Why YOU Need These Effects - The Definitive Guide.

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hi my name is darren austin and in this episode i'm going to be looking at the difference between the free version of davinci resolve and the studio version the paid version now as we know the davinci resolve free version is incredibly powerful but there is a lot that you get for your 295 dollars if you upgrade to the studio version there are so many features i'm not going to show you in just one episode so i'm going to focus today on the open effects i'm going to show you every single effect and show you whether it's in the free version or the studio version i'm going to show you my favorites i'm going to show you a few little quick ways of using them and this will be the definitive guide to which effects you pay for and which ones are free so along with obviously the magic mask tool you've got the davinci neural engine you've got noise reduction you've got multiple gpu supports you've got acceleration of h265 and h.264 you've got advanced hdr support and many more things you've also got a ton of things in the openfx so let's go and take a look so i'm in the color page and i've got an assortment of clips that's going to help me to explain some of these ofx i'm not going to show you every single one but what i am going to do is list every single one and demonstrate a few that i feel irrelevant and ones that i particularly use on a regular basis so i'm going to change my mode i'm going to press shift f and that's going to put me into a full screen mode but still with my controls and if i put on my nodes here and i'm also going to put on my clips at the bottom so we're basically losing all the primary controls down at the bottom because we're not going to look at any of that each of these shots has just got a basic start grade on it and then i've got a second node ready to do some effects on it so all the effects lie up here in the open fx and you can see them listed here and they're in sections you've got resolve effects blur you've got effects color you've got generators keys etc lights all that sort of thing and each of these can be collapsed so you can actually have them in quite a slim view and any of these effects can be added to your favorites so if i take lens blur for example i have a star appears and if you just literally press that star i'm not right clicking or anything just literally press it that is now added to your favorites so if i click up here you can say favorites and all the star effects are now in my favorite so you can choose ones that you use a lot stick them in your favorites then you have to scroll through all of these effects okay i'm going to take that back to show all i'm going to take this one off and what i've done is i've gone through every single effect and i've starred the ones that are in the studio version so the paid version of resolve so anything that is free doesn't have a star next to it and anything that's paid has a star next to it so i'm going to go through these methodically one by one and show you the exact difference between paid and the free version so all of the blur effects are available in the free version of davinci resolve so you've got your box blurs gaussian blurs all those things are in there absolutely free when come down to the next section color here we have probably half of them are only available in the studio version so you have to pay for it so let's have a look what that is so the first thing we've got here is chromatic adaptation now chromatic adaptation is quite complex effect if i just throw that on it works on a series of algorithms here these are very detailed algorithms very scientifically calculated and what it allows me to do is change the source lighting to a different target lighting but in a much more technical way than just playing with something like color temperature so if i change my d65 lighting here to d55 you see that has enhanced our color here and it's done it in a scientific way using the bradford model so that is what chromatic adaptation is doing and when you need it this tool is fantastic okay coming down next color compressor i've dealt with color compressor before but this is basically allowing you to take a target color and compress the hue saturation and luminance towards that color now you generally would use this in conjunction with a key so for example if you had a product let's say we wanted to change the s the greatness of this mac we could we could set a new target color and compress the hue down and obviously by keying this we're making sure that it doesn't affect the rest of the image like i said i'm not going to go through and demonstrate every single effect on here because this will be a two hour tutorial but what i do intend to do is over the next few weeks and months is take a particular o effect and i'm going to concentrate on it and show it in depth okay color space transform is obviously in the free version as we need that to change from various color spaces to other color spaces and different camera models the color stabilizer is only available in the studio version now this is a fantastic effect let me show you very quickly how this works let's play this clip first now you can see there's quite a bit of exposure change there because the lights are physically changing so what we can do to just normalize that a little bit we can take our color stabilizer you can either work with selected areas or the entire frame and there's various options here you can choose just white balance or brightness or whatever i'm just going to take the default for now and if i just say live region analyze and press play what that does is it analyzes the image and it then makes the differences in exposure far less this is great for when you've got very quick exposure changes happening on the camera and you just want to balance it out contrast pop i use a fair bit so this is really good for just giving the image a little bit of punch so you can see there that's just punching in there use it sparingly but it's really good tool so dctl this is davinci color transform language so it's blackmagic's own language and it allows you to basically perform mathematical operations on the image so you can program it to have your own scripts you import your dctls and you can send them to other people and you can basically manipulate the image with various different maths so you might be looking at s curves and how tight those s curves are for example it's a really useful tool okay d haze again only in the studio so let's go and see how good this is if i take this shot here and just literally apply d haze you see we get the image we get all this sort of hazy image really brought to life in fact we go to this shot here we've got we're really shooting into the sun here so let's just take out the haze and i'm just taking the default there but again you can see with a bit of manipulation we'd get this looking really good so that's what the d haze tool is doing false color okay so this is emulating let me get a better image than that if i apply false color it's basically emulating what's going on inside your camera display so here we're looking at our levels we can change this to not be a camera model you can actually get creative with it so we can use this down here for example there is 10 bands and you can have that in black and white which is really good and you can use this literally for analyzing your image for actually getting your exposures right or you can use it as a creative effect i've actually got false color on my nobe omniscope that i use for my scopes and i use it a lot i really like having the false color on there okay so the rest of the ones are available in the free version of resolve so you've got your flickr gamut gamut mapping invert color so moving down let's just scroll down this list a little bit so next we've got our generators so we've got our color generator which is in the free version you've got the color palette here and we've got a grid now the color palette is really useful for just analyzing your image so we've seen what color range we're using so this is in the lows the mids and the highlights and this is a basically general look at what we're looking at these are really useful for if you're trying to give a client a a reference or a tone that you want to be using then this is a really good little thing that you can do you can grab a still of this and export that out and send it to your client now the other way you can do is you can invert that and take a reference that a client sends you and apply the color palette to it so here i've got a couple of film stills and i've just applied the color palette effect to it and now i can see what's happening in the lows the mids and the highlights this is the color palette that's been chosen for this film and again another one and then you can analyze these you could take a measurement off it uh rgb value whatever you want to do okay back to our library and then grid is in the free version all the keying effects are in the free version apart from the alpha matte shrink and grow so this allows you to have extra tools to grow and shrink any external maps that you're bringing in okay so when we move on to light let's just change this image let's take this shot here so we're moving on to the light effects we have um three out of the five are only available in the studio so you get glow for free and you get light rays for free but what's missing is this one you've got aperture diffraction now this is really nice okay so obviously you've got a lot of control here okay but you can get some really nice effects using this aperture diffraction it's a it's quite a subtle tool and this is basically emulating the starburst effect that you can get when you're filming uh lens flares we all know what lens flares are like so obviously these are these can be made more subtle i wouldn't always take a default on here but you've got some other things in here it's sci-fi look for example and don't forget you can use window shapes and tracking with all these effects as well so you can get some really nice effects going on and the lens reflections is the next one so that again look at all the control we've got down here you can control every parameter every element is individually controllable and some presets in here as well so if we go to summer okay you've got some really nice warm tones in there and you can adjust absolutely everything in here really really powerful tools these are so again only available in the studio where the star is so coming down to refine you've got beauty and face refine okay so let's take a different shot for this click on here beauty is a kind of cut down face refine but it doesn't analyze the face it analyzes the whole image so if we go to advanced we've got much more control now we can control exactly the strength of this and it's a really useful tool if you need to work quickly so the face refinement tool i've already done a full episode on exactly how this works in full detail so have a look at that and again only available in the paid version of davinci resolve okay so the resolve effects revival this is a really powerful section and only available in the studio none of these effects are available in the free version so let's take a look at some of these so we've got automatic dirt removal that's exactly what it says if you've got archive footage that's very old apply this it's going to take out the dirt for you chromatic aberration removal again it's going to help any of those aberrations that you've got dead pixel fixers really easy you can let you drag and drop this if you've got any dead pixels anywhere i don't think we do have in this image but for example i could take that out in fact with the dead pixel doesn't have to be a single pixel if i want to remove the apple logo yeah it's gone so it's a really powerful tool let's change that now with the dead pixel fixer this obviously stays static because it's a pixel d band this is amazing for 8-bit footage if you've got that sky that's really banding drop the d-band on there and it works wonders with 8-bit footage or you know if you've got it's just just footage where you've got really bad banding d-flicker is going to help if you have issues with uh strobing and that sort of thing in fluorescent lights you've got fine check shirts that sort of thing this d-flicker works wonders on that the dust buster again is just going to get rid of hair and dust it's really very useful tool noise reduction does exactly what it says on the tin object removal so this in my opinion is quite subjective to what you put it on i've had very mixed results on this sometimes i've had absolutely stunning results that i really didn't think would happen other times when i thought something was quite easy it's actually not done an amazing job of it but i'm sure this is a good work in progress they're again just showing the absolute power of the neural engine in davinci resolve patch replacer this is great so if i just drag and drop that on it's kind of like a cloning tool so we can take our source we're going to get rid of that light switch on the wall just do that and then we want it to patch to that so there we go we've got a nice clean wall and this is trackable so we can actually track because this shot actually moves so we can track that using the tracker and you'd go to the effects tracker to make that work so some really powerful tools in the revival so moving on to resolve effect sharpen these are only available in davinci resolve studio so you basically have much more control than you would with the regular sharpen tool so let me go over here let's reset that and i'm just going to apply sharpen and you can see already we get much more control over our sharpening so we can go find medium and large detail moving on from that we've got sharpen edges so this will only do the edges this is great for drone footage actually if you want to really spice up your drone footage this will really help you and then we've got our soften and sharpening so it's doing both at the same time which gives you a really pleasing image obviously making sure you you do work with the controls to get the best out the image next is the stylize effects now quite a few of these are in the free version so your drop shadows edge detect emboss these are quite sort of you know cartoon-like effects you've got an abstraction available in studio so that's doing uh making it abstract you've also got pencil sketch so we can add in pencil sketching okay that sort of thing let's make the stroke length a bit further and so these these are really useful just for yeah for backgrounds for little transition wipes for effects you've got a stylized one here so this is quite nice it's got a load of defaults in there so just play around with these so again i wouldn't say these are particular grading tools but for a particular effect they're really easy to just drag and drop on so the next studio feature is tilt shift blur so this is that kind of model look it's uh it makes everything look a little bit surreal and you can change all the parameters in here and what i tend to do is work with this depth map preview first so i sort of work out where i want my focus range and you can adjust that like this then put the preview back on it's a really good effect for you know opening credits and things like that it's actually quite fun okay so next up we have watercolor so vignette is in the free version and then there's a watercolor effect so let's just take a shot uh i don't know let's take it let's take this guy again and throw on our watercolor i think it's pretty obvious what that's going to do and we've got various degrees of that i don't know how much i'm going to use that but there you go it's in there anyway back to our library so the next section is this resolve effects temporal so these are two of these are in the studio version and stop motion is in the free version so motion trails is going to give you uh i'll show you what it does it gives you like a a weird effect on there so let's just drag and drop that on and i said play the clip you get this sort of trail effect i guess that's the library and if i change that to smear what smear is doing it's kind of giving you like a motion blur effect but it is slightly different to motion blur and obviously you have motion blur controls in the noise reduction tool so resolve effects texture most of these tools are in the studio version the only ones in the free version are the film damage and the jpeg damage but you really want film grain so this is fantastic this is in the studio version only and film grain is film grain i use it all the time analog damage is going to give you that sort of retro vhs look obviously you've got all the settings in here so you can take off the scan lines etc if you want to uh detail recovery as well you've got your film damages in the free one but you've also got here texture pop now texture pop is one of my new favorite things and i've really got into using this i'm going to do a dedicated tutorial on this because i really am into this texture pop at the minute okay resolve effects transform so camera shake and match move are in the studio version now match move i've already done a very detailed episode on you can also download the elements that i used in that if you click the link in the description and for free you're going to get the transform tool which is basic transform so it's basic image movement and the video collage feature which is actually quite fun so moving down from there resolve effects warp everything is in the free version so all those lens distortions and ripples and stuff all available in the free version this stuff down here is my sapphire plugin so i've got a load more plugins in my system but we're not dealing with those i'm just talking about the ones that come with davinci resolve and the ones that you get with davinci resolve studio so i'm sure you can see there i think there's 39 effects that are only available in the studio don't forget you can play with them they are watermark so you can still play with the effects but i can't see any reason why anyone would not want to buy a studio so i hope that's finally demystified which of the open effects are free and which ones you pay for even in the free version you can still access the studio version effects you'll just get a watermark on there and i just quickly like to say thank you to simon hall and catherine and the team at blackmagic design because they helped me understand which ones are free and which ones you pay for the studio version as it stands today is 225 pounds 295 it's a no-brainer that's a lifetime access to all those effects i've just shown you plus all the things i mentioned at the beginning it's an absolute no-brainer look after yourselves and i'll see you in the next episode
Channel: Darren Mostyn
Views: 13,047
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: why you need these effects, which resolve effects are free, resolve 17, davinci resolve, resolve17, how to use resolve, tips for resolve, killer tips davinci resolve, killer tips, sky replace in davinci resolve, OFX, how to use Resolve OFX, How to davinci OFX, which OFX are in the free version, match move davinci resolve, ofx plugin, resolve ofx, Which effects are in the studio version, free vs studio, free vs paid, resolve free vs studio, que resuelven efectos son gratis
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 49sec (1009 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 19 2021
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