A Seat at the Table | Robert Madu | "Open House" Sermon Series | Social Dallas

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we are a church that is truly an open house that anybody can come here and find a seat at the table we kicked off this series let me see if you've been paying attention we started off the series talking about our house rules and number one we said we are a house of house of what a house of prayer how many you know god gets to define what his house is he didn't say his house is a house of preaching he didn't say it's the house of the holy ghost two step he said it is a house of prayer that's what my house is supposed to be he turned over tables one time in the bible because people were stopping other people from connecting with god we said we're a house of prayer second week we talked about how we're a house of house of presence that our primary objective is to host the presence of god we'll let his presence wreck our program come on there's nothing like the tangible palpable presence of god and then last week how many you were at strauss last week how many come on tell me it was your first time at strauss last weekend you're coming to make some noise come on it's crazy because we didn't even know when we launched this series that we were going to be at strauss and it was truly an open house it was open house we had church outside and i was laughing because y'all was trying i was preaching and y'all ollie i just pandered like we love jesus but boy it's hot and it was awesome to be out there we said we're a house for people we're housed for people and today we're going to conclude the series and i'm excited to preach it in fact would you stand with me to honor the reading of god's word it's gonna be so so good now i have to remind you this is the 6 p.m turn up service okay it is illegal for you to sit there over the next six and a half hours uh that we have together and just go that's interesting no you got to get verbally involved okay you got to talk back to me let's just practice say preach that say that was good say yo that was for me say oh that was for you any one of those will work okay anyone else will work pick it freely so we're going to conclude this series tonight i want you to go with me to the gospel according to mark the gospel according to mark we're going to look at chapter number and we'll read from verse 17 down to verse 21 mark chapter 14. when you're ready to read it say yeah if you're not ready say hola i heard that hold up i heard that hold up i'll wait for you even though it is on a massive screen behind me mark chapter number 14. look at what it says interesting passage of scripture says in the evening jesus arrived with the twelve and as they were at the table eating jesus said i tell you the truth one of you eating with me here will betray me greatly distressed each one that's the disciples asked in turn am i the one and he replied it is one of you 12 who is eating from this bowl with me for the son of man must die as the scriptures declared long ago but how terrible it will be for the one who betrays him it would be far better for that man if he had never been born oh this is serious jesus this is jesus who has killed this dinner and brought tension into the room we say this all the time it's social we say that everybody has a seat at the table everybody has a seat at the table and i'm reading this text and thinking about that statement i'm like do we do we really believe that like everybody has a seat er body has a seat at the top anybody has judas has a seat at the table oh you got to be careful when you say everybody has a seat at the table because you don't know who's going to show up at your table i want to preach tonight just using this as a title a seat at the table a seat at the table i had another title in my mind that would have been great clickbait and i was going to call it the table of betrayal but i'm not going to call it that let's just call it a seat at the table look at your neighbor say oh neighbor come on look at them right on their face say neighbor a seat at the table look at your other neighbor the one you completely ignored this entire surface with your stuck-up self come on look at that other neighbor say other neighbor oh it's something about a seat at the table if you believe god's going to speak would you give them a praise in advance father speak to us tonight amen you may be seated and i think i'm going to sit too a seat at the table social dallas fam do you remember your very first official birthday party anybody remember like your first official birthday party something like yo for real first birthday party not the one where your cousin just happened to be at the house and your mama got a cupcake and just stuck a candle in it i'm talking about like your first official birthday party where your friends from school were invited everybody came over you went to some place you remember your first birthday party yo i vividly remember mine i remember mine my first birthday party my first official birthday party was at an establishment that is actually still alive and well today it's still kicking i should have bought some stock in it my first birthday party was at good old chuck e cheese's come on somebody that was my first one and i had a whole lot of birthday parties a good old chuck e cheese make some noise if you've ever had a birthday party at chuck e cheese's look at oh let me see your hand again chuck e cheese birthday party come on this mouse is a national treasure look at the legacy of chuck e cheese as my first birthday party is that good old chuck e cheese i will never forget it in fact i'm a grown man i had a whole lot of birthday parties at chuck e cheese but i just found out this week it helps to study that chuck's real name is charles his real name is charles and the e the e stands for entertainment did you know that it stands for entertainment chuck entertainment cheese that is his full legal name chuck entertainment cheese entertainment is a good middle name but i thought of a good second middle name for e it could have been chuck economical cheeses chuck economical jesus because if you've ever thrown a birthday party for your offspring at chuck e cheese's you know that they understand that parents are on a budget i love the prices at chuck e cheese's i love i love that pizza at chuck e cheese's yes it's as thick as teflon and it tastes like play-doh but it don't matter i can feed 80 kids for eight dollars i love the parties at chuck e cheese we're not here for culinary excellence come on we are here to play games and then get tickets and exchange those tickets for toys that we could have bought at target in the clearance aisle that is the purpose of going to chuck e cheese's i love checking cheeses i love that mouse i love that mouse right there as a matter of fact while we're on topic talking about mouse is i love that mouse way more than i love this mouse yes i said it give me chuck e cheese over mickey any day you know why chucky cheese is economical not mickey you see his hand i'll make you want is my money from disney plus to disney world i can't stand that rat takes all of my money something like oh don't say that he's part black you should support him i don't care i don't like mickey give me chuckie so i'm like yo but he wears the new yeezys i don't care what shoes he has on i like chuck e cheese over mickey any day because to me when it comes to a birthday party i'm looking at the finances i'm looking at the budget okay i'm looking at what is the bottom line did i say that to tell you this my wife who i love so much is currently planning a joint birthday party for my two little girls for everly and remy this is their first joint birthday party it's a big deal and uh they're thrilled they're thrilled i am scared to death of this bill okay because this is the most extra birthday party i have ever seen in my life her sister's an event planner so we got connections but still this birthday is doing the most there's bounce houses there's hors d'oeuvres and charcuterie boards and mimosas who has mimosas at a four-year-old i'm just playing that's not mimosas but there's all this extra stuff there's a real unicorn that is coming to this birthday party and my wife's been planning it but what's been interesting as we've been playing the birthday party is i went to my daughter evie i went to my daughter evie and i asked her an essential question to her party i said evie who do you want to invite to your party who do you want to invite and you should have heard the answers that came out of evie's mouth ooh even remy's mouth first thing evie said when i said who do you want to invite she goes well daddy i don't want any boys there the only boy that's invited is you i said give me a high five i shed one tear i said babe get two unicorns get two unicorns we're doing something right she said yeah um i want this girl to be invited i want this girl to be invited i want this girl to be invited she had all the names of the people she wanted invited and then i would pick her up from school and i guess someone down on the playground she'd be like oh that girl is not invited anymore she is off the list put an x it was funny to me how they were responding to who they wanted to be invited to their party remy she wants boys at the party she had a whole list of the boys that she wanted at the party and i told her she had to go to bed one night she said you are not invited to my birthday party daddy just tripped me out hearing that my six-year-old and my four-year-old already have fallen prey to the human propensity to selectively invite people to a party they're not even paying for isn't it interesting that my little girls my beautiful little girls already have learned how to be selectively invitational to a party that they are not even paying for they haven't contributed a dollar to this party they don't care about the budget of this party they don't know the sacrifice that i'm having to go through to throw this party but they have strong opinions about who they think should be invited to the party they have strong opinions about who they think should have a seat at the table when they're not even paying for the party i hope somebody sees where i'm going with this tonight because i am shocked at how many believers have strong opinions about who they think can sit at the table that god has prepared when they hadn't even paid the price for anybody can i tell you when you haven't paid the price for the party you don't get to pick who you want at the party and i'm telling you god might invite somebody that's not on your list [Applause] any crazy at six and four they're already selective they can come they can't come and they're subjective she could come not today now she's cancelled she can't come it blew my mind that my daughters are already given in the cancer culture the people they want to invite they've x off the list not one of them said dad invite everybody invite the whole neighborhood let everybody have a seat at the table now they got strong opinions about the people they think should have sit at the table and they're not paying for the party but can i tell you the beauty of our savior is that he has a table that has been sent and if you want to know the invitation list of god guess who he invites everybody guess who he invites all all who are thirsty can sit at the table all who are weak can sit at the table you want to see the invitation list of our savior it is all i love reading the bible and looking at the table because jesus he had interesting things that he did at the table he often would have meals with people that other people would have an attitude with him because he would have the nerve the audacity to eat with them you understand in biblical times the table was a big deal can i get a drink table was a big deal in biblical times to sit at a table at dinner the father would use the table as the place to bring instruction to his family it was at the table that he would gauge the atmosphere of his home it was at the table that they would share scriptures in the word of god the table was a big deal and who you ate with in biblical times was a big deal it was a big deal it expressed commonality to have a meal with somebody and jesus ate with everybody this is what blows my mind about how inclusive our god was he was inclusive with his ministry he would minister to all kinds of people he was inclusive with his miracles i'm just going that tangent a little bit it blows my mind that jesus would heal everybody everybody just you want healing come on if it was me i couldn't have done it because i'm petty i'm petty if i'm gonna heal you and i got the foreknowledge of what you're gonna do i need to know what you're gonna do with this healed body that i'm about to heal amen there's some people that begin in the line if i was jesus i'd be like uh uh i ain't healing your hand why not cause you're gonna steal as soon as i heal it next it's crazy that jesus would heal everybody think about that just for a moment he healed hands that would steal he healed eyes that were gone lust he healed legs that were gonna walk away from him and never follow him he was so inclusive with his miracles with his ministry but he sure was inclusive with his meals he would eat with tax collectors and prostitutes and sinners and pharisees it seems like anybody could pull up to the table and have a meal with jesus and i want to ask you today who do you invite to your table who gets to sit at the table or have you done like my daughter's and become selective and subjective with who you think gets a seat at the table because we serve a god that has an open table where everybody can have a seat at the table and i found that a lot of christians love to say everybody has a seat at the table until people start showing up at that table and they're like well yeah not not this table somebody else's tape do you only sit with people that you're familiar with oh it's quiet in this little catholic church tonight no for real do you only sit with people that look like you do you only sit with people that have the same ideology as you this is what i found about humanity is that we tend to only let people sit at the table that we agree with so we'll sit at the table my man i'm wondering do you allow everybody at your table or have you become selective and subjective with who can say what happens when somebody shows up to your table that's different than you what happens when somebody shows up to the table that thinks different than you think that has a different social status than you have oh get ready that votes different than you vote can they really sit at your table go sit at the table first of all let me help my illustrators they are not espousing the ideology of anything that they're wearing but they are wearing this hat and this shirt to show the polarity that i see in the world which is expected but i'm confused how it's gotten into the church to the point that we won't even sit at a table with somebody that's different than us and we have the nerve and the audacity to think that because you're different you must be demonic and separate and i got the corner market on who gets to sit at the table but i'm gonna say it one more time if you didn't pay for the party you don't get to pick who sits at the table and there is a savior that shed his blood for all of humanity and because he shed his blood for all he says come and sit at the table preach robert i'm trying it's funny it's funny how we'll criticize and castigate people different than us and think that we can't sit together at the table can i tell you the power of the table you know the power of the table is that at the table guess what we can eat together it's a me bro let me tell you what i love about jesus jesus he ate with everybody that's what i love about eden there's a commonality where you get some of their carbs there's a commonality to eating food there's a commonality to eating because i don't care who you are i bet you get hungry it is the thing that unites us all oh that's what i love about the miracles of jesus i love that he healed blond eyes i love that he healed deaf ears but not everybody was deaf not everybody was blind but you want to know the miracle that was in all four gospels the miracle where he took two fish and five loaves and multiplied it to about 20 000 people why he did that because he was trying to remind people that i am the bread of life and i don't care what you have a need of i can satisfy that need and i bet you'll get hungry and you will eat from this table somebody help me preach it here today everybody's hungry everybody's hungry he ate with tax collectors eight we're prostitutes eight with sinners and they said how dare he sit at the tave he knew what they did he said oh i know what they did know what you did too come on pull up a chair i bet you're hungry it's the beauty of a meal it's the beauty of eating with somebody how many know to eat with somebody is to share a common connection every marriage started with a meal come on before you walk down that aisle you know you went to eat and you're like hey so what what you like to do it's the power of a meal it's the power of the table that we can sit together even the word companion the word companion comes from two latin words that actually means together and food that if you're really my companion we can throw down and eat some food together do you have to agree with everybody before they can come to the table and eat when's the last time you had a meal with somebody that if somebody walked in the restaurant they'd be like why are you eating with him did you see his hat when was it like this is what got jesus in trouble because he ate with everybody the power of a meal the power of companionship is everybody allowed at the table are homeless people allowed at your table somebody said yeah really are they really allowed at the table you know you've seen the vision that we've talked about for social we are going to have a bus one day where we are going to pick up the homeless and we're going to minister to them we've already declared it but do homeless people get a seat at the table see here's what i found people relate to homeless people differently there's some of us you know you see somebody you're like oh i didn't see them and you know you just ignore you roll up your window real quick it's after you take a step further you see their cup you're like you know what let me see you know all right bro i got you i got you you give the money and you drive off feeling real good like you saw that right yeah i'm good i'm good some of us take it a step further we're like oh my goodness i just can't give you come on i know you're hungry come on man here you go here you go here you go you get food and and you feel real good don't you you feel real good i'm not saying you shouldn't do it the problem with charity is sometimes charity has the possibility of producing a prideful heart because there's something in you that feels good then you did it but you want to see the power of the table don't just give the phone say i'm willing to allow you to come sit at the table with me oh i'm not just gonna hand you food out my window let's pull up to a restaurant in dallas and walk in and have everybody looking at us like what are they doing in here are you with him sure i am this my dude right here what you want to stay cause there's something about a meal a shared experience that allows us to break bread and connect there's something about the table and eating that allows us to understand that we all need the bread of life i want to challenge us as a church in a community to have a long table to have a wide table to allow people to sit at the table that don't think like you think and don't look like you love i almost had him do it i almost had to put a massive table on the stage i'm gonna get this long table but the budget is tight so i just said put this one on here because i wanted you to see the beauty of an expansive table look at all the meals that jesus had in the bible i love in the gospel of luke he talks about the kingdom of god as a meal a banquet he talks about how a man went out and invited people to the party speaking to the jewish nation saying i invited you to the party but they had excuses of why they couldn't come to the open invitation let's look at it in luke 14. and so when they rejected the invitation of the party the servant who invited them returned and told his master what the people that made excuses said said we're not coming we got stuff to do and his master was furious this is a picture of jesus he said go quickly into the streets and the alleys of the town invite the poor and the crippled and the blind and the lame do you see the invitation of jesus don't you dare tell me you can't come to the table with your issues god said i don't care what your issue is you still have a place at the table invite the lame and after the servant had done this look at what he reported there is still room for more there's still room for more god always has room at the table he said there's got to be more seats at the table so he says go into the country lanes and behind the hedges and urge anyone you find to come so that the house will be full if you want to know the picture of the kingdom of god it is a picture where everybody has a scene at the table how many know this right here alone is hard for believers to do just to pull up and sit next to somebody that's completely different than you but what's happening in my text today if this wasn't hard enough what's happening my text today is not a table that is an open invitation this is a different table this is the last supper these are the last moments that jesus will have not with the sinners not with the crown but with his twelve his twelve have gathered in an upper room to have an intimate moment it is what will be their last meal before his crucifixion think about the power of this moment one person said that every person that you love you will have a last moment with them the problem is you don't know when that moment will be can you imagine the intimacy of this moment this is the place where with the 12 jesus the king of glory he takes the position of a servant and he washes their feet this is an intimate moment only the 12 get at this table but the thing that i don't understand about this table the thing i don't get about the 12 that are at this table is there is one person that i am confused as to how he got at the table i'm not just confused how he got at the table i'm confused how he got in the 12 in the first place this has perplexed me for several years of my christianity because you understand that god knows everything he knows the end from the beginning he can see you walking and he knew what was in you not only that before he picked the twelve the bible says he prayed the entire night had an all-night prayer meeting because he knew he was about to pick his cabinet and after praying all night and after thinking who could i have on my team to turn the world upside down i am confused about one person that made the list i don't know how this dude got on the team i don't got a problem with andrew i get why he's on the list i don't got a problem with bartholomew you need somebody on your team that got an exotic name i don't got a problem with matthew how many know you better get your taxes together i don't got a problem with peter i'm glad peter was at the table you know why i'm glad peter's at the table because you need some crazy people on your team you need some people that's still working some things out you need a peter that might cuss you out and be like my bad i'm sorry i didn't mean to say that oh yeah give me a peter give me a peter that will cut somebody's ear off oh i can handle your character issues if you got loyalty oh i'm telling you if you're cussing and you're cutting we'll talk about that later but if you're doing it for you because you got my back i am with you i can get a peter because he's got loyalty what i don't understand is judas that's what i can't stand is anybody like me my love language is loyalty oh yes i got loyalty got royalty inside my dna if you're with me then roll with me if you're for me then before me if you like me then let me know i like people that keep it 100 i'm even in this season of my life if you don't like me but you come up to me and go yo i don't like you we can hug it out at least you let me know i can roll with you what i can't stand is the one that's smiling in your face all the while they want to take your place backstab [Applause] guess what i can't stand if you don't like me let me know but don't be faking don't be connected cause you just want the clout 6 pm i can say anything tonight hold up [Applause] this loyal judas how is he on the list how did he get to this table how did he even get on the team judas judas judas oh my goodness this is a name that is synonymous with treachery when you think of betrayal you think of judas a betrayer made it to the table a betrayer made it to the upper room i can't stand the judas perhaps no other name besides hitler that when you hear it you feel the evil behind it you betrayed jesus if you don't believe that judas betrayal still has ramifications today i'll prove it to you let's do a roll call wave your hand if your name is matt in here tonight leave your hand if your name is matt matthew matthew oh see one over there come on but wave your hand if your name is john name is john gotta john in here got to john okay see ya john yep there's john okay name what raise your hand if your name is andrew any andrew's in the house andrew make someone what up andrew okay uh uh let's see eddie peter's in the house peter is there peter here peter hello look at peter in the back my god peter you ready judas any judas ain't no parent name that kid julius can you imagine imagine that first day of school name called uh judas go to the principal's office what i do is the first thing you were born go to the principles oh i can see his face i can see what he looks like i can see the sadistic grin i can see the evil emanating from his eyeballs i can see his face to me he's got a long face he's got a long face with little beady eyes like a beard it's got a little squiggly underneath here he's got like long fingers it looks like this and you remember peter denied jesus after the rooster crow i see judas like with a rooster or a bird on a shoulder just looking like this you know where i'm going with this judas looked like jafar off aladdin that's what i'm saying that's what it looked like that's how i see him just evil that's how i see him in my head probably not the reality jews probably just looked uh he probably looked normal what trips me out about judas is even what his name means judas does not translate to mean the original hater judas translates to mean praise so i'm trying to figure out how do you go from being appraiser to a betrayer how do you go from being hand-picked and selected by jesus and following him to selling him out how do you go from laying hands on the sick and casting out devils to having the devil enter you as you betray the son of the living god you want to know who scares me judah scares me jesus cares not because of his betrayal judah scares me because of his position and proximity to jesus judas is proof positive you can go to the best church judas is proof positive you can hear the best preaching judas is proof positive that you can be in the tangible presence of god judas is proof positive that you can see the miraculous you can see signs and wonders and yet your heart still be far from god judas is scary judas is proof positive that you can be around god activity and yet inside of you there is activity that is antithetical to the very presence of god judas is scary oh he's the betrayer does anybody know what it's like to have a judas at your table to have a betrayer at your table you'd be shocked at the person sitting in this room watching online in their bathrobe right now whose life is on pause because the judas showed up at their table and i think judas teaches us some things not just about the table but about betrayal the first thing judas teaches us about betrayal is that betrayal always begins with trust betrayal always begins with trust this is why betrayal is so debilitating this is why betrayal will put your life on pause this is why there are some people who have been betrayed and the betrayal was years ago years ago and yet there's not a single day they haven't gotten up and thought about the person that did it because betrayal always begins with trust hear me your enemies cannot betray you if you're my enemy you cannot betray me you have to have proximity to me to betray you betrayal always begins with trust it's always somebody close to you they have to have your trust first to betray you who if you're looking for betrayal don't look at the troll that comments on your instagram page that's not the one you have to worry about it's the person that you're in the picture with on your page come on this is my bf my best friend are you sure you trust him yeah i trust him with my life it's my bf okay because the trust is what gives the opportunity for betrayal and before you know it you find yourself switching the hashtag from bf to fb because you found out they were a future betrayer and you can't figure out how they got that close to you oh this is why betrayal hurts this is why it stinks cause i'm not just tripping about what you did it's not what you did that has me floored i'm tripping over the fact that who you are has shattered the illusion of who i thought you were that's the pain of betrayal it always begins with trust so if you're in this room tonight and you've been betrayed and you don't want to go through it again i hate to break it to you if you don't want to face betrayal then don't trust anybody and the problem we're not trusting anybody is that you will find yourself sitting alone because every relationship runs on the currency of trust betrayal always begins with trust can i go deeper i want to go deeper because i know this is a real subject and some of you right now are feeling your forehead sweating your heart palpitating cause you got the betrayer on your mind don't you feel like i can't believe they did what they did that's how you feel you know what you feel it's i can't believe they would do that because i would never do that to somebody you know what you feel oh you raise yourself above them you're like i would never do that how could they you right maybe you wouldn't but betrayal begins with what with what question how many of you would consider yourself a trustworthy person can i see your hand oh you walked right into it hold on let me see your hand trust worthy person all the trustworthy people raise a high be proud trustworthy look at all these hands my goodness i didn't know i was pastoring the most trustworthy church in america look at all these hands let me make this declaration you won't get hurt here at social dallas look at all these trustworthy people put your hand back up trustworthy people oh okay you're trustworthy okay here's the problem with you just raising your hand if you didn't raise your hand i'm scared of you because you admit it i'm not but if you raise your hand i'm still scared of you because betrayal begins with so just by virtue of the fact that you said i'm trustworthy you have lifted up your hand in the presence of all of these witnesses to say i am the candidate for betraying somebody betrayal begins with trust do you see how it's a slippery slope be careful when you say i would never because you don't know i'm not saying what the person did was right i'm sure they were wrong but i am saying don't deny the fact that within all of us is the propensity to betray prove it in the scripture i'll prove it in the scripture look at how jesus sets up this dinner look at how he sets up this last supper he comes to the table the meal has been prepared they're eating keep eating homie you didn't ate this whole plate are you for real did you eat before you came to church hey man you don't want to ask me to be in a sermon i mean i'm going to do my job this plate is almost all gone all right there's room at the table there's enough food at the table we good that mess me up you all see this meal can you see it they're in the upper room this is the last moment they're eating having a good time this is judas right here sorry they're having a good time they're talking like man i love y'all i'm telling you nobody else i want to roll with except for y'all right here peter you good my guy man i think man remember you too remember year two you started walking on the water forgot he can't swim oh peter i told you you should keep your eyes on me she kept your eyes on me you should cap your eyes with me i'm having a good time i think cowboy's gonna get them tomorrow night i think they're gonna get them watch this you ever been a meal and somebody sent something that took the air of the room that's what happens in the middle of the meal jesus goes uh god stop eating bartholomew please stop says uh it says one of you is gonna betray me what jesus you already know who it is he right next to you why do you interrupt the meal to pose a question or a statement rather say one of you is gonna betray me if it was me i'm petty first of all homeboy wouldn't be at the table but as soon as we would have sat down for real for he had already met with the high priest for real homie all i did for you for real i would have been in judah's face ain't no one of you is god this is not a mystery he about to betray me sell out you're right here what is jesus doing he's a teacher one of you is gonna betray me why is jesus saying this he's saying it because he wants the disciples to do what every disciple must do he's trying to get them to check the condition of their heart he's trying to get them to see where their heart is this is all god wants you to do is not to be the one that's looking at everybody else how could you but to look at yourself and say how could i i am not just intrigued with the fact that jesus says one of you is going to betray me when he knows as judas i'm intrigued by the disciples answer because read it when you get to the crib they did not say it's judas i knew it the day you picked him i saw it on his face i'm telling you he's shaking no no we read it earlier each one of them said am i the one is it me not one of the disciples at the table were sure that it wasn't them betrayal begins with trust and this is what our society has yet to understand is because we keep looking for all the people that we deem evil judases and we're trying to put them on one side and we do it with different categories of people some people do it with racist and we say they're the problem they're evil if we could just get them over there and us over here the world would be a better place and we're always trying to draw a line of demarcation between the good and the bad between the good and the evil and say it's them over the it's the conservatives it's the liberals it's the christians it's the atheist it's we're trying to divide the line but if you really want to divide the line of good and evil don't look for different people to put on each side divide the line right down the middle of your beautiful self and check yourself before you wreck yourself because each one of them said am i the one not one of them was sure that they didn't have the ability to betray you want to know what makes you have grace for other people you know what what makes you humble and not stick up your nose and arrogance towards other people you know what makes you forgive even the judas that's right next to you is when you know that there is a judas down on the inside of you don't you ever think that you're that saved that you that's special come on is there anybody in here that can testify that if it had not been for the grace of god on my life oh y'all gonna act stuck up in here tonight can anybody be honest to say if it wasn't for jesus i know where i would be judas i would have done the same thing i'm not here by my works i'm not here by my marriage i'm here because of the grace of god how do you forgive a judas next to you is becoming aware of the judas is in you betrayal begins we trust judas didn't become judas in a moment he became judas over time you don't become judas in an instant you become judas in increments see betrayal doesn't just begin with trust you also know that betrayal always leaves a trail please don't relegate his betrayal to the moment he kissed jesus in the garden he had been betraying before that betrayal always leaves a trail nobody commits adultery just in one moment and then just hey you know my wife come over here hey you're not my husband no you started long before that it started with looking at their page longer than you should have it started with a flirtation at the office nobody becomes a major thief overnight it starts in increments cheating on your taxes little moments of compromise you don't become judas in an instant you become judas in increments have you ever met somebody like on fire for god like i mean loves jesus first one at the altar love you jesus you met that person and then like you lose touch with him for like a couple of years and all of a sudden you see him and the same one snotting tearing at the altar it's like oh man you know that face stuff i'm good what happened they didn't lose it in a moment it happened in increments it happened because they got in an environment that was antithetical to the faith that they once held so dear it happened year after year at a university we've seen it before rarely do you lose faith in an argument you lose faith in atmosphere judas left the trail of the trail i'll show it to you before this last supper jesus has a moment where mary comes in with this alabaster box you remember the song cece sang about it remember do i need to sing it remember ah come to paul remember don't need to finish it my praise on him like oh oil from mary's okay remember she breaks it it's expensive the fragrance fills the room mark says that as soon as she does it one of the disciples says oh that's a waste could have given that to the poor such a waste that's what mark says he keeps the person anonymous i love john john is my guy because john is writing his gospel years after the events took place it is not a synoptic gospel it's not an order john is dude who writes his gospel later and then starts peace in different moments that he realized in retrospect and so he'll say stuff like he's the bread of life and then he'll put the story of the fish and low he's like oh i didn't know when he said he was the bread of light that he liked man he was the brand he'll collect him he's writing in retrospect and look at who john says the disciple was in john chapter four but judas iscariot the disciple who would soon betray him look he's still salty when he's writing it i knew he wasn't nothing he looked like jafar the day that jesus picked up judas is the one that said it that perfume was worth a year's wages it should have been sold and the money given to the poor not that he cared for the poor he was a thief and since he was in charge of the disciples money paul's judas was watching the money do you see betrayal begins with trust he was trustworthy if it's 12 dudes you don't even give it to the tax collector you'll give it to judas he didn't start off a betrayer of all of them they trusted him with the money you become judas in increments john tells us that he often stole money for himself it turns me out because i bet that day when the woman is worshiping and jesus was like oh we could have given this money to the poor i bet the disciples like oh that judas good heart always thinking about the poor they found out later the trail of betrayal hair already started i'm speaking to somebody right now that has already started betraying and it hasn't come into full fruition you haven't kissed them in the garden yet but you're doing it in increments betrayal always has a trail last thing i want you to get is that betrayal always has a trap where's your team join me betrayal begins with trust betrayal always has a trail betrayal has a trap i'm speaking to those you in the room who don't realize that a judas heart is forming in you because it's happening in increments little compromises i often ask myself especially when i was looking at this text what made him do it was he jealous of jesus i don't think so was he greedy maybe yeah he was stealing money what's interesting to me is that when he went to the high priest he had already given him over they brought up the 30 pieces of silver they just threw that in i don't even think it was fully greed do you know what i think it was that started his betrayal disappointment disappointment is disappointment that jesus is not doing the thing that he thought jesus was going to do judas had been hearing jesus preached the kingdom of heaven is at hand the kingdom the kingdom and he thought that jesus was going to overthrow the roman government because that's what all the disciples thought their biggest problem was it's the government it's the government's prop they're the problem the government sounds familiar it's the government that's the biggest problem just fix the roman government and jesus said i'm not trying to overthrow the government that is not humanity's biggest problem humanity's biggest problem is not the government humanity's biggest problem is sin sin is the sickness that only my blood can cure sin is the sickness that is wreaking havoc on humanity sin is the cancer you don't know what your problem is you think it's the roman government it's not the government it is sin i came to overthrow sin and death but he kept talking about a kingdom and they thought it was a kingdom on earth so every time he said kingdom they're buying robes and thinking of how big their crown is going to be what do you do when jesus disappoints you what do you do when you thought he was talking about one thing but it hasn't turned out to be the thing that you were hoping for that's when you start to betray he was disappointed i can see judas going for three years i left everything to follow you and you're talking about going to the cross i wanted to be on your left and your right reigning not on your left and your right on the cross oh what do you do when jesus is talking about one thing but you have something else in mind reminded me of this time when i um had to preach for this friend of mine i'll never forget it he'd asked me to preach at this youth camp this youth camp i was excited i was like bro i got you i preached for your youth camp and i have preached a bunch of youth camps a bunch of youth camps i love youth camps smell like axe body spray and funk just powerful kids getting ministered too i love it i preached been preaching you can't say come preach my youth camp i'll go and preach for my friends youth camp youth camp i've been i've been doing youth camp so you've been telling me you're ready for the youth camp i'm like yo ready for the youth camp these kids life's gonna be changed gonna be good he's like you ready i'm ready bro youth camp i got you that's what i do i do youth camps we start driving in this little remote area in montana we start going to like the woods that look like a horror movie where the black dude dies first i was like where are we we pull up in an open field i said bro wha where's the service i look at my right people are getting tense out the van he said bro the service is here i said where he said here i said where's the building he said robert it's a youth camp i said hold up you gonna say it was a youth camp you said it was a youth you said it was a youth camp not a youth camp we camping he's like robert yeah you said i told you youtube i was like no i thought you meant youth camp not youth camp like camping he's like robert what about the kids i said forget these kids there's bears out here i'm not trying to die are you i was so mad i thought he was talking about one thing he meant something else jesus was talking about the kingdom but you just thought it was one thing it ended up being something else and that's how he betrayed he was disappointed betrayal always leaves a trap it leaves a trap for the one who is the betrayer it leaves a trap for those of you who have been betrayed do you know what the trap of betrayal is to those of you who as i speak are still damaged by the betrayal here's the trap of the trail that the enemy would love for you to fall into it's called dta dta that's the trap of betrayal dta don't trust again don't do it the enemy would love that because judas betrayed you that you would get so mad and so hurt that you say you know what how could you betray me how could you do this to me after all i did for you you know what everybody leave go just leave just leave just go take your stuff and go all of you go this is what the enemy wants he wants the pain of judas the pain of betrayal to make you close your heart to make you not love anybody to make you not be vulnerable again do you see the trick of the enemy the enemy wants the pain of the betrayal of judas to make you have a seat a single seat at the table he wants you in isolation he don't want you to love anybody again because in isolation he can torment you he doesn't want you to put your heart out there again and i came to tell somebody don't let the betrayal of judas make you miss out on john don't let the betrayal of judas make you miss out on a person that can actually love you that can actually support you don't let judas make you miss out on john do you know who john was for jesus john is the only disciple that didn't walk away john is a disciple that would lay his head on the chest of jesus even peter denied them even all of them walked away but not john john was ride or die john was the only one that was at the foot of the cross and said jesus i'm never gonna leave you i'm never gonna forsake you and i came to tell somebody you're about to miss out on the john because of the pain of the judas but god said if you'll let me open up and heal your heart i'll bring you a job but don't let judas stop it i'm telling you we're called as believers to add seats at the table not to have a seat at the table and i don't care how much you pretend i don't care how much you say i'm good i'm good no i like being alone you know your heart craves community and it creates connection and judas if you're not careful will block the blessing of john don't fall into the trap that says i'm not going to trust again the enemy wants a seat at the table but god is looking for people who are able to ex to give love and forgiveness to even the judas that was right next to them and they don't allow the judas to stop them from adding seeds to the table know how i can forgive the judas that's next to me it's because i know there's a judas in me it's because i know that the only one that was truly innocent the only one who did no wrong was still able to say judas do what you must was still able to wash judah's feet what would a church look like if rather than being in isolation and just having a seat at the table we still extended our arms to other people after the betrayal and after the herd would you stand with me tonight [Music] i'm glass every head be bowed and eyes closed father i thank you tonight that there is a seat at the table god thank you that you have a table that is so inclusive that anyone could come that all can come and feast my lord tonight i'm praying for the hearts of my brothers and my sisters some of who have experienced the greatest betrayal some of them in their heart has been so closed because of the betrayal that they are about to miss out on the miracle of john because of the betrayal of judas the lord tonight i'm asking for you to do what only you can do to the power of your spirit god this is too heavy we can't do this on our own lord tonight would you do open heart surgery and give us the gift of being vulnerable again vulnerable with you vulnerable with other people jesus your life is proof positive that there is hope even after betrayal god tonight i'm not even just praying for those of us who have been betrayed god i'm even praying for the betrayer the one who messed up the one who hurt the one who abused the one who treated someone unfairly and they think there's no room for them at the table but god thank you that your table is so wide and so expansive that even they can come to the table and repent and find grace oh god thank you that your table is long and wide that the betrayed and the betrayers can come sit and eat and take of the bread of life i'm asking you to heal hearts tonight so that we keep bringing seeds to the table rather than staying in isolation heads about eyes are closed all over this place tonight but if you be so honest to say you know what i i know this is for me i'm talking to those of you who betrayal has literally made you stop trusting people everybody you're keeping at arm's length because you're afraid of being hurt again but you can't have relationship without trust and today god wants to heal your heart so that you can run the risk of the betrayal again but the healing that is gonna come from the community is gonna change your life forever so my head's about and i was closed tonight if you'd be surrounded to say you know that's me i've i've allowed the judas to block the blessing over john that's you would you just lift up your hand as a son to say lord that's me that's me yeah thank you god i see hands going up all over this place tonight thank you jesus phew father heal hearts tonight thank you that there is life there's hope after beaver trail heads about eyes are still closed maybe you're here tonight and you say you know what i'm i'm the one that's been the betrayer and you keep beating yourself up every single day for what you did and i came to tell you jesus already paid the price for your sin you don't have to beat yourself up about it you're dismissing your seat at the table because you did the wrong and god's saying no come to me you know what the tragedy of judas is is that he gave up he gave up before the resurrection how many you know jesus still i believe this this is personal opinion i believe he still would have given judas another chance he gave peter another chance after he denied him three times this is the unrelenting unfathomable grace of god it keeps reaching it keeps chasing even after you've fallen down saying come on come on come on pull up a seat it's about how's the clothes of that shoe when you say i've been the betrayer and i need i need the shame the guilt the condemnation off of me tonight especially would you lift up your hand tonight it's about isa clothes say that's me yeah thank you god thank you god one last thing tonight i want to give somebody an opportunity to say lord i'm giving you my life in this room watching online if you've never surrendered your life to jesus today is your day we say it all the time you can always come home if you're here tonight you say pastor robert would you include me in this prayer i need to give my life to jesus you don't have to clean yourself up to come to him you just come just as you are if that's you would you just lift up your hand to say god i'm giving you my life tonight thank you jesus yeah yeah see those hands thank you god here's what i want us to do i uh i just believe this that there's something powerful about leaving where you where you are and coming to a new place and i know we had a great time of worship but i do believe that there is something else god wants to do specifically for those who are saying tonight i've been betrayed and my heart's been closed or i've been the betrayer or i'm coming home tonight if you lift it up your hand i'm going to ask you to be so bold and so brave when i count to three i just want you to come to the front and come find a place here at this altar and as you're coming forward it is a sign to say that the old me that just wanted to stay in isolation that didn't want to trust again is staying at your seat but the new you is allowing god to open up your heart again hear me you can't do this in your own strength it takes the power of the holy spirit to bring healing for the pain for the hurt for the abuse if that's you i want you to come one this is your moment two don't worry about what somebody else is gonna think about you three three would you come would you come thank you god thank you god i don't care how far you got to walk i don't care if you got to move down the aisle come on god loves you so much that he made sure you would be here tonight so you don't miss out on a john you don't miss out on the healing of community and relationship don't let the pain of judas make you miss out on the healing of john [Music] [Applause] you
Channel: Social Dallas
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Id: Y0vFaYFfB0o
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Length: 64min 45sec (3885 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 27 2021
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