Deep Sleep and Muscle Relaxer Extract

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[Music] hello friends heidi here from rain country god is good all the time and today i'm showing you how i'm going to be making my new batch of deep sleep and muscle relaxer extract because it's not a tincture because i'm not going to be using high proof alcohol in this one but an extract so i'm working off the same basic idea that i did in my previous video that's about four years old now and i'm getting down to the bottom of that one there because uh you know with my back that keeps acting up every so often or my shoulders get really tight and sore when i get really stressed out valerian root or even valerian leaves and flowers have really been the best thing for me when it comes to any kind of pain that's related to that or to stress in general now fever few and catnip combined with the valerian is also very helpful especially when it's involving any kind of headache but i'm going to list off a few other herbs that you can use when you make your muscle relaxer slash deep sleep extract or tincture depending on which one it is that you choose to make so a few other options that you can look into are hops chamomile magnolia bark lavender licorice and cinnamon but here's the interesting thing i just learned about licorice that licorice is also very good for upper respiratory infections that might be something that could come really in handy right now but as with any of these kind of herbs you also have to limit how much you use you don't want to be drinking gallons of licorice or valerian teas or tinctures or anything like that so look into it for your own self one of the number one things you have to look at when you're talking about any of these is what kind of medications are you currently on if you are on any because these can cause some serious side effects when combined with each other or it could be as simple as these different types of herbal remedies can conflict with your medication and so that your medication isn't doing what it should be doing there's very many different variables i can't go into them all i don't know them all you have to know what it is you're on what are your different health things and then when you go to do search on these different types of herbs find out what's going to be best for you by looking into that and putting in best herbs for such and such when you've got this health ailment or if you're on that kind of medication you've got to look these up yourself it's too much for any one person to go into in one video but also as i always recommend in my herbal videos get yourself some good herb books hard copies are incredibly important i always have some different herb books linked in my description box down below okay so let's get started on this recipe now the last recipe i did equal parts of licorice root and valerian and then added some lavender flowers in there and that was pretty good but what i would like to do with this one is focus more specifically on the valerian root because the valerian plant as a whole has been very good for me and now that i'm growing it quite well here on my own property that's something i know that i can rely on whereas something like passion flower i've tried growing passion fruit here it just it won't grow for me here i would love to be able to grow it but it doesn't now since i have it in a dried form that i had purchased i believe i got it it's i don't remember if it's star west or frontier i might even got this one from mountain rose herbs i might still use some of it in this blend just to give it a try and licorice root is another one i've tried to grow and haven't had success with yet i might try it again though learning what i have learned recently but i know i can grow valerian so this is the one i'm going to be depending on the most so let's go ahead and get started on this recipe i think i will go ahead and add a little bit of each of these but again my main focus is going to be on the valerian root and i'll be using my new favorite solvent uh blend for this particular one though i'm gonna cut back a little bit on the honey and not make it quite so sweet but since uh i don't really care for the flavor of the passion flower and valerian has a very strong flavor i'm thinking the honey will help smooth out some of those flavorings and give it just a better flavor overall at any rate no matter which way you make it if you make it with a high proof alka alcohol such as vodka or even higher than that you might only need as little as a teaspoon for it to be helpful because valerian root on its own is very powerful anyway so with this method i would say up to a tablespoon possibly two tablespoons tops no more than that but a tablespoon should be plenty if you're taking it in this form okay so the first thing i'm going to do is put in some of my honey so i'm gonna put in a couple of big spoonfuls so i've got the raw blackberry honey going in here my favorite for flavor i absolutely love this stuff and my my flavored extracts i've made using this and my homemade wine that just turned out so far just really really good okay i'm going to go ahead and pour some of my wine in there now so that can start dissolving that honey we'll fill it about halfway full that's the apple wine i made last year from our own apples we had tons of apples unlike this year we hardly have any last year we had tons and tons of apples so we got ourselves a cider press made a whole bunch of apple juice and then took some of the apple juice so my froze i didn't feel like canning it because i wanted to keep it raw and then the rest i turned into wine so i could do stuff like this with it so anyway i'm going to stir this up and get that to dissolve as good as i can it's not going to completely dissolve right away but since i like to let my things like this extract for two months at minimum and it will likely be much longer than that because i have enough in here to last me for several more months it probably longer than that but anyway uh it's going to continue to dissolve and shaking it periodically is going to also help okay that's good enough for now because it will continue to dissolve so let me go ahead and start adding my herbs so i'm going to go for a whole cup this is gonna be pretty strong of the valerian root just the smell of the dried root alone is pretty powerful some i don't mind it i don't love it but i don't mind it either some just don't like it at all let me stir that in there and then i'm going to do just a quarter cup piece of the licorice this is licorice root and with what i know about the licorice root now i'll be adding it to my next batch of a cough cold and flu remedy and then we'll do the same thing with the passion flower just a quarter cup so these are all really good ones to help uh just to calm anxiety the valerian in particular is really good at relaxing muscles when i've when my shoulders get really tight from stress i take just a tiny bit of the tincture or i go out and eat a leaf if it's growing fresh and i just feel my the muscles in my shoulder just kind of it's like they just let go and it's like oh it feels so good and then the pain that also helps with the pain as a result and any stress the tightened muscles is putting on anything else it's causing uh maybe headaches and other things it also helps in that way as well oh another one i forgot to mention is catnip catnip is also good to help with sleep uh it's good for calming and it also helps with pain as well all right well i got all the herbs in there that i want in this i'm not going to put any more of that so again that was a whole cup of licorice root and then a quarter cup each of the other two you can blend it however you want based on what you find about the different herbs and what you think is best for you so uh i'm just showing you this one here i know my last one worked really good but i am trying to get away from the vodka and the wine other than the sugar i had to add to it everything else about it was free it's also organic and non-gmo i can't say that about the vodka i was using it was a cheap vodka but it also tastes so much better so when you're talking about a medicinal extract that might not taste all that great anyway anything you can do to make it taste better is uh it's a benefit it's a bonus okay so i've got that all stirred up good so now i'm going to go ahead and put a canning lid and band on there and so what i recommend i'm going to leave this out on the counter for a few days like i do with my other extracts and just come and shake it every so often that will help dissolve the honey the rest of the way in there because that is a good thick honey and uh just really keep it extracting and then what i'll do after a few days is i'll go set it back in my pantry and i'm gonna let it extract for at least two months and like i said it's unlikely i'll work through the last of this in that time so it will probably sit for quite a few months before it gets used and then as i said before when you go to take this if you're using a solvent like this up to a tablespoon i think should be plenty but i think two tablespoons at the very very tops now what i do is i use these little measured out shot glasses because they have everything from millimeters to ounces to tablespoons and teaspoons on here everything is marked and so what i do is i just fill it up to the proper mark to what i think i need and then that is what i take again it's usually i usually never need to take over a tablespoon usually with the vodka based one a teaspoon is plenty i'm thinking this one a tablespoon should be just right for me but again you know start with a small dose and then if that doesn't do the trick then take another one that's the great thing about this kind of stuff is not only is it really cheap for making your own especially if you're using your own homemade wine it's uh it's a lot cheaper than over-the-counter medications and a lot healthier for you too you're going to have less concern though any of these kind of herbs can have side effects look them up for yourself the chances of you having those side effects are far more rare and they're usually very minimal side effects then the very long list of side effects you're going to get from any kind of sleep medication which might only give you you know our prescribed sleep medication uh the average is 11 minutes of extra sleep is all it gives you and even that is not the good sleep that you need so it can actually make you more tired taking sleeping medications but when i taking taking this kind of stuff i can take it during the day especially like the valerian because valerian doesn't make you drowsy now licorice root and passion flower can but i haven't had that issue with valerian i can take it in the middle of the day it might make calm me down it might relax me but it does not make me drowsy i can still be just as go get them as i normally am and during the day in the evening it does definitely help me sleep if i'm going through any time where sleep just seems to not come so easy and when in that case when i take the tincture it does or the extract in this case it does definitely help me go to sleep almost immediately like i'll get up take the extract go to bed and usually five minutes i'm asleep it works just like that it's i love this stuff i mean i'm just really sold on valerian and so glad that i'm able to grow it well here now with that in mind you might have seen these flowers back here these are some flowers this was one of my my flowers it was like laying way over so i decided to go ahead and cut it now the date that i'm shooting this video is actually july 12th i have been harvesting my flowers so hopefully in about a month or so from the time you're seeing this video i should have some valerian seed up on the store and what i want to say in case i forget to say it later i'll try to remember to add it to any notes or anything but when you get valerian seed whether it be from me or somebody else a lot of people have talked about having issues getting it to germinate i did too the first several times until i can't even remember where i got it from i think somebody in a comment thread said it and you simply take your valerian seed it's pretty small it's shaped like little teardrops and you put it in the palm of your hand get yourself some fine grit sandpaper and just very gently sand over the top of those seeds when i've done that i did that with my own seed that i uh collected from my plant from last year and then tried that this year just to see if it would germinate and sure enough it was the best germination rate i had ever got from valerian seed i think every seed germinated it was great so i have tons of new plants out there so i will have lots of valerian so hopefully i'll have plenty on the store this year we'll see we'll see how it goes they're drying right now in a pillowcase so from the date that you're seeing this video the date that it's published so make sure you're paying attention to the publish date on the videos and then you can check on our etsy store which is always linked in the description box down below as well as in one of the end cards that you'll see pop up at the end of the video a little red nasturtium flower you can click on that it will take you right to our etsy store and you can see what other seeds that we also we have available as well as there are many other handcrafted items that we sell so anyway you can check and see if those seeds are up there by then and usually i i almost always have marshmallow and feverfew if you ever see it sold out it's just because i haven't been keeping up on making more packs but we have tons of marshmallow seed and feverfew seeds saved up always and so that's the one thing that we can always get up on our store okay well i hope you enjoyed this video and that uh if you're having problems sleeping with anxiety with just uh relaxing in general or getting tension or muscle soreness this is something has been very helpful for me so look into it for yourself and i hope that you find this video helpful or at least give you some ideas of what you can use for yourself and don't forget you can also do teas and eat a lot of these things fresh as they're coming in and find them helpful that way okay well thanks for watching take care and god bless you
Channel: Rain Country
Views: 18,164
Rating: 4.965517 out of 5
Keywords: traditional, old-ways, Health, Garden, Frugal, Homesteading, Self-Sustainability, Cooking, DIY, Homemade, natural-living, herbs, extract, deep sleep, homemade medicine, muscle relaxer, pain remedy, analgesic
Id: 5jQx-xLuzfM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 33sec (933 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 13 2020
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