English Phrases for Advanced Learners

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hello and welcome if you're here because you want to speak english more fluently with confidence more naturally then you're in the right place this english speaking lesson is perfect for intermediate to advanced english learners speakers who want to improve their vocabulary and add more phrases up their sleeve like tools that you can use in your next conversation i'm gabby from gonaturalenglish.com and i'm going to share with you the exact phrases that you can use to sound more natural in your next english conversation these advanced phrases will help you to interrupt to join any conversation to change the topic to ask and to offer an opinion to deal with controversial topics to get a conversation back to a topic that you would like to discuss more and to end a conversation in a graceful way so these phrases are going to help you a lot in your next conversation i just know it and i'm excited to share them with you so let's jump in because i think we want to start with how to actually jump in to a conversation this is a phrase that we can use to interrupt in a polite friendly way can i jump in here to jump into a conversation means to enter to participate to start to speak in a group conversation maybe a meeting or between a group of friends could i just jump in here can i jump in i have something i'd like to add you can also ask would anyone like to jump in and share your thoughts another phrase you can use is do you mind if i add to that if you have something to share or do you mind if i share something of course you can use more traditional phrases like excuse me or sorry but again these are more traditional and they might seem a bit more formal if you're in a work situation then they might be good but if you have a more casual work environment then try can i jump in or could i share something really quickly and of course there are little words that we can use to jump in or to interrupt in a conversation like well or um or um you can use these sounds or words that we call interjections to jump in or interject into a conversation sometimes people think that interrupting is rude but it doesn't have to be it all depends on the way you do it so if you use one of these phrases then people will know that you're being respectful and you just want to join the conversation and add your two sense and we all want to hear what you have to say so don't be shy about jumping in to your next conversation let me jump in and tell you about how you can improve your english more quickly with my complete english course fluent communication i've worked directly with thousands of english learners from around the world to help them quickly advance their english speaking skills and you could be the next one with small group live online speaking practice and premium recorded lessons quizzes assignments and direct individual feedback just for you you get exactly what you need to speak english fluently to advance to a level where you feel great communicating in english in any situation with anyone so if you're ready to get fluent then let's go you can get more information at gonaturalenglish.com pre-reg p-r-e-r-e-g now let's talk about how to offer your opinion and how to ask for other people's opinions to keep a conversation going because there's nothing like dreaded silence to make a conversation just fall flat if you want to have better conversations to keep them going you need to be able to share your opinion and to help others share their opinions that's what a really good conversationalist does is to help others who might be feeling a little shy to participate as well you can ask what do you think or what is your opinion or do you agree these are quite basic but there are more advanced phrases we can use too what's your point of view point of view means your opinion how do you feel about this how do you feel about that topic i'd like to hear your thoughts i'd like to know what you think on this topic why don't you share your thoughts do you have anything that you'd like to add i'd like to hear from you or i'd like to hear from the name of the person i'd like to hear from john on this topic john what do you think these are all great questions to solicit or to ask for someone else's opinion and to help others participate in the conversation so now what about offering your opinion of course we can use traditional typical phrases like i think my opinion is or in my opinion in my point of view i think to me and then you say your opinion another phrase i like is from my perspective or it seems to me that i find that or i feel that from my point of view maybe it's just me but i think and then share your opinion now sometimes when you're talking to someone they get excited and they start talking about a million different things so when the conversation goes off topic or off track you need to have some phrases that will help you to bring it back to what you'd rather be talking about or maybe you want to revisit something that you talked about a little while ago but the topic of conversation has since changed in that case you could say could we go back to what we were discussing before could we return to the topic about la la la blah blah blah and of course you would say what the topic was or i'd like to touch on i'd like to touch on that topic that we were just talking about i'd like to go back to i'd like to return to i'd like to touch on that topic if you get interrupted maybe you get a text or a phone call you might want to resume the conversation by saying what was i just saying to go back to what you were just saying or where were we after an interruption this is a very wonderful phrase you can use where were we ah yes we were just talking about blah blah blah now i want to share a few phrases you can use to clarify what you've heard maybe you think that you've understood fully but it's always a good idea to clarify and confirm so you can say what i think you're saying is and then summarize what you've heard very briefly or are you saying that and then summarize do you mean or in other words what you're saying is or what i think you're trying to say is so what you're saying is or so what you're asking is and then you repeat what you think you heard and this is really helpful even native speakers do this all the time it's very very common and people won't get upset it's not being boring or repeating too much it's important to clarify and confirm important pieces of information or questions that people have asked you now how about controversial topics sometimes when you ask an opinion it's not just something as simple as what's your favorite color or your favorite food but you want to discuss something like religion or politics and these can be touchy controversial or hot topics but they're important for us to discuss it can be enjoyable as long as we stay open-minded and respectful towards each other so how do you ask about controversial topics or opinions without offending while staying respectful let's talk about some phrases that will be very handy for you in these situations i don't know if everyone agrees but i think and then say your opinion this may be a contentious opinion but i think not everyone will agree with me but i'd say or i'd think this may be an unpopular opinion but i think we may not see eye to eye but i think now when you disagree with someone and the conversation reaches a point where you don't feel like you're really hearing each other maybe each of you are getting a bit heated and it feels like it's time to close the conversation down one phrase that i really like is to each his own to each his own means that each person is entitled to their own opinion and we can agree to disagree that's another great phrase i love using these because they help keep the peace and they acknowledge that it's okay that we have different opinions we can still respect each other so these are two very good phrases i highly recommend especially when talking about controversial hot topics another two that you could use to present your opinion in a respectful way are respectfully i disagree or respectfully i think or i'm not trying to rock the boat to rock the boat means to upset anyone i'm not trying to upset anyone but or i'm not trying to ruffle any feathers you know when a bird gets upset their feathers kind of get ruffled this is where the phrase comes from i don't want to ruffle any feathers but i don't agree or i think all right let's talk about when you do agree with someone of course you can say i agree i couldn't agree more i couldn't agree more or i couldn't agree less if you disagree you say i couldn't agree less but if you agree you can say i couldn't agree more or there are simple words that you can use to show you agree like totally completely 100 percent i'm with you on this and to disagree we have a few more phrases like i disagree that can come off as very direct and a bit rude if you simply say i disagree so it's a good idea to use some softeners words that show that you are trying to be polite even though you disagree it's always a good idea to show that you see the other person's point of view so you can begin your opinion by saying i understand what you're saying or i hear what you're saying i understand what you mean i can see your point or i can see how some people would think that way but i think i see what you mean i see where you're coming from but i think i agree with you up to a point but i think okay now what if you really want to be direct what if you don't want to be so nice and polite then it's okay to say i disagree i think or i'm sorry or i'm afraid i can't agree i'm afraid is an interesting word to use in this situation because it doesn't mean that you're scared it just means kind of like i'm sorry i don't agree and remember that your tone and your body language are so important when you disagree if you say these phrases in a high light kind of nice polite tone then they'll be polite i'm afraid i can't agree versus a lower harsher tone i'm afraid i can't agree there's a difference so keep that in mind if your body language is you know your face is angry and you're huffing and puffing oh i'm afraid i can't agree obviously that has a different meaning than if you're smiling and i'm afraid i can't agree so keep this in mind phrases and the words that you're using are just half of your communication the other half is your gestures your tone of voice your facial expressions your body language and so communication is very interesting in this way but i digress let's get back to the topic let's get back on track and i have a few more phrases for you you could say i don't mean to be rude but i disagree you could also say let's agree to disagree or to each his own okay now in your conversations it's really really important that you learn how to drive them how do you drive a conversation by changing the topic so when you want to change to a new topic there are some really good ways to do that smoothly for example that reminds me and then you can say anything you want or this is kind of random but which means this has nothing to do with anything we're talking about but i want to share something now if you have a somewhat related topic you want to talk about you can say speaking of speaking of that or speaking of the topic and then say your new idea before i forget let me tell you about blah blah blah ah have i told you about blah blah blah or did you see the news did you see blah blah blah did you hear about blah blah blah by the way did i tell you while we're on the topic let me tell you about blah blah blah and when you're ready to close down and end a conversation you need a phrase to do it smoothly don't just say bye you want to have some kind of signal that you're ready to end the conversation like it has been great or it was great talking with you people will know when you say this that the conversation is ending or you can say something like it's getting late i have to go or i have to run or i have to get back to work now or oh i have so many things to do i'm sorry i have to get going or i'm so glad we had this time to talk i really look forward to seeing you again soon or you can end with appreciation thank you so much for your time talking today i really appreciate it it was so nice to catch up so i hope that this helped with some new advanced phrases for your next english conversation thank you so much for your time watching this lesson you're doing amazing just by being here you have improved your english so much in so little time if you'd like to learn fluent english faster then come to gonaturalenglish.com pre-reg to get information about my complete english speaking course fluent communication i'll see you there thanks so much bye for now
Channel: Go Natural English
Views: 47,564
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Keywords: English Phrases for Advanced Learners, English phrases, advanced english, english conversation, english speaking, natural english, native english, native english teacher, native english speaker, phrases in english, conversational phrases, conversational english, american english, how to interrupt in english, speak english, advanced english phrases, phrasal verbs, learn english speaking, advanced english expressions, how to speak english
Id: 5xz0rKbL81s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 22sec (1042 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 16 2021
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