My Top Medicinal Herbs

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hello friends Heidi here from rain country god is good all the time and I finally here doing that video I promised about six months ago about my top 10 herbs that I recommend for your garden and I'm sorry that miss Clara in the background there is insisting on being obnoxious but they actually worked out really great it was just a matter of time and then I kept forgetting to do it but I was talking to Wanda the other day we were just chatting and come to find out she was gonna do a video on her top 10 herbs and so it's like hey why don't we why don't we just do a collaboration so Wanda over at crazy days and deep south homestead they have two channels she has her own and then they have the one together and I will link to both of them below she's gonna be doing a video too and so go watch her video cuz we live in very different climates even though we're in the same zone we are in completely different climates on opposite sides of the States State pretty much so when I list this off this is by no means the only herbs I grow I have many that I love and it was really hard to narrow it down to my top ten but what I did was I went by the ones that I found to be the most useful all the way around that have more than just one use uh so a lot of these are gonna be really great for colonizer attractors you know they you know bees love them butterflies love them hummingbirds even may love them some of them are also really good for helping to prevent pests keep pests out of the garden and so boy I tell you is even though I'm still having a really hard time narrowing it down to just ten so I'm gonna have a few more I'm gonna list besides the ten and these will be in no definite order also keep in mind that these are going to be the herbs that do good for me in my area so you may find herbs that have similar properties but may grow better for you in your area than they would for me and vice versa okay so let's get started so one of my very very favorites is the marsh mallow plant and I actually it's it's so much one of my favorites this one did have to be top of the list that I have several videos out just on marshmallow and growing it and it's such a beautiful plant and I want to say real quick some people bought some seeds from me last year that some of them are doing really well but maybe their marshmallows only 2 or 3 feet tall that's as tall as they typically will get in the first year actually if you look up the marshmallow plant and look at the standard size it typically only gets up to 5 feet but mine will get as tall as 10 feet or more they get huge now these are the ones that have been established for a few years so the first year - first - one - two years maybe only two to three feet maybe up to five but then they could get mammoth most of these herbs that I'm listing off I have videos on not all of them but most of them and since I'm only allowed five I cards and then a couple of cards at the end what I'm going to do is I'm going to link right up here to a playlist of all that has all my herb videos in there I'm not going to list all the medicinal benefits of each of these things here all blissed a couple but it'll be too long if I go over each herb here so just be sure to check out the playlist if one of them interests you look for it in there and then you can learn a little bit more about it now a couple of reasons I want it I do want to throw out real quick why I like the marshmallows so much is that the leaves are edible they have a very mild flavor that goes well and salads stir-fries just about anything they're very soft and tactile they have varied emollient properties very soothing to any mucous membranes are good for coughs colds and flus and stuff like that echinacea is another one that I have listed here it is good for headaches you know big aches and pains and most of us know it's good for colds and flus so echinacea also being just a very beautiful flower and bees also love that it's just rare that you can see an echinacea flower without some kind of be on it or butterfly catnip is another great one that some people won't think about some people may grow it just because they think it's prettier because they have care or whatever and they want you know they want to have catnip for their cats but catnip has a lot of great nurses it makes beautiful purple flowers that the bees just adore and it is really good for a pest repeller I've used it for making my own homemade bug repellent for spraying on my plants that worked really well when they were bait you know the young classes they're growing and the bugs want to eat them all up and not really helped I mix it with some other things and I do have a video just on that some other herbs that I grow my garden that I mixed in there and a few other things that seem to help all-natural bug spray you can go ahead and check it out up here I believe it would work really well for spraying on your skin to prevent mosquitoes - because catnip is really good at preventing mosquitoes comfrey is another one that I grow now I don't use it that often I have not had a lot of need for it but it is known often by another name called bone it because it is said to actually help heal broken bones now I have used comfrey leaves as a poultice and they just they have a lot of real vulnerable area meaning that it's a very healing and soothing to the skin and a marshmallow does the same thing and if I didn't mention already catnip one of the number one things I use it for actually as a headache remedy so number five I have listed on here is calendula calendula is one of my very favorites as far as a floral herb very very good skin related property so anything that you know for your skin I that's why I like to use it my homemade skin cream so I like to grow lots of love lots of calendula again it's another great one for attracting bees it comes in a whole lot of vibrant colors and including pink which is the new one to my garden kind of a salmon color just love it and so that one is I've got number five number six I have listed is wooly lamb's ear and I actually I do have brought some of these out here so here's what it looks like dehydrated it makes a really nice mild flavored tea that just really beneficial to you the leaves are very soft and thick and I have also used this as a poultice or a bandage you can use it as a homemade bandage it's very thick and soft and absorbent so it can actually also be used as a replacement for a toilet paper so for those who are into prepping and tried to even grow their own toilet paper lambs here is a great one and grows like crazy out here some places you can really just spread and take off so you have to keep an eye on it but it's also very beautiful nice silvery colored leaves I love that just other type of green that adds to the garden yarrow is another one yarrow is another one I don't use a lot but it has so many great benefits the flowers can be used in a tea that will help help with sleep help you relax but it is most known for its styptic properties and styptic simply means that it helps to to stop blood flow so if you get a cut you can put some chewed up or masticated or pulverized in and mortar and pestle fresh yarrow leaves in there and it will help stop the blood flow some I've heard some people say it just immediately a sharp cut that was just bleeding like crazy put the yard on there and immediately it stops the bleeding and so that's one of the many many uses and again I have I do have a video on this one okay borage is another one I love to grow it is the bees very favorite is the Borge with its purple and blue flowers mostly blue but you'll see a lot of purple even pink flowers in there and the whole plant is edible it is a known as an adaptogen which helps the body adjust to stress I use the leaves I dehydrate the leaves up and put them in my mixed greens blend all throughout the year the young leaves I'll use and salads or even just chew on fresh out of the garden the the flowers are really beautiful in salad as well it's also good for the skin so I even use it in my homemade soaps and stuff like that nasturtiums oh my goodness nasturtiums if you're not growing nasturtiums and you can grow distant nasturtiums you really - this is one of the most recent videos I did on mr. shim the leaves and the flowers I have here a jar this is from this year I have a whole bunch of jars of dehydrated flowers but it you can put quite a few dehydrated flowers in there and right here I have almost almost full quart jar of the leaves I'm hoping to have full before the end of the year and the distortions are completely gone because of its antibiotic properties it is a really great antibiotic we've used it it's worked for us and II the whole plant again is edible and just tastes wonderful I love the flavor the seeds are very hot and spicy and the flowers have both a sweet yet kind of radish flavor to them which makes them also go very well in salads or using just as a snack you can put it you can make some kind of tuna or whatever sort of salad or even chicken and stuff the flowers and oh so good so mr. Simms highly recommended feverfew I didn't bring any a jar feverfew out here but feverfew isn't one that I use a lot but it's also really great for headaches it's a very bitter has a very strong flavor I don't prefer the flavor but I will put up with it if I have a headache I'm really trying to get rid of I usually will take a sprig of if it's if it's fresh at the time catnip and a sprig of feverfew and chew on them both and it usually within 20 minutes my headache is gone I've also tinctured the two together along with marshmallow cos marshmallow and echinacea both have pain remedy to them and usually if your your herb is going to be good for as an analgesic which is you know helping to relieve pain it is also good for an anti-inflammatory you'll find that it's often those two will go hand-in-hand that right there makes ten herbs now I want to mention a few others that maybe I should put honorable mention and that is pansies I love pansies because they're beautiful they also have a lot of great vulner Bertie's they're also very soothing like the marshmallow and then mints is the other one that I really wanted in my top 10 it was just a it was really a tough one it pretty much anyone can grow mints you'd probably have to live in the middle of a desert to not be able to grow mints because they grow like a weed they will spread like crazy but they have so many great properties they do help repel certain pests out of the garden as well as especially like you can grow your mints around the periphery of your garden which is what I'm starting to do is move them out to the peripheral but it was one of the first herbs that I started to grow because I love mint tea and fresh mint any kind of mint really but peppermint and mojito mint and my two favorites but I one of the before I started going completely off of all pharmaceuticals whether it be prescription medication like our thyroid medic medic or over-the-counter like pain remedies the other one of the other big ones I would tend to take was anything to help soothe my stomach because I used to have a lot of a lot of stomach pain a lot of issues there especially when I'd get stressed out what I found is I can go out when I start growing the peppermint and just chew on some peppermint and it took care of the stomach pain just like that and it was gone so really like the the mints for that so that's kind of in the honorable mention I guess but I really would like it to be in my top ten but I can only have ten in the top ten and then a few others I didn't mention also because these are ones that you don't have to think so much to grow because most people will find them growing wild somewhere on their property and that is dandelion plantain and pineapple weed and I do have videos on the dandelion and the pineapple weed I don't have any on the plantain yet but I've mentioned it several times plantain is very good pursue these skin issues I once got stung by a yellowjacket when I was out in the garden first time I've ever been stung by any kind of wasp but that I can recall and I have to be out there in the garden and I I was thinking what was it like no I'm growing right here and I and I saw the plantain I'm like that's it shoot it up put it on the on the wasps and within two minutes not only was the pain completely gone it didn't even leave a mark I was just amazed that that happened I mean because I could add in the time it took for me to get the plantain and chew it up I could feel the pain getting worse and worse and worse put that on there immediately the pain started to go away just as quick as I could put it on there to the point that like I said two minutes it was gone and not you know mark was left you wouldn't even know I'd been stung no swelling or whatever so plantain is an excellent one to look for to forage for in your own property most likely as growing it tends to like it will grow and gravel it'll grow in grass it grows anywhere same with the pineapple weed okay well I hope you enjoyed this video and that this will give you some ideas for your 2019 medicinal herb garden and again go check out my link for my playlist on medicinal herbs and anyone said I don't already have videos out on yet I do plan on doing videos on in the future so be watching for those and also don't forget to go check out Wanda at crazy days and at Deep South homestead with her video on her top 10 medicinal herbs okay well I hope you enjoyed this video and that you learn something new thanks for watching take care and God bless you [Music]
Channel: Rain Country
Views: 45,395
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: traditional, old-ways, Health, Garden, Frugal, Homesteading, Self-Sustainability, Cooking, DIY, Homemade, natural-living, herbs, Top 10, medicinal, health benefits, marshmallow, catnip, feverfew, peppermint, echinacea, calendula, pansies, wooly lambs ear, prepping, preparedness, emergency garden, yarrow
Id: LxrTjwfmT0M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 50sec (890 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 04 2018
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