Davinci Resolve/Fusion - planar tracking (with animation!) tutorial

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[Music] hey guys welcome to another tutorial we're going to talk about planar tracking and we're going to recreate the example you just saw with the moving bicycle so let's dive right into it I've got a few assets here first of all the pngs for the bike and then already bike parts and then the video file I already set it in and out points to save some time so let's drag that into the timeline and that's selected right click and turn it into a fusion clip then we head over to the fusion tab like so and we hit ctrl spacebar and add a planar tracker like so once they're in the tracker we'll set it to a hybrid point area but because in my experience that tends to be a bit more accurate than the other method so the first thing we need to do is basically track the area or the pattern now typically they will tell you quite rightfully that you need to first find the frame where the pattern is the least distorted the biggest etc however as I've worked with this file before I know that the first frame works just just very nicely so I'll do that so I'll set the area I'm doing it exactly the same as I will set the corner pin area to doesn't need to be the case but again I've noticed that it works particularly well with this example so I set the reference time frame zero is correct so let's track forward so that's done now and that worked out quite nicely so let's go to the next step and set the operation mode to corner pin and let's go back to the first frame and set our corner pin again the first frame as that was our reference frame let's move this along here there we go done so let's see how well the tracker works by adding a little text note and see if it sticks well to our tracker so let's add it in here I'll quickly switch to a single mode as well single for your mode because I've seen on my system that sometimes when I have too few ports open it tends to slow down things and it introduces some glitches it's probably just a local issue here but in any case so we'll add text here at text you can see it appearing there increase the size and just play and see how well it sticks and that looks really good okay so we can delete this that was just a test and we're going to focus on our bicycle so to that end we're first going to pull in the frame the bike frame so let's display that here a very simple frame now you can see it is a square background even though our area where we need to apply the corner pin to is more rectangular more widescreen light so what I do here you can do this in multiple ways but I'm just adding a background and I wasn't piping the media into the backgrounds this will show us all black because the background is a solid black so I just need to get the Alpha down so that we see our bike frame again so that's step number one so that's good next one up will be our bike wheel and let's pipe it into the merge so that will create a new merge and there we see our wheel now we need to position that correctly but before we do that let's just display the wheel itself alright that looks good I want to rotate that wheel before we do the whole position stuff because I want to just use the wheel once and then use it for the asset for both wheels so let's and a transform here and display that and if I now are just angle you see the wheel is spinning so instead of keyframing it's I'd like to add a little expression so right-click expression and as we saw a negative angle will ensure the wheel turns in a clockwise direction so I'm going to type in an expression to minus time all right so in effect later now you see the wheels spinning it's not quite fast enough so I do a time something like 12 there we go a spinning wheel that's what we want to have so that's looking good so next thing we want to do is rename this quickly to rotation to make it easier to find later on and that's looking good and let's show the merge here again this is in the wrong position so I could change the position here in the merge but to keep things tidy I'm just going to add another transform after the rotation like so alright and in the transform itself I'm going to move this right and I move it down a little bit and there we go that's looking good I'm going to copy over the Y position because I want to apply the same Y position to the other wheel will create so to create the other wheel what we can basically do is branch of this rotation here so adds another transform transform pipe the rotation in there and then pipe the transform into the output of the merge and again that will create a new merge and there we see our second wheel so all we need to do here then in this transform move it to the right x position and then for the Y position we just paste in the value we already had there we go and now Terron an animated bike so next thing up I'm just going to display the media out and I'm going to pipe this merge into the planar tracker right so it will now be corner pins to the area we specified so if you play this magic it works of course the bicycle is black hair because the asset is black we could I could have created a white asset and everything and work with transfer modes but let's work with what we've got right it's always good to you know ascertain different possibilities so I want this bike to look a bit like this chalky outline here so what I'm going to do is add a fast noise a fast noise standard has got white in there right we want to increase the scaling a bit a bit more set it to 80 and then we're going to pipe that into the output of the merge and again it will create a new merge where we're and if I now display the media out or the planar track it doesn't really matter you can see the fast noise is being imposed on top of the bike now what we want to do is basically restrict that to in so it's only showing where the bike is showing so that's already looking a good a good bit better but it's not perfect yet right its way to need so we need to work on the fast noise a bit so let's increase the contrast a tad the brightness down maybe a bit less contrast something like this it's looking fairly similar maybe not perfect but I think maybe this doesn't make an awful lot of difference yeah I think that is looking not quite good enough so it's a bit of tweaking and everything so I'll leave it for now but you know if you've got a bit more time you can always tweak it to your liking so now it looks like this and it's pretty good but if we look closely right we see the noise is not oops you see the noise is not moving with the movement of the bicycle of the wheels it's fixed that's basically because we applied the noise after we've rotated the wheel so what we can do instead it is applied a noise before the rotation I here and we would need to apply them to both the frame and the wheel so let's do that let's get rid of this merge and get this over there and just add a merge here and here as well and let's pipe it into both come on and that mom but as with the other ones we need to set the operating operator mode - in in here and in here and if we now look closely it's probably not the best frame to look but you see the noise is moving with it so that is pretty pretty good so the additional thing I wanted to do though before we start moving the bike itself is add a bit of blur after the merge node oops sorry come from space fine blur let's edit in between here if you hold the shift key and you can see you can just pop it in there and we only need to apply a tiny bit of blur maybe maybe two two and a half pixels something like that that is looking good okay one more thing actually before we start moving the bike we can also apply a little bit of motion blur to the wheels all right so if we go to the rotation here and go to the settings here and there you've got this tick box motion blur that's taking it up to quality a bit and to 6:00 and let's have a look maybe difficult to see the difference well you can see it off and on that will help to sell the effect so now we're nearly there really so after the blur here we want to move the bike so as you would suspect we can just add a transform tool alright and in the transform tool basically actually before we do that my apologies we don't want this movement to start straightaway in the example you saw at first it is static and then once it's a few seconds in then the bike the wheels will start spinning and the bike will start moving so what we can do in the rotation itself and go go back to this tab here and we can put a condition condition in here and basically we first need to specify SS of when we want the bike to start moving say we do it s of frame 75 so what we can do then is type iif so if a bit of a weird notation it's a newer type notation IIF open brackets time greater than 75 then comma apply the rotation we had specified so if the times greater than 75 then start rotating if it is not greater than its rie even it's before frame 55 have a rotation of zero comma zero close brackets so if we play it now somewhere before frame 75 it's all static and after frame 75 you can see it starts moving now on to the last last step go back to the transform tool and here we could do this with an expression but in this case it's actually easier to just keyframe it so let's go to frame 75 go to the center point right-click and animate that sets a first keyframe and then go to something like maybe frame 1 bond 5 and then we're going to apply our second keyframe by just moving it so I'm hitting control on pressing control as I go over a center point for X and then clicking the mouse button and just dragging the mouse and I'm hitting control pressing control to have small increments to have more control over it so that was a bit much and here we go bike has disappeared so that's done really and now all we need to do is go back to the Edit tab do a little render and then we can admire our work so let's do that so this has finished so let's have a quick look and our results so let's put it on full screen there you go nothing's happening and there we go our bike is moving and disappearing so that is looking pretty good so I hope you I hope you guys enjoy this tutorial I hope you guys have learned something now if you have any questions whatsoever or any comments please drop me a line below this video or send me an email at a black bird called sue at gmail.com and in the meantime have a fantastic day I will see you guys later take care bye bye
Channel: A Blackbird Called Sue
Views: 25,959
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fusion, davinci resolve, resolve, tracking, planar tracking, animation, vfx
Id: KLF56y8ggng
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 18sec (858 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 02 2019
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