Davinci Resolve Speed Editor - How to with Grant Petty from Black Magic Design

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[Music] [Applause] hi i'm graham from blackmagic design and today i'd love to give you an update on what's new with davinci resolve 17. so the big question i guess is why do we develop the speed editor well we didn't want to waste space on a qwerty keyboard which we really feel like is probably designed sort of as a modification normal keyboard for traditional editing but we want to design a keyboard specifically for the cut page we wanted something to work better with laptops we also wanted something to work with your regular qwerty keyboard if you really like that keyboard you can keep using it because this works in conjunction with it that's why it was bluetooth and so obviously as i mentioned before it's bluetooth and it's got an internal battery now the usb if you look at the back the usb can be used to charge it or you can use it with usb if you don't want to use the bluetooth um but the reason we did bluetooth is there's no cable so it can sit in front of a normal keyboard and that's really important now i've got an overhead camera so if we cut to that we're going to look at the regions on the cable and like explain what's on here now all the transport controls are on the right hand side here there's a search style on the right that's a solid metal search dial with roller bearings you've got your shuttle jog and scroll buttons there now there's timeline and source type selectors you know when you push the timeline you're on the timeline push the source table back on the source tape as we did before now you really use all this with your right hand your left hand side is for your editing functions and there's what you use with your left hand so what it means is you sort of editing with both hands you know you're kind of looking for shots here and you're working with your left hand now there's really large in and out buttons um and so the type sorry before i mentioned that i forgot about the editing functions the editing functions are up here and this is where you do your in smart insert append ripple override close up place on top and source override buttons and you've got the big in and out buttons here you can you can find them by feel there's a slight gap in here so you can find them and then there's a whole bunch of trimming modes and that's an incredibly powerful feature of this and then there's transition types you can select between types of transitions now in the top middle is the general functions there's a whole bunch of random not random but different functions here and the lower middle is the camera control as the camera controls for the sync bin which i'll get to and then of course you've got the play and stop which is very uh traditional for for keyboard so let's see what it can do and really show how fast it can be now i've got a monitor just below the camera here so it lets me actually use the um the speed editor here while i'm talking to you and we'll use the overhead camera so you can sort of see what buttons i'm pushing um and it'll be a bit more uncluttered than if i try to use it in front of the computer so we've set up a separate monitor here now what i'll do is i'll create a new project um and i'll import the winner one lan clips into that so we can do some edits and we'll show you how it works so i'll just pop back here for some for a moment to do that and i'll load in some shots oops i can do that here once i've got my winter wonderland shots in there now i'll also create a new timeline so we've done that now let's create some edits with the speed editor keyboard now what we'll do is we'll select the source type so we can see what shots we want to get and we'll scroll along to see what we want to get now what we want to do is we want to select these shots and put them in the timeline so we'll scroll around looking for nice shots i'm just using the search tool i'm using the scroll function if i want to get really accurate i can use jog so let's get some of this shot there that shot there looks good placed in point i'll place an out point this is a very fast way to find shots and all i need to do is go and add in with the append button so i've got one shot in my timeline and now we'll go and do it to another so let's have a look around now i don't need to do anything i can just keep looking for shots there's an interesting looking shot i'll attend that so i've got two shots on the timeline so you just go along here looking for different shots now we can resize the viewer there's a resize viewer button on here and so if i push and hold this button i can resize the viewer so i can do that with the search style now because we're looking for source media we'll actually make the viewer nice and big now using in and out points is quite slow so we can do it without doing in and out points now you'll notice on the front of the smart insert and the pen buttons there's a word clip now these are a bunch of buttons on this keyboard have secondary functions and in this case by selecting those i can insert the whole clip without needing to put in and out points so let's clear the in our points and then we'll go along and we'll just put some clips in so let's append the whole clip let's have a look for something um let's find some other fill that looks pretty good so let's put that in that's the whole clip and we'll look for another store that looks pretty good append that just did an auto save let's see what else we've got scroll along looking for something oh that looks pretty good append that i don't know why i got so many shots of food that's probably a bad sign so we've got a bunch of clips in the timeline i just added those in just by pushing append so you can see this is why it's so important when we start on the source state because you just roll along looking for clips and drop them into the timeline well now let's do some trimming so we'll go back to the to the timeline we can scroll along here and see some of these clips now we want to trim off a little bit of some of these clips so we can trim out there's the trim out button here so if you hold the trim out button you can then trim and it live trims i can also trim in i can go down there you'll see that little smart indicator it's a little arrow there just above the edit point that edit point shows you where it's going to trim so you don't even have to do any in and out points or anything you just have to hold trim if i hold trim out i can just scroll that back if i go trimming it'll do the next clip i can scroll along here and do trim out trim in i can even trim out at the end so you don't have to select it's very very quick you don't have to select any of the you don't need to slick any out points or anything like that so the great thing about that is that you can just like i think one trimming is probably one of the most powerful functions of this of the keyboard and what makes it so fast so now we've done some trimming let's go and add some dissolves now that you can select transitions down the bottom here just by turning on and off so normally you've got to drag and drop transitions or you can do a keyboard shortcut we have a button that allows you to turn on and off dissolves so let's do that so go to the front of the timeline i can pretty much push a dissolve scroll along and add transitions now everything's got a nice dissolve i can play and i've got my nice transition and i can do additional trimming another thing i'd do is i can remove the dissolves just as quickly so let's have a look at that so if i roll along here i can pretty much go along here and remove the dissolves just as fast now i can also change the default duration of a dissolve or i can change the direction so if i put a dissolve back in i can go along here and i can go transition duration and i can change the length of it so say if i want faster transitions that are 10 frames long oops there i am there now i can make that the default transition um duration so the way i do that is i double press and that's because it's got a set key on the front and if i double press the transition duration now that'll be the default transition duration so if i go along and create my transitions now i missed one back there now they're all the same uh format so i can change those anytime i like now some of the other rep modes is i can roll transitions and slip and uh clips so let's have a look at that so if we come down here i can roll by pushing this roll button here i can roll the transition up and down the timeline i can also slip the clip i can slip clips either side i've got slip in sorry slip source so i can slip the clip there or i can slip the destination clip i can also move a clip up and down the timeline and that's very fast so let's have a look see how that works so if i hold the move button the clip will highlight and i can just drag it down and then release it now let's move the clip up and down the timeline i have a nice full screen button up here if i want to play full screen i can just kind of push the full screen button and then play i push this out to go to that now if i'm working and i want to trim and edit what i can do is i might want to review that last edit so if i double push the full screen button it'll now take me a couple of seconds before the edit point and then play through it so it's a really fast way of reviewing an edit in full screen and if i double press it again it goes right back to the same part spot there's also a button adjust the audio level of a clip i've got the audio level button just here so if i hold that i can adjust the audio up and down you see it there in the as i adjust the search style you see a level going up and down on the clip i can also add markers anywhere i want if i double press the word marker is in front of the audio level button so if i double press it now i get a marker so i can add markers if i need to fix something later i want to come back to it in fact if i want to change the color of the marker it'll put down the marker that's on the right hand side of the instant on the left hand side of the user interface just on the left of the timeline lower timeline ruler if i want to change the marker color i double press and hold and it'll bring up a nice marker color window so i can select a new marker color i can scroll along and now all the markers will be that color there's also a snapping function but snapping works a little bit different with the speed editor when you're using snapping in the ui it tends to be magnetic it'll snap onto the edit point with the speed editor what it'll do is it'll pause as you scroll through the edit point so if i turn snapping on there's a load indicator to highlight it there there it is there now as i scroll along it'll stop and pause for a moment on markers and also pause on edit points so it'll pause for a certain number of degrees of rotation of this of the search dial that's how that works now i can also insert new clips and keep the transitions with the speed editor as well so if i go to the source type and i go along and look for a new clip so i want to get a bit of that when i go and do a smart insert it'll include the transition that was at that in point when i put the clip in so that's really nice too now there's other edit modes in the keyboard that are much smarter because they're designed to work with the keyboard like the place on top for example places a clip on top of the current layer in the timeline ripple overwrite will replace the clip in the timeline and if the new clip is a different length it'll basically just uh accommodate it so if it's shorter or longer it'll it'll basically change the space and swap out a clip uh the close-up function's really smart it uses some image recognition to do close-ups of people when they're talking and it also now in davinci resolve 17 copies the color grade so when you do a close-up of a shot if it's got a color grading it'll copy the color grade to the close-up clip but one of the most unique edit modes is actually called source override it's extremely powerful for cutaways so what i'll do is i'll do a quick multicam project and you can see really how that works so i'll go back over here and create a new project so over here new project we'll create a new timeline i'll also bring in our multicam media which is our cooking show stuff now i'll come back to the speed editor and i can click source tape i can find my white shot now what i want to do is lay down a base layer from the wide shot so i'll scroll along have a look oh there it is so i'll go actually i can just push the append button it'll drop that whole clip down into the timeline so there it is there now what i want to do is i want to create some cutouts um now the first thing i'll do is i'll set it to video only because once i've got my baseline i've also got my audio track now what i want to do is find some video cut aways and drop them in this is where it shows you what the source override function really does it's very powerful so let's go back to my source tape let's look along and find oh we've got some nice shots there of actually let's get the shots here where they're using the uh they're cutting things let's have a look at that so she's cutting something here so if i go and create an in point on that an out point i can show you how the source override function works so now i've got that shot now the great thing about source override it'll place the shot in the timeline on our layer above synchronized to that base layer because this is a different camera view so let's go and push source over right and there it is there now if i go to the time and have a look at that i'll see that cuts away nicely and that's all synchronized you don't need to care about what you're doing you can pretty much just run along looking for good cutaways anytime you find anything you drop another cutaway so let's find another cutaway yeah she's doing something there let's find a different uh we'll go to a different camera actually either walk this will be good yeah there's some good stuff here that's fine oh that's good there let's have a look at that put an end point out point source override let's look for something else while she's putting in the ingredients yeah it's also right so i can just pretty much go along and add in cutaways and there's all my shots you know and they're just laid on top and you see they're perfect otherwise that's great you can just run along looking at all your camera sources find different cutaways and drop them in and they'll synchronize the timeline for you so it's very fast to use but the problem is what i'm giving multiple cutaways this is where it gets really exciting and this is what the sync bin is for so the button up here for the sync pin if i press that what it does it goes off and gets all my synced angles that synchronize to this point in the timeline and shows all those angles at the same time so you can see them all there and i've got six different angles so as i scroll along the timeline i've got a bunch of different views and i can work out what to do now this is kind of the reverse of looking at cutaways because what before what we did is we added you know we found a shot and added to the timeline using the source override the question of course is which cutaway you know the sync pin shows us all the camera angles all at the same time it tracks when we scroll along the timeline so you can see what all the different angles are and it means it does all the work for you it's kind of like having an assistant editor that goes off and gets things and this panel is really really good for doing using the sync pin so let's have a look at a shot number and we'll go and find something else to add in there's a good bit there where she's using camera two so we'll push camera two and you see it's automatically selected in and out point for us now we can trim that out point so give a little bit more i can even trim the end point back a little bit while she's stirring and i can go and add that sauce over on then go along and see what else we've got um there's a bit where she's putting something in the box there so we can go camera one i can trim the out of that i'm gonna do a source overall on that so it's all pretty good so that's all there is to it you just go along and you can find which source is the best source and you can add that in now one thing to worth noting if you've selected one of the camera numbers so you come in number two and you don't want to select that there's an escape key up on the keyboard here so you can push that in fact if you double push the skype it does undo but if you push the scope you come out of the camera if you push your camera down you go into the camera push the scope you come back out of the camera so if you don't like the camera you've selected you know i don't want that one just push the scope and you come back out of it now that's really fast but there's an even easier way of doing that than this so let's have a look and it's called live override so if we scroll down the timeline a bit to where there's some action um i think there's a bit where she's plating up so if i look where that is yeah that's the bit down there there's a bunch of stuff happening here so let's have a look here now what we can do is we really like camera number one here so if i hold camera number one and scroll along it'll now live overwrite that into the timeline i can scroll along until she's done moved away from something else and then she puts the plate down on camera two so i want to go to camera two so i can drop camera two down that looks good and go back to the wide shot bit of that and then i really like camera three that looks pretty good you can see putting something in camera three so you can hold that down there it is there so you can see how powerful live override is it basically just paints the shot into the timeline automatically and you can see how easy it is to do a bunch of cutaways but it's really quite easy to bump the jog knob you know if you've when you release it'll finish on the out point but you know the jolt knob's a little bit sensitive and so you can i'll turn off snapping um so you can bump a little bit sometimes you can put jump cuts in yeah like little gaps in the timeline so the speed editor has a dedicated live override button so what that means is it transforms the keyboard into a bit like a switcher so if i turn live overwrite on is acts a bit like a switcher so the camera number buttons are lit up so for example which camera number i like so i like camera number one so now when i scroll along it'll scroll along and undo is scrolling backwards so i scroll along and i kind of like camera four when i push camera four i scroll along oh actually i like i'm gonna go back and change that because i quite like camera two there's camera two and there's a bit on camera six looks quite interesting so i can scroll along basically i'm just switching across and scrolling on adding clips so it's as simple as that is scroll along and add clips now the transition type is indicated on the bottom here and i've been doing cuts but i can push dissolve and now what it'll do is it'll transform into dissolves i can also push the transition button up here so what i can do now is when i scroll along everything will be a dissolve so if i scroll along and go to six oops i want to go to four it'll do a dissolve to four and that'll be the default transition go back to six oh go to three i like three there and everything's now dissolved so that's pretty cool instead of selecting just dissolves i can also select transitions from the transition palette there and then when i select a shot i'll go to camera one then i'll add those transitions and they're different again back to camera three and maybe camera two and so so on and then if i go back to the timeline now i've got all my cutaways and i've got the uh manual transition and i can of course change that transition just by holding down the transition palette i might want to change to a ripple wipe so you can still do all the trimming that you'd like to do i can roll the edit if i don't like the edit points i can do all that so i can scroll along and there's my i hit it so you can see how fast that is now that's what's really funny about this is that if that's not even fast enough let's go back a little bit and i'll show you something we added is a bit of fun so i'll go back to this point here i'll go back into the sync pin and i'll turn the love overwrite function back on now we thought to be really funny is if a lot of times when you're editing say a music video or something like that doesn't really matter what camera you you cut to and really quiet on the duration that you are either so we thought it'd be funny to create a random function so if you push the live override button twice it's got the word random on the front it'll just pick a camera source and of a roughly random duration and just put it down and if you keep doing it it'll keep placing transitions i can push dissolve and it'll do them with dissolves and now you know this is not really the best media for it but if i go back to the timeline now i've got pretty much a random edit oops go back to the timeline and i've got this sort of random edit that if that was a music video or something that can be a lot of fun and you can you know sometimes it works quite well but again you can go in and trim if you need a trim so i've really only shown you you're editing shots from a single camera and i've shown you some multi-cam editing but you can really see how much faster this is so we think the speed it is going to be really exciting
Channel: Rob C
Views: 14,172
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Davinci Resolve, Davinci Resolve Studio, Speed Editor, Black Magic Design, editing, keyboard, Grant Petty, how to, bundle offer, How to, Video editor, editor, Jog shuttle, tips and features, edit keyboard, transport controls, insert, append, overwrite, ripple, delete, source, timeline, transition, trim, in out, multi cam, split, move, resize, bluetooth, usb, undo, escape
Id: YACfrocXsok
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 26sec (1226 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 26 2021
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