PREMIERE vs FCPX - Which is better?

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do you guys know where i am can you guess can you guess oh hello what happened to your office man uh well i emptied it i thought i thought i told you this is classic peter right here you like just finished it i knew that sometimes when you're renovating a place and you're making changes you got to live in it and you got to work in it to really know what works and what doesn't and this room would be better you make it you blow it up you make it you blow it up this room would be better served for video games i like hanging out here can i come over more often come over us on the way to your office just stop here every day i'll make you coffee because you drink it now and uh then carry on every day every day [Applause] [Music] for 10 years now i have been an adobe premiere pro user then a few months ago i decided to try final cut pro 10. adobe responded with this well played adobe well played i very much respect this kind of reaction so let's talk about premiere pro versus final cut pro 10 what i like what i dislike which is better and which one i am choosing to use in the future but no matter what program you end up using you're gonna need music a massive thanks to the amazing people at epidemic sound for sponsoring this video and you know what that means it's time to give back to you guys that's code for a giveaway epidemic sound is one of the best ways to get music for your videos because of their crazy big library of music all sorts of genres all types of music and they're constantly adding more plus they have sound effects but more importantly at an affordable price if you're a youtuber or an online content creator it's 15 a month for unlimited use of the music monetize it however you want if you're a freelancer and you need it for your clients online videos it's 49 a month i don't know if you understand how affordable this is when i used to freelance back in the day do wedding videos and little corporate videos brand videos i would pay minimum minimum 50 to 100 per song per video sometimes it would even cost me like 500 dollars for one song one video i so badly wish i would have had this back in the day because i would have saved myself so much money and better yet there's a free trial you can try it out for free whether you're a youtuber or a freelancer you can try it for free nothing is stopping you from trying it out right now and i don't know if you've heard but epidemic sounded a whole rebrand and redo of their website a new logo nice and sleek but more importantly they're making it easier to find the music that you need for your videos because if you've ever had to look for music it can take a long time to find the right song anyways epidemic sound is one of my all-time favorite if not my favorite company to work with great product and amazing people behind it so whether you're a youtuber freelancer or a brand epidemic sound has your music needs covered go and sign up for that free trial right now and as promised every time i do a sponsored video i want to give back to you guys and i know how expensive filmmaking can be so i want to help you guys out i want to give three people 500 gift cards to amazon to help you in your journey as a creative official rules are down below but all you got to do is subscribe to the channel and comment down below with what you're going to do with that 500 and your instagram handle so we can contact you i'll pick the winners in a week from now and i really hope this does help some creatives in their journey and just gives them a little kick to go forwards uh thank you so much epidemic sound for sponsoring this video and go and sign up for that free trial uh so we can do more of these okay back to final cut versus premiere i have more energy today i think it's because i made myself a nice coffee first off the timeline that's gonna probably be the biggest difference between premier and final cut pro 10 and after using both final cuts magnetic timeline where all of the footage kind of sticks together and clumps up and then using premiere's non-linear system where clips just you know stay where they are and they're all separated if you want them to be and i personally prefer premiere's non-linear system i just feel like the benefits of the magnetic timeline don't outweigh all the hindrances all the things that you kind of have to do to work around the magnetic timeline the complications that arise for example uh what clips connect to which ones and having to change the connection all these little things that i don't really like that much i prefer the free flow way with premiere you can just do what you want there's so much more freedom to come up with different ways of editing but i can completely understand why people like the magnetic timeline and maybe for beginners the magnetic timeline might be a little bit easier but in terms of timeline i prefer premiere then let's talk about speeds and i would say this is not premiere strong suit premiere just overall feels slower especially with export times export times are so much faster in final cut pro 10. i have heard that they've done some updates and that it might help with some of the export times but i haven't really been able to test that myself yet but even the editing just feels a little bit faster and smoother in final cut versus premiere pro so in terms of speeds right now i think i gotta give it to final cut in terms of features i honestly thought that premiere was gonna have a huge leg up but the more i used final cut the more i realized that they kind of have all of the same features just done a little bit differently in some cases even just little things for example speed ramping both programs can do it but i find final cut just does it a little bit better a little bit faster a little bit smoother both programs can do color grading just fine but i find that premiere just does it a little bit easier a little bit faster in terms of workflow and how you can access the different effects so in terms of features there's things that i like more in both but overall they kind of seem to have all of the same features and then let's talk about plug-ins and effects i think overall again both programs have really great plugins and effects i found final cut a little bit confusing in how they separate some of the effects i like how in premiere all of the effects are just in one thing all of them but one thing and this might sound small in premiere i haven't really found a good plugin to do good motion blur whereas in final cut there's like so many different ways that you can add motion blur to your footage and there's a bunch of uses for motion blur but the main one for me would be speed ramps and just making them look way more smooth and way more natural than if you didn't have that motion blur and i was trying to find the best plugin or way of doing it and i came across this guy emilio incredibly talented youtuber if you want to know more about final cut pro i highly recommend checking out his channel i've already learned a ton from him and he has these effects for motion blur and it ended up being the easiest fastest and really high quality way of getting nice motion blur so i ended up contacting him and we ended up collabing and he helped me to make and modify those motion blur presets for you guys it's an incredible tool especially for those speed ramps just makes them look so much better i really wish premiere had a good way of doing motion blur even like a native effect would be great definitely check out emilio's channel thanks emilio for making these presets i'll link them down below for you guys and sorry they are only for final cut pro 10. oh also if you're a final cut user and you missed it i made my audio presets that i use for all of my videos super easy to use with one drag and drop they make your audio sound really great so fast so easy to use i use them on all of my videos so uh i'll link those down below too and then let's talk about workflow and for me i like the premiere workflow so much better i don't like how final cut organizes the footage when you bring it in i like how premiere does it bins and all that super easy super fast if i just drag in my folder with eos r footage it's gonna make a bin with eos r footage and add that footage in there and i want project files i don't like how final cut has all these events and different it's just it's confusing i like having everything in one folder including the project file everything in one place and i don't like how in final cut you end up having all these different events and projects when you open up final cut and then also it's just taking up so much space and rendering these optimized files and all that which can be great but in terms of workflow i don't really like it and you have to use compressor if you want to do any sort of customizing of your export settings i kind of just like that i can export straight in premiere do everything in premiere just the workflow feels easier and more simple in premiere for me than in final cut and then let's talk about price that's definitely important when you're choosing what program you want to go with final cut pro 10 is 299 dollars whereas with premiere you have to do a monthly subscription and for just a one year period up front it costs 240 dollars already so it can add up really fast being a premier user and i actually have the whole suite and it's like 60 a month or something like that it ends up being very expensive to use premiere multiply those monthly fees over the years and final cut pro 10 is definitely the cheaper option here let's talk quickly about what could be better i feel like both programs do a few things not so well one of them is color grading i think color grading could be a lot better natively in both of the programs i'm not a fan of either and i think they're super limited and the other one is making text i feel like neither of them work the way that i want to it's always a bit of a pain and you have to click through so many different things to get all the settings and i wish that you could just make presets for different fonts and sizes and all of that stuff yeah i think both of them could definitely use an improvement in terms of adding in graphics or text premiere needs the auto saving features a final cut you never have to save in final cut so you're never going to lose your project either at least in theory premiere export times could also be a little bit faster and then final cut i just don't like how the project files and the events i feel like that needs to be changed and after weeks of testing the final verdict which program am i ending up with which program am i gonna use in the future the winner for me is premiere pro even though it's got a bunch of things that i don't like and things that don't work as well as in final cut it still works better for me for my workflow i'm faster and i honestly using final cut i feel like i'm flying like 25 blind so often i'd be like oh how do you do this in final cut and then i'd be like that's how you have to do it it'd be some like weird convoluted way or you couldn't really even do it at all in the end for me premiere just allows for so much more freedom and editing styles and how i want to use my editing program i will say though if you're just starting out in filmmaking you're a complete beginner final cut pro 10 might be a little bit easier to get into don't get me wrong both are feel very complicated at first but i think the magnetic timeline might feel a little bit easier for beginners but yeah in the end i like having more control and my workflow was just way faster inside of premiere i don't know if it's just old habits or it really is because premiere is a better editing program i think it's just a case of personal preference to be honest so premiere you can make another meme because i'm sticking with you guys i want more don't get me wrong but i'm going to stick with you for now although i do feel like i need to try da vinci give it like a good try because i'm curious where does it fit into this equation because it's free the free is pretty hard to beat all right guys i'll see you [Music] you
Channel: Matti Haapoja
Views: 197,335
Rating: 4.731235 out of 5
Keywords: matti, haapoja, travel, feels, tutorial, filmmaking, photography, photo, premiere, film, cinema, cinematic, learn, drone, gimbal, camera, sony, canon, panasonic, final cut pro x, adobe, best, comparison
Id: z1Ubj_YCxOU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 11sec (791 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 13 2020
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