Deep Sleep and Muscle Relaxer Tincture

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[Music] you Oh friends Heidi here from Ryan country homestead god is good all the time and today I'm going to show you how I make a my deep sleep tincture and actually to be honest I'm making this particular recipe up on the fly now my valerian root tinctures what I've been using recently and I've been extremely happy with it and it's only just valerian root and so for this particular batch I'm going to make a blend based on what I know about these different herbs so licorice root is an adaptogen that is also very calming stress relieving and will help you sleep this is why a lot of times will I put licorice root in my tea I only do it at night because it makes me very drowsy and and then valerian root valerian root is very much of a muscle relaxer and I found this has helped a lot with the tension I know if you want some more recent videos you'll see me doing this a lot because I've been have a lot of tension in my shoulders and when I started doing the valerian root which I've had for a while but I've just never thought to use it until recently I found it really helped me sleep good and took the pain out of my shoulders and helped me help my muscles to relax so I'm going to be using probably about half and half the valerian and licorice root and that I'm going to throw in a few lab under flowers these ones are actually from 2015 because I have so many dried up and I'll throw a few of these because the lavender is also very calming and soothing and helps you to sleep so that is what I'm using this blend so it kind of can be for all of the above to help you sleep to help us sleep and also to to calm the nerves and help relieve stress and to relax those muscles I'm going to go about one part valerian root now if you've never used valerian root has a very odd smell to me it's a very sweet kind of spicy smell which they seem like it smells good but when you equate it to the smell of gym socks then it doesn't smell so good because it is kind of like that all sweaty gym socks but it's really not that dab is very strong so one part of that and one part of the licorice root I'll probably add more as I go because I want to see how much it fills up the jar and then I'm going to put in because I want to make a whole bunch just a handful of lavender I don't want to put too much in there I output a little bit I really don't want that even though you're only taking this in very small amount so I'm going to go ahead and a little bit the same ratios again of the licorice and the and the valerian root the same amount again that it right there is about a half cup I'm going to put another half cup now typically I made my teachers prom vinegar so that it's cheaper and I know I can make this myself at this point I can't make vodka and I and it's really expensive even the cheap stuff is expensive to buy and then if you try to find organic it's really expensive you know because we all know vodkas made from potatoes and a lot of potatoes are genetically modified these days so that looks about helpful I want this job it really could be less full than this because certain things like valerian root and elderberry you don't need as much because it makes a really strong tincture as it is but anyway what I was getting to is I'm going to go ahead and use the vodka considering the nature of this particular tincture and really the thing with using vodka is because it draws so much more out you don't have to take as much at a time you can get away with a teaspoon a teaspoon of this tincture at a time that's it that's really all you're going to need up to a tablespoon now I was taking about a tablespoon of the well no I think I was taking two tablespoons because I just earned really consider ratios of the of the Malay teacher with the vodka and I tell you that's that really just knocked me out like that relax but I could feel it with literally within minutes when my muscles start to relax and and I was able to go right back to sleep it just it was really great so anyway you just as you saw me do this more in there to start top it off you're going to pour your vodka or your vinegar whatever it can be rum it can be you know as long as this 80-proof vinegar obviously isn't 80 proof so it's going to make it look much weaker tincture but it's a lot cheaper and healthier for you but again with with the high-proof alcohol you will you'll really only need to take a little tiny bit so if you're not making your own vinegar if you have to buy a good organic vinegar then you're probably better off just going with a alcohol because cost weights and come out same because you're going to need to take more of it if we're using vinegar but just a tiny bit if they're using the alcohol so I'm going to put a lid on this and then all I need to do is let it sit for a month and I forgot to bring a lid over here with me so I'll do that later there's my herbs now I want to show you I found these these old swing top beer bottles at a garage sale I have a few of these they make really good bottles for keeping your Tinkerman once it's once it's made because once you're done once this is set for a month to two months you're going to strain all this stuff out and then you're going to want to put it in a dark bottle and you know periodically you're going to want to go through and shake this up in fact let me get that liquor there we go now I got a live yeah this lid looks familiar it's from a organic a jar of organic peanut butter I recycle the lids I may fit on these regular mouths George really well but they're not entirely waterproof because they're not they're not sealed that way but yeah you just want to shake it up like this and then you let it sit for like I said 1 to 2 months and then you're going to strain that out and then you're going to want to keep it preferably in a dark bottle or if you keep your teachers in a bottle like this then keep it net in a dark place it's it'll just help them to last longer obviously if they're made with alcohol here's the other benefit they're going to have a pretty much unlimited shelf life where a vinegar you'll probably you're going to want to use it up a little bit quicker so that's the other benefit of using a high-proof alcohol to make your tinctures and I do have another video on on making tinctures and you can find that right up here and so you can watch that in conjunction with this and that one I was making I don't know if I was making maybe a I think it was echinacea tincture but anyway this is an elderberry syrup and then this one is an elderberry tincture made from another jar that I recycled and then this bottle is a recycle you might recognize it is recycled maple syrup bottle and this has my feverfew tincture in it this is this is the one I use for pain and when I use this and the valerian root tincture boy that really did the trick this this totally this combined with this totally knocked out the pain and then this really got my muscles to relax so it was just it was just really good and I'm really happy with it so that's something else I'll be doing is growing valerian root now I just ordered some seed from Baker Creek see so you can find a link to them below and and these lids these really cool lids I have a link to those in the description box below as well so so yeah remember to see any really food bottles you have especially if they're dark because that will help yourself preservative longer you don't want light getting into it and I think this was one of my the the one bottle of colloidal silver I actually bought and then I started making our own so and you can find a video to that right there so anyway that's that this is my sleeping time tincture the start of it and I'll be filtering it out in a couple months maybe sooner and um yeah until then I'll be using these goodies over here alright so thanks for watching take care god bless [Music]
Channel: Rain Country
Views: 58,410
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Homemade, Natural, Sleep Remedy, Muscle relaxer, homestead, prepping, diy, make it yourself
Id: jWArKhyVltI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 31sec (571 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 05 2016
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