Dazzling Border Animations & Effects / Davinci Resolve Tutorial / Fusion

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my name is William justice today I'm going to show you how to create a quick animated border effect for your overlay videos and images using DaVinci Resolve and fusion in many of my recent videos have been overlaying graphics such as YouTube comments or thumbnails from other videos that I've made in this video I'm going to show you how to animate an overlay clip or an image on your timeline and how to set up an animated border and apply effects to the border to create some really interesting effects I'm going to briefly cover the keyframe structure which lets you set up your fusion animations and have the keyframes automatically adjust to match the size of your Clips if you enjoy my videos and you want to see more content about filmmaking and DaVinci Resolve fusion make setting up animations please subscribe to my channel and definitely like this video if you have any comments or questions leave them down below and I will get right back to you I really appreciate everyone's support and I'd love to hear from you alright we're gonna start with a just a simple blue background and take an image or this can actually be a video clip and we're gonna drag it into the timeline and that's what we have so first we're gonna do is we're gonna take the image and resize this we're gonna click the transform icon here and that's gonna break up these handles and we can scale it down and move it around to exactly where we want and let's put this one up in the upper right hand corner so my goal is to create a really easy to use animated frame border around a clip and set it up so it's really easy to customize with images or whatever I want to create interesting effects I'm gonna animate the border but I also want to be able to animate the image coming on and off of the screen so the fastest way to do that is using some of the built-in transitions in DaVinci Resolve let me show you how that works so what we need to do is click on the effects library and make sure you have video transitions there's a couple of these that work really well the blur dissolve does a good job I'll show you what that one looks like we'll drive that one in you can click on it and we'll set the time over here in the inspector we'll set it to like 9 frames and change the easing in and out and let's take a look at what that looks like another one that I like is the push transition so we'll scroll down we'll find push and we'll drag that right to the beginning we'll set the time to will do nine frames and we'll do the easing in and out once we have the setup we can really easily add it to the other end hold the Alt key click on the transition and we can just drag it to the very end of the clip and then we have the it come slides in and then let me just make this a little bit shorter so we can play with it it's going to slide in and then slide out so for this one what I want to do I want it to slide up so we're gonna use the push up and on to go away we're gonna use the push down so it's going to come up from the bottom and slide back down so the nice thing about this is that we can adjust the size of the clip we can move it around and the animation is going to be exactly what we want okay now let's add a frame for the image let's check the clip length here and click fusion at the bottom to get into fusion the basic border setup is really simple I'm sure there's a lot of different ways to do this what I came up with like it kind of works for me it's easy to change some of the borders and do some interesting effects in animations so we're gonna use some rectangles for the masking and that's gonna be the borders that we're going to use first we're going to do is put a rectangle mask right around this image so that that's going to enable us to add some rounded corners so with a media and one selected we're going to add this Matt control node right here and let's add a rectangle mask and we're gonna take the rectangle mask and put it into the garbage matte input of the Matt control and then we're going to invert it now you notice this the size is not correct so all we got to do is make the width one and the height one so that means the rectangles me the exact same size as our image and you can see here we can just play with the corner radius to make some rounded corners the next thing we want to do is add a transform node we'll put that right down below here and the reason we need a transform is because this image needs to be a bit smaller because the border is going to go around the outside so we need to leave room for the border this is something you can play with you can adjust the size based on how big your border is all right let's go ahead and add in our first border with the transform node selected let's hit the the merge node right there and we're going to add in a background take that into the merge so the background is sitting on top of the transform and then we're gonna do a mask on the background and this is what's going to be our border in the inspector we're gonna uncheck solid and we're going to increase the border width so you notice that the border size does not match the size of the image so we're going to do is we're going to publish the transform size and when you use that for the size of the rectangle so we transform selected right click on size and select publish and that means that this property is going to be available to use in other nodes so with go back to rectangle two and for the width we're going to right click on it and we're going to say connect to transform one size and that means that the size is going to match the size of the transform let's do the same thing with the height right click connect to transform one size so now we have a rectangle that's the exact same size and as we adjust the transform the rectangle is going to stay with it the rectangle border now the other thing we wanted to do was add in some border radius so you can see we got the corner radius here so what we need to do is connect the corner radius of both of the rectangles so that they can go together we'll go back to the first rectangle right click on corner radius and select publish go back to the second rectangle right click on corner radius and say connect to rectangle one corner radius now they both go together and we don't have that little piece that's outside of the border let's see what's over the rectangle to selected let's adjust the border width make it a little thicker I'll set the border to white one of the things you can do to get some separation from the border and images to add a little bit of a drop shadow with a background one selected we're gonna hit control space and search for drop shadow we'll add that in set the drop distance to zero and then really you can adjust the the blur and the shadow strength so you can see we have a little bit of a separation there so we can actually see where the border is so the next thing we're gonna do is we're going to add a another border right on top of that so that we can create some interesting animation effects so with merge 1 selected we'll go ahead and add in another merge by hitting the merge icon there so let's add a background here and for the background color let's do a vertical gradient will go which use a blue and maybe a kind of a purple and let's put that into merge two and all we need to do is we use the same rectangle so we'll take the rectangle we'll hit ctrl C click off in the node and hit ctrl V to paste it and drag it into the background mask area and let's make it a little bit smaller so that we can kind of see the double border there the corner radius is not connected and the width and the height they're not connected so we need to reconnect those so we uncheck the keyframe icons and let's just reconnect them connect to transform one size for the width and the height connect to transform one size and let's do the corner radius and that's going to be connected rectangle one corner radius so now that we can move these around in the corner radius actually let's change the color a little bit let's make it uh let's go with a red and red and orange so it stands out there okay so let's set up our first boarder animation we have a rectangle to selected and you'll notice we have this this position and length this lets us set the length of the border and the position and you'll notice as we adjust the position you can see it sliding around and we can use this to create an interesting effect as the border comes in so we're gonna start with the length of zero we're gonna be on we want to be on frame ten because we set the intro transition for the image coming in to be nine frames so after after the image pops in it comes in then we're going to animate the border we're gonna set the position to 0.5 that's gonna set the border starting right there and we're gonna keyframe the position length and level let's go back one frame and set the level to zero that way we won't see the border until it starts coming in and let's go over about frame twenty five that's about fifteen frames and we're gonna set the length to one so you can see it coming in like that and we're also gonna set the position we're going to change the position let's go back to frame twenty five check the position to zero and say what look that looks like alright that's how the border is going to come in we can do the same thing with the second border so let's hit merge two and hit two so we can see that border and we're just gonna do the opposite with this rectangle right here we're gonna keyframe the level position and length set the length to zero and set the position to zero we'll go back one frame hide the border right as the first border is almost complete we're going to start coming in with the overlay border we'll go over about 15 frames we'll set the length to 1 this time we're going to set the position to minus 0.5 and it's going to have the opposite transition let's see what we got and everything else still applies we can have change our border radius if we want it to be a little bit of a little bit more curved we can adjust the width we can make a thinner line or a thicker line with both borders so rectangle 2 is the the colored border and rectangle one is the white border okay that looks pretty good um one other thing that we can do and I'm not gonna do it here just because it takes a little more rendering time as we can go on to each of these rectangles go to the settings and enable motion blur and that you might get a little bit smoother animation with the borders drawing in alright now that we have the basic border set up let me show you how to easily customize this with some images we just need to find an image drop it into fusion and connect it to the top border and then we can apply some animations and effects this includes some sizing some rotation and we can even do some initial masking okay before adding this the images in let's make the border a little bit thicker so we're gonna hit rectangle 2 and bump up that border with another thing we can do is we can actually play with the soft edge if you want to kind of create a little glow around it but we're gonna create it we're gonna keep it solid for now and let's go to rectangle 2 and we'll bump up the border with on this one as well like that let's take away the corner radius so we got to kind of a square there so to end the image in what we're gonna do is let's uh we're gonna take another background here and we're gonna put let's disconnect this I'm going to take this background and put it on top so we have kind of a merge node there and we're gonna connect that up down there the reason we have this background here is because we wanted to make sure that the size is correct and this background we're just going to take the Alpha all the way down and we're gonna take our mask the same one that we had we're going to connect it to the mask input of the murder it's basically the same thing we had just a little bit different way to set it up what this is gonna allow us to do is just disconnect our colored background right here and let's go to some order images that I have and let's just pick this one right here it's kind of a wood image and we'll drop it right in there and you notice that you can't really see it so that's why we this merge node is gonna help us out we can click that and scale up the size of our image and we have a kind of a nice wood frame like that you can do all the same stuff with adjusting the corner radius is another thing that's kind of fun is we can let's get rid of that one let's put another image in let's do this one has a bunch of colored colored blocks in it and this one is a little bit bigger so we can kind of scale it down and say we can actually apply rotation so let's go to the very first frame and for angle we're going to keyframe angle and go kind of toward the end and we'll set it to 360 for the rotation and this is gonna have kind of a rotating frame like that now one thing we need to do is adjust the size because it's as it rotates it's getting cut so right like that and we should have a nice simple little rotating frame let's take a look what that looks like so there's a couple things to note here one occasionally if you're resizing your Clips from so for example if we take this image and we want it to be on the screen a lot longer well stretch it way over here you notice that the original background stops showing up so what we need to do in that case is go back into fusion and hit the media in and we need to set the in/out points to make sure that it extends to the full length of the clip the other thing we can do is go to the merge and go to the spline and we'll hit the merge angle and hit that to see it and we can get this to repeat and loop so we just highlight those two points and hit this little icon down here to set loop and then I'll make sure that the background is rotating throughout the entire length of the clip that we want it on the timeline okay let's get rid of this one more interesting effect we can do is I'll take the this one is here this one's actually a transparent PNG and we'll put it in and scale it up real quick just big enough we'll go to the transform and size it down to make sure we have enough and go to the rectangle and increase the size of the border so that it overlaps a bit which creates an interesting effect and will add a little bit of rounded corner like that and let's take a look at what we have all right now let's try creating a neon border and adding a little bit different type of border animation let's delete the mask off of that and remove the dots and let's connect up the background that we originally started with go to the rectangle and let's make it a bit smaller for this effect you just need the background to be white and thus I guess we'll do a solid color make it white and coming out of the merge we just need to add a soft glow hit control space and type soft glow with the soft glow selected let's go to color scale and you get a little bit of color we can just bump down the red scale and you can adjust the gain and threshold on these to create that effect now this one it looks good when the background is black so we're gonna go back to the first border and set the background to black and go to rectangle two and let's bump down the size so that we can kind of see it on that board room click off of that so we kind of got our neon and we can also take this rectangle and adjust the soft edge a little bit to get a little bit more glow so we can use these colors if we want to try to find some type of color human you can adjust the blue and the green and the red to get different looks okay so let's do a real quick animation on this one we're gonna go back to the rectangle here and let's make that inspector full width by clicking the icon up there and we're gonna remove the key framing on the level position and link by double clicking it so this one let's set the link to a little less than half right there we'll go to about frame 25 and keyframe the level go back a few frames and let's set the level to nothing there back I'm from 25 what we're gonna want to do is keyframe the position right here and we'll go out to maybe frame 150 and we'll set the position to 1 and that's going to get that neon line to kind of chase around the border now a neat trick you can do is if you want to duplicate that line with merge three selected let's add another merge in there and we'll take the output of the merge three and put it into this new merge so that the merges actually has both lines on top of them and then we can go to with merge four selected we can flip horizontally and vertically and there we have two lines you can play with the speed or even though the length of these lines so let's go back to the rectangle and decrease the length a little bit let's see what that looks like so next I'm going to create a kind of a pop in pop out effect I'm not sure if this can be done with the built-in transitions so we're going to set this up in fusion okay so to set up this pop in pop out effect we're gonna remove the transitions that we added to the beginning so we'll click on that and delete it and click on that and delete it I'm gonna want to make this clip a lot smaller let's zoom in a bit let's set it to about four seconds and go back into fusion now to create the effect all we need to do is with the merge two selected we're gonna add a transform node I'm going to go to the very first frame and keyframe the size and we're gonna set it to zero move over about nine frames and put the size back to one go to the very end of the animation which like frame ninety five keyframe the size and we're gonna set that to zero go back about nine frames and put the size back at one this is it going to come in and then when the animation is done it's gonna come out one of the things I like to do is when it comes in I like it to pop out a little bit further and then bounce back and we can use the spline editor to do that we'll hit spline and we're gonna just uncheck everything here except for the transform size well I like this point and all we have to do is drag this up and it's gonna go a little bit higher and then bounce back so you'll see that when it comes in here it's gonna go up and then back and let's do a little bit more okay there's a couple things we need to be aware of when you're when you have this set up is the first you can't trim this in the beginning of the animation down like this because that's going to mess up the key framing and it's actually going to start further in and you're gonna miss the animation with it coming in so we're gonna reset that if you need to make adjustments you can move the clip and adjust where the clip ends part of the problem with this setup is that right here the animation is set to pop out so if we decide we want this image to be on the screen longer we can drag it out a little bit and it's just going to go away it's not going to be on the screen as long as we want so we're going to use the key stretcher to fix this the keyframe structure will automatically adjust your keyframe positions as you adjust the length of your clip let me show you how you set it up so to use the keyframe structure we need to kind of just do a little bit of thinking about which parts of the animation need to be stretched right here say around frame 30 the border is fully animated in the under the black border and right around frame 85 is where it starts going out so we need to stretch everything between like frank 40 and say frame 80 to expand this animation so that it fits and we can adjust the clip to do that with we just select transform - we hit control space and let's search for the keyframe stretcher it's pretty simple to do you really just need to play around with it it's a little bit quirky but it gets the job done so the first part is the start of the clip and the end of the end of the clip and this is where your animation is so the animation starts at frame 0 and it ends at frame 95 that was the last frame of our animation that's telling the stretcher which parts or which segments of the clip need to be stretched the next part is to say which frames within that range need to be stretched so we came up with about frame 30 to frame 80 what this means is everything between frame 30 and 80 is going to be stretched out to fit the length of the clip that we have so now when we see this clip on the timeline the animation is in the beginning and it goes all the way to the end and pops out now one of the things you notice is because the keyframes in the middle have been stretched the nyan lines are going super slow and the longer this clip gets the slower they're gonna get so there's another way we can apply the keyframe stretcher I'll just I'm not gonna do about kind of show you where it is and this will let this allows you to stretch specific property so instead of using it right here we could actually use it inside the transform so let's get rid of the key frame stretcher there and go the transform and we can we need to reset this property and if you right click on it you can say modify with keyframe stretcher and come in and you can set the exact things and what that's gonna do is it's only gonna stretch the size property so you can get real specific if you need depending on what your animation is the last thing I'm going to show you is how to create a look the lightning frame using a displace and some fast noise and really there's tons of stuff you can do this is really just a kind of a setup and you can come in and plug in your own effects images and really whatever you want to do there's really an unlimited number of things that can be done with this set up so it's up to you however you want to customize it okay we're back in fusion here and this one we're not gonna need this second merge so let's we'll just get rid of that so the rectangle we just need to reset the position and length because we're gonna have the Frank the border be all the way around so we'll double click on those to reset those so it's with merge three selected we're gonna hit add a displace node hit with control space and search for displace and now we just need to add a fast noise to put into the displace and could have put it into the main input on the displace and let's go ahead and we'll open up two viewers here and put the fast no leaves on the left with a fast only selected let's bump up the detail and contrast and brightness you can see we're already affecting the frame there and this one you can play around with it and do pretty much whatever you want we can adjust the see the rate that's how we're going to get some animation and you can see we got a basic thing going there if we want to make it a little more crazy we can just bump up the detail and the contrast and the scale and there we go we got a crazy lightning form I like it a little bit thicker so we'll go back to our rectangle here and let's bump up the border size I like that back to the fast noise and we can play with these settings here there's our neon lightning border now if we want to apply this to another clip you can save these settings I thought about creating a macro out of it but there's so many different options and things I think it'd be kinda easier to get in and play with the each individual node at least for now I may do something with this in the future so you can highlight all the nodes right-click on it and let's just turn it into a group and that whole effect is right inside this group so once you have the animated frames set up the way you want it's really easy to apply it to other clips all we have to do is take a new clip and move it into the timeline and we can adjust it just like we did before by clicking the transform and we'll take this one and put it there and what you do is you go in to the first clip first fusion clip you find the group and you copy it now obviously these could be saved off as a settings file and you could load those in later let's go back to edit and find our new image go into fusion with the media and one selected just hit control V to paste it and we have the effect added on to the new image just like that okay so if you want to save this to use later you can right click on the group and to do settings save as and then you can save the file wherever you want after you save the settings fusion file to reuse it all you need to do is open up a new fusion composition take that settings file from your desktop and drag it right into the fusion area and it will load up with all the nodes and all you need to do is connect up the media in and media out so another option is to place the settings file into the fusion effects folder that allows you to open up the effects find the setting and drag it right in from within fusion and I'll what others I'll leave the path below and you just need to copy the dot settings file to this path you can actually create your own directors and folders within that for all of your custom animations I know that this was a long video I hope you enjoyed it I hope he at least got a little bit inspiration and possibly learned something new thanks for watching to the end of the video if you haven't subscribed to my channel please subscribe and like this video so I really really appreciate your support it helps out making the videos if you have any comments or questions leave them down below I'd like to know what you think about this video and how I said the animated frames thanks for watching
Channel: William Justice
Views: 36,243
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Video Effects, Davinci, Davinci Resolve, Davinci Resolve 16, Fusion, Davinci Fusion, Tutorial, Filmmaking, Effects, tips, tricks, davinci resovle tips, William Justice, Keyframe Stretcher, Borders, Animation, Image Frames
Id: PpF5o7lLMiU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 15sec (1455 seconds)
Published: Tue May 05 2020
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