God Math 137

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hey Shalom Shalom from your Dutch uncle John here to tell you what it is in with some mathematics in the Bible I mean the greatest mathematician ever is God and he is woman his magic throughout his Bible and he has a few numbers that are particularly his favorite and we're going to cover some of those today some of this you've seen before in previous videos a lot of it is new and let's get started okay they the three big numbers that he uses all the time are 1 3 and 7 let's start with 1 now the Hebrew alphabet if you remember has 22 letters okay and each letter has a name it has the sound it makes it has an ancient pictographs it has a meaning and it has a gamete Rhea the Hebrew word gamete Rhea means geometry and the geometry numbers run one through ten on the first ten letters then they jump 20 30 40 50 to 100 200 300 400 is the final letter and you don't have to remember all these right now but just know that they exist you're gonna see them here soon and you can always revert back to this chart okay here's a close-up of the first three alef-bet de Mille olive is obviously one bet two gimel three and all else remember is the head of the Ox strength it's God's number he's going to be first he's number one in fact there's a verse that every Hebrew says every Jew says every morning and every night it's called the Shema it's Deuteronomy 6:4 Shema Israel Yahweh Yahweh he knew Yahweh Akkad hear o Israel the Lord God the Lord is one okay I just want you to know I believe there is one God he says so right here if you're Jewish and watching we Christians believe there is one God okay we shall move on there's not much more to say about that there is one to God that's why we're going to use the number one is so important in everything that we're going to do today and that first letter aleph all f is a letter and it's a number okay it's a word all F is spelled Olive la med pay if you put in the Gomory of values for the spelled out word Aleph is one lawman is thirty pay is a the word are left adds up to 1 1 1 111 which is going to lead us to our second number today which is the 3 notice all of adds up to 1 1 1 there's three of them right let's start in Genesis 1:1 you know in the beginning God created the heavens and the earth well there's a mistake already be there is no thigh in that sentence okay so in beginning God created the heavens and the earth Bereshit bara Elohim at Kagamine but Haaretz let's look at the third word here is Elohim Elohim is God's name title okay he is Elohim sometimes he goes by just el Elohim is an Aleph lammott hey yo mam if we put in the c'mon Surya values 135 10 and 40 okay now we said that God is one but he he profess himself in three different persons a lot of people call this the Trinity I don't like that word Trinity he's not three gods he's one dot who is in three persons which is not it's hard for us to understand this but it's not irrational in that God is holy God is unique God is one-of-a-kind God is something special that no one else nothing else is so his one of his super qualities is he can be one who comes in three all right and there's many examples we're going to cover a lot of them today we also some day in the future I got a really nice talk on the complex unity that's the name we like to call we don't say Trinity he's a unity he's one but it's a complex unity okay but in the three MMus of God and just look at a triangle there are certain numbers you need to make a triangle right you need three dots to make a triangle you need six dots you need ten dots and each time you want to make your bigger one you just add a bottom row and then you add five and get 15 at six you get 21 at seven you get 28 36 45 55 all triangle numbers if we take his title Elohim and this is his power title this is the one we see right off the get-go in the beginning God created the heavens in the earth take the first three letters of his title I left long at hey Olaf one llama 30 has five adds up to 36 which is a perfect triangle number if you take the three middle letters of his title it's long ed 30 hey five you ten adds up to 45 a perfect triangle number take the final three hey his father is 10 mm is 40 adds up to 55 a perfect triangle number there is a lot of three MMus in his being okay it's not surprising his name shows there his title shows up the third word in the first verse Bereshit bara Elohim and you know if you wanted to make a universe scientists say you need three things you need time you know what that is you would need space and you need matter right stuff matter and to create these three things to have these three things all show up in the first verse notice Bereshit is the first word it means in beginning there's your time God created Hashem I am Raja my name is space via Haaretz is the earth this is matter all the stuff that we make comes from the earth so there's a three 'no sin in his being and there's a three 'no sin his creation here and notice that each of the three things that he created are also a three --mess time is past present future space is length width and depth matter is solid liquid and gas so we do have a three miss involved in this also you'll notice the first three letters of the Bible of the first verse is the word is Bereshit it's bet resh Olive bet is the first letter of the word been son resh is the first letter of the word rule spirit and I left is the first letter of the word Abba Father so he's hinting that there is a three nests there of the Father Son Spirit and if you missed it in the first word you'll see it again in the second Ward because the second word is belong to create out of nothing and burrow is spelled better charlotte's again 22 son spirit father been ABBA in Genesis 1:26 it says then Elohim said let us make man in our image according to our likeness he's using plural pronouns here so another hint that there is a plurality - Elohim because it's Elohim said I know a lot of people interpret this slit he's talking with the angels or to the angels or he and the angels or no it's this complex unity picture okay and in the very next verse Genesis 1:27 it says Elohim created man in his own image in the image of God he created him male and female he created them so you've got one minute he's talking plural one minute he's talking singular okay and this he that were talking about who is he well once man is created he now no longer goes by Elohim he goes by Yahweh aleem he introduces a name okay he's got a name Yahweh good a vow a and you Dave up hey is a very very cool word it's made up of the letters you would pay involved and if you put these together or split them out I guess the the word for is is Jose the word for was is Ayana the word for will be is yeaaaah and if you take he was and he is and he will be again a three nests bass present future and you take those three verbs and smush them together you get Yahweh which means in Hebrew he is again pointing to his complex unity three fathers sons spirit we've got lots of verses in the Bible that point this out in Psalm 103 19 it says the Lord has established his throne in heaven and his sovereignty rules over all so we have Elohim there we got--we on a throne in heaven and in Genesis 18 1 it says now you a knave of hay appeared to him Abraham by the Oaks of Mamre while he was sitting at the tent door in the heat of the day so now you have Yahweh showing up as a human he he was a humanist said three men came and one of them was you Dave of a and Abraham prepared me and and milk and bread and they ate so he shows up as a human being and in Jeremiah 23 24 it says can a man hide himself in hiding places so I do not see him declares Yahweh do I not fill the heavens and the earth declares young away here we have Yahweh is everywhere he's filling the universe so which is that as he on his throne in heaven is he a man on earth where is he fill the universe when we say he's a complex unity this is only God can do this that he can be three places at once in three different forms okay we do not believe that there are three gods there is one God three persons and we just we go with so many clues the Bible to this point I say a6 starting in verse one in the year of king uzziah's death I saw the Lord sitting on a throne lofty and exalted with the Train of his robe filling the temple Seraphim stood above him each having six wings with two he covered his face and with two he covered his feet and with two he flew and one called out to another and said holy holy holy is Yahweh of hosts the whole earth is full of his glory the angels when they sing they sing holy holy holy three times Kadesh go - go - and by the word Seraphim Seraphim is a plural word ends in you'd mem a seraph ism is a high-ranking angel the Seraphim are the angels that's plural and notice you put that you'd mem on the end of a word it makes it plural and gods title which we learned right at the beginning was Elohim it ends in a unit ma'am very nice in Revelation we see it again chapter four starting in verse eight and the four living creatures each one of them having six wings are full of our eyes around and within and day and night they do not cease to say holy holy holy is the Lord God the Almighty who was and who is and who is to come there it is again who was who is and who is to come and when the living creatures give glory and honor and thanks to him who sits on the throne to him who lives for ever and ever again pointing to Yahweh is was and will be even his shoe at Jesus when he was hanging on the cross it says that about the ninth hour Jesus cried out in a loud voice saying ela Ellie Ellie lama sabachthani that is my god my god why have you forsaken me he's quoting David's prophetic outcry in Psalm 22 my God my God why have you forsaken me why did you shoot us say it twice because Yeshua is the third he's that the son he's that God manifest as a human the one who was having lunch with Abraham at the folks of mom ray and he's calling out to the other two my God my God why have you forsaken me okay we showed you you know all F is one and his gallant Rhea of the word is one one one which one one one is thirty seven times three well this leads us to our next magic number is the seven okay so you're gonna see these three numbers 1 3 & 7 whoa it into everything one is there's one God the three he manifests himself in three persons and the seven is going to represent his perfection his completion okay he puts seven of something together that's perfect okay we see it in Genesis 1:1 Bereshit 1:1 there's seven words Bereshit bara aleem edy uh sure mine vodka res seven words which that corresponds nicely to the menorah the more menorah is the seven-branched candlestick notice that it fits so beautifully there with Genesis 1:1 if you count the letters of Genesis 1:1 there are 28 letters 28 is divisible by 7 even the structure of the sentence you have the words the third and fourth word Elohim and at there are seven letters there that's God and the untranslatable ed which is Yeshua ah yet that little word in the middle remember our left of all F is God tub is the cross all that tub is God on the cross ah left of is the first and last letters of the Hebrew alphabet Yeshua said I am the Alpha and Omega Yahweh said I am the first I am the last and there is no other God besides me he talks about that in Isaiah is Yahoo the fourth and fifth words is it Hashem I mean contains seven letters the last two words the epaulettes and the earth contains seven letters there's going to be a seven miss running through everything in the Bible which we're gonna cover nicely here the first three words of this verse Bereshit bara Elohim contains 14 letters divisible by seven the last four words at customize' RS contained 14 letters divisible by seven here are just a refresher of the Kumari values notice they run one through ten then they jump by tens 20 up to a hundred and then they jump by hundreds 100 to 400 okay just a little reference back for those new to the show if you take the Gomory of the first letters of the first and last words well first letter is Bereshit is bet first letter of Haaretz is hey bet is to pay is 5 de montréal adds up to 7 if you take the gamma tree of the last letters of the first and last words the last letter of the first word is tough 400 the last letter of the last word is sadi which is 90 490 is divisible by seven if you take the first and last letters of every word in the verse it adds up to 1393 which is divisible by 7 7 times 199 the nouns in Genesis 1:1 well that's Elohim that's the heavens Hashem I am and it's rest the earth the nouns contain 14 letters in the Hebrew divisible by 7 if you take the go mantra of the nouns Elohim adds up to 86 Rashomon 395 pah-wraiths 296 the total of the Jomon tree of the nouns is 7 7 7 which is 7 times 1 1 1 there's our 3 and r 1 and r 7 all being incorporated in fact 1 1 1 is 3 times 37 so they get their gallaccio the nouns is 7 times 3 times 37 and not just in the bible but just in a life there are seven days in the week why because then creator week god put seven days in the week there are seven colors in the visible light spectrum the rainbow right remember ROYGBIV seven letters in there representing red orange yellow green blue indigo and violet the visible light spectrum is master the light spectrum is massive the visible light spectrum is very narrow the amounts that we can see and in those seven colors you have three primary colors yellow red and blue right and from those you can mix to get the others right yellow and red is orange red and blue is purple or violet yellow and blue is green you know they mix and match to form all the seven colors there are seven it's on the music scale again seven seven seven and three of those seven notes or there are three notes three of the notes but three accidentals your sharps flats and naturals so again the three and a seven is it's just woven into life okay if you're really into music there are seven modes used in western music okay and here they are listed the average human body temperature 37 degrees Celsius and let's go back to Bible examples my goodness they're everywhere in Genesis Bereshit he uses the number 7 here's a list of a bunch of them of times we actually uses the number 7 okay in Exodus sevens are everywhere here's more examples in Leviticus here are all the references you can look them up and in every one of these verses it has the number 7 in my meat bar numbers there's even more sevens in devarim Deuteronomy more sevens and this continues all the way through the tunnel it continues through the Gospels the writings and hipbelt pollute the Revelation the apocalypse 7 is woven throughout the Bible and these are some very blatant examples where he actually has the number 7 he has other sevens that are woven in that are you have to really have studied - to uncover the deeper ones okay a few of my favorites are you know when Moses went up on Mount Sinai to get the the law right there the Ten Commandments you realize he actually made seven trips up and down that mountain God called him out God made the offer he went down and gave the offer to the people the people accepted he went back up told God and got sent back down and told them to stay away from him I mean we're gonna do a whole talk on just the seven trips up and down and there are prophetic significance because it's just you know we just think he went up in trouble and Hesterman up as Moses got the tablets and came back down no that was not that was not biblical but he did go up and get the tablets but that was only one of the seven trips up and down to get the tablets and they get the law for the first covenant which the Jews broke Moses then went up an eighth time to get the second set of tablets and that's representing the New Covenant which was not broken and will not be broken and that's the Covenant issue of Jesus blood right you you that's the sacrifice that saves us from Hellfire you get it but it's very interesting that you unless you were really noticing and right in and studying that he made seven trips up and back okay seven times Yeshua claimed I am I am the bread of life I am the light of the world I am the door I am The Good Shepherd I am the resurrection of the life I am the way the truth and the life and I am the vine seven times very nice you know there are seven Mary's in the Brit hadashah in the New Testament very nice here's the list you can look them up yourself seven times Yeshua Jesus bled he was circumcised on day 8 in the garden he prayed so intensely he sweat blood he was arrested and they flogged his back and it bled they put a crown of thorns on his head it bled they nailed his hands and it bled they nail his feet and it bled and they put a spear in his side after he was dead and out poured blood and water seven times you know there were seven people who proclaimed his schewe Jesus innocent Judas Iscariot in Matthew 24:7 said I have sinned betraying innocent blood Pontius Pilate said I find no fault in this man Luke 23 Herod Antipas and Luke 23 said nothing worthy of death has been done by him pilot's wife said have nothing to do with that just man in Matthew 27 the thief on the cross in Luke 23 said this man has done nothing amiss the Roman centurion in Luke 23 said truly this man was righteous and the Roman guards in Matthew 27 said truly this one was the son of God you know those are all scattered throughout the Gospels and unless you realize in AD malla but there are seven these are the hidden sevens I love the hidden sevens how clever they are and when Jesus Yeshua was hanging on the cross he made seven statements Father forgive them for they know not what they're doing he said to the thief next to him today he shall be with me in paradise he said to his mother into the Apostle John behold your son behold Your Mother he cried out my God my God why have you forsaken me we talked about that quoting Psalm 22 he said I am thirsty in John 19 he said it is finished in John 19 and in Luke 23 he said father into your hands I commit my spirit but 7 utterances from the cross and not just in the New Testament and the Old Testament in the in the apocalypse in the revelation there seven churches written to by yeshuaa the church of ephesus Samarin of Pergamum Thyatira Sardis Philadelphia and Laodicea and these seven churches prophetically make up the church age please if you haven't seen the revelation one two and three videos that I have out that explained their long it's over three hours but it explains beautifully how these seven churches prophetically prophesy the future all right very nice and the Paul Paul his disciple or a apostle is the Apostle were a disciple but his follower Saul of Tarsus who became Paul and spread the gospel to the Gentiles he wrote letters to seven churches Ephesus Philip Philippians Corinthians Galatians Romans Thessalonians and Colossians and those seven churches that Paul writes to they correspond to the seven churches that Yeshua rights to in Revelation chapter two and three you'll see that in that video I just referenced the revelation one two and three seven churches let's go back to Genesis 1:1 notice the second word has three letters the next two words have seven letters the sixth word has three letters and the fourth and fifth word have seven letters notice there is an order to the verse with the three seven seven three and if you take that number three seven seven three and davonne and break it down into its factors it's seven times seven times seventy seven Wow the first three verses of the Bible contained three cubed words twenty-seven words three cubed the next seven verses contains seven cubed letters so verses 4 through 10 343 letters the rest of chapter one contained three times seven verses 21 verses there's an order not just in the first verse there's no order to the first chapter there's an order to the first book to the first to the Torah to the Tolton off to the whole Bible it's a one three seven woven throughout by the way we mentioned that that the first three verses have 27 words 27 is is tied and even though there's a 2 in there 27 is tied in closely because it's 3 times 3 times 3 is complex unity cubed okay in fact if you take 1 and divided by 27 on your calculator you'll get 0.03 703 703 7 repeating forever and what's clever is if you take 1 divided by 37 you get 0.02 702 702 7 repeating forever very very clever how these only unite and if you take 27 + 37 + 73 73 is just the 37 backwards you end up with 137 or a super magic number in today's video these are all all related if you multiply a hundred thirty seven times seventy three times 37 you get three hundred seventy thousand 37 okay let's take the entire Genesis 1:1 verse all seven words put in the c'mon tree of all the letters add up the gamma trees of all the words the gamma tree of the whole verse is 2007 101 take 2701 and its reflection just right backwards 107 to add them together you get three 773 we said that the triangle numbers right here the triangle numbers the one they consider the first triangle number than three 610 and on and on and we also said that the first verse had seven words and 28 letters there's a connection between the seven and the 28 if you want to know what is that the seventh triangle number here's the little magic math formula that you use T to the N equals n plus 1 times n divided by 2 so if I want to know what is the seventh triangle number I take seven plus one times seven divided by 2 well 7 plus 1 is 8 8 times 7 is 56 divided by 2 28 notice the 7 and the 28 are related and the first verse has seven words 28 letters and it's a triangle number pointing to the complex unity the seventh triangle number is as 28 points okay if I want to do this seventy third triangle number I can use the same formula 73 + 1 times 73 divided by 2 that's seventy four times 73 divided by 254 Oh two divided by two 2701 that's the total of Genesis 1:1 2701 is the seventy third triangle number the total of Genesis 1:1 how beautiful is that this one's one of my favorite I've shown you to you before we'll try to go through it quickly it says it is he who made the earth by his power who established the world by his wisdom and by his understanding he has stretched out the heavens it says that God he established the world using his hokhmah is the Hebrew word for wisdom yep ma'am hey if I put in the ordinate values of Fatma this is where does it show up in the alphabet is the eighth letter of coffee is the eleventh members the 13th hey is the the fifth the ordinate values add up to 37 the Gemara values add up to 73 if I multiply 37 times 73 I get 2701 in the beginning God created heavens in the earth his hokhmah his wisdom established all of this world how beautiful is that wow that is really cool hexagonal numbers hexagonal numbers the first one is six you need six dots to make a hexagon if you want to make a bigger hexagon and what they'll do is they they start the bigger hexagon mathematicians do this sharing the same point so here you see the that the six and then you make the bigger one around it which just excuse each line extends one longer the second hexagonal number is 15 the third hexagonal number is 28 if I want to jump ahead to the thirty seventh hexagonal number its 2701 and it's the thirty seventh there's the three and seven again okay star hexagram numbers you need 13 dots to make a Star of David a star hexagon or hexagram okay if you want to make a bigger one you need thirty seven dots if you want to make a bigger one you need seventy three dots if you want to make a really big one you need three hundred thirty-seven dots you see the ones threes and sevens are all being woven in here and in Genesis 1:1 you know there's seven words let's just look at the second fourth and sixth words these are the even words the second word is brah as up to two or three the fourth word is it adds up to 401 the sixth Ward is fought at 407 the total of the even words is 1011 which is three times three three seven and 337 we said is a large star hexagram okay and so three of them you've got three large stars of David here I think one of them is pointing to the Father the blue one maybe up in the air you have the red one is the son who's come down to earth and shed his blood is our perfect core bomb and you have the yellow gold as the Holy Spirit being sent out to find a bride for the wife for the son how beautiful is that let's have a drink for that one by the way today's drink is brought to you by I think this is a j7 brand pomegranate and I think these are black currants and we spritz it up with a little 7up we're still in Kyrgyzstan by the way for those keeping score okay now let's look at the odd the odd words of Genesis 1:1 the first one is Bereshit and it adds up to 913 the third is Elohim adds up to 86 Hashem I'm the heavens is 395 Rhett's the earth is 296 the odd words of Genesis 1:1 adds up to 1690 which is 10 times 169 and 169 will make a nice perfect hexagon and so 1690 will make 10 nice perfect hexagons and if I take the even words and the odd words of them together I get this beautiful image of Genesis 1:1 it's symmetrical on three lines again you have the farther up the Sun coming down the spirit being sent out just a beautiful representation of Genesis 1:1 here here are the totals of each of the seven words in Genesis 1:1 okay Bereshit is 913 bara 203 elohim 86 at 401 hast remaining 395 tha F 407 and Haaretz 296 notice that the last word Haaretz is 37 times 8 that gives you 296 so that's divisible by 37 very clever and the previous word was fought it but II D is 37 times 11 equals 407 very clever again if I take Elohim and Hashem ìiím those together add up to 37 times 13 how nice they're divisible by 37 if I take Viet and Haaretz together they are divisible 37 times 19 if I take for the words take Elohim Hashem ìiím Viet and holla rats I get 37 times 32 here are 4 more examples of combinations of Genesis 1:1 words that are divisible by 37 and here are 5 more and here are 5 more in fact there are 23 combinations of Genesis 1:1 words that are divisible by 37 that mathematically is unbelievable I think there should be and if you pick out 7 random numbers the chances of combinations of them being divisible by 37 37 remember is a prime number this just is an odd an odd number to something numbers to be divisible by 37 I think there should be 2 or 3 here we have 23 combinations ok and what's really cool is in all of those combinations the word Bereshit shows up 12 times and in all of those combinations bara shows up 12 times Elohim shows up 12 times it shows up 12 times Hashem I mean 12 times but 12 times Paulette's 12 times notice there is an order there's an order to how many of each I mean it's just mind-blowing that this happens and pay close attention to these for those for others let's enlarge it here so you can see which ones those are okay those combinations the first one as up 237 times 21 37 times 21 by the way is 777 the next one 37 times 24 is 888 37 times 27 shows up twice you get 999 twice two different combinations that's pretty cool let's look at seven seven seven seven seven seven is twenty-one times 37 which is three times seven times 37 nice and 7077 if you remember that was the gamma tree of the nouns right eight well you know we talked about this gomorian jump in Hebrew well the Greek alphabet also has their version of gematria is called ice off sofy okay and here is the Greek alphabet and it's corresponding values for the letters and Yeshua's name in Greek is useless and you plug in the values for useless it comes up to eight eight eight eight remember is a new beginning okay and AAA is eight plus eight plus eight times 37 or three eights very nice just a little rabbit row here for the 888 you know Aleph is one but the Jews also use all f4 1000 okay the numbers and then bet will also represent two thousand and gimel can represent three thousand okay they put a little mark after it to signify that it's going to the 1000 but and 1000 we know is 10 times 10 times 10 there's a cube picture there which is 3 plus 7 cubed Elohim we've said adds up to 86 and Yahweh remember Yahweh is how we started addressing him after man was created he was Elohim all through Genesis 1 and then once man is created he's Yahweh aleem and Yahweh adds up to 26 and Yeshua adds up to 888 and I claim and Christians claim and I believe in it is true the issuer is Yahweh Elohim Yahweh remember the hand reveals the nail reveals is the break down of those letters good hey father hey you at his hand hey is revelation valve is nail hey is revelation the hand reveals the male reveals Yahweh is Yeshua Yeshua is Elohim is God and if you add all three of these together they do add up to 1000 all F pointing to Yeshua is Yahweh is Elohim beautiful on the 999 s which showed up twice in the the multiples of Genesis 1:1 words that's 27 times 37 will give you 999 which is 3 cubed times 37 which is 3 times 3 times 3 times 37 very nice there ok let's take the values of the Genesis 1:1 words ok these are the the word totals of the seven words and that first one is Bereshit 913 let's take the digits of 913 9 plus 1 plus 3 equals 13 arise 203 that's 2 plus 0 plus 3 equals 5 you understand what we're doing here 86 for Elohim is 8 plus 6 14 at 401 4 plus o plus 1 5 Hawaiian 395 3 plus 9 plus 5 it was 17 but at 407 is 4 plus 0 plus 7 equals 11 arrests 296 2 plus 9 plus 6 equals 17 take those new digits and add them together 13 is 1 and 3/5 stays 5 1 4 is 4 or 5 5 stays 517 is 1 plus 7 8 11 is 1 plus 1 to arrest 17 is 1 plus 7 8 and all of those broken down digits together and you get 37 he's got 37 s woven every in this book and in this verse very nice we said if you add up the 7 the values of the seven words or all 28 letters you get 27 on one take those values of each of the seven words and multiply them together you get I don't know what you get a million billion trillion quintillion 304 quintillion 153 trillion 525 billion seven hundred eighty-four million hundred thirty-five thousand seven hundred sixty that's the product the multiplying of all seven words if I take all of those digits three plus zero plus four plus one plus five you got the picture add up all the digits that make up that magic number and it comes out to 73 those are three and seven again very nice and that big giant number 304 20 trillion etc etc is also a multiple of 37 it goes into it billion I don't know how many what is that eight quid trillion two hundred twenty trillion 365 billion progress 61 million seven thirty four thousand four and eighty times nice he's got it everywhere this one is cool in Genesis 1:1 let's take each of the seven words and there are their values and let's break them down into their prime factors okay the first one is Bereshit 913 913 is not a prime number it can divide out and it's 11 times 83 Burroughs 203 which is 7 times 29 Elohim 86 is 2 times 43 prime factors ha RS on the end is 296 which is 2 times 2 times 2 times 37 fact 407 is eleven times 37 hashamayim is five times seventy-nine the one that's left is in the middle 401 401 is a prime number and what did we say about that middle word act are left of its Aleph God Tov the Cross God on the cross it's a left of the first and the last it's all left of that sitting at the right hand of Elohim in the verse Aleph Todd is Yeshua prime unique one-of-a-kind it makes sense that's the only word in the verse that is a prime number and it sits right in the middle is that center candle in the menorah the the servant candle that you used to light all the other candles that's a picture of Yeshua at all that stuff and what's also cool is take those prime factors on either side of Yeshua on the first side add up two plus two plus two plus 37 plus 11 plus 37 + 5 + 79 you get a hundred and seventy-five if you add up the factors on the right side of your schewe I left of 2 + 43 + 7 + 29 + 11 + 83 also equals 175 again showing beautiful order to Genesis 1:1 okay let's move away from Genesis 1:1 for a second let's look at the entire Torah you know in the entire Torah there are set three hundred four thousand eight hundred five letters I'm going to take that number and write it backwards when I write it backwards I get 50 I get if I break it up now at 50 I get 84 and I get three and those digits add up to 137 137 by the way is the most common life span mentioned in Genesis 25:17 and these are the years the life of Ishmael 137 years and he breathed his last and died was gathered to his people Exodus 616 these are the names of the sons of Levi according to their generations Gershon Kohath and Merari and the years of the life of Levy Levi were 137 what's the next one Exodus 6:20 and Amram took him Jakub add his wife's sister to wife and she bare him Aaron and Moses and the years of the life of amram were 137 years the most common life span mentioned in the Bible 137 and there's kind of even more hidden you know the genealogies you had Noah is one man he had three sons ham Shem and Japheth and they if you go to Genesis 10 give you all the descendants of Noah which those three boys ended up with seventy descendants so you had one man three sons seventy grandchildren one three seven it's woven into the genealogy of Noah it's one went into the genealogy of Adam because Adam was one man who ended up producing the three patriarchs Abraham Itza Hawk and Yakov and when Jacob went to Egypt in Genesis 46 27 it says the sons of Joseph who were born to him in Egypt were two persons and all the persons of the house of Jacob who went to Egypt were 70 so again you have one man three patriarchs seventy descendents one three seven it's woven everywhere genesis 17 17 then Abraham fell on his face and laughed and said in his heart with a child be born to a man one hundred thirty one hundred years old and we'll Sarah who is 90 years old bear a child remember that God promised these to a son and abraham is a hundred years old and Sarah is ninety when Isaac is born amazing and then if you jump down to Genesis 23 it says Sarah lived 127 years these were the years of the life of Sarah so Sarah died at 127 notice Sarah died 37 years after she had Isaac right she had him at 90 she died at 127 and the sages claim that this sacrifice that Abraham took Isaac up onto the Mount Moriah to sacrifice him when she heard this this is what caused her death okay because God told Abraham take now your son your only son whom you love eats a hawk and go to the land of Moriah and offer him there as a burnt offering on one of the mountains which I will tell you so if that is what caused her death at 127 that means Isaac was 37 whenever he was taken up there and Abraham was a hundred and thirty seven when he took Isaac up for the sacrifice and that seems very logical you all remember the Pythagorean theorem Pythagorean theorem and some in the world say a squared plus B squared equals C squared it's only works in right triangles if you have one side is three and the other side is four you can figure out the long side the hypotenuse by multiplying 3 times 3 3 squared plus 4 times 4 4 squared 9 plus team equals 25 so hypotenuse C squared is 25 so C must equal 5 right so it's a 3 4 5 triangle well let's go back to Genesis 1:1 we're back there again yes we're back there again notice the 28 letters in the verse let's cut off the first 3 and cut off the last 3 okay well we are doing something in order we're taking off 3 from both sides the letters that remain that fourth letter is Ash in the 11th letter is the law med the 18th letter is a shin and the 25th letter is a hay and so what I've done is I've looked at every seventh letter alright there's 7 between 4 and 11 between 11 and 18 between 1825 so looking at the fourth 11th 18th and 25th letters I get shin lawmen shin hey that spells shellow sha that spells 300 clever the Hebrew word 3 is spelled out every 7 letters in Genesis 1:1 very nice there so let's take those 3 and 7 and let's plug them into at the theory and theorem 3 squared plus 7 squared should give us C squared the hypotenuse 3 squared 9 + 7 squared - 49 9 + 49 is 58 so C squared equals 58 so C is going to be the square root of 58 all right well how does that apply we'll go back to our every seventh letter or spells shellow sha and every seventh letter we started at the fourth the eleventh the 18th and the 25th right every seventh letter for plus 11 plus 18 plus 25 equals 58 it's tying the 58 and with the three and with the seven it's showing you God knows Pythagorean theorem and he hid that in Genesis 1:1 let's go to we talk about Jacob in the seventy that went to Egypt you know Jacob had the twelve sons right twelve tribes and he had one daughter Deena here are the names of the twelve boys that he had here Judah Issachar Zebulun Rubens Simeon and here are their gum on tree of values okay if you put in all the de montréal values and add them up they add up to three thousand seven hundred thirty seven hundred you know I don't think the when these women were having these babies it tells you why they named them you know when Reuben was born they behold a son behold rube Ben son that's why they named him Reuben Simeon God has heard heard Shama Shama Israel the Lord your God the Lord our God and Lord is one Shema means simeon okay or simeon comes from Shama the Lord has heard my prayer and given me a son okay God has judged me so I will name him dan dan means judge okay these were all named for reasons okay and yet they're Gamache real values yeah I know these women were thinking okay well let's name them things that so that everything has up to 3,700 but God and his wisdom and his miraculous ways wove the names or had the name or whatever that they all had at 3,700 what are the chances of this in fact if you take the twelve boys Reuben just by self rubin adds up to 259 gematria which is seven times 37 it was 259 the three across the bottom Ephraim Manasseh and Benjamin those three add up to 888 which is 24 times 37 the two yellow Simeon and Neftali add up to 1036 which is 28 times 37 the green Zebulun and Issachar is 925 which is 25 times 37 Judah and GAD just those two alone add up to 37 Judas 30 Gatos 7 that's 1 times 37 and the purple Dan and Asher add up to 5 5 5 which is 15 times 37 all the boys had up to 3,700 very nice okay you know the first three letters the Olive bet gimel all that we said is God right it's it's it represents the father and bet is the house that God came to live in on earth that is the body of Yeshua Jesus and so bet represents the Sun Ben bet represents bar son okay and the red I made it because the red blood as points to Yeshua if the first if the olive is God the Father and the bet is Yeshua the son you know it just makes sense that the third one the gimel would be the Holy Spirit and we've covered that in the hockey dog video and other videos that camels whenever camels show up that's a picture of the Holy Spirit and giemo this picture is a camel all right that's good the word Hebrew word for camel with Jamal okay spelled the same as gimel and Holy Spirit gimel connected if you the word evil and spell it out the the gimel is its chemo mammal ahmed dima was three mem is 40 la matt is 30 the word demon holy spirit adds up to 73 again woven into it if you take a cube okay a cube has eight little boxes okay at any one time I don't care where how you look at it you can only see seven at one time okay very nice if you take a bigger cube three times three times three is twenty-seven cubes and a bigger cube and I don't know if you remember God has a desire to live in a cube and they were when he built the tabernacle there was the the whole of the whole Tabernacle complex there was the the holy place and then there was the Holy of Holies behind the veil where the Ark of the Covenant was and that that Holy of Holies it's dimensions were ten by ten by ten God wanted to reside in a cube when they built the Temple in Jerusalem there was a holy place and then there was the Holy of Holies behind the veil and that was 20 by 20 by 20 AQ the New Jerusalem which is coming down out of heaven in Revelation it's what 1200 by 1200 by 1200 it's a cube God wants to reside in cube okay and here are 3 by 3 by 3 cube okay here 19 are visible at a time what else a 4 by 4 by 4 cube ends up having 64 little cubes and no matter how you look at that you can only see 37 at a time 37 visible at one time amazing if you take a 4 by 4 by 4 cube and subtract a 3 by 3 by 3 cube 64 minus 27 is 37 they just keep showing up these 37s they're everywhere again let's take the the boys here this list of boys is the these are the sons of Jacob that his wives actually had these 12 the ones we saw earlier we took levy out because levy became the priest and we took Joseph out and remember Jacob adopted two of his sons Ephraim and Manasseh so that became the new list of 12 and those all added up to 3,700 this is the the ones physically born so levy is in here and Joseph is in here and he threw him the Nasir or not okay so you take this list of 12 sons they add up to 31 82 all right well that's an odd number and I put their names here in a Star of David okay well we know Elohim was 86 right that's God and I think God is definitely involved in the birth of these twelve boys because 86 times 37 will give you the 30 182 right if you take these four boys it's 11 47 if you take these four boys it's 11 47 if you take these four boys it's 11 47 well there's some order there and we said Elohim is also L what's his short name Alice 31 times 37 will give you 11 47 L is involved you take these four boys Reuben Simeon GAD and Jos they add up to 888 which we've always said is Yeshua's number 888 and that's 24 times 37 these three boys add up to 888 also which is Yeshua all the middle ones add up to fourteen hundred and eighty fourteen eighty is forty times 37 and the word Christ Christos in Greek as up to fourteen eighty so you take these two together you've got Yeshua HaMashiach Jesus the Christ shows up in these names of these boys beautiful Jesus and the resurrection and the life speaking of life chlorophyll you know chlorophyll this is the stuff that sin leaves right because it makes them green and that it absorbs the sunlight and it converts light to life it's the molecule okay and chlorophyll its chemical makeup similar to the chemical symbol is it's got some carbon 55 atoms of carbon 72 atoms of hydrogen five atoms of oxygen for atoms of nitrogen and one atom of magnesium you predict all that together that's how you get chlorophyll and total chlorophyll has 137 atoms converting light to life very nice all right you know we could go on and on and on and we probably will on a part two at some point of math in the Bible and all the ones and the threes and the 7s because they are endless but we're gonna stop here and just take a break only so much math before your head explodes thank you so much for watching to God be the glory to God be honor to God be the praise and we will see you soon god bless bye bye wait we have a bonus and I think there might actually be two bonuses here you know we talked so much about Genesis 1:1 and all the ones and threes and sevens that are involved in there let's look at Genesis 1:1 here here are the letters that are in used to write Genesis 1:1 right there's an Aleph there's a bet than of a in evolved yote la madman Saudi rest shin and Tov he used 11 of the hebrew letters to write Genesis 1:1 let's look at the letters he did not use to write Genesis 1:1 the gimel adalat the zion tech cost noon sonic I Eve pay and coof here are their hamachi values their Kumari values add up to 411 the letters not used in Genesis 1:1 411 by the way is 137 times 3 even the ones he didn't use incorporates this and if you put 4 and 11 into a Pythagorean right triangle 4 squared plus is 16 plus 11 squared is 121 16 and 121 is 137 so the hypotenuse is the square root of a hundred thirty-seven Wow how clever by the way these magic numbers 37 73 137 these are all than credit special numbers because they are called Pythagorean primes which means you can form a triangle where the two sides are nice pretty old numbers and when you do the Pythagorean formula the hypotenuse ends up being the square root of one of these three numbers so you can make a triangle or one side is one one side is 6 1 squared plus 6 squared is 1 plus 36 37 that's how you do a Pythagorean triple with 37 73 is also if you make a triangle 3 by 8 a right triangle 3 squared is 9 8 squared is 64 9 plus 64 equals 73 so the hypotenuse is square root of 73 137 can be formed with a triangle a 4 by 11 we just saw it with the letters not used right 16 plus 121 equals 137 square root of 137 is the hypotenuse amazing amazing and you remember how you calculate the area of a triangle the area of a triangle is 1/2 base times height okay well we can do that nicely look at the first one 1/2 of the base is 6 half of that is 3 times the height this one 1 times 3 is 3 so that first triangle at the top it's its area is 3 square units the red triangle half of the base is 8 half of the 8 is 4 times 3 4 times 3 is 12 the area of the red triangle is square root of 12 I mean a square root so it's 12 square units the bottom one 4 by 11 you can take 4 times 11 is 44 take half of that is 22 the area of the goal yellow is 22 square units very nice okay by the way if you wanted to know the area of all three of these magic triangles you just add them together 3 plus 12 plus 22 37 and what has one here the word Israel Israel a you it is tension is 300 rest is 200 Aleph is one law mat is 30 Israel adds up to 541 which by the way is a star hexagon hexagram number you can form a Star of David with 541 dots it's also a Pythagorean triple you can plug in 10 on one side 21 on the other side 10 squared is 121 squared is 441 100 plus 441 is 541 hypotenuse would be square root of 541 it even fits nicely and by the late instead of 10 squared plus 21 squared you could do 3 plus 7 squared plus 3 times 7 squared equals a square root of 541 very nice ok god bless see you soon bye bye you
Channel: John Kostik
Views: 15,803
Rating: 4.9342303 out of 5
Keywords: 137, 37, Bible, Math, gematria, God's number, seven, one, three, thirty-seven, seventy-three, Pythagorean, a squared, right triangle, Genesis 1:1, sevens in the Bible
Id: ExY6ytfi0Ps
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 77min 19sec (4639 seconds)
Published: Thu May 14 2020
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