Blood Pressure: Should We Be Medicating It?

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[Music] hello friends Heidi here from rain country god is good all the time and today I'm going to be talking about blood pressure and yes I'm sitting in our it's coming along people our rec room that we've been working on for a while and it used to be my former ballet and martial arts studio and eventually I will be doing a full tour of it but it's been coming along nicely we actually had a couple of family game nights in here and just had a great time it's been a really great way for us to take this room and refocus it into something that's going to benefit not just us but our whole family so including the extended family so we've been having a lot of fun well anyway I've been putting this topic off for a while because though I know my thoughts and my feelings on it there's there's just so much about it when you're talking about health and being on medications and I know I'm gonna miss a lot of really important facts I did jot down some notes to help me remember to stay on track but the first thing I do want to say is number one I am NOT a doctor I'm not a licensed physician I'm not a licensed nutritionist I'm not licensed in anything the only thing I certificates I have are my black belt certificates and and so that's and that's it so everything that I've done is based on my own study and research and you know and this is year's worth this isn't just getting you know to spending you know a couple hours looking stuff up this is constant years worth of observation and study and listening to different doctors and different natural paths and different people and and it's I started it on this way a long time ago because back in my 30s I think it was I really started just becoming more and more suspect of all the medications that were on and why are we giving kids antibiotics you know every time we turn around every time they get the slightest fever they're they're being put on antibiotics and so even when my kids were babies I felt there was something wrong there and so I didn't run my kids to the doctor for every little thing and sometimes kind of felt like a bad parent as I did that but amazingly they got better without the need of going to the doctor and being put on some kind of you know drug and by the way this is just for educational purposes and so don't allow anything I say to replace good professional medical counseling and no on good and so you know I don't you know I have you know I don't trust most modern conventional doctors I just don't I don't trust the way they're trained I'm sure there's many good ones out there as far as they're good people they mean well it's the training that they're given that I really don't trust so going off of my own instinct and the fact that I do I believe personally that God created our bodies to be intelligent and self-healing this is what I'm based on and even if you're not a believer you know if you don't believe in God and creationism if you're evolutionist then as I say all the time you should be able to believe that our body should be evolving to adapt to our to our surroundings to nature and as well as nature adapting to us so that we should be able to be able to heal ourselves based on what is available to us in nature and so anyway let's talk a little bit about what blood pressure is and what it is not high blood pressure we're constantly told is you know it's the silent killer and you know it's it needs to be medicated and it's you know it's if your blood pressure is elevated it's a bad thing and yet this is coming from a poor understanding of the purpose of blood pressure and what is for the our blood pressure is made to rise and lower depending on our needs throughout the day even and for each person is going to be different blood pressure as far as the numbers go systolic and diastolic are never to be a one-size-fits-all every person is going to be different and that one person is going to be different all throughout the day your blood pressure is going to do that that is totally normal so let's think about it when you go to the doctor and they want to check your blood pressure what are you doing you're sitting down do you want them to test your blood pressure while you're going on a marathon or while you're lifting weights or while you're out hunting game or whatever it is no obviously you don't you know why because your blood pressure naturally is going up to be able to get the blood pumping through the system as is needed so here are the things that cause blood pressure elevation that's going to be physical stress emotional stress and chemical stress some of these can be good things and nothing wrong with them but if you have a chronic high blood pressure that doesn't lower with some you know just sitting down relaxing doing some deep breathing or whatever then it's possible you could have a problem it's possible but what is what is that normal number and here's the thing that's interesting to know there is no evidence to support a set number as a healthy blood pressure number so if you're told that yours is too low or too high is it really is it for you how do you feel what is your activity level what is your what is your overall health because if you have poor health it's very likely your blood pressure is going to be higher anyway as a result of poor health the elevation of blood pressure is the body's natural defense and reaction to the situation that it is in it is supposed to be self-regulating so to be medicating a proper function in the body that is doing what it's supposed to do is really the wrong approach to it again so if we're talking about it if it actually is possible that your blood pressure numbers are higher than they should be whatever that number really is then what you need to look at is what kind of stressors are you under are you do you have a poor diet is your blood in bad health if you poor blood requires more blood pressure to make it work properly in your body and to be able to push the right nutrients through your system are you currently under some emotional stress you know what about what about your job what is it doing to you are you dealing with any other life issues a death in the family a marriage a new birth whatever it is these are normal natural things that people deal with all the time and our blood pressure is meant to go up in order to properly handle those things so we should not be trying to medicate those but if it's a Connick a chronic stress like a job situation that is chronically stressful and it's causing it can cause serious health issues your blood pressure goes up in order to help counteract all that and so it's not the blood pressure that should be medicated it should be getting away from the situations that are causing high stress because the high stress will cause other health issues now other signs the reason why your blood pressure is up may be chronically elevated is because if you have other health issue it could be intestinal disorders it could be caused from thyroid problems it can be simply caused from not drinking enough water and again as I said an improper diet can cause your blood pressure to be chronically elevated so I guess the thing is is find out what first of all what do you think a normal blood pressure is for you personally here are some factors in this now it used to be back in the day they consider normal blood pressure to be 100 as the worst as far as talking about the top number which I believe is a systolic the top number being 100 points plus your age so if you're 50 years old it should be normal for that to be a hundred and fifty that's not considered high if you're 50 years old and now you know they keep changing the standards and that's part of the problem they keep changing the standards with no evidence and they admit to they admit to not having any evidence to support any one set number for all people so weight can also be a factor whether you're a man or a woman can be a factor of the differences in your blood pressure how tall you are can be a factor and if you're on pharmaceuticals that can be a big factor so here's something that's interesting we tend to find that high blood pressure and cholesterol issues go together so if somebody is on high cholesterol medicine they're most likely going to end up on high blood pressure medicine why is that because the statins which I believe nobody should be on either are what is one of the factors in causing health problems that then increase the blood pressure so first of all you have to look past the idea that elevated blood pressure is a problem or disease what it is is it's a fix for a problem it's the body's natural way of regulating itself okay so let's look at nature when a an antelope or some other kind of animal is being chased by a lion or a tiger that creature who's being chased their blood pressure is naturally going to go up it needs to go up in order for it to run to save its life same thing goes with us and so we don't go out there and start medicating all the Antelope and all the rabbits and all the other animals that are most likely to be prey to the Predators that would just be silly and stupid and yet you would find most of them have high blood pressure especially when they're being chased but we're not gonna we're not gonna medicate them that's dumb and so we should not be medicating I'm gonna say this over and over again sorry if you get tired of hearing it but we should not be medicating a body's natural function its I really and this is again this is gonna be my opinion based on what I've learned I honestly believe that nobody should be on blood pressure medication and that most people shouldn't even be worried about blood pressure because the focus is on the wrong place you should be looking at what is causing your blood pressure to constantly be elevated or to be elevated to a very high point now coming back to blood pressure numbers what are the numbers I know I found these notes and I'm barely looking at them because I'm going off the top of my head and sometimes that's the best way for me to go but I keep the notes to help keep me on track but anyway when it comes to numbers the best thing to look at is what is your pulse pressure what is that number now what that number is going to be is the difference between the systolic and the diastolic so if your blood pressure that that number is going to be roughly 40 that should be the difference but it could be 50 or it could be 30 depending on who you are it to give a set number even on that is wrong because it's not gonna be the same all the way across the board but let's say it's 40 so that means we know that you know we hear a hundred and twenty over eighty as being the normal blood pressure though that's not good for all but what's the difference in those it's 40 that sounds good so wouldn't that then logically mean that somebody who has a 160 over 120 is also normal because the pulse pressure there is still only 40 and so that's gonna be those are the numbers you should look at the most not what the actual systolic and diastolic numbers are but what's the difference in those numbers and even then it's still going to be tailored to you and who you are you're your genetics and all of this kind of stuff and and whatever's going on in your life and again come back to what the root issue is of the problem so and here's something that's important to know so these are some of the facts that I wrote down that I hope I wouldn't leave out so high blood pressure does not cause kidney disease what causes kidney disease is every is due to being on things like non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs so that person gets put on this medication that then causes kidney failure or kidney problems or kidney disease which then that is what's going to raise the blood pressure so then they get put on the blood pressure medication and it's not the blood pressure that's the disease it actually goes back to the original medication that were they were put on that caused other physical problems so we keep trying to put the wrong fix on our problems okay and then another thing about blood pressure medications is they actually increase the risk of stroke so the more of this medication you're taking the more the risk of stroke goes up so let me see I think I have a number on that here so the risk of stroke this is one thing I do take a note on someone to get the number right goes up by approximately 33% for each blood pressure medication that you are put on strokes are often blamed on high blood pressure when what it really is it's the medication that's causing the strokes not the high blood pressure itself and then along with that another interesting fact is when you have someone who's had a stroke here is something that may just blow you away so let's just say this person probably had a stroke because they were put on blood pressure medications in the first place but then what do they do to a person who's had a stroke they actually artificially elevate their blood pressure in order to keep blood flow going to the brain and keep the brain active and alive so isn't that interesting and so let's go back if they were never put on the blood pressure medication in the first place they probably wouldn't have had a stroke that then needed to be have their blood pressure artificially elevated the the whole system is just broken people it's just you know I can't I can't say it enough and so what I wanted to do next is I want to read off some of the foods and herbs that you can add to your diet that will help lower your blood pressure if it is chronically high however this is not a band-aid this is not a fix to a problem again I do not believe we should be actually trying to lower our blood pressure I think we should be looking for the root of the problem however I decided it may be helpful anyway to go ahead and list these things off because this is called good healthy eating and good healthy eating is going to help with all kinds of health problems and very likely help the health problems that are causing their blood pressure to be chronically high if it is actually too high so I notice I keep saying if because those numbers are totally variable so let me read off this list that I put together so I put arrows next to the ones that are the ones that are highest and that's based on the nutrients that they have and some of that is anything that's going to be high in magnesium and potassium especially together so garlic bananas poppy seeds cayenne pepper black seed which I have black seed it's some people call it the cure-all I don't know about that but it's a you know it might be a good thing to have on hand it I don't particularly like the flavor a black seed but I mix them with fennel seed and sometimes will chew on that together and that helps the flavor a lot better because I like the taste of fennel seed also flax seed olive oil celery basil ginger oregano lavender cinnamon hi and hibiscus tea now those those are the ones that are at the top of the list now here are a few more I'm gonna throw in there lemons raisins currants cantaloupe winter squash fenugreek seeds honey onions watermelon seeds so don't worry about swallowing those out of watermelon seeds people in fact you should probably chew a month wild-caught fish which again is high and not only high you know your omega threes it's also high in magnesium as I said in my magnesium video I'll link to that video right up here by the way so you want to look into magnesium rich foods check that video and then one more that I have on the list here is green tea and these are just a few examples of things that will help naturally lower your blood pressure and a lot of that is based on the fact that they of the mineral and the nutrients that they contain and again it just comes down to a good healthy diet and avoiding the things that are going to increase the stress within the body or cause digestive issues that increase the stress you don't want to lower your blood pressure you want to make your body healthy and that's what it really boils down to so again a lot of this is based on my own personal research don't take it as a replacement for professional medical counseling but take it as incentive to start doing your own research into this topic and find and learn how to roll your own supplements learn how to just eat healthier and take better care of your body you know good a daily amount of movement I don't even think a person has them necessarily if they're just busy all day and they're working and they're on their feet I don't think they necessarily have to set aside a specific time to exercise I used to do it all the time but being healthy and and getting good exercise can simply be doing your chores working in the garden and working in the garden is incredibly good for you because as it's physical exercise it's very relaxing it's very good for your overall health your physical and your emotional and your psychological health and remember when you get your hands in the soil that soil has enzymes in it that help your body release endorphins that gives you that really good that feel-good feeling that's gonna lower your blood pressure so there's some of the best ways to do it right there and I also hope that this will help get you looking into other things that you know like your cholesterol that's another big one your thyroid do you need to be on thyroid medication we were on it for 15 years each both me and Patrick each anhui one was he was on synthroid i was on live with the rock scene I think it's called I can't always forget the name whatever whatever both of them were synthetic thyroid that were causing joint problems in both of us and after 15 years I finally said enough and I weaned ourselves off of it I have a video just on that right up here again it's not telling you you should run out there and do it telling we just share with you how we did it so you can look into it for yourself just like I'm doing here just look into it for yourself don't just don't just trust what I say oh and one more thing I wanted to I meant to say this at the beginning of the video I'm going to link to at least one of dr. John Bergman's videos right here I recommend you listen to every video he has on his channel about blood pressure every single one listen to him because he'll say something a little bit different in each one but if you keep hearing it you keep hearing it you'll be able to start realizing just how important this topic is and how we should not be depending on a medical community that when a proper drug is given and let's say the proper drug taken at the right time and the right dosage is actually taking a hundred and twenty eight thousand lives per year so and that's doing it the way it's prescribed okay so and so you can just imagine the more people are dying from improper dosages which I think in most cases is it is all improper because we're all being a lot of us are being put on drugs we shouldn't be on in the first place again personal opinion take it as it is and I again I hope this really helps get you on the right path to finding full and total health okay I hope you enjoyed this video and that you learned something new thanks for watching take care you [Music]
Channel: Rain Country
Views: 8,621
Rating: 4.9369249 out of 5
Keywords: traditional, old-ways, Health, Garden, Frugal, Homesteading, Self-Sustainability, Cooking, DIY, Homemade, natural-living, herbs, blood pressure, medication, big pharma, natural treatment, self regulating
Id: 1y63snQSy5M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 34sec (1294 seconds)
Published: Thu May 09 2019
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