Deadpool "Last Days of Deadpool, Bucket List" - Legacy Complete Story | Comicstorian

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deadfall has had a storyline that has been going on for a very long time now it's known as the Gerry Dugan run for a Deadpool that is the main storyline I'm gonna give you the link down below but it has basically led to Deadpool working with shield Deadpool then becoming a member of shield and trying to become a superhero discovering that he has a daughter working with a potential family to raise his daughter while then leading an Avengers team and then eventually all of that went to crap because of secret Empire and him killing Phil Coulson now the entire Marvel Universe is out to get Deadpool because he killed Phil Coulson enjoy some of deadfalls final moments in the universe [Music] and our last video we watched as Deadpool was tasked by cables evil clone strife to kill four specific people starting with cable himself though Deadpool managed to kill cable it was an alternate timeline cable who was already on his deathbed upset that the situation had been manipulated strife told Deadpool that the next three people that he needs to kill will have to be in this timeline or his family dies as the employees of a text or groan in pain Deadpool opens up a laptop telling strife to go ahead strife asks are we on a secure line and that pulls us sure just give me the next name so I get this over with his drive tells them all right the next person that you need to kill is a short while later at the Daily Bugle Deadpool wearing a terrible strife costume yells Irene Merryweather it is ice strife cables evil twin and I have come bear Irene looks up from her desk telling the person that she's in the phone wit that she's going to have to call them back a guard grabs a Deadpool and laughs okay let's go shredder Deadpool spins are run punching the guard yelling I had to me you knave and Irene asks if this is a fit for something as cable in trouble dead full sizes of that he's really sorry about this he stabs our reading in the chest the next day at the mall Deadpool holds up a newspaper with the headline masked lunatic kills one of our own with a picture of Irene on it strife tells him good now on to the third you're young Brendan future apocalypse Evans summoner must die Deadpool grabs his gun and shoots the laptop shouting absolutely no way is Evan going to die but if the night comes Deadpool tries to figure out what to do kill Evan the child that he killed once brought back to life and is now practically The Godfather four or let le died his own actual daughter either one of them tying is really an option so rather than face the problem he decides to pay a visit to the one person who started all of this the hail Hydra Captain America Steven Rogers as Steven sleeps in his cell he wakes up to the sound of Deadpool whispering wakey-wakey Steven looks at a snake on his chest and Deadpool says that he figured that he would like serpents so you brought up one a shame the poor chimpanzee with a revolver couldn't make it not even acknowledging the snake Steven sighs telling him I was wondering when you would show up oh and how you've regarded how our new American Empire ended Deadpool shouts and did how about how it began I killed Coulson for you even before hearing you say the words hail Hydra and because of that you're going to tell the prosecutors that it was an order from you and clear my name Stephen tells him rather than incriminate myself I would like to exercise my Fifth Amendment and not talk deadpool yells asking is this our other people feel when they talk to me it's like I'm losing my mind if Maria Hill hadn't betrayed me none of this would've happened Stephen says on that point we can agree Maria Hill has much to answer for either I'm a lie or the world around me is but Deadpool stands there worst evil looking at him and he smiles asking why are you really here is it because you're not being honest with yourself and you're going to help me escape Deadpool starts laughing he pulls out a small canister and because to shake it he pours the contents into the toilet stating my life is ruined I'm gonna repay the favor since you're going to rot in prison for a thousand years I'm gonna rob you of the one thing that you have here sleep Steven grabs the snake off his chest crushing its head and throws it against a wall as he watches Deadpool leave and Deadpool calls back also I'm taking something else your toilet have fun crap it in the corner just then the orange gas starts to rise out of the toilet and a few seconds later it shatters flooding the cell with water as Deadpool leaves he steps through the metal bars that he cut and he looks at the chimpanzee Caleb and he tells him that he's sorry in retrospect he should have given him rollerskates now he's just trained a chimpanzee to shoot a revolver for nothing he turns back to the tied up guard yelling next time you want to shoot someone shoot them I'm gonna be breaking into this prison a lot over the next couple of years Deadpool then heads outside to his getaway ride at his getaway ride a hot-air balloon he pulls the lever and as the balloon because the liftoff heels up up and away but as he slowly escapes some of the prison guards spot him they opened fire on the slow-moving object he rolls over in the basket as it fills up holes shouting you missed suckers and a hot air balloon lazily floats away and that hits a power line exploding instantly meanwhile as news of dead pulls break and spreads rogue listens in size stating that she's trying to ignore him but now he has her full attention the next day two guards keeping watch over the city begin to see something in the sky the first guard yells that it's a Helicarrier and the other says oh hell we under attack again and as they get a closer look they see that it's him up in the sky Deadpool is flying his newly acquired Helicarrier shouting come on New York come and get me the second guard asks if they should call it in the first tells him no it's just dead full we just ignore him go away Deadpool looks down at the guards doing nothing and he says that it looks like they found out ignoring him his his kryptonite just then there's a green flash that shoots by punching Deadpool off the ledge barely giving him enough time to catch himself he looks up and says hello sugar and drogue tells him don't give me any sass I'm not in the mood Deadpool asks she's here to pick up where they left off I must say I do like a little warm-up before the rough stuff she have ridges down to help dead pull-ups dating a swing and a Miss I'm here to take you in so he tells her if that's the case then I'm afraid I got a bounce and he lets go off the ledge she watches it says that she should let it happen but she flies down grabbing Deadpool before he hits the ground he tells her that he always knew that he would be safe in her arms and Roeg says that strike two let's go as she does dead pulls body slingshots into a fish truck and he asks did you know that you were throwing me into the stinky truck she tells him yeah she had a choice between this or a pillow truck so she went with this one she lets the truck to slide Deadpool out and as she does dead pulling to brake for trying to jump over Rowe grabs him by the leg slamming him back onto the ground stating that if he would just work with them he can probably get a lighter sentence Deadpool then jumps up and shouts you're just like the rest everyone's always trying to control me you never cared about me and I never cared about you I would never date anyone who dated gambit Deadpool punches rogue a few times in the face clearly not doing anything to her and she tells him that she doesn't need to have a makeup party with him to know that that's a lie how did they beat the skull she saw the good the bad and the ugly and she knows that he's the type of guy who would go through hell for his friends and right now he's just pushing everyone away Deadpool stops is as well shut up you're right hell I would even probably date camp it but I wouldn't want to make it weird between us she laughs asking do you know why there isn't anything between us Deadpool says because I killed it bro tells him deader than Colson but just then rogue punches dead full shouting that was for Coulson the force of the punch launches Deadpool into the air and up into a nearby he gets up stating that they would have been so good together she flies up telling him yeah two unkillable people just hurting each other non-stop Deadpool then reaches into one of his pouches and says speaking of invulnerability catch he throws a small thermite bomb into rogues face and tells her a blindness should be temporary or at least I hope it is or maybe this could be a new origin story for you he grabs his grappling gun and takes a am telling her I'm sorry I know I blew it with you and bro gills no you blew it for yourself just make sure you keep the promise to the girl don't let my sins keep you from doing the right thing if she needs you be there rogue tells them they will I don't have many new mutants as rogue here's the wire retracting she swings aimlessly yelling but she will see him again she will find him and Deadpool tells her if no doubt go easy on I'm gonna be a very different guy than goodbye anna-marie she quietly says goodbye wait and then wanders off to the water tower to wash her face up a voice asks if she's gonna be alright and she tells the person that he's late they just missed dead the boys asks if she's hurt she says the only thing that is hurtin is her pride she just said to try and get through to him he was her friend before everything went to hell but anyway she's neck deep and x-men stuff the boy says they completely understand his rogue flies away Captain America tells her leave Deadpool to me Deadpool is a mess that I need to clean up a short while later in another part of town madcap sings and dances at the Schaeffer theatre to finally ruin Deadpool's life except the theaters already been destroyed at heels of all the rotten luck The Avengers old pals musta beat me to it come dancing mob let's go find Deadpool you don't know who madcap is he's dead people's actual arch nemesis in this entire arc there's many videos in the playlist that involved deadpool fighting against him and madcap trying to get back at deadpool it's madcap trying to kill Deadpool's family that started this entire situation with stripe because as madcap tried to kill Deadpool's family he had to contact somebody in the future to help him a cable was unavailable so he had to get ahold of stripe who is now sending Deadpool off to go kill other people as a way to return the favor of saving Deadpool's family anyway madcap sings and dances over to the president's home and finds that it too has been destroyed and he's confused huh something really bad must have happened after stopping by a coffee shop to read the secrets of the secret empire madcap says oh oh something really bad did happen madcap then tosses the book into the trash stating that sucks I wanted to destroy Deadpool's life not turn the rubble of his life into a slightly smaller pile of rubble dead pulled in shouts you thought you could destroy me I say nay and Deadpool runs madcap over with a horse and carriage mad cat starts laughing telling him the hat looks like you're given the horse a ride be careful anyone he gets close to Deadpool doesn't live very long Deadpool then start shooting madcap asking and whose fault is that you're the one who tried to kill my family as Deadpool jumps off the horse and begins to panic and it runs out into traffic getting hit by a car and mad capper poops Deadpool on the nose OOP see what I mean now I should be off to go beat that dead horse Deadpool pulls out his katanas and cuts Madcaps arm off telling him this time I prepare feet I went to space looking for a weapon that would kill you madcap grabs his arm and reattaches it telling people ha that's so thoughtful of you Deadpool pulls out a small device pressing the button telling him to shut up you're about to get the ending that you deserve as Deadpool hits the button madcap begins to fight back hitting Deadpool in the throat then kicking him in the face the to go back and forth hitting each other until finally a bright light appears Deadpool rubs his eyes after being poked in them and he says meet the collector the collector says ah an indestructible clown at the same time both Deadpool and madcap look back asking yes the collector tells Rihanna to go please test the specimen Breanna tells him of course and pulls it a sword cutting off Mad Catz head he catches his own head laughing and Rhiannon says that they'll see if he can survive this suddenly madcap bursts into flames and as the flames go out madcap pops on his original form stating tada the collector then encases madcap in a clear box stating that the specimen it's just as Deadpool said let us leave Deadpool starts laughing stating who thought you could destroy me like that would ever happen now you're going to spend an eternity as some nut Birds private Zoo mad calves eyes light up like stars that he says I've always wanted to go to space and I love zoos Deadpool yells I quit wait what madcap shrugs stating I'm actually bored of this I just wanted to make your life a living hell but this this is perfect Deadpool yells to the collector to Wayne the collector tells him not this unique and wonderful light form will make a fine addition to my collection madcap laughs yelling Thank You Deadpool for releasing me Berger terrible orbit I owe it all to you and then the collector and madcap disappear with Deadpool sighing that his plane did not go according to plan many here's a pay phone ringing he picks it up at asks are they like ringing phone booths in his area actually never mind who's next don't say Evan Streiff tells him to look up was a picture of the target there's no getting out of this one more screw up the kid dies Deadpool reaches up to see a picture taped to the ceiling and as he pulls it down he sees it seven later that stormy night a young boy runs through the streets and is accidentally bumping into a couple he falls and the woman asks if he's okay Oh God Evan with a dart in his shoulder looks up and tells the couple that they need to run away Deadpool trying to kill me and the woman tells him we won't let him do that the man asks what are they going to do about it Deadpool hits the man and the woman in the back of the head telling them you're going to do nothing he puts his sword away and Evan asks what happened to my powers Deadpool points a gun at Evan and he says you were hit with the drug to suppresses them don't struggle it'll be over in just a moment Evan that asks did I do something wrong this is something that I'm going to do and Deadpool tells him no it's all on me this time meanwhile over at Strife's hideout he quietly says come on and a second later the genesis marker on his map of mutant speeds and he presses a button just then Deadpool teleported to the hideout and stripe tells him well done shooting the boy must have been hard Deadpool coldly tells him no it was it give me the next name and you better hope that we never meet again strife pushes the button to send Deadpool away telling him this one's going to be easy it's a civilian named marionette Nelson as Deadpool teleports back to the streets the couple starts to wake up and he just knocks them back out before heading into a back alley Deadpool smacks a human Evan telling of wake up I owe you an explanation and Evan yells what'd you do what did you do Deadpool tells him you're a real boy now but don't sweat it it's not permanent it's a drug developed by scientist named Butler it suppresses extra genes for a short while it was a brilliant man until I murdered him to death come on did you really think I was going to kill you if you really thought I was going to kill you you would have called the x-men right Evans a demand says I did at a second later Colossus burst through the wall punching Deadpool through another wall and into a sporting goods store Deadpool groan stating I like that guy better in the movies and then Kitty Pryde phases in telling him that he's taking every ounce of her self-control not to phase him into the ground Deadpool gets up and charges at her telling her sorry but I'm late for a blind date or a date to the plight I haven't really decided yet kitty grabs a bat and Deadpool tells her I've been hit with more bats than you can count and Kitty tells it oh I'm not gonna swing it she faces the bat inside of Deadpool's chest and then let's go and let's it turns back to solid Deadpool screams out in pain he continues to run and Kitty grabs him by the shoulder just as he's about to jump through a window he then yells don't do me like this and Kitty then shouts hush now and she lets go Deadpool becomes solid in the glass and he screams again falling to the ground with the pieces of glass still inside of him he gets up yelling oh god he's glass in my ass and Evan asks why Colossus tells him it doesn't matter and Evan says no it does why did you do it and Deadpool sits up telling him he'd kill Ellie hell he may still kill her when he finds out that I didn't kill you but I'm doing it for the girl Colossus gets ready to hit Deadpool again but Evan tells him to wait Deadpool Dan pulls the bat out of his chest stating it's my daughter she's gonna be a mutant one day that is if she survives being my kid and Kitty yells you're wanted for murder you're not walking away from this Deadpool reaches into his pouch dating that's exactly what I'm doing he tosses the grenade at Evan for him to catch it he tells Kitty that she better get to phasing kitty grabs both evident Colossus just before the grenade goes off and as they look around it pulls nowhere to be found later in the apartment of marionette Nelson marionette suddenly wakes up asking who's there over in the shadows Deadpool pulls shards of glass out stating my name is Wade Wilson and I owe you an apology I didn't mean to wake you but I'm not on top of my game right now someone wanted you dead and I didn't want to do it but that person was going to kill my daughter if I didn't no one deserves me I just kind of happened to people marionette begins to cry asking is there any way you can save us both and Deadpool grabs the last shard telling her I know it really doesn't matter but I'm really sorry marionette asks what's her name and Deadpool tells her Ellie as he gets up marionette sobs that he this isn't the worst end a middle-aged woman dies so a young girl can survive well will it hurt dead ball takes Mary nuts hand telling her no I already did it and just as he says that her eyes rolled back into her head and she falls back down onto the bed deadpool walks out of the apartment and he already knows who's there his heavy boots hitting the roof above it's already too late the red white and the blue flash hits deadpool on the face bouncing off the wall and then back into Captain America's hand cap looks at him but he said that he's sorry that dis all went horribly wrong for him but it ends now deadpool tells him that he can't do that there's one more item on his bucket list and cap tells him then you better prepare to have some good old-fashioned sense knocked into that head of yours deadpool jumps up slashing at cap shield and cap yells you're making this worse and deadpool says i know that's my superpower cap knocks deadpool back telling him you have every right to be upset and Deadpool begins shooting back shouting everything that's happened is your fault cap knocks the bullets away and then asks murdering Coulson sound like something I would ever say and Deadpool charges in telling him yes I heard you say it with your own voice you kept climbing the ladder until you got to the top and you became the guy who decides who lives or dies as Deadpool punches cap a few more times cap ducks the last hit telling him those were free and they're gonna be the last that are gonna land Deadpool pulls out of katana and he swings it breaking it across cap shield so cap kicks Deadpool back and as Deadpool catches himself he throws the broken sword at caps foot asking would you even be having this conversation if I was Black Widow no right she would get a pass but for me nope cap kneels to block the sword and he says how about we not deal with the hypotheticals I saw a lot of potential in you but before cap can finish Deadpool runs and punching him shouting give me a break you didn't care about me until you lost the Super Soldier Serum Logan died and you needed another obedient torpedo cap cracks the shield across Deadpool's jaw telling him I feel terrible that you got duped so were a lot of other people captain sweeps Deadpool's legs out from underneath them and as he picks him up he puts him in cuffs he tells Deadpool I watch the security footage in the prison you showed a lot of restraint leaving my evil doppelganger alive Deadpool waits until the cuffs are on and then he asks you know who wins if I kill Hydra captain he then flicks his head back bashing into cap Deadpool pops his thumb out of place grabbing his other katana telling him you wouldn't have to spend the rest of your days looking over your shoulder for a doppelganger I would never kill Steven but I didn't want you to know that you want him dead you could do it yourself Deadpool pushes the katana close to caps neck and cap grabs him by the chest strap flipping him over slamming him to the ground telling him just shut up Deadpool groans stating the only way you're gonna stop me is put that sword through me so cap grabs it telling him as unpleasant as that sounds I don't want to fight anymore he stabs the sword down and two dead pulls back asking are you happy now and as he does that he looks over and sees a group of kids with their phones all taking pictures one of the kids even states I knew he was no good and the kids run off with cap yelling wait I can explain Deadpool yells to the kids I'm paralyzed said to help sell the pictures to Jonah there brutalizing me and cap looks back asking how could you shame on you for baiting me like that a Deadpool gets back up telling him you know I don't just blame you cap yells great because I'm not the one to blame and Deadpool runs off telling him I play myself I know now that I should have trusted you as much as I did he jumps into the sewers and cap follows closely behind yelling look at how many innocent people are harmed in your way Quaid Deadpool Katinas running telling him I know just kpop there's something I want to show you cap turns the corner and he sees Deadpool's underground hideout and he asks is this supposed to make me feel bad Deadpool calls out I don't care how you feel about it but that box next to you that's that I wanted to give you cap knocks the lock off the chest and as he opens it he says he'll wade down in the Box is Preston's mangled LMD body the Deadpool steps out stating nobody's my friend for long you can fix her cap tells and shields disbanded I'm not sure if and then he stops him shouting you're capped at freaking America make America fix ur cap tells him that'll see what he can do but he's noticed the explosives planted to the support beams Deadpool pulls out a device telling him I'm walking out of here and if you try to come I'm gonna drop a square block down on you you'll probably survive but the office workers won't cop steps forward telling him I'm calling your bluff so Deadpool presses down on the button telling them watch how buddy craps I've left to give one of the beams explodes causing water to fill the room and cap yells you're out of your mind so Deadpool tells him how the boy kept it obvious now this detonator is a Deadman switch if my thumb comes off of this all the columns are gonna blow if I take my finger off this button it'll be Captain America you want me off the board good cuz that's what I want too my demand is very reasonable make one thing right fix Preston she's the only person I'll surrender to until then it's me against the world the world is gonna take it up the tailpipe and there you have it guys Deadpool's last wish is for agent preston to be fixed but that loud leads to the entire Marvel Universe trying to kill Deadpool and so the eventual end of Deadpool subscribe to our channel because we'll be covering that over the next couple of weeks and we will be concluding this so if you want to know how the Deadpool story ends because it definitively ends stick around and thank you for joining us today [Music] [Music]
Channel: Comicstorian
Views: 1,634,186
Rating: 4.9349012 out of 5
Keywords: comicstorian, comic book, comic books, dc, dc entertainment, marvel, deadpool, ryan renyolds, ryan reynolds, storytelling, full story, dc universe, justice league, comic theories, avengers, superhero, injustice, miles morales, deadpool kills the marvel universe, batman, gwenpool, godspeed, doom patrol, marvel zombies, spider man
Id: Rhh7prOZ5gY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 54sec (1314 seconds)
Published: Fri May 18 2018
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