Fusion Camera Tracking Tutorial

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[Music] [Music] [Music] good afternoon and welcome everybody to my YouTube channel I hope everyone is having a great start to the new year today I'm gonna teach you guys how to do this really cool sexy title effect using 3d camera tracking anyway so we're gonna go ahead and open up our project here in DaVinci Resolve studio and go ahead and get started there now I use DaVinci Resolve studio for all of my editing and post-processing and audio mastering basically does everything I need it to do okay so weird side of DaVinci Resolve now and as you can see I have my timeline right here and all our Clips right here these are all 60 frames per second on a DJ Mavic Pro and we're in a 24 FPS timeline so I have everything ready here one thing to note before we jump into fusion is I apply to color grade before I went into fusion I if I didn't I would have applied my color grade on top of any of the effects I did infusion so adjusted to do my color grading before so when I go into fusion it'll be color graded and all I have to do is add my effects so with that I can just jump over here to the timeline again and go to the beginning of our clip here have it selected and go into fusion and as you can see we have the fusion interface now normally this is the point in Final Cut Pro or Adobe Premiere where you have to export to another program like After Effects and to do all your fancy effects that you want to do since I'm using DaVinci Resolve fusion is built into the studio and I don't have to do any exporting whatsoever I do everything I need to in this one program and that's one of the cool features I love about this is that I can do all my audio mastery and color grading VFX editing all in the same program never having to export now fusion is a standalone application if you're using Final Cut Pro you can export to fusion and then you'll have to re important to it just like you would anything else so what we have happening here Fusion is a node-based compositing meaning unlike after-effects which uses layers I guess you could say fusion does things using nodes and no base compositing allows you to get a really good visual of what is going on in your scene and basically every single effect you apply is a node so right here we have two nodes one is our input node which let me display in the viewer here which is our clip here and then this is our output node right here and nothing's happening there's no change they are the same so each of these little black dots dictates what viewer these nodes get displayed in so there's no changes happening they're the same so what I want to do is come over here to our effects library look under tools and these are where all our notes are all the effects everything and all the nodes are pretty simple by themselves but when you use them together you can achieve some really amazing things so I'm gonna come over here to the tracking menu here and I want to add a camera tracker but I want to select media in and then add it so it automatically connects it in between our media and media out with that we're gonna go ahead and adjust our settings here but before I do that I want to display our camera tracker and our viewer so I'll click on that right black dot and again no changes are happening but we are viewing the effects happening in this node and this basically views all the changes up to that node nothing past so we're go ahead and close our effects library and increase the size here a little bit and what I'm gonna do here is go ahead and preview Auto track location check that box now all of our nodes we add all the setting whatever one we have highlighted the settings for are going to be in this panel here on the right so as you can see we just clicked preview Auto track locations and that basically told us told Fusion to show us what it wants to track now what we want to do is we want to extrapolate the camera movement and the way to do that is by a tracking fixed points in space so we're to get accurate results if we track something that moves like the water so we want to avoid that so what I want to do is add a mask and plug it into this camera tracker and you can see here we have a little input here called track mask and if I have our camera tracker selected I can come up here to the shortcut menu and click on our polygon mask and it automatically plugs it in and I will put it in the left-sided viewer here and then I will build a mask just point and click all around I'll just adjust some of these points to be a little closer to the water or the edge of the water I want to get too close because I still want to pull the detail out of the edges there but I think we're OK right there so we'll go ahead and a fit there and I'll click on our camera tracker node and as you can see we're tracking everything inside of that mask and not on the outside so I want to come back to our mask and invert it and then we'll go back here and now we're doing what we should be doing and tracking everything outside of there so in our camera tracking node settings we can adjust the minimum feature set which is going to basically tell fusion how far apart each tracker is going to be from each other so I'm going to go ahead and lower this to go down to low that right there so we're gonna have much more trackers in here and our tension threshold basic basically says how much contrast something has to have before fusion decides it needs to be tracked so if we wanted to we can go ahead and track any of these red green or blue or luma channels if one has certain contrast over the other you would probably want to prefer that because the better contrast you get the better is a track you'll get I think all our settings right here okay there's some more advanced settings in here such as a you know tracking pattern size and determining how these trackers function but I think we're going to leave it at the default right now and we're going to go ahead and save this real quick and I want to click Auto track so what we're doing is tracking all these points that fusion detects and it's gonna track everything going forward and it's then gonna track everything going backwards okay so you notice that it just started tracking everything going backwards now and the reason it does that is because perhaps at a certain frame fusion lost a tracker and so it looking so it looks for a new tracking point and if it finds one it's gonna track everything going forward but it's certainly possible that that tracking point could have existed before it detected it so it's gonna go and run it backwards and see if it can't pull out more data for certain trackers okay so I just finished our camera track and we're gonna go over and go over to our camera tab and basically we want to be able to tell fusion what it needs to refine so these were shot on a DJI Mavic Pro and I'm pretty sure the lens on that is at 35 millimetres equivalent so we're just gonna go ahead and leave that as is but we'll tell it to refine the focal length anyway so we'll leave all these settings as is but if you had to you can come in and tell fusion or tell our camera tracker what kind of distortion we have or what our focal length is but we'll go ahead and leave things as they are so we'll come over here to our soft tab and I'm gonna go ahead and click on solve or I'm gonna save first and then I'm going to click on solve and what this is gonna do is this is gonna weigh all the trackers against each other and we're gonna find out what trackers are accurate and which ones are bad and we want to be able to sort them out from each other because bad trackers are going to give us a bad result good trackers are gonna give this a good result and like you could see some of these trackers that still made it on the water here they're probably not going to give us good results here so we may have to delete them and resolve our trackers again so we'll see what happens here I'm gonna go ahead and let this run through it may seem like your computers locked up on you but trust me it's it's thinking hard as it can because it has to measure all these against each other so I'll go ahead and let this finish up and we'll get back to it once it's done okay so I went ahead and retracting in and I got my air solve error down to 0.5 now that's actually pretty good considering you know if our goal was 0.3 and we're still under 1 I would say this is good enough I don't need to tinker with this anymore we're looking pretty good so what I want to do now is I want to come over here to the next tab called export and I'm going to go ahead and click on export and what this is gonna do is gonna add a bunch more nodes over here and if I bring them up here so we can have everything in view what this did when I clicked export it basically said alright take all the information you have and now create it in a 3d environment and that's exactly what it did so if I come over here and view this merge node and change the camera perspective we have a 3d environment of our scene and as you can see the trackers have been put along the tree line and it has tracked all the details pretty well I'd have to say so you can see we have the tree line on either side the river down the middle and this green line is basically the path the camera takes so we can see as we jump from frame to frame the camera moves around so what we're gonna do here is we're gonna go ahead and do some this is where the fun starts so we'll go back to the first frame I'm gonna do now is I'm gonna go ahead and save real quick lest it crashes again I'm gonna go ahead and save this real quick in just in case it crashes but uh we have our 3d environment now so we'll break down these nodes and I'll show you what they look like now so we have our 3d camera node and if I put the viewer on there we see the camera we can also view the point trackers I could also look at the ground plate now you might need the ground plane you might I don't care for it in this situation but we see we have all these individual nodes here so we have our camera point clouds and ground plane and they all feed into this emerge which is basically everything combined and then this merge node is then fed into this render node and that basically what the render node does is it basically says are everything in this 3d environment we are now converting it to a 2d image based off of how this environment is set up so we have our camera we have our trackers we have the camera movement it's all being converted into a 2d image so if I go ahead and select the viewer here for the render node nothing happens because the trackers are set to be invisible the ground playing typically is not so we want to go ahead and uncheck visible because I don't want to see it in my final project but we'll go ahead and leave that you know this is what I was saying how knows offer a great visual as to see how your scene is composed now one thing to note here is our media end node right here is being fed into our camera so as you can see in our 3d environment the background of our 3d scene is going to be our media clip so what I want to do now is I want to add our 3d text so rather than going over here to the effects pool what I want to do is I want to do shift space and I can type in text and there it is text 3b that's the one we want so real quick I'm going to unselect this because there we go okay so we'll go ahead and add it typically when you have a node selected and then you add one it will connect them up how it thinks it wants you to connect them up but sometimes it's not the best so we have our text node if I come over here to the viewer and take a look at this we can type in this box and we'll just say huge it I guess so there's our 3d text and now we want to just drag and drop into this merge node and the way this merge node works is we can connect as many 3d things as we want to it there's no limit really we can just keep going and if we get too many we can then merge we can drag that merge node into another merge node and just keep connecting things and so on but we're okay right now so so we can see our fusion text we want to move that down here a little bit now let's enable the environment there we go so now we have our text in our 3d environment which is very oversized so we'll go ahead and shrink our text down something a little more manageable yeah let's move it right about there all right so I'm going to go ahead and right-click go to camera change perspective front and as we can see based off of our tracking data the water level the lowest trackers are gonna be about where the water level is and that's gonna be about right across here so I want this text to be just above the water so we'll go ahead and drag our text like so hmm yeah that's good might increase the size just a bit just for dramatic effect okay so that's pretty good we have our text positioned and now when we we can go over to perspective and we jump through the frames we can see our text changes according to our 3d scene based off of our media in and what I want to do now is go ahead and disconnect the media out from our camera tracker because we don't really need that anymore I'm gonna go ahead and drag our render node into our output node and that's pretty much it that is all there is to this and if I come back here to our edit node we now have this little icon in the bottom corner here and you can see that this red bar and basically resolve to text that there's been changes inside of fusion so it's going into fusion rendering that out and putting it in our timeline for us okay so we got our clip rendered out and we go ahead and play it we have the data tracked inside of our clip just pretty cool we have some issues though we see our text just kind of vanishes right there at that frame so what I want to do is go back into fusion and I want to go to our 3d camera and we have it all the settings are locked on it so I'm going to go ahead and click on that little lock right there and I wanna set the clip distance to zero but it doesn't go all the way down to zero so we'll we'll set it pretty short right there to 0.05 that should allow us to go a bit closer yeah so we can get it real we're gonna get a decent fly-through effect with that so that's pretty much all we have to do we could call this done but I want to add a little more depth to this and we'll go ahead and give it some reflection on the water now I experimented around with a couple of ways to do this and there can get as complicated as you want or it can be as simple as you want so we have to fake a reflection so the easiest way for this purpose that I found was to will go ahead and disconnect our media in here and I'll tell you guys why in a minute but right now everything that basically gives our background an alpha channel now I'll go ahead and move our 3d camera right there and I'm gonna add a transform node in a 3d transform node anyway so we'll go ahead and add that and what I want to do now is come in here to our location settings and reset them because when you adjust the location settings in here and then do the same thing in the transform node weird things happen so we want to keep the object itself add values at 0 and we want to go into our transform node and only adjust that so all I have to do is come back here and then I have to realign it here a little quick we'll go ahead and do that there we go in our as we can see our transform node is the output it has being fed back into our merge node and I'm gonna go ahead and move these around so we can see things a little bit easier so okay so to fake this reflection we kind of have to work around it and create another 3d scene using the same tools here so what I want to do is I want to add a 3d merge and I want to feed my 3d camera into it which is why we disconnected the media in from the camera otherwise we wouldn't have alpha channels because we're gonna be compositing everything in after its rendered I'm going to go ahead and control C control V that transform node again and we're going to do same thing with our 3d text and now we're going to feed it into this merge here as we can see the data is now applied here so we have going on here we have two 3d scenes happening this one is going to be just our regular fusion that we want and this bottom one down here is going to be our reflection and I know these looks a little bit confusing but basically splitting the text and the camera data to create two different fusion titles and we're gonna flip one upside down using this transform here I'm gonna go over here to our X rotation and select put it to 180 degrees or rotation I also want to again add a render node that's just gonna render this out okay so now we're viewing now our viewers are looking at our fusion title here and we're looking at the bottom one which is flipped upside down for our reflection or what's going to be our reflection it looks awful right now so we need to adjust this just a bit let's go ahead and go to camera perspective front and I want to do the same on this one too so we can really get the details refined here lower this just a bit right there and give it a little distance from the other reflection here and I think we're good there so we have a render node now we need to add a regular merge node the regular merge node is very different than the 3d merge the 3d merge allows you to attach as many things as you want to it the 2d merge only allows you to attach a foreground a background and a mask it's like think of it like Photoshop layers it's it's just a way of doing that and based off of the operations performed in this panel you can achieve that in different ways Fusion title is our background but we want that as the foreground so we'll plug that into the foreground take our media in plug it into the background and if I put this in the viewer we have it composited as it was before now we need to composite our election in so I'm gonna go ahead and add another merge node or go ahead and add that in and what we want to do is put this image into the foreground all I have to do to do that is plug that into the foreground and when I do that we have a very terrible looking reflection so we need to fix that so I want to come back select this winter node here again do shift space and I want to add a blur and I really like fast Gaussian blur so I'm going to go ahead and leave it at that and we'll just blur this yeah yeah I like that still looks terrible so I'm gonna come over here to our second merge and this is what we're gonna do we're gonna take our ply mode and we're going to change it to overlay and what that does is it basically takes the luminance of the background and uses it as a mask for the foreground so we can really get the ripples through the water and now we're starting to look like something we can just the blend in the game to get a more controlled environment and get it to what it we want it to look like but I was actually pretty happy with just using a soft light it basically does the same thing it's just different settings and that's pretty much all you have to do it's being fed into our media app so it's being rendered we can come back to our edit page and again fusion has changes to it DaVinci Resolve to text that and so it's gonna rerender this clip out on our timeline again so DaVinci Resolve detected the changes again infusion and re-rendered at our clip on our timeline I went ahead and saved again and when we play our clip it's not perfect but it's actually pretty good we could go in and refine it more but I think you guys get the idea of you know what's what's happening and how it works so you know if we go back into fusion here to recap all we're doing is we're taking our text node and our camera node all we're doing is we're splitting the fusion title into two different rendered images and one is being flipped upside down and blurred Andry composited over the other and that just kind of gives us our reflection it's not 100% physically accurate but it's pretty convincing if you ask me so you know if we come back into our edit page resolve detected the changes detected the changes in fusion and rerender the clip on our timeline and if we play it we have a pretty good playback here of our title camera flyby with reflections in the water so it pretty much wraps up this tutorial I hope you guys enjoyed it and but I hope you guys have a great day and hope you enjoyed this video hopefully I didn't plan on doing a bit more and I will see you guys in the next video I hope you enjoyed it bye
Channel: Aaron Ridley
Views: 22,714
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Fusion, tutorial, fusion tutorial, davinci resolve, compositing, 3d titles, vfx, resolve, special effects, learning, camera tracking, node based compositing, nodes, fusion 9 tutorial, fusion compositing, drone shot camera track, dji makov, davinci resolve 15 tutorial, resolve 15 tutorial, how to
Id: crDyZWbgMiY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 7sec (1447 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 06 2019
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