D&D 5e Optimizers play Baldur's Gate 3!

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big [Laughter] yeah this is me guys big Cobalt okay hello welcome to back tactics I'm Cobalt do you know who I am and here here are my friends yay uh I'm Evelyn I've written for table top builds uh we have Flagship Twilights and the non-magical items article and soon the uh minor conjugation article I'm uh Daniel uh known as pandanio on the internet I've written also a couple of articles some flagships but uh maybe the most well-known oversized weapons that oh so controversial oversized weapons uh I'm playing a druid cilantroot hi I am Justin or narky either one works I am our resident uh ballerina I am an editor over at tabletop builds and uh I'm here to spin he's really good at spinning really good at it so uh our plan is to at least get through uh act one of this game um use some optimization uh advice we've given on our different articles or uh back tactics in this video of course of course that fights will be slightly different because this is a video game and there's a lot of Homebrew but uh overall uh we hope to at least teach you guys something about this game in the Indie and hopefully have some laughs too all right let the fun begin maybe maybe y'all leaving Force the game to like reload itself or something I don't know maybe I think we may have been stuck on Justin because he was not the lowest percent might have been just enjoyed everything you ruined my immersion Brian your character's voices what I forgot to change your voice did you want that whatever I'll play the game it's fine kobold has a very feminine voice is jumping a bonus action yes it still is that's really weird I want us to jump button Z can everyone play leapfrog just a bunch of frogs enjoying their time wow this is like 5e but we're not dying there's no fall down we haven't jumped up 10 feet yet oh you're right you're right we gotta jump up higher should we play the game let's play the game big cope like oh come on gotta kill it free XP that's how I make it's just a Cobalt what is this she's so racist yeah unbelievable in my video game oh he's got a crossbow this is unfair it's outrageous why can't they do it crossbow [Music] oh okay Dad bye a dragon's fire breath should probably kill me in that situation yeah oh you're probably wondering how I got in this situation I have no injury so after a dragon spread I'm okay there we go one strike could be lethal on my way [Music] these spiders are really good yeah they see me jumping it's getting ganked whoa critical ahead nice natural 20. don't swear they say it in the other d d podcasts are noticed I was just watching Dimension 20 and they said exactly that continue this video are sponsored by chipeko where you can get over 4 000 Maps just like that Gamers this is normally a DND Channel and I make ads for tabletop related things every week this time it's about Maps they've got battle maps dungeon maps and even maps that varies from Seasons day and night weather effects and much more some of these maps are fully animated to enhance immersion look at the details on this one you can have some skeletons here maybe some necromancers that's already a super cool encounter if you put in a basic background song for industrial work then that will enhance the immersion even more you don't really need to describe very much because everything's on the screen you're basically playing Boulder's Gate at that point but because you're playing a tabletop game you have a lot more interactions you can do this is a good step into the tabletop hobby as a DM you get over 4 000 Maps just like that and you'll probably be using them for years and every week or so there will be new maps your catalog keeps growing I highly recommend checking out chipeko on patreon you also get access to the Discord so if you're having a hard time with these Maps or just want DM advice in general it's just to shoot the community a message anyways back to the video okay level up Druid level two chosen subclass sorry oh well that's a lot of pop-ups at once okay circle of the land okay and you can't trip subclass feature actions while shape into a lot of stuff that's your recovery Hunter's Mark oh King gets me down say please say please bye then okay how do I steal from her we can just bring it to Camp can't we oh you can't just take your stuff okay um uh I can't steal her half plate do you want to kill her sure let's kill her she didn't say please she's rude all right cool [Music] there we go I need you to move away so you don't die all right yeah I had no idea where the you even wore what yeah that was that's the way to go in oh oh can I just walk in I'm just immediately now in a fight now this wall chipping in action bar shaping is an action your your web is a bonus section saved saved I don't know if the last guy save too much uh where's the cover what is she doing oh that hit me I should have looked at that better can I not attack I can yeah you can attack and stop it and still work because it's done section there you go I need to wrap again you can probably should like you could you can you can cast a different web and it's still it's still the last one still says oh it Stacks yes that's why it's stupid it's very stupid no like you can have two separate webs like the like putting it on the same area doesn't do anything putting it okay so I thought that's what you oh no yeah I'm probably out of wild shape now uh soon I didn't know I would go that far well that's gonna be a lot of range attacks on me or mainly are you able to move back inside no yeah half of them oh okay they're all they all have a disadvantaged to attack you because they're in webs is wall shape uh same HP as my normal HP or no it's different but yeah but spider HP is good so yeah I'm quite tanky it seems all right I'm heading toward the next oh hello say free cast ice knife oh now you can choose to Shield or not oh so that's how shield works [Music] there we go this is such a Webmail man remember how I said that we might die to this and then I wept all over the place yeah this is such a normal thing that you can do it seems unfair it's extremely unfair it's not even concentration I'm just it just stays up there's spider immune to web I think so I don't think I was like getting hurt by it at all yeah you have webblock awesome web walk and infinite concentration three uh conjure animals you don't need that yeah who needs conjure animals like you're you're just like lanyard is basically just wizard but you have a you have wild shapes that uh can a Spam web so like I am the country animals then you get conjure minor Elemental and conjure woodwind beings through fourth level so like who cares like you still have sleep storm uh you can even get haste uh which is better in this game they also buffed wild shape to give you extra attack at five so of course Marshall great this was uh not close no no no sorry guys I wept all over the place don't do that don't do it who did that I'm dying apparently switching to to uh to torches just lights the webs on fire instantly so that's not a thing that happened you can just okay you don't have to spend spell Salt Spring yeah I didn't want them to die like right away like I should probably swap to turn based mode okay sorry what made that happen if you swap to your so that there's there's torch slots now right yeah um and if you swap see your torch it instantly lights the the webs on fire that is not a thing that happened in EA that is why that happened I didn't I did not know that this box is grossing me out there we go yeah all right click it the more before run inside there we go who has the lowest HP The Scribe in front of me a viewer it's very obvious that the first builds are going to be web builds oh that's incorrect the first codes are going to be are going to be like funny Nova builds so people are obsessed with us the good belts will be ones that rely on web or use web you can try and bonus action shove them off the edge if you want pick up bonus action shows that's pretty good it's pretty good in any fight where there's elevation [Applause] found cool oh he's funny level three does May Chan work without uh I'm not sure what I'm not sure if the uh how does your spider work can you look at their abilities web action what is the save it's Prof plus dexterity one yeah it's missing the plus two it's missing uh proficiency bonus well okay okay you're right the DC doesn't use their proficiency um but it is 12 somehow eight eight plus three is eleven why is it 12 him yeah that's a quick answer I very quickly answered your question no uh Brian should find out right now right now don't attack Mars because hand through this crossbow expert doesn't have the bonus action thing there we go offhands automatic bonus action yep okay it's what it what is the damage 1d6 plus four for that plus one there you go now I can't talk to the guy anymore did you lose it I got it I got it look jumping I'm recording now look everyone so apparently both Lone Star didn't jump foreign yes get them it's really good yeah pick those up right away your Wizard or your Druid can just stretch your cast either and you can just prepare uh them out of combat and pick something else speak with animals before we speak to Faith I like your crown from the darkness it doesn't really fit because they look quite Mighty in this oh that's cool won't even have to chew you before I feed you to my son yeah I thought so I mean soft I'm full scales that's offensive oh oh four yes nice your life if you posed any real Danger you can go but you make one wrong step and I'll rip you to shreds no can I talk to the baby Oliver the Albert baby looks so cute baby oh oh all right okay she literally did she did say if you make one wrong stuff yeah very oh well we can fight the Albert thank you that's what I needed no I can run away I mean I'm sorry little one oh we're going for the big one first I got it it's got The High Ground guys I wonder if I can throw and whip them up let's thrown up even oh it's probably huge inside actually you do that first yeah I figured that would happen I'm gonna try a wall day what did you do push oh tried to push me and hit you okay oh maybe it can't climb up I'm not sure all right yeah oh oh got an attack of opportunity is she angry she angry guys I don't like this uh [Music] it's an examine tab hold on that's so interesting oh cool you're starting to get away let's do my little this thing okay nice are you a half straw is that yeah oh oh that's that's smart so you can disengage hmm they are really fun so you can probably down me if I don't do that I think I'm gonna shoot the cup I can't shoot the other one from here and I can't kill with my shots anyway don't shoot the baby it's attacking and I can't hit the other one we Cannon wait we can knock the you can knock both of these out we cannot wait till we kill them like if you just don't want to kill the Alberta if you can knock it unconscious 4 HP no no well ow it's fine yeah Albert Cub just cave up wait wait yeah single strike will end his suffering [Music] head of a broken spear want me to make good berries can I watch speechless shoes to eat where's the Albert come the babies oh it is yeah yeah maybe when someone's maybe when someone says take one false move and I'll rip you destroy it's your first intuition isn't trying to be let's run up to their babies next to them as well I thought we were friends all right we all have jump okay turn this cool you're still not in combat that's just looks at turn based okay enemies nearby how do we get on the roof from the side oh damn that's cool oh that was quite some I wasn't even in fight yet because she was attacking me foreign [Music] what okay I just went to the conscious by walking onto blood oh that was a light fire okay it looked like that was precious okay didn't know that was gonna damage me my bad one HP is like the same thing as four so jump out like on the roof or something there you go of course uh yeah just go ahead and click it time to get going there you go oh let's start a combat jump up jump up guys every time I go to jump up someone goes right click I'll get up later Okay pink that I ping them okay I can't do anything from here having a great angle but I'm gonna try oh fire radians there's a lot more enemies incoming but I don't know if anyone else can actually hit me from where they are there is that guy and then more content uh this guy is a Caster that's a Caster this is a ranged person so you might you might get hit more than once I'm gonna cast Shields okay serious hex already yeah I feel like that shouldn't be able to get me a little unfortunate I think we're gonna lose this we really messed up at the start foreign we can also jump to the to the oh we can also jump to this building over here and get away from the works which building over here behind us I can jump to the other side I want to get rid of the range detectors okay so they're attacking I think we have a good shot of being able to jump over to this side okay yeah we're I think we're fine we just jumped to the other building and uh beat them it's mean Grace is not great here uh okay I can see your prone or never mind you already stood up okay oh okay are you able to make it just blast someone out of the way not enough space again [Music] dashing into webs go ahead all right hello nice okay [Music] the their line inside his Bean box but the building itself got a range of them right there they've been shooting us this is like confused it doesn't know how to get to us oh no it was teleported up okay okay fantastic where should I web I see a lot of webs already work seemed like a default kill Man Ritual jump is crazy oh yeah it is I can't believe this is real guys this game is easy there we go in the video we had a lot of fun playing this game I highly recommend playing it yourself please like share and subscribe if you want to see more Baldur's Gate content this channel is normally about Dungeons and Dragons 5th edition optimization but I would love to cover different games thank you for watching bye-bye
Channel: Pack Tactics
Views: 225,937
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 9LywmhteHAw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 29sec (1649 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 09 2023
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