DCeased Full Story (DC Universe Zombies) | Comicstorian

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welcome to the full story series right here at comics story where we take some of our older story lines that we've broken into single issues or two to three issues and turn them into a playlist and then we combine them into an epic long journey for you to enjoy that's the part of the full story series taking our playlists and turning them into movies you can just pop on and sit for a long drive or a city your studies or whatever you have to do today we're going to be covering deceased Plus the tie-in issue because here at comics story and we like to give you the true full story everything that was involved in the particular event to the best of our ability so today we're going to do issues one through six of deceased and then the spin-off book with Casa team enjoy [Music] Thunder echoes as blow after blow falls on Darkseid's face the final punch breaking his jaw and the Kryptonian steps back Wonder Woman tightens our hold on the lasso of truth which binds us over after around dark sides throat the invasion lasted a week with the entire deal the Justice League mobilized to stop it you will leave Earth now Darkseid Superman tells the god glaring atom and Batman steps forward you will not return to our world say it Wonder Woman snarls tightening or hold the lasso compels you Darkseid stands his wounds seemingly having no effect on him he tooks free of the lasso turning to an opening - boom - I will not return for I have no need the truth is I have what I came for the cosmic being tells them as he steps through the portal disappearing the team strains up danger having left to them miss you know I thought that was going really well up until that ominous last sentence greener equips slackening the arrow on his bow string when suddenly a device on Batman's utility belt begins to chime bringing everyone's attention to him cyborgs missing he states simply he's not in Metropolis he's not on earth the group doesn't understand how Batman would know that but he simply tells them that he has a tracker monitoring cyborgs every movement he's a walking weapon with apocalypse technology running through his body and brain which we've barely scratched the surface of understanding it would be irresponsible to let that kind of unknown power move freely the team all stare at Batman as a Superman finally asked the question did Vick know you were tracking him Batman silence his answer enough an anger courses through the flash as he steadily whirling around asking questions do you have a tracker on Superman he finally asks no sighs of exasperation fill the team anyone concerned about the slight pause there Green Arrow asks the team puts aside the question of the morality of Batman's decision for a moment they need to find Vick on apocalypse de sade finish is pushing the final stick through cyborgs limbs pinning him to a table like an insect he smiles a toothy grin questioning Vick on whether he knows of the anti-life equation he smiles explaining that it is the end of all free will that whoever controls the anti-life equation will dominate all sentient erases to Sade continues to preach ignoring cyborgs sarcastic comments when finally he tells Vic that Darkseid has found the final half of the anti-life equation in you the god states as he steps out of the shadows cyborg stares in a massive villain raising one eyebrow were you waiting in the corridor to make a good entrance he asks the slight smile the dark ruler stares at him for a moment before ordering to Sade to take his tub what a cackle ugly the torture was set about his grim task Darkseid that asks to Sade if he's ready to begin and the evil minion informs him that if cyborg is killed by the merging process that the anti-life equation will be lost Darkseid nods we must control Victor stones end he states pulling free his mother box I will summon death summoned the black racer subtly appears in the room with Darkseid reaching out grasping the DD by the throat I have need of you he growls to say moves forward using his technology to steal a piece of death the energy merging with Victor stone he begins to chant the anti-life equation but the use of death corrupts that which is already corrupted in nature Darkseid could settle II feel it scratching at the inside of his mind and he screams his fingers clawing at his face to say it looks on in fear and the black racer watches with the passivity of the death it is time for God to die he in tones hollowly to say turns well immune to the disease he knows that he must send cyborg away before all of apocalypse falls to this the boom tube opens and suddenly a hero's gone but it was too late Darkseid lashes out in the black racer falls he leaps up for destroying the city in his wake and finally he falls into one of the fiery pits plummeting to the very core of apocalypse itself the planet shudders before it explodes killing all of those that call apocalypse its home on earth the tomb opens and Victor falls into the streets of Metropolis he could feel the disease course through him and he tries to wall it off yet he is not quick enough his bloody mouth with no tongue opens to warn those around him some try to help while others are merely taking pictures and their ever-present smartphones merging with Victor though the equation has become digital leaving quickly into the internet from there it infects all of those that it comes in contact with those that surround Vic's suddenly become frightened their fingers clawing at the flesh of their owner bodies as they try to scratch free of the disease that has overtaken them but the fear disappears and the infection spreads Victor watches as the frightened to turn to rage and they begin to lash out at those around them meanwhile and the Houmas scot-free and big Barda Superman questions his allies about whether they can help him save Victor mid-conversation though he stops his super-hearing picking up the disturbance in the city did you hear that he asked before leaping through the window Superman looks below the city the world is screaming the people fight did they kill below him blood flowing from their eyes their ears their mouths fear fills Superman's eyes as he turns towards home John Louis in their apartment Louis is looking for her phone when John and Damien play a video kid Damien where is it John asks looking away from the screen you have x-ray vision Damien responds that's actually a good point he finds the phone on the other side of the room and it begins to reach out for it but a blast of Superman's heat vision takes it out and the Man of Steel turns blasting the TV as well don't look at the screens he orders them no screens but in the Batcave Batman finishes firewalling the Batcave and he orders the computer to swing to the analogue cameras that are positioned around Gotham he watches as his city tears itself apart the people are barely human anymore attacking those that are left the bat computer runs projections 600 billion are infected worldwide with the virus spreading to the rest of the Internet in a matter of days as the connection been disabled in the house he suddenly asks and the computer voice informs him that it has not fear takes over Batman as he said allele urges from his chair ordering the computer to activate the EMP in the manner of stairs the house goes dark at their apartment Lois and Clark look out on the city and chaos I need to assemble the league Clark tells her look out there who knows what's left of the league she tells him Damien looks down at the radio in his hand unable to reach his father the radio is so always supposed to work Superman Katinas to look out on the city and he tells Damien that Batman will have contingencies in place he'll do anything to reach Damien I've learned to never underestimate your father he tells him but at the Manor Batman moves quietly through the darkened house calling out to his family and finally hearing Alfred yelling for him from the kitchen he rushes through the darkness and he explodes into the room discovering Alfred trying to hold the infected Nightwing at bay with a knife the zombie rushes forward with Bruce managing to knock him aside feebly he tries to reason with dick with the young man is no longer there Tim comes in from behind biting hard under Batman's arm Alfred Ron Bruce creams as the boys that he raised begin to bite into him their hands clawing at his flesh run [Music] the first days of the outbreak saw the people of the world isolated from one another in the middle of the North Atlantic a ship dips in the waters gently pushed by the waves of the ocean and behind it a trail of shipping containers dipped below the water pulling himself over the side aquaman moves along the deck hello is anyone here he calls out in silence is his answer as he passes one of the bulkheads a strange noise reaches his ears it's alright he calls out reaching for the handle pulling the door open help is here but the creatures they all turn their eyes drawn by the sound and the movement of the door opening aquaman can't help it he stares in surprise at the hold full of the dead they rush him in the hero falls back as their bloody claws are reach for his flesh Aquaman has pushed it back tumbling over the side of the ship as the dead attack him they drift beneath the waves until the waters are clouded but back in Metropolis Jon aka Superboy and Damien aka Robin stare out into the destruction of the world that they have known the city is bright in the distance a lit with dozens of fires Damian BAM it'll be okay John tells his friend I'm not worried John why not I'm like 70 percent sure this is Armageddon John tells him glancing briefly at a stoic friend I'm not worried John behind them though his puts down the phone telling Clark that her parents are okay and they're headed into the bunker Superman nods telling her that he needs to get to Smallville but not before he knows that they are all safe the planet head to the Daily Planet Lois tells him with a determined look on her face meanwhile over in Gotham City I want to state for the record that I think this is a terrible idea Harley tells poison ivy readying herb at the to stand outside a plane door in the back alley of Gotham what record Harley nods to the question turning and heading away offering to go ahead and make an official record but Ivy stopped sir vines growing from the earth wrapping around her leg should you be using the green like that Harley asks ivy nods and smiles letting Harley know that the vines actually enjoy crushing people right well I'll never sleep in the same room as a houseplant again ivy steers Harley toward the door again giving her a kiss on the cheek and tells her that she is strong enough to do this I'll be waiting by the Botanical Gardens face you a monster she tells her the door swings open to a dark of room with weapons lining against it mr. J Harley calls out in the quiet the faint flicker of TV screens reach Harley's eyes and she crosses the room finding the Joker sitting in front of a row of screens I've been thinking and I know you don't like it when I do that she begins I'm here to say our life is over she tells him the Joker begins to turn his eyes grazed his face covered in blood and outside of Metropolis I hate camping I don't know how you two talked me into this Howell tells Oliver and Dinah as he holds a marshmallow over the fire near the tents the three friends are chatting around the fire away from all the screens what Dinah telling how they just saved the world from an invasion by Darkseid they deserve a night away from everything eventually how walks away from the group letting them know that he's going to go turn him he's on his phone Dinah notes seeing the gentle glow of the screen through the tents so much for getting away from it all Oliver agrees and suddenly the pair are greeted by strange noises coming out of house tent the campsite is torn apart as the green hardlight constructs erupt outward throwing Oliver and Dinah away Hal Oliver questions from the grass the pair can only look stunned as the Green Lantern stars at them his eyes filled with a look of murder Hal Jordan of sector 281 for lethal force is not authorized the ring begins to chime Oliver realizes what this means and he yells for Dinah to move diving away as the green tendrils subtly shoot out of the ground destroying the spot that they were just at one of the tendrils Nix Dinah and Oliver doesn't hesitate he fires his boxing-glove arrow to try and stun Hal the trick arrow seems to have no effect in helping is to float over to Dinah Oliver nods drawing a deadly arrow next Orden I don't know what's going on with you man but the next thing coming at your face isn't a punch suddenly the massive green teeth are launched at Oliver and fear shines in the hero's eyes Dinah screams with her canary cry knocking Jordon away breaking his concentration but back in the city Superman and his family land on the roof but the Daily Planet Louis moves to the doors knowing that they need to get inside so that they can start linking up with survivors and broadcasting a warning to the world but Clark stops her scanning the floors below them with his x-ray vision the whole building is swarming with monsters people we know Louis questions Clark bow his head and sadness as the answers yes suddenly he turns and he begins to float into the air before turning back to his family John do not let anything through that door before I return I heard something back in the forest Dinah stands over the body of Hal Jordan Oliver behind him a former hero laying still Green Lantern of 281 for is deceased the ring begins to chime sliding off of house finger scanning for replacement briefly the ring turns before finally hovering in front of Dinah Lance Dinah Lance of Earth you have the ability to overcome great fear we'll come to the Green Lantern Corps the forest is filled with a bright green light as Dinah is suddenly turned into a lantern whoa Oliver gasps stunned but Dinah looks down at herself she doesn't want this take it Clark tells her as he hovers into view we're going to need it the three heroes quickly make their way to the Daily Planet we made contact Lois tells Clark as the three heroes come in damien holds up as a radio it's batman the dark knight quickly begins to tell the group that these creatures are not zombies they're consumed by hunger they're not feeding they're spreading death he tells them they're stealing life these are the anti living the trigger is an equation I always knew that math would do my saw Oliver nods but Batman doesn't have a lot of time we see him standing in the Batcave clad and what a mr. Freeze's suits in order to slow down his infection behind him Alfred stands ready shotgun in hand Bruce Clark responds sadness in his voice as he realizes what his friend is saying but Batman tells him there's no time for sentiment the virus is the technological and biological hybrid to save the world you're going to have to destroy any human carriers and take down the Internet Oliver nods again I always expected we'd have to destroy the internet to save the world I just didn't know it'd be like this Bruce there must be something we can do for you Dinah asks but Batman tells them there isn't anything Damian Alfred has something for it's something that I've always wanted to give you something I know that you would have earned one day Batman says sadness in his voice I'm sorry that I won't see you but the words are choked off and Damian stares at the radio in his hand father dad in the Batcave Alfred watches this Batman because they couldn't force his hand reaching up clawing at the helmet of the mr. freeze suit it shatters spilling glass around the computer Batman turns a crazed look filling his eyes as he stares at his Butler computer cease transmission Alfred orders racking the shotgun I'm sorry my son Alfred tells Bruce's the aims of the weapon that day the cave was filled with a sound of gunfire after alfred was forced to put down an infected batman with a shotgun he stands in the Batcave staring down at the bodies of the three men that he thought of as his sons my boys he intoned softly I'm sorry I couldn't save you he whispers though they can no longer hear him Alfred hangs his head taking the steel case that Bruce entrusted him with and he turns to climb aboard the batwing the plane streaks across the sky flying high over the undead teeming streets of Gotham City Alfred reaches for the controls his eyes determined now and with a click he releases the bombs something that Bruce would never have used on living targets but the people of Gotham they're no longer alive the bombs fall exploding in the streets below sending the once human population flying limbs ripping free in the destruction and Harley runs as the building behind her explodes rounding the corner and finding a survivor trying to defend himself his shotgun goes flying as the monsters swarm him she doesn't hesitate she grabs her weapon and racks the flesh round in back off I mean it she yells in the monster that was once the Joker careens down the alleyway towards her his hands reaching out she turns jamming the barrel into the Joker's stomach mr. J you were never any good from me she snarls pulling the trigger the shotgun kicks in her hand and the blast cuts the Joker apart his body falling to the ground in Harley Quinn staring shocked my god that was the most cathodic thing ever she yells in triumph and she turns striding down the alleyway but she stops when she sees two heroes drop to the ground in front of her oh come on the zombie birds of prey she groans as Huntress Batgirl bat woman and Catwoman land their eyes blink their bodies covered in blood Harley nods as the creatures reach towards her racking the shotgun once again really okay she's sighs I guess we're going bird hunting but on the rooftop of the Daily Planet Damian sits against the wall with John coming over to talk to his friend but the young boy isn't in the mood so John just sits with his friend is the kid gonna be all right all asks and Superman nods as he looks at the two young boys Damian is his father's son he'll find a way to bury it to keep on going but he just lost his dad finally Clark turns to Lois telling her I have to go home I'll secure the building first Dinah steps forward asking Superman if he needs any help but Clark just shakes his head thanks Donna but I'll manage and a blur he's gone moving through the building at SuperSpeed he grabs the infected pulling them out of the building and dropping them into the streets after the last of the infected are deposited outside he flies upwards ripping free the Daily Planet globe dropping it in front of the exit landing on the rooftop he gives his family one last hug before he goes with Damian watching from his seat ollie Dinah please keep my family safe Clark asks his friends as it takes to the air of course Dinah tells them the newest Green Lantern deep below the ocean the tide swirls against the ancient city of Atlantis concentrate Garth mera hisses you can do this you can push against the tides and if you can't maybe you should rethink the name Tempest she tells him from now on your new superhero name is going to be mild weather event but the ocean around them grows a darker and the two Atlanteans look up it's not the Setting Sun that darkens their day it's the water itself blood is clouding the water around them as Aquaman turned into one of the infected hordes fights through the Warriors of Atlantis the blood seeps down filling the lungs of tempest with Mara trying to warn him but it's too late and Garth suddenly roars as his brain is altered by the infected blood his fingers begin to tear at the flesh of his face as Mara watches in horror the infected rushed towards her as she looks on with feel in her eyes and as she begins to swirl the waters using her power she screams out you will not take me she flees as all of Atlantis is consumed by the blood around her but back with Superman he flies towards Smallville he can't help but stop and aid the survivors that he passed along the way his breath saved a couple from the Horde and he later lifted up a school bus to safety along the way he also found black lightning and his family fighting an infected Clayface the villain fell quickly though Superman told the hero to head towards the Daily Planet finally he arrives at his family farm he arrives home Martha stands in the yard shovel in hand as she stares at the barn door where's paw he asks and his mother motions quietly to the barn before telling him he's inside gently Clark opens the door stepping inside of the cool building and beneath his feet he can hear his father banging on the hatch to the root cellar he reaches down snapping the lock without any effort and he opens the door to reveal his father crazed covered in a balada the man who raised him reaches for him thirsty for death and destruction Clark takes his arms sadness filling his face as he forces his father back into the cellar and he shuts the door his heat vision cuts through the door quickly he steps back outside his mother's standing there in tears crying it's time to go he tells her but she shakes her head we can't leave this is our home your father she begins to cry as Clark lifts her in his arms he isn't here MA he tells her as they leave the place that he grew up he isn't here you the streets of Washington DC are bright with fire and destruction deep below the earth captain Adams stands and the Cadmus headquarters looking at the dead body of an infected woman any word Amanda Waller asks behind him Adam shakes his head telling her that Ray Palmer is still inside of the woman trying to figure out a way to destabilize the virus from the inside but while urges shakes her head they've activated a plague protocol see satellite imagery has isolated the worst infected areas and we need you to start exercising the infection she tells him I'm sorry captain Adam flies over the city streets using his powers of radiation to burn the infection away his blast cuts through the creatures that line the streets but suddenly his eyes go wide Amanda something's inside me within the captain Adams body the infected or Ray Palmer continues to attack his bloodstream his eyes are crazed and his hands attack anything that gets close outside captain Adams screams as the infection attacks from within meanwhile back at the Daily Planet Clarke finally arrives with his mother for a brief moment John is happy asking about his grandfather but Martha only begins to cry and Lois moves in to comfort her briefly the family comes together in their grief embracing one another but afterwards Lois explains that they're almost ready to start broadcasting to any survivors I can't stop I have to get back out there Superman tells her in the group but Oliver puts his hand on the Man of Steel's shoulder we talked about it you can't Superman I understand that restraining you with my hand is entirely symbolic and I know that you can walk straight through me Diana steps forward telling Clark it's too dangerous for you to be out there if you saw a screen I won't Clark you're sure sir I've been using my x-ray vision from the nanosecond that I worked out what was causing this he tells her Diana finally nods letting Clark know that she's just gonna come with him Lois steps up finally broadcasting to as much of the world as they can reach this is Lois Lane of The Daily Planet I know the world looks like a nightmare if you can hear me I know you're scared but you are not alone around the world survivors huddle in the dark rooms polling closer their radios heroes weren't sure if they were the last ones feel a measure of hope villains who once planned to rule the world pause of the death and destruction before them we are regrouping the Justice League is gathering in Metropolis anyone with power or means to confront this please come to the Daily Planet roof if it is safe and if you are capable of doing so meanwhile on Amazon Island Maris stands before Queen Hippolyta having actually survived my city is gone my people are gone I didn't know where else to go she tells her Hippolyta steps forward reaching out an arm to the proud queen of Atlantis you are welcome and famous Kara behind them wonder woman stands listening to Lois's message and finally she turns to her mother as she questions where she's going metropolis Lois continues her message as Superman and black canary search for the heroes that might be able to give them more time I've seen them Clark tells her using his ability to find Wally West and Barry Allen he rips off the door to their bunker but Barry looks at him in fear we can't leave Superman Batman told us what to do if either one of us becomes infected it would spell disaster I can move you safely Dinah tells them Barry looks at our in surprise you're a Green Lantern now back in Gotham Harley stops and turns firing the shotgun down the alleyway the spread rips through the zombie birds of prey but it doesn't stop them she racks another shell squeezing the trigger but the weapon clicks empty Oh nuts she whispers but the birds are subtly thrown aside as vines wrap around them and poison ivy steps forward her vines crushing the zombies now that was pretty romantic Harley tells they're taking her hand crushing the undead is romantic the two head off into the city leaving the undead behind them come the Green will protect us ivy tells her and on the rooftop of The Daily Planet Lois begins her message once again but John stops her as he hears something it sounds like thunder he whispers it sounds like impending doom Oliver tells them trust me I've been doing this for a long time I have a finely tuned ear for the impending everyone's eyes grow big as Giganta pulls her way up the building the giant zombie reaching for the heroes Black Lightning and Green Arrow opened fire yelling for the others to push her back when suddenly missiles sail out of nowhere exploding against the giant creature Damien looks on shocked that's the batwing sails in but Giganta reaches out snagging the plane out of the sky it begins to spiral and crash but Dinah reaches up plucking it from the sky with a giant green hand Superman take her down she screams the mana still doesn't even slow barreling into the giant knocking her to the ground Superman move Wonder Woman orders that she flies in her sordid gleaming and ready to strike but Clark catches are stopping the attack are you serious Clark that is an undead giant I'm not giving it time to get back up but Clark tries to reason with the letting her know that there is still hope for saving everyone when subtly Giganta explodes into a shower of blood and guts cyborg stands there his hand cannon smoking from the shot that blew a hole in the giant zombies head she wasn't alive he tells them that Superman looks at him shunt none of them are We Need to Talk up on the rooftop Dinah gently lowers the batwing with Damian running over yelling for his father but that cockpit raises and it reveals Alfred Damian I'm sorry my son he tells the boys sadness at his eyes Alfred lowers the case opening it to the boy and inside there's a bat suit and Batman gear awaiting its heir who said you were worthy of it that he was proud of you and that he should have told you that every day tears begin to fill the eyes of Damian as he closes the distance between him and alpha and the to embrace on the rooftop special lenses are given to Wally and Barry to protect their eyes from accidentally looking at any screens but cyborg is there now trying to explain that these creatures aren't zombies amen the groans like a zombie and shuffles like a zombie Oliver starts but cyborg explains that the creatures are a blight an extension of the anti-life equation the blighted ones want to spread death nothing more he tells them Oliver calls out to Hawkgirl who suddenly drops out of the sky from above them her wings blackened and singed Wonder Woman grabs are asking what happened Captain Atom she tries to tell them he turned and he's going to blow in DC captain atom continues to pulse with power Superman and Wonder Woman's speed forward trying to stop him they reach out snagging the former hero in their arms Superman hold him Wonder Woman screams as the radiation hits them both but the heroes suddenly erupts the blast catching them both and it begins to spread outward destroying everything in its path the survivors in the Daily Planet watch as the blast radius crawls towards them black lightning reaching for its family pulling them close close your eyes he tells them hold onto me and the light fills their world until that is all there is Superman and Wonder Woman float over the remains of Washington DC the city's scorched the smoking landscape below them metropolis Superman whispers in the to take off at top speed the city passes beneath them destroyed by the dying blasts of Captain Atom when they arrive in the city though they find the remains of the Daily Planet floating in a bright green ball Clark reaches out and within the orbit Lois presses her hand against her husband's suddenly from below a voice calls out reaching Superman's ears Superman Lex calls the Man of Steel floats down to his greatest enemy his eyes burning with anger Lex by Rao if you so much as he snarls but Lex holds up his hands offering a truce with his former enemy I'm not here to Lex begins but he can't finish as he falls to his knees look what happened to our city tears in his eyes days pass and the heroes work to stop the spread with flash taking out the internet speeding around the globe destroying all of the servers in space Diana works to take out every major broadcasting device her sword destroying the floating satellites next she has the famous Kara where she convinces her mother to open up the island to the survivors of the world we're supposed to be their protectors it is time that we offered protection here she tells them with her agreement Superman Wonder Woman and mera used their powers to lift more of the seafloor creating more landmass on amazon island in gotham the jungle grew around the city walling it off against the infection Dinah Damien and Oliver arrived hoping to convince poison ivy to accept more refugees in her jungle safe haven let me do the talking Damien tells him clad in his bat suit are you sure you're not exactly a people person Oliver asks I'm he's not exactly people suddenly there's a roar behind them and the creature that was once killed a croc leaps from the bushes arrows and batarangs fly but it is the vines that pierce his flesh which finally ended the monster the vines have encircle the heroes but Damien orders his friends not to hurt the plants good call bad boy Harley smiles as the gate opens to reveal her poison ivy why are you here why is Robin dressed as a tiny Batman IV asks pulling Damian closer Batman's gone he tells her the two villains look surprised and even ivy turns a sad eye to the boy I'm sorry she tells him once they are freed Damian asks the villain the baby allowed to bring the survivors to her jungle to be protected from the plague Harley smiles admitting that she has been trying to convince ivy to do just that but poison ivy crosses her arms saying there will be rules elsewhere cyborg and Luthor are able to set up close communications setting the fortress of solitude as a new information hub and the remaining heroes of Earth gather there this is quite an impressive victory Luthor admits why have we never worked it together before you kept trying to kill me and my friends cyborg tells him sure but in my defense that was before I realized you could be useful Green Arrow joins the duo asking what they are working on as cyborg aleene's over his blueprints the to look up telling him that they are plans for arcs each arc can hold 7 million people Lex tell Superman as the hero joins them but Superman just looks at him sternly we're not leaving Superman I am the most intelligent person on the planet Lex suddenly stops and looks over his shoulder at cyborg wait - Batman is dead yes yes cyborg nods right so then I'm the most intelligent person on the planet and I'm telling you the world is over if the human race is going to survive we have to leave the earth anger fills Superman's voice and he tells him we are not leaving the earth if we can help it like subtly smiles realizing what this means losing two home worlds in one lifetime how careless the Lois is there her fist cracking the villain across the jump open your mouth against my husband again and I will smash it closed understood she stomps away turning to see Jon and Damian smiling at her uh violence is not the answer Jon she tells him and the boy of Steel looks at his friend and he smiles looked like a pretty good answer to me weeks pass and survivors are brought to Gotham and that mascara construction of the arch also begins with the heroes of mourning those that were lost but as time passes in the fortress the heroes begin to twitch as buzzing fills their ears the buzz ruts into a scream and some of them begin to fall to the ground when suddenly Lexus cut in half his body falling to the floor to spray him flash whirls around trying to see their attacker martian manhunter suddenly appears slashing him across the back drawing blood quickly the heroes trying to defend themselves but it is firestorm whose voice can be heard move he orders as the flames around him flare up and the blast shoots across the room cutting through the man hunter the monster dies melting in an amorphous pile but Wally suddenly turns Barry where did Barry go where is the flash Superman looks outward using his super vision he's running he tells him and Wally nods preparing to sprint after him but Clark stops him turning with a look of determination in his eyes I'll go do you think you can even catch him Oliver asks no the flash now infected is running through the world at SuperSpeed infecting those that have managed to survive in orbit Superman looks it down at the world below still despite the death and destruction that now spreads across it he asks over the comms he is promised me I promise Superman Superman nods and begins to fly picking up speed as he goes over the columns cyborg asks how the Man of Steel intends to catch the fastest man alive but Clark just tells him I don't have to I just need to fly in the opposite direction and beat him head on sadness fills the Man of Steel as he smashes through the flash sending bones blood and flesh scattering destroying him in one second he turns looking back on the mist that was his friend only moments ago Barry I'm so sorry but then he stops and he looks down and he realizes the Flash's bones and fingers had pierced his skin even now the Man of Steel are one beacon of hope can feel the infection taking over he moves fast crossing the world in seconds returning to the fortress and he stops telling Wally that he's sorry for what happened to Barry he asks him if he can connect him to the Speed Force so Wally not seeing that Superman doesn't have very long and Superman goes to his family bah thank you for finding before raising me or teaching me forgiving me your name your values and your empathy he tells Martha the bring her in close my world ended in you and PHA give me another one next he turns the Lois's wipe tears filling her eyes as he pulls her close I don't know how I got so lucky I crossed an ocean of stars and somehow I found you thank you for choosing me he tells her finally he turns to his son who's already crying I know things look dark but you are the light you are the hope you were gonna change the universe I know it he tells his son no pressure he smiles us tears spill out of his eyes I've seen so much of the universe and you're the best thing in it John with those final words superman rockets out of the fortress and into space and as he clears the atmosphere he looks into the cold void of space and suddenly stops his eyes go wide he took too long the blight suddenly takes him and he roars and anger in space and suddenly his eyes burn with heat and he turns back to the earth no longer our beacon of hope but now the beacon of our nightmares he is faster than a speeding bullet more powerful than a locomotive able to leap tall buildings in a single bound and as cold rain falls on what is left of New York City two people look up and they smile for Superman always inspired hope but their smiles of Hope soon turn to stun the looks of feel as the Man of Steel plummets towards the earth the people can't see his crazed eyes or the blood leaking out of his ears they hear the guttural screams of a rage he smashes earthward hard destroying the world's largest residential building with a an earth-shattering quake that wipes out most of New York in seconds the end has begun in the fortress of solitude the remaining heroes have gathered around cyborg if Superman is turned it's over it's just over the Ark's already if we leave Earth now he tells the but Lois shakes her head Superman can take down both arks in a heartbeat we have to take him on Wonder Woman agrees and it is Black Lightning who questions how they can stop the most powerful being on the planet with this Damian tells him holding of a small case from his utility belts with Superman's symbol on it Batman left to take down plan for every major hero David explains and Green Arrow steps forward mildly amused of course he did Batman doesn't even have to be alive to scheme against us all Damian pauses for a moment actually he didn't have one for you Oliver stopped short shocked that Bruce didn't even think that he was dangerous you're hurt because Batman didn't have a post-mortem Machiavellian plan to end you Dinah asks well yeah I could be a planetary threat if I wanted to be arrow tells her crossing his arms pouting just a little of course you could dear Damian removes the container showing the Kryptonite to the group within are also a set of schematics that sidebar can use to create a kryptonite gas that will slow down Superman that's not enough Wonder Woman state stepping forward Bruce is a lot of things but he was never lethal it was admirable but we can't hold back now she tells the group Dinah steps forward asking if she has a plan of course you think Batman is the only one with enough sense to plot against his friends she turns ordering Dinah and cyborg to follow her where the others go would begin to load the arcs the three heroes moved through the fortress of solitude deep within they find Superman's porch where Wonder Woman begins to create her hammer rings through the icy fortress and she forges a weapon that could kill a god from beyond the stuns and while she works she explains that Clark is most vulnerable to kryptonite and magic and that she and her mother believed that they could combine the two are you sure that it'll work Dinah asks watching as the warrior combines her sword with the kryptonite this is the sword of Athena Athena was a war goddess we fight of everything she tells them the hammer ringing she was the goddess of crafts we have fused mythology with an element from a world that no longer exists the blade dips into the icy waters cooling and sizzling The Wonder Woman holds it before her lass she was the goddess of mathematics we are fighting an equation this is not a coincidence I believe we hold fate in our hands with their work done the three heroes fly to try and save the last people of their worlds and got them the last civilians are loaded onto the ark with Damien turning to Wally telling him that it's time to go but I he steps forward shaking her head I am not abandoning the green she tells him and harley is at her side smiling and I'm not abandoning her minutes go by in the to watch hand-in-hand as the ark leaves them behind and Thamus Kara green arrow calls are the last of the survivors to get on board and as they wait Queen Hippolyta and Queen mera are interrupted as one of the Amazons points to the strange storm rolling from the sea briefly Mara stares and stunned fear before speaking to the queen of the Amazons move the evacuation to high ground ready your warriors around the ark and the refugees is it a storm a bullet - asks no it is a tempest the water settle the churun and break as mighty tentacled beasts rise out of the ocean depths the creature roars into the storm and hundreds of Atlanteans taken by the anti-life equation boil out of the sea the Kraken Mara hisses when the creatures back Aquaman appears with his own a roar of rage and pain mixing with an army of undead the one that he commands his cries are cut off as an arrow Pierce's his eye though dead he plummets from the monsters back and into the ocean below and Batman didn't think I could be dangerous green arrow whispers his bow at hand just fired an arrow half a mile and raging winds into the brain of the undead king of the sea while he's controlling it damned Kraken screw you Pam an appalling two orders her warriors to assemble as Mara tries to hold off the rest of the undead horde with her water magic the two queens stand side by side trying to hold off the tide of the dead they are not alone without fear of the Amazons of that mascara crash into the dead of the deep and in New York Superman roars his heat vision flashing out destroying all that is around him he wasn't that hard to find Dinah notes as they fly over the ruins of the city cyborg confirms that no one is alive and Dinah nods then I don't have to hold back she says creating a megaphone with her ring to amplify her canary cry the piercing shriek shakes the ground around them and the shock waves crash into the Man of Steel who falls to his knees but over in thymus Cara the Amazons continue their battle their blades hacking into the undead Atlanteans fists and feet' lash out and arrows bind to their targets as the brave warriors tried to hold back the tide but they begin to fall with every bite and scratch the virus is transmitted it and another warrior joins the ranks of the undead Green Arrow keeps firing holding the doors the last of the refugees gets on board he yells for Mara telling the Queen that they need to leave and her fist punches through another undead Amazons she shouts back but Oliver motions to the vast army of the undead that fight below them Mara there's no extracting them from that he tells her sadness in his voice on the beach apologist this throw more Atlantean decide as she orders Wonder Girl to retreat the Queen knows that she won't be leaving this Beach and in a brief moment she hands her crown to the young girl tell my daughter that the promise that that mascara is hers to honor now the young girl nods flying from the battle to join the arc and on the beach below the battle rages on the Amazon stayed so that millions could flee and eventually they fell they fell fighting paradise held off oblivion and in New York Superman has begun his battle with the canary cry slowly gaining ground on Dinah her radio crackles and Oliver tells her that the arcs are way dinah can't hold out her cry and Superman charges smashing against the green shield that she has thrown up cyborg fires a shot hoping to hold the Man of Steel off but Superman's grasp begins to crack the shield suddenly diana is there her kryptonite laced sword slicing through the arm of Superman she rears back stabbing into his chest and the Man of Steel roars and pain with his fist punching through her stomach Dinah screams as Wonder Woman falls to the earth and cyborg watches us Superman rockets into the sky chasing after the Arts the two heroes gather around Diana on the ground blood coughing through her lips he's seen the Arts she tells them her words straining you have to stop him she tells Dinah handing her the sword Green Canary stares down at the weapon in her hands before finally turning to Vic it's okay I'll stay with her he tells his friend and Dinah tries to tell him that he can't stay but Vic shakes his head the virus started with me Dinah I was never coming with you in space jon and damien stand at the viewport looking down at the earth below them he's coming my dad John tells his friend and the two friends look panicked at each other can you do anything Damian asks look after my mom the young boys share a final hug you're gonna be a great Batman buddy John whispers Lois tries to stop her son but John knows what to do revealing the shield on his chest the last beacon of hope he rocket into space John is the only one standing between the last survivors of Earth and extinction his father would be so proud the to Kryptonians rocket towards each other connecting in the darkness of space the force of the blow echoing throughout the void but Superman is only stunned as John drifts away but that moment was all that they needed Dinah flies forward prepared to fight and end this battle she readies the sword but suddenly she's bathed in green light attention Green Lantern of sector to a per wing chimes more Green Lantern's swarm around her coming to her aid seriously Dinah guy garner ask her the smile I leave you alone for one month and the whole place goes to hell Dinah questions what is happening and one of the Guardians explains that the lanterns are quarantine earth it you know isn't great because this is our space sector losing our whole world kind of reflects very badly upon us Gardner notes dinah is shocked that he is still joking at a time like this hey I might not have the incredible willpower of Hal Jordon or the studying creativity of Kyle Rayner but I have a master of masking my emotional terror with jokes he tells her the lanterns all turn to see the undead Menace steel floating before them what is Superman doing guy asks Dinah tells them that the creature is thinking trying to decide if it can take them all on the monster stares at them silent for a few moments and then it turns and it flies away the lanterns give chase but the monster disappears into the Sun the guardian orders the lanterns to stop and deep within the Sun the monster stretches absorbing the energy from the star it's feeding draining the Sun the Guardians explained in time this entire solar system will be cold and died Dinah floats next to him questioning whether the lanterns are going to let this happen even the Green Lantern's lightest not powerful enough to reach into the heart of a star the Guardian explains when the Sun dies the virus will sleep the lanterns will monitor the situation as needed and finally the core will provide escort as the arts make their way into deep space searching for a new home for Humanity on earth sigh rod watches as Wonder Woman roars in a rage her eyes dead now I have a question cyborg shouts tightening is hold in the lasso of truth can you speak Wonder Woman stops her thrashing and she straightens up we have a voice she growls he asks if there's a way to stop them we are death nothing can stop us you are a virus can you be cured yes the rain falls around the maasai Borg asks where the cure is the monster that was Wonder Woman struggles and he tightens his grip further where she stops again the cure is in you cyborg as stunned as she explains that Vic is both man and machine off and on patient zero the one the Alpha and the Omega Vic drops the lasso looking into the sky he needs to tell the Ark's Wonder Woman roars wrapping her arms around his head twisting it with all her strength she throws the head away letting the body fall to the ground life is fleeting that is the only truth the monster whispers death is eternal the Ark's travel on the lanterns provide support and eventually John and Lois stand before one of the viewpoints a tear in her eyes as her and her son book out the window looking at the world that lays before them they look over this new worlds their fresh beginning their earth - they are finally safe the monsters are all behind them now the boom tube opens in the midst of the vast destruction it's true Barda says to mr. miracle apocalypse the whole planet god is dead miracle nots bowing his head for a moment knowing that his father is dead how do you feel Barda asked Sam and Scott looks at her for a moment honestly pretty good he tells her with a smile they kiss a mist of the destruction before turning back to their to leaving the planet of apocalypse to its own devices they need to go back to earth and face what God has unleashed upon them Captain Boomerang is pushing against his restraints his eyes dead and blood covering his body some from the cuts all over some from his victims mister terrific's tears down at the creature deep in thought no response to audio or visual stimuli he says it of the recorder no reaction to touch or pain no noticeable change after second exposure to virus he taps a few buttons on his screens noting that he has 14 PhDs but he is still stumped an alarm beeps and terrific tells his recorder that they have to go to the source and he launches himself out the window on the streets the creatures see the man leave and shamble after him Barda and Scott stare at the window do we just like go out and start hitting Scott they turn as an ox sounds at the door and Barda moves to answer it with Scott grabbing her hand asking what are you doing I don't think the undead knock that politely she smiles at him and Scott thinks that it only sounds like a knob it could be a bloody stump a banging at the door and in the doorbell rings the bloody stump found the doorbell she smiles answering the door revealing terrific standing there explaining that he was tracking the plane of her apocalyptan tech and got a spike when they arrived Scott comes out with a veggie platter because you always celebrate with a veggie platter mister terrific explains that he's been studying the virus and his TV's er shields him from its effect did you know that it would do that Scott asks him know you're one of the smartest men on the planet and you just got lucky yes terrific explains that he needs to go back to apocalypse to find a cure for this virus but Barda tells him that the place is destroyed then we move on to other plants later at Kord industries Booster Gold and Blue Beetle stand ready the door being pounded on by the undead okay the door is solid titanium Ted tells us friend when suddenly it explodes inward and the dust settles revealing big Barda hi she says leaping back outside to join the fight with the zombies do you want some help booster calls out but mister terrific's t spheres cut through most of the zombies and the others are quickly dispatched no I'd say we're good she tells him it's good to see you Barda Ted tells her you too I'd give you a hug but I'm covered in undead bits she smiles I have a part of an ear in my tights mr. miracle notes later the group is flying overhead in the bug blue beetles airship it really is the end of the world isn't it you know it's looking down at the sea of the undead that team beneath them I still hope we have a say in that terrific tells them all Bardhaman asks why they don't go to the Justice League but terrific shakes his head he doesn't want to be around if one of the most powerful beings on the planet gets infected by the antic life equation terrific tell them that the origin of the virus is gone so the next choice is to turn to magic magic is like notoriously unreliable what if it's a dead end Ted asks terrific is quiet for a moment before answering there is a third option but it could go badly and Liverpool John Constantine runs down the streets hordes of undead chasing him down jazz he screams jumping into the backseat of his friend's cab jazz start the car he slams the door shut barring the undead for a moment but then he stares in shock as Chas turns to him from the front blood covers his face from where he tore his own skin and rage is filling his eyes the creature reaches upper constantine growling oh mate I'm so sorry John tells him calmly his eyes burning with mystical fire he mutters a spell and his friend burst into flames burning to ash before him John pulls himself into the front seat if the monsters continue to hammer on the windows he peels down the street leaving the Horde behind him for a moment before slamming into another car oh why didn't I learn to drive he groans the Horde swarms around his car but suddenly they burst into flames John stairs around momentarily stunned John Constantine mister terrific calls and the lights of the bug John smiles rolling down the window why can't you people have like regular names he asks I mean mister terrific what kind of error and Saad is comfortable walking around with that hanging over him John steps out sitting on the hood of the car is the undead burn around him are you okay just got ask some peachy just set my best man on fire crashes car while sitting on his ashes how's your date going my planet is destroyed all right it's not a competition mister terrific tells John that they can't find a technological solution for the problem and they're hoping that he had a magical one you think I can just click my fingers and make this all go away John asks waving his hands at the carnage around them he shakes his head telling them but this is beyond magic you're not going to help terrific asks I'm gonna hiding it so irresponsibly drunk that I can hardly feel anything care to join me we have a world to save right off you pop and do that then John tells them the group turned to go flying away in the bug with Ted watching from the window as John moves his hands casting a portal and stepping through it our magician just stepped through a portal and vanished yes it's option three terrific sighs and the group turns questioning what their third option could be it's you he says pointing at booster Booster Gold I believe you're the only person who can save humanity booster stairs him you're supposed to be a great thinker think better terrific looks at him you own a time machine Ted turns to his friend asking where is your time machine since a vans dedi booster tells him and later the bug hovers over the home of fire and ice in Malibu well this doesn't look good booster notes staring down at the destruction below him bar denotes that it looks like they fought hard but there's no way of knowing if they're still alive time mr. miracle yells a warning as he sees fire flying towards them her body ablaze covered in blood she slams into the bug hard knocking it out of the sky in a green blaze Barda kicks the door free yelling for the group to get to the house so Barda and Scott hold the zombies at bay yelling for the others to run fire an ice appear and the two heroes begin to become overwhelmed with Barda yelling out there are too many knocking ice away from her we can always escape Scott tells her his kick connecting with fire stomach but they can't they need to hold off the hoard to save the world we have to give booster a chance to save the universe Scott tells her as he lashes out on another creature what a ridiculous statement Barda notes as they fight the creature slashes the Scott knee Falls Bart catches them in her arms but if he can turn back time if he could find a way he gasps as the Horde closes in on them are your last words really going to be quoting cher Marta asks holding her love in her arms Scott reaches out caressing Bardis cheek I like cher he whispers the Horde crashes in him around them and they lost it a sea of the undead inside the team runs through the building blasting the undead as they pass with Booster leading them into the basement but he stops short but he sees the being standing before his time machine Michael Carter Waverider tells them his arms crossed over his chest you will not be permitted to change time meanwhile over at the pocket dimension of the Oblivion bar John Constantine sits at the counter what can I get for you John Bubba the chimp asks John nods pointing over the chimps shoulder give me the bottle from the top shelf that made the Phantom Stranger forget his name he tells him and John stares at the bottle for a moment if we're cursing and getting to his feet tell anyone who asks that I was out of my scone when I decided to do this he calls over his shoulder when he heads for the door where are you going Bobo asks Appiah bloody hero back with our heroes at the time-machine Waverider are standing before they hear us the flames of his head shifting in the room as he blocks the time machine Waverider is a guardian of time preventing any changes to the timeline you are under arrest Michael Carter the machine will be confiscated oi John calls portaling into the chamber and a swirl of magical energy take a look Sparkle face can you see my future he asks crossing his arms Waverider stairs of the man confusion crossing his features no john nods crossing the room telling the being watch my hand this is called misdirection he tells them in ear ears back head budding Waverider the being falls clutching his broken nose yeah you didn't see that coming did you Time Lord he smirks turning to the group his hands glowing with magic do what you - I'll hold off shiny hair here he tells them but suddenly the walls explode Edward and Barta emerges she launches herself at John Constantine terrific knocks the woman off of Constantine trying to throw her away but barda's handle lashes out slashing mister terrific across the stomach bloody hell John whispers with beetle yelling for boosted her go now to use the time machine booster struggles to move but he falls what's wrong get up Ted yells at his friend it is as it should be Waverider tells them and he explains that they ever reach to the end that kal-el has found Barry Allen in the destruction of Keystone City Teddy booster groans bringing his friend over I think we just lost the future I don't think I was ever born he mumbles and booster begins to fade from existence as Ted yells for him to hold on I'm sorry I'll never get to know you booster whispers as he fades away Ted stares and sadness and we're his friend once was but Barda is there knocking him away slashing into him it's time for me to go Waverider says staring at the mass of monsters you get to just walk away you're happy that this is the timeline you chose to protect John asks him the portal opens and Waverider begins to walk through and he turns back to the magician no I am far from happy goodbye John Constantine I don't know if we'll ever meet again Oh we'll meet again I'll find you John promises and he suddenly snaps out his hand grasping the Waverider who is frozen what have you done why can't I move because you're bound to me I can see the future John tells about the undead close in on them it's short the monsters lash out and Waverider is cut down blood spurting out of his body John turns to the [ __ ] as they close in around him waiting for death but suddenly the creatures stop moving that a voice yells he turns to see a portal opening up to reveal dr. fate it cetana dr. fate breaches at his hand John Constantine there's not your time another feat awaits John lashes are cracking feet across the helmet then he clutches his hurt hand in frustration brute force cannot hurt the hell fate tells him John holds out his hands motioning to the death around I get a last-second rescue but the real heroes had to die he asks and faint explains that Bobo told them where he had gone I'm sorry that we didn't get here any sooner fades eyes glow as he stares in the magician the world is ending John Constantine we must prepare for what comes next the Lords of order and chaos can eat a bag of bollocks John interrupts them the world isn't over until I say it is and there you have it a full story of deceased I hope you guys enjoyed and I hope you got the message of the book that basically if zombies take over we are screwed either way thank you so much your support and thank you for sticking around at the ending of this extra-long video really does help our channel out you just sticking around watching even if you weren't fully paying attention at certain points or just let it roll in the background a lot of these things really do help us and I really appreciate you thank you so much and I'll see you next time right here [Music] [Music]
Channel: Comicstorian
Views: 1,897,094
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: comicstorian, comic books, dc, dc entertainment, marvel, storytelling, full story, dc universe, justice league, comic theories, avengers, superhero, injustice, miles morales, deadpool kills the marvel universe, batman, gwenpool, godspeed, doom patrol, marvel zombies, spider man, wonder woman, green lantern, comic book, world breaker hulk, doomsday clock, the flash, comics, zombies, cyborg, darkseid, dc zombies, dc comics
Id: EWCRaoq9JKk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 40sec (3580 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 23 2019
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