Resolve is Free...What's the Catch?

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hi i'm anna gordon from lone collaborating and some simplified calm and today we're answering a question that i think a lot of starting filmmakers think about which is DaVinci Resolve seems to be great and free at the same time what's the catch now this question was asked to me a couple of days ago by my wife when I was explaining my work to her and what I do with DaVinci Resolve and she actually asked me what's the catch that seems weird to her because he hasn't said how it works like a lot of free software exists in the market for video editing for many other things but they just focus on on video production software free software usually comes with a catch because the makers of the software usually want to get you to upgrade to a paid version of this free software so the free software usually comes with limitation for example you can only export ten minutes out of every one hour video create other software's come with limitation where when you export there is a watermark that has the logo of the company for example other options is that you get the free version of the software it cannot edit 4k that maybe it can delete 4k but when you export you only export it 720 or 1080p so and many many other options and the weird thing here for most people is that the Venturi's love seems to have none of these issues so basically you have a software that has the world's best color grading environment one of the most professional professional editing environments one of the most professional audio environments and and a very professional compositing existe system and most of these things were actually used on actual blockbuster productions however the software seems to be entirely free and there is almost there's very little reason to to move from the free version to the paid version fees off so the free version has none of the limitations it works forever there no time limit where it works for a couple of month and then you need to upgrade then when you export there is no watermark when you can actually edit and export for gain no problem at all you can add as many nodes as you want because that's that was also a misconception initially you know and the software doesn't seem to suffer from anything and literally like for 90% of all film makers they can use the free version of resolve forever without even noticing any problem at all and the software gets updated all the time with very impressive features so what's the catch here it seems weird like a lot of people will look at this and go what's going on so let's explain what's going on now you have to remember one thing Blackmagic Design of course everything I say here is my personal opinion I have no relation to Blackmagic Design whatsoever and I really don't know how do they think of their products however from a logical perspective this is what seems to be happening to me Blackmagic Design is a hardware company mainly the manufacturer cameras they manufacture our switchers they manufactures many many things it's basically a hardware company and if you look at film makers you know there's something very interesting film makers when they start into filmmaking most of them they have no capital to start with they have their a very tight budget and they cannot afford to buy a lot of advanced hardware or advanced software anything they can barely buy their cameras and Blackmagic Design seems to want to familiarize these new starting film makers that have no budget with the Blackmagic Design brand and this usually works because out of every 100 filmmakers for example who start filmmaking at a certain time if you look at them five years later you'll find that 10% of these filmmakers so 10 out of 100 actually built reasonably-sized for in houses and they need a lot of equipment for the production houses they need cameras switchers converters they need many things and because they started using DaVinci Resolve and they're familiar with the brand most likely what will happen what will happen most likely not sure which one anyway one of these most likely what will happen is that they will take a look at the black magic hardware just because they're super familiar with the brand due to the fact that they've been using resolve for a while and this will mean that out of every 100 filmmakers who start using resolved ten of them will end up buying hardware from Blackmagic Design that's number one so resolve here worked as a way to get more filmmakers familiar with the brand itself then there is the other aspect which is that the hardware that Blackmagic designs built will most likely work better with the Venturi's off so for example if you look at their cameras their new 6k cameras and the format you know it uses to work much better and much more there with DaVinci Resolve so because you're using the rich resolve once you buy it camera you will definitely be considering their cameras because in order to work seamlessly with the range resolve so notice something very important we said that out of every 100 people who start filmmaking 10 over the next five years will build production houses however the extra 90 got the Venturi's off itself for free and they're familiar with the Blackmagic Design brand now and if they want to buy it in the future they'll consider it but even if they did not they got DaVinci Resolve for free just think about I have to make later like an a youtube video about my experience with resolve and in the old days so you'll understand where the whole thing came from and how how unbelievable the fact that we have DaVinci Resolve available as a free download now so with resolve being free this creates a win-win situation for everybody so Blackmagic Design gets the business of whoever decide to move on and become a professional film maker and for the majority of people you get DaVinci Resolve for free again I have no affiliation with Blackmagic Design at all but this seems to be the situation to me so if you like this please visit us at some simplified at home where you can join our free crash course on the venture resolve now the crash course is designed for the absolute beginner and it takes you through every tab and resolve thank you film simplified dot-com
Channel: Learn Color Grading
Views: 557,717
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: davinci resolve, blackmagic design
Id: y3dQU2o_EyA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 24sec (444 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 06 2019
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