Darth Sion: Immortal Sith Lord [EXTREMELY POWERFUL]

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[Music] hey everyone hope you're having a good day so far today so during the time of XR Coons war against the Jedi darth sion was a human male who served the infamous Dark Lord as one of his Sith Marauders he was strong in the dark side and a ferocious warrior that had a peculiar mania and disgust towards his own body he despised the fragile limitations to pain and damage that all humans have to such a degree that his hate for his perceived weaknesses drove him to fixate entirely on pain pain became the source he would draw on the dark side from thus darth sion became the lord of pain and went into battle with the jedi openly seeking death because cyan was such a violent combatant the death he sought did not come as he continued to defeat every enemy he encountered instead his tolerance towards pain grew and grew to the point that Sion gradually started to believe that he was immortal but of course eventually he did come across a Jedi able to match his power and was struck down in battle however he did come back from the dead as he lay there finished on the battlefield the pain was in him only surged to such agonizing extremes that it pushed him to rise again and strike down his very surprised killer his body was dead but through his anger and his hate and most importantly his constant excruciating pain the dark side allowed him to hold his decomposing body together though from that point on he always had to concentrate on his rage and never-ending pain to keep going Sion had in fact become immortal Exar Kun was eventually defeated and his Sith Empire collapsed but Sion remained the Mandalorian forces that had served the Dark Lord wood through the decades following their loss united under a new Mandalore the title was given to the top Mandalorian chieftain and begin another conquest of the Republic the warrior clan devastated every world they invaded until a Jedi named revin used his power and military genius to lead the Republic to victory only for him and turn to fall to the dark side and become a new Dark Lord of the Sith so the Mandalorian war came to an end only to be replaced by a new war under a Sith Empire pleased with the outcome darth sion joined up with revin but like with Exar Kun this Empire was not to last either as the collapse happened Sion was on Corbin at the Sith Academy observing his fellow sit on one another this wasn't keeping with sit nature but sign was surprised that it was revin himself that had betrayed the Sith and destroyed what he had built when he was redeemed by the light side and was once again a Jedi some of those Sith Lords that survived either declared themselves warlords over their own smaller territories or withdrew into the unknown regions but not darth sion again he remained but he wasn't the only one a former Jedi Master of revans who had also fallen to the dark side named Darth TRAI which I'm gonna make a video on as well she was this elder woman and she was very strong in the force and she was searching the galaxy far and wide for what she termed wounds in the force that's right she was looking for wounds in the force and Sion was one such wound she was forming a sith team kind of like the avengers i guess but just on the dark side and she was doing this on the dark side planet of malkor v with the aim of eradicating the jedi once and for all from the galaxy so Sion Darth TRAI as her apprentice he was not alone however another Sith the Lord of hunger darth nihilus became an apprentice of Trias as well however siren analysis goals started to differ from those of their master furthermore Sion was becoming frustrated with the abstract approach TRAI had to her teachings and he couldn't stand how her words kept echoing in his head so the fragile alliance of the Sith Avengers began to fracture eventually Sion and Nilus then agreed to deal with their master so together they confronted her while she was meditating Sion ruthlessly beat TRAI to a pulp and then Nilus used his dark side hunger to strip TRAI of her connection to the force however they didn't kill her instead she was cast out and nihilist became the new Lord now Scion went on a Jedi killing spree across the galaxy over the course of his purge he was killed on several occasions but you know as before he just kept getting up each time and slaughtered as many Jedi as he could now during this time he and nihilists rebuilt the Sith into yet another Empire once Saiyans Crusade came to an end almost every Jedi in the galaxy was extinct the Jedi Order had publicly disbanded and whatever Jedi were still alive had gone underground however there was a surviving Jedi Master named actress who wanted to bring the synth into the opening to destroy the but she needed bait so she drew in another Jedi who had remained outside known space since the Mandalorian war her name was Mitra suruc and she had been exiled from the Jedi when she had chosen to join revin in his war against the Mandalorians but the Jedi Master was able to get Mitra to return to Republic territory and once the exiled Jedi Knight did actress made sure information of her location reached the Sith thinking Mitra must be the last of the Jedi Sion pursued her the Jedi exile had returned from the outer rim after securing transportation aboard the Republic vessel Harbinger when sion and his sethe assassins came after her however silence former master Darth TRAI now going by the name crea interfered as she came to meet review in revans former ship the ebon Hawk Saiyans warship intercepted crea and opened fire on the hawk but the freighter managed to send out a distress signal and the Harbinger engaged scions warship the Sith Lord allowed the Republic to think they had been defeated so when they came aboard his vessel silence cloaked Sith assassins sneaked aboard the Republic ship while Scion played dead the Republic crew found him check to see if he was alive which he wasn't as he had been dead for years thinking the threat was neutralized the crew brought the body to the medical Bay on the Harbinger but the Republic forces had also rescued Freya from the damaged Evan Hawke as Saiyans assassin stealthily began to kill the crew Scion awoke killed whoever was around him and started hunting for Mitra but Kariya got to her first and escaped but still functioning even Hawke as she went into hyperspace before Sion could the Sith Lord was able to assume control of the Republic vessel he came right after them to the mining world of Paris - once iron had docked at the mining faculty and had his assassins watch for his prey preah Mitra and a prisoner they all helped a Jedi coming aboard the Harbinger as they search for an escape route but unfortunately for the Jedi's party sion intercepted them however crea lept at her former student wielding a sword but she was still deafened to the force so Sion cut off her hand but she managed to escape him and join up with Mitra and ebon Hawk though not giving up Sion continued to chase after them in the Harbinger but in the ensuing firefight the volatile asteroids that orbited paradis were hit by blaster fire and ignited consuming the Harbinger in their explosion but of course Sian remained outraged that crea was protecting the Exile Jedi she was so much weaker than him Simon became obsessed with annihilating everything his former master had held dear especially Mitra suruc so when some time later the Jedi Knight came to corbin searching for Lona vash a master on the Jedi Council who had been captured by the Sith Sian was finally getting his opportunity to hurt crea if he could kill the Jedi exile that is Sion killed the council member and waited from Mitra when they finally met face to face Sion warned the Jedi Knight that crea would destroy Mitra as she had destroyed Sion then they dueled in a vicious battle and every time the Jedi injured him the Sith Lord would use his pain and the dark side to restore his health the dude was pretty much immortal literally realizing it was a battle that she couldn't win Mitra fled the cific Adam II now cyanotic for her after she fought so well against him so he let her go he was certain they would meet again but soon the respect the Sith Lord had for the Jedi turned to hate once more he couldn't get her off his mind as Sion realized that he had been stricken by her beauty and began to have feelings for her that he could not tolerate that's right he got the hots for cyan returned to Malachor 5 where he encountered Crais awaiting for him the elder woman had killed the Sith assassins and was no longer cut off the force he learned that she had led darth nihilus to his death and Mitra stands but she had also betrayed the Jedi exile Freya had once again assumed the persona of Darth TRAI though he initially wanted to kill her TRAI was eventually able to been darth sion to her will and told him to prepare from each rose arrival and when the jedi did come after having fought her way through the sith forces at the academy on maligore she finally stood before Sion once again he urged her to leave as Darth TRAI would bend her will as she had bent his Sion thought of himself as Trey's greatest student even greater than revin his betrayal of her had just been one of her tests which he had passed once the two of them began to duel Mitra struck down the Sith Lord multiple times now of course he just kept getting back up so Mitra tried to convince Sion that TRAI was only using him as a tool for imaginations however Sion was certain that if he could kill the Jedi exile TRAI would have no choice but to make him her true apprentice Mitra then explained to the Sith Lord how wrong he was and TRAI only respected those who were able to let go of the force not beings such as Sion who depended on it completely just to live meat ROS words resonated with the Sith Lord now of all the things in the galaxy Sion was most repulsed by it was weakness that is why he had embraced pain as strength in the first place but now he saw that his life or unlife of pain was ultimately won that was permanently reliant on the force and therefore was another form of weakness disguised by this revelation Sion let go of the pain and finally allowed himself to die much like Vader did at the end of Return of the Jedi but he did not do so before telling me true that she was Darth Trey's weakness just as she had been Saiyans well I hope you guys enjoyed this legends video about darth sion he was a pretty cool Sith Lord or you know immortal and this kind of makes me wonder if this is perhaps the path that Palpatine took to survive episodes and come back in episode 9 so let me know if there are tons of different videos that I'm gonna be making from legends about all these cool different sift lords and their powers and how they survive death so maybe you know they took some inspiration for this from these different lower stories and legends stories from these Sith Lords and maybe applied them to Palpatine for his return who knows it's only a month and a half away now I hope you're excited I hope you hit like on this video if you enjoyed these lore videos and have an awesome rest everyday until then remember the force will be with you always [Music]
Channel: Star Wars Theory
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Keywords: Darth Sion: Immortal Sith Lord [EXTREMELY POWERFUL], star wars, star wars explained, darth traya, sith lord, darth revan, darth nihilus, star wars theory, darth sion, darth vader, ancient sith, most powerful sith, dark side, dark jedi, meetra surik, star wars the old republic, first sith, immortal sith, darth malak, darth sion story, order 66, tulak hord, vader fan film, anakin episode 9, palpatine episode 9, anakin vs obi wan, star wars episode 9, luke skywalker
Id: fHisfFhYAg8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 44sec (704 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 24 2019
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