The Ending to Stone Ocean IS perfect

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if you found this video enjoyable please leave a like and hell even subscribe if you want to it only takes two clicks and push that notification Bell just to get the messages for my videos that would be greatly appreciated so by the time this video should be released the ending batch of stone ocean should be out meaning that the ending of the original Universe slash the original parts being one through six have been officially animated and have ended and I'm guessing a few of you guys are probably a bit confused as manga fans were for a very long time on top of that I have never really given my opinion slash deeper thematic thoughts on this ending as it's pretty deep for the whole series not just the part of stone ocean which when it's understanded completely in its entirety I think makes for a pretty good ending for the part and for the entire franchise up until this point making it almost damn near perfect at least for me and I think the best place to begin is the introduction of made in heaven Pucci realizing that he doesn't actually need to wait the full 36 hours for the new moon to appear as he can literally be the new moon figures that out and now has achieved made in heaven which is now a big problem for Jolene and crew after achieving made in heaven time begins to slowly accelerate getting faster and faster as well made in heaven is still activated while activated non-living things begin to speed up for example rain appears instantly and dries off instantly machines begin to do their processes a lot faster than per usual even the Sun the Heavenly Body in our solar system begins to move a lot faster than per usual made in Heaven's ability would even start affecting things around the world simultaneously slowly a lot of people would realize this Jolene and crew would go on full panic mode as Pucci has now achieved made in heaven and is now kind of the ultimate threat right now as Jolene would say his end goal right now is to get rid of everybody here so they do not cross over into his new world or new universe quote unquote primarily the Joe stars and their fate eventually jodaro and Anna Suite would come up with the idea that well technically the only thing that can really stop made in heaven poochie right now is well star Platinum the world and time stop and of course Diver Down and with a change of scenery going to the ocean for a more tactical Advantage here the final showdown can commence between the group and Pucci where poochie pulls a giga brain play and outsmarts them all using the Joe Stars sympathy for their friends and family joro would be put in a situation where he'd have to either kill Pucci or save Jolene and of course since jodoro loves his daughter he saves Jolene but he would be two steps too late of course that meaning poochie won and would kill him and basically the rest of the other half of the crew only leaving Jolene and Emporio behind even then it still doesn't matter as poochie now accelerates towards Jolene and Emporio and the best way I could explain it here Jolene would do a final goodbye in a sense as now she sacrifices herself to save Emporio declaring that he is their final hope as the universe accelerates to its end as a new world is birthed in this new World Pucci would kind of explain what the whole idea of made in heaven is and more or less to kind of break it down for you not to get extremely deep here is that more or less made in heaven is kind of the idea to kind of see one's own fate and gain peace of mind to overcome your destiny while good on the surface you also have to remember this is Pucci talking about this a man that was influenced by Dio so it's probably not that good in its entirety and while chasing Emporio down with this new standability that Emporio now has he would use the stand ability to create 100 oxygen in the room to slowly kill Pucci which he does causing made in heaven to quote unquote end leading to an alternate universe with alternate people side note here it's only the people that have originally perished before the reset that kind of get remade I guess is the best way to explain it now Emporio sees his old friends now rebirth in a way leading through the ending of part 6 Stone ocean concluding the chapter What a Wonderful World while yes I know that was a bit long I kind of needed to explain that in higher final sequence of events basically the last 10 chapters of stone ocean to kind of really dig into some details here that I'm going to talk about and the biggest one I need to explain right off the bat to make everything in this later half of the video to make sense is the name reference slash the song reference with the final chapter of stone ocean Lewis Armstrong's What a Wonderful World to get into my historical and music bag here Louis Armstrong was a black man living in America in the 1920s up until the 70s when he passed and if you know here historical knowledge in the Americas that was not a very good time to be black in the U.S one can assume that he did end up seeing slash hearing a lot of terrible and dark things that Humanity does to each other but on September 1st 1967 a legendary song that basically is worldwide known at this point What a Wonderful World would release an ultra optimistic song looking at the world as he looks at the world's true beauty and not the darkness that that surrounds it saying this song is optimistic is a very very very gross underestimate this song is just oozing with just this Ultra positive look at the bright side of everything kind of mentality behind it it's so optimistic in his most famous performances of the song he is consistently smiling and just being happy like the song is that good bro like just go listen to it honestly I'm just saying if you haven't but if you're somehow still confused on the idea of it because you're young or something I don't know there is a quote unquote modern equivalent to the idea of the song I would say the indomitable human Spirit versus the indefinite cruelity of the universe while it's still kind of a meme format I guess the at least the basis of the idea is still hyper positive as while the universe can be cruel and give you bad luck or fade just evil in general the human spirit will always push on looking for a better tomorrow Emporio kind of represents this human will almost as to always keep on pushing for that hope quote unquote as Jolene said Emporio was that hope that human will but on a reread or just kind of the reread of the entire franchise basically for me I think it's a bit different now you see that Emporio interpretation can be correct but I think there is a more correct one is the best way at least I can put it you see the Joe stars from literally from Phantom blood up until this point are technically cursed in a way is the best way at least I would want to describe it or at least I can put it into terms that I think a lot of Jojo fans could understand thank you to Julian being called a Joe star or a JoJo to a further extent kinda sucks in all reality being cursed to hold this burden to defeat Dio and his remnants sucks I don't really know how else to describe it having to every day live with the fact that at one point Dio could rise again or you have to fight Dio's lackeys or fight other Stan users because of Dio sucks you can't live a normal life a wonderful life even but with the Joe Stars sacrificing themselves primarily being you know jodaro and Jolene in this case fighting poochie to eventually being remade slash reincarnated into the new world is kind of a good thing as now this burden of being a JoJo is gone now as jolene's name changes to Irene meaning she's lost the nickname of being a JoJo but she is still a Joe star which still implies and thanks to some interviews by Iraqi that just being a Joe star means that you are this kind of Pinnacle of humanity where you're just trying to help you're that undoubable will and seeing the Joe stars go through Dio cars Kira diavolo Pucci and having to fight all these people in all these different time periods in all these different places to eventually getting this really good ending where they don't have to deal with this burden anymore that they technically won there is no need at this point anymore to be a JoJo congratulations all the Loose Ends have been tied as the entire purpose of Parts four and five for a very long time even I didn't even realize is to clear up these loose ends that deal had influence over josuke defended Mario and got the stand Arrow out of there Giorno defeated diovalo and stopped him from Gaining a Requiem and of course Jolene did have to sacrifice herself but even poochie's gone now they now all can live a happy life in this new world and enjoy this wonderful world now that they are in and since I don't think I'll ever have the ability to talk about this topic in a full video I might as well explain it here there's also an underlying theme that stands are kind of bad quote unquote what I mean by this is at least an early part three of the idea that stands are evil was at least an idea that kind of got swept underneath the rug but ever since then Iraqis kind of planted the ideas that all these bad people keep on getting these abilities that have to fight the Joe stars and that kind of blows to a further extent just having a stand kind of sucks having to deal with the idea that some other Stan user is going to show up one day as Stan users attract other stand users and probably having to fight that person maybe kind of really sucks it's this kind of overall pressure that somebody has to deal with 24 7. even jodaro realized this during part four probably even a little bit before then causing the events of part 6 to occur where he has to basically abandon his daughter out of just protecting her from the reality of Stan fights and to stand users if both Irene and jodaro seemingly have a good relationship in this timeline it does imply that they don't have stands or just figured out how to kind of weave around the fact of having to deal with stance which kind of drives my point through that stands are just kind of bad to have they are literally the problem for the later half of the first universe and eventually are kind of major both in part 7 and 8. not to mention their literal reincarnations or their remade selves were brought into this new universe was because of a very very powerful stand and on the off chance they just got rid of them completely I think this is slightly better for them as though they can just live normal lives and I think that's just in the case of JoJo's pretty wonderful does that sounds nice at least for the Joe star Clan personally speaking which brings me to New Moon poochie and made in heaven and what they kind of represent as a whole before the new world you see in a way New Moon poochie and Maiden Heaven represent all past main villains at least in some regard and how the joesters have to fight this totality of a villain as Pucci represents Dio's ideas the ideas of perfecting a formed slash trying to achieve a new form that being represented by cars and through that Perfection you get peace of mind which kind of calls back to at least and not in that phrasing of words to Kira and with diovalo I guess the same idea still applies with achieving power or a new form but I'd like to emphasize with the diovalo influence maybe there that it just represents the idea of just trying to gain power to rule quote unquote that fate and when Jolene slash Emporio beat that villain that means they've won they've beat the totality of what the universe had to throw at them but I won't lie this might be a case of epiphenia where I'm putting Connections in meaning things where there probably really isn't any to begin with but I would like there to be as it kind of ties a nice bow on top of all of it I hope and since I am talking about the ending of stone ocean I know there's going to be a lot of people that criticize me or just say but what happened there aren't you mad there's a couple like loose ends or plot holes I'm gonna be honest most of them are just asking why certain characters didn't show up during this final fight quote unquote and I'm gonna be real they aren't needed there's no reason for them to be here uh to be honest yes jodo could have called Joe's gay or okiasu or I don't know Rohan or somebody like that but it's not needed here the ending's fine as it is and there are certain plot elements that kind of set up that nobody really is going to help them it's just that crew and jodaro also this idea that when a character dies it means they lose is really really dumb because there's a lot of things in fiction in real life when somebody dies it just doesn't mean it's the ending of something it can still go on forward to be honest it's probably better A lot of these characters did get reincarnated slash remade in this new so we don't have to deal with their past struggles so them dying is probably a good thing unironically here and I know with those new people that ask questions like what happened to the timeline what's been altered to be honest some characters are just gonna look at their family trees a little bit differently that's all I could really give to you I'm not the author I'm just the reader trying to interpret things so with that being said and all the information I've provided at least in my personal opinion maybe I've even changed some of your guyses I think Stone Ocean's ending is damn near perfect or just really really really good just in my thoughts I think it genuinely takes somebody on a higher level of thinking to understand it and that could be a fault on a Rocky's part just kind of rushing it or just not explaining it well enough but you know I think it's good so that's gonna be the end of the video like comment share subscribe follow me on Twitter stay hydrated see in the next one ladies and gentlemen foreign [Music]
Channel: METAs
Views: 132,122
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: METAs, META, Anime, Manga, Review, discussion, jjba, jojos, bizarre, adventure, araki, hirohiko, david production, stone ocean, part 6, anime, manga, jolyne, cujoh, stone free, pucci, whitesnake, made in heaven, ermes, kiss, ff, foo fighters, emporio, weather report, review, breakdown, dio, the world, ending, steel ball run, final, finale, The Ending to Stone Ocean IS perfect, stone ocean ending, c-moon, explained, heaven plan
Id: n5eT6Zk2bj4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 2sec (782 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 11 2022
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