BIG Reason To Use FCPX Over Premiere Pro

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cameras a little dusty I haven't used this thing for a while I've missed you guys and since the last video I got the Tucson fixed and got rid of the deer fur princess turn 33 has been getting really good at scooter and you save the snails saw Peter for the first time in like five months which was great he gave me this knife and I kid you not within like five seconds I was trying to open it and then I sliced my thumb I was bleeding everywhere went to the cottage and just destroyed a whole bunch of insects it looks like I used B or a blackhead strip we found out the sex of the baby it's up still running got this new sign for when we're not doing the podcast and most importantly I've been learning listening and having tons of conversations on how to make this earth a better place for everybody and no matter what you believe or what your background is I hope we can all agree that that's what we want to do with our lives is make this earth a better place for everybody [Music] and I can honestly say I've missed you guys I've been really really enjoying making these vlogs for you guys so we're gonna come back vlogs are back daily vlogs every weekday so if you like them subscribe I appreciate it missed you so some of you have been wondering and maybe you're wondering did I actually switch over to Final Cut Pro 10 from Premiere Pro and I've been giving it a real shot I've wanted to learn everything I can and get all my presets and everything so that I could use Final Cut like I use Premiere Pro and so far there's a few things that I really like about Final Cut but there's one big reason that makes a really big difference for me and it's one of the things that I've always just been so frustrated with when it comes to using Premiere Pro so let's go through a few things that I like about Final Cut and the first one is the price final cut costs $299 and that's it you just pay that once and you're good to go whereas Premiere Pro costs 239 dollars a year or for me I get the whole Adobe Creative Cloud subscription all the apps and it costs 509 it costs $600 a year and I've been doing YouTube for like what almost 4 years now so that's like 2,400 dollars and I've been using Premiere Pro for I don't even know how many years I spent a lot of money on Adobe Premiere Pro so that's that's the first big reason to like Final Cut it also makes it much easier to recommend to people that are starting out in video maybe you're starting out having to pay $60 a month or something around there versus just that one time $300 this next one might not sound like that big of a deal but it is if you use it a lot and that's speed ramping speed ramping is basically if you want to go from let's say normal speed to slow motion in a smooth way instead of just kind of hitting all of a sudden and it just works way nicer in Final Cut the end result is way more smooth and just looks way better and yeah I'm premier Pro you can kind of like you can adjust how fast it goes from one to the other but it just doesn't look this smooth I don't know what Final Cut is doing but it just looks much much better and then we get to the big reason and that is colors so in Premiere Pro and you edit your video and then you go to color grade it and you're like oh this looks great you export it the export looks completely different in terms of colors than what you had inside of Premiere Pro let me show you real quick okay here's an example here's what I've color graded I've edited inside of Premiere Pro and then when I go to export it this is what it looks like that the colors are completely different there's way more saturation here than here the contrast is less than here it it looks completely different okay maybe some people wouldn't notice the difference but to me it drives me wild when I've spent so much time color grading and then it looks completely different when I go to export whereas in Final Cut okay check this out so here's what I've edited in Final Cut I'll full-screen that and then I've exported it and that's the export inside Final Cut export let's put them side-by-side here okay I have them side-by-side here this is inside Final Cut and this is the export and like I can't tell any difference maybe there's a tiny - nah I honestly I can't see any difference between the two so that's that's a big one for me like that when I realized that Final Cut doesn't have any difference between what I've what I've color graded and what I export yeah that's that's a reason to switch over to Final Cut for me at least that's a big reason now at first when I was using Final Cut I was like man this is so much faster like it's just zippy I no matter what effects I put on there at plays super smoothly all my color grade and all my sound I used a bunch of sound plugins as a preset actually you can buy them on my site and it just kind of does all the work for me for sound and every time I've used that it just like slows down so much in Premiere but then I was testing it and it's actually not the premier plugins it's the combination of color ista which is a color grading or color correcting plugin and then those other plugins inside of Premiere so now when I took away color ista it's actually really smooth and Premiere and a lot of the issues that I've been having aren't happening anymore so I have a feeling sorry Adobe sorry Premiere I apologize some of the issues that I've been having are because of color ista not because of Premiere and there's some things inside a final cut that are a little bit harder for me to get used to for example the magnetic timeline so if you're not familiar the timeline the way that the timeline works is very different inside a Final Cut if you delete something it automatically kind of like magnetizes together it sticks together it's hard to get used to I'm still not sure once I get fully used to it am I gonna like it more or less than just having the the linear and instead of just having like a non-magnetic linear timeline like in Premiere Pro and then from me the UI feels a little bit weird at times I just feel like there's a lot of windows to go through but maybe that's just you know me getting used to it but I will say I'm very impressed Final Cut Pro 10 has come a long way since I last used it like for real used it there's so many things where I'm like oh but but Final Cut doesn't have this and I'm like oh wait it does and I'm like nope but premier has this and fine and then I'm like a wait yeah a final cause that - after using both of them I honestly don't know which I would recommend more I think the only real difference is if you used After Effects a lot for motion graphics and that sort of stuff that might be the reason to use Premiere Pro and that's kind of been my reasoning for why I've stuck with Premiere Pro for so long is that I love the integration with After Effects but I don't know is it enough because I don't use it that much so like is it enough for me I don't know I'm curious I'm still not decided I'm gonna keep using final cut I think I'm gonna try to edit this vlog completely on final cut we'll see how that goes I honestly have no idea which I'm gonna be using six months from now if you want take a guess take your guess in the comments it's a 50/50 shot there's a good chance you'll be right there's a good chance you'll be wrong but I'm gonna give it a shot I'm gonna keep learning and that's the only way I'm gonna find out which is better for me and then now I'll tell you guys more of my findings once I make a final decision I'm also finally started this setup right here is because I finally started filming my next course it's gonna be on how to be a youtuber how to become a youtuber how to start a channel on how to make it grow it's something that I've been working on for literally a couple years like that's when I started writing the script first and I feel like I need to finish it because I want to give more people the tools to basically do what I've been able to do with YouTube I think it's so worth it and I just want to see more people utilizing YouTube so if you have any questions about YouTube how to build a channel how to make it grow all that stuff leave some questions in the comments and I'll try to incorporate those even if it's just like a Q&A inside the course I'll try to incorporate those this light is really great I mean it's a softbox it's a massive massive softbox now it's time to head home and I know there's one one little guy that you guys have all been missing ya was at the office how do you want to say hi to everybody oh thank you for the pizza do you want to say hi to everybody I think they've missed you see how are you made ice cream for FICA oh yeah I try it's probably pretty hard to oh I don't know if we can get it yet I may have to wait we can try that's true oh it's a little hard still okay let's try to get a little bit for you you're like a seagull that swoops in every time I get one just stealing your thief just best friends on a nice evening skateboard scooter ride buddy these times are very important I'm spending time together yeah it's really nice right these are the times you gotta really cherish cuz I know they're gonna go real fast it's not gonna be that small for long what's the hold up oh you've got a snail oh good job high five saving the snails alright see you guys tomorrow first whole video edited in Final Cut Pro [Music]
Channel: Matti Haapoja
Views: 138,088
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: matti, haapoja, travel, feels, tutorial, filmmaking, photography, photo, premiere, film, cinema, cinematic, learn, drone, gimbal, camera, sony, canon, panasonic, final cut pro x, premiere pro, versus, video editing program, video editing
Id: K8LfbqKxu2Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 31sec (691 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 16 2020
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