Mara Jade Skywalker: Luke's WIFE - Star Wars Explained

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[Music] hey everyone so you've heard me talk about marriage aid a couple times here on the channel actually more than a couple times she's definitely one of my more favorite characters and the fact that she's Luke's wife but used to be the Emperor's hand is even more cool and more of a story that I want to dive into and explain to you all so there's been a lot of changes to Star Wars since Disney took over which resulted in the separation of the new Canon from the old extended universe which is now called legends some changes have been pretty minor while some have been huge one of the big ones was getting rid of Luke Skywalker's wife Mara Jade Skywalker now Mara Jade is basically someone who has done it all she was a personal assassin for the Emperor during the days of the Empire a smuggler that even Han Solo was impressed with and a Jedi Master alongside her husband Luke Skywalker basically there wasn't anything she didn't do so who was this woman and why was she so awesome mara or Mara for some people was born shortly after order 66 and was taken from her parents by Emperor Palpatine so he could train her in the force Palpatine basically did what the Jedi do in this case where they take kids and train them to be Jedi that's what happened to mace it's what happened to a lot of other Jedi but this time Palpatine did it to Imperial officials she was nothing but a palace dancer but to Palpatine she was an agent of the empire strong in the dark side along with training with the Emperor she trained alongside the Imperial Royal Guard and became very adept in covert espionage and assassination skills by the age of 14 in a final test of her training she had to break into grand moff tarkin x' personal living quarters to steal something from his safe when guards came to arrest her she successfully fought them off with her blaster and the amethyst lightsaber that Palpatine had given her she did such a good job that Vader and Sidious appointed her to be an Emperor's hand a member of an elite group of assassins and spies that answered directly to Sidious and Vader themselves she carried out their orders on a variety of worlds eliminating corrupt imperial officer traitors and any others who the Peyer wanted taken care of she was kind of like a really cool hit man she was so strong in the force that she could hear Palpatine's voice anywhere in the galaxy with the telepathic link her skills were so good that she also helped hunt down Jedi that survived order 66 after the destruction of the first Death Star the Emperor commanded her to spy on lord Vader and observe his activities in part as a way to keep an eye on him after his failure to protect the Death Star during this time as Vader went on missions and continued to be awesome she became envious of the Dark Lord and sensed a division in him a division that she had no idea was being caused by Vader knowing about his parentage of the young Jedi named Luke Skywalker in sensing this division within Vader Mara hoped that Vader would betray the emperor so that she could kill him and take his place as the emperor's apprentice throughout these years between Yavin and Endora mara continued to perform a wide range of missions for both the Emperor and Vader there are a ton that I won't go over but needless to say she's pretty sweet and holds her own just fine against anyone who comes against her she even uses her own group of renegade stormtroopers called the hand of judgment who perform vigilante tasks for her a few months before the Battle of Endor Mara Jade received a mission from the Emperor that would change the course of her life the Emperor sent her to Jabba's palace to pose as a dancer and wait for Luke Skywalker's arrival another servant there suspected that Mara was there to kill Jabba which made her have to flee into a ventilation shaft where she witnessed Luke killed the rancor afterwards she escaped and begged Java to let her go with them to the Dune Sea but the illustrious Jabba sensed that she was trying to use a Jedi mind trick on him so he forced her to leave the palace via landspeeder and never come back so she failed her mission and had to return to Khorasan sand a very displeased Palpatine years later Luke had a vision where he saw that if Mara were there at the Sarlacc pit he would not have escaped from Jabba the Emperor soon gave her another assassination mission which took her far away from the Battle of Endor during the battle Mara telepathically sent a message to the Emperor when she suddenly saw Palpatine's point of view and saw him getting thrown down the shaft by Vader next to Luke and her / his last command screaming in her mind you will kill Luke Skywalker she then experienced the pain of his death and was knocked unconscious by the pain for days for the next few days Mara hated Luke more than the power of a thousand death stars for killing her mentor and master little did she know though that because she received the Emperor's last command through the force it had an even greater impact on her and infiltrated her mind even more she became obsessed with killing Luke but now that the Emperor was gone she didn't have any of the resources she once enjoyed as an Emperor's hand mara was forced to basically get a real job but an ex assassin skills are not the stuff for a respectable resume so she became a smuggler it was during these years she lost her amethyst lightsaber that Palpatine had given her and her abilities in the force began to go dormant about four years after the Battle of Endor after episode six Mara joined the Talon card smuggling organization she was very good at her job and eventually rose through the ranks to become his number two if you don't know who Talon card is definitely check him out he's like a respectable Han Solo that doesn't mess around at all so back tomorrow finally she and card happened to be across a stranded Luke Skywalker in the middle of space Mara wanted to kill him but card took him captive to either sell him to the Empire or the New Republic while Luke was their prisoner Grand Admiral Thrawn came to the planet they were on to harvest creatures there that had a natural ability to block the force around them because of these creatures Luke is basically powerless there and uses the battery of his robotic hand to power open his cell door he steals a craft and flies into the jungle Mara goes after him and when they crash land in the middle of the trees unfortunately for them though the force blocking creatures are everywhere so they can't use the Force and they have to work together to survive against the dangerous creatures of the jungle Mara promises to kill him when they get out but until then they need each other to stay alive luckily for Luke he escapes the planet with Han and Lando's help before she can do that but something has changed within Mara the dormant force inside of her reawakens and she feels a connection to it again as the story goes on a bunch more stuff happens between Luke and Mara but let's jump to when Mara discovers that throne has joined the Joris Sabath a dark side clone of a Jedi Master from the days of the Republic to take over the galley see with a clone army unfortunately for Luke this same jaw recibe off is training him in the ways of the force and trying to turn him to the dark side without Luke realizing kind of like Terry silver in Crockett 3 Mara finds Luke and tells him what's going on and the two lead a mission to destroy the Emperor storehouse where all the cloning cylinders are when they get their Sabbath freaks out and unleashes his secret weapon Luke Skywalker a clone of the real Luke made from his hand that he lost in Cloud City against Vader plus the clone is wielding Anakin's lightsaber definitely this is a cooler story than the story of Anakin's lightsaber in the force awakens Luke would later say that this clone is the fulfillment of his vision in the cave of Dagobah in that it's what Luke would have been if he had turned to the dark side so in a seriously epic fight to the death that honestly is one of the best lightsaber fights of all time in the comics Luke fights his clone while Mara fights insane masters a bath with Leia's lightsaber finally Mara actually kills both Sabaoth and Luke's clone thus fulfilling Palpatine's last order to kill Luke Skywalker after the fight the real Luke gives Mara Anakin's lightsaber as a show of friendship and Mara officially renounces the dark side from there Mara begins to train to be a Jedi under the tutelage of Kyle Katarn who was an ex stormtrooper turned Jedi basically Finn but way cooler she prevented him from turning to the dark side and grew immensely as a Jedi in the force that experience proved to be monumental for her because later the emperor came back in his cloned body he reached out to her and tried to get her to join him but Mara refused so the Emperor captured her fortunately her master freed her before fake popteen could kill her marah's escapades with sith returning from the dead didn't end with Sidious later she fought against the spirit of the Sith Lord Exar Kun and was part of the crew that defeated him as well Mara Jade performed many feats as a Jedi which would honestly take all day to go through but some highlights are that she helped destroy a prototype Death Star kept smuggling with Lando and even started her own trading company she wasn't totally dedicated to the Jedi at times because she was disappointed that spend more time training her Luke though finally realizes that he has feelings for her but their relationship is mostly arguments rather than the awkward Padme Anakin flirting slowly they came together and were even able to join together mentally in perfect coordination whenever they fought an enemy finally during a mission when certain death was upon them Luke asked her to marry him and she accepted then like any good man he puts her in hibernation trance and pushes her into a raging stream of water so they could escape the danger that they were in the two later married in a wedding that the press landed as the ultimate symbol of Imperial and New Republic unity they began to train even more Jedi and Mara finally left the life of a smuggler and dedicated herself to Luke and the Jedi Order once she becomes a Jedi Knight Mara takes on Jaina solo Han and Leia's daughter in legends as her apprentice during this time the infamous Yuuzhan Vong began encroaching the galaxy if you don't know who the Yuuzhan Vong are then you're missing out on the greatest villains of Star Wars pretty much at least in legends they are a race that came from outside the galaxy using technology that was genetically engineered and organic rather than mechanical their invasion of the galaxy would result in the deaths of nearly three hundred and sixty five trillion sentient beings Thanos who as the Yuuzhan Vong invaded Mara began getting sick but no one could pinpoint what was causing her illness she saved him from a deadly Yuuzhan Vong trap but the illness worsened and eventually became so bad that she couldn't even attend Chewbacca's funeral when he died after the funeral some news on spies defected to the new republic and revealed that their species had sent deadly comb spores through the galaxy to weaken it in preparation for their invasion and Mara Jade had contracted them the comb spores were a bio weapon that could break down its victims molecular structure normally it killed within a few days but Mara used the power of the force to survive much longer even though she was so sick she could basically kill anyone she came in contact with finally Luke and Mara knew what was affecting her and it turns out or lamely enough that one of the Yuuzhan Vong Stears contained the antidote for Mara so there's that they just had to peel some onions during the war with the Yuuzhan Vong Luke mara have a son which they named Ben Skywalker who the Yuuzhan Vong later kidnapped during the Yuuzhan Vong invasion of course hunt luckily for little kylo I mean Ben uncle Lando saves the day and rescues him after that scare Luke and Mara have Jason solo Ben's older cousin he takes care of Ben to protect them mara continues throughout various adventures of being a Jedi and beyond the defeat of the Yuuzhan Vong one of the things that stands out most to me is that she was there when Luke saw our teachers recording of Anakin strangling Padme I bet that was probably really awkward anyways Jason solo actually thought that Anakin acted reasonably in the situation and the kid began to turn to the dark side which really wasn't good when Mara found out since Jason was so close to Ben so in the showdown of the year Mara confronts Jason and the two start an epic battle royale until Mara Jade is about to finish Jason off when Jason stares into her eyes and instantly creates the illusion of Ben's face beneath her he does this by using the force causing Jade Skywalker to hesitate for his split second Jason uses the time to stab a poison dart into her thigh causing a slow paralyzing and painless death her final words expressed her belief that Jason had become worse more vile and cruel than Palpatine and that Luke would defeat and strike him down mara left her body behind instead of allowing it to become one with the force to leave evidence of the identity of her killer as well as to give her family something to say goodbye to her last uses of the force were to whisper in Ben's mind and to ruffle Skywalker's hair her body would eventually become one with the force during her funeral so what happens to Jason does Luke ever find out who killed his wife well stay tuned for the next video of Star Wars theory and I'm just kidding Luke of course finds out that Jason killed her but Luke rejects the idea of revenge and decides not to pursue him but that didn't mean Jason's twin sister Jana would do the same she ends up killing him and avenging her former master so that's the story and life of Mara Jade Skywalker or at least you know a good chunk of it there's so much more to her life as you know it's covered in dozens of books but I can't really possibly cover everything in just one vehicle I could we would just take hours and hours I don't know if you'd all sit through that if you're still here watching this video you're a real one hit like leave a comment below that you're still here at the end you know marry such a great character she was hardened assassin but became an extremely compassionate individual with a remarkable ability to resist the power of the dark side when she eventually swore it off she was a talented slicer pilot spy Jedi Master and mother and above all a great wife to Luke so what is your favorite marriage aid moment was there something that I left out that you'd like for me to cover and more importantly would you like to see Luke have a wife like Mara Jade in the new Canon it would change a lot of things and may not even be possible now after the last Jedi but they could of course you know go back in time or maybe unless Ben killed her or something during his fault that's actually a very interesting theory maybe maybe that happened let me know in the comments down below thanks for watching this video I love you all have a great day and I will see you in the next one until then remember the force will be with you always [Music]
Channel: Star Wars Theory
Views: 1,701,469
Rating: 4.9598761 out of 5
Keywords: Mara Jade Skywalker - Luke's WIFE - Star Wars Explained, star wars, star wars explained, mara jade, luke skywalker, darth vader, the last jedi, star wars comics explained, star wars theory, star wars comics, mara jade (fictional character), kylo ren, vader lightsaber, vader vs, lukes wife, order 66, jacen solo, vader fan film, general grievous, who is snoke, darth maul, anakin episode 9, hayden episode 9, anakin vs obi wan, luke return of the jedi, luke episode 9
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 22sec (862 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 14 2019
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