Switching to Davinci Resolve 17 from FCPX - Was it worth it?

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He also recommended Casey Faris for learning it. Rightfully so.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Speeider πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 31 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Time given to sharing his feelings about moving from Final Cut to Resolve or talking about what FC can do: 90%. Time given to SB commercial: 9%. Time given to showing or explaining what Resolve can actually do: 1%. I don't understand the point of this video.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/proxicent πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 01 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies
[Music] i'm bored i'm bored of editing video and more specifically i'm bored of the way that i edit video because day after day after weekend years of this now hundreds of projects i have approached the exact same way and i'm bored of it i've decided i want to learn an entirely new piece of editing software so that when i get to the computer it's not muscle memory it's not doing the same thing i want it to feel difficult i was wrong i think that's what i'm doing [Music] i've been editing in final cut pro 10 for over a decade now and while there is a lot to love it is far from perfect and it's also important to mention that i learned how to edit in final cut pro 10 which means that some of those bad habits i've probably picked up especially as i was learning have become just part of my workflow for better or for worse probably for worse on one hand i wanted to learn resolve so that i could collaborate with people like my friend dave who i'll introduce you to in a minute but on the other hand i wanted to learn the program starting with beginner tutorials on how to organize my footage all the way up into more complex editing for things like color and graphics i really want to know if switching to something that's more feature rich will benefit my work or if at the end of this i'll still be craving the beautiful efficiency that is final cut pro 10. this is my prediction for you is that you will just go back to final fantasy you'll be like okay i learned resolve i i don't want to like give up on this until i feel like i'm competent i want to be good yeah before i make anything you'll be better than me in no time you're already like using parts of the program i've never even delved into well thank you i spent the last month diving as deep into resolve 17 as i could i ordered the speed editor and have been watching every relevant casey ferris video that i could find sidebar if you want to learn how to use resolve 17 i highly suggest casey ferris's youtube channel very helpful stuff however after a week or so of this i started to get pretty frustrated and i realized i was going to need more than just tutorials i was going to need to tour tutor i was going to need a tutor uh all right hi everyone this is my good pal david ross hello uh we go way back we've made music videos together i was a zombie once yeah in a short film of yours yeah you and them [Music] dave walked me through his entire workflow that he uses with his production company everything from organizing my media to answering basic editing questions uh whatever and helping me wrap my head around node-based color grading so some of these nodes can can bypass other nodes for sure yeah and after all of this i felt i was ready to set off on my first solo resolve edit [Music] i decided i wanted to edit something i was familiar with and so i shot an instagram story on my way to the studio and that would be my first task what am i doing the whole time this is a lot yeah this is a lot okay for the first time i think i kind of am getting a handle on this a little bit i mean i've only got like four clips in a row but like it's uh [Music] it's at least starting to look like something that i would do and it's taken me 10 times longer and it's been quite frustrating but wow this is a a harder process than i had anticipated [Music] this video is sponsored by storyblocks i'm sure you already know this by now but storybox is the go-to website when it comes to finding super high quality stock footage for your projects with their affordable subscription options you get unlimited access for both personal or commercial use and that includes more than just 4k eye candy you also get sound effects backgrounds and overlays after effects templates pretty much anything you would need to polish your videos and turn it from something like this into something like this so if you want your videos to stop looking like boring old potatoes or you actually just think this would be something that would be helpful for you and your work click the link down in the description or go to storyblocks.com jesse driftwood to find out more thanks click it you should it's a good idea for all of us and you and me thanks [Music] a hot slice of zombie let me record [Laughter] as i moved past like some of those growing pains of learning this is stupid and annoying and i hate it like it got it got pretty good like i now understand a lot of the issues that were driving me nuts earlier but the main thing was transitioning from trying to make resolve work the way i edit in final cut to submitting to how resolve wants me to edit and the more i did that the more i enjoyed editing and resolve and it took probably three weeks of like pretty consistent editing in it before i felt like okay i'm all right here what i would say is resolve is an absolutely great place to get started because it's completely free resolve has all of the foundational tools that pretty much any video editor has and it works quite similarly to those as well however if you think that you're probably mostly going to be a solo creator making youtube videos or tick tock videos or whatever i think final cut is such an incredible tool for really fast efficient editing and it's honestly really approachable i understand that the magnetic timeline can be somewhat intimidating if you're coming from traditional nles but once you wrap your head around it or if you're just getting started it makes a lot of sense and i think can just really speed up your workflows and also a lot of people that are doing video editing they're not doing it because they love editing video they like want to show their sewing techniques online and final cut might just be the fastest easiest way to show that off unless you don't want to spend the 300 us dollars in which case resolve is free or i don't know some kind of ipad imovie i don't know i think i'm going to kind of make the switch so i still feel like for quick edits like on the run i'm on a bus on a little laptop i i still think i'm gonna stay in final cut i'm so comfortable like just powering through and edit there and i know every step along the way i know it's limitations i know how i work around those and that type of like comfort is almost too valuable to give up whereas when it comes to working on bigger projects or projects that i might want to hand off to a colorist to a sound engineer to uh whoever i want to do them in resolve oh wow
Channel: JesseDriftwood
Views: 38,194
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 16sec (496 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 31 2021
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