Date Night Lamb Loin | Chef Jean-Pierre

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well hello there friends special dinner tonight i'm going to show you how to make a lamb loin beautifully presented you're going to love it remember thumbs up if you like the video subscribe to the channel and ring that bell stay tuned we're going to make it together [Applause] well hello there friends let me show you how easy it is to make this recipe uh it's oh like it's not exactly like the kids are hungry let's make them dinner okay it's like a romantic dinner and you want to do something special and you've got everything planned you've got god i've planned okay this is not like a really quickie okay it's not okay so um i got a rocket land but we're gonna take the the loin out of the rock yep and i'm going to show you how to do that very simple if you want to do a rock of lamb friends um you can uh there's a video over there on the rocket lamp that i did i show you how to do the whole thing and uh so when you get a rack of lamb it's usually it's usually i got to be careful i just turned on the burner here so here we go let me make sure i got it right yeah no that's the wrong one uh yes when you get a rocket lamp like that this is great if you're vegan if you want to watch a video on rocket let me show you but we're only going to use the loin we're going to use the loin which is right there you see this part right there this is why we're paying all the money right as for this not for the bones unless you like to eat bones so i'm going to show you how to take it off very simple for you this is where you use your hand don't be using your knife here a lot of people use knife too early but if you watch the racquet lamb video you'll see i'm doing it so what we do we push you see look look things we push the line away from the fat cap we call that a fat cat okay we take it right there and what we're gonna do very simply we're going to push push push push push push push push and then we're going to remove be careful make sure your hands are not fatty see look look fatty hands fatty hands make them slippery and if you got slippery hands when you're using a knife it's not so good idea right so we're gonna you take your knife remember there's a bone right there right there's the bone right there so we're gonna do we're gonna take a this is important to have a nice slicer some kind of a slicer you need it right and then you put it in there and you put it on the bone on the bone see on the bone you're on the bone and you scrape the bone you scrape the bone very simply see scrape the bone and now you get yourself a beautiful lawn and right there so now a lot of people use this to make a stock if you're gonna do a lime loin a great idea then you have a you use the bone if you want to make it dark i use that not right now but i use that i make a stock only when you use lamb that's the thing you can't use a lamb bone to make anything by the lamb stock otherwise everything you do that's like a lamb so what do we got here we got a silver skin and we got the fat and we want to remove that so look the fat you first scrape the knife on top of it okay you first you scrape the knife on top and you remove the fat that's easy to do the silver skin is a little different but but not that difficult okay pay attention for instance it's very simple right and that's set of a skin you got it on the beef tenderloin you get on the pork tenderloin you got a lamb tamarind you want to grab it first and then what you do you take your knife you want to make sure the cameras are able to see this and you see right there i'm flipping i hope i'm putting my uh my hands so so the jack can capture this see i'm right there and i'm doing it like this you see look and what happens is when you scrape that silver skin you don't put any meat you don't remove any meat on the other side the secret is to slightly tilt your knife and go against it you see very simple right so you go go in and keep doing what i'm doing right here see right here see right there now we're going to do it again now i'm going to show you in the lamb we got an extra little tenderloin right here you see right here on top of the loin which is toward the end of it it's a little skinnier and there's a little line right there i like i don't remove it what i do do is i remove the extra fat on top a lot of people said it it's extra flavor you know that's really a matter of opinion not in my opinion my opinion is the fat on the outside of the lamb doesn't do much for flavor first of all it's going to all melt in the sauce it's going to melt in the in in the cooking process so i'm not too worried about it you want to keep it on you keep it on friends it's really up to you i find that then we make a much better much cleaner tenderloin if we remove most of it again matter of opinion do whatever you want to do with it okay so look it's clean see that loin is right there we kept it because there's fat in here and there's a nice piece of meat right there on top so i don't want to remove it you know this thing is expensive oh you guys bought the um me or your bar here of course you bought meat lately it's very expensive so what do we do now well first of all we clean ourselves we got a dirty knife we got a dirty cutting board and we don't like that so we're gonna clean it because i have always my sanitized water right here you see i always keep my sanitized water i got a very very small amount of soap and bleach in here very dark you can't even smell it but it's enough to sanitize my wallet okay so we're going to clean this up enough to sanitize all my tools now what do we do with the lamb let's make sure our pan is hot and we're going to paint sear it we're going to use clarified butter let's make a little harder heat how do we prepare very simple we put some crushed black pepper and i'm going to make a blueberry sage and madeira sauce very simple i'm going to serve it you'll see with a sweet and and regular mashed potatoes and um and and some sauteed spinach so this is uh the only preparation you gotta do you can do all this in advance of your dinner party you're really going to prepare what i'm doing right now you can do all this in advance you can even paint sear it in advance nothing is going to happen to it you're going to pencil get a beautiful golden brown and when you're ready for dinner all you got to do is pop it in the oven now they think it's not going to take very long but we'll have to keep an eye on it to make sure we don't overcook it how much do you cook it that's really again a matter of opinion some people like it rare some people i don't really like lamb rare i don't mind beef very rare but i don't like lamb rare i like my lamb medium again my love opinion is it right is it wrong whatever you like is what's wrong what's right well whatever you like is what's right friend so i wanted to be really really hot before i put it and i'm gonna go with clarified butter why am i using clarified butter i got a little pepper in there but that's okay why am i using clarified butter because we all know for those of you that have been in my channel for a while for certainly do know then clarify butter burns at a very low smoke point and uh and we don't want that we're going to put some in the sauce of regular butter but not clever so here we go right here we got that temperature we're going to go in there and we're going to give it a beautiful maya reaction we're going to get some beautiful caramelization and so when you put it in the pan when you put it in the pan don't touch it just leave it alone leave it alone you see and we're gonna get that beautiful caramelization and then we're just gonna pop it in the oven and we're gonna cook it like that the oven is preheated at 450 degrees we're gonna start the saucepan while it's all happening and in the sauce we're using regular butter why am i using regular butter and not clarify about it because i'm going to keep an eye on it i'm not going to let it boil now this i don't have much of a choice this is going to burn no matter what i do if i put regular butter in here so you see look right there the butter you can see it you can see right here the milk protein is starting to caramelize boom put some cold in there and they're called the shallots how cool is that very simple right nothing is complicated remember in cooking nothing is really complicated friends shallots you don't have shout out to use onion say look look we got a nice little corner over there friends probably can't see it yet but you see look you got beautiful caramelization that's called maya reaction carbon edition protein we really want to do this okay so this guy is not going to be in there very long but depends how you like to cook again remember we work with thermometers we work with thermometers we have thermometers some people say not professional don't worry about what they say you use a thermometer friends you want your meat to be cooked rare 120 125 you want it to be medium 130 135 and so on and so on nothing wrong with it you want to well done you could well done you cook however you like it don't worry about what people say or you're not supposed to do that you're supposed to do what makes you happy that's what you're supposed to do right somebody doesn't like it you know they can go eat somewhere that's what i tell them so we got a golden brown the sauce is doing good you see very simple very simple recipe friends we got a fresh sage what else could you put in here targo you know i love targo but i was in the mood for stage and i think lamb and sage were meant to be friends they really were all right so we're gonna put that and also we're gonna put some dry blueberries look at that they're really cool dry blueberries why dry because the wet one are gonna give too much water and uh and you know what i think of water i don't really like water too much so look what we got here we're looking good you see we're looking really good i really wanna before i go in there give it a beautiful color and now my friends we're gonna take them you can see it beautiful maya reaction right there we're gonna take this guy we're gonna turn this off we're gonna change pot we're gonna go in the oven preheated oven 450 degrees we'll keep an eye on it and see how long it's going to take and then we'll uh we'll decide how to do it okay so so far so good right i'm doing anything you guys can do right i'm going to serve this with two potatoes a sweet potato and a regular mashed potatoes and and i have a recipe for the regular mashed potatoes i have that over there and and the sweet potatoes i haven't made a video on it because it's so simple a child could do it i take sweet potatoes and i put them i boil them like i do regular potatoes right and i put them in a food processor salt pepper maybe a little flavoring in there if you want little spice in it of some kind that nutmeg whatever it is you want to put in here and you process it and they smooth the silk they're so easy to make they're really really easy to make little sage right so far oh hey you can smell the blueberry amazing amount of flavor coming from the blueberry we're going to put our madeira so you don't want to put madeira put pork you don't want to put pork put a your red wine put a favorite red wine except if you do put regular red wine you will have to reduce it and reduce the meanings you reduce it by half when you put in a port a madeira those are fortified wine they don't need to be reduced okay so it's very simple to remember port modern port madera masala do not get reduced all the other wine get reduced by half a little bit of garlic remember we don't burn garlic and very little see very little you can put more if you want but i want the garlic as a kiss in the background i don't want to be in the foreground and then we got some blueberry jam blueberry jam dried blueberry blueberry jam i got to tell you a funny story about i'm waiting for it to cook so i'm out i can tell you something because i got plenty of time um i was doing the today show and uh years ago i used to do a today show on a regular basis and it's a long time ago though because matt lauer was uh one of those i don't know what happened to him but he's not there no more and and kelly carrick so it's a long time ago right so oh beat stock friends look how beautiful my beef stock is i'll give you the recipe for that okay we're going to put beef stock in here and we're going to let that reduce so i'm going to tell you a funny story right so it was one of the first time i was doing the today show i was a i was in a green room and they had those beautiful blueberry muffins and boy do i love blueberry muffin and those things were amazing right so you know you get to the tradition sometimes you gotta wait an hour and a half in a green room and i'm eating muffin i'm eating muffin and raw son i'm eating muffin and the person the uh the segment assistant whatever producer whatever they are okay you're gonna be already in a few minutes and she looks at me says what happened to your teeth i said what what happened to my teeth he said they're black my hands my hands my fingernails my mouth everything was blue but not just blue it was like dark blue and it looked like it was black right so so she said oh go wash your hands so i'm washing i'm washing my hands i'm watching don't come out it's not coming out that blueberry is there my hands look my mouth look like oh my god and my hair looked like a mechanic for six years they didn't wash his hand that's how bad it looks so i said oh how am i gonna do it she said he's gotta come out you gotta figure out a way to come out said the only way it's gonna come out is bleach and then with a little bleach so i had to go go you know out of the goggle a little water with a little bit of bleach very little and put my hand in there and i took it right off so it was very difficult to get rid of the bleach flavor i was drinking and i'm washing my mouth and watching my mother washing my mouth i don't know how many times it's still that bleach within there so as i was doing the segment i'm testing and i go oh it's delicious in the meantime it's got the bleach flavor behind it lucky i didn't die anyway that's the story for the day friends so hey look look at the sauce friends we're looking very good we're gonna let this cook for a while let you know what we should do we should check on the on the lamb together friends let's check on the lamb together let's see how it's doing okay probably it doesn't now remember now you take something out of the oven friends oh yeah it's looking beautiful but it's very rare we can still see it's extremely rare so i'll tell you what we're gonna do friends um we gotta let this cook for a little while i gotta let this guy cook for a little while and uh it's beautiful you see it looks gorgeous in it but it's very very rare you can feel it right there it's probably uh i would guess to say right now still about a hundred and uh so we're gonna let it cook i'm gonna tell you later on on a video how long exactly it took we're gonna wait for this to cook we're gonna wait for this to cook a little bit longer i'm gonna reduce the heat and then we'll finish the sauce together and i'm gonna i'm gonna plate i'm gonna plate it with the potatoes and the spinach i'm gonna show you the whole thing okay so i'm gonna go back in the oven and cook this and i'll be back in a few minutes okay friends it's been about 13 minutes remember now that's going to be depending on the size of your loan friends depending on the size of your loan okay it could take 10 12 15 minutes depends how it is and depends how you like it cook okay this is going to be about medium so what i'm going to do is i'm going to take it out of there i'm going to let it rest right here okay now what do we do with this here right here well you know the clarified batter at this point not that great anymore okay you can use it if you want but i don't really care to use it but you know what the the madeira the the font in the bottom of the pan are gonna be delicious all the phone ready all our goodies and since madeira is a wine it doesn't need to be reduced guess where it's going friends we don't lose nothing and then guess what that pen is easy to clean now you see all right now remember always keep a rag on it always keep a towel on it get a new one okay very important all right so now now what do we do we got the beautiful sauce we got the lamb resting we can relax for a while because we gotta let it rest for at least ten minutes we're going to finish the sauce we're going to saute some spinach real quick and the sauce we're going to make a look replay defense okay now at this point you see the sauce is still a little liquid right you see a little liquid and you can reduce it but if you're reducing you lose a lot of volume and um and you really don't get the exact consistency you want because otherwise you have nothing no sauce left but you can if you want to do that you can reduce it to the right consistency what i like to do friends is i like to put a touch of cornstarch or arrowroot or tapioca powder very little you don't need a lot just like nothing look oop that's it that's it you see that's it keep an eye on it because this this is like she could be too much now you don't have to strain that sauce if you don't want to see the beautiful thing is we relax now the lamb is resting by the way you can do that with pork tenderloin same recipe do it with a pork tenderloin not as expensive at the land the lamb you buy a rock of lamb make sure you buy a big one by the way you want to buy a big rock of lamb it's got to be like close to two pound or over two pounds even better if you can get it okay over two pounds much better you see look look look how beautiful that looks all right so now here's what we're gonna do friends you don't have to strain it if you don't want to but you know i'm going to i'm going to strain it and how do i strain it right there look very simple let me take a spatula let me get everything out of that saucepan you see look by the time i'm down there will be nothing left in that pen folks no no no i don't leave nothing you see right there right and we're going to take our ladle and we're going to smoosh everything smoosh that's the new culinary term we're learning today what do you learn today at uh washington chef jean-pierre smushing smoosh smooshing food hey we don't take ourselves too seriously okay this is just cooking yeah look look look what do you do with this compost nothing put it in your i don't know if it's scrambled eggs okay i can do that that wouldn't be that bad for the scrambled egg make sure your toes are clean and look look look you see what i'm talking about now look at this friends all right now you can cook this and reduce it a little bit not much now get rid of this it's ugly and you know at the end what we're going to do friends we're going to put butter yes okay we're going to saute a little spinach the spinach you know olive oil i'm using my garlic olive oil just going to sweat this some spinach with a little shallots and a little garlic that's it nothing nothing complicated you know we don't always have to be complicated okay no like i said earlier friends remember i said that at the beginning this is not wednesday afternoon the kids are hungry we're going to make dinners it's a romantic dinner there's something special you got to do right and now we have a lot of friends of mine that are in the restaurant business this is an item easy to do at a restaurant very easy to do a little salt little pepper in there on the spinach and i could have used the course pepper in here let me taste that sauce friends how am i doing in seasoning here let's see i'm not doing very good because i have no seasoning in there okay light light light though light light it's a very small amount okay what i do with my whisk here it is small amount we don't need a lot less spinach something fair on the floor hey come back over here we're almost done friends very simple right put it cut sharps in there and then we're gonna put the whole thing together and don't worry about the land getting cold i promise you it's not gonna go you gotta let it rest otherwise you lose all that juice okay and i don't know about you but i don't want to lose any juice so we're looking good right here the spinach we don't want it to cook too much just a little bit that's all i want just a little cooking right there we're done let me put of course black pepper in here all right the sauce we will put butter at the last minute i'm gonna put the potatoes don't be afraid don't be shy turn this off we're done put the bottle at the last minute remember when you put the butterflies when you put the butter in there you want to mix it up right away right away don't let it separate it don't let it separate it okay and this looks beautiful now this is sauce then you can rub all over your body wait until it's not so hot please i love my life let me tell you this is amazing stuff all right look we're done heat is off heat is up it is off heat is off it is off oh everything is off let's do the plate so we got a plate we got a ring cookie cookie cutter no big deal right cookie cutter everything i do is easy right cookie cutter what about the potatoes but there is a coming it's a little hot but not too hot not too hot then i can't touch it i got sweet potatoes and regular potatoes put them in a pastry bag you don't have that luxury the paint you don't have pastry bag put it in the ice cream scoop put it in there pastry bag is easier for me okay as a professional chef sometimes i do things i don't know okay they're not exactly what you would do at home but you know big deal right you can do that and and you make your mashed potato in advance you can keep it warm like i do in a warm oven this is hot this is home but my hands can handle the heat or you can put them in the microwave oven for a second nothing is gonna happen to it right so now you take your mashed potatoes whoo this is very hot and you put them in the bottom it's hot right and then you take a little cutter to make sure it's nice and smooth you see here make sure this is nice and smooth so what it is is it makes a whole is hot you make a um a nice presentation worthy of a of a a a a great place for dinner and it really is not that big of a deal to make at home you see at the end of the day look we chefs we don't do things that you guys cannot do at home okay it's really not complicated all right so here we go now we're going to take that and we're going to put it on top but not too much just a little bit just a little bit boom and that's it okay we do the same thing right there i probably put just a touch too much i like to normally keep it just slightly underneath the mold okay folks but i put it all too much i have tendency of doing this put too much stuff i wanted to make it bigger than it needs to be it doesn't need to be so big you see put a little bit underneath if you can your your cookie cutter so it makes it easy for you to do what i'm doing right now see not that it's really important to be smooth but now you'll see what i'm going to do in a second now we're going to take a lamb then has been kind enough to reduce and we're going to take a slicer you see so this juice right there is not juicing this is the clarified butter okay so what we're going to do we're going to remove all this because it's in the way of the camera okay so this is clarified butter you can use that for the sauce it'd be nothing wrong with it okay but we're going to put it in here if i did that then if i didn't put it on the plate like that i put it i'll have it all over my cutting board right so at this point friends you cut your loin and depends how you like it cook so i wanted to show you see right here this is where we have that tenderloin that i was talking to you about earlier i don't know if you can see it right here that's that loin right there that we kept you see so a lot of flavor in there a lot of flavor right there you see oh yeah at the end when you get toward the end you don't have it anymore that loin right there you see so this is a two serving beautiful two serving friends really easy two servings you see it's cooked to perfection for me some people may think it's too rare to raw whatever it is but that's their liking that's however they like it you see now we're going and we put this on here like this who is or without the tendering attach you see and it's not complicated right a child could do this well a little bit educated child and you know what i forgot i forgot the spinach what is wrong with me you know some days i wonder what i'm thinking of i like to put the spinach here and then put this on top put the lamb on top i get into the moment and i forget so you'll have to forgive me i forget things now we got to make sure this is perfect now all right and it is okay so now let me go back i hope i can go back to my beginning by taking them in the same order yep we're doing good my friends you see right there and we have ourselves a and if we wear a kept a little piece of spinach we're gonna put it right there in the middle but since we did not we're gonna put another piece of sage but we'll have to do it after because i have to go in there and cut it and all we have to do at this point friends is cut is take this right there you see all of a sudden we have a plate that looks pretty cool right nice dinner and then we'll take that sauce with that sauce come over here and that sauce friends what i would like to do don't go anywhere friends i got to go get a tool i hope nobody went anywhere i have to go get a good snake and make it easier for me to put the sauce without making a mess because that ladle is not exactly the easy tool to uh to pour on it and all we're going to do here make sure it's in the middle i can't move it see if it's not in the middle and we're just going to put sauce right there my friends just like this you can put a lot more sauce a little less sauce it's really up to you oh don't try to do this and voila my friends we have ourselves an amazing dinner a little gourmet dinner for you at home not that difficult to do i know you can do it we could decorate it with a little sage in stages of flavor i'll probably do that for the thumbnail but this is it let me check the lamb frames i got it right here let me just check to make sure it's cooked to my liking no i'm gonna do i'm gonna dip it in the sauce oh the sweetness of the berries and the wine it's amazing my friend i hope you try remember thumbs up if you like the video subscribe to the channel and ring that bell thanks for watching we'll see you next couple of days with another fantastic video thanks for watching [Music] you
Channel: Chef Jean-Pierre
Views: 162,749
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: longe d'agneau, lomo de cordero, lamb loin recipe, lamb recipe, How to make lamb, easy lamb recipe, how to cook lamb, best lamb recipe, rack of lamb recipe, How to make lamb loin, how to cook lamb loin, lamb recipes for dinner, how to roast lamb, roast lamb recipe, lamb recipes, longe dagneau recette, receta de lomo de cordero, easter lamb recipe, how to cook lamb loin chops, roasted lamb, sunday roast, sunday roast dinner, sunday roast with lamb, carré d'agneau
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 30sec (1770 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 18 2022
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