DaVinci Resolve SPEED EDITOR Review & Mistakes Blackmagic Design Made

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Really well made video, I like your style

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/ljrich01 📅︎︎ Feb 23 2021 🗫︎ replies

Very valid points. Well done!

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/OleKomole 📅︎︎ Feb 23 2021 🗫︎ replies

Still waiting for mine after ordering back in December

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/KB_Sez 📅︎︎ Feb 25 2021 🗫︎ replies

Watch this video first if you are curious about diving into DaVinci Resolve Studio and purchasing the new Speed Editor. After more than a couple months of extensive use, I run down the Pro’s and Con’s in the ULTIMATE SPEED EDITOR REVIEW!

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/CreativeVideoTips 📅︎︎ Feb 23 2021 🗫︎ replies
so you're either shopping for a  DaVinci Resolve Speed Editor or   you want me to reaffirm you made the right  choice because you've already ordered one   either way i've been using it for the past two  months and so today i'm going to share with you   the five things i love about it the pros and the  five things i don't we'll call those opportunities   to explore unmet potential all to answer the  question is the Speed Editor worth buying i think it'll be obvious by my criticism in this  video but it is in no way affiliated with or   sponsored by blackmagic design in any way i  paid for the speed editor with my own money   because i was excited about it and so that  way you know all my thoughts and opinions   are as honest as can be the first opportunity  the speed editor did not explore was   the idea of having an audio only crossfade  it's something to use all the time but you   have to take your hands off of the  speed editor put them on the keyboard   and you actually have to do it in the  edit page you can't do it in the cut page   so i would love if there was a way for you to  add audio only crossfades with a single button   just like we have five buttons already dedicated  to transitions why can't one of them just be audio   only crossfades it would be so easy and it's  something we use on every single cut we make so to balance things out my first pro would be  the fact that the speed editor is actually free   it's free if you buy the davinci resolve studio  paid version either the dongle or the license key   which is 300 bucks but you pay that either way  if you just wanted the software by itself so   the fact they're giving away for free right now it  is february 2021 i don't know how long it's going   to go on for but that's a great thing resolve  studio gives you a clean feed to an external tv   monitor what that means is you used to always have  to purchase these ultrastudio mini monitors i have   actually two of these for my two offices and what  this did is it took the thunderbolt out of here   and it connected to hdmi up to like a tv or any  sort of reference display you actually don't need   these anymore if you want to see a full screen  view of what you're color correcting or editing   if you buy the studio version and get speed  editor for free that's included it's just   like a drop down feature in the menu that i'll  probably be showing you right now with b-roll   so i'll put a link in the description below to  blackmagic's site specifically stating all the   difference between studio and the free version but  things i like off top of my head with studio are   some of the things like noise reduction face  refinement the beauty features so i can look   beautiful and uh you know there's a smart reframe  which lets you do an instagram or a cut out of   your widescreen video there's the close-up button  which lets you do a punch in and all that stuff is   kind of tracking faces so that's kind of the key  to a lot of that that magic that happens but the   biggest thing was that there is um codex support  for everything a friend of mine has the gh5   and he shot 10 bit with it and i couldn't see  it in the free version so that was one reason   we initially purchased our first license of the  studio version was for all the support speaking   of support my name is chadwick and this is  creative video tips where i help you create videos   that make a difference and stand out if that's  something you're into and you haven't already done   so please click subscribe right down below that  way you don't miss out on my tip next week we've   been having a lot of fun using davinci resolve and  the speed editor lately so there's a lot of great   stuff to learn from on the channel and with that  out of the way let's jump back over and we'll take   a look at opportunity to explore unmet potential  number two so opportunity number two is there is   no way to insert a gap or filler using the speed  editor in fact there's no way to do it at all on   the cut page as far as i understand you have to go  into the edit page use a command like option y and   then you can you know select it and push things  down to open up some air i think it's a missed   opportunity for sure especially because they have  a full size keyboard the davinci resolve keyboard   and i believe f2 on that keyboard is a way to  insert some sort of black slug would love to see   that added because editing is all about pacing and  timing and if we can't get that pacing dialed in   without taking our hands off of this  well that's a missed opportunity my second pro is kind of the headline feature if  you just look at the thing it has a search dial   it's like a jog shuttle wheel it's a great fun  new way to move around on the timeline there are   so many reasons that i love it i actually have a  video i'll probably link up right now that tells   you all the 16 or there's actually 17 ways that  you can use the thing but it just makes editing   a lot more fun if it's if editing something you do  all the time and you've done for years i've been   editing for about 20 years and it's just a fresh  new way of looking at the same old thing which   to me that's a huge pro the next opportunity  i've got is the fact that the middle of the   speed editor is covered in multi-cam buttons  and those multi-cam buttons do not work with   traditional multi-cam in the edit page of resolve  so i mean the speed editor is made to work with   the cut page that's clear but those multi-cam  buttons could be used in multicam in both   sync bin and traditional multicam but they only  work with sync bin now sync bin is a lot of fun   and you get to use the search dial and if  you don't know how to use that there's a   video that's probably popping up right now  that i'll teach you about how to use that   and and go back and forth but i would just love  if the multi-game buttons would actually work   in both edit and cut page versions of you know  changing up multiple cameras at the same time so the next pro i have about using the  speed editor is the way you can use   source tape with it and source tape is something  they introduced in the cut page not too long ago   but what it does is it lets you look at all your  footage from a whole project or just a specific   bin you get to choose it like how detailed or how  far down the breadcrumb trail you're looking at it   lets you look at all of that really quickly just  scrubbing with the search dial using shuttle jog   scroll those features on there and you can refine  it marking ins and outs and then hitting source   again it lets you get more detail so um and then  you just back out with the escape button there's   there's a lot of flexibility to the buttons that  are on here to using source tape that it makes it   a super functional and really fast way to work so  we're moving right along and the next opportunity   or misstep that i think the speed editor has  is the fact that there's a dedicated button   for smooth cut smooth cut if you don't know it's  a way of using optical flow to transition from   one shot to the next shot it kind of blends  those together and makes up its own frames   problem is it's really only a very niche use  case scenario so i think i've probably used it   three or four times in an entire year so i don't  need a whole button dedicated on the speed editor   just for smooth cut it's a waste of space it could  be like a user customizable button in my opinion   something you could change in user preferences  that would be really helpful because there's other   buttons like you know like i talked about insert  gap or you know there's there's quite a few that   i would love to have that space back for somebody  is really proud of that smooth cut so that's why   it's appearing on here i would just nix it if  they made another version and maybe we'll get   lucky and there's a way we can customize it but  yeah this is definitely an opportunity to explore   uh further growth was to let's let's  ditch the smooth cut dedicated button the next pro i've got is the fact that this thing  is small it's portable it's lightweight it's made   out of plastic but it's high quality plastic the  keys are mechanical and it feels good to touch and   search dials metal and so it has ball bearings  it's really smooth i'm not saying it's it's crappy   it's just it's lightweight and small which  is awesome because i work in two different   edit suites this is my home suite and  then i have another office that i go to   and so i want to be able to take this to and  from there or maybe you're going from an edit   suite to an onset location this is great  for that it's not like the davinci resolve   mini panel for color grading or their micro  panels those are made out of a lot of metal   pieces they're not easy to transport this is  the opposite of that to transport it i've got   a pelican vault v100 case here that i just  picked up and it looks to be the perfect size   on the inside it uses that closed cell foam  that this is the one you actually have to cut   out it's not that pick and pluck stuff but this  would be a great way so that i can just throw   the speed editor in the back of the truck and  not worry about damaging it because they're   so hard to find in stock right now that  i would hate if something were to break   but the fact that it's portable i can take it to  any room and just sit down and start cranking away   i love that about it another missed opportunity  on the speed editor keyboard it's the it's   another key just like smooth cut was this one is  actually source overwrite and source overwrite   if you don't know it only works with synced  timecode so if you're not working with cameras   that have been jam synced or you know used a  little ambient lockit box or a tentacle sync   then it's just a waste of space i mean most  people that are buying this and using this   are not going to have synced timecode so  why not make the source overwrite button   overwrite overwrite would let us maintain timing  of your video by just you know swapping it out on   on video one so we can keep a real nice tidy clean  timeline like i like it there is ripple overwrite   which is a cool feature but ripple overwrite's  going to change the overall length of your video   what ripple ovewrite does is it takes this  whatever your source in and out point is   it's going to maintain that length as you do the  ripple overwrite and it swaps out the clip so it   it's not going to keep your timing of your  video which is something that overwrite can do   you can still do overwrite it's f10 i believe on  the keyboard if you want to use the keyboard but   then you're taking your hands off the speed editor  and that kind of defeats the purpose of this whole   using two hands on here so that's why i think  the source overwrite button on the speed editor   was maybe a missed opportunity and should have  just been this simple regular old overwrite another thing i really love about the speed  editor is a button that's gonna save you a   lot of time that a lot of people are probably not  going to talk about it's the transition duration   set button what's cool about transition duration  set is you hold it down you move the search dial   it changes your length that's the duration part  but the set part lets you lock in a new default   for your project so once you double tap that  transition duration it's locked in your default   so the next time you drop a dissolve down  on your timeline it's to that exact length   so maybe you want a short transition for you  know getting a rid of pops and clicks or a   longer transition for music you don't have to go  up to the settings menu each time to change that   default duration that default length so the set  function on this transitions is freaking amazing   so if you can overlook these opportunities  and focus on the pros like a professional   then i think the speed editor might be right  for you and if you like this video at all   make sure to give it a like and if you want to  learn more about the speed editor or davinci   resolve in general i have a tutorial playlist  it's popping up right over here right now uh   it'll teach you everything you need to know  about the speed editor about trimming about   multicam there's so much to learn so  i'll see you over in that next video
Channel: Creative Video Tips
Views: 26,335
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Keywords: Speed Editor, DaVinci Speed Editor, Creative Video Tips, How does the Speed Editor work, davinci resolve tutorial, smooth cut transition, Speed Editor Review, Should I buy the Speed Editor, best speed editor review, Is the Speed Editor worth it, Speed Editor Cons, Pros vs Cons, overwrite edit, does the speed editor, audio only crossfade, ultimate speed editor review, Hotkeys, DaVinci Resolve SPEED EDITOR Review, resolve speed editor, davinci resolve speed editor review
Id: Pvh-lS07_js
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 59sec (659 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 23 2021
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