🎬 Beginner's Guide to Video Editing in DaVinci Resolve 16

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Welcome to this DaVinci Resolve 16 tutorial This is going to be a complete beginner's guide to video editing in DaVinci Resolve It's an absolutely amazing software that also has a brilliant free version that's gonna work for pretty much 90% of your projects And if you're just starting out, the free version is more than enough for pretty much anything you can do I don't wanna make this tutorial too long, so I'll try to keep it in under 30 minutes I've seen other videos on YouTube that are 1h, 1.5h, but if you're just getting started with DaVinci Resolve or video editing in general I really don't wanna burden you with too much information What I want for you is to give you all the basics that you need to start making amazing videos immediately And once you graduate and grasp all those fundamentals, then you can move forward and learn some advanced things as well My name is Eduard Stinga, from VideoPlasty, and let's get started! So as I said earlier, DaVinci Resolve is a free software And first things first, you gotta download it and install it on your computer, which is pretty easy You just go on Google and search for DaVinci Resolve and it's gonna be the first result here from Blackmagic Design The cool thing about DaVinci is that it works on Windows, Mac and Linux as well So it doesn't matter what platform you're on, you can use DaVinci Resolve So once you're here, just click download And you're gonna have to fill in some details and register with a free account and then you're good to go! So whenever you open DaVinci Resolve, you will see this home screen With a preview of all the different projects you worked on using this software. But if you just installed this program, you don't have anything here So let's start a New Project and call it "DaVinci Tutorial" Alright, so on a first look, the interface might look a tiny bit overwhelming But don't worry, it's gonna get easier as we go along So you have to understand, the way DaVinci works is it has those different tabs here on the bottom Also called Pages, I believe So as a quick introduction, they go from left to right as you progress through your project The first one being Media, where you import all your footage The next one is Cut, where you do a bit of a rough cut The Edit where you do pretty much most of your editing Fusion is for visual effects and compositing Next, you do color correction and color grading Fairlight is a complete sound editing and sound mixing inside DaVinci And then last, you deliver and export the project in whatever format you want So first, let's import some footage into DaVinci Resolve And to do that, we will have to go here on the Media tab So there are a few ways to import media into DaVinci You can either navigate on your local computer by using this thing right here And I'll just go to my folder on DaVinci Resolve tutorial footage And let's see, I already have some audio And this is gonna be the media pool here on the bottom, which is where you can drag & drop footage like this Alternatively what you can do is you can have a folder open in Finder, like I do right now Which is actually my preferred method and pretty much all people that I know use the same method And you can select all your footage like this and then you just drag & drop it here in the Media Pool Alright, so now we have all of our media here in the Media Pool And another cool thing that you have to keep in mind And this is very useful, it's a nice trick I discovered pretty late in my editing career, so to speak Is if for example, you have a slow computer or maybe you're working with big files, like 4K footage Then you can select all of your clips like this Right click on them and Generate Optimised Media And this is gonna take a while, a couple of minutes, depending on your machine But this is incredibly helpful because optimised media is basically the exact same clip, except that it's in a lower resolution and a lower filesize, so it's much easier for your computer to process it And to make sure you have that on, you go up here where it says Playback And make sure you have this thing checked "Use Optimized Media If Available" And if you play is still lagging, go here to Proxy Mode and select Half Resolution And if it still doesn't work smoothly, go with Quarter Resolution, which is what we're gonna use for this tutorial Alright, next it's time to start editing our video I'm gonna completely skip the cut page, because everything you do in Cut, you can also do it in Edit And for now, there's no point to overwhelm you with another page Alright, so this is where all the magic happens in the Edit page On the left, we have our Media Pool Here on the bottom we have what is called the Timeline Here on the right we have a video preview of the timeline, of whatever we edited And here we have a Source Preview Basically, if I don't know what's inside my Media Pool, I can just use my mouse like this to hover on a video to see what's inside Or I can just double-click on it and open it in this preview to see how it looks and what's inside each video So let's look for example at this video As you can see, it has 39s and that's pretty long I wanna use maybe around 5s or so from it So before I add it to the timeline, you can use what are called an In point and an Out point So for example, let's say I want my selection to start here I can either use this or use the keyboard shortcut "I" And it added a point here And then I can let it play for like another couple of seconds to here And let's say I want it to be up until there So I can now use this button Mark Out, or keyboard shortcut "O" to select the out point And now, when I drag & drop this o the timeline here, as you can see It's only gonna import this selection, that right now is only 4s, as you can see up here So time timeline right now is made out of one video track and no audio track, because this is just a piece of stock that has absolutely no audio But for example I also included... I also included this part of me talking to the camera, it's a classic talking head video So let's say for example I want it from there, up until here So right now for example, if I drag & drop it and add it to the timeline As you can see it also added something here on the audio track, which is me talking "In this video we'll discuss..." For example, depending on the case, you can also use those two icons So if I use this icon, I can import only the video If I want to use it or B-Roll or anything like that without the audio Same thing can happen if I want just the audio, I can hold it here and drag & drop it here to the audio channel And now I have them separately Right now, whenever you click on this and move it around like this, it's gonna stick together, so the timing of the audio matches the visual But, let's say for example you want to separate them, which is totally possible You just have to right click and click this button that says "Link Clips" And now we have them on separate tracks and we can manipulate them individually like this Alright, now I'll fast forward this and actually import some of my footage on the timeline We're gonna do something pretty similar to like a travel vlog with some stock footage that I found online and some music as well So I'll add my music as well here on the timeline So one way to trim your video or your audio was by using this screen right here But you can also trim your video or your audio directly on the timeline by grabbing it at the end like this and dragging like this Because, for example, if we look at the audio right here, there's absolutely no information in the beginning, so it kinda starts with one second of silence And the music starts one second later So I can do this and then move it like this And you can do the exact same thing with the video as well For example, let's say I want to make this one shorter, so it matches the beat of the music here You can do that as well Or also do the exact same thing here at the end to stretch it and reveal more of what's at the end of this clip So now, let's have another look at the timeline, right now it's a bit long and you can't really see everything that's happening all the way to the end of the music But if you drag this all the way to the end you can reveal a lot more And there are a couple of shortcuts to keep in mind If you hold down the SHIFT key and use your scroll you can scroll through the timeline like this Or if you hold down the ALT key or Option key on a Mac and use the scroll, you can zoom out or zoom in on the timeline like this so you can better see what you're doing This can also be done by using this - and + button right here. Now it's time to show you some of the tools from over here Of course, there are a lot of icons, but I'll show you the basic ones that you're gonna need in pretty much any sort of edit that you're doing So this is the first one called Selection Mode And you can just grab things like this with a cursor, move them around, put them on different tracks, different orders And it's just basically assembling your edit Next, I'm gonna show you this right here which is the Blade tool. So if you have the Blade tool selected, I can go here and click and it's just gonna cut everything in different clips And now if I grab the selection tool, I can actually grab this and move things around Or grab this and just delete completely Alright, now I wanna zoom in a bit like this on the timeline And I can use this Or just select this icon, which is the "Full Extent Zoom" Which is pretty much going to zoom in to the maximum amount depending on the length of your timeline, which is pretty cool So now I can see better exactly what I'm doing And I wanna trim those so it matches the music Whenever you're editing something with music, it's super nice to be able to match it with the beat And you'll see what I mean in a minute But my point is, grab it here at the end, all the way to here, move this here in the beginning Extend it all the way to this And then move this here And now let's see how that looks and sounds Alright, that kinda lags a bit, cause I'm also recording this tutorial, but I think that's enough to get a good idea So right now, we pretty much don't have any use for this source monitor here So we can click this button to remove it and focus just on the preview of our timeline, so we can better see what we're doing The other super important tool that I wanna show you is this one right here called Snapping So you can have this turned on or off, right now it's turned on And what this does, is whenever you're moving things around like this, for example, it can snap into place, like you see at the end, it just created a new line over there And maybe you wanna snap it all the way to where your playhead is, like this Or here as well, but sometimes it's good to have it on, sometimes it's good to have it off For example, it's good to have it off whenever you want to go very precise, so for example, let's say I want to zoom in here on the music on the cut And as you can see, the beat is somewhere here, which is a couple of frames earlier and my cut is a couple of frames later So that's when you want to turn it off because you can grab this clip at the end and just adjust it by literally one frame And then use this to move it by one frame And this really wouldn't have been possible if you had the Snapping on So again, very useful when you need to do some very precise edits Alright, so next I wanna show you what is called Ripple Delete And it's something that I actually enjoy when I'm editing in Final Cut Pro, but it's not really happening by default in Premiere Pro or DaVinci Resolve So for example, if I have this clip selected and I click the Backspace to delete it, it's gonna create an empty area here, which most of the times, it's absolutely perfect, that's how you want it to work However - let's say for example you want to delete this, and have everything that comes after it snap all the way to here, so you have absolutely nothing blank on your timeline So the way to do that is you hold down the SHIFT key and you click Backspace and it pretty much moved everything that was after it all the way to here so there's nothing empty in between Alright, so next I wanna show you how you can do a simple Fade In/Fade Out And you can do that for both video and audio So let's say for example, here at the end of the video, I wanna do a nice fade out like this Which is basically just controlling the opacity from 100% to 0% like this However, the audio needs a fade out as well And that's again super easy to do, you just grab it here at the end, drag it like this, let's say around 1.5s like this should be enough And let's see how it looks Alright, that was pretty nice and smooth and it's definitely 10X better than just suddenly and abruptly ending your video or your music The next thing I wanna show you is how you can control the volume of an audio track, which is here You just grab it like this, if you see the cursor, it changed to this arrow that's up and down And you can just grab that white line and lower the volume like this or make it incredibly loud like this That's a bit too loud, but... Adjust it until you find something suitable Next I wanna show you what is called the Inspector And to turn on the Inspector tab, you have to go here on the top right And turn it on And this is gonna show you a few different properties depending on what you have selected If you have the audio track selected, then you can obviously control the volume and some other properties as well But what I wanna show you is if you have a video selected You can control the opacity like this, for example You can zoom in or zoom out Play with the positioning like this, move it around You can even rotate it And if you wanna reset everything and go back to how it was by default, just click this icon right here next to each property and it's gonna reset everything If you want, you can also flip things like this horizontally or if you wanna flip it vertically as well, for whatever reason, you can do that So next I wanna show you how you can stabilize shaky footage, if you have some handheld footage And the stabilisation in DaVinci Resolve is probably one of the best I've seen It's better than the one in Final Cut Pro or Premiere Pro And it's super easy to do it, you just have to select the clip like this on the timeline And here on the inspector panel, scroll a bit down until you see stabilization Then you double click on it There are a few settings you can change and see what works, it's not guaranteed it's gonna work well from the first time You can try different settings And when you're done, just click Stabilize and wait for it to finish Next I wanna show you how you can change the speed of a clip So I'll just go with this one of a sailboat and move it on another video track like this on top And to do that, you can right click and go here to Retime Controls, which is keyboard shortcut CTRL + R or CMD+R on a Mac And it brings out this menu Right now it's at 100% speed You can change it to some predefined values like this Or even easier, you can just grab it at the end, but at the end on the top bar like this, for example In which case, as you can see on the percentage it also shows you that it changes the speed, so right now at 50% the speed, it pretty much doubles the length And you can do the exact same thing to fast forward At 200% the speed, it's obviously going to take half as long to playback the same clip Next, I wanna show you a very important concept on the timeline, which is the order of the tracks So, right now we have only one video track But let's say for example we have videos like this on two tracks If I click here with the playhead, I can only see the video that's on top and not the one on the bottom That's pretty much how things work However, if I had something transparent or if this video of the boat was a bit smaller, like this It pretty much reveals what's behind it on the layer or track underneath For audio however, if you have multiple audio tracks at the same time It's just gonna play them all together in a sort of mix Next, I wanna show you what some of those icons mean here on the tracks For example, this lock icon, pretty much locks the entire track, so right now, if I have this first video track locked, it's impossible for me to move things around or change anything Next, you can disable a track like this and it's gonna visually remove everything that's on that track in the video preview, But, of course, it doesn't delete it completely from your timeline, you can still turn it back on It's just a way to see better what you have on the timeline and on the track underneath, for example And for audio, we have the same thing with the lock here And if you wanna mute an entire track, like you disable it here You just click this M button right here and it's gonna turn this grey and right now we can't hear any audio For example, if we have multiple audio tracks like this and you wanna listen to only what's on one specific track You can use this icon with an S on it, that stands for Solo And this is gonna mute all the other tracks and playback only what's on this track Now I wanna give you a bit of an introduction into keyframes Keyframes are pretty advanced, but on a basic level, they're a way to control those properties and change them over time Because right now, if I make any adjustments to Zoom for example, it's gonna be static throughout the entire clip, it's not gonna change the value But, maybe you want to add a sort of zoom in effect So you start here, in which case you need to add a keyframe, by using this button right here And now, if I go here on the clip, you can click on this button to expand it and see they keyframe panel here So now, this is the keyframe I just added, which is basically a point in time with the value of that property So I'll leave that where it is And if I go here and add another keyframe like this, but now change the value like this to... let's say 1.9 It's basically going to start the video at this point and slowly zoom in Let's see how it looks Alright, it kinda lags right now, but I think you get the point of what keyframes are Right now, of course, maybe you want to adjust the position as well In which case, I can move the playhead here to match the starting point of zoom keyframe And click this button to add a position keyframe over there And now if I wanna move all the way to match the other keyframe from the zoom I can use this arrow here to the right, to go to the next keyframe here for zoom And I'll add a keyframe for position And now I'll change the position keyframe to maybe move a bit like this, to the left Like that And now it's gonna zoom in and also pan a little bit, so we can see the boat Ok, now it's time to add some titles! And the way to do that is by going here to the Effects Library And go here to Titles And DaVinci Resolve has quite a few ones you can use Personally, I like to go with very simple ones But if you're feeling adventurous and want to explore, check out some of the Fusion titles as well The icon with T means it's basically a very simple one And the one with the lighting bolt basically means it's editable in Fusion, which is again the tool right here on the bottom for some more advanced visual effects and compositing and motion graphics But, let's just use the basic one called Text and put it here on the timeline It's pretty much gonna act exactly like any sort of other video you have here You can trim it like this, move it around or hit Backspace to delete it So, with the title selected, here in the Inspector panel, if it's open You can change the text to, let's say "Greece Holiday 2020" Change the font to something nicer And of course, change color, size and a lot of other stuff as well And if you wanna move it around, for example, you can definitely go to the Video tab and just change the transform position like this Or just grab it directly here on the video preview and move it around to down here And now it's time to add some Transitions And that's super easy to do in DaVinci Resolve Again, in the Effects Library, you go here where it says Video Transitions And as before with the Titles, DaVinci has a lot of existing ones, you can check out yourself Unfortunately, there's no way to preview those, other than just adding them directly and seeing how it looks Let's say we'll use a very simple one called Cross Dissolve And the way to do that is you drag & drop it here in between clips like this So not on this or on this side, but in between So that's a pretty basic transition, a cross dissolve, a nice fade, it's very smooth and elegant And of course, there are a lot of other ones you can explore If you wanna change the transition, you can select it like this and make the transition longer or much shorter like this And if you want to remove it, all you have to do is select the transition and hit backspace on your keyboard So if we want to add a transition for the text for example, it's the exact same thing Here under Video Transitions, let's scroll down to Motion, because I think this one is also pretty simple The Push one Add it here at the beginning And another one at the end And if you select the transition like this and go to inspector, you can also change some properties and controls for the transition In this case, I like this first one to push from the left But let's say for the one at the end, I want to push from the right, so it exits the same way it came in And let's have a look and see how that looks like Okay, so that's pretty much all you need to do some very basic editing And you can go a very long way with all that you've learned so far! Next, this is gonna be the Fusion tab or Fusion page Where you do all sorts of motion graphics and visual effects But there's really no point to go over it right now, because it's incredibly complex And I'm still learning it myself, to be honest The next page that I wanna show you real quick as well is called Color And this is where the magic happens DaVinci Resolve used to be just a color grading software and later on it became a video editing software as well And it still, to be honest, pretty much industry standard for a lot of people that I know They do their edits in Premiere Pro or Final Cut Pro And a lot of people export to DaVinci Resolve to still do the color grading here, it's that good It's probably the best option you have right now But it's incredibly complex and I'm not gonna get into the details of how it works I just want you to know it's here, it's available And if you wanna learn about color grading, there's a ton of tutorials on YouTube about how to grade in DaVinci Resolve And the next page is called Fairlight Which is a complete solution for sound editing and mixing, But trust me, basic editing goes a long way Just a couple of fade ins and fade outs and controlling the volume is gonna go a long way, especially when you're just starting out And the last page that I wanna show you is right here, which is called the Deliver page When it's all said and done, it's time to export what you created to a video file We have our timeline here on the bottom, because you can render either the Entire Timeline with everything you have Or same way as when we imported media into the timeline, you can add an In and an Out point like this And say for example you want it to start here, so I'll just use the keyboard shortcut "I" And let's say I wanna render all the way to here, with a keyboard shortcut of "O" Let's just say for whatever reason that's just one part and you wanna export just that selection to see how it looks But we'll go back to our entire timeline, because we want to export the entire video And here's where you have the settings. You can do custom settings, if you know what you're doing But if you're just starting out with video editing, you're probably much better of just using a preset I recommend you just go with 1080p YouTube It's more than enough And just give it a file name: "DaVinci Export" And then it's time to browse for a location on your computer And then click here where it says Add to Render Queue Now I can do a couple of other selections as well Maybe I want to export a ProRes Master, let's say And I can add a few jobs to the queue, which are gonna show up here on the top right And I can export multiple versions or even multiple timelines or projects or a lot of other things Because it takes a lot of time You can use render queue And as I said, when you're ready, click Start Render and it's gonna start processing your video Keep in mind, this might take a while, depending on your computer or the complexity of your project and how long it is Anywhere from a couple of minutes all the way to even a few hours One very nice thing that I like about DaVinci Resolve is that it kinda gives you this error right here where it says Edited It turns red when you haven't saved the project for a long time And it's very important to save the project, so you don't lose any work you've done And of course, to do that, it's pretty simple You can to File -> Save Project And now the error disappeared But, keep in mind, whenever you have that red thing right here, it means you haven't saved your project for a very long time Alright, that's all for this beginners guide to DaVinci Resolve 16 I hope you learned a lot of things about video editing and feel confident to start making your own videos If you watched all the way to here, please leave a comment to let me know And if you enjoyed this tutorial, don't forget to hit the like button Doing this, really helps with the YouTube algorithm, so that I can continue to make more content like this and help more people For stock animation assets that work perfectly well in DaVinci Resolve 16 Which you can use to easily produce high quality professional explainer animations, with drag with & drop simplicity Please visit VideoPlasty.com My name is Eduard Stinga, founder of VideoPlasty Check out my channel too for more video marketing content You can add me on Instagram as well to keep in touch And I will see you in the next video!
Channel: 🎬 Eduard Stinga (VideoPlasty.com)
Views: 24,268
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: davinci resolve 16, davinci resolve 16 tutorial, davinci resolve 16 beginner tutorial, davinci resolve 16 beginners tutorial, davinci resolve 16 beginner's guide, davinci resolve 16 for beginners, davinci resolve 16 for dummies, davinci resolve 16 crash course, davinci resolve 16 guide, learn davinci resolve 16, learn davinci resolve, davinci resolve basics, davinci resolve basic editing, davinci resolve basic video editing
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 24sec (1764 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 07 2020
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