How We Took Ourselves Off Thyroid Medication

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[Music] hi we're here to talk to you today about fibroids in thyroid medication and Heidi is probably going to do most of the talking because because you get her on a subject like Big Pharma or health or anything like that look out so but there's been a lot of questions out there concerning thyroid and how we got off the road of medication what we think about all that kind of stuff most you've been following us to know know that we try to steer away from medications of any kind we try to do the natural natural walk so Heidi's gonna talk a little bit about how we did yeah about how we got off our thyroid medication so as he said we've been getting lots of questions from new followers and some of you have been with this for a long time and maybe you've forgotten that oh it's probably been well since I first started the channel which was over a year and a half ago that I started a series called pharma free talking about how we got off the different medications that were on now the only real prescription medication we were on was the thyroid for 15 years each but we also were taking over-the-counter allergy medications and pain remedies and stomach remedies and all that kind of stuff and so the first two parts in that series I think I was talking mostly about how we went off all the other things with part 3 focus mostly on thyroid and with all the questions coming in I figured instead of just continuing to point people to the pharma free series since it's been a long time then maybe we should just do an updated video and include mr. Rane in here so he could give his own little testimony and just sit here next to me and be arm candy again now when I did that part 3 in that series that pharma free series I had a rather exhaustive list on things that you can do and I want I'm gonna do with this list is I'm gonna go ahead and copy and paste it into the description box and or a comment that I'll pin to the top below so be sure to check that if you want something that you can just copy and paste real easy and you don't have to take notes and then print it off cuz this is going to be long but I'm gonna go ahead and read it to you as well because they believe when you're learning stuff like this it's really good to listen to things like this as much as you can because the more you're hearing it and writing it and reading it the more it's going to set these things into your memory and looking over this list there is stuff on this list I actually have forgotten about and so it was good for me to read through it again and then just update it yet again I'll be talking a little bit on some of the things in this list but mostly I'm just gonna read the list starting off with some of the top nutrients you need to help boost your thyroid and get it running properly now most of us who've been on thyroid medication still have our thyroid glands and it's a matter of getting it back to doing to healing it and doing what it was made to do all along now some of you sadly have been victims of the Big Pharma way of dealing with it the dark ages you know if you're if you got a little bit of a swollen thyroid or something you they've come in and just cut it out now you've got to be on thyroid medication for the rest of your life for those people what I recommend is look into natural forms of thyroid replacement because there are such things you just have to understand that I believe most if not all of it comes from desiccated pink thyroid and so if you have issues with the pig thing yeah I mean this is going to be I have to be something you have to weigh out personally I would take the pig thyroid rather than take the synthetic thyroid because synthetic has its own long list of medical problems that's going to cause in your body down the road I know for me when we were on this synthetic thyroid I was constantly having joint problems mostly in my knees which some years in dance there was a couple years there were doing certain basic dance moves were very difficult for me and I had to have my older dance students demonstrate and that was very frustrating same thing for Taekwondo and the wool way gung foo and when when your knees are hurting you know that's it's really frustrating when you can't do what you want to do so going off the thyroid medication didn't take long before my joints got better and I stopped having knee problems so that's something interesting and I've heard of other people who were on thyroid medications say the same thing about their hands they were having our threading like pain in their hands I don't know if it actually was arthritis the pain went away when they stopped taking the prescription thyroid medicine what works for us might work for you we want to make sure that we you know let you guys know that we're not doctors you know we study made this stuff you know we're not doctors they don't pretend to be one on YouTube so you want to take this information with a grain of salt and do your own study absolutely yeah comp you know famous lines contact your doctor and see if it's right for you [Laughter] unless you have a real good doctor that won't weaken my cause temporary death so now most of most MDS that have been indoctrinated into the big pharma way of doing things I'm going to disagree with a lot of this so when you say contact your doctor try to find one that is more on board with the natural way of doing things and I'm learning there are more and more out there so it's just a matter of finding one that will support you mr. ring went through an issue a while back when he was getting inside my studio I went to the doctor your CDL checkup and so you have to you know commercial driver's license every time you renew your drivers license you have to go through a physical to make sure that you can still you can still drive the vehicle you know so my go in and the doctor looks upon this chart and you know in this computer you know you're not taking any thyroid medication I says no it just quit and he looks at me because you just can't quit that you know you you're gonna have all kinds of complications okay if we need to rush you lady you know you know you know panicked and you could die I don't know I think he's looking for a great big red button to push so you know I know health police would come in and arrest me and forced me to take thyroid medication but anyway we gotta get a blood test and get wrong you just can't just you just can't stop that you know you wouldn't she started taking you gotta take it for the rest your life I don't think it okay I don't know I feel pretty good you know I heard was crickets when we got the blood tests we have her annual results back from the blood tests I felt fine he had the blood work done which of course insurance doesn't pay for any of that so we had to pay for this out-of-pocket just just for them tonight and bother getting back to us because in what we we know that means is no news is good news because if they had found something wrong they would have been calling up and saying you need to get in here and you need to get down there and you need to get on your Big Pharma drugs because you know there's money to be made in that stuff before going off your medication these are the things you need to do don't just quit it we didn't actually just stop cold turkey what we did was we weaned ourselves off of it slowly so I was cutting us back to like a half a pill every day and then eventually it was a half a pill every other day and then a half a pill every two three days and we just kept doing that we you know for one to two weeks at a time with each new lower dose you don't want to just quit so I'm about thrilled - with a rock though right yeah because unique because your body your thyroid needs time to kind of make up for that for being dependent because when you're on it for 10-15 years we were on it for 15 years each then by this point your thyroid net is now dependent on the drug to do its job so it's just quit doing its job so you you need to wean yourself off while also introducing some of these things if you're not already doing it yet so miss start your body's pretty efficient in a way that if it doesn't need something you're if your body's working naturally it's not going to overwork so if you're if your thyroid senses what it doesn't need thyroid then you know it's it's gonna get sluggish it's gonna get lazy yeah they're just like your muscles I mean if you don't use them they they disappear well and obviously there was a reason a lot of you were put on a thyroid medication in the first place like us because well maybe I rate was sluggish or the testing was done improperly and that's a whole nother road to go down well sometimes those things suffer because sometimes those things separate because what you're not eating yeah and that's what I was gonna say whether it be a certain lifestyle things that you're exposing yourself to or the nutrients that you've already been missing from your diet and so that a lot of times poor high rate function is not a disease it is a symptom of something else either something you're lacking or maybe another disorder within the body but low thyroid in and of itself is not a disorder it is not a disease and that's important to understand so and you've got to find out what the root problem is and for most people it's simply just exposure to the wrong things in lots of toxins gut problems due to the toxins you're ingesting or whatever and stress and lack of proper nutrient-dense diet so anyway from the top of my list what I'm going to start with is just reading a few of the most necessary nutrients to help with a sluggish thyroid and that is selenium l-tyrosine which is an amino acid iodine vitamins a b12 but I say be complex and I'll get to that in a bit d e and K and then at the bottom of the list I put iron and I put that at the bottom of the list for a reason because not everyone needs extra iron to help with their thyroid and I'm one of those examples and so I've got to say that because if you're like me you're AB Mediterranean descent it's very likely you could be thalassemic and so if you're anemic and the doctors don't know any better they're going to give you iron which is gonna make you more sick and it's that's going to actually be detrimental to your thyroid so if you're low iron because you're if you're anemic because you're truly are low in iron that can cause poor thyroid function but if you're anemic because of too much iron like me that can cause poor thyroid function so don't be adding more iron tear to tie it if you don't need it so you better make sure if it comes to finding that out find a doctor that knows about thalassemia and have yourself checked for that not just regular aneema anemia because that's just differ to the B complex I believe as far as vitamins go and supplementation I believe the most important thing is to get as much from your Whole Foods as you can only supplement extra as absolutely necessary and when you do so look for good organic either gel caps or capsules with a some kind of powder or crystal crystals and I'm dependent on the type of vitamin that you're taking do not take tablets because those you've lost a lot of your nutrients and process of those being made and there's a lot of garbage added to them to bind them together the binders and stuff to make them hold together and usually all that stuff's bad for you so you're just totally defeating the purpose of taking the nutrients in the first place now think about the think about taking natural foods if you get natural foods high in all of these things that she's talking about here the vitamins and the selenium and stuff like that well not only are you're nourishing your body with a meal or whatever you know then you're not having it in addition go out and purchase all these different vitamins and minerals yeah it's like you can get it all in your food and you're paying for one so you might pay a little bit more for natural organic food as opposed to going to the fast-food joint and it might take you a little longer to prepare your meals but you're getting a better quality food you're staying out of the doctor's office you're staying out of the your not having to take all these extra vitamins and I'm not I'm not against taking vitamin supplements but I'm just saying if you're if you're in a line of trying to a lot of most people watching us for watching us because they're looking for ways to streamline their budget to help become independent of the system and all those different things so this is just one way that you can augment your diet lifestyle to to rid yourself of so yeah I mean what he said about being you know people look at organic foods as being so expensive but how much more then are you paying for medications and supplements and those both of those things can be really expensive or if you're just paying the one price for the good organic foods you're probably paying a lot less especially if you're growing your own you get an exercise right here okay so now what I'm gonna do oh I want to say one more thing before I move on to the foods iodine is another one of those things I do not though we did supplement a little bit with iodine during the time of transition I do not think it's something that people should supplement with daily because if you're eating the right foods you know there is there is debate on this but it is if you get too much iodine it's just like getting too much iron it can be detrimental to your thyroid gland your thyroid needs it but if you get too much it's going to have it's coming out of the opposite effect so getting it naturally through food and you can get it easier than some people think usually way moving on to foods for boosting thyroid and some of these because this is going to be long anyway I'll break only a few of these down explaining what some of these nutrients that I listed off here these following foods are going to be high and at least one of these nutrients above so ginger tumeric fish most varieties of fish shellfish though if you're obviously if you're going to clean for eating you might want to avoid the shellfish seeds in particular flax poppy Chia hemp sunflower fennel pumpkin and sesame and all these are different and what they're high in as far as nutrients so look into each one yourself eggs in particular farm-fresh eggs not the store-bought ones unless if all the store-bought ones you can get I mean if you can only do store-bought then look for the most free-range organic cage-free all that kind of stuff that you can find and they're going to be more expensive but they're going to be worth it in the long run nuts like almonds Brazil nuts in particular because they're very high in selenium one Brazil nut per day will give you your RDA of selenium cashews and black walnuts black walnuts are high in iodine so those people who are vegan and they want to avoid seafood to get iodine look at your black walnuts and of course obviously sea vegetables and that's down the list are also going to be high anaya nutritional yeast those are high in your b-complex bananas coconut products of just all kinds that's coconut milk as long as your own homemade coconut milk not the store-bought stuff with all the garbage out into it just coconut oil right avocados olive oil hemp seed oil grass-fed butter chicken and turkey grass-fed beef now the meat these are gonna be the things they're gonna be high on your amino acids the l-tyrosine so if you're a vegan or vegetarian you're gonna want to really do a search and see if you can find anything else is high in amino acid I in your amino acids like l-tyrosine I haven't researched that one in particular but I know usually your amino acids come from your animal products not saying they're not in the vegetables I just don't know that for sure because I simply haven't looked into it I'm gonna guess if anything if any non animal product design it's probably gonna be your nuts and seeds that might be high in the amino acids so check on to that for yourself and if I happen to think of it and find a link with a list of those I will put that below of course I already said sea vegetables that'd be like your kelp your nor nori spirulina and chlorella beans and lentils leafy greens citrus of all kinds nettle and I'm gonna mention nettle again but nettle as a vegetable nettle is one of those one of the reasons I started growing it was because I found out it's a very good for boosting your thyroid carrots squash celery here are some other herbs too to add more up to your diet that's basil oregano mince thyme rosemary and dandelion and then I have stinging nettles in there as an herb and then some more would be licorice which is a an adaptogen that helps your body adjust to stress so that's going to help with your metabolism as well as ashwagandha like I add to the jet filled latte yogurt homemade is best if you can get that or any kind of organic yogurt and then what I'm going to go on to now this next list is what to cut back on but not necessarily out completely and it's going to depend on you and what book works best for you as far as this goes well any of this stuff really does but especially this because you may want to consider cutting it all out at least for a time while your thyroid is healing and you're getting things back to normal like you should we're not big on the big fad diets to come out where you cut out one item completely forever but we don't we're not against fasting for a while on certain items yeah and I guess where she's going with it exactly yeah cuz yeah I'm not into the fad diet thing and and don't get me wrong I know some people really seriously have gluten intolerances I'm not I'm not talking about the special cases yeah I'm not talking about that I'm just talking about like it's good to cut back on certain things maybe even one in time are all together like the elimination diet you've heard about that too where you find what it is that you're having problems from what foods are causing issues and when you're dealing with your thyroid and again a lot of it comes back to gut issues you need to heal your gut so that's why I say a lot some of these things you may need to cut back on entirely for a period of time but it doesn't mean forever so carbs in general you may look at going a little bit carb free for a while this cut back on on all the excess carbs you know your breads even your rice and potatoes and stuff just for a time but gluten in particular just to make sure if it is a good you want your gut to heal coffee should be cut way back on for a period of time at least again so you can see he drinks coffee and he's fine so again it doesn't have to be forever just a period of time another one I say cut back on but not necessarily out is dairy I find I do better when I have less dairy but we know that yogurts really good for us and so is grass-fed butter butter actually can help you lose weight and just like coconut oil so yeah butter we love butter butter something I never do cut out and then one big one that may not even realize raw cruciferous vegetables again this should only be for time because I think Rock cruciferous vegetables are super good for you however they're also very high in koi Trojans so as your thyroid is trying to heal itself and get back to doing its normal functions I say cut way back on eating them raw cooked is totally fine because that's going to lower the goitrogens it's the goitrogens in the raw vegetables that will slow down the thyroid function and this that's a maca root is a is one of those it's a cruciferous so if you're taking the maca root in its raw form you may want to consider looking at the gelatinized I think it is maca root or heating the maca root like in the jet fuel octane you may actually want to boil it in there instead of just adding it to your water raw maybe boil it in there for a little bit to cook it before you consume it because maca roots actually also very good for the thyroid but it can also slow it down because of the goitrogens so it's it's kind of a give and take there so some of those other ones would be broccoli kale cauliflower brussel sprouts cabbage and so on anything that's a cruciferous now here's the the final layer should totally eliminate these well almost totally on some things from your diet for the rest of your life we're talking about thyroid or anything like I think it was kind of you know thinks you should avoid period right this is beyond it this is beyond just I really yeah and this is to the best of your ability some of this is gonna be difficult to entirely avoid because I know we can't entirely avoid all these things but number one is genetically modified foods soy products I say all of them if you can but we still have you know the Bragg's Liquid aminos for because we still like every Sony sauce so we just try not to have it a lot but it is organic and non-gmo so that's what's the most important because most soy that you come across that's going to be genetically modified fluoride it's found in there's typically in there city water and store-bought toothpaste and Teflon pans it is proven to be a thyroid inhibitor as well as it causes a lot of a whole lot of other health issues so fluoride really needs to be cut out completely so anything you're doing the house fluoride in it and get rid of it except for your natural salts I had somebody bring up about Himalayan salt on a the salt lab video and I got to looking at it and yes it does have trace amounts of fluoride in it but so do all high mineral salts because it's a it's a but it's only in trace amounts in it's a natural form to it what you'll find you'll find fluoride you'll find fluoride in you know soils alright naturally and because of using natural mineral but to add it to your diet is you know a natural chemical you know but if you look on a periodic table it's considered I never could never come remember if it's d most toxic or one of the most toxic halogens on the periodic table and so when you're getting in it's unnatural form like what they put in the city water is usually a waste product and in fact our city water report even said that like wow it says right here but then they try to make up for it by saying but it's been proven to be good for your teeth no it's not no it's not because actually fluoride can cause a serious bone loss it's worse than that florell says well I think that people think the spots that causes on the teeth is just you know it's just a looks issue no it's more than that it actually causes issues within the bone that can make it brittle and although yeah Teflon pans make sure you get rid of any Teflon pounds stop cooking with Teflon we threw all ours out and switch to stainless steel and cast iron and glass those are the top three that we use and any kind of fake fat margarine shortening and the like vegetable oils and anything that's not your good healthy fat there's a lot of those fats out there you may think are good such as kemmnola oil that's another one that's a matter of debate the ice from what I learned about canola oil that's one of the worst ones most likely it is genetically modified that's one of the top reasons why I say you should stay away from it anyway but a lot of sometimes the oils you've been told and fats you've been told they're healthy are actually opposite of that you know margarine is not it is the probably one of the worst things switch to real butter if you're doing dairy if you're not doing dairy you know if you're a vegan you're gonna have to find some something else I say coconut oil you know coconut oil is a great butter replacement I know it doesn't taste the same but it's you know you can do things to make it taste pretty good and it's so healthy for you okay processed sugars so your white sugar it's especially just white sugar because when you go buy white a bag of cheap white sugar at the store it's not cane sugar like you think it is it is genetically modified beet sugar beets is what it comes from and and then just processed anyway so some sweeteners too you know obviously it's good idea to cut back from a lot of sugars but I don't say cut them out together because you know raw honey and molasses are really good for you molasses is high and a lot of those important beneficial nutrients that you need coconut sugar is also high in a lot of minerals and then there's date sugar and at the very least switch or white sugar out with organic cane sugar where it's still blonde even so it still has some of that molasses in it so that's probably the least healthy sugar that we use is the evaporated organic evaporated cane sugar and there I know there's many other sweetener choices out there and of course there's also stevia but for some people that's something they need to avoid too so look into that please feel free to put your suggestions down below what other natural type sugars you like to use in place of you know white sugar and what works for you what no how do you feel about the flavor of that and so other people come and read that because I know there's a lot more out there that I'm forgetting to list okay some other things that should be pretty obvious are highly processed prepackaged foods and I'm not even just talking about the standard TV dinners like we're big when we were kids back in the 70s and they were man yeah and those little pies and all that kind of stuff not just that stop buying the prepackaged gravy mixes stop buying you know the hamburger helpers and the Top Ramen and all that kind of stuff even the canned soups they might look and sound healthy but there's a lot of garbage added to that stuff soup is one of the easiest things to make on your own and I mean you can just take all I got a leftover steak I've got leftover hamburger I've got you know ground beef I got left over this and left over that just throw all these vegetables and meats into a pot with some some good non-fluoridated water and cook it up and you've got to you got a nice tasty pot of soup high fructose corn syrup absolutely should be avoided msg and then the last one is alcohol I say it should totally be eliminated from your diet however and anyone following me knows that all in the form of medicinal tinctures or even flavored extracts I do not have a problem with because you're using such small amounts or even when you're cooking with it typically you're using small amounts and it's highly diluted and if you cook it long enough you can cook most of the alcohol out and so these are the things you should look into avoiding now as far as home we're doing like I said we've been off I know for sure six years I kind of lost count I'm thinking it could be as long as seven but I know for sure it's been six years that we've been off of our thyroid medication and I've never looked back I'm taking the thyroid medication you think it's affected their memory or by not taking it or maybe when we were taking it it's just that the last six or seven years has gone by so fast that it's hard in and during that time through the whole time I've done research always constantly looking ways to better our health better what we're doing to keep us off the medication so one of the things I think that he did that he didn't add when he went in for that appointment and other appointments it you know because he's had at least two other CDLs or maybe one other since and his he's always had a really good you know checkups they just think he's in super health for somebody his age didn't that one lady said who are you Superman we she was checking your blood pressure and stuff you don't mean well Oh was I don't know maybe I should go slap her down it was that the same one that the it was the nurse that was doing all your chicken your vitals at the same doctor that was all freaking out because you weren't on your thyroid medication anymore that's what made it so funny but anyway so yeah and and for me I I've just never been back to the doctor I've had no reason to go and I just go by what my body's telling me I haven't had any blood work done people have asked me that was like well no I haven't had any blood work done but I know that I feel better now that I did when I was on the medication and to me that's sign enough I just kind of go by what my body's telling me and I think when you when you're when you're going along this path you do start to learn how to listen to your body like you know you've heard it before if you're craving bananas it probably means your body your body's saying hey I need potassium especially if you're not a big one to eat bananas I used to not really like to eat bananas a whole lot I'd like banana in things but just to eat a raw banana but every once in a while I'll get a craving for a banana so if it's there I eat it because I know that's my body saying hey potassium time you know and that applies to a lot of your other minerals and nutrients you if your body's craving it you probably need it unless it's something toxic you're probably just craving it because you're addicted to it like because MSG is very addictive cheese is very addictive it's been proven so are a lot of these other things that are in the items to avoid list and or even items to cut back on list like coffee what about ice cream is your body telling me anymore it's not being unique or copy an ice cream so obviously take it with a little common sense when you heard it okay why hope that was helpful I'm sure there is more I could say and again uh in my series I'm sure there's a lot more and I've listened to it in a long time so I don't know what all I said and that I do know I read off a similar list but I probably said a lot more since it is a three part series so I will go ahead and link to that read up here and you can check that out and just remember that's at least about a year and a half old or so anyway I think that's it mister ring so take care so thanks for watching take care and God bless [Music]
Channel: Rain Country
Views: 41,004
Rating: 4.9328537 out of 5
Keywords: traditional, old-ways, Health, Garden, Frugal, Homesteading, Self-Sustainability, Cooking, DIY, Homemade, natural-living, herbs, thyroid, no medication, pharma free, nutrients for thyroid, true health, thyroid boosting foods, fire your doctor, take back your health, naturopathic, food is medicine, herbal medicine, thyroid medication, no thyroid medication, how we removed medication
Id: toj7Sh4vNGY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 26sec (2066 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 17 2018
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