord has done this is a this is a sign and a testament for you deeper in the in a couple of days and weeks and months you're going to face some giants and you will have to remember tonight that what you once waited for he brought to pass [Music] you've got to sing this song back to yourself when you get there we saw what the lord has done what we waited for he has brought see what the lord and we are standing can i have like a pipe organ and strings [Music] clay can you help me on the keys and i know that there are ages [Music] around [Music] and let us [Music] mr william i just [Music] was struggling not to interrupt you in the morning service i came into the service and i shared with your mom i sat down there and the spirit of god said to me go to psalm 126 amplified version i showed you so i literally freaked out when you went there reading psalm 121 [Music] prior to that 3 am this morning he woke me up and said just pray and wait on me i thought i was just praying for the service but i spent time praying in the spirit i would normally do that before a meeting prayed and read my bible and while i was reading and listening to the word the lord gave me a prophetic number 120 120. 120 and i said lord what is what what about 120 i want to read this so that i just released that sound but this is a special house i i know this because of the various workings of the spirit in my life in the past two days it's been heavy let me show you i said lord what about 120 i couldn't make the connection mr william said he had a word from the lord and the lord interrupted his shadow and had to speak from psalm 126 and that was clearly a word from the lord because it was confirmed here and then i said lord but what about 120 and i don't know what i don't know so much about it but i want you to hold on to that number because i believe it's for this house but let me read something i found on the internet where are you just give me a moment to search them this is a holy moment [Music] see what the lord has done can you see what the lord has done [Music] you read this when ezra the prophet came back from babylonian captivity he determined that the only way he could keep the knowledge of god active for the jews was to have copies of the scriptures these copies would be sent to every synagogue in the world in order to do this he first had to collect all the manuscripts reported to be inspired he then had to determine which ones were actually inspired by god edit them correct any mistakes arrange them in a proper order and so on to aid him in this monumental task ezra decided to create what is known as the great synagogue or great assembly the point i'm trying to make the number 120 [Music] i think there were 120 people who went into captivity and he spoke about the same captivity that pastor william declared this morning and it began to make sense and then i went to acts 1. and then pastor william began speaking about suddenlies and as i read acts 1 and 1 and 2 i realized that there were 120 people in the upper room 120 people and there came a rushing mighty wind it came suddenly [Music] i don't want to jump ahead of myself but there's something about the number 120 and this house it's a prophetic number i don't know what god's going to do with that in the in the coming days but i'm just going to release a sound about this house you heard about my trip here how the lord diverted the plane to sin to senegal and ensured i came here on the fest to release the trumpet sound what god is about to do with deeper is greater and bigger than what you can ever think i mean i've had back to back confirmations perhaps he wants you to get into an upper room posture to pray and just seek him more but i can assure you that there's such a great destiny about this house chris can we stand i'm just going to release this sound seven times just prophetically over this house [Music] lord you've sent me here on an assignment i released a sound on the first day and this is the last day you spoke to me this morning about 120. you spoke to me about psalm 126 and the word was confirmed here i really do not have a clue but i declare that as this sound goes forth and in the coming days you make it plain you reveal strategy you release patterns knowledge for which inventions in jesus name just lift your hands everybody i'm going to just sound an alarm seven times every time i sound the alarm you're going to cross with your trumpet and at the end of it we will just give him some worship [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Applause] deeper you can shout more than that [Music] ah [Music] hey [Music] [Music] hey [Music] [Music] um [Music] [Applause] yes you are hamashiach [Music] [Applause] [Music] yes you are have mercy on [Music] yes [Music] m yes you are [Music] lifting us is all we've got to do casting crowns [Music] lifting curves bowing hearts is all we've got to do i don't know i [Music] is [Music] see what the lord has father we just kneel before you can we can we just please forgive me forgive me there's such a weight of glory in the house what we were waiting for he has brought to pass is the song he wants us [Music] lord reveal to this house 120. [Music] reveal to this house [Music] as to getting to that upper room like the 120 speak lord and let him see [Music] see what the lord has done see what the lord asked us [Music] what we were waiting for he has brought [Music] i went to a shop yesterday to get some things for myself at macy's and the spirit of god constrained me to stay around a particular department shop and then a young lady attended to me i don't know if she's here and i prayed with her and invited her here and she shared a very interesting issue of our life what if you're here tonight in case you made it here tonight i want you to see what the lord has done what you are praying for he will bring to pass you will see what the lord father we are grateful thank you for deeper thank you for what you have done we are not ungrateful this is the hand of god we give you thanks lord we give you thanks lord we give you thanks lord thank you for bringing your word to us [Music] thank you for what you're about to do thank you for what you were yet to we will see it we will walk in it we will touch it thank you because this house will touch the nations of the earth thank you because your word is in this house your presence is in this house you have confirmed to me through many signs tokens similarities that you were here [Music] lord i ask that you keep yourself keep your son keep his heart simple keep his heart pure help him to give you the glory [Music] may never be big in his eyes [Music] help him to see that you walk in him what to will and do of your good pleasure [Music] lord that which you put in my spirit i release over this house and let it speak in the coming days if i be a man of god let every word that i've spoken according to your will come to pass thank you jesus thank you for your presence here we celebrate your presence and for the last time we have seen what the lord has done we have seen what the lord has done what we were praying for [Music] [Music] i have touched what the lord has done i can feel what the lord has done [Music] see what the lord has done and we bless what the lord has done i bless it we bless what the lord has done what we were praying for he has brought to pass [Music] see [Music] wow [Music] [Music] yes see what the lord has done what we were fasting for [Music] what we waited for [Music] has done what you are waiting for he will bring to pass [Music] [Music] holy spirit thou what will come in this place [Music] this place [Music] i declare any lady here with the blood issue healed right now let that healing let you flow right now [Music] uh [Music] [Music] there goes the glory of the lord [Music] there goes the glorious [Music] [Music] there goes the glory of lord he comes [Music] [Music] in a new measure in a new way you've seen the glory what is coming in the fresh dimension [Music] for someone here what you're waiting for is not it's not material things you just saying lord i want to see your glory i just want you more i want to refresh those of your spirit if fresh measure if you release yourself right now he will come on you the holy spirit of the living god the one we call walk elohim breathe holy spirit now breathe breathe the breath of god blessed of god wind of god of god come [Music] see what the see [Music] what we were waiting for [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] i believe this song will be [Music] your testimony i believe this declaration will be your testimony it is our collective testimony but i also believe that it will be your testimony of your life i feel like the best way to honor the lord in this moment is to not disturb the moment itself [Music] i want him to write this on your heart as the melody of your life and literally everywhere you go you'll remember that it will be your testimony so i want you to sing it for yourself in faith for what you will see come on say it together say see see [Music] is [Music] there are things that you've been praying for and waiting for and you're singing this song ahead of time but it's already done and so i don't want you to wait until it happens i want you to sing it until it happens and then you'll catch up to it look back on and say this is my testimony this is my testimony before we go home deeper sing it just one more time over your life into the future come on say see [Music] let me tell you what has been in this room all weekend and you may not be aware of it there's some people some people will leave because you need to there's some other people that need to stay in this room until you get a revolution there's some clarity that god's gonna give pastor jason which is sharing some things with me that the lord was saying to him for some of you in this room you need to actually stay and not leave until the lord begins to speak to you about the future because you're singing this but you're not sure what you're waiting for and god's going to give you clarity the other thing that i want to also release to you is that the lord has been because we haven't been announcing these things just because he gets all the glory but he's been healing people in this room the entire weekend as i was telling the testimony of the knee that was healed earlier someone else's knee got healed just as we were telling the testimony in addition to that our sister i have to be careful with all of this we're online and stuff but our sister tasha was dealing with carpal tunnel pain in her wrist to the point where she couldn't even hold her child and the lord healed her before she left this room what am i trying to tell you i'm trying to tell you that it's available in this room and i'm telling you that because there's some of you in this room that are actually dealing with sickness in your body or pain in your body and literally as you wait in the presence of the lord and you begin to sing this song over your life you're going to discover that before you walk out of those doors some of you are going to be healed in this room and it won't be because somebody laid hands on you you will be able to say see what the lord has done what happened to you i was sitting in the presence of god and it just left me he's doing that in this room so we're gonna sing it one last time and then we're gonna honor the lord the best way we can come on lift up your voice [Music] see [Music] what we've been waiting [Music] cause heaven is here right now heaven is here right now what we long to see it is happening [Music] and what we've been praying for is see what the lord has done see what the lord has done see what the lord has done lord do what you do give clarity a vision heal bodies touch lives let us see the manifestation of the testimony writing on our hearts may we never forget it may we sing it into the future are we singing over every problem [Music] may we sing it over every attempt may we always remember what it is that you have done may have become our testimony in the name of jesus amen [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] family you are officially dismissed but if you're not done with god don't leave but now we officially dismiss you the lord bless you for all of you dgf who came from out of town we love you take it back home with you all of you watching online don't let the atmosphere of your home change [Music] thank you jesus [Music] what an incredible night we had we've literally been overwhelmed by god's presence and what better time is it to actually give during this moment so if you've missed our time of giving earlier today or you even feel led to give right now it's not too late for you to give you can give right now in this environment in this atmosphere and this fertile ground you can give on church center our church center app the deeper app or our website or you can text to give text any amount to 84321 god has been moving and we're just overwhelmed we're overwhelmed yeah and it's been such a beautiful time and the presence of the lord as we saw his face and worship and giving him all the praise and all the glory and all the honor the presence of the lord is so thick right now it's so beautiful i think it's a testament to the lord's goodness and its faithfulness and the worship that's being released and how even uh nathaniel bassey was talking about the worship that's going to be continued to release from this house and that worship is truly a weapon uh deeper worship has a new album coming out talk river sunday mornings live yeah and the worship that we are experiencing in this room can be brought right into your home continuously not just on a sunday the release date is october 15th so make sure you save the date and that you pre-order the album now yes also right now a deeper worship's cover of in the river is available on all digital outlets along with a music video that is now on youtube family this has been such an incredible weekend yes celebration as we dedicate this temple to the lord and it's been such an honor to watch our pastors and elders and leaders do so and we are so grateful that you have joined us but the celebration doesn't necessarily end right now we have something else to celebrate yes uh deacon chris yes has a wife named yeah absolutely phenomenal and her birthday strikes right at midnight so we wanted to wish her happy birthday come on come on use those hand clap emojis let's show her some love oh my goodness yes we love you so much and if you don't know nimzy at you will she is a fireball absolutely loves the lord has such a intercessor's heart and i believe like everywhere she goes everywhere the lord leads her man it's just a place of healing and anointing if you ever get to know her yes um and you will you will be blessed by her presence anything you want to say to the people on the eve of your birthday oh my goodness well thank you all for joining us over the weekend it's been absolutely amazing i pray that what we have felt here you've felt in your homes as well um it's been an honor it's been an honor to be in the room but knowing what god is doing in your homes in your cities we're trusting that what you felt over the weekend is going to go forever and ever it's going to reach your family it's going to reach the people that you've been praying for i'm sorry i don't know which camera to look for um but we're praying for you guys we love you all um and expect keep expecting the lord to show up your room is your place to set the atmosphere and that's where the lord's going to meet you so we love you guys thank you for joining us thank you for celebrating this weekend with us it's been fun a lot of tears a lot of tears a lot of happy tears a lot of joy and praying for you all we love you and again thank you thank you for the opportunity we love you give it up for her in the chat room guys we're celebrating yes we are we've got our confetti we it's time to turn up oh my goodness come on let's let's do it ready one two three hold on oh thank you for joining us family we've had a wonderful time in the presence of the lord today worship and the word and fellowshipping and it was a beautiful experience that we will never ever forget and you got to be a part of what god is doing and we are just so so grateful that you decided to tune in to the where the river flows but don't forget it's not over this is not a one and done we are going to be back again next week same time same place 10 15 eastern standard time you do not want to miss what god is doing and don't forget throughout the week we have bread throughout the week monday through friday prayer calls monday through friday 7 a.m and 9 p.m eastern standard time led by our pastors and our leaders all you need to do is call 774-267-8469 just mute your line and be on to listen cause we're gonna go in it's been an incredible time we love you guys same time same place we're gonna see you guys next week have a wonderful wonderful yeah yes beginning of your week yes we'll see you real soon yes [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Deeper Fellowship Church
Views: 3,785
Rating: 4.9757576 out of 5
Id: byfUnUGuXCw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 227min 2sec (13622 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 03 2021
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