Death Korp of Krieg vs Tyranids, 8th edition Warhammer 40k battle report 0

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Death Korp are my favorite but I dont have the money right now, how competative are they on the tabletop?

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/riverflow150 📅︎︎ Oct 10 2019 🗫︎ replies

I love your inquisition warband, they're all so creative

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/EwokJerky 📅︎︎ Oct 09 2019 🗫︎ replies

Well done, a beautiful army and a great battle. Also your dice luck is just horrible :D

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/kasrkyn838 📅︎︎ Oct 09 2019 🗫︎ replies

I wonder how much that Krieg army cost him?

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/17th_Angel 📅︎︎ Oct 10 2019 🗫︎ replies
welcome to the channel and welcome to this 2,000 points per game between the deathcore of Krieg and tear nets today on the channel we're going to be fighting in and amongst this ruined industrial sector the death core of Krieg want to capture this site and the tyranids want to cleanse this site of all life but the inquest Inquisition have also been raised the Ordo xenos have also been raised because they've heard of a terror from the deep a swarm Lord which has been given the code name Kevin so they are also here along with some assassins to try and cut the head from the snake 2,000 points match play game Imperial Guard vs Chairman's it's gonna be a buckin and not only is it the Imperial Guard it's the death core of Krieg these guys love a bug hunt for them it's Christmas but it's not Christmas because if you believe in Christmas then you're a heretic and will probably be shocked by the Inquisition 2,000 points match make a cleanse and capture three cards turn every turn we're playing Search and Destroy we roll it out of the main rulebook the tyranids are going to be over here the deathcore are rumbling into the battle grid on that side as you can see the six eject is spread throughout the battle grid anyone on a terrain piece is gonna count as in terrain or inside one of these boxy arias here is gonna count as terrain and we're saying anything inside the footprint of one of these large ruined building structures for chemists trained as well we'll get cover and we welcome to the channel for the first time a new challenger say hi Phil I feel thanks going down and you've got a gorgeous deathcore army and you've been collecting it for how long five or six years five or six years the labor of love and you know Joe I do because you appear on the lookout sir 40k podcast I do which I was have been on as well was it you was it it was a good episode for show oh look out sir 40k podcasts go and check it out with Dan and Joe it's it's there it's funny if they're good but you could point a bunch boys yeah good laughs don't believe the rumors and you've taken this to the TT you've been up to what hammer world a few times and do you believe in the cult of sacrifice do you believe thrown yourselves into the blizzard of enemy guns it's the only way to do it exactly I mean most Imperial Guardsmen set many imperial guards from their heroes or you've got the Rambo type catch it and stuff but the deathcore think those guys are [ __ ] basically anyone who ducks and covers is calling to the deathcore of Krieg is someone who shouldn't be in the guard so a couple of shout outs this battle mat is from game Matt dot-eu they all this scenery actually from game mat or EU and I keep getting told off so I have to mention it now I'm on Instagram I'm on facebook I'm on stuff like that is lookout so for UK on Instagram beyond the tabletop what's that on Instagram now yeah so Instagram YouTube where I do my painting tutorials and conversion guides much anywhere it could be is anywhere it could be yeah okay nice so I think we've covered everything have we covered everything I think okay let's go and look at these armies right this is 1999 points of tyranids it's hopefully Kraken Kraken well 3d six with an advance and pick the highest and they can fall back and still charge and I have a battalion and the one with all the heavies in it which means I've got nine command points and Kevin is back he has been reconstituted after his grievous injuries and he will be returning this is the swarm Lord he will not be my warlord even though he is a big boy with loads of swords and things like that I always bring the neuro throat for long as my warlord and the neuro therapist got chameleon ik mutation and synaptic linchpin so the synapse range of the Neurath rope is out to 18 inches and chameleon mutation means it's minus 1 to hit if you shoot at him it is a character so it can't be targeted anyway but if it can be targeted - one to hit I like to think that it's not necessarily chameleon ik but it's when you try and point a sniper rifle at it your eyes water and your ears bleed because the brain is one one warming away that's the noise it makes it's got a psychic screen and smite so it's basically shooting out mind bullets all the time the brood Lords got onslaught so brood lords and jeans dealers can advance and charge which is nasty in a crack and list because they move 8 + 3 d6 pick the highest they can advance in charge and I've given him the psychic power which means he can chuck it on another unit so that unit can advance in charge as well and I do that because then I remember what psychic power he has because he can do it anyway but these he can only cast one neretva cost to swaminathan cast - as well and Kevin's got catalyst and the horror and smiting task to those powers and he's a beast for up and fundable save and close combat script infernal saying this is the death poor though they probably don't want to get in close combat with the school board however one or two of the assassins might because assassins are crazy crew choices gene stealers 25 term accounts 25 term gods three warriors with desperate errs six warriors with despotism - with venom cannons because last time when I fought Joe from lookout so 40k he basically after that fight I went out and got warriors with desperate is because I thought I needed some more dark he had plenty of Dokka so it's it's your friend's fault probably blaming him later base is easy then we got to shock troops we have a hive chrome and that's the one with the flame I drool cannon and it fires tentacle AIDS which can hurt vehicles do more woods or vehicles basically one of these three but it hits on fours it typically does one or a couple of mortal wings to vehicles if it shoots at them but it's a short truth because even though is has the fly keyword it is not an aircraft it just moves very very quickly and can assault tanks for example so it can get there quick and tag stuff what I stuff up and the Morlock of course bursting up from underground it's not very good it's got many many attacks but they only do one damage in there o P - so it's not very good in close combat but what it does is again burst up from underground close to enemy units and can potentially do mortal wings to them so they're shock troops they are to reign confusion in the backline and reign confusion in the frontline are to scream achilles scream achilles of a natural - one two hit because those chimney stacks out there back bail outs poor clouds so they're just a natural - want to hit as they barrel forward Miley Cyrus aka wrecking bullying their way up the table and then two monster tanks one for unaffected acid spray one tryna fix with a rupture cannon this is a back field to sit in chute type unit this is a move up the foot of the table and spurt acid all over the place type unit so it's a real mixed list this is normally the point when I say right in my tyranny list this is what I tried to do I tried to bring a bit of this to make this happen and this I thought I didn't in this occasion I wanted to bring Kevin and I wanted to bring a mixed list so I've got some shooty I've got some disruption I've got loads of little bugs and some psychos up the front just a general nice mixed list that was the idea maybe the tyrannous have been caught slightly off guard and didn't exactly expect the death pool to suddenly smash down on the planet with their Inquisition and assassin allies talking about the good guys let's go have a look right this is 1998 points of death called one point less than me lost already it's deathcore with imperial allies it's ten commandments because of all the stuff we've spent to already yes and the special rule for the death core of Krieg for those that don't know is these guys don't take morale when you shoot at them they just don't care when you're a member of the cult of sacrifice the greatest honor the greatest thing that could happen to you in your life is to die on the battlefield screaming the Emperor's name I love the death war so what are we looking at Hoosier warlord so my warlord is the Marshall the night Stanley he's got the wall or trait of old grudges I said before the battle begins I select one of your units and everyone within six inches of him gets to reward windrows all fair wind rose and he's going to be targeting Kevin we deploy in there and who's this chat with him so he's been defrauded commander yeah he's leading the horses I've got he's got the relic power sword which is the blade of conquest it gives you plus two geo stroke - for AP and BP damage - for AP yes that's pretty crazy that's a nice sword he's got there okay what else where we go so in terms of the units I've got two free standard infantry squads on Boober last guns yeah you also come with crack and frag grenades are standard for Krieg yeah then I've got two my sort of something more release but they're so troops they're the Grenadier squads yeah they've got hot shot glass guns and one melter and then at the back we've got the engineers which are the elite choice and they are on Arrakis shotguns and then these guys are a specific death called Krieg slot army yes they've got lovely shotguns and stuff yeah pretty tasty when you can get them moving range yeah and the Cyclops is basically a rolling bomb yeah yes yes big nasty if I can get in range and blow it up yeah can I shoot that thing yes you can you're allowed to yeah character of any kind - no it's quite easy it's a good destruction unit turn one because normally people try and take it off the board what is it toughness for many wounds well I think it's dr. 600g but double-check the mob Thomas fire if it's a rolling box of adamantium it's probably quite tough with a bunch of wounds and then it gets there and goes kaboom yes nice attacks and things tank commanders yes so - new tank commanders of one of the right has the relic battle cannon from vigilance this one yes that's the one and Maggie's got a pintle mounted storm water which you can see I've mounted it as a kind of coax gun on the side of the cannon yep obviously with the last campaign yep and I've got the Punisher tank commander so punish a cannon heavy Stuber heavy bolt on the front and a plasma that can sponsor house mckenna sponsons nice I like the fact that this guy is the only guy with the sponsons because these goes the back you know sticking it sticking to the deathcore narrative here yes no way from regular yeah Lehmann Russ's and maybe only two that gets the Krieg Lehmann right special room which is the Mars alpha pattern whole yellow if you attack them with a strength four or less weapon I get plus one to my save yeah so strength for weaponry against these tanks such as my flesh Boris not only will they be toughness eight tanks but they'll ever to up safe they're busily turn into land reigns vs. 24 yeah I love it how herons yes to Stein's of hellhoundz standard stuff yeah we're track guards and have you flame on the front yeah what are the truck gods do so no matter what the wind profile is they still move at their top speed nice and acquittee nippy anyway right yes 12-inch move well I think it's 16 inch range on the flavor oh dear okay so yeah these these are gonna cook some bugs tips I love the smell of napalm in the morning smells like victory okay we have an Inquisitor who is using the eisenhorn rules I take it you've read eisenhorn in revenue yes yes anyone out there who wants an introduction to 40k black library reading and doesn't know where to start start with eisenhorn then go to Ravana it is epic so you're using the rules for Aizen home for her and the rules for terrible for the demon homes yes does she have a name yes it's a lady eleanor grateful lady eleanor gray horn i love it and she's got some buddies coming along some acolytes yeah just so free acolytes each one is an individual unit yeah they've got the needle pistol and a chainsaw each yep three assassins yep pretty much come as you see them yeah we've got the crazy death screaming nasara and the or the sniper that always misses or doesn't move okay who's this one I forget it's weak yes because this is the socket one I always get those two mixed up yeah yeah and then death Cora Krieg death Reuters yes so the front I've got to be tougher on Takuma song yeah and then I've got to be defined a command squad which allows all my de Fratus to outflank does that include the commissar yes because it's I think it's four units you can have thank with the squad yeah and then the very back there's a regular just five-man squad okay and as we were talking earlier don't be confused don't think these things are normal horses horses in the Warhammer 40k universe aren't really horses these are template stamp pressed gene bred killing machines imagine a massive shire horse on acid that's what these things are and that's what you paint them all the same color right yep because they're basically back grown all coming out the factory yeah exactly the same all exactly the same one after the other after the other and they are very very angry don't feed one an apple that bite your head off they will charge forward into a barrage of guns they charge of the Light Brigade for these is a Tuesday basically so death cool all over the place lovely beautiful army love it here to take on Kevin and the Tiernan's here to capture this site away from the Xena sword because eisenhorn she's um Eleanor sorry yeah a little gray oh geez Xena's autogenous yes which is against and a psycho as well so we have some nice characters we've got some cultists they are cultists it's the cult of scientists in theory cultists they're good guy call this the death call have never ever not one regiment in their thousands of years of history ever turn traitor or ever enact their valves they're one of the few imperial Guard units out there that allowed to combine arms they're allowed to field combined arms they are loyal beyond repute love them brilliant stuff let's go to deployment and we deployed for this 2,000 point game of cleanse and capture the way it goes is I put down a unit field put down a unit backwards and forwards and he who drop first can choose whether they want to go first unless there's a cease and I must get my stuff down way in advance or fill so what we're looking at here is there's an objective way over here so I've stuck in you know warriors on it in case that comes up it may never come up but they're there anyway and as there's a couple of assassins in reserve that can pop up somewhere and potentially disrupt my back lines then I'm keeping them back there is pretty good and then the rupture Canon TX is here because that was the best sort of line-of-sight thing now we do in search-and-destroy deployment so it was kind of painful for you yeah Search and Destroy made it a little bit painful but it also made it a little bit good because again if we just did dawn of war I could have I would have had more room to maneuver this way for example the Kevin and brood Lord and the gene stealers are here ready to spring around sometimes these guys can get a first turn charge off but it's going to be it unlikely because it's dead certain destroy deployment and again round here I can zip Brown that way or go straight up the middle it's it's made it very interesting and the huge line of site blocking train pieces here and there also have made it very interesting we're saying any piece of terrain just to make it simple like these guys are in cover imagine that they've put some sandbags up there as well so any piece of terrain will give you cover these pipes these are here for show to make the board look pretty so they're not going to stop the Cyclops for example rumbling over them or rumbling underneath them when it starts to move forward you've got a flame attack here and a flame attack there remember these things can move quick they can shoot two the long way and they will just turn bug - crispy fried fried cream there's The Vindicator Sasson in his perch ready to shoot down at my wall Nord potentially and then the battery of Tanks in the back field I thought it was very interesting that you put the Rough Riders on the table why the Rough Riders on table I tend to find if I can't thank them they always felt that charge because they bonus for actually charging so it's almost impossible to get off and using as more of an aggressive unit right potentially trying to get a turn one charge won't cut you if I can see maybe they'll happen maybe you can happen and that's Annabelle Annabelle Eleanor Eleanor must remember Eleanor's name and she is down there talking to the Rough Riders and the commanders and you are close to where you're on that objective there you're on this objective they're here I'm on two and then there's two currently in no-man's land the harpy is up here squawking its way through the sky I ready to swoop down on the on the Huey's below me on the biomass that we wish to consume so you did originally start with ten command points but you spent a couple one and getting two relics and one on the Vigilant detachment battle cannon tank things yeah just taking it as a vigilance detachment allows me to unlock the relic right taking the eight left and as you said you could have deployed everything back here but you put developed some frontline screen ready to move forward and take these objectives you've got an old grudges ruled who is gonna be your grudge who you're gonna rear old wounds against it's gonna be Kevin Kevin it's got to be careful as he is a character but it's got more than ten wounds he can't target him and where is your commander right now he is near the back so he so giving these guys their or ability yeah too so there is there and everything firing at Kevin is reroll wins the whole game as long as they're within six inches am yes I like it would you like to try and steer with initiative I will give it my best shots here's a dice sir good luck it's obligatory shake oh no cigar here is the will of the hive mind in turn one big-game hunter killer vehicle blood-and-guts kill something in assault phase and assassinate killer character just kill kill kill right this is right the start of the movement phase I'm spinning command point on opportunistic advance which is a crack and specific thing and fill try trainee confusion which is an assassin that felt they were any confusion thing fell it would have meant that my command point this straight on what it cost to come out like I still want but opportunistic commands bigger cracking unit 3 d6 advancing with Kraken and you pick the highest an opportunistic advance allows me to double that and the gene stealers jump forward and of course gene stealers can advance in charge and here we are after the movement phase the swarm comes crashing forward I need to kill a character kill something in assault and kill a tank now there's attack with a big nasty flamey gun on it which can absolutely kabob little bugs so the terrain effects is moving up over here with his assets break he is in range it's 18 and range to spit our area and he'll be backed up by the other train effects with this rupture cannon I can see the turret and the really big chemical filth on the back of that tank there need to kill it because it will absolutely murder little bugs in Phil's turn unlike this tank which I'm not going to be able to assault so next you will absolutely murder some gene stealers or stuff around here so that's one of the targets the other target is the Roughriders the harpy is just swooping down imagine it flying over these buildings and it's just going to crash straight into the Roughriders there because they're quite quick they're quite nippy and probably want to tie up some of my bigger bugs and this way I might be able to slow them down a little bit the Warriors are jumping forward everything pretty much advanced in the army except for that run effects back here and the Warriors here they just move forward so they can shoot but before that we need to do some psychic shenanigans so starting off with the brood law now the brood Lords got onslaught I can put once law on something which means even though it advanced it charge hmm there's nothing good to put it on really so I'm going to smite that passes Phil do you feel lucky with chuck chucka or are you gonna block that are you're not gonna block that I'm gonna be brave and let you take it you might like Groundhog Day reference there have you ever heard that three it kills three of these brave deathcore of Creek Guardsmen here they're the closest unit right next up we're gonna do hmm the horror he can put the horror on something - want a hit now there's no point in my wanting the flaming tank of dude doom is a 24 inch range you need to measure need to check the website I can see the tank commander just in range 24 inch range so going to horrify him on a six that's a nine and that means that tank - what - one two hit would you like to try a block round I will okay Lady Grey [ __ ] needs a ten to turn book that new term under is horrified now we're going to catalyst up no that's not what he's got the other one he's got is one minute yes it is catalyst let's put catalyst on the gene stealers that's an eight with like scramble up that and you do block it and I really needed that because they're lab well it would have had a five up and vulnerable safe and a five up feel no pain and there's a flaming tank dude right do me in front of them II so right last psycho coming across to the neuro throat here it's gonna hit this unit of death call smiting on a six now that passes 53 mortal wounds for one and then psychic screen passes for another D three mortal wounds for one so two in that squad so I can face down tech horrified couple of death cool guys die screaming now we go on to the shooting phase the swarm Lord Kevin has an ability called I forget but basically you pick a unit within six inches of to them and that unit can move again so I'm gonna pick the brood Lord and advance him which means the brutal odds moving eight plus 6 is 14 inches and the brutal or jumps forth there along with his jeans dealer buddies ready to nomnomnom his way through some death call right further on to the shooting phase I'm going to spend at command point on course big blood and put it on this terrain effects with acid spray here radio confusion is in effect because of your assassin so if you roll the dice for me sir and only for up this cost double the command points right now just possible plus one so instead of one command point this cost me to command points but what that means is the caustic bull are not caustic blood pathogenic slime pathogenic sly means the damage of its weapon is increased by one so instead of damage d3 it's d3 plus 1 and I'm spitting acid which can burn through the hull of a Star Destroyer Star Destroyer it make me not start a story but burn through the hollow of a hellhound certainly at this tank and it's 2d six shots so I need don't roll Snake Eyes winters I roll a three instead come have one tree roll yeah what the hell that's eight Oh that suddenly remaining confusion kicks in again acid spray strength seven currently because it's when he gets nerfed this strength goes down splitting up and over into the hellhound auto hitting winning on fours that's pretty good six wounds if you minus one so six for up saves and you fail three of them remember are you happy with that because each of these does D three plus one damage bear in mind it's gonna get shot at by other guns oh come on yeah yeah that worked ok so to D 3 damage plus 2 essentially because of the pathogenic slime so then for damage so the hellhounds on seven wounds left so Teran effects number two the rupture cannon will unload straight into it because this term actually I've stinger salvos it has sting a salvos the original one which will hit on fours and it strength five I do one more wood at a view minus one and the skin observer for once which you say okay sorry for wasting everyone's time now the ruptured cannon will come in it has three shots but because it stays still it fires twice it is a weapon beast these hit on force however and only get two hits it is strike ten though so we'll be wounding you on threes I will once ap minus 3 on your tanks nu and this does d6 damage it's a very hit and miss gun it can kill tanks in one hits or do this where I'll do one wound I'll do five wins the hellhounds on two left so I need to polish that tank off so go your warriors here and I've got four deaths bitters and now into venom cannons despot is a basically 24 inch range heavy boulders I'm going to fire them up and into this court here I think I'm gene the gene Steel's couldn't on them hmm so yeah that's far the desk bitters into this squad here in cover and then the two venom cannons into the tank because they're venting cannons are supposed to be on e tank this will definitely work I do hit on fours however one hit the floor I was eight hits at strength 5 so winning on threes for wounds on to your death core at minus 1 but +1 because you're in that rule in their eyes and two of them die and then the two felon cannons those are those long guns that look like those Warriors are compensating for something there are assault d3 so two shots into the tank here's a gum falls they both hit however and this is strength 8c toughness 7 so I am waiting on threes I did one wound AP minus 2 so 1 5 up save would you make would you make so it's alive on two wounds left that's a problem because shooting oh I've got harpy hmm one minute right words are confusing me this morning to every sorry I keep calling this a harpy it's a hive groan the harpy is the one with the big guns this is a hive craft it's the cheaper one the Drule cannon is going to hit the deathcore riders in front and I look at the Stinger salbo and the tentacle it's into the tank need this tank cat dead so drew can spooling at spooling spilling out onto the death for that I'm gonna have salt d6 Otto hits for two it is 26 I hope wound okay stinger salvo into tank hits on falls one hit it straight five AP minus one it doesn't wind the tentacle it's fall shots hitting on force these are supposed to be anti vehicle weaponry supposed to be and you can rewrite a hit if it was a flyer and everything misses everything missed you're right there the enemy are right in front of you how you miss everything I guess a blizzard of flashlights is blinding its vision it can't see very well I found another gun the carnufex will be in range 18 inch range it's an assault weapon the carnufex advanced it has d6 shots with its screamer killer scream this is where they called screamer killers because the plasmic acid builds up in its throat like a roaring screen and it spits out a new film fight and it hits once its strength 7 it doesn't wind then the other screamer killer also spat out at the death core and missed and that is the end of my shooting face there are some small arms here we've got some charges coming on and I really can't have a hellhound on two wounds left two of them on two wins less because it's flame up Auto hits so I need to spend a command point on single-minded annihilation to pick an inventory unit the Warriors and they fire again but on a 4 up this is going to cost me two command points instead of one it cost me to command points instead of one and because of that Rayleigh confusion scrap I'm already down to three command points left ok that's the assassins doing their thing behind enemy lines right far and again to venom canons number of shots - shots again hitting on forms one hit at strength 8 doesn't wound ok the strength 5 weaponry is gonna have to do it there spitters 3 shots each force to hit eight shots living on ammunition burrowing into the hold there but can it breach through the side of the metal on thighs oh yes it can or wings fell for under this - one come on then the command point re-roll already I have that's a debt tank and I think they block on force that's correct and so fortunately for Lady Eleanor gray horn the hellhound clad tank behind it just gets melted into acidic piles of filth and doesn't go boom and shower in hot fragments and shrapnel that's the end of my shooting face three command points left I make that look painful but now we're going to charge we're going to have a hive Crone attack this unit of death call riders right in front of me and the brood Lord is going to go uphill into these guys and the gene stealers are going to attack both I think right coming around this side of the table the hive crane has made it into the death call riders without taking a wind and the blue lord has jumped up there this unit of gene stealers is charging both and the Cyclops rolling bomb because that gets detonated in the shooting phase right so the idea is I want to Scrabble it open and kill it I think when it dies it might go boom anyway but it's a little boom it's a little mortal wound boom if I kill it in this whole phase if it's still alive in the shooting phase regardless of whether it's locked up or not you can detonate it and it's 2d6 strength nine hits when it goes big badda-boom so I need to claw it apart before one of these guys presses the button the big red shiny button so I'm charging both we've done the overwatch you failed to kill anything and I know these units are charging after advancing but that's what brood Lords and gene stealers do and this is where we end up after the charge space the gene stealers and the brute Lord and the harpy high Crone engaging all the way across the front line we're gonna start with the hive chrome because these guys if you pay to interrupt are probably not gonna hurt gene stealers and brood Lords but the Roughriders might so we'll start with a high throne has three attacks with it siding wins which hit on fours Wow I hit will three times it is straight the user so I'm strength sick what's the toughest leave us for on the horses right yeah so I need trees to wind and I get three wounds this is a P - 2 D 3 damage a P - 2 u so the four upside becomes a six up save and it does D three damage their two wins each I prefer this night yes the first one is dead second one third one dead I kill three and then the wicked spur from its tail mrs. like this now we're on to the brood lord six attacks hitting on twos and I hit every single time I'm strength five you suck miss three so I'm winning on threes but brude Lutz can re-roll all failed wounds and these are AP minus 3 that's six dead god sorry five day guard five dead guard now they don't take morale to casualties taken in the shooting phase but they certainly take morale when there is a monster clawing at their faces now we're on to the genes dealers so there's 20 gene stealers their genes deal is of three attacks each when there's more of ten of them they have four attacks each and then when with their in six-inch range of a brew Lord they hit on twos which is many attacks so that unit there has four time it's an eighty attacks in on twos I'm gonna put eight of the gene stealers into the Cyclops and the other 12 will hit the guard right we did the attacks on the guard and the jeans dealers wiped out that guard squad we're these now we're going to do the eight gene Steelers that are attacking this Cyclops demolition vehicle to see if I can take you out this will help to because of the breed Lord demolition vehicle it's rugged is toughness six so I need fives to win and the sixes are AP minus four with rending claws and you have a three up save so that was many sixes it's dead it blows up on a three up it blows up and does d3 mortal wounds to everything within six inches yes okay so on the gene stealers that's three two of them dead on the brood Lord that's a wound on the brute Lord and on your tank one wheel on your tank and then the gene stealers power forward and tag that hellhound and we'll stop it shooting as well which means both of the flame attacks are doing won't be shooting next turn as gene stealers Scrabble all over its hull and that is the end of term one for the hive mind for the Terran heads for the xenos menace we have morale today you up two guys left on this squad here so these two deathcore run away meanwhile round here these guys lost wounds in the psychic phase and some of the death company the Rough Riders lost dudes in assault phase but you can use your inquisitors leadership of ten so they can s stand firm despite the fact that this is this red and brown horde charging down towards them so they stand firm and that is the end of turn one the Terrans are already pushing back the Imperial Guard but they are brave and lean no no fear no those are the other guys but they're brave and they will fight back hard and valiantly I did kill something in the assault things I killed one two three things in the assault phase so for blood and guts I'm gonna get d3 which is one a cop big gate ones are for killing a tank which is one and I got first blood here are the orders for the death Corps and there are a bit difficult chair to command basically order three different orders and you get a pointing do that one hold the line can't score in turn one and get behind enemy lines need to get up in my grill so these two next turn should be two water points but it looks like only one point is possible at this turn right here we are after the death cause movement phase we did do the flight back from the Rough Riders off-camera on to the harpy there didn't cause any wings toughness six threats I've managed to take them all the helm did run over a gene stealer with his tracks before it pulled back out of combat and the unit of troops inside there have been ordered forward to form a screen which is a Tuesday and life of a deaf gorrik reading person form a screen form a firing line and these guys are also following a firing line ready to plunge fire down in and the gene stealers and there's a vindication there and stood right in the top right letter so the big big air assassin is a brood lord clear away all these good units here then I'm not going to be tagging tanks next turn potentially Kevin could move forward and then hive commander himself and move forward again and jump on them so that's why there's a screen there the tank commander is horrified but he's got line-of-sight and range and remember rear old wound wrongs versus my versus the swarm Lord over here if you're within six inch range of your warlord and all of these units here are within six inch range of the wall or the hellhound won't be firing round here this unit of Roughriders stayed in combat with the high print so no overwatch when the other right Rough Riders come in and try and make it have a very bad day and then other Guardsmen being ordered forward ready to plunge fire in at the big beasties coming up the field so psychic phase Eleanor has some powers yes where are we starting what do you want to do good old-fashioned smart okay it's gonna be a six to cast because the shadows in the wall and you pass on a six you just pass on a six then I run block that I do Glock you smile comfortably what's her other psychic power it is dominate okay we're talking to do on this big boy here this big boy yep okay because on a seven become an eight seeker the shadows yeah no you perilous would you like to command you know I can't even do it because even if I we were one still be so you take d3 mortal wounds on yourself from I'm afraid no right oh yes because of that in which case yes I will okay come on board yes don't roll another one don't roll another one she doesn't get a headache but that it would have been nasty because you'd have no never fired a gun but that doesn't happen let's move on to the shooting things so going on to the shooting phase and issuing orders the company commander or rather in a Krieg army a marshal is ordering bring it down on this squad here yes bring it down and they're gonna unload their flashlights into the gene stealers at rapid fire range but we start off with the watch master who's the sergeant equivalent he is on the three he's chucking a grenade yes oh yeah [ __ ] grenades a number of shots nice five shots and he hits four times and this is straight three versus toughness fall see you winning on fives but we'll bring it down your rear old ones right yes nice there's a one you wound it five up do I dodge the blow no instead of Falls lads guns hitting on fours nine hits wounding on fives and re-rolling the ones okay so three got through I see three three lightning reflexes I haven't made any of them yet after this squad was ordered we're going across to the commissar dude it's the deaf rider company commander company commander and the unit that are engaged in combat over there are fixing bayonets so they can immediately fight as if it was the fight face so they hit on threes because their death call normally Guardsmen hit on force but deathcore they really like fighting so three hits but it's six is too weak we just went three right now and you get a win through three up safe and open the harpy can't scratch it's tough hide but the horses can also fight the hooves and they're kicking and biting these beasts strike forces fine yes and one more wind one more strip so is it ap anything nope you don't scratch the hide of the harpy but that's two orders issued you were issue 3 and that's chaley command objective complete and I keep saying harpy I mean hive Crone and it hasn't got a rep sabers got for up safe so it's hide has been scratched it's down to 11 wins left now we're gonna cross to this tank commander here who's horrified Gunners kill on sight order issued and basically the plasma sponsons we're going to hit Kevin and all the other guns going into the jeans Steelers sticking hot lead right down in front of it where are we starting first what girl are you don't those do the puzzle sponsons and are we overcharging - no - - because I moved years okay right so number of shots yeah yes that's six shots and because you moved because you're horrified you hit on fives but you rewrote ones because of the order so one hit gets through strength seven toughness seven wounding on a four doesn't know it now the Punisher cannon is firing this gatling cannon will do normally 20 shots but because it's a turret weapon it moves half you can fire it twice so we're gonna do it all together 40 shots spooling up into the gene stealers and you hit on force because it would be threes and then minus 1 becomes a 4 cuz I horrified but your rear all in those ones Wow that was 18 hits with the reroll there and winning on threes because your toughness strength 5 toughness for 14 wounds got through let's see how many gene stealers managed to dodge aside on five eight eight get just turn to red mist then the heavy bottom they're heavy Stuber fired and hitting on five because it moved and it's a heavy weapon and two more gene stealers got hit and both get turned to red mist right only three gene stealers left now so the second tank command are the one buried in the middle they're the one in the middle with his relic battle cannon yeah is firing all the way across into this trainer flipped over here and he's issued an order himself Gunners kill on sight one more time so he'll be reeling wants to hit four in the last column first single fruits nice I'm winning on threes doesn't wound but you have got them okay yes to d6 this isn't a number of shots that's really bad okay for number of shots because there's d6 shots right yeah yeah firing twice because it's okay five shots hit on threes rolling ones okay so five hits string dates like I'm talking us eight rules and want to hit the floor one wound at minus T one follow-up save new be three damage factory is it nice right after that big gun spoke we're going to this squad here and they'd really like to fire up the brood Lord but he's a character secant so instead firing their hot shot glass guns down at the jeans Steelers hoping to clear them off summer in rapid fire range they hit on force with this many shortages freeze with the grenadiers is it your threes Elise nice that's pretty good shootin Tex only missing two of those shots there what are the last comes I'm ap minus something but they're still strength three right yes so they're winning on five and that's four wins there's three lens it's the - is it's just a photo from funding soon so you kill them all and now the screen of Jean Steelers are dead The Vindicator loads a shell takes aim and the brood Lord hits on the two bank and a wound on a two because he is infantry it wins and I ignore invulnerable saves he always ignores and vulnerable stage which is a five up he's got an armor save of for up but your AP minus three so you burn straight through that as well yeah and I think I'm a force to wound it does D 3 D 6 damage there's almost six is sd-6 D 3 damage so that's three wounds and then the headshot rule kicks in visa to two in sorry so it's on three left and then the headshot all kicks in so on a three you do another wound yeah that's three wounds on a fall you do another room new the Lord is down but not out there are two normal tanks that have yet to speak that both love too far through and Kevin but can't see so one of them who's going to put all the shots into the brutal or to kill it off let's face it you do need to kill him off otherwise he's going to jump down and start numbing away through stuff you what about loading another shot in the vinda care and spending command point but again hitting the swarm Lord firing at the targets down here he asked if he fires again it has to be a separate target and there are no choice targets room right now so not doing that instead battle cannon allows coming to the face against the brute lord yeah that's kind of hits on a fall no and about ken has to D six shots so you get double the number of shots because your state still will move very different hitting on fours to hits your win don't freeze it spent a time toughest five two wounds I need two five Upton burnable saves I fail them both it's on two wings left the brutal dies screaming and so suddenly the death Cora put some clean terrain between them and the tyranide horde I say clean train it's full of blood and boys and filth and accor and so the second laymen Russ is firing down its battle cannon and last cannon into the trainer fix with a so spray the last cannon will hit on a four bang and it will on a three and it wins it's ap minus three so I need a six to save which a fair one does d6 damage for five damage it's got six wounds left now the battle cannon to d6 shots before you've been rolling really lower than four shots hit it on fours but both three of them hit that's okay now this is strength date toughness 8 because of the tough part two wounds get through the AP - - - and a flat three damage no D for you for this III okay six wins left I need fives to save I save them both and that's the scrum in the backfield firing now we're coming across here to the Grenadier spinning a command point on a strategy called something basically they can all lumpy grenades all of them and throw grenades up at this carnufex here so a swarm of grenades will explode around their feet these hit on threes as they're released so they're regular troops yes I'm using the grenadiers strategy and right but the watch master can hit them freeze and then the rest nice okay three sort of wash my start yes yes that's pretty good they're good with these grenades six thousand seven on my count effects and anyone one gets through it's minus one I fell to saving it does discrete damage for one the clan effects is down to seven wins and lastly we have pistols coming into the carnufex again yes so we've done the a clutch first yes all shooting both at the same time yeah I say home falls right we were once because of the quarry rule so can't be rule against it not close as one hits to cool it wounds I make the save and eisenhorn or sorry lately Eleanor yep so she's gone auto pistol which hits his joke fool it doesn't wait right and that's it for the shooting phase every single one of the Jean stylists there was twenty there have been wiped out and the brood Lord and the trial if X is less than heart on half wounds and leaking acid all over the place to carnufex has been hit the front line has been pushed back and now we're going to charge we're gonna see the charge of the Light Parade as the Rough Riders come in here's this hive Kron and I can't overwatch because I'm still engaged with the other squad at the end of the charge mace it looks like this can really fill those charges we're starting off with a command like he's got four attacks he hits on freeze and he only hits twice is this the relic thingy but yes so as opposed to to his stroke okay so it's 506 he doesn't wind the horses right it's once spent for wounds eighty nothing for up save and make the save the heart be still got a happy hide chrome still got eleven wounds left next I'm not gonna pay to interrupt I only got three command points left I know I could hurt these guys but I'd really like to spend my command points and other juicier things I say I could hurt these guys I got very lucky last time hitting on fours with three attacks I might better kill one or two next where we going promised out yes chainsaw okay and he hits five times the commissar leading from the front now he stretched three long right yes toughness six and the chainsaw doesn't bite through the toughness six creature right Rough Riders are going to have to do it when the Rough Riders charged they get bonuses to strengthen yup like that when I - to this room nice okay so charging him once hitting on threes because they're deathcore oh dear only four hits plus needed strength to strength five two four six one wound it's a shot glass a few - on the charge - - I make the save oh no I don't it's a four up - state I failed to say how much damage and III okay so it's down to nine wounds left and now we've got the horsies biting and stamping away and they hit on threes and they're straight for so they'll be winning on five everything hits and all the horses are angry into nine moves left eight wings left and now we've got the guys who are still locked up in combat yeah and they put warm wind on the hive crown it's down to seven wins left now I get the fight back I'm going to fight the unit that are a bit injured yeah - if I hit on fours with my wings and I am stoked six I will not have three that wings it's a key - something figure out - this may come on - so six lessons new and it does d6 damage and kills one and then the wicked spur whips out and actually hits this time and doesn't wound and that is the end of turn one I have no morale to take and you do get a command point for chain of command and the other two orders in your hand are behind enemy lines and hold the line now hold the line so long as there's no enemy units in any other plum so next time you get a point but guess where the tyrannous are going external your deployment zone so I think you did you did you let me out this ditch in that one says one point to the guard three points to the tear Nets let's go to tyranids turn to and press this attack and here is the will of the hive mind I still need to assassinate one of those officers and crush score a point if at least one enemy unit was completely destroyed and the last model in the enemy unit was slain by an attack made by a monster or a tyranny do you know more than ten models basically need to swarm something or eat something with something big there's a point that's easy secure objective five no idea where that is okay so I've pushed forward and these little bugs run on projects of five so there's a point I need to kill a character now this thing has the fly keyword and it's crackin because it has the flight key where I can fall back and still shoot and because it's crackin I can fall back and still charge it's dirty I really need three of these with crack and that works really well there's a character right there I could have tried to get round to eisenhorn aka Eleanor but the positioning of the basing with the act basically wouldn't been out of target her but this way I should be able to get assassinate by taking out that rough rider' commissar and then the last thing I need to do is kill something with a big monster I've got plenty of big monsters I should be able to get all three of these command points again one more time so we have moved forward Kevin is going the only way he knows which is straight forward into all of those guns but he knows no fear one minute those the other guys again right we're on - the psychic phase and the dice through all the way over there so the neuro throat cast smite and psychic scream and hit this unit of death call here killing three of them and now Kevin has got catalyst and horror and he's selfish he's gonna put catalyst on himself he needs a six that fails I really needed that he's got four up from vulnerable safe but there's a lot of guns there I failed catalyst last my failed catalyst this time and I needed that ability to ignore wings of five up so he could be in trouble let's horrify this tank commander with gun doom one more time I need a six that passes you can try and deny because Eleanor is in range you need an eight to try the diner you don't deny it so tank commander horrified one more time that's the end of the psychic phase then we're going to go on to the shooting in the shooting phase with the hive commander ability Kevin can pick a unit and it could move again and again thinking of only himself he put it on himself and he's come charging forward with his swords of doom right now let's shoot some guns we'll do both of the carnufex is spitting at the injured unit the first you know I didn't have asked this time for one shot which hits on a four which misses the other one D six shots four shots which hit on fours three hits this is strength seven so wound on threes and they all wound and it's ap - many one damage how many are left in that squat just one yes he's been melted to sludge right the high prone will drool cannon and tentacle heads into the commissar looking for assassinate I've charge it later if this doesn't work tentacles go into the tank while we're talking about anti-tank it's worth mentioning that I had to advance my turn effects with a ruptured cannon he was back in this corner and at 48 inch range I couldn't hit any of the vehicles down here so I had to advance him forward the next time he will be in range to shoot some big guns but it also means he's now in range to get shot back at anyway let's drool all over the commissar with this six auto hits it is strength six five water hits one metal around this [ __ ] six your toughest four five wounds at minus one sir on your comments ass right oh dear he's dead already he's dead and with the death of Commerce all that was crush and assassinate so I managed to achieve all three of my objectives this turn then I fired the tentacle is down into that tank and put a mortal wound on it right next up this terrain effects with acid spray is gonna spray onto this unit of for Rough Riders here I stay still so instead of auto hitting on to least twice to d6 this is for g6 auto hits that's fourteen Auto hits with the acid spray a monstrance six now because I'm down to six wings but your toughness fall so I'm winning on Three's and this is a P minus one D three damage at time becomes a five up and you make some of them you make four of them four of them so this is D three damage time that two wounds each yeah one dies and they still alive the second one and now he dies so that's two days and there's four in this squad right yes the squad a white and after those Rough Riders fell then the Warriors well the only thing they could fire up was this unit of death call which were in this ruin here and they've all been wiped out except for the watch master and that's my shooting face there's no point in doing single denial minded anihilation again I've got a couple of venom cannons which could reach out all the way back down here but they're not going to kill anything and that highly unlikely to bracket anything at this time so um that's it that was pretty good though the Rough Riders had gone I've got a sesame I've got crushed so there's gonna be some charges coming up right here who is this guy on the horse that's the company commander I think he's in trouble meanwhile Kevin is going to wet his blades and then Kevin made the charge and the noble Guardsman managed to put a couple of wounds on him as he came crashing through a firm saves that was a vrata one or two so that was pretty heroic stuff this last stand of this unit of troops here meanwhile over here this guy he's surrounded but he's deathcore he's exactly where he wants to be finally he will be able to fulfill his destiny he's in his happy place yeah he's a happy place right now sacrificing himself for the imperial cult screamer killers do mortal wounds on the turn they charge on a fall he takes two mortal wounds and then they have five attacks each so his two wings left in case Phil interrupts let's do this separately massive sighting talons hit on threes and rear old ones that's what they do and they're stunned six eighty minus three so they unfreeze if you - 3 flat 3 damage poking women yeah if you fell one of these those he gets to fulfill his destiny and he joins the Emperor's side by the golden throne in Valhalla then it looks like this I could consolidate pile in things like that over here but I'm crackin there's no point in bringing other units into close combat you have to move towards the closest enemy units so I'll stay there even if I do tag then fill oh just fall out so you can shoot at them anyway so we're going to go across the Kevin the swarm Lord has six attacks he hits on two and he strength HP wounds on twos and he kills six guardsmen because his AP minus three three damage basically six of them sorry get wiped out and then the tail hits on twos it strings eight but you do get an armor safe to that and you do make the same so he just cuts down six just that's quite a lot then I've consolidated then the guardsmen of pardon getting ready to fight back the interesting thing here is you're gonna prevent me from tagging that tank so the flamer cannon of doom will be out of fire next turn right there fighting back call hit on three is in close combat like I said it's their happy place this close to a big xenos killing machine but your strength three your offense human I am toughness xenos so winning loss sixes none I say in any but another wound on him and that's the end of my turn I'm assuming you know burn to command wants to try and keep them there how many of you are left four or you can take them around their leadership seven so you're gonna it's gonna be six plus whatever the d6 is mmm-hmm but you could rear all spend one commandment to re-roll it because basically only one dude needs to be alive because I've done my piling consolidation so long as you don't lose four yeah so I could do one CP to do d3 there's a little Normandy yes if you roll a 1 you're ok if you're wrong because 1 plus 6 is 7 and your leadership is 7 mm if you roll a 2 you're ok 3 is ok for is ok yeah 5 not semantics one CBT you weary roll if you need to yeah no one CB - it's a nationally common so once it be it's a what and you roll d for you rather than d6 do ya nice ok good yeah so 2 plus 6 is 8 you lose one more yeah they hold and that stratagem Astra Millett arm fight to the death and that's what the deathcore do fighting to the death that's the end of tyrannous hopefully Krakens turn - I have killed something with a monster I have assassinate the character and I am holding objective fighters 6 points to 1 in favor of the fouls eNOS come this is a bug planet this is an ugly planet and it's time for the deaf poor to respond let's go on to Astra military turn - here are the orders for the Imperium get behind enemy lines and defend objective 2 both of these are achievable defend objective 2 is the one in their diploma zone and scour the sky has blow up that hive Crone right at the star the movement phase Lady Eleanor is summoning her demon host when this happens you need to roll a dice roll a d3 or lose it you got a 5 what happens on a fire on a 506 he does an explosive power so every enemy unit within 3 inches to up suffers defeat mortal wounds whoa and so the demon host appeared with a bang and now I've Crohn's on 5 wins this carnufex is on six wins and this kind of ex managed to stop drop and roll and survived unscathed ok here we are in the death core and Imperium turn - and assassins have entered the building the ever saw is here ready to charge into the terrain effects here and assassins are not the only thing to enter the building Hobnobs have entered the building they are very tasty Hobnobs haven't got any chocolate tip of those right now just the chocolate coated Hobnobs if you are in America or somewhere that is not the UK get these things off the internet they are glorious if you want anything more glorious than hot knocks then I encourage you to subscribe to the deployment zone TV for more winters SEO battle reports do you like the way I stuck that in there it was good wasn't it yeah it just came to me the Gladius this is the Gladius assassin no the other assess the Claudius Claudius can appear under 9 inches away from stuff so she pits 6 inches away from my warlord so that we have 5 inch charge and she ignores invulnerable saves in close combat yes and I've got 5 wounds with a 5 up save when you take away the 3 up and learner will save so potentially there could be warlord this is behind enemy lines the other order was defend objective 2 and this unit that managed to stand firm against the Beast that is Kevin have pulled back and are now defending objective 2 just need to kill him now and what was the last order what was the last war Scouse guys kill the fly thing now when cherub all appeared or whatever the name of your demon host is took a couple of mortal wounds off of him and then Elinor Smit him as well he's only Danna for wounds left so you're very close to scouring the skies that the psychic power was blocked by the will of the hive mind and that's pretty much it assassins assassins in the back field it looks like high fleet Kraken has stepped into a trap and because cat catalyst was failed by Kevin over here he may have overextended himself so psyche face down movement face done now let the big guns never tire so orders were issued the two Cammack tanker man has given themselves free role controls of one and this unit of troops that fell back out of combat typically you wouldn't bear to shoot but their guard son and they fired in Upper Kevin but Kevin is Kevin's son and took it all did get a wound with a flashlight but he went now not today now we're on to the hellhound firing its flamer of Doom point-blank range and is going to set Kevin on fire number of auto hits oh mama strength six toughness seven pipe still wound three got throat minus one so four ups and each does one damage Kevin is down to eight wounds heavy flamer hits four times and wounds twice and takes another wound off of Kevin band this core of Guardsmen fired down at Kevin with a hotshot guns didn't do any wound sixes the wings no wounds got through but there is a melter in that squad to hit on a four freeze threes and it misses that was him on Three's because they're elite right the punisher guard commander is firing everything point-blank range into Kevin the swarm Lord and you're overcharging the plasma [ __ ] yeah oh yeah you've got the horror on you you know that this mouse wants to hit but I'll take that you'll take it okay number of shots d3 each time two shots three shots at own with a plasma sponsons oh yeah it's a one-inch yeah - one of us the turret one it's okay so you don't blow yourself up and one hit gets through because you're hitting on threes normally freeze but - well yeah so more okay one gets through strength date now because you're overcharged toughness seven no oh dear so the plasma didn't wound and the heavy bottom the heavy Stuber didn't wound and now the main turret is zooming up and wounding on fives this is a B - I have a three up save this is what I really needed catalyst for woman--it I didn't fare a safe go Kevin then the other tank commander unloaded a storm bolt up bouncing now we're doing the last cannon yeah and it hits he hits on the three and he wounds on his free and have a four of unburnable safe which I'm going to command Planetree wrong Kevin's alive and then to d6 number of shots for the battle cannon eight last time we were all in twos and threes this time the cannons warmed up or Rather's load us is that a right telling off by his commander go for it Paddy's just we were on the ones was the order okay so five hits get through and there you just need a wound on threes and three wounds get through three four up saves I make one is this the flat three damage yes oh six damage Kevin's on one we've left on though right you've got two tanks left to fire and you want to get to scale the skies as well do you know split and far always works you could do that Captain Kirk style fire every tag last cannon and him on a four it hits ones on a three it wins 50-50 chance he's alive is the right thing to do it's with the battle cannon yep he's been told off by his commander as well the loader knows what he's doing seven rounds going into the barrel hitting long pause oh mama did you just hit six times that's beautiful waiting on threes I think Kevin might fall yep - buns I mean yeah like Kevin and Kevin gets pounded into dust so the last tank it's firing at the hive Chrome last cannon into the sky hits and wounds see this thing even though it's flapping it's not an aircraft it's not - one two hit it's got a four up save that last can I just cut straight through it and those d6 damage and tears it out of the sky and then we remember the death throw rule which is turnin monsters sometimes lash out or creatures around them when they die and neither of the hive cried on Kevin did that now we're on to a terrible who's doing what now it's beyond holy gays unholy gays so he's staring at carnufex really hard really hitting on the three cuz eyes no one's there well sorry Eleanor hits spread date doesn't doesn't move he didn't stare hard enough then pistols fire are the carnufex is and didn't manage to wound them and then the Clady is far too neuro shredder in at my wall order the hit and now you're all 3d6 you need to beat the leadership or equal it and you do because it's leadership 9 and it does d3 mortal wounds my wallets down to two wounds and then after that assassin fired the ever sought fight is Uzi in at their turn FX over here and took two wings off and then The Vindicator with no choice targets it can't see my wallet decided to fire down at this carnufex and took a chunk of wings office now into two left got a headshot on a carnufex and that is the end of the shooting phase for the guard my footprint suddenly is greatly reduced I've got some monsters charging forward over here but let's face it the tank line in the backfield though they took a battering in the turn turn one there now relatively untouched and now we have assassins assassins charging through the ruins so the killer is going into numerous rope yeah what five and you're good you're good tonight and let's do the three shots for the ever serve because it's going in against the tf-x right yeah and you don't want sixes you don't get any sixes and he charges 3 d6 as he comes and powering through pumped up on stems and he makes the charge as well right then we did the stinger salvo from the trun effects and it failed to wound the other saw as well now I know I can fire twice if I stand still but it says fire twice in your movement phase and in my movement phase I moved him and we also know that the ever saw can't kill the Tran effects in one round of combat but that's not what this is about what is this about and just tying up so yeah oh shoot yep he's gonna have a crazy drugged up my Saturn's scrambling all over it and it's all retching getting you back rub a back rub and it'll put the TRO effects off of it same right we start with the Claudius those first and you smack in my world yes how many attacks cuz accent on twos that was four hits and this is the one that ignores him vulnerable saves yes at strength for I'm toughness fall oh did you just fail every single one I did oh dear and even if you come and point rewrote one of them probably not winning on four words and I had two wounds left we had to do was a couple through five up normal same so she came flying out of her cover wherever she was probably start this room blasted it went charging in and bounced sometimes sometimes well let's do the ever saw it'll make you feel better yeah it's more attacks I think this guy's six right six foot plus 2 on the charts as eight eight I gotta get me one of these and he hits on twos and there's this the reroll to wound yes but only against infantry oh okay so what strength is he five four four okay so kidney sixes now no wounds he's an infantry killer he's a horde killer that's what he's here to do that's the end of that combat should mention that after you smacked into the neuro throat you consolidated into tag big boy Bertha here basically to stop lashing basically both of my trainer fixes need to fall out of combat and they would be shooting which is nasty so I need to strike back I've got three attacks as powerful limbs against him I hit on force actually is four tanks and everything misses and then round here with that one I hit twice I am strength seven I wound twice it's AP - why you got four from bundle [ __ ] for each of these does to damage I did to damage and my brain bug neuro throat head bucks you want to fall new and so the assassins have come to the aid of the deathcore of Creek and a shutdown these weapon beasts from firing and you've scoured the skies and you've got behind enemy lines making it 6 points to 3 and at the end of my turn you'll probably defend that as well to get two points for that one but before then we need to go with the tyrannous turn three and see what I can do I mean I've got to get rid of these characters back here because they're just going to tag me and tag me again and I'm a bit too far away from the tanks I could start piling and charging and try and engage those tanks but it might take me more than a turn to get there do I just leave the parking lot for now and spread out and swarm and are you not charging with these guys one my do they are carnufex is I guess there's probably not the best are we gonna turn three oh did you want charge down here no charge okay let's let's go back to the charge phase so we came back around here I did some overwatch you're only charging this carnufex that's the plan right so he needs to kill stuff if he wants to barrel his way downtown towards your parking lot in the back field and he managed to get in no damage done on overwatch we're starting off with Aizen on aka Oh No yeah four attacks him on threes with the ruins staff ruin rune ruin Struzan staff that's the one three it's stress +26 wrote six on top of seven she gets to through eighteen minus one one one pause I make both for them as well available from the diplomas own TV merchant best page two wings left on that card effects chair bell or acolyte where right first of all again he has to pump of chainsaws it's a real ones okay cuz you're next to Lou cuz the quarry rule so because you're xenos okay his strength user so free doesn't wound so it's on to your demon yeah so you say your Imperium right you say the deathcore are loyal why'd you have a demon in your army that's a demon whatever demons takes whatever it takes so terrible the demon in this loyalist army it's got four attacks hitting on what freeze because he gets plus one for being next to the animal okay hits three times strength sick sick swimming on fives baguettes possible into wound right because he's a deacon one wound gets through yeah ap minus one only one sure the lady doesn't get to use him very often - free damage - 3 6 is one damage the car fix is on one we left can I put all my attacks into Eleanor now go for a woman a woman I want I think I need to kill that one because then I can Pauline consolidate this way and then go that way mm-hmm and I'm hitting on force cuz I didn't charge how many wounds is this dude got there just one just one only one I'll [ __ ] that's a healing force mmm how many do i gamble let's do two into him and three into Eisen honky two into the acolyte cause one hit I'm strength six I'm winning on a killing on a - I'm assuming mm-hmm you'd be dead I'll save you - three three damage dead act like you've smashed into ground right three on Eleanor aka eisenhorn you brought a demon and Imperial Army I'm doing this for my Imperial brothers here it hurts me to her eisenhorn / Eleanor but there's a demon there pause I'm s I miss it seems that the light of the Emperor is on your side for some strange reasons then and we end up here on one wing left one wound that's all I need to charge through and stop you defending that you did let's see I just okay so that's the end of dead coral Kree turn - it's only ten seasons it's 6 points to 3 in favor of the tyranids but I'm already running out of steam let's go on - hi flea Krakens turn 3 here are my order secure objective three I'm on that get behind enemy lines I can do that as well but dominate cast three psychic powers I can't do that because most of my cycles are now dead here we are after Krakens movement phase in turn three I am on objective three luckily enough it was this one back here or right in my corner and I'm behind enemy lines with this carnufex that killed the acolyte it just needs a survivor watch and come in and kill these guys as well and stop you're defending that that would be quite a hefty point swing I would gain two you would lose two meanwhile my new earth road was broken out of combat have to be very careful where I move because this thing here it's got a hole in I don't know if I can get it see you can see through it it's large light like blocking great thing not only can we see through it but The Vindicator here on this silo can see through it if I move too far to the right or too far to the left and my lord is on two wins left and you'll kill him with ease so you can move your Vindicator if you want to but there's negativity yes right okay so three used to hit rather than to make it a little bit harder for you and of ceramic Nura throat and you've drawn me back by dropping these two assassins here I can't come charge I've got to deal with them otherwise the assassins will just tag my weapon beasts again and again and again so I need to deal with them I also can't cast three psychic powers because the neuro throat can only cast two but the neuro potentially could kill the players first I need to get a smite off which passes you can block with Eleanor if you want and you don't block it it'll dig d3 mortal wounds to the Claudia's for two putting on one left and now I will psychically scream which passes on a six can she blocked - yep and you block that so she's on one wound left that assassin so I'm gonna have to do this the old-school way with guns so on to the shooting face spinning your command point down til one left on scorch bugs on these term accounts here and unloading everything into the Claudius and I'm hit on force and with scorch bugs instead of wounding on boars I'll be winning on Three's threes because the bugs the bugs the bugs are on fire right that money for available saves dodge this do it can you do it no she's doe that's one assassin down should also mention that the episode can fire someone when they fall out of combat and they hit on twos and you threw a melter bomb at my drone effects when I fell out of combat and you missed like to think it was riding rodeo on the back trying to stab his knife in like Drax from guardians of the galaxy trans Debian snow in 7:17 tried to probably lost lost grip of the melter bomb yes so now he needs to die so I've got this unit of warriors which are gonna unload everything into him venom cannons is I nearly robbed too many dice his d three shots each so that's five shots I'm hitting on Falls I hit three times and it is from fate and that's three ones so let him work let's do despotism step this bit is hitting on pause and to think there because normally these guys run around with a Terran ed prime if they're running around with the turn of Prime they're here and 325i wound you three times ap minus one but it's all for up and burnable saves right yeah okay and you take two wounds so now I'm gonna have to spend my to command points my last two command points and single and minded annihilation to fire again because I really need them dead otherwise it just charges one of these things so no command points left for me you've got three this is the number of shots with the venom cannon which is six to venon cannons which is six I think he's on three rooms left I think he starts off with five it might be six we'll check in a minute for us to hit and I hit three times perfectly statistically average twos to wound and I wound you this time I wind it twice and you make whatever saves d-34 two more wounds that's for wounds turns out the Amazon stuff with six wings so it's got two left so despotism basically heavy boaters only five hit and only to wound if you could fail both of those that would be a kindness thank you so much all this thank you yeah this is dead so the ever saw is dead they're walking bombs they're hard wide explosive killers of death and when they die you roll a dice for every unit within six inches there's two units within six inches let's do the Warriors first you need a four up they don't get hit by the explosion but what about the front effects on a four up no so he does go big bite a boom or little badda-boom and it doesn't blow up or hurt any of these two units here okay right breathe a sigh of relief one more time the assassin alarms have been dealt with except for The Vindicator up here carnufex is going to spit on these guys here a number of shots is five okay I might not need to charge you got a heat gun force though here twice wound you on twos - I turn to sludge I think it's a P minus three or four one damage each so it's strength seven so he does spit and melt two of them and this carnufex screamer killer is going after the demon because I'm a true Imperial player despite playing xenos right now I must kill the demons of the demon not to live number of shots for four died and I hit you all four times well done mate you get a promotion after this don't seven I won't do all four times you have a five up demon say which is plus one because you're next to Elinor aka yes so for four up saves and he does one damage each and I damage it once and that's the end of my shooting base then we did the charge phase you've already fired the overwatch he comes crashing in there we'll get back to that because I want to see if this a key Guardsmen can kill a carnufex screamer killer in on overwatch so let's do the overwatch on camera grenade or lands gun crack remain crack Renee - the face paint messes and then I come charging through that far and when screamer killers complete their charge move on a four up I run you over don't run you over what about cherub oh don't run him over - right let's fight I think he's a bit tastier than the guardsmen so I stop here clan effectors on the charge hit on threes and they were rocket roles of one I am strength six this demon host is toughness six he's big he's powerful I win a force and he went twice if he - three three damage a time so not like that he's on one moon left do you want to pay to interrupt with your plucky Guardsmen you've got three command points left and on the three wounding on a 6 ok spending to command points to interrupt and Slayer carnufex with one lone Guardsman if you managed to do it would be truly epic and we live for these epic moments but you can defend that Jegs him next turn because you have many many tanks that can just rock up onto it so you're not being that stupid yeah instead the card effects will just hit you on threes re-rolling ones and smash them into the ground on twos and have a lovely snack and that stops you defending that objective for this term then the carnufex screamer killer consolidates towards the enemy lines scoring me behind enemy lines and over here gerrae well fought back against my carnufex and didn't do any words and that's the end of tyrannous turn 3 so not only do I get behind enemy lines but I also got the objective in the far corner making it eight points to 3 in favor of the Terran so I am quite some distance ahead however all the 5 vehicles will be free to fire this turn and they are in a turret target-rich environment okay deathcore let's go on a bug hunt and here are the orders from the marshal they want to slay the witch who is also my warlord defend objective two and death from afar is not possible this turn right before we begin the movement phase you roll for terrible yeah he's got a weird cycle power weird power at the beginning of every movement plays and you rolled a four what does that do it's all of them absolutely absolutely epic that demon must die right here we are after the death course movement face and there's witch hunter so you've moved the vinda care who's now got line of sight on him and it would also be slay the warlord and you've started defending objective to one more time by moving the hellhound forward and the company commander watch master that dude he's run across to join his squad mates so should start defending that you might get witch hunter now death from a fire is you something in your deployment zone to kill something in my deployment zone yeah turns out battle cannons are 70,000 range pretty much and you've moved it the full distance it won't be firing to d6 anyone d6 but moved it all the way across well I'm thinking I'm gonna spend one CP yes you allow me to shoot cronic advance twice which is on the vigilance detachment nice so we can play twice and it turns out by moving there you've got line-of-sight through all the ruin and all the mess into something in my deployment zone now you're gonna have to get lucky to kill all of them sure but if you do there's another point and it is eight points to three you need every point you can get home right now so that's what's happening there terrible we saw regained his wounds what an epic ability that demon must die and then yeah the castle is pushing out so let's go on - the psychic phase then we moved on to the psyche phase Elinore smited the carnufex took a couple of wounds off the other psychic power was blocked now we're under the shooting phase the vinda care is loading a shell and the aiming at my ward because he moved he's hitting on a three and it hits and it is inventory will wound them - and it wounds and it ignores him vulnerable saves and it's ap - three my save is normally a five up so I don't get a safe I got two wounds left D three damage and that slay the warlord and witch hunter good shot and as that shot rings out across the battlefield priority threat has been neutralized spending a CPU on that stratagem and you gain three back because it was the warlord so you were on three CPS you're back up to five CPS Kevin is gone witch hunter is gone priority threat neutralized the core are in the ascendancy here after the vindicate fired this hellhound melts at the Khan effects right in front of him and is now defending my objective one more time and then this commander unloaded everything into this carnufex one we've taken off with the plasma and that others this many with a gatling cannon of Doom 3 up saves the carnufex is still on one wound so then pistol fire came into the carnufex and didn't wound it so then this tank decided to put his battle cannon into it his last cannon is going downtown but the battle cannon has managed to do one wound because it's minuses to hit so it's because the sports is but one moon got through 1:5 up safe know when the carnufex does get taken out and let's do the last cannon on camera coming up this tryna fix a mana for which misses and so we have two tanks left we're going with this one spending the CP to shoot that battle cannon twice last cannon however is going into this tryna fix with assets break which will hit on a 5 because you moved all as you moved the last kind of here on a 5 yeah okay and misses right to d6 with the barrel cannon for 8 shots that's a healthy number of shots once your bows Falls to here with about cannon and that is five hits now this is strength 8 and I'm tapas for so you're winning on twos and that's five wounds and it's ap minus two right but those warriors are in cover so ap minus one but my save is a fall becomes a 5 so I need to make a bunch of fives I make one so for get through and each dude III wounds and these have three wounds each this is from death from afar so the first one he's dead the second one he's dead no two wounds left last excellent gunnery excellent gunnery the Warriors of wiped out he's getting a promotion yeah and so after the hero gunner fires through the ruins and the smoke and destroys the Warriors in the backfield the tank commander took aim at the Train effects with acid spray and blew it up with ease and that's the end of your turn yes that is the end of the term looking across the battle grid nothing in range nothing is going to charge and by slaying the warlord and witch hunter and by getting this unit up here it's now eight points to six there's only two points in it for the guard and if they defend this objective at the end of the turn of turn they'll get two more points making it a draw and I don't think I have anything that can get down there to contest it so it's eight points to six the guard are back in this game I've got one massive creature left and three units of troops and they're my only sign-ups unit left this is coming down to a nail-biter here folks so let's go on to tyrannous turn four and see what the card gods say you've heard of the dice cards the card gods are a thing by the way there is distant second relative of the dice cards similar to the Emperor's Tower yes I don't see what the Empress taro has I really wanna kill that demon I don't know if I'll be able to get to it but let's see what the Empress Terry says Internet's downfall the card gods heard my prayers now I might be losing the war of attrition but I may yet win this battle area denial there are no enemy units within 12 inches of the center that's d three points and no prisoners an overwhelming firepower won't just kill stuff with guns right it's eight points to six you'll definitely get two points at the end of your term making at eight points today and I've got four units left so I have to get tactical AF so there's no enemy units within 12 inches of the center that's d3 and I can get d3 for no prisoners and I can get d3 for overwhelming firepower and then I just need to run and hide so my last synapse unit essentially the fearless unit have advanced now I'd really like these guns in play but if I leave them out here then battle cannons battle tanks you've got the relic one that there's a flat three the other stuff that does d3 these these things have a four up save with free basically what I'm saying is you gotta murder them might not take one turn but you'll murder them so I need them to hide they're the last intelligent creature on the table they came forward they nan their way through and they've decided nope let's get out of here and that's about it really tried duck trying to hide and hopefully you don't get good orders and good orders and good orders because the card words may be kind to you and you're certainly gonna start getting bored control so it's gonna be one of those games where I'm probably in the lead you're gonna be prey over the card goes into turn six and turn seven and if you get it your win but right now I need to shoot some guns so this unit swarming through here needs overwhelming firepower no prisoners no prisoners kill Sammy yet point overwhelm flower pachysandra guns get a point there's a unit in cover so let's fire lots of guns fourteen can see through the gap in the window spending a command point on take cover that's very undeath core of creek you know okay it just so happens that the cover happens to be in front of him he didn't do it on purpose because that's not what they're taught in the Academy that falls to hit and I dropped one on the grounds for fours six got through I am straight for your toughness human wounding on Three's oh dear okay five upstate becomes a four up seat because you're in cover and a three up save because you took cover they just happened to accidentally be a sandbag in front of him which he's probably trying to kick over to be fair and he falls anyway and let you go three CP left and unless you come and point read all that because there are these guys have caught fire yeah yes and he lives he doesn't get to fulfil the cult of sacrifice and die in the Emperor's name this day right there's a lot command points to keep one day life you wasn't it was frivolous frivolous but he may yet die because this unit is gonna unload now into these guys here not the characters because they've got many wounds these guys these acolytes have got one wound each with a file up save right now so I'm gonna Chuck all the guns that I can see into those two but one of these little bugs can see this watch monster here so dim last okay I do masked that was nine hit I should mention I really need overwhelming firepower and no prisoners I'm putting everything into one of them because they're two units right yeah everything into one guy so wrapped but still took us three so three is to wound I only get four wings for wing sir four five up saves no sandbag control is dead right so that is two points that we have a woman fire a pound no prisoners I'm not gonna get mad III though because I'm not killing three things in the shooting place but I do want to kill this guy for some strange reason and I miss one minute have found another gun how could I forget I have a Teran effects which stayed still so two shots with its stinger cero are going to punch into this guy here and then the rupture cannon can I see him yeah I can I should really fire a tank and not at these two units here that's what I should do it's very gamy to try and win the game by not yeah I should fire them that's d3 but yes it's more victory points it's more but there's tanks the narrative player and me wants to shoot I'm gonna shoot tank when I shoot that tank consume that tank instead I have to I can't shoot a dude I can barely see with a rupture can and it doesn't know I can hide with some tyranids I can string a narrative out for me to say right okay they're intelligent they're the hive mind they're back but I can't tell a weapon beast to fire at one dude but I can put eight shots of a stinger salvo into this one dude because I am firing twice and I'm hitting on force oh dear that's seven hits steps five so I get six wounds into the guy that's tucked in covered and they're 80 minus one back to a four up save and unfortunately he dies too stinger salvo fire and finally gets to go to death core of pre heaven died to the noble sacrifice well done right six shots down here with the rupture cannon hitting on fours only two hits its strength 10 however and I wound both times in its AP - three sixes mm-hmm and you make one d6 damage for five damage it's down to six left and so at the end of that turn you get two points for that so it's eight eight I get a point for no prisoners an overwhelming firepower ten eight plus d3 for area-denial so 10 eight plus the big three it's 13 points to eight as we go to death core turn four here are the orders for the guard they want to take in this battlefield defend one defend three and secure objective - and a turn for movement for the deathcore and they move forward to take this battle grid they're not going to be defending this objective up here that's number three but Eleanor and her coterie are defending this subjective here and the warlord is securing that objective there the hellhound moving forward it's going to be crispy fried time on some bugs they're at a synapse which is 12 inches so and the leadership 5 so you burn away a bunch of them the rest are gonna run this tank commander moved the full distance I don't think there's gonna be very many left the morale face this tank had to move a little bit as well because it couldn't see but now it can see the one at the back can see over the top and of course all of those tanks can definitely see this weapon beast here so cry havoc and let slip the guns of war and then when the guns fall silent and the smoke clears now you know the term accounts have been entirely wiped out and then after you had that glorious round of shooting the rest of the shots didn't fare so well lots of shots slammed into these term accounts but either failed to here or fail to wound essentially I think I lost 6 or 7 in the end but they're still there and that's after morale as well and then a couple of large cannon shots and battle cannons came into the weapon beast mighty FEX and he's big he's Taff he's angry and he's still there with 10 wings left and that's the end of your turn it was 13 points to 8 you have this objective it's 13 points to 9 you are defending objective 1 as we go to tyranids turn 5 here are my orders devour I just need to kill something in the fight face decapitate kill a character and mission critical objective number two I can't get that one character is going to be tough kill something the fight phase with term against that's going to be tough as well 13 points to mine by the skin of my teeth ham hang in there three units left and I've stopped you defending this objective this term you need it to go into turn six because these are troops and I've piled on to that objective there so you no longer defending that I score it because troops have OPSEC and then they fire them though they didn't do any damage and you are gonna get that no you scored that this is the fun one right okay so I now need to kill a character there's a demon there's a demon right there terrible and I have a weapon beast which is closest to that character I'm gonna shoot him suffer the demon not to live I do this in the name of the Holy Inquisition by killing a demon controlled by the Holy Inquisition these are the Stinger salvos I need spies to win because it's toughness 6 I get three wings through but you have a four up and vulnerable save and you make them all die demon doesn't Knight come on come on now six shots with the rapture calendar doom hitting on fours four hits spent 10 toughness six three wings three four up invulnerable saves and you fail one this does 2d six damage oh yeah you foe to 2d six damage of two command points left do you want our oh you're happy for me okay one command point left 2d six damage I have no clamp ones left and the demon is dead and so it's 14 points 9 feel like killing that character I'm not gonna charge here there there really is no point a miner might hurt you but these guys are hitting on four I'm not gonna bother this 14 poisoning that's the end of my turn we're gonna go into the guard turn five hopefully the orders that come down are good and get you many many command points or I have they left it too little too late let's find out - guard guard turn five so the death choral Inquisitor Ellen I still want to defend one and the death call really want to kill stuff over kill kill something with the tank no prisoners just kill anything here we are partway into the shooting phase after the movement phase you're defending that objective one more time and you have achieved overkill and no prisoners the hellhound and the Punisher tank just wiped out that squad of hooligans there so there's two points and you still got two tanks down there that can fire the vindicates fired and a couple of shots went into this turn effects it's down to five wounds left oh now you've got three Tigers down three tanks left and the tabling could be on here so we're going to continue filming because this traffic is down to five wounds left and it turns out there's a hole in this window here which means the Warriors are in trouble because this tank over here it can see through the window yeah so what are we firing first so let's do the regular leaning into the trial effects yeah okay and this will stay still so force to hit and this is the last cannon which hits and wounds on a three and it wounds on e26 I get the sauce okay so 2d six shots with the battle cannon four nine hitting on force and then wounding on force and that was pretty good that was five hits so foster wound only two wounds at minus two I don't make either of saves this is to d3 damage you could kill it's on five wounds left and you do kill it and it doesn't go nuts but that's the Train effects wiped out which leaves one unit left alive and there is one tank which you can see them so let's fire the last cannon and this is the company commander right because pokemons down here okay I don't think he's got line of sight inside hole so it's just this one okay the last cannon which mrs. nine shots Falls to hit and that was five hits now you need to stew wound and that's only three wounds it's AP minus two but I am in cover so my it's ap minus one against my for up side and I make one so you're gonna do D three then D three on the Warriors so ones alive still and then the second shot will kill you a warrior and their so naps so they don't need to take morale and that's the end of your face oh yeah these guys they can fly through the windows yeah because I'm a it's 18 inch range we got them and had a good look before there was three that couldn't fire and then the rest could fire yeah granny there's seven threes two hits winning on fives but it's hot shot and that is a safe so you winged one of them and so that's the end of term five and I have one unit left as the tanks and the flamers and this thing is going to be able to move round and flame into them next down I don't think I'm gonna be able to hide because it's like news 12 and the Rangers stupid next turn I'm gonna be on truck in trouble if it goes to next turn right now it's 14 11 and you're defending their objectives there mm okay so I'm winning somehow with a B with one unit now the player went first rolls a dyson amo1 to this game ends and that was me so let's see what happens this is the way the world ends so somehow someway that was a victory for the tyranids but I tell you what it doesn't feel like a victory to me it doesn't feel like a victory to me I've can't I can't even see how that could be considered a victory for the tyrannous maybe they were drawn here by the demon host the smell of the Dean small and they just wanted to get rid of it because they fear the demonic infinite I don't know they came to this ruin industrial wasteland and tried to clear away as much as possible look but let's face if it went on infinite turns the death core of Krieg really really won this day the card gods would come to me I know I just I'm lucky lucky if I haven't got that one too at the end this tank would have moved round flame through that I could have run off but I can't really run that way all that way and as soon as I break cover here the battle cannons from the other laymen Rus tanks would have opened fired and just annihilated the motive had to have ducked and cover and hoped that that tank could have killed them all and yeah it's yeah that was fluky in the end I feel I feel a little bit dirty but not as dirty as an Imperium player that plays with demons my friends so how do you think it's sectioned you know he's a sanction team over the sanction cycles but sanction demons the Inquisition they go anything it takes whatever it takes to destroy the enemies of man exactly so how do you think it went I know it was good it was very close you pretty much leading ahead yeah and I came crashing forward and just bounced I bounced Kevin bounced the Jean students master group I mean they killed what they touched but then then you annihilated them yes yeah they were mopping up for you I thought at the beginning with this table quarters with spearhead of so like that all you're in trouble but I think maybe this fear head assault is what kept you alive because I could have attacked on essentially what happened was as I actually hit one front and if we were spread along like a normal deployment I might have been able to hit with two I might have had the brute Lord and Kevin and like Jesus hit one flank and then swinging with the Warriors and the hive chronal harpy forget the name into another flag and I forgot a model the Morlock never came up in turn three I still won the game anyway but I can imagine I mean what is this this is ceramic steel flooring they're at Twitter bang its way up from underground and maybe the deathcore acree who let's face it these guys are expert on alerts and siege warfare probably mind any available that's what we'll say under here there's loads of tunnels and stuff but they mined the crap out of it and the Morlock was Billy to make it and just got blown up and meanwhile up here somewhere a depth or a creek I was just laughing my minds went off the trip bombs went off it's gone this is Joe yeah so um thanks for coming down that was that was a really fun game I didn't know which way it was gonna go is hanging on but I was hanging on by my fingernails at the end so your YouTube and Twitter thing and everything is what you know it's beyond the tabletop beyond the tabletop guys check out beyond the tabletop and look out sir 40k this battle map brought you by game Matt Dottie you along with all the terrain and scenery if you want to support me if you want to help me create more content then please subscribe to the plugins on your TV and thank you for all of you deployment zone people who are out there I hope you enjoyed that bat report happy logging
Channel: winters SEO
Views: 228,146
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: winters SEO, death corp of krieg, tyranids, warhammer, 40k, battle report
Id: Mpg8QNH-L68
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 113min 28sec (6808 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 06 2019
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