Davinci Resolve Green Screen with DeltaKeyer and CleanPlate

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hey filmmakers it's carrie with filmmaker central and today we're going to get into green screen now i've done this before and there's always been a lot of questions about how to do some certain things so we're going to dive a little bit deeper today so stay right there we'll be right back okay there's actually several different methods of doing green screen replacement in davinci resolve you can do it from the color tab or you can do it from fusion i prefer doing it in fusion the results are better you have way more control and it's just i i just think it is the best way of doing it and it like i said the results are better and that's really the end of it so we're going to dig into it and i'm going to show you how to use the delta keyer and the clean plate to get the best results very very quickly so let's dig in okay so here i've got a project with some green screen it's basically the same setup that you just saw from i recorded this yesterday and if you notice we have this wall over on one side here that we're going to have to deal with and we have this area over here where you can see my basically my hallway and we have some spill onto some equipment that's up here so we're going to need to deal with all that so we're just going to make sure we have that selected and go into fusion and right here real simple we have our media in which is going to be our footage so i'm going to go ahead and rename that to video and i'm going to pull in this brick background here and i'm going to hit f2 and change it to background all right so pretty simple so far and first thing i'm gonna make sure i have the video node selected here and hit shift m and that's gonna bring up my tools and i'm going to type in delta and there's the deltic here so we can select that and this is the primary tool that we're going to work with to get our green screening done now this really is pretty much all you need to use you can do some quick and dirty delta cane with just the delta keyer and if you have a really clean subject then you really just need to do this and this is not a clean setup here i've got dirty monitors here i mean meaning i've got green spill i've got these holes to fill this is kind of an ugly ugly setup here but it's also more real world than grabbing some perfect keyed footage off of the internet and working with that so we're gonna see how this works now to make this easier we're going to use a clean plate and basically that's going to tell fusion kind of what is the background color and help mix it in a lot better so i over here i'm gonna just not have anything selected hit shift m and bring up my clean plate so i'm gonna go from the video to the yellow on the clean plate and from well we'll get to that so let's hit one and bring the cleaning plate up in the left-hand monitor and i can come over here and there's a couple options here i can do color or ranges so if i do color i can hold down on the thumbnail arming on the dropper and just drop it in there and we can start getting that or i can go to ranges and this can help select a kind of a range of color so i'm going to do that right there and our goal is to fill this screen with the background color as best we can so i'm going to erode it just a little bit just to kind of clean up some of the edges here and if all is well and good i can simply just grow the edges and fill it in but this is obviously not going to work with this setup so i'll reset that and just click on fill not very pretty definitely not where we want to be with this so i'm going to change it from ranges to color and i'm just going to select what i think is a pretty good color area here and now we have this mosaic of stuff for lack of better word but let's let's fix this up we'll go to our clean plate make sure that's selected hit shift m and type in blur so i'll put that over on that side so we can see it come over here to a gaussian blur and i'm just going to crank this blur size all the way up so there we have kind of a nice clean ish plate going on and now i'm gonna i'm gonna throw the daltok here up there and we'll zoom in and what i can do is let's uh let's get a result going here let's let's do that so i'm going to select the delta key or hit shift m and type merge so this will give our final output over here on the right hand monitor and i'll take my background here and i'm going to drag it up onto that green arrow there and it's pretty much exactly opposite from what we want so if we right click on this we can go up to swap inputs and on the mac it's command t so now we have our footage on top of it but our our background is kind of wigging us out here so with the background selected hit shift m go to resize and that should fix that okay so now our video is on top of our background which is exactly what we want we want the video to be the foreground and the background to be the background now we need to kill the uh the green screen effect here so i'm going to move these over here and if we mouse over these nodes we can see one is deltic here the effect mask the other is the garbage mat we have a solid mat and we have a clean plate come on show it to me well sometimes the tooltips work and sometimes they don't but we're going to go from the blur over to the pink and wham pretty simple and actually extremely extremely clean i mean look at the hair in that it did a great job without really having to do much however let's look over here that green spill has pretty much destroyed the monitors we still have to deal with the wall over on the right side and we have to deal with this hole over here so a couple things we can do first we need to create some masks to get rid of these areas over here so without having anything selected i'm going to do shift m and go to rectangle now the other thing i could do is come up here to my shape tools and just click on rectangle and you'll see it puts the rectangle on the screen here so i'm going to size this guy up a little bit and we'll drag it down and what we need to do is connect this to our garbage mat so that is going to be the gray one over here and i'll just drop that onto the gray node and boom there we go pretty simple okay let's take care of this area up here and i'll zoom in and without having anything selected i'll select a polygon tool it's going to end up over here and i'll start drawing the polygon on here fortunately i don't have to be too precise other than the top of this monitor and i'll connect that to the rectangle all right looking good and i'll just unselect that now we've got a couple little issues here we have this line up here where that garbage mat connects to the rest of it so we want to clean that up and we still need to clean these monitors up a little bit so unfortunately we're not quite done yet let's select our delta keyer and let's look at some options that we have in here we have pre-mat probably not what i'm looking for we go to our mat and here we have threshold this is what we're going to be looking at so if i adjust the low side up we can see that it really fills things in but that's pretty much the opposite effect of what we want let's take the high side and pull it down and we can actually restore some of that by telling it to eliminate some of the the spill and if we crank up that low side just enough to get that line to disappear we're in pretty good shape so quick and dirty not not that difficult and you just kind of have to watch those steps connect the clean plate up do a blur on it try and get it as solid as possible connect that up to the deltic here use rectangles or polygons to create a garbage mat and take that into a merge node with your background and make sure the background and foreground are correct and you are good to go so using davinci resolve with fusion should not be that difficult to get really really good effect with green screening now it doesn't have to be green if you actually actually look at this one this is from westcott here and the back side of it is actually blue so depending on the colors in the scene i can just flip that over and either have it as a green screen or a blue screen the same thing is going to work while we're doing our editing so that is green screen techniques with davinci resolve using the delta gear and the clean plate hope you enjoyed that thanks for watching this has been carrie with filmmaker central please like share and subscribe i really really really appreciate it we are coming up on close to 15 000 subscribers and i'm gonna have a giveaway pretty soon because of that so stay tuned for that thanks for watching everybody i'll catch you later bye
Channel: Filmmaker Central
Views: 12,931
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Blackmagic, Davinci Resolve, Video, Editing, Tutorial, Training, Final Cut, green screen, chroma key, delta keyer, visual effects, clean plate, blackmagic fusion, blue screen, video editing, fusion clean plate, green screen effects, davinci resolve 16, green screen tutorial, how to green screen, green screen video, Filmmaker Central
Id: B7opP0yKz2w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 13sec (733 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 27 2020
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