DaVinci Resolve vs Final Cut Pro vs Premiere Pro | The Best Video Editor

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so if you're into video editing you must likely use a video editing software probably one of the main three you got Adobe Premiere Pro Final Cut Pro and the past couple years DaVinci Resolve has snuck in to be one of the top of course you have avid sitting up there kind of on a pedestal with the professionals in Hollywood and doing TV shows but that really hasn't made its way to the consumer and prosumer markets but today we're primarily gonna be talking about the main three and why I jumped between all of them and I still use all three to a certain extent but I definitely have my preferences and use cases for each one oh and uh stick around to the end to see a little teaser for something I'm working on with this cool new piece of kit that I found for like 50 bucks that lets me edit with like one hand and like 30 percent faster so if you want to see that stick to the end now first I want to tackle the biggest question that people ask if they are about to start using a piece of software which is which one is easier to learn and the answer to that is all of them pretty much every single video editor out there all works the same exact way just with different advanced features and different buttons but the layouts everything from Windows Movie Maker to iMovie all the way up through to avid and DaVinci and Premiere and Final Cut all work the exact same way and here's proof throwing up the three major editors here so where do you import all of your footage the top left there's some sort of media bin where can you see that footage and see what you're actually editing in the source and timeline player which is the top right and where do you actually edit the video in your timeline which is the bottom middle or throughout the bottom so if you're trying to learn a piece of software just based on which one is easier to learn you're really going about it the wrong way you need to be asking which features does this program have that the other one may not and is that feature of ultra importance to whatever your workflow is premiere was the first one that I actually are doing client work and more serious type videos and what changed that for me ultimately was just the performance adobe is fantastic because they have an entire suite of apps so they make it very easy it's kind of like Apple in their ecosystem if you need to do like motion graphics or 3d effects and things like that you have After Effects which is so easy to you know direct link to me here you just right-click on your premiere timeline and boom you're in After Effects it used to be in SpeedGrade before they added all the nice color editing features right inside of Premiere you have audition which is a fantastically robust audio editing program and so you have all of these programs that are separate but still tied together in a pretty seamless way and so that makes Premiere ultra interesting to look at which is why I don't know the market percentages of where the user bases are but I definitely think it's safe to say that Premiere probably has the most users but they're also super expensive if you have the full-on subscription which is basically access to all of their apps it'll run you give or take $50 a month not including student licenses or specials or anything like that I think I pay like 50 for a month with taxes or whatever if you just want like one program you can get it for like 20 bucks a month but still in comparison to da Vinci and Final Cut which costs $2.99 once and you own it all future updates included the $50 a month it's pretty steep while we're talking about cost it's also good to know that Final Cut is tied to your Apple ID so there really isn't any license restrictions basically any device that has your Apple ID you can download Final Cut onto and there's no limit so you could have 50 computers essentially all tied to one Apple ID as long as that Apple ID owns Final Cut boom you have it on 50 computers whereas da Vinci and premier basically have a license structure now if you buy one license technically gives you two computers which is nice because in the Terms & Conditions does clarify that you have a main PC and a secondary PC or Matt whatever so of course you could choose your secondary PC eight for a friend or family member if you wanted to but the general idea is that you get one for both like a desktop and then a laptop by the way did I mention that there's a free version of the venture resolve which everyone should at least download and try out because it has like 95% of the features that the full version does ok for the next little bit we're primarily going to be talking about Final Cut vs DaVinci since these are the two that I use for most yeah going down the list some of the ultra pros that I give to Final Cut is speed and optimization I would say they are faster than any of the other programs in terms of export times and being as fast on as many different machines premiere in DaVinci if you want to work in 4k 6 k 8k footage and you want to play back in real time and render super fast you need a Hillier computer and yet people are exporting 8k red files on MacBook Airs in Final Cut Pro just because Apple makes the software and Apple makes the hardware so the optimization is just unreal don't have the budget for a crazy computer then Final Cut may be the best option for you because you'll have the best editing experience even on lower powered machines and plugins where Final Cut really shines is pretty much one company that makes plug in motion VFX obviously there's a million other plug-in sites out there that I'm sure are very good but motion V effects are the highest quality plugins I've ever seen and they pretty much only make them exclusively for Final Cut Pro they have some premiere templates and plugin that I haven't tested to be honest so those may be good as well but the majority of their catalog is strictly for Final Cut Pro and it's amazing it's pretty much the only reason that ice go back to final cut for certain projects and obviously final cut has a lot to offer there's some great features in there but again the same great features in there they pretty much have an equivalent in all the other programs so I don't want to waste time talking about those so if people go in the comments like Oh organizing and final case so good well there's pretty much an equivalent in all the other programs so again I'm not gonna like debate those differences but now going down my pro list or DaVinci pretty much the main reason I ended up switching is I own Blackmagic cameras Blackmagic is the company who makes DaVinci Resolve and so when they came out with beer all it's now supported in Premiere through a plug-in but Apple still has until hasn't gained support in it in Final Cut Pro so there's no way to import it so I'd have to round-trip butchers what I used to do try to import into resolve to do cutting maybe color or something like that export as ProRes HQ or something and then import then the final cut took forever for quick turnaround stuff so that's the one the biggest reasons I ended up trying out resolve in the beginning it's also cross-platform so just like Premiere you can get this on Mac and PC and so that way if you're working on a project on a Mac you can easily save the project file open it up on the PC you're not gonna have any issues Final Cut it's made by Apple obviously it's only available on Macs multiple programs built in one you know how earlier I mentioned that adobe has all these great fantastic programs like audition and After Effects and obviously premiere well DaVinci Resolve is basically all of those programs but built into one so within one program you'll see across the bottom that you have the different sections and the different types of editing so you have your media bin which is where you organize everything look at all your metadata get all audio and video synced up then you have your cut page which is kind of like the new Final Cut snap timeline so if you want really quick and efficient edits then you can go to the cut page give your edit page which is the full-blown editor that's where you're stacking everything adding all your transitions titles effects and then you go into fusion which is kind of like the After Effects that's where you can get crazy with 3d animation motion graphics basically anything you can do in After Effects not an expert at it but I've seen enough to know that you can basically do the majority of the things it is just a different style of learning with no base rather than layer base compared to most other programs and on that note I will say that's why the biggest downfall of resolv'd the past year with 16 they really added a lot to it but da Vinci has the least amount of user-friendly titles and transitions and effects they've built it up a lot but whereas the other programs out of the box you get a bunch of cool titles and transitions and like filter effective things you can add on to your shots in fusion and sorry resolve your basically have to build most of them from scratch and then there are some newer companies and people starting to make plugins and transitions that are really good Josh Hanes is one of my buddies here on YouTube who's making some amazing DaVinci Resolve stuff so definitely go check out his channel if you haven't already yeah after fusion you have Fairlight which is basically audition that's where you're doing all your audio work amazing audio tools in here in terms of making any adjustments Corrections and just layering in all your mixes basically sound effects music things like that and then you have the deliver page which is where you go to export everything you can batch export you can export in all sorts of settings resolutions yeah this is a page where you're doing all that so while of course the other programs have export screens and they have the ability to adjust music and audio and things like that each of these pages goes way more in-depth than just your average export button or your average a adjust these volume levels slider so it's definitely worth knowing that it really is like having four or five programs built into one and every program has its advanced tools but resolve had a couple that stood out to again me personally that really helped decide my wanting to use it full-time which is like in the color you can apply a mask and within that mask you can easily track it as one of the best built-in trackers that I've ever seen so it makes tracking something in 3d space ultra easy ultra-convenient premiere has something pretty similar where you can track any sort of mask or effect that you apply to a clip but I really like the way DaVinci does it on their color page especially and as someone who likes to color great a lot it's amazing so I could go in like right now for example and track my eyes if I want to brighten them up and then as I move them around it's gonna remain tracked ask any colorist and they will by far tell you that if you care about color grading there is nothing better than resolved and that's just a straight fact and lastly you have updates adobe comes out with updates fix a lot of things da Vinci has been trying to play catch-up the past couple of years so their updates I think are a little bit more significant but they happen every couple months and there's a mixture of new features and bug fixes and then premiere I noticed will have like their big Adobe event every year same way with DaVinci but those two have a good amount of updates final cut I think we all can agree that we wish it had more updates they have bug fixes sometimes by in terms of new features sometimes you can be waiting for three or four years so I really hope that gives you guys a good insight into why I choose DaVinci as my main editor but I still respect and still use the other tools because I'm a big fan of staying up to date on all of them because it's all about the right tool for the job let me know down in the comments below which editor you guys use and why you use them and let's refrain from calling the other ones just trash because that's just not true I really wanted to make a video and get the point across that if you have a desire to learn any of these programs maybe you're coming from iMovie or a more basic program and you've been scared because everyone sees pictures like this where they see like a Hollywood timeline and they're like oh my god that's crazy the same way when I look at like 3d effects software it's all about compartmentalizing hate that word' an understanding that each little box has its own thing and most of the time you're only focusing on one of those little boxes at a time and the rest of the boxes Carnage's are sitting there waiting for you so don't be scared to learn new software and don't be ignorant by thinking one software is vastly better than the other it's all about what you need in the program and what you prefer we want to check any of these programs out they'll all be linked in the description below and while you're down there you might as well already hit that like button and if you're not subscribed already of course that would help me out a lot thanks so much for watching guys see in the next one [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: michael tobin
Views: 122,627
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: davinci resolve vs final cut pro, final cut pro, davinci resolve vs fcpx, final cut pro x, export project from final cut pro to davinci resolve, davinci resolve, davinci resolve 16, fcpx project to davinci resolve and back, fcpx to davinci resolve, best video editing program, best video editing software, color grading, colour grading, fcpx, free, video editing, which editor should i use, resolve vs premiere pro
Id: A0YNzfoRqrM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 0sec (840 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 07 2019
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