Switching to Davinci Resolve for 30 DAYS

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this very ambitious video is sponsored by our friends at Squarespace thank you okay so here's the thing I've been using premier to edit videos for almost seven years before that I was in Final Cut Pro 7 and Final Cut 10 hit the fan and yeah I just switched to premiere a few things have been coming up that have made me curious about resolved not just its stability issues with Premiere but also just a faster workflow in general I'm curious so I'm gonna be comparing resolved in Premiere a lot but just seeing overall is it possible to switch your entire video workflow from Premiere to resolved does it check the boxes I don't know I'm still a huge fan excuse the mess but you know I've been busy learning an entirely new video editing program it's been a lot over the course of a month I will be editing on three machines a 20-17 MacBook from a Dell XPS 95 seven me and also my main cure main cure and also my main gear PC so that's my desktop computer I've already edited one video in resolve it took a little bit of learning a lot of YouTube tutorials but I think I got my handle on things DaVinci Resolve historically has been really only for color grading so Hollywood studios big productions use it to color grade their movies their TV shows there's a lot of control with that black magic actually acquired DaVinci Resolve not until 2014 so it's actually kind of a recent thing and now they're really focusing on it being an all-in-one program to edit to cut your footage to edit audio to have visual effects and coloring all in one program and the fact that there's a free version of the software and then the full version is only $2.99 a one-time payment and the fact that they're just paying a lot of it editing features will that that has just caught my eye this past year I recommend it for people just starting out I recommend the free version so I've done a little bit of editing but it's not until now that I've gotten the full grasp and I've actually been editing my video so I think the most important thing to start with is maybe a little tutorial just a very quick tutorial so we know what we're talking about here as I compare it to Premiere okay miniature tutorial time so starting from this beginning window this is a kind of an annoying part of resolve that I don't like is everything is located in databases so when I talk to the Blackmagic guys they basically said hey it's best practice to create a database per quarter so have a quarter one database quarter two database this database is located deep into your libraries I don't like that because then you know you start having multiple gig files just hiding somewhere in your computer but apparently that's intentional they want it to seem like a vault where your projects are locked up you can't touch him and the part that probably made the most sense if your projects are all in one database it's much easier to upgrade all of your projects at one time when there are updates you know you can do it with a click of the button but let's just open up a new project right here we'll say open so it dissolves multiple things and one media this is where you grab the footage and pull in the clips unions so I'm gonna go into the folder and finder and I basically have everything organized the way I want to bring it in so say I want this footage folder I want the talking head folder I want music you can just drag it down over to here and boom you have talking head you have the miscellaneous footage where you go into the Edit tab you'll have everything right here when you first open up resolve it might look like this super annoying you probably want to bring it up so just click that you'll have the timeline span all the way down here so you have your media pool you have the effects library you can change how you view your files are right here if your scrub and you like what you hear press I just set an endpoint press o for an out point and you just drop it like it's hot I mean that seems pretty normal right what I love about resolve is the audio controls you literally go all the way past six DB so if you have something really low in volume you can just crank it without adding another volume effect I can premiere and you can bring it all the way down look at just the control to just- whatever you want editing audio it's really really nice and resolve if you want to change how the clip is viewed all of your options are in here this is the way I like it I like to see the audio waveform I edit using the audio waveform a ton and then if you want your source and program monitor in to one you just press this button and then this is your program monitor and then when you're viewing source Clips it'll just change automatically so you'll have some room over here for the inspector and that's the way I like to keep it Fusion is for effects video effects this is where you can get fancy where you can add some blur color is what makes resolve see this is why resolve is so special because obviously like everyone loves resolve further color fair light is basically audition and then deliver this is where you export your clip now it's time to export these same exact video that I just didn't resolve now in premiere on the different machine all you have to do in resolve is export as a premier XML to do all I had to do was reapply the film convert the color grade on the adjustment layers because that's the only thing that didn't come over and [Music] okay so obviously so much more to talk about but before thank you so much for a space for sponsoring this video I love Squarespace it's an all-in-one platform but listen they've added some cool things that I think you're gonna benefit from whether you're running a creative portfolio you're a photographer designer want to show off your work or maybe you have a restaurant I don't know you're doing your creative thing respect not only is there the power to check analytics to have all the data you need who was coming to your website and how often you have email campaigns you can do built-in email campaigns to Squarespace a really cool new feature is you can book appointments so you can essentially have a calendar someone can go in there and say hey Sara I want to book you to take pictures of me I want to book you for a podcast I want a book you set an appointment straight from the website maybe you're a hair salon this is huge this is a huge feature and I think it can help anyone from being a photographer videographer podcaster hair salon all the things the options are limitless is your brain already gone are you already like oh yeah I know what I need to do my website I I know what to do there's so many ways that Squarespace can help you build this beautiful website for your business for your creative profession if you want to check it out go to Squarespace calm for a free trial and when you're ready to start are you ready to start you can go to Squarespace comm slash Sara deechi for 10% off your first website or domain so you can do it do it right now or wait till you finish this video because I can tell this video is gonna take a long time for me to make and then you can go to Squarespace comm slash sir DG okay let's get into it one of the things that was said with this recent resolve is it's great for a laptop editing basically saying making sure all the space that's being used is efficient and has a purpose the only shocking thing is I wasn't aware that the windows aren't movable so in Premiere you can literally customize your workspace and any way it was a great experience on my laptop I thought they did use the space officially it was very easy to move the clips around and just move fast in Gerald's I finished this entire journey it was actually much longer than I expected over a month of editing and resolved so I did the MacBook XPS and also on my main gear desktop computer and long story short it like resolved crash maybe once the entire time I think premiere is getting much more reliable I'm not getting as many crashes but you know you'll go several projects without a crash and then it's just like it always crashes when you when you most need it I'm so resolved has been very stable and that was me on the beta for the most part now there is a 16.0 release where it's off of beta and everything is solidified let's talk about all the cool things that I enjoyed so it's interesting because resolved kind of markets to the professional TV movie feature film crowd however a lot of the features that they offer are features for people maybe more like you and me who does short form content maybe YouTube maybe that's when being able to zoom into something or maybe cut into an interview at a two times crop all of those things are super helpful to do very quickly and you have all of those controls right below your program monitor I found myself using those so much it's a different way of editing and premiere and the old old Final Cut Pro 7 you get really used to keyframe editing where you actually see the keyframes I want my clip to zoom in from here to here I set the keyframes for the scale it goes from hundred percent to a hundred twenty-five you set two keyframes boom that's how you do it but in resolved you basically make all of these actions and you never have to see a keyframe you basically do it visually and it's something that I'm having to get used to but it didn't take a while and it just it just made sense oh I really don't have to see those keyframes when I'm doing it visually and I'm seeing the product before my eyes and yeah those tools proved to be very very useful I've always been a believer of keyboard shortcuts the more you can use your keyboard the less you know clicking dragging and all that you're gonna be able to edit faster so I was able to really customize my shortcuts the way I was used to in Premiere and you know you also use things unique to resolve to really get some fast results and so you can download the keyboard shortcuts in the description below and you can use my resolve keyboard shortcuts and I also have an entire video on that if you want an explanation or you can just download them and check check out what I have going on I think one of the biggest advantages and resolve is everything is there for you you have audio editing you have special effects you can do Beauty enhancements you can do object removal right in the editor and you don't have to go to a different app now I would argue using Adobe products using dynamic link it's not that big of a deal to hop in between apps because you can really just right-click something in Premiere open it and after effects and it's good to go open an audio track in audition but again maybe you know just simplifying those steps making it right there in the app if you're spending weeks and weeks on one video all of those little actions will amount to a lot of time spent hopping around apps so if nothing is missing in between Fairlight to editor you know the color panel then yeah it might it might be quicker for you in this update they introduced the cut page and I really try to use it to find some use for it but I think it's going to be a much more meaningful experience with the keyboard that they're releasing at some point mostly useful things that you can do like adding in a clip that is automatically two times cropped and drop it on the timeline that's something that you have to drag your mouse over and click and I wasn't able to assign it to a keyboard shortcut so I just think there's a lot of potential was the cut page the goal is when you're in the timeline you're zooming in and zooming out a ton and that kind of eliminates having to do that you have two timelines stacked on top of each other the timeline in the full on the top and then kind of the zoomed in one and you know you can't zoom in and out and so it's to eliminate that process and all the time spent but I just I couldn't get used to it but the da Vinci team is very clear hey this is a process give us feedback go in the forums tell us what you like and what you don't like and this might be a super cool feature and you have been chief 17 maybe in terms of performance on my laptop's on my desktop of course render times are going to vary but when I'm in the app I didn't really notice anything different between a Mac and between a PC obviously if you have more horsepower and a desktop and an iMac you're going to get better performance but nothing was stuttering it played back smoothly what's nice about resolve is they actually have more effects that are GPU accelerated so you can tell and the effects it will have a little GPU icon next to it okay so let's open up a project that I edited completely in resolve here so here is the timeline we've got a lot of music going on something I really love about resolve if you see these little red marks right here that means that that specific clip is in the timeline you already used it so that's super handy when scrolling through a lot of the things that you're used to in Premiere you can do here so you can create a compound clip and that is the same exact thing as nesting you can also retime a clip so say will slow this down to 50% and then you can go to your inspector and then you can click stabilization it's already there I love that it's already there you don't have to go to effects and you can hit stabilize and it'll do it without having to nest the clip premiere supposedly fix some of these nesting things but the combo of speed and warp stabiliser you still have to nest and then do that so the fact that there's all of these effects cropping dynamic zooms stabilization retime and scaling there's all these things already in your inspector that you don't have to go from effects this was my first video on the MacBook and since then I've watched a ton of YouTube tutorials on how to use the color panel but if you're lazy like me you can just add an adjustment clip same thing as an adjustment layer you can't download something like film convert I love film convert and just apply it here like you would and premier and you're done with the color I think film cover actually looks really really nice however we're resolve is so cool is when we go over to the color tab oh my gosh I know this is scary but don't be scared we're gonna head over to the color wheels basically it's just they're using different words this is the shadows mid-tones highlights and in just the overall image changing the color and then the wheels down here just control exposure so the exposure in the and the shadows and the mid-tones and the highlights cool cool this is where people get intimidated up here in the nodes but it's actually super super cool so here is a use case that I would use to speed up a normal workflow so we have all these talking head shots right instead of using a adjustment clip there's cool ways you can use that too you can right click all of these and you can say add into a new group so I'll say talking so this is basically a way to apply a quick raid to all of these clips in a group so instead of color correcting this one specific clip you're going to go group post clip and this basically means that anything that you do on the second third fourth node is going to apply it to the entire group will do add node corrector will put it second in the sequence here we're just gonna connect these here connect it to the end and then let's go down here and do whatever we want oh my gosh we want a super ugly pink image fantastic we can also apply our film convert to this oh my gosh love it change the settings over here and what's so cool if you notice because this is a group post clip it's applying this to everything in the group so this is a cleaner easier way to apply the same color grade to multiple clips and you don't have to drop an adjustment layer on the timeline so it'll it'll keep things clean nodes aren't scary I promise there's so many good tutorials out there and the more you play around with the color the more powerful it is it's crazy because now I'm thinking oh even if I don't use resolve for an editor I'll probably still be in Premiere I love but I might consider now bringing my workflow into resolve for color for big projects cuz this this is really fun okay but we're just talking about basics here lastly intervention I am linking the three YouTube videos that I edited and delivered via resolve and the one complaint that I have with the deliver mode is it's just resolved making an h.264 compressed version of your video there's no secret sauce and premiere that actually took the extra step to figure out exactly what YouTube needs so when you upload your video it is going to be looking almost exactly like what your export looks like so YouTube doesn't have to compress it again so if you look at this video just the compression is honestly terrible so I would HIGHLY highly advise against using the YouTube preset and resolve because if you see these videos that I exported from resolve just the compression was terrible it really was and I think you guys some of you pointing that out in the comments so if you're in premiere feel comfortable with using the YouTube export preset because it looks great it's what YouTube needs resolve is basically just a compressed h.264 nothing special export so you're gonna have to play around with it but I would definitely offer the bitrate time to talk about the cons and again all of this is kind of you know from the perspective of being a premiere user so con with syncing audio and resolve you have to kind of keep all the video files and audio files into one folder and resolve hopefully is smart enough to figure out you know what goes where and it's kind of a guessing game it wasn't that great of an experience cuz it messed up a lot and I had to like search through forums as what I was doing wrong but with Premiere synchronizing audio is so easy it doesn't matter if you have three video clips of one audio source that all linked together or maybe three audio sources and one video clip basically all you have to do is select all of them right click synchronize audio and it figures it out maybe it's just the overall glossy look of resolve that is - final cut and the timeline is super smooth it's just it doesn't seem as clunky as premier but then like premier is way more precise with getting like frame-by-frame edits with resolved it's just a little bit more more finicky you just got to find the right combo of what trim modes you're using and snapping on enough and you know like premier if i zoom in enough I can always just get you know a one frame cut or two frame cuts I see how many frames I'm cutting adding titles isn't as smooth as it is in Premiere I I loved the new title option and all the essential graphics tools and premiere those are super handy however you can do some cool stuff with the resolved titles as well yeah maybe it's just a preference of mine I'm used to Premier titles great thing about premiers you can control the playback quality very easily so say you have a 6k file or maybe you have a time-lapse you know it's a condensed clip with a lot of data in your computer is struggling to play it you can turn from full resolution to half resolution or 1/4 resolution to just view what it looks like and it's a little bit you know the quality depends a little bit but you can view that clip and you can move on with the rest of your life and resolve there's two ways to do this you can generate optimized media which is basically just creating a proxy so it really stops your workflow and you have to wait for that to generate which is like not a good situation so I asked them how to do it there's another way to create a render cache is that right okay so you basically right-click the clip and then you click on render cache color output and then in settings you can change that to just if you're on a PC and DNX hrs q so the lowest as possible or ProRes proxy if you're on a mac and then basically clicking that you're gonna get a low res output and that'll be a quicker solution but again just doing like half quality and premiere is so much easier so really I think the biggest thing between premiere and resolved is just the flexibility resolve is doing a really good job and trying to be smarter trying to do things that might take four steps bring it down to one that's why I'm interested and I'm constantly trying to optimize how I make videos how can I make them faster but it just seems like I was tripped on like the little stuff right but then resolve had a lot of cool built-in tools that save time like swipe transitions and automatic dynamic zooms and cropping in super easily and not having to mess around with going in deep in keyframe editing so I'm kind of at this weird standstill where yes I'm probably gonna keep editing and premiere because it's what I'm used to but I approach resolve as a legitimate option I wanted to get proficient and I think I did if you handed me a computer and said okay you you can only edit resolved from now on I would be comfortable with that and I think it's a great program it's not very hard to go from premiere to resolve as a premier user and even though resolve is a one-time payment you're not going to be paying 50 70 dollars a month like the Creative Cloud subscription for Adobe but I would say that's a great value if you use more than just premiere because you get you know a full range of editing tools that a lot of professional use but resolve they still release a lot of updates they are just because it's a one-time fee of $2.99 doesn't mean they're gonna sit on their hands and not update it I'm literally just in 16.1 beta that they just released the two times crop but now well detect if this is a talking head it just won't do a two times crop but it'll detect where the face is how much Headroom do you need so you don't have to adjust it more and so it's doing some really cool stuff and the fact that most of this is available at the free option you can download resolve right now for free now there are some limits it doesn't include some of the effects it might limit the resolutions you can edit at but it's just it's such a good deal and now that it's not just a professional coloring app you you already have tools at your disposal that the professionals are using but now it's a fully competent editing program so ya really makes you wonder is this future of video editing programs for what I do it's basically premiere or final cut and I really never considered resolved as always it go yeah it's that nice free option but now now it's playing with the big boys and so now you have DaVinci Resolve Final Cut premiere you have avid over here for the TV editors and feature film people but yeah we won't pay attention to Abbott okay well I hope you enjoyed this video because it was over two months of work I really don't know why I put myself through that black magic DaVinci Resolve you're welcome if you want to thank me you can't reimburse me for the Blackmagic pocket Cinema Cinema Camera a 6k that I just bought I would really appreciate a I didn't get paid to make this video and I'm just I'm always interested and exploring all of the tools we have at our disposal if you enjoy this video let me know if you liked it hit that subscribe button down below and they ask me any questions you have I'm confident that I can answer them in full now that I've been in this program for a while and if you watch this entire video until the end you should definitely comment like oh wait for it twist at the end because um guess what I edited this video in this is Final Cut 10 well here goes nothing I'm editing my last video switching to DaVinci Resolve for 30 days on final cut so it's time to start switching to Final Cut 10 for 30 days let's do this
Channel: Sara Dietschy
Views: 570,844
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: premiere pro user switches to davinci resolve, switching to davinci resolve from premiere cc, why i switched to davinci resolve 16 from premiere pro, sara dietschy premiere tutorial, sara dietschy davinci resolve tutorial, davinci resolve 16 tutorial, how to use davinci resolve 16, best free video editing program, how to color grade in davinci resolve
Id: qkISp2hkh9w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 37sec (1477 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 03 2019
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