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Well yes but actually no

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/TheJamesMortimer 📅︎︎ Jan 26 2020 🗫︎ replies
I have not had such a luminous guest on my ship quite some time I have no idea of what he is about to say the one can never tell where this particular striper Inquisitor would have rheticus they have a distinctly single-minded way of looking at dings as do all inquisitors but they never linked adults they never understand the widespread repercussions of their actions it comes from specializing in one discipline too much it becomes all-consuming so many of our brethren starties to be the same they fall into the trap of being exceptional at one discipline so they lose track of the need to be competent at all flexibility a strength unto itself he sits there with his face raised and his nose wrinkled like being here offences sensibilities his nose most of all it seems but with a hawk like beak like that it is no wonder it is the most pronounced of his senses I stare passively waiting for him to shatter the silence he is used to others breaking under his gaze and babbling out their greatest secrets inquisitors yeah only human he goes tired of the stand of his excitement to cut to the chase is almost crackling off him like lightning thank you for your time captain I know you dark angels are so very very busy or was skulking about and so rarely with a recorded presence like shadows let's say some time shall we Inquisitor you have a whole galaxy of old women and simpletons to put to the question then burn slapping yourself on the back all of the way at how you're single-handedly saved an Imperium that has lasted millennia before you were born and was survived man after your life has run its course there we have it the Dark Angels near your starties think you are so much better than the rest of us mere mortals I have seen things you would not believe you ever bound tin-pot get to the point why are you here I saw it important to let you know before I take my findings to the High Council what exactly little man he takes out his Pig places it daintily on my desk and slides it across to me I know what I will see the image contains scenes of a gaggle of tainted traitors are wearing power armor my Gorge Rises at I see the element he has so clearly enhanced for my viewing pleasure and the reading green armor a Dark Angel by his markings one of the Fallen cat got your tongue I push back the pict caster and stare at him at the smug smirk nestled under his Beach I have long-held suspicions that your start ease are not to be trusted you are power armored cannon fodder your myth especially that of the mighty fighting fest is built on lies now I see that you're oh so vaunted purity as an at a baseless fable I rise from my chair and slowly pad towards the door I am taking my surroundings like choosing my words carefully so you have a blurry picked and an ax to grind why should this concern me it is the evidence that I have long yearned for the evidence that you dark angels are up to no good as they say I came merely to see them look in your eyes so little sharks a little rage nothing mile I've seen it I am quite sure that you were aware that this may be discovered time to find out a bit more I think I suppose you have already informed your colleagues that our downfall is imminent and your speech to Lourdes is a mere formality I pick up a small object metal I projected I am looking at the fate of our glorious Legion my brothers have all dark angels chapters being thrown into the mud as I walk past him calmly slowly he stays silent time to make certain you know that the legend of the Dark Angels is sacrosanct the entire Imperium every man woman and child looks through our deeds our honour our sacrifice or legend they look and no matter how bad things may seem no matter how hopeless they believe in us they believe in the first they believe we are the dark angels of Wrath that are sent by the Emperor himself to save them it boys them up it gives them hope would you throw that away so easily is it worth it over one picked Inquisitor don't lecture me captain the Imperium will survive it will become stronger because it will be built on truth better to cut the infection now that allow it to spoil the entire well I came to be certain which I now am I will take my leave and report to my colleagues when I tell them it is inevitable your days are done so you are going for the big reveal your moment in the Sun is a morale of the imperious fighting men and citizenry worth this I ask you to reconsider he leaps to his feet standing to give a very well-rehearsed speech but he does not turn you can see the pics flashing around him in his mind's eye feeble egotist no you will be brought to justice all of you when I dropped this bombshell it will be the crowning glory of my career they will say forevermore that it was I who took down an entire chapter an entire Legion of traitors that I Casius calm I look at the lifeless body slumped on my desk he did not hear me creep up behind him some always believe that big means slow and heavy he did not notice my hands were on his head and shoulder until it was too late well will now have to execute his entourage and dispose of his ship I would say it is a waste but from his opinions I fear that I've done the Imperium a great service today I will drink to him though for he has brought to my attention to one of the Fallen it has been some time I prepare my soft commune within a circle of the council I will need support the sector from the pict is rife with traitors only the aid of my brothers to do this efficiently cleanly and swiftly months it has taken months but now we already it is about to begin long have my brothers and I sat on this ship sound at a minimum quietly sliding through space and our velocity alone nothing but the most basic of life support it has allowed me to drill the men thoroughly we are ready as we always are but this must work seamlessly it must work without a single error we will not be swayed from our course our target one may look at what we are doing as say it is a waste of resources but it is not as I stated to the Inquisitor our legend is more important than anything as it keeps the entire Imperium of flubbed keeps it together allows the beleaguered world's populations and the fighting forces of humanity to remain king thinking maybe if they hold on longer we that Dark Angels will save them we don't always but often enough we do plus the scum do indeed need to be winkled out from this system it was not the highest priority before as it is a smaller renegade fleet but while we are here we will sweep house we will purge these scum in the name of the emperor the commander of this vessel is well briefed nothing shall go born as I stand on a calm section adjacent to the terrible quorum I looked our trajectory in the time and date stamp we are only seconds away I am calm I clear my mind before the combat panic frenzied rage and other emotions if therefore the later lesions and their chapters we are dark angels we were built for this we do not do it because we enjoy it we do not do it because we are filled with zeal or the religious for we adhere to the Imperial truth we do it because it is our job it is why we exist i watch the time counter as we approach the enemy fleet there must be two dozen ships awaiting us but only three cruisers no battle barges there are stuff frigates and air schools we are on paper outnumbered but for months we have ploughed toward them on velocity alone silently stealthily taking a tactic straight from the PlayBook of the Alpha lesion ironic and effective to turn the weapons and tactics of the enemy back on them satisfying it is time I flick one switch indicating to the commander to begin outside in the coldest space a thousand flares explode in quick succession filling the night with light we have all been dropping them since we set off at irregular intervals to create the maximum effect the war spec scanners of the renegade fleet will be blind for up to a minute after this plenty of time for us to get in amongst them immediately there is a shuddering in the ship and lights come on all around me as the main engines fire up I see the death wing Knights standing in the corridor waiting my signal to enter the teleport harem they are ready the battle begins as soon as all aspects is up I can see the others a full battle barge each from my brothers of the successor chapters the angels of redemption angels of Wrath and persecutors of darkness each one commanded by a chapter master no yes if it were any other situation I would take orders from them but we are hunting a fallen so I hold command as I am a dark angel chapter captain and hiring in a circle four of us against two dozen of them but we will be in amongst them and they are blind the commander in launches the two sets of discharges are instructed one containing drop pods towards the surface of the planet the other to discharge boring musasat of renegades flagship and other cruisers your specs plots the path of the pawns and shows them entering the atmosphere with the support craft all in black the Raven wing will prepare the way I also note that the other ships of omega force of long stare boarding missiles into the other cruisers as we agreed soon dark angels and their brothers success our star T's will be arranging the decks and corridors of the enemy fleet causing pandemonium fighting their way to the bridges and engine rooms the Renegades won't have time to know what hit them but the all-spec shows me that there is some talent in our adversaries as fire starts arcing towards our ship it is feeble despite our food shields being gone for a very specific reason it will do no more than scuff our paint at this range our firepower pops escorts like pimples they turn an attempt to flee reducing the fart coming in to this old walls we need only weather a minute or two to allow the Raven wing to do their job to get near the central encampment where the traitor is being feted as a salubrious guest no doubt moments pass but the light swiftly shines they have dropped the teleport beacon or signal to the commander that I'm leaving a March the few steps to the teleport arm surrounded by five death wing nights our ancient and hallowed tactical dremel Terminator armor is slow and heavy but we have trained for decades and how to use it we leave [Music] you appearing on the planet it is as it should be all is ablaze and craters and bodies litter the traitor camp the Raven wing fly above us in jets and speeders the war of their bikes are distant sting as a hairy and Confused the enemy allowing us our window a machine gun misfires down on us it's like a shot bouncing off our Terminator armor and large stone shields without any effect the nest is silenced by a passing of vengeance landspeeder there even we do not disappoint we are directly before the main building in this travesty of a camp why they were here I don't even care the night stake pointed charged the building by far a few spoon butter shots and see them blow chunks off the wall it is weak the nights now accelerate and I follow them we plow straight into the wall and burst straight through it the night's wake short work of editing inside their fails wielded with discipline they smash aside the smaller and less armored traitor starties in front of us they fly like rag dolls or crumpled up like paper structures we move into the heart of the facility the last door is torn down and the last two figures remain chaos the ward stands in the for his acts perpetually dripping a notion of blood I leave him to the nights I snap my arm up and fire my stumble toward the other figure his green armor explodes on his right side as his arm is torn off from his body and he is throw back I have crippled him for certain but I will have my prey he is a staff tease he will not die of this before the night's have crushed this chaos Lord and clear the part of the body I look forward to passing him into the keeping of the chaplain he is ours one more stain to be removed from our honour one more step towards Redemption welcome gentle listener I am bald aboard and I wish to introduce you to the forces and factions of the war 40k universe today we will be exploring the mighty fighting first Legion the original Star T's who the first to accompany the Emperor of mankind into his Wars the illustrious Dark Angels I will have it noted that I am NOT a Dark Angel player in case any wonder from my approach to this faction I can only ever say it how I see it the Dark Angels are the first of The Illusionist of T's delusions our Space Marines that were forged by the genetic engineering and some say dark pants made by the master of mankind the Emperor were forces none will openly admit with his Space Marines he not only unified terror the grim dark name for Earth but he then went on to conquer the lion's share of the Milky Way galaxy pun intended each of the lesions was made to perform a very specific task and all had their specialities some like the world eaters and bloody angels were things of rage and butchery some like the Raven Guard and the Alpha Legion were things of stealth and subtlety some like the iron hands and imperial fists were stoic and steadfast some project that they are perfect like the ultramarines and the emperor's children but what of the Dark Angels the Dark Angels were the first Legion the very first to be recruited trained and then deployed by the emperor in his Wars they fought alongside him and when initially his only lesion all the numbers of the others grew many lesions eventually took part in the unification Wars but it was the first the Dark Angels who fought most and for longest their banners grown with accolades and penance of their victories the glory was only ever eclipsed by one other lesion the lunar walls but this is a story for another time the Dark Angels are always seen by some as a second option second place in nearly all disciplines all methods of war not as furious as back Templars Oh blood angles not as good a defense as Imperial fizz etc as I have stated but there is a secret in this chapter no it is not the one you may be thinking of that I will go into in more detail very soon it is not the fallen gentle listener the secret in the grim darkness of the future is very simple the dark angels are the most dangerous of all of delusions of the emperor for they are not specialized but they can perform any of the specializations with nearly the same effect as their brothers of those roles they are simply put the most adaptable the most flexible the most well-rounded and most dangerous force of Marines that the Emperor commands outside of the grey knights but this is not only due to their well-rounded attributes no there is something that many choose to ignore of late the limelight being firmly fixed on the one person and their lesion I will not mention here but it has drawn the truth away from its rightful place lion al Johnson the Lord and prime marketed Dark Angels with a natural genius at combat and at tactics his ability was not that of the hard grafters who have to prepare the right ground overwhelming numbers tricks and traps to win for there are a plethora of Pampas amongst the ranks of the pry marks each one a terror on the battlefield Brasa a horror to face as a general but here in the primarch of the first Legion lion elder Johnson was a Gaius Julius Caesar an Alexander a natural the lion needed only to thicken I across an unfolding battle map to see where his enemy was weak and where its strength actually was no matter they attempt to obfuscate as with all of the pry marks and their sons this Marines the Dark Angels have inherited this astonishing ability they take to a battlefield like a duck to water yes they are trained with vigor and discipline but it is their natural affinity for war that is perhaps the most profound attribute as such many law master or player writer a black library or store owner will forget who they are they are the first they are untouchable and would carve through all but one of the Royals legions like a hot knife through butter it is often stated numbers do not win a battle as such I must make my point clear despite not having this army and having no natural requirement or drive to lure them so highly they are the force that actually keeps the Imperium together well when the space marines they are the legion chapter or force that should be the most awaited and the most appreciated when they do attend a field of conflict an arena of war for any who would question this evaluation for i hope there are many the discussion is such an important part of this hobby I would remind you of only one detail a secret shrouded in the darkest periods of the Great Crusade a conflict so terrible and costly that its memory has been struck from all Imperial records by the direction of the Emperor himself the conflict is shrouded in darkness but it is guessed that it may have taken the two lost lesions either just their primal or the illusion entire the rang Dan Zeno sized a war so terrible that it was mentioned to be almost comparable to the Horus heresy so hotly contested and so bitter was it all that is known for certain is one thing the war ended when the mighty first Legion was sent to destroy the rank Dan in the third Xenocide they lost over 50,000 Marines thus losing their status as the most numerous lesion but they won they what the rang down of the face of the galaxy compared to this no other Legion can come even close bar perhaps just perhaps the lunar walls before they fell or maybe the Imperial fists and the defense of the Imperium during the heresy thus of the Dark Angels a mighty army and one that is proud thus it was always to be vulnerable to that which happened later the betrayal of its second brightest light the right-hand man and best friend of the primark Lionel Johnson looser we cannot go into all of that tale today for this is only an introduction but let us now pull back the curtain and gaze at the thing that the Dark Angel hide from all we will now lean on existing wisdom for the events that scar dis lesion its subsequent chapters and every marine who has ever worn the gleams since that day a secret that has been held for over 10,000 years The Fool of Caliban in the aftermath of the Horus heresy the surviving Royalists rallied the reeling Imperium the Dark Angels took a significant part in these battles which later came to be called the scouring as they pursued the rebels the lion diverted to nearby Caliban which had been enshrouded by whoop storm since Horace's betrayal for Lionel Johnson one final act of treachery remained to be discovered as the Dark Angels fleet moved into orbit they were met by a barrage of Defense laser fire ships exploded plummeting into the planet like monstrous comets although stunned by the sudden attack Johnson's super human reactions allowed what remained of his fleet to disengage withdrawing to safety the betrayal Johnson unraveled shook him to his very core over the decades Luthor had brooded nurturing a seed of jealousy his hatred had spread poisoning those under his command and several generations of new recruits his powerful oratory had twisted their hearts with an all-consuming hatred of the new Imperium like Horus Luthor had been corrupted his pride had been all the opening the Dark Gods needed to make him their own the fury of Lionel Johnson and the remaining loyal dark angels knew no bounds they had fought across the galaxy but had arrived too late to aid their Emperor still they had sought the dark powers routed only to find their own home world their own brethren corrupted and turned against them even as the horrors of the situation sunk in Johnson formulated a battle pan it began with the massed guns of the fleet disabling caliban's defense laser batteries and driving the rebel Dark Angels into the shelter of their force field protected fortress monasteries knowing that one surgical strike could end the conflict Lionel Johnson personally led an assault on the greatest monastery of the old order he knew that this way where he would find Luthor and so it was that the two former friends faced each other although the prymaat possessed immense power the two opponents were equally matched who loses abilities were enhanced by vast forces gifted him by the dark gods of chaos what followed was a fight of Titanic proportions as the two adversaries traded blows shockwaves shook the monastery causing chunks of masonry to crash down around them outside the guns of the Dark Angels fleet pounded the planet reducing the other monasteries two miles wide craters angry magma spewing from the wounds gouged into the planet's crust Caliban surface began to crack under the bombardment and the fury of the Dark Angels blinded them to the devastation they were wreaking as the plant broke apart the battle between Johnson and hussar reached its climax already weakened by the long fight losses staggered living and opening but despite his rage Lionel Johnson could not bring himself to slay his former friend as he hesitated Luthor unleashed a furious psychic attack that knocked Johnson to his knees and left him mortally wounded as the dying Primarch struggled to stand a veil was lifted from Lucy's eyes and he realized the full extent of his deeds his was a triple a betrayal of his friend of the Dark Angels and of the Emperor the truth shattered his sanity and he slumped down beside the ailing Johnson issuing a cry of pain and despair that echoed through the warp upon hearing that sound the chaos gods realized that once more they had been denied they howled in frustration and across the galaxy psychos fell to their knees so powerful was the cry the rent appeared in the fabric of space and a warped storm emerged to ink off what remained of Caliban those fallen dark angels who had served under Luthor was sucked from the broken surface into the warp and cast throughout time and space the remains of Caliban weakened by the bombardment were ripped asunder destroyed in a last apocalyptic explosion only a single part of the planet survived the vortex that pulled the rest of the crumbling debris into the protected by an ancient force field the ruins of the Fortis monastery and a massive chunk of the planet's bedrock still remained held together and fruiting alone in the empty vacuum of space the Dark Angels flew down to the surface of the remaining rock engaged in horror but what was left of their once verdant homeworld at the heart of the empty wasteland they found looser bloody cringing and gibbering but they were unable to extract anything coherent out of the shell of a man who had once been Johnson's closest friend Luthor repeated the same words over and over again the peermark had been carried away by the watchers in the dark and one day he would return to forgive Luthor for the terrible sins he had committed of Lionel Johnson there was no sign the rock in the days that followed the Dark Angels made the rock their new home they explored the vast halls and dungeons beneath the fortress Monastery claiming the hordes of weapons and machinery that had lain there since the age of technology a great labor was begun carving out deeper catacombs into the bedrock excavating room for an entire Legion with aid of tech priests of Mars docks were added to house spacecraft after centuries of work warp engines were outfitted as well allowing the rock to diverse the galaxy for all his capabilities the rock remains a gloomy sight chains of lightning arcing across its craggy features its force fields rent with cracks the fortress Monastery of the Dark Angels is as indelibly marked by caliban's destruction as its inhabitants the hunt for the fallen the four lands continued existence is anathema to the Dark Angels a persistent stain on their honor that those who turned upon the lion and caused his demise are still alive isn't a front to the Space Marines that were made in His image for the Unforgiven to be redeemed their treacherous brothers must be hunted down and made to repent as a decade since the fall of Caliban turned two centuries the inner circle took shape it grew from an ad-hoc Conclave to a formal if still furtive organization that sped through not just the Dark Angels but their successor chapters as well with no homeworld save the rock recruitment planets were founded a new generations of dark angels were added to replace those lost in battle the regimens and drills of the chapter was strict with special emphasis on Brotherhood and loyalty ideals passed directly on to their successor chapters as well however the Masters and elder warriors who led the instruction told the neophytes nothing of the sin of their forefathers by the halfway point of the 32nd millennium only a few interred within the sarcophagi of dreadnoughts were left of those had survived the battle of Caliban the truth of what occurred and knowledge of the fallen became secret secrets carried only by the small number of inner circle brethren within each Unforgiven chapter as veterans rise through the unseen levels of trust more of the truth is gradually revealed to them by ranking members of the inner circle only then will they realize that in the millennia since the fall of Caliban the sons of the lion have been fulfilling their duties to the Emperor while at the same time carrying out a hidden agenda scouring the galaxy for signs of the corrupted kin with operating alone or in small bands each of the fallen they found their own ways of surviving the millennia since Lucis betrayal the great many have embraced the power of the Dark Gods becoming true heretic starties and in the wake of the Great Rift some of these have even ascended to daemon hood others have survived as leaders of small piratical or cultist cores or have been discovered attempting to live a nomadic existence on the fringes of the Imperium a notable few have risen to be tyrants of entire planetary empires with multiple worlds their command as time means nothing in the warp sometimes a Phoolan appears upon a world having just to his frame of reference been plucked from the disintegrating surface of Caliban the thousands of intervening years have passed on to him just a blinking of an eye within the abyss of insanity that is the warp usually driven wild with rage such individuals launched themselves upon the hapless servants of the Imperium a terrible force of vengeance and raving aloud Oh secrets they in a circle have worked so long to keep silent there are those among the Fallen who regret debbye traitor of their Primarch unable to reconcile themselves with their former order they lead a full-on hunted existence many become mercenaries or rogue traders roaming the edges of the galaxy as masterless men some attempt to atone for their sins integrating themselves into human societies to work towards a noble cause the dark angels often go for years even decades without finding any rumors or clues as to the whereabouts of one of the Fallen when traces of the Fallen are detected the Raven wing and death wing are deployed were both companies have gained fame for their many triumphs against the Imperium enemies it is for the Unforgiven a furious task that they are truly trained and equipped the Raven wing are the ultimate hunters and scouts carrying their quarry into a position of vulnerability before their brothers in the death wing arrive the male fists board swiftly down to inflict the killing blow any captured Phoolan are taken back to the rock deep inside its dungeons interrogator chaplains inflict terrible excruciation in order to force their disgraced kin to repent occasionally they do and for their pains they die quickly more often than not however the captured forum refuses and suffers a long-drawn-out an agonizing death at the hands of those who would save his soul many of these defiant traitors meet their ends with curses upon their lips knowing their collapsing souls will find a different kind of salvation in the war while others simply accepted as the price they pay for cleaving to the beliefs that led them to betray their brothers in the first place the Raven wing black Clare Huntsman and masters of the art of like new warfare the Raven wing racer before their chapter like Thunder before a storm pricing speed and mobility above all else they are an integral part of the dark angels battlefield strategies as well as a powerful asset in the unforgiven secret quest engines roaring the Raven wing tear forward dodging enemy fire while moving at breakneck speed these are the warriors of the dark angels second company a highly specialized formation that fights from fast-moving attack vehicles they are assembled from the finest riders and pilots in the chapter and their scales are further honed upon induction the the true purpose of their specialist training remains unknown by the wider Imperium they have become renowned for their skill at mobile warfare the majority of the Raven wing fight from the Sadler space marine bikes supported by brothers piloting various marks of Latin speeder or atmospheric assault fighters the Raven wing are ideal for fast assault missions and elements of their company can often be found acting as an outsider at reconnaissance force for larger dark angels armies their far-ranging land speeders search for the telltale signs of the foe boxing back information on enemy movements and dispositions when the moment is right the Raven wing gun their engines and war into the fight a hurtling Gale of black armor blazing guns and roaring chain swords that sweep aside any and all resistance with butter word the Raven wing can switch between a variety of perfectly drilled attract patterns in order to encircle Franck break apart or otherwise harass their foes and all times they strive to avoid becoming bogged down swiftly dissecting even the largest enemy force with a hit and run attacks overhead Nephilim jet fighters and dark talons keep their skies clear of enemy craft wall and speeders dart into position to unload their impressive Farah power shouldn't especially dangerous of vital target present itself the Raven wing mounts teleport homers upon their bikes that allow them to summon the Warriors of the death wing to the bass field not only does the arrival of their Terminator armored brethren all but guaranteed victory it also gives a clue to the true veiled purpose of the Raven wing one that is altogether more sinister in nature known only to the Grandmaster and to the carefully selected inner circle members of the Black Knights elite that the Raven wing are tasked with hunting down and running to ground our fallen dark angels the nature of those they track is why every member of the Raven wing must be not only an expert rider or pilot but must also fervently be dedicated to his chapter more than any other force the Brothers of the Raven wing are likely to be exposed to the finishes lies of the Fallen they must therefore be unquestioning in their faith on a monitored closely at all times by their chaplain to ensure no chinks appear in their armor of indoctrination the death wing renowned has one of the finest fighting forces in the Imperium the death wing are their chapters mailed fist no foe is too great for them to some do and no mission is too difficult or dangerous for them to complete the reputation is such that the mere sight of their bone white armor is enough to put many foes to flight the death wing of the Dark Angel first company unlike deer lead battle brothers of most Space Marine chapters they fight clad exclusively then ancient suits of Terminator armor each an eye impenetrable relic from a bygone age that the Dark Angels can equip all of their veterans this way speaks volumes of the wealth of relics hidden within the rock and also an indication of how seriously the chapter takes the death wings true mission to ruthlessly eliminate the Fallen the hammer of the inner circle the death wing is an assault force capable of teleporting straight into the midst of battle ripping the heart out of the enemy with a well-placed strike while withstanding tremendous amounts of return fire early Dark Angels hosts showed incredible skills at our arms and total loyalty to their chapter can undergo the exacting rites of initiation required to join the death wing those who survive the mental physical and spiritual rigors of this ritual take their place among the ranks of their chapters elite upon at Archangels ascension to the death wing the truth of what occurred on Caliban in the wake of the heresy will gradually be imparted to them by ranking members of the inner circle as they learn more and more of the tragic events the warriors feelings of shame and contempt for their fallen brothers grow and the more of themselves they give over to the tireless quest for vengeance absolution in battle this knowledge makes the death wing beacons of righteous fury bleeding their brothers to mercilessly destroy any who would oppose them every warrior of the company is utterly devoted following the commands of their superiors without question and willingly performing any act in the name of the hunt for this reason very few Dark Angels strike forces go to war without at least one squad of Deathwing on hand prepared to carry out those orders from chapter command the battle brothers outside of the inner circle would find abhorrent those who enter the Deathwing may suppose they have learned all there is to know at the Dark Angel shadowed past but they have merely entered the first ring of the clandestine organization known as the inner circle there remain circles within circles and the veterans of the company have learned still more of their history these Warriors are given the title of death wing Knights and their noble fury in battle and dedication to the chapter is the stuff of legend [Music] we know the history of this glorious chapter and lesion we know the secret and how they deal with it why it is so important to them and how they view safeguarding their secret as actually protecting the morale and very fiber of the Imperium entire we know that the Dark Angels have now realized that the primaries Marines are not the Stooges that they suspected as one of the inner circle has now crossed the Rubicon primaries has become our primary Space Marine now we come to my favorite part we go off-script dr littles who say that has not already been said but it does require to be said as per the bunker meme all other loyalist players who cannot handle some raw truths please leave now now that we are in down how dare they one tract in one god damn book spewed from the vial more of a known traitor has been used to go vilified castigate and to ride the dark angels the first for decades and I am sick of it sick of the lazy memes there are tones that unbelievably and juice and tedious vectors used to the right and archangels all done at the instigation of those types of players who cannot handle the unabridged and very simple truth only one other Legion have even a a stopping a Dark Angel army when they march to war the Volk offending gap because they were designed to kill Marines but in any other situation the Dark Angels win out against any enemy that is not a Marine the space wolves also fail in their tests and the Dark Angels have harbored their strengths have hoarded their archaeal tech and weaponry they have always really remained a lesion all in preparation for the return of the lion-o but there are those who fear the waking of this mighty son of the emperor it was a known fact that all of the other pry marks felt an unnatural fear when they were in his presence for very good as a Zegna he is the first he is the template he is their original Primarch as the lion had been found first in the role of war master was not so much overstuffed diplomat as it was strategist then the choice would have been clear and one can imagine that there is one Primark the chaos Lords fear yes Russ may be able to best even a demonic Primark maybe but is the lion that they must secretly Quayle over returning because he is the perfect weapon against chaos where Gulman or dawn would try to organize and gain control of a battlefield of pointless exercise in the face of warp wrists and the powers of the chaos gods it is the lion who would not need to bother he would be able to react to their threat strange simulations and effects without batting an eyelid so it may be the lion who is the greatest fear of the Lords of chaos reboot does what he can to the best of his abilities but there's a lion were to return then we would see some heads crack open very swiftly indeed the reboot must also secretly fear the return of his antisocial and intimidating Big Brother and Johnson for the lion were to deem him unfit to rule and then challenge him that not all of the forces of ultram are not all of their accumulated numerical superiority of the ultramarines or the vaunted powers of the art organizer would be able to prevent the lion from taking what he wanted even if it be the place as the garden of the Sirona bled us whole for the Imperium and all of humanity that when the lion wakes his detractors know what is best for them and they direct him at the forces of chaos the tyranny and a neck lon for in all of the galaxy he is the only general who may be able to evilly challenge initech the only one we know he will arise sooner let us hope that this lion does not awake hungry
Channel: Baldermort's Guide to Warhammer
Views: 208,183
Rating: 4.947907 out of 5
Keywords: 1st Legion Lore Warhammer 40K, Warhammer 40K for beginners Dark Angels Lore, Warhammer 40K Dark Angels Lore, Warhammer 40000 Dark Angels History, Dark Angels, Baldermort, Space Marines Lore, Space Marines History for beginner, Azrael, Sammael, Warhammer 40K Loyalist Space Marines, Space Marines Legions, Emperor, Primarch, Lion El Johnson, Lion eljohnson, Luther, Caliban, Deathwing lore, Ravenwing lore, Warhammer 40K Deathwing, Warhammer audio drama, Warhammer stories, 40K Stories, War
Id: d81QmB5gSrM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 37sec (2977 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 25 2020
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