Decathlon Day 2 | World Athletics Championships Doha 2019

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so there's the sites of the Khalifa Stadium Damien Warner the event leader overnight in the decathlon currently leads his compatriot pierced the page by 27 points but looming in his shadow Kevin Meyer who is 30 points behind these athletes preparing after a long first day yesterday there is Kevin Meyer just going through the shot they're looking to come from behind let's bring you up to date exactly shall we with how things stand in the decathlon at the halfway point Damien Warner Kevin Mayer always has a strong second day he's a fine hurdler he's a very very fine pole vaulter that could be one of the events that makes a difference but Mayo will have to come from third in the five events that remain the 110 meters hurdles the discus the pole vault the javelin and the 1500 meters the punishing 1,500 meters is the final event as we saw coming up after midnight local time here in Doha well then when you see the leader Damien Warner it's certainly Kevin Mayer they're in third position Pearce LePage on the middle here we see the Japanese athlete come at Oshiro we'll see this first team of 110 meter hurdles you want all of those segments to be equal when it comes to points and as athletes get a little more mature as athletes understand those events a little more they will definitely even out Kevin Mayer you see his knees different point distributions are much more consistent than the other two athletes there's mykola Weibo of Estonia who currently overnight lies in 6th position overall linden Victor now he's in a good position for the bronze he's fourth overall at a moment just nine points behind Kevin Mayor Tim Novak of Jimmy lines up in Lane five don't forget these hurdles heats our seeded based on ability so the quickest athletes will go in the last of the three heats Kevin Mayer and Damien Warner both in the last of the three heats the comas we see Thomas vanderplatt silly Belgium he's currently down the field the poor boy Lindley high jump he's in 19th position overall Ilya secure any off the authorized neutral matheny he's in with the metal shower he's currently in fifth position in the overall standings at finally Martin Roux of Norway who is down the rankings at the moment but again just like laying a marker down in the first event yesterday Dan this is an opportunity to get your confidence through the roof if you perform well in 110 well so difficult to start this event with one of the most demanding events physically there you see Linda and Victor he put himself in great position to go after a bronze medal today his previous best on a first day was 4400 even he went 44 74 yesterday so we'll look for linden victor to use this hurdle race and a couple of big throwing events to propel him to a bronze medal and Michael weibo there to the right all right Victor's left he high jumped outstanding he needs to have a big second he needs have a big second day he is also in that position to challenge for a bronze medal the voice of Dan O'Brien 1996 Olympic champion in the decathlon three times a world champion knows exactly what these athletes are going through as they prepare for the start of day two he's one of three so when the guys stumble in lane three for Michael we bow but he manages to regather himself it's kurinny off on the outside who started strong we also know that go well Victor is knocking hurdles over left right and center yesterday one has yet but who they come and it's terinni off who takes it for Michael Weaver who recovered well from that early stumble at the start fourteen point two nine the winning time Forster inial well he has a 1395 as a personal best but only a 1474 as a seasonal best so he's got to be happy about that we both made a nice recovery think about the time he would have ran had he not stumbled 1443 he comes in with a seasonal best of 1465 but he surpasses his personal all-time best of 1449 so nice job by weebo there and he knows it too he knows he stumbled he was ready to run very fast Tomas vanderplatt s'en was in fourth position Tim Novak 1460 well 1443 for Weaver we'll get him around about 910 points something like that but T as you say but it's 920 points it is a lifetime best in the decathlon but we see we bow second from the left there who ends up well doubled over pretty much well he takes a big second step you want to push those strides nice and big towards the hurdles and it looks like weebo is a seven stride to the first there you see the big linden victor on we pose right our left but watch him make a nice move on the inside in the blue uniform that was real nice running on the outside there by Sterling gap so well this was skinny X race really from the from the second hurdle but it's all about points pushing yourself to your absolute limit and you're racing against your own point of your own tablet of points here we talk about the competition between these guys they seed them though according to their time so they are definitely nice and competitive but remember these athletes are competing against one another they're competing against themselves I think I did Linda mixture get a bit of service by the way because I thought he was knocking hurdles over it was actually Novak's trail leg in the outside lane it was the timing of novak knocking it over that from our side angle actually like victor was plowing through them but so Linda and Victor actually a relatively clean run Vania it was Novak who was there destroying the objects in front of him well that's the confirmation of the result 939 points Verrilli Oscar any off are the authorized neutral athlete the Russian athlete from Michael Weibo at Arsenal best in second first of three gates because all those points at the conclusion of the event will be crunched into the overall standings which will keep you right up to date with as we move through the events the athletes making the way through towards the stadium entrance hike as Mirek of germany leads the way biggest names in this one really well a man we're going to be looking at probably in the throwing events later on nicolas call you can just see him about fitting the line there and he'll go into Lane six in this event Nicolas call were expecting big things in the javelin from him this not one of his stronger events but again nothing he's got a big javelin you'll need to contribute some points in his weaker events as well to have a chance of maybe trouble in the middle by Kazmir at the end of Germany comes in to Lane number two for the second of these three heats Yannick I go net of Estonia he currently lies in tenth position overall probably going to be having to perform well above his personal best to get near the metal as we see the first of the u.s. athletes Harrison Williams 1407 competitor is best Pavel vasilich of Poland lines up in Lane five currently in 12 position and he overall standings Nicholas Cowell of Germany then who as we say knocked his particularly strongest event this one 14 5 5 Nicolas Cal but he will come on strong later on in the throwing events discus and javelin make up some big points vitaly Zook of belarus another one who's currently down the field 17th position a bit of that tape there on his right calf and finally it will be Fredrik Samuelson who on paper is one of the faster men in this field the fastest on paper in this field is kite kasparek right on the inside his lifetime best is 14 at 0-5 and he would be 1 he would be in contention for a medal so again we'll keep our eyes on him and how he performs relative to his usual standard [Music] also Harrison Williams at 1407 useful hurdler in the context of this eat anyway it's up some useful points of the early events yesterday Harrison William to 800 meters ten point seven six on the flat and he is a good hurdler as well nice and solid he comes in with a personal best of 1407 should be a nice competitive race between him and as America we will see the launch of day two of the hack tap one a little bit later on the men get their second event underway before the women about my out here the women's heptathlon long jump and is the first event of the day for them on day two that's at 1815 local time which is around about an hour and a half away from now as our decathletes line up in peak 2 at 3:00 in the men's 110 meters hurdles Kazmir economy inside had lain two and Harrison Williams of the US likely to be ahead of offense said when they go first time Paul was a bit unstable in the blocks let's come through it's Kazmir upon the near side of will stumble for Glenn I said both Estonians and Kazmir extolled up that's a disaster for him Harrison Williams coming through the challenge zip now and it will be Harrison Williams who gets there from Duke but the story of that race is that Kazmir who would have been in contention for a medal has probably blown it there he has blown it stumbling losing his way and having to run off the track well that's too bad because he was off to a very good start he had the lead after the first two hurdles and we'll have to take a look at the replay but just absolute tragedy here in the 110 hurdles he will he will record no score because he went around the hurdles head he stayed in his Lane and even was able to hurdle the rest all the way to the finish he would get a score but when you stop and DNF do not finish you will receive zero points for that but Harrison Williams takes the win 14:43 a seasonal best for him and zouk as well from belarus 1449 keep an eye on Kazmir farthest from us here looked like he got a really good start he's running well hit that trail length also hard he hit that right leg trail like almost took him down he was definitely strong enough to stay up but he caught the third hurdle and then he slammed the fourth hurdle what he was so good over the first three as well he was slick as you like over three it was in the leads and then suddenly one clip of the right leg in your whole campaign can be turned on his head well we take a look he's on the right he is drifting a little bit left but he hit the roof he hit the trail leg pretty hard on the third one and then really takes out that fourth hurdle and it was it was almost like he didn't get an opportunity to even get his foot over and that definitely aspected oak affected oh Golani in the lane next to him I was gonna say did the reverse happen there because Oakland it just stumbled before Kazmir it hit the her woods if you see the guy next to you stumble is that just out the corner your eye do you notice that is that a picture focus at all you know you better not notice that you'll notice it when somebody goes down there we see Nicolas cow in the middle of the track and he's a nice solid hurdler I think he just lacks he lacks a little bit of the overall sprint speed that some of the leaders have but there's Zook he runs a he runs a good race night he's really a big guy so for a big guy he manages those hurdles very very well but I love that head-on shot you get a chance to really look at the technique but no you shouldn't notice somebody who stumbles next to you if somebody goes down hard like Omar McLeod did last night you're definitely going to take that into consideration but yeah too bad for Kai Kazmir he was one of the athletes that the German national team was really hoping for a high finisher well that is such a shame for high Kaczmarek in the opening event of day two as well you come here with your mind focused your body prepared I mean got yourself overnight into seventh position I'm within 150 points or so of the medal positions so the DNF at the bottom is disastrous for casma wreck but Harrison Williams took it 920 points for his effort of 1443 but welcome to multi-event life i guess it just takes a fraction of a second doesn't it for something to go wrong but the Kevin Mayer now he comes out on day two he holds the world record for the best ever score on a second day a certain man next to me holds the world record for the first they score Dan O'Brien and Kevin Mayo put together would be some athlete but mayor decent hurdler terrific pole vaulter excellent javelin discus is solid and then 1,500 meters again is solid as we see Cedric doubler of Australia come out for the Bernal Heat of the men's decathlon 110 meters hurdles will another triple jumper very shortly - Paul's running concurrently Salomon Simmons of the US a 14-0 two men overnight Salomon Simmons has himself in 8th position also within reach of the metal positions this is our event leader hence he's wearing the blue bib Damien Warner 4513 points we Olympic bronze medalist 2015 silver medalist in the world championships devin williams kins got a bit of work to do to make up towards the metal positions as devin williams down in 13th position overall he goes in Lane six jeremy know of venezuela who is down in 21st at the minute run a very hard first 300 meters of the 400 meters last night before imploding in the closing straits now piercing their page currently in second position it's a canadian one - overnight he was 27 points behind his teammate today Miam warner and pierce the pages PB is 1407 set this season just to compare that Kevin Mayer's PB you might have caught it on screen right at the start when he came out thirteen point five five said today triathlon events attached to the Diamond League in Paris earlier on this summer he has the inside draw lane to Kevin Mayer he was the overnight leader when he won in London in 2017 but as we mentioned has to come from third position this time around well he wears his emotions on his sleeve we saw that in all the events yesterday and it can be a good thing and a bad thing the same time you know when you let people know what you're thinking out there if you show any weaknesses if you look like you're hurt in any way your athletes your other athletes out there can pick that up but there we get a chance to see Damien Warner he is the best hurdler in their group like the hundred meters he is the best hurdler he's a world-class hurdler and I would say as good as he is in the hundred meters he might be a better hurdler so watch him lead this group and there's Pierce LePage I got a chance to introduce myself to him when we were on the practice track first time that I met him and I said are you healthy you look like he retired from the high jump he looked like he was limping just a little bit and he said he feels much better than he did at the Pan Am Games where he limped his weight through to a block a bronze medal but he still was able to finish very strongly watch the start by Damien Warner just to emphasize your point Dan Damien Warner's 100 meter flat PB is worth 1066 points his hurdles PB is worth 1071 points so on the time conversion to points that suggests that he is a better hurdler not by much it suggests he's very good at both he goes in Lane 5 mayor the biggest threats the defending champion run on the inside and lane 2 Pike as Merrick had trouble with that inside lane but I like the outside lane because Kevin mayor will have nobody to his left you won't have any trouble getting mixed up with anybody so when they go and damien warner is out well mayor also going well on the inside of the - you'd expect mayors clipping hurdles but still Damien Warren up strong performance this mayor coming through well on the inside and also go and while he's devin williams damien water 1356 that is terrific from him just outside his season's best he'll run a faster time there than a lot of athletes in the individual 110 meters hurdles will have turned in that's a really good performance from Damien Warner mayor thirteen point eight seven three tenths outside his personal best at devin williams 1391 well what's most impressive about guys who run fast in the decathlon hurdles is they do it almost virtually alone Damien Warner was completely by himself on those last four hurdles he definitely used the group that he started with to push him on and get him into good position but you he ran those last few hurdles literally alone and he's really having to push himself and one thing that decathlete hurdlers don't do that the world-class guys do is really finish these races and Damien Warner has figured out how to really finish on hurdle seven eight nine and ten and 1356 a thousand thirty-two points that is outstanding he just needs to be steady the rest of the day he can he can he's can sneak up from a point total here in here in the hundred and ten meter hurdles but watch for Kevin Mayer to now really assert himself over over the next two events but Damien Warner is in perfect position to to wrangle the silver and be in position if Kevin Maher falters great shots there from our block cam technology of the athletes as they left the start and hair off into the distance Kevin mayor they're losing at 41 points in terms of ground on Damien Warner to add to the gap that was there overnight which was 30 so Damien Warren now 71 points clear after six events and Kevin mayor with the with a red bib there on the outside he ran very very well through six hurdles nice action good early lead arm looked like he led up at the end there just a little bit limp and looks like he has his Shin wrapped up and here we get a side view Devin Williams an outstanding hurdler he has a victory over grant Holloway to his resume but look at the action Damian Warner gets back down on the ground very quickly stays over stays over his legs you want to just be in sprint position when you come off that hurdle nice lean there you see Kevin Warner back off just a little bit you have got to run through the line and we get a head on shot Salomon Simmons slams at first hurdle devin williams looked good for about 5 wasn't quite as quick as Damien Warner but you see Damian starts drifting left he needed to fix his fix his positioning there he got he managed to get over the last two hurdles down the middle but look how efficient he is with his arms Cox at left arm puts it in position so that when he hits the ground when he hits the ground he can get into running position yeah he definitely was drifting left but as long as he doesn't impede the runner next to him or take too many steps in that lane over to his left he would not have gotten disqualified exactly what we saw last night with Omar McLeod who got himself disqualified for running out of his lane and impeding Orlando Ortega unfortunate Orlando Ortega but that is how that particular Heat panned out anything above a thousand points is a terrific performance 103 - for Damien Warner just inching a little bit further clear of Kevin may ever don't forget there the strength of their respective events switches around as we get further through the day we'll bring you the overall standings after six events in the men's decathlon shortly once the numbers have been crunched in the meantime in fact we'll bring it to you right now there it is David Damien Warren at 71 points clear of Kevin Mayer who's that debuff Pierce LePage into third Linden Victor in fourth and that gap though between I guess the pager that just 91 points and then down probably to well shebang Shaq written off really in fifth that gap will see those positions change as the day goes on now keep an eye on Kevin Mayo on the right hand side now it's really steins at grimace you mentioned he didn't look 100% right he was clutching his hamstring yesterday in the high jump at Dan and we didn't wonder whether that was just because his hamstring not the bar off but just pulling right up there now let's keep an eye on Kevin Mary's reaction here to our camera now what's he grabbing for well he has some tape on that left shin area we'll see if that's the issue this track is hard and these athletes are spending a lot of time on it and you get the sprinters that come out here and say this heart does track as hard and fast and when your shin hurts like that or you've got an ailment you've got to do everything right on this track you gonna you're gonna hit flat-footed or put on the brakes it's gonna hurt your knee or your shin so that's something we're gonna have to keep an eye on over the over the next couple of events we certainly are and for Damien Warner and the others oh I tell you what that is not good got a world record holder and the defending world champion now these are shots from the fantastic shots were getting here from the athletes restroom between events and Kevin mayor no doubt about it is in some trouble here well interesting okay that is that looks like it's a an Achilles wrapped tape job but he's he's looking at his hamstring there so it's an Achilles tape job but they're gonna put some electrodes give him a little skipping a little muscle stem and I'll tell you what this is where the coaches go to work an athlete is banged up we just saw Kevin Maher run a very respectable run a very respectable hurdle race but an athlete crosses the finish line and he says I don't feel right I'm hurting it's the coach's job at this point now - let's see what we can get out of this athlete how far can he push it it's a World Championships for for crying out loud you want to be able to push it and get that medal at the end of this day and just talk through down what's uh what's happening there so you mentioned electrode treatment for the hamstring that was a little bit earlier on now here he is Kevin Maher this is live pictures with the discus up next so he's been very quickly patched up with that electrode treatment and sent out because in this schedule you haven't got a lot of time to be in there messing around getting ready he's got to get himself as ready as he can be and these athletes will get the full half hour in in between in between events but this will be an area now where Kevin will get a chance to rest that that leg issue whether it's a hamstring or an Achilles but the muscle stem is it's a they want to they want to activate they want to activate and stimulate and stimulate that muscle try to get it to try to get it to flex just a little bit and then they'll stretch it out they'll ice it up and they'll get him back out there on the track we saw Kyle Kazmir right there on the right hand side of the shot a moment ago in the air there is in the German colors who of course has effectively blown his medal chances by running out of his lane in the 110 hurdles but they're gonna keep him that the German team will keep him out there because he can help Nicolas call now in this discus he can help get a step check in the pole vault and if he needs pacing duties he'll run he'll run the 1,500 meters if that's what it takes to get Nicolas call moved up but you know I just sit here and look at Kevin Mayer and I think if people don't know it he is the finest all-around athlete in the world and he's the greatest second-day decathlete that the world has ever seen so a very very impressive young man and what he was able to do last year to fail at the European Championships and then break the world record later that summer was actually absolutely incredible feat he did it in Toulon France that's where I broke the world record I had two very successful Decathlon Zinta wants France but you know he had his countrymen behind him and when he broke that world record it was a record heard round the world now then here's an important moment coming up for Kevin Mayer in the discus in the decathlon - cause he's in group aid and he's due to throat next which is wise stalking around hunter-gatherer just limbering himself up so with the hamstring problem down that he's got he seems to have a bit of an Achilles problem as well how much of an impact will that have on the discus I don't think it should have much impact in the discus you know he will move to his left side and kind of push off that side just a little bit but it certainly will have an impact in the in the decathlon pole vault which is coming up he'll need to make about a dozen run dozen one run runs down that runway to plant that pole in vault so we'll just keep an eye on him well Kevin Maya's personal best in the discus is 52 meters 38 which is a couple of meters better than its closest rival Damien Warner this is event number 7 of the decathlon Kevin Mayer asking for that support from the crowd and his coaching group and his teammates what's he got then the purse of three throws and the decathalynn discus [Applause] it's coming in a roundabout the 46 meter line heading out towards the Wrights looking down at the circle well he doesn't like it because it's well under 50 meters but you know we some athletes they don't like to throw they're gonna step out of the front you would never in the decathlon step out of the front and automatically foul this whether you like it or not you need to get any points you can on your first attempt oh and they called it a foul on the far side so that's why he was staying in the ring they'll take a closer look at that but he could make life really easy on himself if he can manage a 50 meter throw yeah certainly explained why why he was looking down quizzically I wanted to forward brows and quizzical looks in the crowd as well and kept him out we didn't get a great angle there to see whether or what exactly the problem was and by how far but he doesn't think the products on his shoulders over stuff doesn't either he's got a little bit of a frown on Kevin Maher the body is just about holding up Reds play red-flag he eventually gets confirmation from the officials around the cage this lepage of Canada he was in second position overnight slips occurred after the 110 meter hurdles well it's just under a 45 meter discus thrower and this is one of the areas that he has to definitely improve in and he should be able to because of his size he has such great levers and levers really count for a lot in the disk as soon as he begins to understand how to work that lower body first be long in the arms he does a pretty good job right here needs to turn that right foot a little bit stay grounded just a little bit longer and you see a lot of these athletes not challenge the front of the ring and it kind of dives back into the middle but this is gonna be an event I think that's going to be important for him watch him score two or three hundred more points next year in the Olympic year and one of those improvements will be one of those improvements for that will be the discus at all so Chris the page and that group as we see Harrison Williams or the US 4401 his lifetime best well that's a stroke for Harrison Williams he comes in with a 44 meter 4401 is a personal best and a seasonal best this year and at this point he really doesn't have anything to lose lose you know he's he's down in the rankings just a little bit so he's out there just ripping it we can see this guy pole vault very high Heights but he really had a nice turn on that stayed grounded just a little bit longer than LePage and I expect to see a personal best here when the mark comes up certainly gonna be close that is for sure and it is 44 23 so there's a new lifetime best for Harrison Williams and he didn't make me a liar either that was a nice throw for this this is one of his weak areas if he can get this ironed out he'll be a real factor because he has great speed he hurdles well he pulled walks very well and he is also an outstanding high jumper and he can run the 1500 Devin Williams will be looking to get closest to his lifetime best wishes just shy of 50 meters here not so much speed and turn in a circle well then you just see all these decathletes just how careful they are on this first trip into the ring everybody wants a fair throw because it takes the pressure off of you there you see him make the turn he comes heading down the right side just a little bit but all the movements are just cut down right the effort level goes from a hundred percent to about 88 90 percent just because you don't want to have a foul on the first throw so Kevin Meier definitely is going to have some pressure on the second attempt and what's interesting as well you come off the hurdles people don't understand what it feels like in the discs is when you run the hurdle race hundred 10 meter hurdles your core gets weakened so you feel just a little bit shaky and a little bit jelly through your midsection as you take this first couple of throws Michael Weber then who comes to the discus circle with his lifetime best of 49 meters 14 which is worth a comparative 852 points so okay but nothing too spectacular [Music] well they had a good hurdle race if he can get out towards a lifetime best here in the disc instead of put him in really good position the challenge for the bronze medal because he is an outstanding toll Balter and a pretty good javelin thrower but you can see he's got a little bit more experience in the discus than some of those guys who have gone before him he takes a little bit more of an aggressive line well look for him to really push out towards that line on his next couple of throws coming into this event Michael Weber was in sixth position overall a couple of hundred points behind oposition 'he's commentating for us is dave well and he said he backed off it at the end there just to get one in and that's the way you do it your coaches certainly want you to play it safe especially on the first attempt I I've gotten down to a third attempt throw on a couple of competitions in majors and it's absolutely no fun going into a third attempt with two fouls what kind kashmira of course by virtue of scoring zero points at 110 meter hurdles having run off the track slumped all the way down to 21st position he's down there with other athletes who have also recorded no marks or been disqualified Jeremy oh and Martin roe who are all effectively out of the competition as a as a contest by virtue of haven't recorded a zero pointer but Kazmir at continuing as Dan O'Brien alongside me here explained earlier on not just for himself and continuing to push his own standards but also with it the young Nicholas call of Germany very much a rising star you look in under-23 champion to be coached through but I guess mentored through if you like it you're currently off then of the authorized neutral athlete was in fifth position so this is key for him now towards the 47 meter line again you can see the points totals there which was super imposing on the outfield for you as well just to help as a guide as to what these athletes are producing brand new innovations of course here there and everywhere on our coverage here from Doha and hopefully that brings it to life for you watching wherever you are around the world points to the mark for scaring you off 4706 which in terms of his lifetime best is actually a new lifetime best 4706 that's just added a meter on to his personal best that's a great result well it looked like a really solid throw and he's gonna try to figure out go back to the drawing board with his coaches and try to figure out how to make that even farther but a great start for him here's Vander Plaats in I had a chance to talk to him this morning and he was very eager to talk he's decathlete sometimes you just want to get off that bus and tell somebody about your story tell somebody about your plight out there and I said are you healthy and he said yeah for the most part he's had a little bit of a hamstring injury that was niggling him over the last couple of weeks but other than that he says he would have hide look he would have liked to have high jump just a little bit higher yesterday because he felt like he was finally in a groove on those last couple of attempts at 211 yesterday but other than that happy about his competition so far found a class in 4408 as we moved through the tall the second tall by the way the dekapwaa the discus rather comes up at 1835 local time at around about 50 minutes from now Tim Novak 44 52 in round one for the German cybers plants the best of 4727 it's gonna be a pretty much bang on the 45 meter line seeing the launch parameters here the bottom left of your screen as well as the comparison I mean 70 km/h there we're seeing the individual athletes sometimes getting up to 100 well that's what I was gonna say can you recall what Daniel stalls yeah release speed was was up up around 100 so that is that is the difference between the the athletes who are doing this I'm gonna say part-time and I say doing it is one of a number of things they've got to worry about is Cedric doubler of Australia 41 45 but him which is short of his best around about what he's produced this season well that's pretty solid as Tim Hutchins would say that's useful yes I'm calling Tim Hutchings former international distance travel himself of course regular voice of athletics across the world again we're down below 70 kilometers per hour in the release speed it's a combination of all sorts of things - some of the statistics we've bring you there with those parameters it's a combination of all of those the angle of release the speed of release and of course the the general power that you get behind it now then Kevin layer under a little bit of pressure in the decathlon a foul in round 1 whereas everybody else has been pretty much safe and as Dan O'Brien mentioned operating an 80% to make sure they got something on the board and would score some sort of points Kevin Maher round 2 so what more like it is please he nearly smiled well he had everything going his way when he broke the world record in September last year and these championships are not like the invitationals like godsister deca star boy you got to work really hard and got to really find the internal motivation and the internal excitement to come away with these championships but I said if he can throw 50 meters he's out there about 49 meters he could make life a lot easier on himself as he goes into the next couple of events 48 meters 34 so the best performance in this pool just give you a bit of context when he won London two years ago he threw 47 14 in the discus so he's improved on that all but if I just got that one all wrong yep just missed his edge completely but this is the distance is one of the areas that Kevin Maher has definitely improved in and he threw 52 meters as a personal best he was well over 50 meters on his way to that world record last year so red fact four here's the page 41 19 overall of course until the second poll have taken their qualifier there there tears later on the overall picture doesn't really have any context we do know is that Damien Warner was the leader coming into this and Mayor was 90 odd points behind Arras and Williams rpb in round one with 44 23 and that's a little bit behind that but not so far well he's in a really good position because when you can open up with a personal best then you can start figuring out and trying different things to get a little bit more he drifts he overturns and drifts down the left side just a little bit he doesn't want to make too big a changes but he's really finding his edge nicely and that's something that Harrison Williams was not doing in college his discus was all over the place a lot of hit throws a lot of his throws looked like LePage's throws and this is an area that he hasn't proved but he's just going to need to get bigger and stronger to compete with these guys I think he has all the tools that we go to the second of the u.s. Williams Devin Williams growl bonnie produced 4556 it's a short of that this occasion he's put he's probably got the most casual technique I would say to the layman well and this is the way he's done it over the last couple of years I think you get a little too dynamic early on and got a little wild but look at the launch parameters they're only 26.7 decent speed but you've got to get that discus up and how do you get the discus up you've gotta get your head and chest up and it's tough I talk to some of the athletes in the javelin they said one of the difficult things was finding a finding an eye a line of sight that you could really aim at when you're out practicing you usually got I got a couple of palm trees in the distance I live in Arizona so I got the palm trees in the distance or the top of a building but here in this stadium they said they weren't really sure where to look and and that a lot of times will dictate where you're gonna throw the implement my kalibo looking to improve on 46 64 it's gonna be a just shy of that I think he's a runner the medal contention is Michael we vote well he's close he's got to stay over that right leg just a little bit he gets to the middle and just rushes it out of there but I guarantee you those launch parameters for his throat won't be quite as high as he would like it either 31.6 you know give me give me 37 give me 38 Mike and and he's he's going to get much closer to that 50 meter line Michael Weber of course based but his wife Shirley Miller weibo who goes this evening in the women's 400 meters final which is sandwiched between the decathlon javelin and the 1,500 meters the decathlon javelin will probably have wrapped up at a time Sean a mile away by now Kevin mayor having taken that throw and found himself a mark looks like he's gonna pass on his last throw well and that's a sign that he really must be hurting to just take just take the one throw and be happy with 48 meters and be able to move on but he can now get extra rest he can go into the restroom and get more physio work or you can he can ice up he can rest that leg before it comes time to come out and pull vault so 48:34 for Kevin Myers you see Kazmir who is down the field remember having failed in the 110 meters hurdles the comparative discus throws between Kevin Mayo and Damien Warner the top two Mayer 4834 today four meters short of his personal best Damien waters personal best is 50 meters 26 so a couple of meters down but his PB is further than Kevin Mayer through so it would be interesting to see if Damien Warner would come out and produce a big discus performance here we will have to wait until 1835 local time because Warner goes in the second pool Oh garnet of Estonia foul in round one gets a market round too which is important for him as well well that looked like it could be a seasonal bass maybe even a personal best he's thrown 4375 as a seasonal best and not a bad effort for a second attempt you get him you get a foul on your first throw most guys would back off he looked like he stepped in and dripped it and ripped it heading out as you can see around about the 750 points mark good if you're new to multi event watching maybe a brand new method expand as part of these I double F World Championships every performance whether it be a time a distance or anything else a height is converted to points and that is how did the cap but on the heptathlon is scored over the course of seven events in the women's case and had tattle on or 10 events in the men's decathlon second attempt then for Illya school Rainey off the authorized Neutron athlete a good forty seven meter TV in round one well I didn't like the distance on that but I certainly liked what he did he got a personal best on the first one and he said you know what I'm gonna throw farther and he bared down just a little bit he made a change and he knows he just he lost it out of his hand but he's trying to go for it and that's when you when you feel comfortable you get your PB let er rip yeah absently in that first round it does allow you to free wheel a little bit doesn't it and try a couple of things that was a red flag by the way for school Rainey off so here we go LePage in a decaf on who found out the first fell out the circle with his previous effort and he's got a red flag there to finish with so pierced the page two fouls after his 41 19 well he comes in with a seasonal best of 44 46 and this is well below his personal best and I would say this is a tragedy this may take him out of the bronze medal chase but he is such an outstanding pole vaulter he can have a personal best in the pole vault and get those points right back that is the key isn't it when you know you've got a strong event to come although it does put more emphasis on that event as we see Harrison Williams pretty steep that one it came down from quite a high point Marisa Williams as alt out the front that's a red flag yeah just a little bit misunderstanding for the youngster in the discus to throw far you've got to keep you've got to keep that arm long he tried to he tried to bend his elbow just a little bit tried to when you bend your elbow you quicken up you quicken up the attack there you see just bent it a little bit he needs to say nice and long and lead with that right shoulder so if alpha Harrison Williams in the final round yeah best performance of 4556 devin williams then well that's better from Devin Williams 45:56 in round one looks pretty happy with thats the near the 50-meter line it certainly was much better he did a much better job of getting out of the back establishing a better base with that non reverse with that non reverse technique boy you better be moving that right foot and he does a wonderful job with the lower body staying ahead of the upper and then it's just if you hit that middle it is just an absolute slingshot impact his lifetime best facility' improvement of a couple of meters which is an excellent from devin williams in round three we worth some healthy points for devin williams so four throwers left to go in this pool a of the decathlon discus and michael weebo 46 64 in round one well in just over the 45 meter mark he's looking for something out in the 48 49 meter distance I think one of the one of the knocks on Michael weebo is he does a lot of traveling he travels a lot with his wife to the different Diamond League meets and doesn't really have a home base for training he trains while he travels quite a bit he gets his instruction from petrol Skip Rios at Georgia he trains there certainly he comes home to comes back to Georgia and trains there on a regular basis but you know how much multi-event training can you do one of the one of the best things that I had going for me was I stayed home a lot concentrated concentrated much more on my training cycle than I did my competition cycle so you know if I say there's a knock of this young man it would be only that you know find a find a steady home and and stay there I didn't seem to be too deflated did he there Michael we vote and that Best Performance of 46 64 Kaczmarek throwing for honor really and for personal improvement out of the competition proper let's headed out rights just about stays in the sector occasionally you can line up the discus incorrectly and shoot one out to the right side because of the speed that the discus will go down the right side daily Thompson's third throw in the 1984 Olympics was a was a throw that literally slipped out of his hand and went down the right side it was a personal best for him it I think that performance won him the gold medal but often times when that distance slips out to the right that it doesn't go as far well the facials from CAI cast me rec just sum up his last hour or so doesn't it people shooting it all the time around the world whatever time of day it is where you are but if you weren't with us for the decathlon high hurdles cavalry crashed out recorded zero points and therefore slunk towards the bottom of the rankings Oakland aim of Estonia the penultimate thrower this first pool in the decathlon discus so far 43 37 and no improvement for him in the final round I did like his angler or at least so you see that that discus started up at a nice angle he just gotten a little bit more on it that discus would have turned over not bad technique there interesting that he wears a runner on his left on his left foot and a discus rotational shoe on his right foot just doesn't want to move too much excuse me on it doesn't to move too much on his left but he definitely wants to wants to rotate over on that right side not to me unless you can find two shoes they're absolutely identical is that much that'll throw you off balance somewhat well he seems to like it and who knows maybe he's got a heel bruise or or something like that that's one of the reasons that you would wear wear different shoes but but also you know if an athlete is overturning out of the back you might put a might put a runner on just so he can plant it nice and firm sky rinks Carini off then the final thrower of this pool TV in round one 4706 oh hello that's gonna be another PBR faint look at it [Applause] try to give a little the celebrations in the crowd but score any off has got exposed to the 50-meter line as he's ever got in his life so the best role in the group so far was Kevin Maher 48:34 and scre Enya 4875 he'll have the best throw in this group so we can say that he he won this group but a big personal best for him he just really let it rip and this throw is over 50 meters if he can get that launch parameter up there in the 36 37 range well that could be a big impact on the metal positions because Pierce LePage of Canada who was in the top three something a poor discus really and skinned written off as phone to personal bests with his two legal throws and that will give him a real boost in the chase McGraw s well this guy is a livewire look at the power and the explosion that disclosed up Ness that this young man has he's just a he's just a raw piece of muscle out there if somebody can get their hands on him really teach him all 10 events he could be a factor next year in Tokyo said the authorised neutral athlete in the Russian Ilyas Rainey off turning in a fine performance which will throw their gauntlet down to the likes of Linden Victor and damien warner nicholas cole going in the second of the pauses this is shots from earlier on Kevin Maher opting not to take his third throat having recorded 48:34 with his second after a foul doing pretty much what he had to do and what he was capable of doing given his physical ailments and going off for some extra treatment well it's all about the physios now working on him getting him to feel comfortable with his body this is and I would you know it's like the 24 Hours of LeMans right here he needs to need to just come into the pits for a little while get worked on and then get back out there for the eighth event of the decathlon the pole vault so we're now underway in tool B of the discus in the decathlon Damien Warner first attempt when we compared his performances Damien Warner with that of Kevin may earlier he's a couple of meters down he's a 50 meter thrower at his best Damien Warner it's going out right it's coming short of 40 meters so I don't think that was safe down I think that one just didn't work out well it even though it didn't go very far it still was safe he's able to get points on the board it snuck out the right side he just overturned that throw body went left discus went right but even under 40 meters it's going to put 680 650 points in it in his total and you never want to just automatically foul those throws because if something happens on the next two you've at least got those points Nikolas Cole in Pool B of the decathlon discus 21 years of age huge javelin to come once you go in the discus very very good start from Nikolas call that could be supposed to his lifetime basis of 4735 well then he certainly liked it and so did the coach nice turnout of the back really turns that right side leads with the lower body he's got that nice non reverse as well doesn't try to overdo it doesn't try to throw it too hard and it lands just short of the 50 meter line and he likes it I'll wait for the measurements for Nikolas cause 48:10 it's a big personal best first time in his life over 48 meters Damien Warner in the discus circle very modest first attempt at 38 94 better better from the event leader well he's just missing his lifts nice turnout of the back is rushing it a little bit but what happens is the the body comes up and the discus does not see him stand up but the discus isn't in tune with the body the timings the timings all different he wants to strike with his hip but the discus is just in the wrong spot so he flat throws one out there just inside the 45 metre line a bit of a design look at the moment on the face of Damien mourners will have one more attempt as you can see Nicolas call and round one went out to 4810 all there might be an improvement again is inching closer and closer to that 50 meter line well he's in the groove right now he had a real nice opener 48 10 which was a personal best he doesn't do a whole lot different but he just tries to sting his finished boom just a little bit just a little bit bigger turn maybe a little bit better yell he really smoothed it out but he got his line a drive in his angle spot on the way from the distance it was a PB in round one for Nicholas call of 48:10 is it any better in the second for the rising German star yes it is 49 20s put nearly two meters on his personal best today Damien Warner in the discus third attempt 42 1942 19 in the second round for the Canadian look to be heading out right again he's not happy and he walks out the front after that one so even though we didn't see where it went we saw Damien Morna walk out the front that's a foul well that's disappointing for Damien especially you come in here he's been throwing well all season long he's got a seasonal best of 49 over 49 meters just overturns that you gotta let your hips get through just was not in sync not in the warm-ups not in the competition and he'll wish that he got that one back Damien Warner he'll finish 42:19 but here Lyndon Victor this is the worst place in the world that you want to be coming in with two fouls he fouled on his first throw foul on his second throw he can't afford to hold back he's definitely got to go for it if he's going to be in the mix for a medal oh dear when it was in 4th place coming into this Lyndon Victor of Grenada and that is another disaster well it doesn't seem like it should be hard to throw your discus through the cage there but when you're not on look at his left foot his left foot needs to be clear of his right foot and he puts it in front he's just didn't get any right side turn on that just an absolute tragedy decathletes worst nightmare right there and that is Lyndon Victor I'm afraid kissing goodbye to a medal with 3,000 discus is one of the events where he's made some good progress as well so that'll be really really disappointing when you've worked so hard over the course of a day and a bit to get yourself in a medal winning position to strike and then it all unravels in one particular event Frederic Samuelson final round 42 71 so far is down in 17th position overall that's going to be in and around the 42 meter mark again for the sweet well things happening left right and center these multi events is never calm is it down it never really just follows a sedate pattern all the way through there are people over performing people under performing and people messing things completely well and that's why coaches are so tense you watch decathlon coaches in the stands and they are just absolutely having a heart attack through each in every event but you don't want to get to a third attempt in the discus you don't want to get a third attempt opening bar in the high jump or the pole vault these are just the events that can they can get a coach to retire early so we've seen live pictures here in the third round of the decathlon discus pool be Keisuke Oshiro 18th position overall looking to improve on 47-44 that looks like it might be he's happy with it while Japan has never really had a significant decathlete that showed up at the major championships I got a chance to see who Shiro up close and personal up close and personal in on the warm-up track up very a very impressive young man broad shoulders who stands about six feet four inches tall and just muscles for days I was a little bit intimidated he was I think he was a little bit shy but I shook his hand and said nice to meet you it's like wow look at this young man patted him on the shoulder hey yo Shiro has the tools 4841 it was a bit of an improvement but a nice job by him him finished second in the group but I'd love to see Japan really develop a nice decathlete going into Tokyo Olympics next year Paul Lynde and Viktor who unfortunately in the World Championships at London 2017 also didn't complete the competition as we see Solomon Simmons of the US get a red flag in round three so for a linden mixer that is two successive World Championships you might be the Commonwealth champion but in fact he was a benefit in the Commonwealth Games actually of Damien Warner making a mess of the pole vault Warner no heighted in the pole vault in the Commonwealth Games of the Gold Coast and Viktor was able to take advantage of that will here Viktor unfortunate himself as no marked in the discus well Salomon Simmons had a nice series going on 45 25 46 26 he'll finish with 46 26 but he made a mess of that third round big strong guy expected him to throw out near the 50 meter line as well here's Martin row of Norway 4706 on his first attempt and a foul on his second let's see if he can improve norwegian record holder in the discus in fact is martin rope I'm gonna be closer than its around about 47 meters it will take a few centimeters Martin rode down in 21st place overall nice turnout of the back look how he turns that right side that will that's what was missing in Linden Victor's in Linden Victor Stroh he needs to continue to turn that right side get that hip through Victor never got his hips through so what does the discus do go straight right 47 18 a marginal improvement for Martin Rose some extra points with that final attempt in the discus which means we have just one furrow remaining to take their third and final effort and that is Pebble Beach the neck of Poland who is currently positioned 10th overall so again and get himself up towards the top six or eight here if he can improve on a second round of 4720 and he's walk straight out the front so that's not going to be an improvement red flag is best then 47 20 well big effort here big effort means big step to some guys look at him come out of the back and look how much ground he covers Wow that's just way too much ground to cover you want your foot to land near the middle give yourself a nice nice even basis when you come out of the back that step to the middle should be only about halfway to the front of the ring so we've seen the heptathlon shake up into an interesting finale over the course of the final couple events these athletes of course will go away they have a couple more events than the women's still to complete next that will be the pole vault followed by the javelin and then the 1500 meters and again all eyes will be on Kevin Mayer in the pole vault is pretty much the best pole vaulter in the field significantly better than the event leader Damien Warner how fit is Kevin Mayer as we saw earlier on hamstring issues and also Achilles issues or composite the scores for you in just a moment but certainly Kevin mayor who of course had a throw early on and then foul followed by a second round thread then he retired in this competition will wrap all this up for you now this is Paul B and how it stands and the points gained Nikolas call personal bests at the top score any off as well in fact this is both pulls together so this is a composite of both calls and pulled be Kevin Maher they're the fourth best performer overall Damien Warner not on that page so a bit of a difference in the points and Damien Warner only just on that page well I always look for the seasonal best and the personal best and there were a number on page one there and that's the most important thing to keep in mind during the multi events are you coming to the championships are you doing your absolute best are you competing against the tables that you've set for yourself so same for Linden Victor out of medal contention with that no mark in the discus okay then let's see how that discus across both balls is affected the overall standings and look at that worries over his fitness but Kevin Mayer has turned the tables on Damien Warner and has gone to the top of the standings well Damien or nerd needed a better discus and that to give himself a chance we don't know what Kevin's gonna do in the next two events he's an outstanding javelin thrower he's an outstanding tole Balter but is he going to be able to get down the runway with some of the leg issues that he's having I'm thinking that if Damien Warner can score and can throw 48 49 meters keep pace with Kevin at least but he gave up quite a bit of ground right there so here we go we saw it with the heptathlon let's assess where it's gone right and wrong for these athletes so far in the decathlon well the hundred meters was a good start for everybody there was no record set but Damien Warner certainly showed everybody that he was the fastest man on the track and then the long jump Damien was solid again I think he would have liked to have gotten a little bit more out of a long jump Kevin Mayer solid as well no nothing nothing record-breaking Pierce LePage was making a name for himself in the first couple but this is where LePage drops off the shotput not so strong decent throw for Damien Warner but a big throw for Kevin Mayer over 16 meters and then a high in the high jump everybody had the grind for each and every hype it was Damien Warner who came out a little bit ahead in the high jump and then the 400 meters I kind of gave the guys a little bit of a hard time on that effort last night but it was late and I going back over and looking at the scores that a little bit later I realized you know what they all ran pretty well Kevin Mayer was only couple of tents off his personal best but then we open up the second day in the hurdles and that's Damien Warner's best event Damien Waters grows big there in the hurdles Kevin Maher limped through the line and then went then there on to the discus and this is where Kevin Maher begins to separate himself from the rest of the field the big discus for him we should see him with a big pole vault as well Pierce LePage though is no slouch in the pole vault he will jump very high I bet he matches Kevin Maher at least well the Duke athletes roll on to the other end of the arena to the pole vault runway here is Devin Williams this is his third attempt for meters 50 and that is not good for devin williams who is the first athlete to come in in the competition at 4 meters 50 has no heighted so like lyndon victor in the discus that is terminal for devin williams well that's too bad that group in the discus I was a little surprised that they were down there pole vaulting so soon but I forgot they win in an 8 group and a b group and the and the b group was taking certainly their time and they got down there and they got their warm-ups going but that's how they seated them they seated these guys in the discus based on how well they pull vault so the the first group are the better pole vaulters the second group they don't pull vault quite as high at the end so they gave them a little bit longer to get a head start but devin williams i had a chance to talk to his coach this morning I said how's Devin doing and he said you know we just it's hard we're not being able if we can't get him quite over the hump yet he has to believe in himself just a little bit more he won the US Championships very aggressive on the second day as well and as we take a look at we are live with Kevin Mayer now the event leader here in event number eight of the world championship Decathlon is the best pole vaulter in the field his lifetime vest is 5 meters 60 this is at 4 meters 60 oh no oh no no no and that Dan O'Brien strikes us as a very very key turning point tears in Kevin Mayer's eyes well we're just not sure of the severity of this injury but he took two steps and it looked like he couldn't even put weight on his left leg if he can just get down the runway if he can just get down the runway and make 460 if he can make 470 it would give him a chance to get through the last two events while the pole is down to one side he's replacing his mark here so took us through this took us way he's changing his mark here down you know I'm really not sure here he may be going to a much shorter run he knows these athletes know when they come out to practice there's a very short run that they use just to swing up and over to get there to get their pole vault runs started for the day but he moved his step back so I'm not sure what that's all about he might have started on a short run and then said no I'm gonna go back to my long run but I don't like the look in his eyes and when you can't run after a couple steps you know something very serious I would tame Ian Warner not being a strong toe ball 2 and this height being in Damian Warner's region Kevin mayor knows if he can get over this if he can just summon the fitness and the energy to get over this that could be enough to keep in mind contention well then you can tell he does want this championship he wants to get through this and finish he must be fighting something very serious and you wonder why does he get so much time here because nobody else is coming in at this height there is not somebody waiting to get on the runway so he got a solid three minutes to attack and try to make this and try to make this work Kevin Maia the defending world champion on the runway in Doha tears in his eyes looking to keep his World Championship dream on track and it is not to be [Applause] Kevin Maher what a distressing sight decathletes pushed their bodies to the very very limit and Kevin mayor's today as said no and mayor's title defense here in Doha is at an end the emotion of the Frenchman tells you everything you need to know he threw everything he had at it and until he had to give up he wasn't going to but Mayor the defending champion is out shocking absolutely shocking but he has two more attempts but if he doesn't think he can go then and this is why Kevin Mayer the defending champion the world record holder on his second attempt at the opening height in the pole vault having retired early from the discus his body said no and his world championship defense ends in tears but not the tears that Kevin Maher has displayed before the tears of joy this time tears of utter utter despair and those are live pictures down O'Brien down in the athletes area well an athlete never wants to have regrets when they withdraw from a competition and I I withdrew from a couple of early competitions in my career and I said never again I'm not gonna let it happen and and it didn't but here in this stage at these World Championships you know I don't want Kevin to have any regret and regrets and if you were hurt enough to pull out of the World Championships on the 8th event you the work is almost done you're halfway through the second day make a couple of bars and move on it must have been extremely severe we'll get a chance to will get a chance to hear from him after this competition is over but my heart goes out to him I wanted him to repeat so many athletes so many great athletes before him are able to repeat as world champions he's the best in the world he's the world's greatest athlete I hope this doesn't affect his his journey to Tokyo next year twist the page on the runway there as well four meters 80 this bar is at it will be a flat clears the page to have the first go at this height his lifetime best 5 meters 25 and paste the page in the bronze medal position overall but of course as it stands Kevin mayor is still in the standings that will all change it's coming up on our computer by the way if we hadn't realized it already here has officially retired from the togas there's two failures at 460 well the question now is can two Canadians get on the podium Damion Warner could very well move up to the gold medal you know barring no an OA height here and Pierce LePage if he bolts well throws a good javelin and runs a good 1,500 meters he may end up in medal position that's a very solid opening bolt from Tesla page four meets is 18 I mean just take us into the mindset of those guys Damion Warner now bears the faith this seen Kevin Maher down there oh you didn't pull up short there's blood in the water there is absolute bloody in the water I'll never forget when I know hide it in 1992 and didn't make the Olympic team boy who the place picked up but all these guys now realize there is a medal out there that somebody normally wouldn't get Kevin Maher vacates no gold medal there everybody moves up can I get the bronze can I get the silver I think everybody they weren't rooting against him it's a tragedy for everybody but now this changes the competition so now we go back to Atlanta we will get his attempt he's in 14th position overall going to this the eighth event he'll have his first attempt here at 4 meters 18 [Applause] always white Caroline 5:19 bolter endorse that job thought had potential that it could go better than that today well then what's fun about being down there in the same place that the open pool ball took place is you have to think and remember that this was where mondo Duplantis did it this is where Sam Kendrick got it done conditions are good for pool good conditions are right for good pole vaulting and the crowd really comes together right there and so it's if the athletes want them to put their hands together and clap for them a little bit the crowds not too far away so Novak 470 first time he cleared it's up to 480 now with bringing up today with how things stood by the way going into this event in case you weren't with us or you've forgotten now that Kevin Mayer is out of the competition Damien Warner was in second position Pierce LePage was in third school rainy off was four we bow is fifth and Simmons was sick from Devin Williams was seven so all those guys will shuffle up a place after this event if all goes well for them there's Novak no that one hasn't got more for him runs through well I think maybe the biggest beneficiary of Kevin Mayer stepping out could be Michael weibo he's got an outstanding he's an outstanding pole vaulter he's got a solid javelin he could be running for the medals by the time they get to the 1500 yeah in fifth place overall and trailing Damien Warner by just over 200 points in second place he was less than a hundred behind bronze and silver going into this event so Michael but we bow right in the thick of it what a night it could be for thee we bow stroke Miller we bow family with Sean aid to come in the 400 metres final later on right in the middle of events 9 and 10 at the decathlon Harrison Williams in the US well Harrison Williams is one of those young men who come from the come through the US Junior programs he was a high school national champion he represented the United States at the World Juniors has already very well traveled as a junior decathlete and now he's a and just doesn't quite get the depth but he's an outstanding pole vaulter came up short of an NCAA title but definitely making a world championship team can can heal those wounds just a little bit to leave the stadium on day seven here at the World Athletics Championships we're with Harrison Williams again in the pole vault decathlon and this live shots of his second attempt four meters and 80 in this pool a [Music] much benefit Marisa what iam she's over 480 at the second time of asking well that was a good-looking jump a little bit more aggression down the runway a little bit stronger plant but I expect to see him well over 510 today I really like the progression what we're going to call group a got Group a group B group B looks like warmups are still in order but group a point what we had Devin Williams at 450 Kevin mayor came in at 460 and then boom right up to 4 meters 80 this could be a quick this could be a quick poll ball competition so he could Harrison Williams just discussing with the officials where he wants the bar to go personally we are skillion off of Russia but competing of course as an authorized neutral athlete here now he with the withdrawal of Kevin mayor is right in the shake up for the medals produced a couple of lifetime bests in the discus he's already failed once at 4 meters 80 years opening height here for the is capable of five metre sporty on his day hopefully boosted by those pb's in the discus nice and easy there impressive personal bests of five meters 40 but he shows you that he certainly is adept at the pole vault here holds nice and high nice and casual run down the runway as well not nice control [Music] great shots there from our various different camera angles here inside the kelipah stadium decathlon pole vault tim novak for 91st attempts the bar has gone up [Music] and Novak carries the confidence of that previous clearest straight into the new heights well it's always a little interesting when you follow yourself in the rotation you have a Miss or two and then you make it and then you're the first guy up at the next height but he took that momentum you're exactly right he took that momentum and just went back there and replicated the jumper from before and as a coach that's what you tell your athletes so many times they just do the same thing he brushed it on the way up but he was able to make that slight adjustment get his hips out of the way it is one of the earliest pole-vault celebrations you'll see there his hand was being clenched he was pointing just as he cut his arm clear with the bar they're pretty sure the coach would be too keyed to see that one day it goes wrong is Kai Kazmir at his German counterpart see the kind of message on mind old appliances is sending as soon as he was over that bar he was pointing at the Swedish baseball exactly it looks probably expecting more on those appliances though wouldn't you like as Mirek again for those of you joining us all the time around the world like as American forces he stumbles and stutters his way into his part there but somehow still managed to hold it together that's not a good day crashed out of the hurdles to ruin his competition and they're adjusted pretty well then they're not the prettiest not the prettiest jump very tentative on the run we'll see if he takes another jump all he needed to do was an attempt a jump here in the pole vault to move on to the next event I think he definitely wants to stay out there help his teammates check some steps and even pace them in the 1500 if possible but this German team is very tight-knit they're very close they're not gonna let him off the track I don't serve all the training of preparation you put in for a World Championships you might as well in the environment carry on and test yourself in Tron you know maybe under less pressure than the actual competition there's Kevin Maher who does have a smile on his face now but that is a rueful smile to say the least well a tough couple of days coming up for him he's gonna have to answer a lot of questions about his injury have to answer to a lot of people about why he would not continue and finish a world championship run I feel bad for him I was I was hoping that he could come back is back-to-back champion has been a number of us who've been able to win back-to-back titles I won back-to-back titles Tomas Dvorak Ashton Eaton trey hardee roman chevrolet won back-to-back titles so back we go to the pole vaults this is Pierce Lapage in third place as his first attempt at 5 meters yes here's the page of Canada now sniffing the opportunity of a global championship medal has started to turn it on in one of his stronger events well then because he's so tall this pole vault technique just takes a little while to develop he puts his hands up look at the strength great hold plant does a wonderful job with both hands nice and tall on the right hand nice and firm with the left this follows the bar straight up looking down at it but it's just so deliberate nice and patient so next we see Yannick egg Linette of Estonia also a first attempt at 5 meters he's a 519 man [Applause] and he is over as well so far makes us at the moment proving the obstacle I think we're gonna see a couple of personal bests today these guys are very in sync with this runway it's a fast surface and as the bar goes up these guys are going to need every bit of speed that they can manage he just follows the line of the pull-up very very well and that's a 5 meter jump that's a 5 meter bar but that's a 5 20 jump his Harrison Williams in the decathlon pole vaults whoo hey remember second attempts at 5 meters correction that was his first attempt at bats of hiatus it wasn't to be didn't like his takeoff and just bails out this is Michael Lubo five beaters first time of asking is first attempt to the competition and he sails over at Michael we've oh it's right in the middle hunt don't forget where as the men's pole vault in the decathlon starts to ramp up the bar starts to go up this is le r su Carini off and like we bow right in the middle of shake up at the moment like Pierce Lapage so three of the metal contenders are in this at five meters shukran Officine his other rivals go clear at the first time into shape of LePage and we vote it's a steady approach when she Kearney off and he's clear as well well and I said may be the two best Baltar's have entered the competition but this gentlemen how's the best personal best in the field so let me let me restate that maybe now the best Baltar's are over five meters absolutely well at this point down I am going to leave you in the very very capable hands of mr. Rob Walker for the rest of the evening is going to see through their conclusion in a decathlon and the hip tap on big finals to come up the women's 400 meters of course a little bit later on as well yes good evening everybody good evening tan I've just been doing my notes down in the media room watching all the drama unfold I was willing Kevin may Iran but I guess it just wasn't quite to be for him and he had chaplains reaching a wonderful conclusion Katarina Johnson Thompson as an opportunity against TM the javelin all-important there and Novak just decides to run through [Applause] Novak getting the crowd pumped up in this pole vault competition third attempt at 5 meters European and world junior bronze medalist he was lying 16th overnight Novak he has cleared 510 indoors so it's towards the top of his range and no that's his pole vault competition coming to an end and incidentally I was having a look at the story in this decathlon Lapage potentially could crawl back over a hundred points on Damien Warner in the pole vault but Warner's got a better javelin and is a faster 1500 meter runner so at the moment and you can never say never with dirt decathlon it is starting to look very good for Damien Warner and no Canadian male has ever won this Mike Smith fight one of your great rivals you stopped him winning a couple of times so Warner has a massive slice of history tantalizingly close to his grasp well he came up short a little bit in the discus I know he would have loved a farther distance but everything changed when they got down to the pole balton I feel for Kevin Mayer as well he just pushed himself as far as he could go and only he could tell us how far that is but I was telling Chris I feel bad for him he's gonna have to answer all the questions over the next couple of days and explain himself to so many different people and he's probably going to just want to go home get under the covers for a couple of weeks and then start thinking about Tokyo 2020 but this competitions not over yet there's Harrison Williams with a second attempt to miss at five meters he's fully capable of getting over this but this is turning in to be a really solid poke ball competition but I was thinking that you we could get two Canadians on the victory stand here LePage is really making a move up the leaderboard I agree especially if he can get up to the likes of 525 and it's two vaults two clearances so far for the six-foot eight and a half giant first tight clearances at 480 and 5 meters same for OGG lane and actually the Estonians really impressed me over the last day and a half Dan because PB in the fall PB in the one he's really brought his a-game he's an outstanding Paul Walter he needs some Heights as well he's a good javelin thrower but he's not such a great 1500 meter runner so these middle events are where he needs to sort of speak make his money Lapage an American bronze medalist Commonwealth silver medalist not behind Damien Warner because he ran into problems on the pole vaults that Commonwealth title went the way of Lyndon Victor but Lapage has got a wonderful opportunity here to close the gap on Warner he's so good they're using all six or eight of his reach and maybe his height is a bit of a disadvantage in one or two of the events but this certainly helps him in this one well he's just so tall and he looks so deliberate down the runway but he's a very beautiful vaulter really does a great job with that top hand nice and clear and get him to tuck in that draw strap in his shorts you don't want catching on the on the pole there but the page he's starting to make a big difference here and and you know that Damien is in the runway next to him he has to notice how high this bar is over there could cause some concern for him boy claim great to see him back after he spent most of last year injured oh now he had the height there it just seemed as though he got his plant and his take off slightly misjudged as we return our attention to this pole bar competition Marcel oui Bow Wow Wow you could have got a hippopotamus between him and that bar and his wife will be going in the 400 final just to give you the time for that one as we bow joins Lapage just two vaults minimum energy expended Shawn a Milla we bow will be coming out a little bit later on for that women's 400 final at 10:00 to midnight local time so almost four hours to go until that one and I'm sure he'll be keeping half an eye on that one whilst he gets ready for the 1500 meters great finals still to come wonderful showdown coming as well with the women's shotput finals so plenty to look forward to over the next four and a half hours or so screwin off now European Indoor champion four years ago lying in fourth coming into this Calvo and I guess Dan with your expertise in your background when a big favorite fails to finish everybody else who's in third fourth and fifth starts to think okay hang on a minute I'm I'm in with a shout here and maybe that opportunity can add nerves to those people who suddenly realize I might not get a chance like there's too many more times oh absolutely I told Chris that it was blood in the water so to speak and it kind of perks everybody up a little bit and lets everybody know that there's an opportunity out there and they weren't certainly rooting against Kevin Mayer but now that this has come up I guarantee you that those guys in fourth fifth sixth position think you know what I've got a chance I might be able to sneak up there I might be able to work my way up there and get a medal now he's hurt he's back and how significant could that be he has got the first-time clearance at five meters and the former European Indoor champion is clearly in a little bit of discomfort here in theory this should be an event where he begins to close the gap on those further up the leaderboard east vaulted 525 indoors this year a little bit of jarring on landing perhaps well it's on takeoff when you plant the pole a little bit late it can almost cause you to create a little bit of whiplash and we'll take a look yeah his his plant was a little bit late but he's nice and firm with that left hand or did he come down on it and that's yes he came down on it so often that you when you knocked that pole over it hits the idiot's the pads first and you can come down on it and that's just more bruising than injury right there that it's also hurt your ego just a little bit cod Kaczmarek well it's been a tough couple of days overall for this very talented German [Music] Simmonds now Oh is he okay is he okay yes he is I was just a little bit worried there about where he was landing and an attempt at 440 and thankfully he did somehow managed to stay on the matting cause for concern there for the American who has three times been runner-up in the US champs well he just doesn't get his hands up very high really nowhere for him to swing but he planted that pole extremely early he's got to get his step a little bit closer but when somebody comes in front of the bar that far you think oh no he's coming down in the box and that's where things can get very very dangerous but a first attempt mix miss for Solomon Simmons now Yannick Boyd Lane who's lying in tenth place overnight he slipped of you today to 14th but what a great couple of Sprint's he had yesterday over the 1 and 400 meters as Dan O'Brien was saying this is certainly an event in which he would hope to close the gap on one or two of those up ahead of him if he can replicate that 5 meters 19 clearance indoors Holly Bradshaw of Great Britain who finished 4th in the women's pole vault has indicated to one or two of our commentators that as far as the conditions are concerned she said that it felt a little bit like an indoor meet in terms of the conditions in the pole vault would you agree with that having been down there watching Kendricks in the men's collar final well absolutely a kindred even referred to it as it was it was like jumping in doors and the javelin throwers they talked about their line of sight not being certainly as well as it could be in an outdoor you got something to say Oh ghilane cannot execute this jump well after looking so good in a couple of the earlier jumps olga lane has seemed to have lost his form i thought he would boom over this I was certain that this was a height that he could manage but a second Miss for Yannick now this authorized neutral athlete who did seem to jar his back a little bit on that previous failure it's not beyond the realms that he could get in the shake-up for the gold possibly if if these last three events are equal to or around about his personal best form fourth overall coming into this competition but that prediction would require screwin off to be up at around about his PB shape which is 544 the polvo certainly might get in the shaker and do you know the other athlete that I've been really excited to watch over the last day and a half down his cowl the German he has a brilliant javelin and a very fast 1,500 meters and he can't be discounted from the podium now that now that Kevin Mayer has gone well his vaulting is going to be very important he had a nice personal best in the discus so we'll see how he jumps in what we are calling to be the lower pit in stirring ah've he is over it wasn't impressive but he squeaked over [Music] do you think that Damian Warner will be feeling added pressure now that his great rival has gone does that crank it up on Warner rather than him coming into the 1500 not under the radar but not necessarily expected to win and many people would now presume that he would become the champion in the absence of the world record holder and here's Weibo as we go over to the men's decathlon pole-vault with a first attempt at 5 meters 20 and a big clearance for michael weebo I like his relaxed attitude he looks like he's really in the groove here in the pole vault let's see if he can keep it up get him over another bar maybe two and then I think he can start thinking about what he needs to do in the last two events to get a medal I really like weebo World Indoor bronze last year lying sixth overnight and he's up to fifth and he is definitely one of these athletes who might have half a chance if he can fulfill his potential in the pole vault with the javelin and the 1500 still to come well great clearance on that height I'd like to see him just stay with that same pole execute the same jump nothing needs to change as the bar goes up I think he can make one more bar on that pole and then maybe as he jumps at a personal best at 540 or even higher he can change poles and and really see what he can do can he join we vote Michael we bow on 5 20 really good atmosphere this evening yes we're aware it hasn't always been packed but we've got good support over there by d2 Catalan Park and certainly down by the heptathlon javelin as well Warner in Group B early veered across to his right hand side it wasn't pretty but he is on the board and maybe that will settle any nerves that he has just a little bit we know he's got a huge pole-vaulter but 4 meters 50 he has gone as high as 490 indoors Damian Warner searching for that seemingly elusive global gold and here's Pierce LePage second attempt 520 never endow never in doubt and remember if he votes to his personal best potential and if Damien Warner does the same he will all but wipe out the deficit because coming into this one Damien Warner is a hundred and twenty nine points up on the posh but remember Warner has a better javelin and is a much quicker 1500 meter runner don't worry when we get to the 15 we'll be getting our calculators and I'll stop watches out and we'll be we'll be living every moment with you at home we hope you're enjoying our coverage of these he men and women no gold silver and bronze surely harder ernst than those that come in the decathlon and a heptathlon as an unsuccessful attempt there from screwed on who actually hit the underneath of the upright with his head screwin off the authorised new track leads and he's over massive law from this hugely talented young man lying forthcoming into this competition and those points could prove absolutely vital for him in the chaplain and the running for the gold silver and bronze [Applause] slander plotz in' a really popular performer in need to Catalan fraternity European champion a couple of years ago and we know how well this guy can vault he's gone 550 indoors and remember he bounced back from testicular cancer in 2015 he's a man with huge heart well then it looks like his hamstring is holding up today I said at the top of the show that he said he was having some hamstring issues but he absolutely looks great and the hip height he's got 30 more centimeters in there Rob absolutely beautiful full 60 for the man leading the competition now that mayor has pulled out and there's another few useful points for Warner he doesn't look very happy with the manner in which he's clearing these Heights he was pretty wild going over 450 but he's still there the man who might give him a few problems for the gold Pearce Lapage third and final attempt to add another 10 centimeters to his charlie not to be so 5:20 his best clearance vanderplatt son the only man over 5:30 at the moment and remember he's a sort of 550 man in PB terms so Lapage vows out at 5:20 so he will indeed erode some of that lead that damian warner his capacity at currently enjoys overly 129 points his lead coming into this one this is weebo this is hits third and final attempts at 5:30 [Applause] oh and there's a big one kuriboh he had a clear card through five meter 35 meters 35 meter jump five ten five twenty and then two fouls at five meters 30 and then he's over and he ties his all-time personal best and five thirty puts him into the 1000 point category that's a thousand and four points pull the Estonian and look at the hip height there there's another twenty centimeters there you think he can just continue to jump like that and I know that's a thousand points because I couldn't ever jump that high are you still managed three world titles the Olympic title in the world record so you weren't too bad my magic number was five twining it it won me three world titles screwin off third a chance remember he's not out of the shake up for the medals either no not to be but what a good clearance by marcel weebo whose wife Sean a Milla we bow will go for gold in the final of the women's 400 meters it's a couple of minutes before midnight Warner first attempt for 70 well you can tell it's there can't you he hasn't been overly positive with his body language now let's see if Simmons can get over for 17 second attempt for this giant looking American who Dan O'Brien said he just hasn't quite figured out how to use his body in all the events yet well that's better that's much better and that's a little a la Lyndon Victor going over a little bit sideways but you look at the power you look at his ability and here's weebo this for 540 PB oh yes the Estonian loves it and he is in the process of giving himself a massive opportunity to be on the podium at the end of the night that could bring delight for his wife that was superb what I guarantee you hear was he was here two nights ago I was at three nights ago when the men's pull watt went off he watched it from start to finish and when you see something like that you think you know what all the conditions are right down there for me to jump well he's skyed that an absolute boomer a new personal best he'll be jumping at 550 he's gonna have a good shot at that bar as well [Applause] Warner second attempt can he do similar heroics to that which we've just seen from we bow once again veering across to his right he gives it a tickle but another 10 centimeters another little increment in points and step by step he is edging closer to the elusive outdoor gold medal [Music] [Applause] Thomas panda platen join Marcel Weibo 5:42 we bone up as a TB to vanderplatt s'en not quite yet rehydrates michael weebo who are any of us to disagree having just seen him go over 540 it's a little cooler in the Khalifa International Stadium this evening nearest hint of a breeze and not just coming from the air-conditioning system that's been put in here to keep things comfortable for the athletes we're going until after midnight this evening local time coming up to 9 p.m. three hours of drama still to come where he had the height he just got his take off wrong didn't get the penetration that he wanted but a real nice competition for him he loves to be in this pole vault at the end the 5:30 has nothing to scoff at a lot of points there the decathlon has just changed over the years you must be a good told Walter to contest it here at the World Championships you must be good pole vaulter and a good 1,500 meter runner I was one but not the other but that's the sign of the times on pit a microwave Oh we'll be the last man standing in pit B the bar has gone up to 4 meters 80 [Applause] is over Samuelsson with a mess and Peter Braun will be the next jumper [Applause] the Dutchman came in at 450 third for 60 on a second attempt and then a first attempt make at 470 first attempt 4 meters 80 [Applause] gives off the pole just a little bit early [Applause] giggle back and give it another try [Applause] Michel Weibo has already got a personal best let's see if he can go higher that run just didn't look as snappy [Applause] that was his ninth jump of the evening in the 8th event here his legs have to be tired fatigue has to be starting to set in and his turnarounds will be even quicker now that he's the only man in the rotation Simmons for 80 the big shouldered American no doesn't like that luckily doesn't hurt himself either he's a huge specimen not quite getting to grips with this whole vault competition at the moment plant way early this has been Solomon's issue all night long he gets that pole tip down well in advance he needs to time that up just a little bit more and your leader Damien Warner up for her up for his first attempt at 4 meters Eve that's a good lookin card for Damien Warner 450 460 on first attempts for 70 on a second like to see him just get a bit more aggressive what a huge achievement it would be if he is to be victorious tonight Olympic bronze World Championships silver never the gold until now this is Peter Brown 7th in the last two European Championships he was lying ninth overall eight oh yes he absolutely loves that he is capable of a fair bit more his season's best is 490 and he has on a couple of occasions gone over 5 meters but so very handy points there for the Dutchman I'm not quite sure how he wrapped himself around the bar there a good-looking jump right there nice plant that's maybe his best plant of the night he really drives up he needs to continue to keep that body in that that bumped that pull close into his body he lets it go off a little bit Simmons is over oh yes from this huge American boom and all of a sudden it's a little bit of momentum to this group isn't there success breeds success we'll see if Damien Horner now can follow suit [Applause] last chance for the leader Damien Warner to join Vice elect Samuelson Brown and Simmons over 480 know that's an okay pole vault for the pan-american champion you'd say that was a solid eight discipline rather than anything spectacular and you know what it kind of feels even though he has got a wonderful chance for the gold medal it feels as though Dan over the two days but it's been a steady competition for Damien Warner rather than an outstanding one but steady might be good enough tonight well and I think as announcers up here we we look for the brightest spots in Katrina Johnson Thompson was somebody who you know we see her get a personal best and explode but there's some of the steady competitors do look get overlooked in that regard yeah I even talked to Erica Bogaerts coach this morning and he said you know she had a really solid day yesterday she's in she's still in the hunt for the bronze medal but because she didn't have a giant personal best or do anything exceptional it gets overlooked just a bit Damian as well he is such a solid and steady performer you know he won the hundred meters he did a good job in the hurdles but in everything else was just nice and solid for him and we kind of locked him in as a as a solid silver medalist there but everything changed when Maher went out but nothing but respect for that guy but I also look at Damian Warner and think he still has tons of ability he can still get better he still is a guy I think he could who could threaten 9000 points because of his athletic ability and his speed this is Pavel vasilich it's not a clean card up to now first our clearance is at 50 60 70 80 not to be at 90 samuelsson up for his first attempt at 4 meters 90 for those Americans out there she just over 16 feet [Applause] easy got a spot over the last couple of days appreciate a guy that makes it easy for us commentators to spot him with the headband for 60 on his first attempt for 7480 second time of asking and then here he is first attempt for 90 well he puts me in mind a little bit of the legendary tennis player field ball with his with his fashion all he needs is that that kind a little bit of facial hair to develop into a proper Tash and he's like you you're seven you're 1970s pop star love it love a bit of the retro we'll see a bit bit of retro in the men's 1,500 Ben Blankenship sports er a particularly memorable facial hair and main haircut and main would be the appropriate word for Blankenship but anyway we like this sport to have a few characters in it Samuelson and Blankenship certainly are that in terms of their dress sense Craig fashion Craig agels in the men's 1500 meters sports on mullet and I said why the mullet he said I knew it would get the most attention yeah angles looks like he should have been in back to the future - I will see him in the 1500 as well and he's gone unbelievable and sprint over the last lap angles by the way so yes all sorts of haircuts on show tonight including Molly's well this is a this is more my kind of haircut this is the kind of haircut you can set your watch - he's long since past the point of thinking about haircuts the coach anyway just try to have some fun this evening this is Peter Brown 7th in the last two European Championships the Dutchman get all sorts of discussions on a eight and a half hour shift on air we'll try and ask the director to get you a shot of Gregg angles and his world-famous mullet when we do turn our attention to the peaks of the 15 and whilst we have a little pause here I'll just give you a little update on how our schedules going to unfold over the next few hours in a roundabout what what are we now around about 45 minutes time we'll have the first round of the men's 15 women's shotput final will start in about an hour and 20 minutes and then in an hour and three quarters we will have the semi-finals of the women's 1500 meters just doing the maths again just before midnight local time a quarter past nine here in Doha we'll bring you the final of the women's 400 mil away by against NASA and then of course we'll finish with the half of the deck 8 and the 1500 so we really do have a lot of live athletics still to come here on a lovely Thursday evening in Doha we are edging slowly and surely towards the end of this championship and it's getting darker here almost adding to the atmosphere it doesn't feel like we've nearly done a full seven days of action does it but but we have I think it feels like we've done a four seven days of action well I'm probably mentioning that at the wrong time for you because you've been sitting in the box already for I don't know about five hours this is the longest I think this is the longest session in world championship athletics history and of course we go back to Helsinki in 83 I haven't been at all of them I was only a primary school for the first but eight and a half hours in one session is a monster shift and don't worry we made sure that Dan O'Brien had his five Weetabix and a scrambled eggs for breakfast so he'll be okay through to the end Simmons no that was to be his first attempt at 490 after his last attempt heroic sir at 480 well that looked like a feeler jump on a new pole car went up looked like he got a pole that was a little bit stiffer feeling it out and here's you vitaliy Juke of Belarus battled a Belarusian in my day Edward Himalayan we called him fast heady and a Miss for shook Edward Himalayan was always there at the major championships outstanding hurdler outstanding pole vaulter did you coin the nickname file steady because I like it I don't think so I think my coach did because he was in another heat in the hurdles and beat my time and they started to call him fast Eddy well were there any nicknames for you on the circuit that you can broadcast bearing in mind there might be children watching somewhere not that I can think of I was happy when they called me world champion you know well the one we've been using around the hotel and on the buses is Dan the man is that okay sure absolutely and here's the youngster Nicholas cow now Nicholas cow could be getting himself right in the hunt here he's a World Youth World Junior and European under-23 champion he has a monstrously good javelin and a very very fast time over the 1,500 and so far so good as far as this pole vault competition is concerned oh and it just gets better for the 21 year old the Germans have a great history when it comes to decathlon and this young man is the real deal well they have such a fantastic developmental program in Germany they just bring them up through the ranks and when somebody leaves and Arthur Abel the European champion last year he didn't compete this year they just called up a couple of youngsters and Tim Novak Nicholas call and boot biggest film their business build their ranks and they came to the world championships with guys who were going to get come here and get the job done the German national team beat the American teams in the pork Cup just a few weeks ago that's their seventh consecutive win over the US Decathlon team and there's another mate have L vasilich second attempt 490 that equals is lifetime best and 490 we'll bring him 880 points bearing in mind he was lying in 10th place coming into this competition he picked on the couple from his overnight position at 12th that was very useful points indeed the European under-23 silver medalist Samuelson wonder if Daniel Starling Swede is watching somewhere or possibly even mondo Duplantis Evolver in the men's parlor not to be on that occasion I think it's been a good Championships to the Swedes so far Samuelson only up to his sixth attempt but that looked a little fatigue when the win the foot when the jump start stalling out over the top that tells me that the runs not as crisp it's not as sharp it's like come on keep the pole moving [Applause] Brown Braun rather for 90-second attainments we've seen vice the elect level of his PB his second at this height this for 880 points is currently on 849 so an extra 31 points available here if he can successfully find this extra 10 centimeters coach looks fairly relaxed [Music] here it goes then second attempt for 90 seems a little slower in the air than some of the other vaulters possibly lacking a touch of dynamism on the way up well it's all in the pull you select the stiffer pole is going to give you more action up the top nice pole plant here he gets his hands up very well nice and firm with that left arm he needed to stay in the pocket just a little bit longer work that body line up and let it follow his feet that was a good attempt about halfway through that jump I thought here we go there's a mate but he just rushed off the top just a bit not getting quite the support he wants from that pole Soloman Simmons coaches making sure they are recording everything because it's not just important today mention the Olympic Games a couple of times it's the less than ten months away now any little adjustments that can be made between now find another 20 or 30 points anyway back to the right here and now second attempt 490 call this brilliant American well quite brilliant on the pole vault but he's clearly a young man with immense potential in the decathlon and he's only really made his way up to the top of the u.s. ranks in the last couple of years came out of college took a really a year to get things going I saw him last year at the Texas relays for the very first time he scored very very well he finished second at the US Championships last year and then second again this year to Devin Williams we're beginning to see the limit of the pole vault for some of these competitors third attempts coming up yes we had weebo is the only man over 540 in the other group vanderplatt Singh went over 530 and then a few men including Kaz miraculous so disappointed with his hurdles he along with Skuratov and Lapage cleared 520 this is a poor with slightly more modest aspirations as far as the pole vault is concerned so phi silic and Cole are the only men over 490 last chance is coming up to Samuelsson Braun Simmons and shoot [Music] we saw some great crowd interaction with the pole vaulters over in that part of the track the other night and when I glanced over that's that's part of the stadium that has consistently been filled so Salvation wants the clap he gets it let's see if he could deliver and he'll finish at 4 meters and 80 a little moment of reflection on the mat his tattoo reads dream dare do it certainly has been that for the last eight events and he'll have a little break now before contemplating the javelin and then that last long lumbering effort of three and a three-quarter laps of the track for the 1500 Broll now big team of combined event athletes from Holland not the likes of better boost bagel and Burson in their heptathlon squad representing this nation in fine style showed some real guts clearing 480 at the third time of asking and he do the same here and join fly see elec and cowl clear at 490 just to reminder this would bring him eight hundred and eighty points he's lying eight coming into this competition so it's been a a steady couple of days for the Dutchman who slammed his fist into the mat so we'll next see him in the chaplet well he's gone higher and he's gone higher this season he would have liked to have gotten that one and then attempted five metres that would have been a season's best for him but Simmons one more shot at four meters 90 16 feet brawn is a good a good 1,500 meter runner he's gone for 24 Simmons is a 433 man you'd probably expect that judging by how well-built he is in the upper body it's a big frame to drag around the track for nearly a mile Samuelsson and brawn bowing out at 4 90 can Simmons find another 10 centimeters and gave himself another 31 points [Applause] not this time that's been a solid campaign from Simmons and he can be rightly proud of that bird time clearance at 480 that will be the extent of his points tally well Simmons took a lot of jumps took two jumps at 4:40 he passed and then he got a first attempt make it for 60 second attempt at 470 third attempt at 480 and then three here at 490 these guys certainly putting in the work been on the track now for about a solid five hours little or no breaks in the rest areas but the bar will go up to five meters by Saluki your first to attempt it excuse me this is a third attempt for Schuch Vitaliy sure will be the final man to attempt four meters 90 that plant and he will finish with four meters ad on the scorecard [Applause] 480 worth 849 points 490 would have garnered him 880 points while the bar will move up to 5 meters for 910 points [Applause] ycl Eck asking the crowd to help out I think they've really enjoyed this pole vault competition just on the farmer side of the arena growing sense of anticipation here in the Khalifa International Stadium as we edge towards the evenings finals two more attempts for him he and Nicholas Cowell are the only men left competing in the pole vault everybody else already heading to that rest area where we've been treated to some amazing shots I can't believe the access we've had I was waiting for my turn to come up into the box Dan and we were watching the great images of them Mayer having his hamstring worked on and I can't ever remember seeing shots like that from her from a major championship and fascinating insight into another dimension of what what's involved but for you guys over the two days well it's interesting sometimes a nearby hotel where the majority of the athletes are staying is the rest area during the big breaks but the big there are no big breaks here in this competition so they had to provide something within the stadium and so they designated those areas that there's so much space and room in the bowels of this stadium there's zigzag hallways and everything else I got lost a couple times when I was trying to make my way out onto the field but they really take care of the athletes and are concerned about the athletes safety of these championship this would tie a season-best and a personal best for Nicholas Cowell superb he is giving himself a wonderful platform here from which to explode up the leaderboard his best to events are still to come and that's very sensible down because I think that little exchange between the coach and the athlete tells us no further attempts from coal 5 meters minimal effort expended maximum points secured 910 and I think that's quite sensible not to go for another 10 points because he wants to preserve himself and produce a huge javelin and a lightning-quick 1500 and if he does both of those things on the back of clearing 5 meters he could find himself on the podium at the age of 21 absolutely superb and he did the right things too and he was able to adjust he had long breaks when he made for 80 and for 90 on the first attempt he had to wait a long time to that bar went up so great job of concentration by Nicholas Powell he ties a personal best and you know Rob that does a couple of things for the athlete as so often in the high jump and the pole vault you end on a failure and that can do things to your psyche sometimes but he's got a perfect card up there he ended on a successful jump he moves away with the mentality that he was very successful in the pole vault he'll bring a nice natural aggression in the javelin this just puts him really in a nice frame of mind going into the final two events of the front of the second day really impressive from Cowell vice the elec will have one further attempt and now but last we've been doing this pole vault for a while now while they have they started the pole vault at 7 o'clock so after two and a half hours of decathlon pole vault we are finally edging towards the end of this eight event [Music] javelin due to start in a roundabout 35 to 40 minutes time a break won't be a won't be a big one for some of the athletes [Applause] we're getting messages from people all around the world there is ways you're keeping in touch with the championship so whatever time zone you're on I've just had a message from someone watching live in Japan where it's 3:30 in the morning well that's dedication to the course wherever you're watching we're delighted to have your company here by CLA No so his second time clearance at 490 will be his last effort I love that backward somersault they're reminiscent of Li sector plantus and Kendricks that the 1-2-3 they gave it the big the big Daley Thompson somersault at the end of the men's pole vault and feisty lek can enough in the tank to do the same so at last the decathlon pole vault has finished the duck down O'Brien's contemplating having a lie-down the longest broadcast he's been involved in and he's still got three hours to go come on big man you can do this I know I can't I appreciate the encouragement I'll let Jenny in here on some of the distance races I know she's been you get tired down there on the field she's been running around down there following people following the action but both pits were so impressive this evening they just jumped higher and higher and higher and I think they gave fans everything they absolutely wanted and pit a absolutely fantastic we're seeing guys move up the leaderboard cow and we bow certainly making a move well as feisty elect puts his poles away an opportunity to reflect and Simmons walks off for a little rest before the chaplain an opportunity to reflect now on how the quest for glory has sadly come to an end for the world-record holder Kevin Myer well they didn't look good from the beginning of the second day he even complained about it in day one but a back-to-back title would not be for Kevin Mayer the world record holder he faltered out of the European Championships last year came storming back under adverse conditions to break the world record and to launch France a place set up just for him to do so the world's greatest athlete couldn't continue on day two of these World Championships Michael Lee boat a big P B well over a thousand points 540 vanderplatt Sam well we know he can vault well and he's done so again as Marik showing real spirit with a PP of 520 bearing in mind ear crashed out in the hurdles Lapage 5 meters 20 as well he's consolidating on his position he'll actually go top at the end of the pole vault but remember he's not as good as Damien Warner on the javelin or the 1500 Harrison Williams 480 and Jeremy Lowe the Venezuelan clearing 444 a fairly modest 731 and what a shame for Lind and Victor Devin Williams and of course Kevin Maia no mark for them and the pole vault Lyndon Fink Victor will be bitterly disappointed with that being granadan has a huge javelin and would have been in the shake up for the podium you would certainly think okay here's how it stands at the moment Lapage leads and he's going to have to try and hang on in the javelin and the 1500s Curren odds going well at the moment we bow up to third Warner still has a great chance with his javelin in his 1500 of taking this title but those four are a long way clear of all the rest well nobody hopes for the worst in a decathlon but as soon as Kevin Mayer went out boy I'll tell you a lot of guys their attitudes perked up their body language changed just a little bit it's interesting Damian Warner had his chances certainly now he sits tied for third place I'm not counting him out by any means but man he left a lot of points out there in the discus but then we see the leaders Pearce LePage on the left Illya on the right they open up in the hundred meters they go to the long jump both guys score very modestly in the shot put and then over to the high jump 400 meters LePage ran a little better than Chernov 110 meter hurdles they were very very even and on to the discus throw stir a knob was the better discus thrower by far and then into the shot foot excuse me into the pole vault they both performed exceptionally well very even they're only for Jimmy my math is not very good only two points separate these guys and it was interesting I try not to keep track of the points and think ahead I like to just I like I like the graphic to come up and I'm a little surprised at Damien Horner dropped down for a tie with third I thought he might be clear of these guys just a bit but it'll be interesting to see what happens in the javelin as I start crunching the numbers I'm just married into the event as it happens and as an athlete I tried not to think about the numbers too much I tried not to think about what this gets me this and I need this jump just be the best pole vaulter you absolutely can and then move on to the next event Oakland what a great competition the estonian has had he's lying in 10th overall [Applause] well over 70 meters from him he absolutely loves it boom he says [Applause] contrast up reactions on the ground in a one-man stony-faced but the Estonians in the crowd were really giving it the big celebration well that might go very close or just over his PB TVs in the hundred P B's in the four hundred and a personal best in the javelin as well seventy two forty six that's excellent from the Estonian Lapage leading after eight events very very tight between the top four just a couple of points in it and he is expected to lose points on the likes of Damien water and score a nod and Weibo because he's not as good on the javelin as he was on the pole vault so two Canadians in the shake-up for the podium and bear in mind the other little lovely subplot beginning to bubble is that no Canadian man has ever won the world decathlon title so screw it off the authorized neutral athlete European Indoor champion four years ago we've got an opportunity here to get himself in the mix big time from the 1,500 meters didn't really like the way he'd let go of that one did he over 55 meters he's in second place overall 5 meters 20 in the Apollo Warners in third tied with weebo and I we just seen and we vote which is good performance right here he is [Applause] he's really been excellent so far come on he gives it the big roar over 60 meters [Applause] miss bebe there's 64 and a half mr. throne 63 this season so he's there or there abouts in terms of what he would expect to produce on a points all massive 540 in the Palmach that gave him a thousand and thirty five points that was good that might be close to his PB you know sixty-three eighty-three that is a season's best for weebo Skuratov third round 5956 his best effort in the second round [Applause] in fact we're just playing catch-up and this is the second round so I've given it away for you there sorry about that just show us 60 meters [Applause] that's an improvement of over two meters on its first round effort at 57-38 he's having a good competition and he will not be far away when the 1500 meters eventually starts [Applause] vanderplatt sin' this is his third round 62 23 in the opener helped enormously by his massive pole vault as he always produces their that look the best of a lot didn't it really looking forward to the 1500 and the heptathlon where Katerina Johnson Thompson might produce and moments of history she's got a platform from which to produce one of the best scores ever seen in her tap log screwing offs third round throw we've just seen that 5956 big rule well you can see with your own eye it's not as good as his second round which took him just shy of the 60 meter law it line lying in second coming into this competition there's all sorts of parameters because it's not much to choose between the pass screwing off Warner and we both there miles clear and the medalists will come from the canadian Lapage or warner estonian weibo force colonel here the automatic a soybean authorized neutral athlete [Applause] I blame a massive 72 meter throw in his opener [Applause] [Music] that's another one over 62 meters [Applause] I beg your pardon he was 63 83 in the opening round it was his compatriot acclaimed who through 72 46 it's a good card from Weibo and he's one of the men up in a potential medal position hurt his elbow a little bit hopefully that won't hold him back in the 1500 to come we vote I'd with Damian Warner coming into this chapel we bow screwing over Lapage delivering three big throws and bear in mind we boat tied for third at the moments in fact that leading throat is from woodland rather than we boat but all those guys are in a great position to battle for the medals or claim ahead of his compatriot 72 46 he's had a fantastic competition we bow the world indoor bronze medallist in a couple of years ago he's still in the hunt for the podium and vanderplatt s'en with over sixty three and a half meters he did so well in the pole vault competition as Merrik battling on over 60 meters but remember he wasn't able to finish the hundred and ten hurdles so his battle for a medal is effectively over Sakura naav still in the hunt for the podium as well Peter Braun first round in the men's decathlon javelin nice bra from the Dutchman who manages to pluck both feet firmly down he's over the 55 meter line he's lying seventh overall 747 in the long jump he went over 15 meters in the shotput so this should be a decent event for the Dutchman [Applause] we'll work out all the permutations for you when we get to the end of this ninth event now Nicholas Cowell he is a long way from the top four who were separated only by a few points each but he's got a massive javelin at his best oh look at that that's a huge performance from the reigning European under-23 champion his performance in Sweden for those European under 20 trees was phenomenal it's looking for his season's best 78 meters 75 42 that is a massive massive points haul for the German now Warner tied bird coming in to this competition he is desperate to win a maiden global outdoor title that's good it's shy of the 65 meter line but bear in mind so too is his lifetime best I think where he's kicking himself the most is because he was seven meters down on his seasons best in the discus but that looks a little better from the pan-american champion it's very very tight at the top 62 87 that's a bit more likely but cow's throat was huge Braun another big draw from the Dutchman pretty much bang on the 60 meter line coach turning round we saw some nice shots of him during the pole vault [Music] this men's decathlon javelin buckling up nicely 5980 for almost bang on the 60 meter line moves into fourth well this guy's making a move a number of people came up to me during the break and said this is going to be your eventual winner in the decathlon and look at that well over a thousand points oh my goodness 75 42 in the first round I think that one was farther and you know what I think we're witnessing a world championship decathlon best the previous mark the brilliant thrower Leonel Suarez couple of medals on for him on the world an Olympic stage that was absolutely extraordinary 7900 5 that is it a cat long world best we've never seen a decathlete get that close to 80 meters unbelievable Simmons here 5325 in the second round none of us can really believe that we've seen Cowell throw the javelin out to over 79 meters and no throw there he looks a little bit surprised actually he fell down way in front of the line he must have hit the line with his chin or something because he was laying flat on his stomach as we take a look he flies forward oh there's a finger he just put a finger on the line and the red flag is up but it was not an overly large airline throw for Salomon Simmons it might have been a better throw for him though 5325 and it's always so hard for me to believe that Salomon Simmons can't muster something just a little bit better Damian Warner's trying to improve on a 62 87 that he hit in the first round and just directly in between that 55 meter line and that 65 meter line 56 58 in the second round and 50 you see what he ends up there he needs to keep his momentum going to the throwing area he knows he didn't get all of that one good start for him but you want to work off that first throw get a little bit more aggressive lean into it just a little bit more 5952 so no improvement for Damian Horning here's a little indication look how fast Cowell has released the javelin over a hundred kilometers an hour Simmons had the best angle but Cowell miles miles clear of the rest the solid performance from Warner near a seasons fest for 62 and bits but 79 meters unprecedented for a decathlete in the javelin and now Dan O'Brien that means he's got a brilliant chance to become the world champion Cowell takes it with 70 905 a thousand and 28 points he could win this now boy claim with a PP o e Bo and Vander Plaats n' and Damien Warner and oshiro and ro and Kasmir ik over 16 metres giving you the the rundown on all of the decathletes and now the sums begin this is where we are after nine events Marcel we bow leads Damien Warner 15 points adrift Cowell only 19 behind we bow and he has a sensational 1500 meter time maybe the 21 year old from Germany could spoil the Damian Warner party it's going to be quite a race well let's take a look at our cylinders there Michael we bow on the far left Amy and Warner in the middle Nicolas call after the hundred meters it was Damian warning Warner that took a commanding lead and then he sustains that lead not over just these two guys but the rest of the field Kevin Maher was in there for most of that as well Damian Warner a good shot put solid shot put it in the high jump Michael weibo he thrilled the crowd with the best jump of the day and you see Nicholas call just plugging away very consistent his cylinder isn't filling up very quickly but there's 110 meter hurdles Paul gets through very strategically and then the discus discus throw call begins to make a move we bow with a decent discus but it was the pole vault that really started to turn the tide Michael we bow with an outstanding pole vault and then to the javelin throw when you look at the cylinders and the spacings Nicholas called this is where he makes his hay the last three events of the second day and we talked about Kevin Myer being the world record holder for the second day I don't think it will be long before Nicholas call is the world record holder for the second day but just Damien Warner's almost one of his smallest cylinders the discus and the javelin have really let him down on day two we Bo's PB for the 1,500 for 25 Warner's for 24 cowls for 14 he could do this here come the decathletes but absolutely a brilliant performance by KJ t she beats the Olympic champion by 300 points okay Don O'Brien it's time to get your calculator out as we prepare to take you back in time to all those great years 91 93 95 Olympic title world record this is the big one this is the one these guys dread because yes some of them might be built for throwing some of them might be built for high hurdling but none of these men are built for the 1500 meters which is why it's always so thoroughly absorbing to watch just a reminder here are the standings after nine exhausting events [Music] Marcel we bow leads but only by 15 points Damien Warner can he finally get his hands on a crown that seems to elude him or will Nicholas Cowell with a 414 PP denied both of them a golden moment and steal it for himself at the age of 21 this is going to be very interesting and these are the moments that these athletes dread they're walking down the backstraight now finding their positions over there three and three-quarter laps from the finish line this is such a difficult race for these guys and I thought I saw fatigue last night in the 400 meters I think we're really going to see some fatigue here in the 1500 meters but a handful of these guys really have a lot to run for when we look at the personal bests and we'll get to those but Michael weibo and Damien Warner very similar Nicolas call for 15 this young man has just burst onto the scene this season and he took over midway through the second day it was the pole vault that really put him in position to have a great javelin throw and we see him in a position to win a gold now here on at the 1500 Skuratov also has a chance at a medal he's a 424 1,500 meter runner only kyle has really produced an outstanding effort in the 1500 meters this season but you always have to look back at the TVs on these guys and say can you go back there whether it was last year the year before that PB is inside of you now you got to go get at Damian Warner looked like he was a sconce tin the silver medal position when Kevin Mayer was there and then Kevin Mayer bowed out on the 8th event of the second day and then everything started to change Damian Warner had a couple of good chances today to really get a firm grasp on that number1 position before we got to this 1500 but adweek discus led him down a little bit an average average Jablin he vaulted pretty well he hurtled as he always did he won the hurdles Pierce LePage had his opportunities as well outstanding pole vault for him but a weak discus I thought for a moment we would see two Canadians on the victory stand but tense moments for these guys this was the moment Rob I absolutely hated I just want to say get up there and get this thing going we could have been done by now great analysis from John O'Brien and we'll hear more [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] let's welcome all nineteen starting with the Appalachian it's time for the big boys to dance one last events John authorities rode on the inside Venezuela journey shall mellow yellow mellow South American champion [Music] hi kasparek well it's aspirations with glory come to an end with the Germany high hurdles his great that he's still here for the Asian champion for Japan Keisuke Japanese Asian champion by shiro drawn five the european under-23 silver medalist for sweden Frederick Seaton throwback to a 1970s rock star Frederic Samuelson Harrison Williams US collegiate Indoor champion 7 the World Junior bronze medalist for Germany Tim Kim Novak World and European junior proms the European senior bronze medalist the Charlie shook he's had a tough couple of days 9 the Commonwealth bronze medalist for Australia Cedric Cedric dubler got a bronze on the Gold Coast 18 months ago Pennell vasilich was brilliant in the pole vault can he be so again here over the 15 thomas van der plants of what an ambassador for this sport battled back from testicular cancer a brilliant women solomon Simmons multiple US podium finishes in the European Championships for Neverland each abroad you sync your performances from here 14400 2017 for Estonia Yannick young mango clang great to see him back from injuries last year for Pearce Lapage he's in fifth 73 points European Indoor champion junior champion for Germany Niklas cow can he deny Damion Warner the gold he's fast enough if in run a TV he's been a silver medalist in this event this is the gold he's so desperate for can he deliver well indoor bronze last year his wife has just produced a stunning run for silver in the women's meters it's close weebo leads Warner in silver screwing off in bronze the Pasha of Canada in for only one can be crowned champion - absorbing days about to come to an end can the 21 year old German denied a Mian Warner the title he has pursued relentlessly for almost a decade the final events of the men's decathlon Warner goes to the front he thought when Kevin Mayer dropped out that this was destined to be his gold it might be but he's going to have to earn this the hard way and surprisingly there is no move yet from the brilliant youngster Nicholas Cowell cow Alma's just running in lane three towards the top of your picture there's walnut with Weibo just behind him Cowell has a personal best ten seconds quicker the Damien Warner and now he begins to move on the outside well this just shows a lot of experience he went really slowly in the first 200 meters this shows me that he's planning on running very very even paces as he works his way up through the ranks there he ran a 417 earlier this season that's much much better than anybody else in the field the question is is it when he gets to the front he's not going to have any help nobody is going to be up there because nobody in the field has run quite that fast we're gonna have to see exceptional efforts from Damien Warner and Michael weibo Michael weaboo has got a target on Damien Warner's back right now as we see cow and Kasim Erik I thought if that student that's Tim Novak the cow goes by and now he passes we bone Warner is in the silver medal position he leads Cowell is in the bronze medal position so we know that Cowell has to beat Damien Warner by a couple of seconds this is ever so close Cowell now in the bronze medal position how much distance can he take out of Damien Warner and possibly Marcel we both we both is in the gold medal position he leaves Cowell by 19 points and he is desperately desperately hanging on here in a bid to produce a golden moment for Estonia the likes of which we won't have seen in this event since okinu when he became the Olympic champion in Sydney while I liked that courage by Michael we bow going with the youngster you come in here with a 4:17 fruit season best at a 4:15 personal best sometimes you think you know what I can't run with a guy that goes that fast but Michael weibo has had a great competition he's got a chance to win a gold medal at a World Championships why not just lay it all on the line he is doing a fantastic job right now Damien Warner about seven meters behind him as Kazmir it goes by him let's explain what we're watching here Nicholas Cowell needs to be Michael weibo by about three seconds to wrestle the gold medal away from him Damien Warner's battle for gold is over he's trying to hang on to a medal position look at this from the 21-year old he is storming away from two world clastic athletes and he's getting faster and faster and faster Damien Warner's in for and this is an incredible performance it usually takes two catholics years and years to learn their craft and nicolas cowl courtesy of the best javelin performance would ever seen from a decathlete has put himself in pole position to become the global champion a young man who came here with huge promise of a medal maybe but of the gold surely not Novak's running really well its second place but this is about a 21 year old who arrives on the global stage and us outdone them all nicholas cow becomes the world champion a brilliant time we bow is exhausted he started this race as the champion he's desperately trying to hang on and i think he has taken the silver medal because damien warner is an exhausted figure coming across the line wow this is an event that tests mind and body Warner has come up short once again he's a fine athlete a Pan American Games champion bronze medalist in this event four years ago bronze medalist in 2013 and an Olympic bronze the global gold continues to elude him but not for Nicolas Cao the reality of who is beaten and what is achieved is beginning to dawn on the 21 year old and this is a name and his is a face we are going to see for many many years to come wow what a second day for Nicolas Cao we started the first we started the second day saying look at Kevin Mayer he is world record-holder for Day two Cal ran a good hurdle race but then in the discus he produced back-to-back personal bests and he really got everybody's attention and he started to make a move and then in the pole vault he had a completely clean card five jumps five makes and then he boomed over five meters and said I'm done I'm done I'm shutting it off and we knew he was just saving his strength for the javelin where he thrilled everybody with a 70 908 javelin throw and we haven't seen throws like that in a really really long time or ever it was the farthest row in decathlon javelin history and I think it was all over when they stepped to the line when you come to the line with a 415 personal best you were miles ahead of the rest of this field Damian Warner gave it a run he always will give his absolute best effort like a weebo he had a good run I was thought it was so courageous with two laps to go that he was trying to hang with Cal and you know what he gave it a shot and said I can't hang with this kid 500 meters to go it was all cow Nicolas Cal he's won numerous world stage events but none as big as this one Cowell takes the applause and the congratulations that was pierced the parsh who just gave him a nice hook the parse finished in fifth fourth was screwing off who finished with 441 kite Kaczmarek was 17th because his performance in the hurdles he didn't finish boy gland great couple of days for him he's sixth Michael weibo makes it to silver medals for the weibo husband-and-wife duo a brilliant run from him the best we've seen from him on the global stage but how smart was Nicholas Cowell he knew he had to outrun we both and Damien Warner but rather than going eyeballs out right from the start he sat in on the first 400 meters and that underlines the maturity that has taken him to this global crown so early in his career well in that was probably the most impressive thing about him I wondered what he was doing kind of just hanging back and then I realized you don't have to run a 68 second first lap he knew exactly what he was doing 70s and then he worked his way down from there a 68 67 66 great finish by Nicolas Cao very impressed with this youngster and you know this wasn't a young man we were talking about at the beginning of these championships we thought this is Kevin Mayer's championship to lose he couldn't make it through just so many things happen on that second day it looked like everything was just gonna hold for him but just so many young guys to keep track of over the next couple of years we'll see Michael weibo back in the in the 2020 Olympic Games but Pearce LePage if he can change some events he's gonna be a gamer but watch out Nicolas Cal he's going to get a little faster he's going to get a little strong they'd be able to high jump a little bit better he'll pull ball another ten centimeters do blur from Australia was there all the way and look who's there with a bottle of water she named Miller weebo it's a cool off her husband this decathlon was really really fun to watch it just gave us everything a lot of surprises and of course this one the biggest surprise of all Wow a season best for 15 he goes 86 91 for the wind I got a chance to see Daley Thompson earlier and I said who do you think wins this thing and he said cow he's got such a fantastic finish look at that Jablin he's got a great 1500 meters and that's what the silver medalist get a kiss when they finish what a finish from Nicholas Cowell the European under-23 champion becomes the world champion world indoor bronze for Michael we bow world outdoor silver and Damien Warner can you believe it it's bronze yet again a great performance but the gold continues to elude this brilliant Canadian and there was a moment of magic from Nicholas Cowell the 21 year old leads the lack of honor as the newly crowned world champion
Channel: World Athletics
Views: 275,359
Rating: 4.7679477 out of 5
Keywords: World Athletics, worldAthletics, IAAF, Athletics, World Championships, track and field, Decathlon, Day 2, doha, qatar, 2019, niklas kaul, damian warner, Maicel uibo, estonia, germany, canada, 110m hurdles, discus, pole vault, javelin, 1500m
Id: 61NghZAOR4I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 174min 11sec (10451 seconds)
Published: Fri May 01 2020
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