Darth Caedus: The ORIGINAL Kylo Ren Star Wars Explained

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[Music] hey everyone hope you're having a good day so far today so this December we're gonna find out the final fate of kylo Ren the former Ben's solo son of Leia and Han Solo will he die as an agent of the dark side or be redeemed just like his grandfather before him or perhaps his fate will be something in between as it was with the solos son in legends Jason's solo the war with the invading extra galactic species the Yuuzhan Vong that tore the galaxy apart resulting in trillions of deaths the collapse of the New Republic and brought the New Jedi Order to the brink of defeat came to an end because of the heroic actions of a Jedi Knight named Jason solo this was the son of Han Solo and Leia Organa Solo Jason defeated the leadership of the Vong in single combat but also found a way of ending the war without genocide restoring peace to the galaxy there is no question that the hero of the Yuuzhan Vong war was Jason solo but it came at a price that wasn't immediately apparent he had lost so much in the war allies friends even family members like Chewbacca and his younger brother Anakin solo that's right his younger brother was named Anakin solo how cool is that however he had also been a captive of the Yuuzhan Vong who placed him in a rack like device used to restraint their prisoners this was called the embrace of pain it continuously stimulated the pain receptors in the brain of its victim for a year what brought him through the unending torture was the teachings and philosophy of a Jedi from the old republic named Virg ear who had lived among the invaders for fifty years she instructed Jason in how to numb the pain and control it which allowed him to survive his ordeal eventually the Jedi Knight escaped their clutches thanks to Virg ear sacrificing herself to save him and went on to win the war after which he decided to further study the force as practiced by the various different force sects throughout the galaxy his journey lasted five years before he returned home to his family having mastered many and usual abilities within the force during his long journey he had begun to have visions of a dark man sitting on a throne forecasting the galaxy once again into war and suffering Jason became determined to prevent this dark future from happening now before the Yuuzhan Vong war Jason had been a very empathetic person with an innate ability to communicate with animals but gradually through the years since he began to feel more distant from the other beings in the galaxy accepting death as inevitable and not necessarily as tragic as those who had died would become one with the force Jedi or not and therefore as no one was ever truly gone death wasn't an end but a sort of counterbalance to life though this did not make him want to cause anyone to die unnecessarily it did mean he was willing and felt no guilt about sacrificing the few to save the many and to prevent the dark man from sitting on the throne he was willing to destroy thousands even Millions so that trillions could live in peace when he returned tensions between the governments that had replaced the New Republic called the Galactic Alliance and the homeworld of his father Han Solo Corellia was getting heated Corellia wanted independence and was actually one of five worlds that had joined together to achieve that but Galactic Alliance was still young and couldn't afford to lose any member planets for fear of losing stability so they had arranged a meeting to see if there could be a peaceful solution to the issues however at some point during the negotiations the Prime Minister representing the five worlds was killed in a terrorist attack throwing the situation into even more turmoil it was discovered that one of the perpetrators had been a captain who was part of the security team and after the killing had apparently walked out an airlock so Jason along with his apprentice Ben Skywalker the son of Luke Skywalker that's right his son was named Ben whereas in the movies the son of Leia and Han is named Ben now Ben Skywalker was sent to find out what happened their investigation eventually leads them to the planet Lourdes where they encountered a woman named Britishness IO who was a force sensitive she claimed that she had observed but not participated in the attack she insisted that could reveal everything if they would follow her to her home though suspicious Jason Ben and another Jedi named Nalani din went to saya to her residence which was a habitat on a larger asteroid once inside Jason could sense the darkside throughout her dwelling saya explained that the asteroid had once been the home of a Sith Lord named Darth effective Asst who according to her had not been corrupted by the dark side in fact he had done no evil in his lifetime Jason was intrigued by such a notion to use the dark side of the force but not be dominated by evil was such a thing even possible as they descended further into the lower caves saya used the force to eject Ben and din so she could be alone with Jason this was where she admitted to Jason that her real name was lumia the self-titled dark lady of the Sith a former darkside apprentice and none other than Jason's grandfather Darth Vader she had been an imperial spy with the rebel ranks during the Galactic Civil War and even had a flirtatious relationship with a younger Luke Skywalker and also after the destruction of the second Death Star she had battled Luke and Leia on several occasions Lumiere was particularly talented in dark side illusions a power she had used to control people like the security captain making him walk out of an airlock she explained that she had lured Jason here to turn the Jedi Knight to the dark side and make him a detached Sith like Vectis uncorrupted by the dark side using its power instead to heal and bring peace to the galaxy at that point having recovered from Lumias attack didn't arrived she had overheard what the dark lady of the sith was attempting and immediately argued against the absurdity of it that's when Lamia revealed to Jason that his sift rainin had already begun years ago in the embrace of pain verg ear had been a Sith apprentice to Darth Sidious but rejected the Dark Lord because of his corrupt and destructive nature cities his character was his downfall but Jason could be a wise and just Din was fed up with her arguments and concerned that her words were reaching Jason insisting that they arrest Lumia Jason felt confused with what he should do at this moment he sought out the future possibilities through the force what he saw horrified him a galaxy continuing into war and himself fighting Luke Skywalker and actually killing him but only if din was allowed to arrest lumia even in the futures where he managed to convince din to let lumia go she would eventually tell the Jedi and again Jason saw himself killing his uncle Luke the only futures where Luke survived were the ones where Dinh died on the asteroid reasoning Luke must live for the greater good Jason killed in with that killing blow his sit the Prentice ship under Lumia began Jason recovered Ben who is unconscious in the tunnels and then used the force to alter the young apprentices memories now when Ben woke up he would believe that Jason found a Dark Jedi within the asteroid who killed Dinh and co before Jason was able to cut him down he also altered the shuttles logs marking it as a different asteroid belt so before he took off for coarsened Lamia explained to him that the path he was on now was one of sacrifice and pain to achieve the power in the dark side he needed to bring peace to the galaxy he would have to experience loss and eventually give up that which he cared for it was the only way to become a true Sith Lord Jason had a secret daughter Elana with the ruler of the heip system the Jedi Knight and Queen Mother Tinnell caught Joe losing them was his greatest fear more and more worlds joined with Corellia and the conflict between those worlds and the Galactic Alliance would eventually escalate to the point that all-out war resulted the war would become known as the second Galactic Civil War the whole story of Jason SOLAS fall is too long to get into the weeds with but he would arrange to have himself put in charge of a new anti-terrorist security force called the Galactic Alliance guard that was tasked with maintaining security and protection on coarsened and the Galactic Alliance gradually due to jason's manipulations the security force began to function more as a secret police force arresting and imprisoning anyone deemed a political dissident and when hamas the chief of state of the galactic alliance planned on removing jason from his position possibly by an assassination as part of a negotiation deal with Corellia Jason who had secretly bugged the Alliance head of State's office recorded their inspirational conversation he sent his apprentice Ben Skywalker to kill a leader of Corellia Jason had been sending Ben on more missions designed to turn the young man to the dark side making sure the recording of their conversation was found on the Karelian he finally had his excuse to arrest and remove Oh mas then he and his close ally the Mon Calamari Admiral Chania Thal became co chiefs of state of the entire Galactic Alliance now this was due to a legal maneuver that Jason had arranged into law unnoticed through the broad powers that he had as the leader of the galactic alliance guard he would lead a blockade over Corellia attempt to kill his parents and eventually when his aunt the wife of Luke Skywalker Mara Jade discovered that he had joined the Sith they would duel though barely managing to survive he would kill her initially believing and hoping that she was the sacrifice he needed to make but he didn't feel the change that was supposed to happen when he finally became a Sith Lord regardless Lumia in order to protect Jason's secret would take the blame for the kill Luke would hunt her down she knew she didn't stand a chance against him but this was her sacrifice for Jason and as she suspected their duel ended with Luke decapitating her in revenge but Luke's son began to suspect Jason who was on his alliance Star Destroyer when he finally felt a shift within himself a new power battle meditation which allowed him to boost the morale stamina and overall fighting prowess of the forces under his command he then turned and looked into the mirror and saw his eyes had turned Sith yellow it wasn't his parents Norton ELCA Joe not his daughter either or Mara Jade no the sacrifice was the love of his apprentice Ben Skywalker the dark side called out to him by his new name Darth Cadis the first Dark Lord of the Sith to exist since the death of Sidious on the second Death Star the war carried on and Darth Cadis had to seek out a new apprentice other than Ben Skywalker believing he could no longer win the boy over but not only did this apprentice need to be strong in the force Cadis also wanted someone who could spy on the jedi order from within kate is needed to know what their investigation into Mara Jade death revealed so he began to groom the Jedi here availa the great love of his dead brother Anakin Solo used a technique in the force he had learned on his five-year journey setting the force with other force sensitive groups called flow walk this allowed one to travel back through time but not to interact or change anything he didn't let to hear he know that instead he took her to the moment of Anakin solos great sacrifice in the Yuuzhan Vong war seeing the boy she had loved so much to hear he pushed her younger self into Anakin's arms now originally she had refused to kiss him until he came back but he never did so this time they kissed what - he didn't realize was that the kiss was just in her mind the past hadn't been altered she became addicted to the flow walks and Kay teases promises of changing Anakin's fate and so he had a new Sith apprentice Ben Skywalker continued to work with Cadis in the Galactic Alliance guard pretending to still be devoted to him which the Dark Lord saw right through but he decided to play along as he hoped Ben would tried to kill him even though he had secured a new apprentice into Jiri he still held on to the hope that he could turn Ben to the dark side as he would make for a far more powerful Sith when he couldn't Cadis declined to take him back in his trust it was only when Ben revealed his contempt for Cadis and told him the Jedi had gone to Kashyyyk to unite the Wookiees against his regime that he once again saw the promise in Ben to join him as a Sith Cadis then went to the Wookiee homeworld and demanded they hand over the Jedi who were now declared traitors when they refused he began bombarding the planet which angered Ben it entered him so much that he attacked to kill but Cadis being a master of the force was able to stop young Skywalker they imprisoned him in a secret cabin where he had installed a Yuuzhan Vong embrace of pain Kate is blocked Ben's access to the force and began to torture the boy as that was the first step towards becoming a Sith like him the Jedi and the Bothans came to the Wookiees aid and a great space battle took place while Luke who had faked his death and concealed his presence in the force only allowing Ben to feel that he was still alive secretly boarded Kate is a ship finding his son in agony within the embrace of pain with Cadis right next to him the grand master ignited his lightsaber and engaged the Dark Lord with the intention of killing his nephew see this is the time when I think Luke really should have been killing his nephew but and I think it was a little bit too early to tell in the last Jedi I think there was still some hope I mean if Rey sees the hope then Luke should have seen it too but I digress back to the story though Luke was the stronger of the two Cadis was the most powerful opponent he had engaged with since Darth Vader so the battle was brutal and ferocious with both injuring each other severely before Ben was able to free himself and stab Cadis in the back with a vibro blade wanting to strike the killing blow Luke stopped his son and took them both out of there as he feared that Ben and himself would fall to the dark side if they struck down the Dark Lord in hate and anger Luke was already struggling with how he had dealt with Lamia Cadis felt more powerful than ever even as he had wounds that would have killed a regular human or even any Jedi but his year and the embrace of pain had made him able to endure injury like no other and he was now one of the very few beings in the galaxy that had fought the great Luke Skywalker and walked away that's when the habes fleets joined the fight Cadis believed that his love the queen-mother ten alcoho was there to aid him in his fight against the Wookiees and the boffins but she could not stand by the atrocities he was committing on Kashyyyk and so she ordered her fleet to fire on the man she loved instead using his battle meditation he managed to escape though barely and with great losses so sometime later feeling betrayed and needing to neutralize her kate is kidnapped their daughter as a bargaining chip but it was a bluff and as far as he had fallen the one being in the galaxy that he cared for the most of all was his daughter but the strategy worked the Queen Mother wasn't sure what he was capable of anymore so she removed the heaps from the war eventually the Jedi would lead to different strike teams against Cadis on his flagship and while he was engaged and yet another duel with Ben and Luke the other team would retrieve his daughter before he could stop them but Kate has convinced them offs of the Imperial to join the fight promising them a few planetary systems that had once belonged to the old Empire if they would unite their forces with the Galactic Alliance they agreed however when Cadis learned they had developed a nano killer that would target the habes Queen Mother the Dark Lord was concerned that the same weapon would endanger his daughter and went to stop them from launching the weapon but when he opened the door he was instantly stabbed in the abdomen by none other than his twin sister Jania solo now she had trained with Boba Fett to fight in a pattern Cadis was unfamiliar with the two dueled and she was just as strong in the force as he was though not a master like him however the Dark Lord was already severely wounded from numerous other encounters including having a disabled foot and missing an arm from the last time he encountered his sister who during that battle had had her power amplified through the force by Luke Skywalker now the two fought evenly matched but Cadis knew his daughter had very little time before the Nana weapon would strike he tried to convince his sister to stop and help him save her but she didn't believe him Jana's attack and slashing was so powerful and effective that it would be impossible for Cadis to have any hope of keeping up a defense she had him though he did see an opening and his sister's attack that could allow him to take her down with him but he refused to do so as it would serve no purpose other than revenge plus he was running out of time to save his daughter so the Dark Lord of the Sith he activated his lightsaber and used his last moments to warn both the Queen Mother and his daughter about the danger at this same instant the twin bond that had been lost long ago returned just as Jaina made the final strike realizing he had been speaking the truth and holding her dead brother in her arms Jaina was convinced that at the last moment the persona of Jason solo had beat Darth Cadis much like how Anakin defeated Vader Jason solos final warning to the Queen Mother allowed her to save both their daughter and herself though the survival of their daughter was kept a secret because of complicated internal politics of the happened system there were many rivals of the Queen that would want to eliminate the heir to her throne as far as the public was concerned the young girl had been killed by the nano killer attack for her safety and because they had lost two of their children within a decade she was given to her grandparents han and Leia Solo to raise as their adopted war orphan daughter going under the name Amelia Solo though Darth Kei das's forces lost the second Galactic Civil War and Ben Skywalker would go to redeem Tahir availa Darth Cadis was able to bring a type of peace to the galaxy his actions had United the various warring factions against him and after his death both sides made a peace settlement shortly before his final duel with his sister Cadis had received a vision of his daughter as an adult sitting on a white throne surrounded by friends his daughter would become a jedi queen administering over a secure and just galaxies the future with the dark man on the throne seemed to have been averted though perhaps it wasn't completely as one day the dark man who was the Dark Lord of the one Sith order called Darth krayt would become emperor decades after the death of Luke Skywalker but he would eventually be defeated by a descendent of Luke's so and it's kind of ultimate I hope you enjoyed this long legends video of Darth Cadis the original kylo Ren pretty much what kylo Ren is based off of but you know with some tweaks I wonder what we'll get in Episode nine maybe in the end kylo will die and be redeemed if he's going to follow this kind of arc but you never really know please leave a like on this legends video if you enjoyed it I really hope you did and I'd love to cover more stuff like this let me know what you'd like me to cover in the comments below have an awesome rest of your day and as always remember the force will be with you always distantly
Channel: Star Wars Theory
Views: 861,199
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: star wars, kylo ren, darth caedus, star wars legends, star wars explained, jacen solo, mara jade, darth vader, ben solo, the force awakens, cade skywalker, luke skywalker, knights of ren, star wars episode 9, star wars theory, vader fan film, anakin skywalker, the last jedi, palpatine episode 9, order 66, the mandalorian, star wars the mandalorian, baby yoda, pedro pascal, anakin episode 9, obi-wan kenobi, darth vader suit, clone wars, boba fett
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 46sec (1186 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 10 2019
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