The Spring Moedim

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hey Shalom Shalom from your Dutch ugh where's my stick oh so we were Dutch Uncle John here to tell you what it is about the crucifixion week there's so many different stories out there I would like to just for once and for all let you know what happened that week and but this is system some preview stuff we have to learn first of all first of all you have to be familiar with the Jewish calendar and you know I have that here there's actually two calendars this is the first one you're seeing here notice that the first month up in the upper left is Tishri Tishri one that's the day in the beginning God created heavens in the earth now on my calendar here I have it marked as a Wednesday it is but this is just a generic year not any specific year the very first year when God created heavens in the earth Tishri one would have of course fallen on a Sunday the first day of the week okay and this calendar is the one that we were using during Noah okay this was the calendar it used during Abraham Isaac and Jacob but come Moses time God announces there's going to be a new calendar that we will use and in the new calendar Nisan becomes the first month notice what is there's the change there's history was the first month Nisan was the seventh and then after Moses Nissan was the first and history becomes the seventh notice God's number seven so the seventh month these are gonna be two the big holidays are big holiday months Nissan and Tishri got it alright another thing we have to learn is you know we have the dates of Jesus for example as his birthday and his his crucifixion day are the wrong dates it's guaranteed how did we get those wrong dates and what does the Bible say for the women's one of the correct dates that's what we'd like to cover in this video but to point out how how they the wrong dates got thrown in we can look at the history of Christianity over the last two thousand years and the best place to see that or in the seven letters that Jesus writes via John in the book of Revelation apocalypsis it galoot chapters two and three there's a seven letters to seven churches and we've we have a whole video on this it's over two hours long but it's really really cool so I invite you to have a look at that but the seven churches each of these seven churches is going to prophesy a period a coming period of Christianity remember these letters were written 2,000 years ago yet they are pointing toward the future of what Christianity it will be Ephesus Ephesus is is describing Christianity during the time of the Apostles the apostolic time so from the day of Pentecost when Christianity began until the last apostle died in about 100 AD that's the Apostolic Ephesus covers that then Christianity went into a period of persecution and the letter to Samir 'no Samir 'no you hear the word mur mur is the embalming spice mur persecution this is what christianity faced for the next couple hundred years the romans were throwing Christians to the Lions people were hiding out in the catacombs Smyrna mur persecution and that went on from about 180 to 323 AD in 323 ad you have Constantine who was the the Emperor of the Roman Empire he becomes a Christian when the Emperor becomes a Christian everybody becomes a Christian and you have the third letter is to Pergamum or Pergamos / gamos / means mixed gamos means marriage like bigamy monogamy polygamy you hear da most gummy in there so the letter to the Church of Pergamos is the mixed marriage Church okay because what have you had prior to Constantine becoming a Christian you had all these pagan traditions in there and then the Emperor becomes a Christian everybody becomes a Christian he fires the pagan priests he hires them back as Christian priests and they are going to now well what what traditions what things do we do for Christianity and because they don't really know any they start mix meriting the pagan traditions into the new Christian religion and you can go on and read the other seven letters and they will prophesy what Christianity will do in the next 2,000 years after that very cool so what pagan religion were they practicing at the time well one that goes back all the way back to Genesis chapter 9 or 10 11 is back at the Tower of Babel remember Nimrod Nimrod was this mighty hunter and one of the great leaders he was the wanted to build the tower and reach the sky and make a name for ourself okay this is Nimrod let us make bricks and so the pagan tradition is that Nimrod he marries a woman named summer Amos then Nimrod dies he becomes the Sun and he impregnates summer Amos with his son raised some Ramos gives birth to a son named ter at the winter solstice and Tammuz lives for forty years and then he is gored by a boar a wild male hog at the spring equinox which would be like March 21 Semiramis orders forty days of mourning for Tammuz followed by a feast of boar on the fortieth day and it's all sounds crazy but this is this is the religion and it's documented throughout museums all over the Middle East Turkey okay this is you can see statuary and carvings and stuff that support this crazy belief that people had when summer amis dies she goes up to heaven and she returns in a giant egg which lands in the Euphrates River the egg breaks open and she emerges as the fertility goddess Ishtar and the first thing she does is she turns a bird into an egg-laying rabbit okay now I know it all sounds crazy but I'm going to show you in the Bible where they're even talking about this religion okay if you go to Ezekiel 8 Ezekiel he's a prophet prophet and he was taken in the Babylonian captivity and here he's off in Babylon and remember Nebuchadnezzar removed took all the Jews out of Jerusalem and ish okay so God picks up Nebuchadnezzar picks up Ezekiel and takes him back to Jerusalem to show him this is in Ezekiel chapter 8 you can you can read it but he he picks him up by they caught me by a lock of of his head and and takes him back to show him what's going on back in the temple and he keeps saying you think that was bad go and you're gonna see wicked abominations that are being committed here in verse 10 he says so I entered milk and behold every form of creeping things and beasts and detestable things with all the idols of the house of Israel were carved on the wall all around the priests who had remained had all these carvings and stuff in the back rooms of the temple that they were worshipping all this nonsense in fact you also see it in continue on verse 14 sorting in 13s as years still got even see greater abominations which they are committing and then he brought me to the entrance to the gate of the Lord's house which was toward the north and behold women were sitting there weeping for Tammuz so the Bible even talks about you have Jewish women who were sitting and weeping for Tammuz Tammuz being remember the son of Nimrod and Semiramis the one who was gored by a boar so how did that pagan stuff get thrown into our Christian stuff well the pagan priest was okay well we have this mother and son we have been worshiping Semiramis and Tammuz we now have a mother son Mary and Yeshua Jesus and we'll just okay Jesus was born when okay well canvas was born winter solstice will put Jesus birthday there will just substitute Tammuz was killed in the spring equinox we'll just have Jesus killed at the spring equinox the forty days of mourning because he had the ten moves had lived forty years and she declared one day of mourning we'll just call that Lent and on the fortieth day we'll we'll eat more we'll have ham we'll have Easter ham and it's Easter Easter comes from that goddesses name Ishtar Easter's not even in the Bible okay so you can see how the paganism and the Christian a mixed marriage here okay terrible stuff you also see it in our traditions that Christmas whenever you have whether the pagans we used to think okay the days were getting shorter and shorter and shorter right and they though my Nimrod the son of the sun-god he's angry with us we must sacrifice something to him and they would go out in the forest and they cut a tree and they bring the log in and they burned the log in their fireplace and this would somehow appease Nimrod and all of a sudden the days would start getting longer again okay had nothing to do with the ellipse the elliptical course of the earth no they think it's their sacrifice you see how the Yule Log the mistletoe although all this stuff gets woven into Christianity mixed marriage Pergamos and it all happened around this time okay Jeremiah chapter 10 verses two through five Gazzola and says look it says thus hath the Lord says do not learn the ways of the Gentiles and do not fear the signs of heaven even though the Gentiles fear them for the customs of the people or vanity for one cuts a tree out of the forest the work of his hands of the workman with the axe and they deck it was silver and gold and they fasten it with hammer or nails that it won't move you see they're bringing Christmas trees that's what the Christmas tree is and God specifically specifically is saying Jeremiah 10 do not do what the Gentiles do do not be bringing trees into your house and debt okay so on once you see the actual true meaning of all these holidays all this other secular nonsense will actually begin to sicken you okay okay that's enough about those guys let's move on Genesis 1:14 if you want to know Jesus birthday and death day and all these things you have to start Genesis 1:14 and God said Let there be lights in the firmament of the heavens to divide the day from the night and let them be for signs and for seasons and for days and years ok notice you know if you ask the average person what is the Sun and the moon and there's a also notice he doesn't call them the Sun Moon and stars he just puts lights in the firmament and even in the next verse when he actually creates them he doesn't call them Sun Moon and stars he calls them the greater like the lesser light he doesn't want us worshiping these so he doesn't give them names ok but the greater light the Sun here what if you ask somebody what what purpose is the Sun ok I think the average person maybe light would come to mind that's a good reason for the Sun how about heat right light and heat or two Biggie's but if you notice in Genesis 1:14 light and heat didn't even make the top 4 he made them for the first one signs the next word is seasons that's probably in your King James it's probably in any version of English that you're reading and let me tell you that is the absolute worst translation ever shame on King King on anybody who translates at the seasons when I hear the word seasons there I think of summer winter spring and fall and so do you but that is not what the word is let's look at it in the Hebrew in Hebrew it's the word mow Adam ok and remember in Hebrew if you want to pluralize something you put I am on the end right cherub cherub eeeem boy gleam mow ed mow a deem the mow head is an appointed time of the Lord a holy convocation okay that's a one mo ed here he is saying that he's put these lights in the firmament and he was going to let them be for mo a deem for holy convocations of the Lord okay so we have God Almighty this is way back in jennifer s-- the first week of the first week god is putting the Sun Moon and stars up there so we will know when we are supposed to have an appointed time with him he's sitting up there and it turns out there are seven of these mo Adam you've probably heard of some of them and we're going to talk about will mention them all today but talk in detail about four of them but these days God has set aside where he wants to meet with mankind you got it and he's this he's not he doesn't want to meet with Jews there are no Jews yet in Jenna there's no man created in Genesis 1:14 he's setting these days apart where he wants to meet with mankind and most of mankind don't even have a clue that these are days that he wants them that God wants to meet with us okay now another thing we have to discuss and just remind you maybe even though further back Genesis 1:5 this is when he's this is day 1 and Elohim called the light day and the darkness he called night and there was evening and there was morning day 1 but we could spend an hour talking about this verse but the point I wanna make is ye Aerith ye ye bokor Yom Assad there was evening and there was morning day one notice that evening came first okay man has changed this we are days begin at midnight you know but like here it's God says the evening came first so in a Jewish mindset in a in God's mindset it's sunset starts a new day got it that's gonna be important when you're looking at these weeks here that we're going to be looking at okay when does each new day begin well let's take an average here's here's a seven-day week alright there's seven days in a week God put that there and the first day of the week is a Sunday and notice that here I have the day starts you have the little black circle at the bottom and then you have the gold circle on the top that's the evening comes first and then you have the daytime and then Monday begins at sunset got it and it goes seven days the seventh day remember is the day of rest is the Shabbat okay now these mowett deem that we're talking about these these times appointed times where God wants to meet with mankind when are they what are they how do we know what they are well God didn't he didn't make it up the puzzle that you have to go searching through the Bible in fact he put all of them in one chapter in the Book of Leviticus Orion Hebrew of a ikura chapter 23 he's lists all the appointed times all of them Oh a Dean or in one chapter so let's look at some of these number one verse one here the biggest 23 and the Lord Yahweh you they spoke again to Moshe saying speak to the sons of Israel say to them the appointed times of Yahweh which you shall proclaim as holy convocations my MOA deem are these for six days work may be done but on the seventh day there is any Shabbat a sabbath of complete rest a holy convocation you shall not do any work it is a Sabbath to the Lord and all your dwellings okay so immediately we see every seventh day is one of these holy convocations an appointed time a Sabbath we are to meet with God once a week and when does that happen it happens on the seventh day which is Saturday but when the Saturday begin Saturday begins when Friday ends remember Friday begins at night you have sunset then in the morning a Friday day and then as the Sun is setting on Friday afternoon that's when Saturday begins that's when this Shabbat the Sabbath begins okay so let's just let's just take an average week and we'll throw in some dates here's the month of Nisan ok the 4th through the 10th ok if you go back in Exodus 12 starting in verse 1 it says now the Lord said to Moshe and Aaron in the land of Egypt this month Nisan shall be the beginning of months for you it is to be the first month of the year to you speak to all the congregation of Israel saying on the 10th of this month they are to each take a lamb for themselves according to their father's household a lamb for each household now if the household is too small for lamb then he has neighbor nearest to his house or to take one according to the number of persons in them according to what each man should eat you er should divide the lamb okay this is that night in pet in Egypt where they've been enslaved in Egypt for 400 years and now a deliverer is coming and they are supposed to on the tenth day of Nisan bring a lamb into their home okay that's on the tenth day which would be a Shabbat according to my little calendar here right now on the next week okay we'll start the day on the eleventh he goes on and says your lamb shall be an unblemished male a year old you may take it from the sheep or from the goats you shall keep it until the fourteenth day of that same month Nisan then the whole Assembly of the congregation of Israel is to kill it at Twilight moreover they shall take some of the blood and put her on the two-door posts and on the lintel of the houses in which they eat it they shall eat the flesh that same night roasted the fire they shall eat it with unleavened bread and bitter herbs okay so that's gonna take place on the fourteenth day of the month well okay oh he they brought the land man on the 10th on the fourth or so info from the 10th to the 14th this little lamb is living in their house and it's little heals quickly clicker clicking on the floor and they're just falling in love with this little 1 year old perfect unblemished lamb and on the 14th day the whole congregation assemble around it and kill it ok notice some things that I'm not gonna read that all all the requirements but this little lamb it has to be unblemished it has to be male it has to be a year old it has to be it cannot have any of its bones broken it has you cannot you cannot boil the the lamb it has to be roasted with fire you have to eat it all every bit of it ok and the bones and the fur and stuff that gets all burned up at the end you don't leave any for the morning okay all those little little clues about this Passover lamb are going to go forward to the ultimate Passover lamb Jesus Yeshua HaMashiach Jesus the Messiah okay so if we go back to this this crucifixion week if we know the 14th day we know for sure the 14th day is when they bring the lamb into the or they bringing the lamb to crucify right and they put the blood on the door both sides the doorposts and on the lintel at the top and I'm sure the blood is also going to drip down so you've got the blood in four places here okay on the door well the week that Jesus you know he is going to be the Passover lamb and it turns out he enters Jerusalem on the tenth day of Nisan that's the same day you brought the lamb into the house and where did Jesus go on the tenth day of Nisan he went to the temple his father's house and he was there for four days and the doctors and the Pharisees in the set they were quizzing him and they were trying to trip him up they were inspecting him to see if he was unblemished to see if he was perfect just like the Jews would have done with the Passover lamb back in Egypt okay now Jesus is going to be crucified when this week is he crucified okay it would make sense that he would this would happen on Passover okay we knows there's certain things we do know for sure we know he's going to be in the tomb for three days and three nights we know that he's going to raise from the dead on the first day of the week we know they had to get his body off the cross and into the tomb before the Sabbath began okay because you can't work on the Sabbath and and walking with a dead body and trying to get it buried after the Sabbath begins would be considered work so and he has to get in the tomb and the stone has to get rolled before the Sabbath begins and the Sabbath we know is Saturday right okay so this is how this is how most of us get our concept of a Good Friday crucifixion okay the problem with that is if he's crucified on Friday and they have to get him off the cross Friday afternoon and get him into tomb before Friday at sunset because the Sabbath begins well then he'll be in the tomb when we would call that Saturday night right because when the Sun sets on Friday that becomes Saturday and night is before day Saturday night Saturday day Sunday night and if he rises on Sunday day he's not in the tomb three days and three nights so we got a problem here okay all right well let's go back and let's look at this week on Tuesday the 13th on my just generic imaginary calendar here remember Jesus told them to there was going to be a certain man go find him and he's got an upper room and tell him the Lord needs to use it and and go and prepare to have the Passover Seder the Passover meal okay which they're going to do when Passover begins well Tuesday afternoon they're preparing then the Sun Goes Down on Tuesday and it becomes Wednesday the 14th Wednesday night night comes first on that Wednesday evening that's where they had the Passover Seder which we called the Last Supper okay it has to take place at night and this was a perpetual thing God said you will do this forever in remembrance okay this Passover okay so you have and they're sitting around on the table probably on the floor it's not at all like the Leonardo da Vinci Last Supper okay and if we're gonna just give you some of the highlights of this week and an hour just a couple of my thoughts on each one of them one that strikes me nice about the the the Passover Seder that Jesus is having here it says and when Jesus had taken some bread and given thanks he broke it and gave it to them saying this is my body which is given for you do this in remembrance of me okay notice it says that he had taken some bread and given thanks and then he broke it and gave it to them and said okay so whatever he said to them this is my body that's not the giving thanks right the giving thanks is a separate thing and it doesn't actually say what he said in the giving thanks but he did give thanks okay well it turns out the Jews have a prayer for everything before they drink wine blessed art thou Yahweh Elohim O king of the universe who brings forth the fruit of the vine they they recite that prayer it's for one line okay they have a prayer for the Sabbath they have a prayer for before they eat bread and the Jewish bread prayer one line Bukit ah Yahweh Allah he knew melech ha'olam hamotzi Lechem min Haaretz blessed are you Yahweh our God King of the universe who brings forth bread from the earth if that's the Jewish bread prayer and every Jew says that it wouldn't surprise me that Jesus said the same prayer when it says he gave thanks right after giving thanks he broke it okay and said take this eat do this in remembrance of me okay look at the what are you saying here remember who Jesus is by the way Jesus is the bread of life right he says I am the bread of life Jesus those are his words where was Jesus born in Bethlehem Bethlehem House of bread Jesus is the bread okay and this is Passover this is the night before he used to be crucified he is that bread that's about to be broken so when he prays blessed are you Yahweh our God King of the universe who brings forth bread from the earth Jesus is the bread in 24 hours in less than 24 hours in 12 hour out into less than 24 hours there's going to be he's going to be crucified taken off the cross and put into the earth he the bread of life we put in the earth and I think this prayer is he is thanking God who for bringing forth the bread for raising him from the dead before he even gets put into the earth how cool is that okay so that is that's one of the things that happen up the Last Supper we also had Judas betrayed him right and they dip the bread in the and the vinegar and and or in the soft there and and he pointed out that Judas was the the betrayer all right so that would have happened on Wednesday night and remember Wednesday night comes for Wednesday day you got to get your head wrapped around that when you're thinking of you Brea CLE okay so after the Last Supper then sometime in the middle of the night you have the garden prayer that says they sang a hymn and then he went over to the garden to pray Jesus told the disciples you guys wait here while I go up here and pray okay so and this is the night Jesus prays so intensely that he sweats blood that is an actual medical condition that if you are under such extreme pressure or whatever that you can actually sweat blood and we get this from Yeshua our Lord and Savior that night pretty cool I find it interesting that is this is all culminating in a garden where he's praying and what's he praying about he's praying about do I have to go through this do I have to go to this cross this tree and die he tells God you know there's any way this cup can pass but but if not may your will be done okay so he's in a garden praying about having to go die on a tree why that's so interesting is if where did this whole mess began it began back in Genesis 3:6 and it says when the woman saw that the tree was good for food and it was the light to the eyes and the tree was desirable to make one wise she took from its fruit and ate and she also gave her husband with her and he ate the whole thing started with them disobeying God Adam and Eve back in a garden at a tree and where does the solutions going to take place well he's here in a garden and he's heading to a tree very cool well Genesis 3:10 Adam says I heard the sound of you God in the garden and I was afraid because I was naked so I hid myself God said who told you you were naked have you eaten from that tree which I commanded you not to eat and then Adam the man said the woman whom you gave to me she gave me from the tree and I ate it blaming on somebody else ok so that's the that's the garden prayer happened when it happened Wednesday night after the garden prayer they show up to arrest him Judas comes and gives him the kiss the Judas kiss the kiss of death that's that was the signal whoever Judas kisses that's the one you arrest and all these soldiers came to arrest him you read about this in the Gospel of John chapter 18 starting in verse 4 so Jesus knowing all the things that were coming upon him went forth and said to them whom do you seek and they answered him and said Jesus the Nazarene he said to them I am he and Judas also who was betraying him was standing with them so when he said to them I am he they drew back and fell to the ground do you imagine this whole company of soldiers I don't know one hundred five hundred however many there are they asked Jesus says who you're looking for we're looking for Jesus the Nazarene he says I am he remember I am when he says I am that was the same answer that God gave at the burning bush when Moses says they're going to ask what is your name and he said Leah and I'm pronouncing that wrong I'm sorry a a Sharia or I already how to pronounce that me Brooke I am that I am those words are I am that's God's name you asked him yesterday I am ask him tomorrow I am he always is I am what a beautiful great name and remember he doesn't want us necessarily calling him that he wants us calling him y'all a Yahweh is he is okay which also works for Hawaii asked me yesterday tomorrow or today he is only he can answer I am and here you shoot Jesus is answering I am and just the force of those words knocks the whole company of men over of course it does he's God Almighty if it comes out of his mouth is when he created heavens in the earth he spoke and the heavens in the earth came whatever he says is gonna happen God creates as God speaks you see it you see it again whenever he's walking along the Sea of Galilee and you have the the the the fishermen air and what does he say to him follow me and they dropped their nets and followed him you understand he's God if he just said tap-danced be able to drop their nets and tap-danced he's God wherever he says they're gonna do nice okay so now he's arrested now they're gonna take him to all these kangaroo courts and they take him to this priest in this high priest and back to that high priest and to this Roman soldier a Roman governor and he ends up in Pilate okay it's a whole bunch of different places and everybody's just kind of passing him up back and forth no one can find anything that he's done wrong okay but he is sentenced to death by the Jews but the Jews are not in power at this point the Romans are in charge the Jews don't have the authority to kill anybody they can try him and they can find out what what's wrong but they got to get permission from the from the from the Romans to do the killing okay so they bring Jesus in and they're questioning him and and this is Matthew 26 starting in verse 63 but Jesus kept silent and the high priest said to him I adjure you by the Living God that you tell us whether you are the Christ the Son of God now a couple things in this you should know the word Christ by the way if you haven't learned already the word Christ is a Greek word what does Christ mean it means The Anointed One in English it means Messiah in Hebrew it means Moshiach you get it whenever you say Jesus Christ you're saying Jesus that his Hebrew name is Yeshua and Christ is Mashiach when you say Jesus Christ you're saying Yeshua HaMashiach Jesus is the Messiah Mary and Joseph Jesus parents his their last name was not Christ got it okay and the high priest says to him and then they're asking questions are you the Messiah are you then the high priest says I adjure you by the Living God you know what he's doing here there's a little-known verse here in Leviticus 5:1 it says if a person sins after he peers a public adoration to testify when he is a witness whether he has seen or otherwise known if he does not tell it then he will bear his guilt if you know who stole whatever and I come to you and I adjure you do you know who stole that if you know who did it and you say no God is charging you with the stealing Wow so if you know who did it you have to answer otherwise you have broken the Torah you have broken a law and we know Yeshua Jesus or perfect perfect Passover lamb he cannot break any laws he has to be absolutely perfect so back to Matthew 26 this is where they're bringing in different testimonies start with verse 59 the chief priests and the whole council kept trying to obtain false testimony against Jesus so that they might put him to death they did not find any even though many false witnesses came forward but later on two came forward and said this man stated I am able to destroy the temple of God and to rebuild it in three days just on a side note here he's talking about his own body Jesus is the temple of God he's God incarnate and he's saying you you knocked down this temple you you destroyed this temple my body I'll rebuild in three days he's talking about his resurrection in three days and three nights they think he's talking about the big physical building the temple 62 the high priest stood up and said to him do you not answer what is that these men are testifying against you again Jesus kept silent and the high priest said to him I adjure you leviticus 5:1 by the Living God that you tell us whether you are the Christ the Son of God you see what he's doing here Jesus is he has to answer now if he knows the answer to this question he has to answer if he answers yes I'm the son of God well they're gonna go crazy are a blasphemy if he answer's no okay well he's not the Messiah he admitted it let him go but Jesus lied he can't lie verse 64 Jesus said to him you have said it yourself nevertheless I tell you hereafter you will see the son of man sitting at the right hand of power and coming on the clouds of heaven whoa then the high priest tore his robes and said he is blasphemy what further need do we have of a witnesses behold you have now heard the blasphemy what do you think and they answered he deserves death Wow you know there's a kangaroo court there they railroaded him into the right there's what are they getting him on it didn't they didn't commit any crime at all they're getting him on blasphemy because he's saying he is the son of God which he is the son of God all right if we if we go back is another you know typhus likes to pull out this Leviticus 5:1 I adjure you if you know the answer you have to tell ok well if you want to pull out old Torah laws let's look up Leviticus 21 verse 10 it says the priest who is the highest among his brothers on whose head the anointing oil has been poured and who has been consecrated to wear the garments shall not uncover his head nor tear his clothes ok what did we see just happened whenever Jesus announced yes you said it yourself hereafter you will see the Son of man sitting at the right hand of power and coming on the clouds of heaven and then the high priest Caiphas tore his robes and said he is blaspheme Caiaphas the high priest tore his own garments and Leviticus 21:10 says the highest among his brothers the priests highest among his brothers may not and cover his head nor tear his clothes the minute Caiphas tears his clothes crisis is no longer the high priest there's now an opening in the high priest hood and this is just minutes hours away from issue of Jesus crucifixion by the way if you go back in that Leviticus 21:10 and you look at every third letter it says pain Dom Yeshua every third letter behold the blood of Yeshua that's hidden way back in Leviticus very cool ok so now we have them sentenced to death it's still in the middle of the night or getting closer to morning and now it's actually time for the crucifixion this is Wednesday if it's Wednesday night has finished this Wednesday day is starting ok and you know one of the things that I like to point out on this day is that they put him on the cross early in the morning let's say 9:00 o'clock 6 o'clock I don't know he's on the cross throughout the day ok and in John 19 verse 23 it says then the soldiers when they had crucified Yeshua took his outer garments and made four parts apart to every soldier and also the tunic now the tunic was seamless woven in one piece so they said to one another let us not tear it but cast lots for it to decide whose it shall be this was to fulfill the scripture they divided my outer garments among them and for my clothing they cast lots there they're quoting Psalm 22 that psalm of David the psalm that begins my God my God why have you forsaken me David is he's screaming out these words but he's been in these words that he's pain that he's screaming are all indicative or all futuristic - he's describing the crucifixion that they pierced my hands and feet my god my god why have you forsaken me very words Jesus yelled out okay they they didn't break his bones he mentions that in the Psalms and here that they gambled for his garments okay you know it's interesting Caiaphas who was high priest tore his clothes when he tore his clothes he's no longer high priest a few hours later they come to Jesus and Jesus is wearing this one one garment this is seamless if you go back in Exodus it talks about that they are supposed to leave a seamless garment for the high priest and put a double band around the neck so they cannot be torn and it specifically says the high priest may not tear his clothes when Caiaphas tears his clothes he's no longer the high priest Jesus has this seamless garment and they come to it and they're going to tear it they know if we tear this we ruin it let's gamble for it fulfilling Psalm 22 and showing that Jesus Yeshua he His garment wasn't torn he has now become our high priest Hebrews 4:14 confirms that therefore since we have a great high priest who has passed through the heavens Yeshua the Son of God let us hold fast our confession and you jump ahead Hebrews 6:19 and 20 this hope we have as an anchor of the soul a hope booth secure and steadfast and one which enters within the veil where Yeshua has entered as a forerunner for us having become a high priest forever according to the order of Melchizedek so Jesus he's become a high priest and this whole garment tearing thing is a nice picture that we don't always see but pointing to the fact that he's now the new high priest okay he's not only the high priest he's the high priest he's the sacrifice he's scapegoat yeshua is everything okay he's gonna play all the parts okay so now he's on the cross until late in the day three four o'clock okay at some point it is finished and he yells it is finished okay and he gives up the ghost he dies when they come through they usually would break the legs of the different people on the cross because they're up there and every once in a while they could they can force their their leg get up and and take a breath in him side back down I remember you're hanging by your arms all this weight is pulling down on your chest and your lungs and you can't get a good breath so you had lift up on your legs and take a breath and go back down and they would come through and break the legs of those who are hanging there so that they couldn't lift up and get a breath and they would die sooner I mean you know when I'm up there for days and days gasping you know let's get this over with them but Jesus gave up his spirit he said it is finished and I give up the ghost he died he didn't die we didn't kill him we were attempting to kill him man was but he's the one who declared okay enough is enough and he gave up the ghost and when they came through to break the legs they came to Jesus and he was already dead so they didn't break his legs oh how does that time than anything well it ties into if you go way back remember when they've had to bring the lamb into Passover and there were all those little rolls he had to be unblemished Jesus was sinless he had to be male Jesus was male he had to enter on the tenth day you bring the lamb in Jesus entered on the tenth day you had to kill the lamb on the 14th day Jesus defied on the fourteenth day of Nisan the Passover lamb you cannot break any of its bones they made a specific point of saying that none of Jesus bones are broken during this crucifixion you the picture the the Passover lamb they put the blood on the left and the right in the top and the bottom Jesus is the door if he had blood on his right and left and a crown of thorns and on his feet he fits right into that doorframe where they put the blood and the Passover you want to get to God I am the door no one gets to the Father but through me okay also the you couldn't boil the Passover lamb you had roast it in fire you can't be boiling down this you can't be boiling down Jesus message either and you had to eat it all even the parts you don't like you know I love Jesus but I don't like that Rui has no you can't pick and choose if you're picking Jesus you eat it all you understand it's not a smorgasbord I like this I don't like no so all these parallels I'll leave you to study those and more on your own okay but now okay if it's Wednesday he's been on the cross all day he's now dead okay and we've got to bury him well it says in Luke 23 starting in verse 50 and a man named Joseph who was the member of the council a good and righteous man this man went to Pilate and asked for the body of Jesus and he took it down and wrapped it in a linen cloth and laid him in a tomb and cut into the rock where no one had ever lain it was the preparation day and the Sabbath was about to begin now the women who had come with him out of Galilee followed and saw the tomb and how his body was laid then they returned and prepared spices and perfumes and on the Sabbath day they rested according to the commandment Wow ok so look at this Joseph who's Joseph of Arimathea was his name and he goes to Pilate and asked for the body and I may have mentioned this before Pilate says what are you doing Joseph you got this freshly hewn tomb right across the street prime location never been you why are you gonna give this tomb to this common criminal and joseph of arimathea says it's only for the weekend okay so but notice it says they had they took him down wrapped him in a linen cloth laid him in the tomb it was the preparation day and the Sabbath was about to begin what the Sabbath was about to begin look the Sabbath isn't until Friday night at sunset and we're way back here on Wednesday afternoon it's about to become Thursday night know maybe like calendar is wrong could it be you understand the problem huh kid if they got to get him in the tomb before the Sun before the Sabbath Sabbath is three days away or two days away but they're saying you got to give me the Sabbath and they rested on the Sabbath okay well here's the here's the part that most Christians mess miss I missed it you missed it way back in Genesis 1:14 when he said I'm putting the greater light in the lesser light I'm putting these lights up in this in this up here for signs and for mo Adam we don't know the Modine we're missing things look at Leviticus 23 6 through 8 it says then on then on the fifteenth day of the same month Nisan there is the Moe head of unleavened bread to the Lord for seven days you shall eat unleavened bread on the first day you shall have a holy convocation you shall do no laborious work but for seven days you shall present an offering by fire the Lord on the seventh day as the holy convocation you shall do no laborious work so it says on the fifteenth day the fifteenth day of Nisan is the Feast of under the mouid week sometimes call them feasts and that's just a bad habit they're not a feast they're not a part it's a moet it's at an appointed time where God wants to meet with mankind okay and Passover is the first one and it occurs on the fourteenth day of Nisan and this verse in Leviticus 23 verse 6 says that on the fifteenth day of Nisan is the first day of a seven-day mouid called the mo head of unleavened bread all right and the first day will be a holy convocation you shall do no laborious work you know what that means that first day of unleavened bread is a Sabbath day got it there we always think of Sabbath's as being Friday night to Saturday night or a lot of people say Saturday as the Sabbath Saturday part of it is if it starts at sunset you got to do your time's right if you're gonna if you're gonna if you want to know what God how he thinks how he works you got to use his times his dates got it his definitions so we always think that there's this Saturday as the Sabbath but there are extra Sabbath's thrown in throughout the year and the 15th day of Nisan is a special Sabbath it's the first day of unleavened bread now that's a puzzle piece we didn't have before now let me let's talk a minute about unleavened bread and what this because we've talked about the Passover and how it related to Egypt and the lamb and all that how does unleavened bread tie into this Exodus 12:15 describes it says seven days you will eat unleavened bread but on the first day you shall remove eleven from your house and whoever eats anything leaven from the first day until the seventh day that person shall be cut off from Israel Wow okay now it says for seven days you have to eat unleavened bread and on the first day you have to remove all the leaven from your house well what is leaven leaven by the way is tell you now leaven is yeast okay you put yeast in the in the flour and the yeast makes the bread puff up okay that's that's lemon here we got brayer here's bread this is leavened bread see all puffed up if you don't put yeast in you end up getting unleavened bread there's no rising to it okay and for this holiday you're supposed to eat unleavened bread totally for seven days all right the unleavened bread we call matzah matzah okay and the leaven the yeast is comets that's the Hebrew word for the leaven of the yeast that you put in there okay comets so they're instructed to remove every bit of 11 from their house okay by the way if you talk to Jews and ask them about Passover unleavened bread the point that they take away from the this moet of unleavened bread Exodus 12 39 it says they bake the dough which they had brought out of Egypt into cakes of unleavened bread for it had not become leavened since they were driven out of Egypt and could not delay nor had they prepared any provisions for themselves so the Jews today will tell you oh yes the reason we eat unleavened bread is because we had to get out of Egypt quick we didn't have time you let the bread race and and that's the story that they'll stick with okay but that's not the point of this mo head of unleavened bread okay notice it did say on the first day you were to remove all the leaven from your house it's a it's what the Jews do the father he'll take a feather and he'll go through he'll open the drawers and he'll sweep everything in the drawer into a pile and he sweeps it onto a spoon and then the all those crumbs go into a candle into a flame and it's burn up and they go through their house with a fine-tooth comb if you are if you're a restaurant and you're a you're a kosher restaurant and you have to shut down because you you can't you can't be selling unleavened bread first of all if you're a kosher restaurant your your customers are probably Jews and there can't eat unleavened bread so you're not gonna be serving bread that week you may have to shut your restaurant down but even still you have to clean that restaurant out and a lot of them will pay a rabbi to come in and wait brings the blowtorch and he will blowtorch things in the corners to make sure all the crumbs are burned up okay and the rabbi he gets paid and he declares yes this this restaurant is clean of all leaven okay this leaven that they're removing the actual yeast is not exactly what God is referring to yes you want to take that leaven out of your house but that's just to remind you of the true leaven that he wants out of your house leaven yeast is a picture of sin you know you let a little bit of sin in your life and that sin kind of starts permeating and next thing you know it's commonplace how does that verse in is it Psalm chapter two I think it is how it begins first it talks about he's you're you're standing with the ungodly and next thing you know you're walking with the ungodly and next thing you know you're sitting with the ungodly it's not obvious you know no no I'm you know I'm just standing over here with them and next thing you know you're walking with them and next thing you know you're sitting with them okay sin has a way of permeating like that all right so God wants once a year it's kind of like a New Year's resolution but it's not New Year's it's its Passover unleavened bread for seven days get it out of your house if you got sin in that house throw it away let's start anew that's the picture okay and it's represented with by the yeast okay and what with the a lot of Jewish people will do if you got a freezer full of cupcakes and oh my goodness sorry I got to get these cupcakes out of my house for this holiday it's not just you can't eat them they have to be out of the house okay so they will take them to their Gentile neighbor and say hey listen by my cupcakes for a doll or put them in your freezer and I'll buy them back next week for a dollar okay so they're finding a loophole like God doesn't see that you know and it doesn't really help to sell them to a Gentile you know why because this Moe head of unleavened bread was given way back the Moe Adam were given back in Genesis 1:14 before there were any Jews these Modine were directed to everybody the Jews are the only one who keeps them and a handful of Christians who are figuring it out okay now it's kind of interesting on this the unleavened bread if you've ever attended a Passover Seder here's what what one of the kind of cool things they do the the mother of the family has a cloth bag silk or satin something real or decorative an embroidered probably from her grandmother and it's passed down and they will take three pieces of unleavened bread I don't know if you've ever looked at unleavened bread carefully unleavened bread it's it's got a little holes punched in it okay and it has stripes just from the the cooking of it okay well the stripes represent by his stripes we were healed Yeshua is the unleavened bread the the sinless bread of life he was striped with the whips okay he was pierced for our transgressions you have the piercing an ear okay and they will the Jews will put three of these pieces into a bag the the their cloth decorative bag and then during the meal or at some point you reach in and you pull out the middle piece okay so you got three pieces you pull out the middle piece then the father is going to break it so we're breaking bread the bigger piece and notice they pulled out the middle piece the three pieces of bread and a bag father-son spirit it's the middle one the other two you don't see do you and they're wrapped up in the bag we don't see the father we don't see the spirit we only see the son he's the one who came out and when he come out he was broken then the Jewish father he will take the big piece of bread it has a name and his name is called the afikomen and off he Coleman is a Greek word and it means the one to come well that's interesting the Jewish father then takes this big piece of unleavened bread the broken he wraps it in white linen and he goes and he buries it somewhere in the house and later on in the evening the kids are gonna do like an Easter egg hunt no offense an Ishtar egg hunt worst offense there is no Easter there is no Ishtar there's no eggs involved but it's kind of that concept you know the kids doing a treasure hunter or something and whoever whatever kid finds the afikomen he gets 20 bucks a new bike good depending on whatever okay but this symbolism in this right that they take out the middle piece of bread and it's broken and it's wrapped in linen and it's buried and it's discovered and the great reward is is when you discover the resurrection the the of this piece of bread you see how beautiful this is the Jews are celebrating this every year you know these Samoa team that we're talking about and we said it's not really a word the word is not feast and it's an appointed time a holy convocation you know you want to you don't know what a really good word for Moet a good translation how about a rehearsal because every year you're doing all of these things and the Jews have been doing all of these things for millennia so that when the Messiah actually does come and start fulfilling them they'll go oh my goodness that's what Passover is all about that's what unleavened bread is all about you see each one is kind of a rehearsal for if something is coming in the future okay we had whenever whenever God Himself showed up to visit Abraham back in Genesis 19 3 is it yet he urged them strongly so they turned aside to him and enter his house and Abraham prepared a feast for them and he baked unleavened bread and they ate okay this is when God Himself it says you would have of a God himself and two others came to visit Abraham okay this is when they were heading down for Sodom to destroy Sodom by the way if you look at that meal that he fed them he fed them his unleavened bread and he fed them milk and he fed them meat not a very kosher thing to be serving God who made the rules I think you you've misinterpreted the whole idea of milk and meat so you got the idea between leaven bread and unleavened bread matzah okay this leaven bread this bread is like the Sun it rises in the east and it sets in the waist okay I want you to look at the two words here matzah masa is the unleavened bread it's a mem Saudi and a hey now look at the word for hummus hummus is leaven it's the opposite of what it's a pet mmm and it's Saudi remember there's five letters that have those final forms Saudi is one of them the letter Saudi has two forms if it's the first or middle in the in the in the word you use the first Saudi if it's the last letter of the word you use a different form okay but they're both Saudis but you notice these two words matzah and comments they are they don't look at at first glance but if you look at them closely they are very similar they both have a mem yes they both have it Saudi matzah it's the second letter comments it's the last letter but it's the same Saudi and the third letters that they share kind of matzah has a hey commnets begins with a ket and look at the difference between pay and hit it's so minuscule difference right there's just this tiny little opening right so the difference between something being matzah unleavened or chametz leavened and isn't that very very they're very very similar the difference is minuscule and another that that kind of applies to sin you know a lot of things you go and you know is this a sin yes no yes no the dividing line sometimes can be really a fine line whether it's a sin or not and we are to be like Solomon praying for wisdom and discernment so we know this is good this is bad okay the Jews have a rule for this is when they start making matzo bread from the moment that the flour hits the table and the water hits the flour once you start mixing them it has to be mixed rolled punched stamped and in the oven within eighteen minutes because in 18 minutes in one second yeast starts to react and it's going to start puffing it may only puff one teeny tiny little puff but that's enough to make it Summit's so you can look on YouTube matzo making unleavened bread you'll see these bakeries these kitchens where Jewish men are bringing out the dough mixing it and it's got to be a and then once once that batch is made they have to clean the kitchen before they can make the next batch because if any small particles of the leaven remain in that kitchen that would be breaking the law according to them that it's that there's leaven in their kitchen you know once it hits a certain time it's in eighteen minutes is the 118 by the way is a and the Gemara is your pet okay which your pet backwards is your high life life is associated with eighteen okay all right so Matthew 12:40 it says just as Jonah was three days and three nights in the belly of the sea monster so will the Son of Man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth so now Jesus has to be in the tomb for three days and three nights we have him buried on Thursday evening when his Thursday evening it's after Wednesday afternoon and he's going to be in that tomb all night Thursday and then he's going to be in the tomb all day Thursday John 2:19 yeshua jesus answered them destroy this temple and I will raise it up in three days so on a second day Yeshua he's in the tomb Friday night he's in the tomb Friday day Matthew 1723 says and while they were gathered together in Galilee as she was said to them the Son of Man is going to be delivered into the hands of men and they will kill him and he will be raised on the third day and they were deeply grieved and now are you sure Jesus is in the tomb a third day he's in there Saturday night and Saturday day he's in there for three days and three nights and you know what else is really cool about this is notice there are two Sabbath's this week Thursday was a Sabbath it's the feast of unleavened bread the MOE head of unleavened bread and then you have Saturday is the regular weekly Sabbath so you have two Sabbath's what are you supposed to do on the Sabbath rest what did Jesus Yeshua do on both of these Sabbath's he was dead he did not move a muscle he rested you get it he fulfilled he kept the same laws that he wrote and he gave he kept the Sabbath he rested on both of them I think that is so cool now let's just kind of shift our calendar over a little bit and whenever Saturday night and then there's Saturday Day this is the third he's in there completely three nights and he's in there completely three days and at sunset Saturday afternoon it's just about to become Sunday night remember night comes first and Sunday is the first day of the week so right a sunset when the Saturday turns to Sunday boom that is when he is resurrected okay so officially it is the first day of the week it just began it's all so young how big dream how big arena is this is the firstfruits this is another mouid notice he has fulfilled three modes Modine he was crucified on Passover he was buried on unleavened bread and he's raising from the dead on firstfruits firstfruits is a moet where you were supposed to go out and cut the first sheaf of barley or an Omer an Omer is the Hebrew word for a sheath and you cut that first sheath and you waive it to the Lord and you present that as an offering to him sometimes you would burn it and sometimes you can donate it to the priests and they would burn some of it and eat some of it okay but you were to give your first the first of your medicine when you get your paycheck this is the first chunk of money out of your paycheck do you write a check to your church and your God and give him the firstfruits that's the picture here God wants the first of it okay and Yeshua he raises on this holiday on this mow head he is the first fruit of this new covenant that's coming he is raised he raised the dead he conquered death and we have that opportunity also that he was the first to do it firstfruits makes sense okay here's just a list of all seven of those MOA Dean we've already covered three of them here in the early spring you have Passover on pest suck in Hebrew unleavened bread and first fruits later in the year you have one called shovel oat this would be like end of May beginning of June and in the fall you have three holidays while the mow head of Trumpets which sometimes is called Rosh Hashanah that's Rosh Hashanah that's the first of Tishri that's in the remember the old calendar day number one is head of the year Rosh Hashanah Roush's head shall not as year head of the year that's the day God created the heavens in the earth Yom Kippur is the day that the priests would go in with the blood behind the veil and put on the ark and Tabernacles is Sukkot this is rejoicing these three take place in September October our next video will cover the three fall feasts and will also cover Yeshua Jesus birth okay today we're doing the death burial and resurrection okay so we have Yeshua is resurrected Sunday night as Sunday becomes Sunday the next morning you have the empty tomb is discovered in Luke 24 verses 22 starting but also some women among us amazed us when they were at the tomb early in the morning and they did not find his body they came saying that they had also seen a vision of angels who said he was alive Matthew 28 starting in verse 2 behold a severe earthquake had occurred for an age of the Lord descended from came and rolled away the stone and sat upon it and his appearance was like lightning in his clothing as white as snow the guard shook for fear of him be it and became like dead men the angel said to the women do not be afraid for I know that you are looking for Jesus who has been crucified he is not here for He is risen just as he said come see the place where he was lying so you know these angels okay Mary shows up she shows up before sunrise she shows up it's still dark out okay but it's not you have you have an angel guarding the garden tomb this is my very very good friend Tom at the garden tomb here's a picture of this is this is a good candidate for the actual place okay this is a garden across the street from the old city it's right next to Golgotha the place of the skull and you know if you look inside I want to show you inside here in fact let's go to our roving reporter John and maybe he can describe I'm the yom kippur John can you describe to us what actually happened once a year the high priest with the women pour the blood on the Ark of the Covenant you're familiar with the Ark of the Covenant it's a square box covered in gold with two angels on top and even pour the blood in between the two angels well if you remember when Mary showed up at the tomb and discovered the stone was rolled what was inside but there were two angels and asked what are they done with my Lord and they said he is not here is so you can picture a stone slab here and there on the stone slab an angel on the right an angel on the left and in between was his bloody clothes it was a picture a type of the Ark of the Covenant very beautiful hey that's very interesting thank you thanks a lot okay okay so inside this tomb you've got the two angels right an angel on both sides you have the blood in the middle this is a picture of the mercy seat the mercy seat on the Ark of the Covenant in mark 16 9 it says now after he had risen early on the first day of the week he first appeared to Mary Magdalene from whom he had cast out seven demons notice he's he's rising early on the first day you can't get much earlier than the sunset when the day just begins in John 20 starting in verse 1 it says is the first day of the week Mary Magdalene came early to the tomb while it was still dark install this stone was already away from the tomb so there she's showing up Sunday morning it's its members night comes first and then it's it's now actually is Sunday morning and and the stone has already rolled away okay alright yeah we have Mary standing outside the tomb in John 20 verse 11 Mary was standing outside the tomb weeping and so as she wept she stooped and looked into the tomb and she saw two angels in white sitting one at the head one of the feet where the body of Jesus was lying that's the picture what you're gonna see right there you got the two angels in the bloody lens there it is very cool okay now we have a bonus because that that kind of wraps it up you see now first of all he was not crucified on Good Friday impossible with now that becomes a whole nother pickle what is when do you when am I so what are we supposed to celebrate this the whole world the whole Christian world is all celebrating Good Friday and Ishtar Sunday you know what if God set aside these seven mo Adam he set them aside back in Genesis 1:14 and seven times a year he's up there wrapping his fingers waiting for us to meet him and we don't show up and instead not only do we not show up for his appointed times we've created our own holidays Ishtar do you know how sick that has to make God that we're celebrating something called Ishtar after some Babylonia of pagan goddess and then because the calendars don't they don't match up our calendar in a Hebrew calendar don't always match up it just so happened in the week that Jesus was crucified he was crucified on a Wednesday the 14th day and three days later is Sunday the first day of the week that doesn't always happen sometimes Passover will fall on a Monday well you can't should you celebrate his crucifixion on a Monday but you know he doesn't raise until the first day of the week that has him in the tomb for six days until Sunday you know it's it's it's it's hard to decide how beat her I'll tell you what you would you definitely do I've been thrown out all your Easter eggs I would throw out all your Easter bunnies and your Easter baskets and your Easter bonnets and all of that crap you've got to separate that from what truly happened and you might as well throw your Christmas trees out while you're hauling everything out to the curb okay let's go on to the bonus pray about it friends pray about it okay Leviticus 23 verses 15 through 17 it says you shall also count for yourself from the day after the Sabbath from the day when you brought in the sheaf of the wave offering there shall be seven complete Sabbath's what he's talking about here is the firstfruits from the day after the Sabbath when you brought the wave offering the the firstfruits okay you were to come count seven complete Sabbath's remember that's a seven-day period you shall count fifty days to the day after the seventh Sabbath then you shall present a new grain offering to the Lord you shall bring in through your drawing places two loves the bread for a wave offering made of two-tenths of an ephah and they shall be a fine flour baked with leaven as firstfruits to the Lord this next holiday that we're gonna talk about just briefly part of your bonus here you can eat leaven you are specifically told to put leaven in the bread well that's different isn't it okay Leviticus 23 verse 18 it says along with the bread you shall present seven one year old male lambs without defect and there's some other things there you're to sacrifice and okay that you can read that on your own now is he makes a point of saying you shall count fifty days to the day so this is called counting the Omer okay and Omer remember is a sheaf of barley or wheat or whatever green you're dealing with and from the time of the first fruits you were to start counting 50 and you were to do this verbally in fact Jews he mentions here in verse 15 says there shall be seven complete Sabbath's that's that's the same as a week seven weeks and then it says you shall count fifty days he's telling you in verse fifteen count seven weeks and in verse sixteen count fifty days or seven weeks is forty-nine right and then the fiftieth day is this special day the fiftieth Jews today you have them who will count both they will say today is the first day of the omer of the of the sheaf counting today is the third day of the omer today is the seventh day of the omer i mean you're gonna do this for fifty days other jews because they look at verse 15 it says there will be seven complete Sabbath's they will say this is the second sabbath the second week third day they'll count it both ways they'll count it as weeks and days and then they'll count as just days because he tells them both they want they want to do exactly to the letter what god said to do and i remember i told you earlier they have a prayer for everything they have a prayer for wine they have a prayer for bread they have a prayer for sabbath they have a prayer for commanding for counting the omer blessed are you Yahweh our God King of the universe who has sanctified us with His commandments and commanded us consent concerning the counting of the Omer so you are to count fifty days so let's go back to our old short here and I've gone ahead and I put the first two in because it's the day after the Sabbath right so you have Friday the 16th would be the first counting of the Omer the 17th will be the second day okay we jump ahead to the next week there's three four five six seven eight nine okay by the way notice that Thursday the 22nd is lit up like a Sabbath why because that is the seventh day of unleavened bread every day member there was this seven-day holiday and he said the first day of unleavened bread you will do no laborious work it'll be a holy convocation on the seventh day of unleavened bread it will be a holy convocation know the boyest work so the week that Jesus is crucified I had two Sabbath's and so did the following week okay we continue counting the omer we go on to counting of sixteen days now we jump into a new month the new month is ER okay no problem there we go to the next week of ER counting 2405 26 27 28 29 30 anything special there now wait a minute something just did you see what happened there let's go back go back look at it again you're ready what's gonna happen look at day 29 what there it goes it turned red what's so special about the 14th day of ER which has happens to be the 29th day of the counting of the Omer and one day this counting of the Omer you're counting you're counting you're counting up to day fifty something big is gonna happen on day fifty and you're supposed to be looking forward to it in this count you get it okay but let's look at this 14th day of er the 29th day of the counting of it of the Omer there's the first back in numbers 9 verse 9 it says speak to the sons of Israel saying if anyone of you or your generations becomes unclean because of a dead person or is not a distant journey he may however observe the Passover to the Lord in the second month on the fourteenth day of Twilight they shall observe it they shall eat it with unleavened bread and bitter herbs ok the Passover which we are talk about was Nisan 14 and there are verses that say if you do not partake in the Passover once a year you are to be out of the congregation you are not part of Israel so this is really big it to keep these holidays well what happens if you know if you touch a dead body that makes you ceremony unceremoniously unclean and if you're unclean you can't be participating in the Passover the pesky seder but maybe your aunt died maybe years what a dog died whatever if you touched a dead body you are unclean for seven days and you could miss your opportunity that here to celebrate Passover or what if you were out of town on a business trip and you just could not be back in time and you miss that's over you're out of the congregation but fortunately God thought of that way back in the Book of Numbers and he put a pass over to Klaus if you missed it for one of these reasons in the second month on the fourteenth day at Twilight you can observe it so you can still have your passover and eat it too not it and but who does this even who would this apply to oh I just told you a couple right you're out of town you touch a dead body you know who might have applied to look in Matthew 27 61 and Mary Magdalene kind of applies she showed up to put spices and ointments on the dead body so she could not celebrate in that Passover and in mark 15 verse 47 it talks with us somebody who was helping marry me Mary the mother of Joseph not Jesus joe says okay I don't who she is but she was there touching the dead body okay and we have Luke 23:56 of Arimathea asked Pilate if he can have the body off the cross so he's touched the dead body he can't take the Passover in the book in the nissan and book of john 9 39 it says Nicodemus was with him Nicodemus was one of the Pharisees and he was till he had touched a dead body he wouldn't be able to all of these all four of these are good candidates for having a second Passover and you know what Jesus we know rose on the third day right he crucified on the third day He is risen from the dead and he stays on the earth for forty days after he's after he raised after he's crucified for forty days Jesus is on the on the earth that means on ER 14 that's 30 days after Jesus crucifixion Jesus is still on the planet it would not surprise me this this is actually the first Passover since Jesus crucifixion and who might be there Mary Magdalene Joseph Arimathea Nicodemus how about you schewe himself he could have attended this very first Passover and how cool is that there's all these people who missed it a month before they are now sitting down and breaking the bread and taking the wine in remembrance of him with him how cool would that be that even actually be there okay so we continue to count the Omer okay and you jump ahead to the day 40 on the fortieth day of the Omer count that's the day Yeshua goes back up to heaven and he said they said no no you can't go he said I have to go if I don't go I cannot send you the comforter I can't send you the this is the only spirit coming okay that's day 40 and then we keep counting and we get to the day 50 which always is gonna land on the next month Savan serve on the sixth day of Sivan that's when you reach the fifty on Oh mer count and what is Leviticus 23 this is Leviticus 23 this is where he lists all the moa game on this same day you shall make a proclamation as well you shall have a holy convocation for the convocation that's a Sabbath day so this shuttle woked day this 50th day is gonna be a Sabbath you shall do no laborious work it is the perpetual statute in all of your dwelling places throughout your generations it is a perpetual statute we're to do it forever and then this is the verse 22 this is where it says when you're reaping the corners of your field when you're reaping your field don't reap the corners leave them for the needy and the alien I am the Lord your God it's just a nice a nice picture that ties in very nicely with the Ruth story which by the way Ruth is always read at this time of year on this 50th day they read the Ruth story because the Ruth story occurs between Passover and shovel oat those 50 days that's when the Ruth story occurs okay well this holiday is called Shavuot all right and where do we get this word well the Hebrew word Shibui is a period of seven fill-in-the-blank seven days is a Shibui seven weeks is a Shibui seven months seven years is shabooey any seven period is a Shibui and if you want to pluralize remember if you PluralEyes a masculine word in hebrew you put on a.m. on the end cherub cherubim if you plural eyes a feminine word it ends by putting an OT on the end and Shibui week is a feminine word and if you plural eyes if you get sha bloat it's the plural of Shibui one week seven weeks okay and this holiday is called Shavuot which means what weeks got it if you go back to the Old Testament on the very first shovel oat they come out of Egypt on Passover ten three days later they go through the Dead Sea they're there the sea parts they go through and they come up out of the Dead Sea the Red Sea I'm sorry okay on the parallel Yeshua is crucified on Passover and three days later he comes up out of the sea of death right he raises from the dead then you're counting this Omer you're counting counting counting the Jews back then they were counting and a day fifty that's the day Moses came down from the mountain with the Lord Exodus 32 twenty-eight so the sons of Levi did is Moses instructed and about three thousand men of the people fell that day this is day fifty Moses comes down from the from the mountain and what were the Jews doing they were worshiping a golden calf that they had built and Moses throws the tablets down and breaks them that's a picture of as a prophetic picture that the Jews are going to break the the first set of tablets he's gonna have to go get another covenant a new covenant is coming which Moses does go up later and brings down another step but prophetically it's pointing to it was a Jeremiah 31:31 where he says I'm going to send I'm going to give you a new covenant a Brit ah - ah not like the one it that you broke it Sinai you broke that one I'm giving you a new one the New Covenant is the Brit hadashah the New Testament okay but I digress here so Moses comes down the tablets they're worshiping the golden calf and he instructs this group to go and kill that group they're worshiping the golden calf and what did it say that about 3,000 died that day Exodus 32 starting in 26 Moses stood in the gate of the camp and said whoever is with the Lord come to me and all the sons of Levi gathered together to him he said to them thus says the Lord the God of Israel every man of you put his sword upon his thigh and go back and forth from gate to gate in the camp and kill every man his brother and every man his friend and every man his neighbor so the sons of Levi did as Moses instructed and about 3,000 men of the people fell that day so on the day that the law was given 3,000 men died that day on the first John wrote in the New Testament you have Jesus Yeshua crucified on Passover buried unleavened bread raised from the dead on firstfruits we're counting the Omer 40 days later he's up to heaven 50 days after his Passover after his crucifixion Jesus Yeshua sends the Holy Spirit the rule Elohim and he sends him when is his Acts chapter 2 when Peter is preaching and the Holy Spirit that's we call it Pentecost in the Christian Penta meaning five fifty fifty days David the Holy Spirit was given Acts chapter two verse 41 it says so then those who had received his word were baptized and that day then we'll added about three thousand souls well that's interesting that on the day of Pentecost when the Holy Spirit was given Peter preaches and three thousand people were saved but on a very same day in the Old Testament when Moses brings the law down and they're worshipping the Golden Calf 3,000 people died you know what this is telling you the law brings death the spirit brings life the 3,000 number is the same in both of them if you think you're gonna get to heaven by keeping the law by keeping the rules I'm sorry you're not that brings death you have already said you were born with sin the only way you get to heaven is you need the Spirit of God you need the forgiveness of God you understand it's not by any works that you do keeping any law okay there's your bonus I think that's kind of cool we can throw in this Shavuot part of it okay because it really points out that the need for the spirit and how the spirit does bring life by the way what's the verse this is so simple this is so simple how do you get to heaven confess with your mouth that you schewe is Yahweh and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead and you shall be saved you understand you don't have to go to a certain church you don't have to give so much money you're not to do so many command it's by grace are you saved through faith it's God's gift to us and it's our faith that we believe that his his blood is that atoning sacrifice that we need something has to die something has to pay for my punishment for my sin and God himself chose to come down and be it there's not a more perfect sacrifice that he will accept his that's it's the ultimate anyway to God be the glory to God be the honor to God be the praise thank you so much for watching oh and next time whisper next time yes hold on next time we will cover issue his birthday now that we got his death day out of the way god bless see you soon bye you
Channel: John Kostik
Views: 17,263
Rating: 4.9132323 out of 5
Keywords: moed, moedim, passover, unleaven bread, matzo, yeshua, crucifixion, passion, passion of the christ, מועד, ישוע, מועדים, first fruits, Jesus, pilate, pontius pilate, shavuot, feast of weeks, Leviticus 23, Good Friday
Id: bekXW0gwxsY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 109min 48sec (6588 seconds)
Published: Sun May 06 2018
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