FOOLPROOF Multicam Tips with the DaVinci Resolve Speed Editor

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Do you know the Bee and Pee trick for editing Multicam? Or that you can now switch angles with the Speed Editor in the Edit Page? There are so many great tips in this week’s DaVinci Resolve Tutorial.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/CreativeVideoTips 📅︎︎ Nov 02 2021 🗫︎ replies
the davinci resolve speed header is my new  favorite video editing tool but so much was   designed with a cut page in mind that blackmagic  they neglected to use these camera buttons that   are right here for us traditional video editors  that want to work in the edit page and live switch   or multicam clips well in 17.4 they listened to  us and made the speed editor even more versatile   by giving us that one thing that so many of  us had hoped for when it launched edit page   multicam support it's super simple to use and you  can jump straight to this timestamp it's on screen   right over here if that's all you're looking for  but watch the full tutorial if you want to get a   grasp of multi-cam workflow and davinci resolve  and as usual i promise to show you something new   if you want to paint on camera angles using the  sync bin and live overwrite technique that was   new with the cut page when the speed editor  came out i should have that tutorial linked   up in the description and on screen right now  but the advantage i'm going to show you today   is that the video can play back continuously  as you tap a key to change angles without   even stopping traditional multicams are nested  compound clips that let you get in the groove   so here's how it all works here in davinci resolve  17.4 i'm going to show you how to sync up these   individual clips we've got a wide shot a tight  shot we're going to combine them into one single   multicam clip to do that you can click and drag  with your mouse over both of them right click on   one of them and go up to the very top it says  create new multicam clip using selected clips   choose that guy and then under multicam clip  name let's change this to something like speed   editor demo and then we've got angle sync so  there's a few things i want to change in here   by default it says in point and out point that's  self-explanatory what those are there's timecode   which is metadata that could have been written  into the file well we don't on this that would be   a luxury and i've got a tutorial on using tentacle  sync e if that's something you're interested in   there's sound which basically matches up waveforms  i know in this instance it's not going to work   good because it was windy outside but that's  like plural eyes if you've used pluraleyes before   i'm going to show you is how to use markers  today i've got a foolproof way on doing this   with interviews with markers now we're going to  also change our angle name from sequential to   the metadata from the camera and check the box  for detect clips from the same camera what this   is going to make sure is that everything that  you have from the same camera angle from the same   camera is going to end up on the same track so  that you don't end up with a super tall timeline   that gets super annoying that you have to manage  later and we're gonna detect using the metadata   from the camera number now we don't have camera  number metadata or markers on our clips in order   to use those fields so here's how you set that up  even if you don't have a slate or hand clap now   to see a little bit more instead of being in the  thumbnail view we're going to change the metadata   view which is this button right here just gives us  a little bit more to look at i'm going to select a   clip to change the metadata i'm going to go to the  upper right section there's the metadata button   our field and we're kind of cramped we don't have  enough room so i'm going to choose this button   it expands it out for us gives us more room to see  but we don't have camera number available that's   because we need to change the list of options to  be shot and scene if you scroll down here now we   can see camera number all we need to do is click  into there tap one return and you can see that   updated over there and change that to be camera  number one we need to do the same thing over here   so we have camera number two on this clip just  select it that's already ready to go we hit two   we have camera one camera two now what we need to  do is we need to sync these up with a common sync   point and we don't have a hand clapper we don't  have a slate but what we do have her saying is a   word that sounds like a b or a p she says the word  born so anytime someone says b or p their mouth   opens and there's a consonant that comes out so  let's take a look by double clicking this guy and   we're going to drop a marker when her mouth opens  and she says the word born so that's a b sound i was born in minnesota okay she was born in  minnesota we're going to look for when the word be   opens her mouth and we start to see that happen  so i'm going to scroll back with the j key okay there it is i was born you can see  we're a little bit past when our lips open   so i'm going to select up here i'm going to  choose the left arrows okay born i was born   that's what we're looking for so her lips open  right there we're tapping m on the keyboard if   you have the speed editor you can double tap  the audio level that will do the same thing   and then we can go to the close-up angle and  find the same thing we're looking for i was born i was okay so you just select up here i had  it down at the bottom born i was born there   her mouth starts to open we hit m on the keyboard  and basically we have a sync point between these   two we didn't even need a slate or a hand clap  now all we need to do to sync these and make a   multi-cam clip is like i showed you before we're  going to select them both with our mouse click   and drag right click say create new multicam clip  using clips and i think i had too much coffee i'm   talking so fast but anyways we're just called this  why don't we call this one born and all the rest   of this is pretty much set up to how we've done  before angle sync is marker right angle name is   the metadata we've got detect clips from the same  camera and we're using the camera numbers that we   had just assigned which is perfect i also like  to uncheck move source clips to original bins so   i can organize things myself i'll hit create and  we have a multi-cam clip if i double click it you   can see everything's in sync it's ready to rock  and roll but it's just a clip but we don't have   a timeline with it yet the fastest way to make  a timeline of it is if you right click a clip   you can actually say create new timeline using  selected clips it makes it with all the perfect   magic settings for you and this one why don't we  call this one speed editor demo and we'll get to   that next now double click your new timeline with  that multicam clip to open it on the edit page now   we're here in the edit page if you just have a  single viewer open in just one window the way   you change that to be dual viewer is this button  right here okay so what this does is it gives you   a source side and a record side but for multicam  you need to change this from the default right   over here this little drop down and change this to  multicam so as you choose multicam now basically   you're able to use the cam buttons on your speed  editor or the number pads to change angles on the   fly as you're playing back now the other thing  i want to point out is in the lower right this   is set to default but you can change how many  camera angles you actually see in this window in   the multicam window so 4x4 would be 4 times 4 or  16 camera angles at once that's incredible um we   just have two for this instance so we'll change  this back to default and the other thing i want   you to know is you can change this with a keyboard  shortcut from source to multicam i have mine set   to command shift m and that jumps us straight over  to there without having to need to go to this drop   down menu it makes things work a little bit faster  and the way you can set that up is if you go up to   davinci resolve keyboard customization and start  typing in multi cam into here and you see source   viewer options that's where you can set that up  it's not set by default but that's what i like   to do so i can work a little bit faster dealing  with multi-channel audio in multicam clips is   one of the most confusing things ever in davinci  resolve so pay close attention to this chapter   i'm gonna go fast the challenge with multi-camera  audio in davinci resolve 17 is it creates adaptive   audio tracks see this over here it says adaptive  two basically it has mixed down everything for us   and to see that a little bit better i'm going to  right click on the track and say open in timeline   this lets you see the inside gets of the  multi-camera clip if you ever needed to change   something that's in there um but you can also  see over here we have camera number one has a   four next to it for adaptive four same thing with  camera two and the reason for this is i shot with   a canon c200 that has four channels of audio but  i can't edit any of these independently and that's   my problem so if i double click this that'll get  us out of the opening timeline and i go back to   the uh the media page you can see here on clip one  one and two is what i want three and four garbage   i want to delete those and camera two that's all  scratch i don't need to hear any of that sound   so if i go back to the edit page let me show you  how you get access to just the channels that you   want in this case i just want access to channels  one and two so in the edit page what first thing   we're gonna do is we're going to choose the audio  down here that we want to be working with and it's   set to camera 2 right now and i want camera  1. so to do that you go over here you choose   multi-camera we're going to choose audio only and  to change it you just hold option on the keyboard   and then click the camera angle that you want  so because it's audio only that just switched   it over there for us awesome right so at least we  have that going for us now the next thing we need   is you need to break this out of multi-camera  that's the problem is the multi-camera so to get   it out of multi-camera and we still have access  to the multi-camera video all you need to do is   hold option on the keyboard that decouples those  so we're just selecting the the audio only which   is what we're dealing with you right click and you  say flatten multicam clip by doing that you have   just pulled the audio only part out of multicam so  you can see this is the original clip name and if   you uh think we're not going anywhere we just have  one audio channel audio track here you're wrong   and i can show you that because you can right  click and say display individual audio channels   and just like that we can see all four tracks  originally from that we saw on the media page   but we just want access to one and two and we  still can't edit them independently here's the   next steps you gotta do so we flattened  it we displayed audio channels just to   show you and now we need to change the track  type over here from adaptive 2 to adaptive   4 obviously because there's 4 channels and now  basically what that has done is it's given us the   opportunity to break this apart properly so we're  going to right click in this track header area   and say convert to linked group what that did is  it sort of broke things out but they're all still   they're linked together they're tied together we  still have just one fader over here in the track   header area so to get access to these separately  is we break apart the linked group now that we   created a linked group and you do that by going  up to the fairlight menu at the top okay and then   you say link group and then you select this right  here because they're all linked together and you   say unlink and that's it that's the magic to all  of it so now we have four different channels over   here in the mixer four different tracks to work  with and we have access to channels one and two   which had our good lav i know a good sound on  it and 3 and 4 which is the garbage but now   we can just option select them delete them and  you'll be able to edit to your heart's content   and a quick safety thing you might want to do  is select the clips and right click and say link   clips that gives you that little chain link icon  over there that way in case you move something by   accident you get the out of frame sync indicators  hey i'm hoping that last chapter was worth the   price of admission to this tutorial and i've  earned the opportunity to welcome you here to   this channel i'm chadwick and this is creative  video tips it's all about helping you craft   videos that make a difference and stand out so if  you're into that subscribe right now maybe with a   bell too so you don't miss out on future resolve  tutorials it really helps our small channel out   a lot so it's super appreciated now let's take  a look at the new speed editor functionality   we got the speed editor out we're having fun all  you need to do is make sure you go over here and   make sure you turn on multi-camera that way these  buttons are going to work so push play and you can   tap the button that you want to change the camera  angle to so i'm going to push play i was born in   minnesota now i'm going to change it to camera  angle 2. at the age of 4. and it cuts straight to   angle 2. while it's playing back that's the magic  of this with my family camera 1 14 camera 2. okay   and then if you want to change an angle later on  that's the other thing that they added on here if   i scroll back here with the search dial and i want  this to be camera two instead and i made a mistake   you could just double tap it and it changes the  angle or i could double tap back and it goes to   the other angle or you could use undo there's lots  of stuff you can do obviously other things on here   work too like you can hit the roll button hold  that down and change the point and when things   change now you don't have to have the speed editor  i just want to show you how that works on here if   you want to use the keyboard the traditional  keyboard this thing over here you can use this   number pad section as well one two on here all  the way up to nine they work the same as these   buttons do so you tap them once they cut and if  you want to change the angle you hold option and   push that button hey suppose you have trouble with  choppy playback from lots of 4k and 8k footage   in that case i suggest watching this tutorial  on using proxies or if you want to unlock all   the potential of the speed editor check out this  playlist full of pro tips and because there's so   much more to learn i'll see you in the next video  oh and hit that like button before it's too late
Channel: Creative Video Tips
Views: 7,686
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Speed Editor Multicam, DaVincI Resolve Speed Editor, how to edit multicam in davinci resolve 17, syncing multiple video clips, davinci resolve 17.4 update, fix multicam, how to fix multicam, Davinci Resolve tutorial, clips don't line up, live switch, switch camera angles, how to change camera angles, multiple video angles, multi-channel audio, blackmagic design davinci resolve, camera number, open in timeline, create multicam davinci resolve, adjust sync, multicam setup
Id: 1NtNtpxM1LQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 50sec (710 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 02 2021
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