George Lucas ORIGINAL Sequel Trilogy Revealed (MAUL AND LUKE RETURN)

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what's going on everybody how are you all doing welcome back to another podcast with josh and myself uh this is the most we've ever had people waiting in the lobby 300 of you waiting sorry we're late yeah technical difficulties and um sorry it's a day later so we have probably the biggest episode to talk about today i want to give a major shout out to this book dude uh really cool stories in here i was listening to the audiobook last night narrated by sam waitwer on palpatine's vision of i'm not going to spoil it but it was his vision of probably one of the coolest fanfictions that you could think of regarding the empire strikes back at the very end with uh two important people so i'm gonna make a video on it probably tomorrow or the next day so you guys can look out for that um dude what's going on not too much man uh this obviously the huge um news that we're gonna talk about you know we're gonna get into that as well but we didn't get a chance to talk um about the latest episode of the mandalorian kind of um a little bit of a divisive episode uh i think we fell on different sides of that so it was fun to talk about that yeah let's talk about that for sure um do you want to talk about the first or are we going to talk about the the biggest juiciness uh well we can just talk about the man we can just go mando real quick we can do quick um i just i mean i just fell on the side where i really liked it um i i thought the frog ladies character was awesome uh i i think she could she's like a low-key like wet work ninja uh and so i actually liked her a lot i thought the episode wasn't obviously as crazy as episode one but i didn't think it was necessarily filler um but yeah i liked it yeah it was fun all right i just want to get on to the two okay um okay so you ready internet all right the sequel trilogy by george lucas yes there have been millions of videos including i've made a video a long time ago how was supposed to be about a girl named kira and blah blah blah this and that apparently that's not even the case apparently maybe that's just the disney treatment that george had given them but supposedly the original treatment is from one of his i believe close friends and a writer um of lucasfilm who has written several books on the original trilogy and sequel trilogy named paul duncan we actually reached out to his well josh reached out to his uh who is he uh i reached out to his agent the publisher right yeah the publisher and i got in touch with somebody uh that does interviews a lady named mallory she seemed pretty uh excited about the possibility of us actually getting to interview him which would be great um and then i talked to him a little bit on twitter as well but i think he's getting blown up right now a little bit more than i think he even expected yeah maybe um yeah because i mean besides our own fans like we people don't the officials don't know we don't know about it they have more important things to do than go on youtube um but in this book which i have gone on to order now and so is josh uh just to do more extensive research i'm going to bring it up on the screen um so dude i i don't even know where to start do you want to take it away i think the place i want to start because this is going to be really crazy yeah yeah it's really crazy and we're going to get into a lot of different things and uh the one thing i wanted to say before we get too far into it is just that i know that right now star wars is actually in a really good place and people are very positive on mando and i think we're heading towards some really cool stuff felony verse etc etc and so some people when i was talking about this story had this reaction of like let's not reopen old wounds you know do we keep having to talk about the sequel trilogy et cetera et cetera and i get that and so i just want to say that like we're gonna try to remain positive about star wars i'm not saying like hey retcon the sequels and then this should be done in their stead but this is at the very least incredibly interesting i i don't want to lie to you i would have much rather seen this and i want to just be able to talk about that as a fan so it's not personal this isn't an attack we're not trying to crap all over the sequels but this is a huge story and so we want to talk about this and we want to sort of nerd out about how cool we think this would have been um and that's that's pretty much the the opening to yeah that i would say to it okay so you want me to tell the story yeah yeah yeah okay um so essentially in this book about the prequels george lucas uh by paul by paul duncan george lucas had the treatment for the sequels written it had nothing to do with what we know about kira or anything like that that's irrelevant in the book it states that darth maul you know the empire is dead episode six is done in episode seven darth maul returns and he has trained his apprentice darth talon you guys may remember darth talon from legends he is the new reigning supreme he is so happy that palpatine failed this and that and he is now the new big bad in the galaxy and he has returned with his apprentice darth talon luke has gone around and out of the hundred thousand jedi who have who have been around before order 66 he's amassed maybe 50 to 100 of them post order 66 where it's going to take about 20 years over this sequel trilogy where he has to train them and turn them into jedi knights or maybe even jedi masters depending how skilled they are yeah i'm going to bring up a quote on the screen from paul duncan on his twitter uh it's right here as we can see um he says and this is uh uh posted on reddit as well more info from the author of the book this is what george lucas told him about the sequels in 2019 leia was the chosen one according to lucas so leo was actually supposed to be the chosen one in the end and yeah yeah this is according to george and how that works josh you wanna explain it yeah so okay there's a couple of different things um there's a there's a picture of the actual excerpt from the book and it's like this last punch-on thing that george kind of adds to it so i don't know we can sort of go down that rabbit hole if you want but then when asked about it again on twitter paul sort of further explains what he thought george was talking about and basically it's all about about bringing balance is essentially rebuilding the galaxy in the wake of this crazy war right yep um and so in that sense leia was going to be the chosen one but regardless i think something that was still implemented or at least would have been implemented had carrie not passed in the sequel trilogy was leia's very important you know what i mean and she was going to help put things back together so you know that's potentially a whole nother rabbit hole to go down yeah with the chosen one prophecy but i think that's what george was uh was getting at yeah they basically said that you know leia is going to be the chosen one someone on on on the replies to paul was like what how like that doesn't really make sense that kind of retcons what george wanted and so he said well essentially the gist of it i'm going to read it verbatim here um at the end of a war everything is broken and society needs to be put together and headed oh sorry and healed so that it it can work again the chosen one is the person who brings balance by achieving this yeah now i don't know how i feel about you know changing whole chosen one thing uh remember when um but i mean i think there are different chosen ones for different eras yeah yeah exactly exactly because a lot of people think in some ways that luke is the chosen one so even when um when maul dies on tatooine in uh uh obi-wan's arms he asks obi-wan if he is the chosen one right and then obi-wan says he is now it's not directly said though but it's kind of implied that obi-wan views luke as the chosen one yeah not anakin right so i don't know i mean the way i see it either way it's anakin because anakin's the fourth birth and sort of like leia and luke are sort of progenies from him so like to me it works i'll tell you this it works way better than rey out of nowhere skywalker you know what i mean like ding the bell put a dollar in the jar you know what i mean but yeah that's how i feel yeah so um yeah yeah i i don't necessarily hate that aspect of it and i think regardless like leia's a very important character and this is interesting because we've heard some things about how george may have wanted leia to be a jedi and then she would have been even more powerful than luke but it would appear in this that that is not at all what happens that leia is oh and and this is another point supreme chance points yeah so we don't know but yeah so to speak she's just gonna she's really i think staying on the political side yeah um of things so i'm not necessarily too uh too upset about the chosen one thing but it uh it would have been interesting we would have seen luke as a grand master you know yeah opening up a school bringing jedi in together from order 66 probably could have gotten them you know telling so many different stories yeah it would have been cool man oh dude like okay so one of the things that would've been crazy about that is the way i read it because there's this other document that's literally like a sort of a picture of his thing which i'll try to i'll send it to you on twitter right now but there's this part in there where they said that like essentially luke would find these jedi that were left over but then he'd also be recruiting like children and so he'd have like sort of children and then it wouldn't be until 20 years later that like that group of children was ready to then occupy the galaxy sort of bring peace and do what the jedi had done before right um that would have been and we'll have so much more information once that book arrives oh yeah dude like i mean it's already ordered it's shipped it's coming so yeah i think it's gonna be a gold mine uh of content and i'm really surprised that i had never heard of uh this guy before yeah never um the other one's apparently crazy good as well what do you think about luke fighting maul so the way i read it too is that maul so i think maul would have been more i do think he eventually would have turned up and then luke would have fought him and that would have been incredible but the way i sort of read is that at first maul is sort of in the shadows and he's sort of building like through the gangsters almost like what we see in rebels it's very interesting it's almost what we see in rebels with maul and then again hinted at for solo and a potential future that was going to happen in the solo trilogy if there was going to be one right where maul is consolidating power sort of this godfather-like figure but he still of course has the sith training he has the force abilities and he has a literal apprentice yeah um and and that would have been incredible here's the other thing this uh twilight apprentice of his dude she's a bombshell and from what i was reading online like george liked her and he he liked her in all the the legends stuff well in in like a very sexual way like he thought it was awesome that she was just this hot ass tweelik sith warrior that was just great it's like he just thought it was great and so you could potentially see how disney was like i don't know and then maybe they pitched us we're like no no he was going to talk about the force and midichlorians and it's like well was he like well that's who's saying that who's whose mouth is santa so that is exactly the thing because number one let me ask you this have you ever heard anything like this with the the mall and talon stuff no dude me neither there are people out there and i just saw some people on twitter saying that this had been known about for years i've never heard this never and i'm like this is my thing yeah we're sweating yeah dude i've never heard anything even close to this okay so this is this is crazy so the questions start piling up number one what is the deal with this micro uh midichlorian thing okay now i was trying to find that interview i found a different interview where george was talking it was the charlie rose interview where he said the the slaver comments or whatever but in that interview he says that he wanted to tell a story that was more about family and generational and disney said they wanted to make something more for the fans so i don't know like how do you read that turn out like well this is the question how if this is what they got turned into them okay if this is what iger bought with maul and talon and loot how on earth did they say no to these outlines if yeah and if you know it's a big f uh i gotta say if then they're insane they're insane how like the only thing i can think of is that maybe they were so afraid of the prequel uh backlash you know what i mean that they were like oh the prequels and jj doesn't like the prequels as we've talked about before yeah so why what the hell i don't know man but that's the only thing i can think of right is like maybe disney because there's something else george said in that interview where he says i had looked at the movies that i had recently made and realized they were costing the company money and i think just from some stuff that i've heard from behind the scenes he's not talking about the prequels as much as he's talking about clone wars and some other projects that that were passion process for him and he was dumping so much money into clone wars and it was technically losing the company money um that maybe that weighed into the decision that like disney just made sort of a more marketing decision and they said we did we just can't risk prequel malignment uh you know stopping people from going to see these movies that's the only thing i can think of ironic look what happened now look what happened now yeah dude totally ironic because now they should be looking back and being like oh my god we should have done this like this is because this would have been like dude this would have been so cool like talk about a change of pace that's some real that dude if this is real like well i mean it is real i mean the guy is he's rewrote it in a lucasfilm published star wars book about the freaking prequels and he's written one about the originals i mean like these massive books they're like it's like 200 bucks oh and this is important too this is from an interview he had with george from 2019 so some people out there are like oh well maybe this was one of his original ideas and then he changed it to this no no dude this was last year given to him last year george lucas out of his mouth said this was what the next trilogy was going to be like so sorry i just wanted to point that out yeah dude i can't even imagine going to the theater and like seeing like an old maul and like a grandmaster luke you know bringing together jedi from order 66 going around the galaxy trying to hunt them down and it's a story about luke you know it's about luke and leia and perhaps the children of skywalker which would be you know the the children that he mentions here uh of these new jedi that have survived and no first order okay and instead you have imperial remnants now this is going to get into some of the stuff we're going to talk about with you know mando and felony burst but you would have had imperial warlords having like a game of thrones battle over who's actually taking over and then there's the republic because here's the other side of this we in the force awakens just get jumped into the situation we have no idea the state of politics in the galaxy we see hosni and prime for like two seconds we have no idea what's going on in the galaxy this would have been completely different where we're watching the new republic literally form and go after imperial remnant cells which would have been amazing and all the while it's like leia like i can imagine sort of like leia trying to put the pieces together trying to consolidate power and shut this stuff down and there's like these threats right yeah and they're like what is going on with this and then you find out it's freaking maul you know what i mean yeah and he's got this apprentice the apprentice of sidious the apprentice of the one who was just killed and uh yeah dude we could see more ghosts of anakin we could see more ghosts of the jedi yeah would have been sick dude because there's the other side of this george says 20 years of new jedi right yeah but he puts like massive gaps in the pre what's the time gap in uh seven it'll be seven years if the c if you were to make this sequel trilogy it would have been seven years you know in between each movie if you want to do like an equal separation right between each other so you can get there you could do the first two like you know in tandem and then the next one like time jump and then have nine jedi's yeah padawan stuff like that which would have been a great launching off point and a true way to sort of uh pass the baton you know what i mean this would have been an incredible way to pass the baton um as opposed um to obviously uh what we got but yeah chat what do you think there's over 4 000 of you here which is really cool i think that's the most we've had damn that is pretty neat yeah it's wild appreciate it yeah man um we'll get to super chats in a bit we'll get to all your comments in a bit we're still having fun you know mulling this over and talking about it so maul would be pretty old at this point he would be um i mean this is pretty much we saw him well we saw him right before episode four pretty much so at this point maybe luke he would only be like three years older yeah true uh true and yeah he'd be fine yeah yeah he'd he'd be fine yeah he'd feed would function i mean he and plus he's like i mean look they brought palpatine back i mean like he's like hanging out he's like hanging off this thing you're like like like that yeah we can do we can figure this out with maul you know uh so yeah no he would have been he would have been pretty old but he would have been powerful as well you know oh yeah one the thing with maul is that he was so invested in power and so invested in you know these sith artifacts as we saw in rebels which i imagine that you know they drew inspiration from or that you know of course george would create things like that and so with the team you know filoni would be on this too i imagine which would be so cool right so we could imagine we would get similar things from rebels and so on and so forth uh to put into this sequel trilogy where maul would be seeking out all these like sith holocrons and these artifacts possibly ways to prolong his life or de-age himself somehow or draw more on the dark side so he could be stronger i don't know dude okay let me just pitch something crazy but yeah this is what i would have done uh what if maul much like what happens with ezra uh what if he would have taken uh one of luke's students and then we have sort of like a kylo or a jason solo kind of situation but with darth maul uh pulling the strings on that young uh guy or girl you know what i mean so i was thinking i i thought like oh maybe he could be you know talon could be like ezra or something yeah or he would have another ezra right exactly yeah because emperor did that too because they always have a couple in their pocket yeah i mean yeah the couple have a few side apprentices you know what i'm saying yep yep i always had your apprentice bets when it comes to the dark side i guess yeah just in case you never know yeah yeah but dude that would have been incredible i i hear and i don't know much about talent i love twilight's like i love twilight and let me just say i love twilight's the same way george loves twilight but it's a family show well i mean he put him he put him in uh uh you know jabba's palace is the slaves as the sensual slaves so i mean you ever see the thing where boba walks in and hit dabs the one on the chin i think yeah yeah yeah and yeah yeah like that's my guy uh but um yeah no that would have been awesome and i would have really liked that to see that though like because you know we always have like strong women characters or whatever like that absolutely this is like a talent this this would have legit been one and honestly like i like sex appeal with my strong woman character i don't think they need to be separate or yeah i mean women well why not say sex appeal is a huge thing in life and uh you know there's no shying away from that and women love it when it's you know a hot guy and uh in all these different shows and movies and so we like the same thing wouldn't that have been so crazy different than what we got like her because like i imagine she would have been ruthless like that's the thing like she would have had to be she would have been the one cutting off heads of the people the characters we like you know showing up here doing this crazy thing like being a total and complete badass um that would have been really incredible to see and i think that just speaks to one of the big things that the sequel trilogy was really missing is that kylo is really not a villain so he doesn't really provide the same thing vader did in the original trilogy right and um that that is just true that's sort of just a troubling navigating factor with narrative right right um i i think uh talon would have would have really helped that man really would have helped that i think she would have been really cool really ruthless and just badass in general i mean you have to be maul's apprentice now what i'd be most interested in i think is you know that could be one side of the story the other side would be luke basically finding a new sith academy creating a new sith academy with a new temple new uh where would you think about it right yeah no he would have he would have a new temple no well to train these people are you no luke oh you said sith temple though did i yeah right yeah yeah maybe he would uh yeah maybe he would yeah he would have a new jedi temple absolutely i mean he'd probably just have it on coruscant right you got me thinking too much of talon right now so that's what i'm thinking yeah yeah yeah but yeah wouldn't they wouldn't he just go back because i think i don't think that they destroyed the temple um because there's scenes in tarkin that talk about because there was an ancient sith temple there right but coruscant has like a city like a forest thing or whatever because there was a sith temple there then there was a jedi temple there so temple was supposedly underneath right and they built it on top right so i would assume luke would probably just come back to course and and reopen up the jedi archives literally like dude where he goes to yeah like like cobra kai when johnny like boots up the lights and like gets the studio ready like it seems like that with luke dude like like scrubbing you know what i mean like that yeah yeah yeah like thinking of you and yeah oh man that would have been nice i think this would have been a really cool uh trilogy sequel trilogy dude i mean like and this is the thing too you want to talk about something crazy is like this is exactly what kanye said this is exactly what kanye was talking about where it's like the even the prequels this speaks so beautifully to exactly what may have happened here you know what i mean we don't know for sure but let's just say that disney was like prequel we got to stay away from sorry george we can't do this we want to do something for the fans that's the pr boilerplate right um this would have been for the fence this would have been perfect for the fans because it's the story and it's creative it's a it's a story george's thing right yeah and then the corporate sort of cookie cutter version of it just totally didn't work out like it just didn't work out no uh and now they're sitting there like man like yeah it's it's it's i mean you know yeah now i feel like it's on the uprise again they can't make the same mistake three times so um four times uh so i feel like things are going to be good i just to even just think about this kind of a fan fiction story is is neat it's not something i ever thought of before luke and maul never would have ever you know yeah and what a cool because like as a fan of the maul character like some of the best parts of rebels are you see i mean he's still maul right he's still sisyphus he's still chasing that revenge but there are some moments where you can see like you have to be sort of he doesn't have to be sophisticated he doesn't have to be he doesn't have to be exactly george can change whatever he wants exactly and he was there were moments where he was consolidating real power uh his his like studying of the forced magic his studying of the two holocrons putting the holocrons together and that sort of stuff that is a that's like um getting your phd in in the force yeah like he was writing his thesis basically yeah uh in rebels and yeah it could have been really cool to see what that would have looked like taken to the next level yeah yeah he was like a scientist at this point do zebrax age slower i don't remember i would assume they age slower uh than at least your normal human for sure um not to mention with the dark side you can of course you know keep yourself alive much longer i mean he kept himself alive with half a body just from straight rage you know what i mean so yeah but the dark side makes you deteriorate it does it does make your body deteriorate but i think that it can prolong your life it's almost like a uh like a lich yeah like a necrotic kind of glitchy yeah scion kind of thing yeah yeah because the jedi actually they live forever they just well the ones that do the force it's kind of ironic right because they don't actually care about immortality and then they just get it by actually giving in but the thing is the sith want to be alive in the real world they don't give a crap about being dead and still being i mean well not as much they want to just rule in the flesh correct yep yeah that's why it was never good enough uh for even plagueis there were he knew of force essence transfer there were force essence transfer had been around before sith had done that before and it just wasn't good or you thought it was lames yeah i thought it was like i was lame yeah he was like nah man i'm trying to try to come correct with this yeah i'm trying to prolong my actual flesh my being yeah not transfer my essence into another one yeah so let me ask you this i want to throw something really crazy at you what if talon is re is real and somehow moff gideon is connected to her like what if they take that story and what they were doing with maul and they do it in the filoni verse instead because if you think about it the rebel or rather the imperial remnant cells are a thing gideon's one of them and the gideon's obviously got even though we haven't seen him yet it would appear he's got way more resources than we first thought yeah that whole base you know all the x-wings etc star destroyer maybe so is it possible that gideon will be connected to something very similar to at least part of what we might have seen in this uh story by george very interesting they could still bring this about you know yep that's very possible i mean maul's dead at this point his apprentice could live well that's true exactly but it's like where would he have had this apprentice you know we didn't see it in rebels maybe before rebels well there's a number of different things that we could do with that for sure maybe she's kind of independent of him or maybe she's from the tribe and she finds maybe she's his daughter totally totally but wait he got cut in half true i don't know exactly there's no reproducing he could have done clone or something but how about this at the end of uh right after obi-wan slices him on tatooine in twin sons right yeah there's a scene that we didn't see where he puts him in a back to tank and he just has him in a back to tank like hiding on tattoo like frankenstein and then collecting him just talks to him every day hello old friend i'm not alone anymore yeah yeah um but no you're probably right maul maul totally gone um unfortunately can't have him back but that doesn't mean we couldn't do something similar talon dude talon being his i don't know niece yeah yeah or like okay so there's this thing with kira right so let's let's go down this road all right if maul and kira uh were doing that kind of stuff around that time leading all the way up into when the empire was shaking and moving it could be a there could be a scenario where maul had just power that nobody really saw like he really was that like godfather kind of figure yeah and maybe at that time period is when he was training not only kira but maybe other apprentices um i love it maybe yeah and her knew each other i love it i mean yep yeah there's there's there's the spot right there that could be it that could be it dude yeah yeah and that would be crazy yep you know what i mean because right now especially in mando it would appear that like like money is moving around in the outer rim like it's crazy like you know if you think about all those fobs and all the money that the empire was spending to get the child and you know we've already seen the rebellion scanning for imperials and stuff so like some of this stuff could be being set up like in front of our very eyes because we don't exactly know what's going to be the main villain of the felony verse what's going to be the tie-ins of that time period we don't really know yeah we just know some of the players you know so dude could be could be crazy and she could have his sabers too she could have his sabers and she could be the new big bad you know it's it's she could pop out an episode uh with ahsoka this season and they just start going at it like how crazy would that be dude like ahsoka comes out the blue and then she just she's like i know that lightsaber right right yeah i'd be so for it god yeah so be awesome well the thing with this whole sequel trilogy that we're talking about apparently was supposed to be heavily reliant on the underworld system which echoes 1313 the game that you know george that was in charge of making or you know responsible for approving and then also his underworld show which is the main inspiration i believe for the mandalorian yeah yeah that would have been cool man it would have been really cool it feels like some of this is being taken into consideration at the very least you know what i mean um the other the other massive difference between this and the sequel trilogy which actually could you know the other difference is that the georgia's version was going to take place just a couple of years after empire where the sequel trilogy takes place 30 years later and or 19 right or is it 30. i think it's 30 years later and that's mostly just because the actors were all so much older right um so if they let me ask you this if they were ever to recast younger luke leia and han and tell some of the stories in between jedi and the force awakens and we got some of this stuff told with different actors and actresses what would you uh how would you feel about that 100 yeah why not i'm i'm with you 100 but there are some people out there that are purists like if i'm being 100 honest here i think that leia and kerry passing obviously shifted things a lot for the sequel trilogy but with all due respect even before that i did not think she necessarily even had a lot in the tank as far as an actress was concerned to really pull off what might have been needed for the vision of what that character was supposed to do in the sequel trilogy and i love carrie fisher may she rest in peace but i'm just being honest i don't think her i don't think she was very good in force awakens i don't even think she was that good in the last jedi and whatever the hell they did in rise is an abomination to me so um i don't know what do you think about that i think with the right director i think we're calling travaro i think she would have been really good i think he would have known what to do and coached her on you know exactly how you know what leia is feeling in this moment and how to basically um personify that in her performance i think with cg characters as long as you get the blessing of the family of the actors family like they did with peter cushing um why not yeah i do yeah i mean remember like tarkin's it wasn't it wasn't peter like it wasn't tarkin like it but it was just his character returning you know through all the the cgi of someone else playing him yeah and it was amazing yeah and i think it helps it just ties it together and as the technology gets better and better there's no reason not to to do it that way i also find the leia in that movie to be great as well right so you're doing young leia uh and just you know lay up they essentially could do that again you know what i mean with leia and luke sebastian stan looks just like luke um and we could see a version of this now the sequel trilogy makes it so this would not obviously happen verbatim but some of this could happen you know what i mean and so you could see some of this take place and then maybe some of it is handled by ahsoka and ezra and and the you know the felony verse characters while luke is off searching for artifacts or something like yeah i don't know there's there's a lot of opportunity for this um to still impact um star wars and i think the biggest wake-up call should be if fans really think this is dope and much prefer the sequel trilogy we should try to politely let disney know uh so that they can sort of recalibrate on future decisions that's that's all it really is so i need you guys right now the 40 100 something of you here to hit like uh not for my purposes i really don't care if you hit like on this video because you guys are all here and it's a podcast we're just chilling but for them to watch this and see the actual fan engagement uh not just the views but the actual engagement itself so i need you guys to really come through and and kill it on that like button so that they see you know thousands and thousands of likes and even to have like a poll i'll probably do a poll on the channel as well on the community tab being like would you like to see talon in some sort of essence return or something like that or be put into the story somewhere i think it would be pretty neat um yeah and of course you know fans are the ones i think running the show when it comes to letting the producers and the executives know what we want to see as we saw with deadpool which got materialized from fan involvement involvement and engagement and love um as well as darth maul returning so as well as rosario das and even being ahsoka you know as well as a lot of different things i think now fans have i mean technically you could even argue that a lot of the retcons in episode nine likely come from fans you know what i mean i mean oh absolutely those are way too careful for them to just be jj's vision no that whole thing felt like you know with luke rising the i made a fan fiction years um before episode nine and it was it was luke raising the x-wing out of the water it was luke having the lightsaber it was luke uh just not being politely say this is not being the last jedi luke it is just and we got that you know he was just in ghost form yeah so it's like all the things that they retconned it's like they were scouring through twitter and youtube yeah youtube comments and they're like they're like okay well we gotta fix this this this this is yeah it's pretty weird i guess so right right and it all comes down to improper planning it all comes down to not having the right people in charge uh running this whole operation so at the end of the day you know i i i can't as i said in that video um which is what was a month ago or so whatever when daisy ridley announced that there was really no uh concrete plan right regarding her character or anything um it's not ryan johnson's fault you know yeah i agree with you i agree with you a hundred percent it's the person who put him in charge it's the person totally gave him the keys 100 percent it's the person that hired him and they they hired him to be ryan johnson they hired ryan johnson to be ryan johnson and i take digs at ryan um you know and it's honestly it is what it is it's like most of the time yeah uh i think he's earned a few licks if i'm being completely honest exactly behave um uh like a true jedi no his behavior is not not great i don't think especially with fans um and that goes for a lot of a lot of people in charge there um it could be a little more diplomatic if you're political with um and kind to to fans but that's neither here no there so yeah yeah with him i feel like you know he just was paid to do what he is a professional at which is to make movies so um it just so happens this was a very particular very niche movie very very uh homework heavy movie so if you don't do that you're going to run into some problems but yeah i also just can't believe though that they would like i can't believe getting a pitch like this buying it if this really was the pitch right if this was what was in that thing they bought these dude they bought these yeah they bought these stories and they were ready to go to script and like i just don't understand and literally the only thing i can think of is it has to do with um the prequels and it has to do with jj and it's like that's you know it is what it is and it's fine but one would hope that a big lesson was learned there because they you know when i hear them saying like we want to make or they want to make movies for the fans like that's kind of a scary thought because it kind of implies that like this corporation is trying to like sort of reverse engineer like it's a frankenstein project of like what is the thing that fans want and they're just trying to sort of reverse engineer and and then frankenstein together a corporate product that'll please everybody but that's not what star wars is right i mean like luckily the og trilogy does have like almost near mass appeal to like white ounces but the the prequels were divisive but they still told george's story i think again that is really kanye's big point right is that like you know it's even those movies which were really intimate and different um told that crazy story lived off of the wings of this dude's creativity you're seeing so many crazy new things just it's it takes you on that journey and disney did not do that they did the opposite they rejected stories handed to them by the creator themselves and for whatever reason just decided to try to make a corporate product instead and hopefully the lesson is learned that's you know amen amen uh yeah so i mean hey it is what it is and uh let's just move on i guess yeah and and hope that they can bring some of this into legends now and that filoni verse will continue to be dope and uh you know i want to see the frog lady spin-off show and i can't i can't wait for that so uh yeah hoping that's coming yeah what the hell is this 2 500 likes there's 4 200 of you here what not good enough guys that was basically like hey what is this what is this crap it's a terrible effort try again yeah yeah what is this garbage uh yeah anyways um try harder do it yeah dude okay so i guess we've exhausted that back to this oh i should mention that i actually received in the mail all of my lightsabers and i'm going to be doing unboxings let me show you one of them right here um and reviews check that bad boy out that vader no this is uh luke's empire strikes back i got vader i got qui-gon i got dooku i got uh anakin's i'm editing the anakin video right now but this is i've never had luke's esp i've always always always wanted it and dude um it's so scary that's now referred to as rays no actually it's not so just uh you can go after yourself thank you very much it is very nice yeah so uh stay tuned for those those videos guys um i also ordered this dope um which is pretty cool uh all the is that where you got your the bounty hunter stuff from was it in one of those books well bounty hunter stuff the code the video you did no that book is in the other room it's an um that book is the bounty hunter code book guide book it's like basically like boba's it's like a book that's a guidebook that's been handed down like throughout different bounty hunters um even han solo got his hands on it oh that's pretty cool yeah django there's like written notes in there from them it's a really really intricate book a lot of parts are very detailed but kind of dry because it's like literally if you if you want to be a bounty hunter like the like this is what the costs are this is what it like goes super detail it's cool i like it um so i'm reading that one reading this one which i'm a huge fan of uh i liked the last book that they did so this one is basically like there are moments with all the characters in episode 5 for the 40th year anniversary so 40 stories celebrating 40 years and basically it just goes over the points of view of all these characters which is pretty neat it's like one of them is like when when luke is observing um sorry when yoda is observing luke on dagobah before he actually walks up to him that's awesome yeah and there's parts about him recognizing r2 and can i guess what the what his reaction was is i'm going to summarize it this is what it is yeah this [ __ ] right is that pretty much what it is yeah pretty much in the background no he uh he wasn't impressed with him at all yeah he's like he's like this he's like this kid is like just so focused on the physical realm he just keeps basically talking about this place is what did he say this place gives me the creeps or something there's some something about this place blah blah blah yeah and like he's like he's all about the physical he doesn't even understand he's like um he's like an american he's like you're average american there you go yeah you know that's all else that's that's uh you know we can leave it there yeah so it's a cool but the the chapter called disturbance um narrated by sam whitware i've listened to it i think four times now does sam uh do the whole book no i wish uh okay yeah no uh he did that chapter he did another chapter which i haven't read uh i think for palpatine as well it's called a kiss or something like that or loves case or something i don't know but anyways it was probably the coolest fan fiction in canon that i've ever red that's dope yeah it was nuts it was awesome yeah it reminded me oh those books are sweet and they add these really nice little just i mean as a star wars fan i think that's the stuff we love right it's just that context and knowing that you know what i mean and well yeah something on my channel that i've always loved doing is reading parts from the books because they're so cool like they're just in books you're able to know what the character's thinking and seeing and feeling true whereas in the movie it's just like he's just silent or whatever and he just like goes up on it but there's so much going on in there exactly and that's why certain things like if they were ever to do a big history of yoda i'd prefer books you know what i mean because like that's something where it's like i don't need like the compact sort of fancy bombastic version of that like i need the moment give me the movie but then give me a director's commentary of it too yeah that's true because the last jedi novelization is like way better than the movie actually and it potentially goes it like honestly like they should have just let jason fry write that movie the ending has still got me bewildered with the whole uh him hearing a voice oh yeah yeah so before that book came out some guy uh that had been emailing me lots of leaks uh some of them came true some of them didn't didn't probably they were all going to come true but they just changed the story a million times right um before that book even came out before the movie came and you said there was a voice um at the end of the film which was hayden's and i was like no he's like he's like make sure you you pay attention for it like it's you're gonna hear it we didn't hear in the movie and then in the book you get a voice and i'm like okay they obviously cut a lot of stuff out yeah yeah that's a bummer yeah i don't know i i just know that in the in the novel there's more of an explanation of like rey and kylo and like how luke can see her through the force and like how ray was able to absorb kylo's training during uh yeah you know yeah and stuff like that that just kind of like fills it in a little bit more of uh which i thought was it's a it's a bad retcon for her powers for sure um but it's not necessarily bad in the sense that it it sort of it makes you understand like what is she rogue kind of kind of kind of but it's more like it's like bachelin and uh and a little bit more yeah you know able to do those kind of things but i am yeah i guess when you combine that stuff with like a a bad care poorly written character it's like you just nothing sticks it's like rey is really the weaker the weaker link and it's unfortunate because she i think daisy's great and the character could have been really great and complex it's just so clear that they they really protected her they rode around causing any optics problems for her which gives just this really shallow she just lacks character yeah which which colin trevorrow absolutely nailed out of like just just killed it with his script when you know he made her blind like what the hell do you think there's anything in the travaro script that is in any way reminiscent of the the uh the george thing that we're talking about right now no not really no because he has to run within the guidelines of the sequels that were written up of last jedi jj and episode 8 it's like what can you do you know yeah i just wonder because there's the um the secret apprentice or rather the master that uh palpatine had i guess right but uh yeah that's probably just something totally different tor vallum or whatever it was yeah which is like is that his like yeah grand master or is it his is plagueis actual yeah i mean there's a whole like mystery there you know what i mean like i i have no idea i have no idea oh well yeah it is what it is so should we talk about commando should we answer some super chats and i left you guys hanging a little bit yeah i mean what do you expect uh what do you expect this week i know this uh second episode was sort of a step back it does appear that there's this thing with google where they are getting the descriptions right and so it does appear that the next episode will be the one that he's uh on the dock with and and uh and on the ship on the water so i'm gonna go out and say this right now i more and more as every day passes i'm thinking that uh we're not gonna see boba anymore it's possible well did i tell you about the update with the show so according to i think it was deadline according to deadline the boba fett show is apparently filming potentially even before mando season 3 films like they might be working on the boba fett spin-off like right now and they they could potentially wrap it before they even wrap mando three now there was an update to that story that made it seem like no we'll still see mando uh three first but regardless boba's show is being streamlined like i and i again i don't really understand it i'm like what like okay um so i think we will see him again this season but you're you could be right in the sense that he might not really do much yeah i mean yeah i think they just kind of put it as like a placeholder like hey yo you want to find out about boba yeah exactly new show coming baby totally totally and everyone will completely check that out oh yeah of course dude no brainer i think a boba show is bigger than a mando show i think so too hundo 100 so let me ask you this are we seeing sabine uh are we seeing bogutan because the mandalorians are apparently on this planet that we're going to yeah there's a whole nother coven i think bows in there yeah i think bows in there 100 yeah yeah and that will be incredible yeah it'd be cool um because bo has experience with uh okay so here's a possible place that this could go right so he which by the way i don't even necessarily fully understand this like why does he need help from mandos to find jedi i still don't get that but he doesn't he needs help from jedi that's what i'm saying so like why is he like if i find others i think i think because of i think because the mando's worked with the jedi i think because he knows that as we saw in clone wars it was on rebels um he knows that they obviously have a history of good and bad together so well he knows that now but i think doesn't he know that just from what the uh armor tells him and she tells him about ancient wars that they fought well well regardless like that's sort of a rabbit hole we get down but i guess the point is if he's searching for mando's to help him find the baby yoda species or to find the jedi beau is the perfect mando to find because she's had so many different experiences with the jedi including ahsoka but even before that with uh obi-wan sateen maul you know what i mean like she's been around um so dude this could be like a big opening this could be a really important episode well it can connect into rebels entirely and then after rebels too so i mean it's this next episode is probably going to be look people call the last one filler um yeah it wasn't you know the biggest inconsistency with the plot sure 100 it was still fun but i think safe to say that temple's gonna be raised big time in the next one because of this yeah episode two and they're not gonna do it twice no and i think um yeah yeah and the thing is you know we didn't really get to talk about this too much but i think even though even if you did like even if i conceded that episode 2 was filler i would still have to say that it's better filler than what we got last season because it picks up right where we left off on tatooine right and then him getting jacked is now going to be the explanation for how boba was able to track him and now boba will be able to have known where he's going to be at so potentially now boba could pop up at any time which is a great thing to have hanging over the rest of the episodes right yeah so to me that's so much better of filler than like episode 5 last season where like we open up and he's just getting shot in space and i have no idea how much time has passed from episode three i have no idea what's going on like i think even in its filler the show has matured you know what i mean yeah absolutely and that episode really cemented a lot of the um relationship between the mando and the child and it was echoed you know poetically with the frog lady in her eggs and yeah there was a lot of cool stuff that was in there especially from the ralph mcquarrie uh drawings which um were sweet to see i could geek out about this episode like i thought the frog lady was fantastic bro and then when she like she's in the hot tub and then she grabs her clothes with her tongue yeah yeah yeah yeah that's so ridiculous like but she's also like a totally awesome shot she can reprogram a droid like she's kind of crazy yeah she's cool she's like an ex-assassin it's kind of like uh padme's handmaidens like everyone just thinks they're oh there's whatever but like they were freaking assassins man they were ninjas yeah exactly and like you could have just had a gag character or a throwaway character but instead um she's like actually interesting and functional yeah and but yet also still really fun i i felt like the episode did a great job of like reminding us that like this is still star wars it's still going to be fun yeah we're still going to be able to laugh and we're going to have you know heartfelt feelings and um uh what did you think about baby eating the eggs did you know that this was a thing that some people are trying to cancel baby yoda now yeah i saw some people are actually trying to cancel they're like very offended and they're very like oh no like what do you think they're insane like i'm so glad you said it you just said it you're like they're they're like what's wrong it's it's it's dark humor like and they're not even fertilized eggs it's not even real it's fake it's fake dude i know like i know dude dude we're so wild like they're like literally like how can you live with that little p with that purity test with some of the some of these people and like the purity test that they have how do you function in society at all how are you not like well these are these are just very very uh these are people who get very triggered from any certain thought of anything you know um that could offend someone else because then in return that would make them look i i i think make them look like a bad person a lot of it is virtue signaling a lot of it is them leading this idea of baby yoda eating an egg into some other weird thought of uh i think pro-choice and pro-life yeah i know right like connecting it to that which i didn't even see you know and mental gymnastics you have to do yeah to take a to take a gag yeah yeah and that's what it is mental gymnastics yeah basically just just saying oh if if this if you think this is funny then you also are this and this and this and this and you think this and that and that and it's like no i just it was created by the show runners to be dark humor and uh even one of the lucasfilm uh i think was this writers or something like that or something something like that uh yeah phil stozak yeah so i don't know i'm butchering his name sorry but yeah he even he was like just being like guys it's it's it was just meant for dark humor for fun like it's not it's yeah there's nothing wrong with that you know you know what i'm gonna be honest and it's only just because i have like that dark side in me and i you know i've got that butthole uh kind of in me like when people get that mad about it like i i kind of want baby yoda to turn now you know what i mean like i literally legitimately want him to turn and i also think just for them well just because it would break a lot of hearts you know what i mean and just because these people are that upset it does make me want to kind of in that sense just i don't care about people's opinions i don't care about them i don't care about what they think about a show i just you know yeah so just make a good show but i mean i've i've seen people are just outraged at this and it's like come on guys i know it's kovit i know we're all at home we got nothing else to do but just don't don't try to cancel a show now like what do you well plus like there's no um there's no like equivalence judgment in star wars either like vader like i think people totally forget like the lesson of vader and luke right like vader's horrible dude no like he's literally the worst he's the worst and like he doesn't all of the bad things that he did don't just don't go away because he's redeemed but he is redeemed and he does do like this this good deed at the end you know what i mean i i gotta argue you know to to this uh point here is that what if baby yoda's actually saving the eggs and he's gonna regurgitate them i mean he could be he absolutely could be regurgitating the eggs i also think that like in the in the context of the story that lady there's no way that lady didn't know that he was doing that and she probably just has a surplus of eggs like they're they're going to be uh fertilized or whatever um and she probably just has a bunch of them you know what i mean well it's it's it's like when you have your dog and it like eats uh i don't know if it eats like a mouse or something it's like oh no like what are you doing but i mean it's it's a dog it's it it's that's what it's programmed to do that's i mean it's but we have seen ethics choke uh choke cara dune and a lot of people have been making this point i do find it kind of interesting din is so violent in front of this child and like even in the first episode where timothy's old fans like are we going to do this in front of the kid and baby yoda's like no you've seen he's seen worse right so it's like is din about to show like you know what i mean like is baby yoda going to turn to the dark side you know what i mean because of this mandalorian upbringing yeah well maybe i just think yoda might just use the force he's a baby he's just gonna use the force the way he uses the force if that's forced lightning cool if it's force choking cool if it's healing cool it's just the force you know yeah yeah it's interesting if you're choking out a bad person it's not bad if you're you're force lightening a bad person it's not bad so i mean it's like true but once you start down the dog right forever will it dominate your destiny right yeah yeah yeah i mean it's just interesting because i think again the you know it's fun and i love getting lost in this and like just geeking out about it but i think that the story the point of star wars is that anybody could go to the dark side you know what i mean like that we are all battling with that temptation and every time we do give into it it is a mistake and every time uh we fight uh it is good you know um so in that sense like i don't know like optics and like wanting like i just see this whole idea to it reminds me of the story um about this young boy who got beat up by bullies and he didn't fight back because he said it's not the jedi way and he got like all like like mangled like bruised up and like and mark hamill was you know um basically applauding him being oh they're true jedi and it's like i'm sorry if someone is is beating you up do what you need to do protect yourself turn sith as af okay like like you think mace windu would just be there let someone be like the whole story of jedi worth protecting the people you love including yourself what no i mean that's the exact moment that like so that would be like if darth maul had stood in front of them and done the lightsabers and then qui-gon and obi-wan were like we're just gonna go get sliced up yeah that's the gender they're just like they're just like no right kill me now yeah no like you obviously fight against evil the whole freaking rebellion fights against this big galactic empire yeah i didn't understand that yeah i'm not for that i think you know if you know if someone is attacking you you do what you need to do to protect yourself and the people you love you know absolutely and to be honest with you i mean this is not a popular opinion but um legally of course yeah yeah legally of course uh sometimes the kids that that happens to they do end up in the dojo and then they do train and then that never happens to them again and most of those people by the way they don't become bullies they become well-balanced people because when you actually study um the arts and things like that it's a little bit different um so yeah yeah yeah yeah ob1 i will do what i must yeah yeah well yeah we do need a sith movie i agree um did mark really say that yeah he uh he retweeted it or something and he was like um let's go what did he say it's like a true true jedi wouldn't fight back like you stand for love or something like that i mean like i understand it's good to be compassionate but if you're getting whaled on man like oh man you can get brain damage like you know what i mean like you could uh yeah you don't know you don't mess around with that like uh somebody yeah no way no way always got to protect yourself um be kind to others and be compassionate and loving but you know if someone's hurting you you do what you need to do you protect yourself um can i get a motivational quote from you please you just got one yeah what's up theory hope all as well i love nerd theory podcast even more than rule of two but what happened with rule of two and when will it be back um mark's busy doing his own stuff right now so you know we still talk often so uh he'll be back when he has time but nerd theory will always be around so yeah yo from france keep up the good work thanks man appreciate it love the channel watching return of the jedi right now oh nice dude that's cool nice it's a good one to use an example outside of star wars defend yourself the klingon way um yeah klingons were brutal make an animation out of this i'll pay i'll play dm i don't know um i don't know it would be cool to make an animation out of this but dude this would be awe yeah i mean i've yeah this would be incredible to uh to animate at the very least doing one of your uh yeah like one of those things that you did with the trevor script dude yeah it'd be nice that would be nice not the least yeah it'd be very expensive to do this whole like sequel trilogy though i could do clips snippets basically we could have had live action ahsoka earlier hello there what would make a good star wars series horror style uh probably vader hunting down jedi after order 66. yeah they could totally do that i think there are like zombie stories like that's where the death trooper word comes from there was like a zombie she could do something like that um i think that even the crate dragon could be scary imagine being trapped out in the desert and the crate dragon coming at you thanks grayson appreciate it uh tariff says remember how george was telling dave filoni to bring back maul and clone wars just bring him back when is that 2010 so he would had an idea then possible yeah yeah very possible very popular maybe this is yeah that's a good point maybe this is the reason he wanted maul back he's like you know what dude i totally think i mean he goes on to talk about how um i i believe he talks about how they did bring him back in rebels and he has a big to-do in rebels so yeah it makes total sense man uh and george isn't i mean george even said that if he had known boba fett would have been as liked he would have given him a better death or whatever right probably so like george like understands you know what i mean he gets the fans yeah hey therian josh hope you're doing well do you think if leia was saying more political that her and luke would stay then her and luke would have worked together to change the jedi's presence in the senate to prevent episode three events uh no because regardless the sith will always do what they gotta do yeah and then episode three luke and leia weren't even around like i'm not sure i understand what he's saying oh there was a cancelled mall video game that followed a similar plotline before episode one right i forgot about this game yes yes i've heard about that too yeah very interesting here's a prediction for episode 5 of chapter 13 or chapter 13 we're going to get an embracing an embarrassing cameo from john favreau for lonely's revenge oh haha i think that literally anything right so felony's character's name trapper wolf for the new republic i like crabberwolf yeah it's cool yeah and apparently he was like didn't want to do it or something he was just like yeah he did great and then he did great hop in the x-wing hop on into that x-wing dave come on i think that literally anything that took a risk and introduced new elements would have been better than the sequels they were sue corporate and safe they were they felt like they were made by suits what books are you talking about i'd order them um oh right you guys will see yeah you guys will see it when they come more than likely this is not the treatment gl submitted to disney i think these writers i think these were written right after episode three or just as the clone wars are being developed so it says 2019 2019 is when he got that quote so uh yeah i i just don't buy that no no if luke cut himself off from the force in the last jedi why would he be wearing jedi robes when rey showed up on octo cosplaying no he was going to kill himself says who well that's it's heavily implied that he was going to commit suicide like there's i forget exactly ryan has talked about it before uh of course ryan would talk about it he has a fetish for killing luke yeah exactly right uh but yeah that's why he would have had the the the robes on but maybe he wasn't going to kill himself he would have just been absorbed into the force yeah yeah because he puts him back on when he goes to burn the temple down remember up until that point he's just wearing the he's wearing the uh north face jacket or whatever right so he's got the black north face on and then later on he uh he pulls that off and puts the robes back on when he goes to blow up the tree or whatever i'm just trying to trigger you or something yeah yeah when's your next animation in fanfic coming uh i don't know so yeah well the next once upon a theory is actually almost done it's been months in the making it's the best one it's the most high budget one and samuel kim scored it so it's amazing yeah it's really amazing i can show you after this actually i'll send you the link alex thank you for the generous donation hey dudes news for you couple months ago ea closed another fan game uh that has been developed for years star wars redemption it was called game about jedi disguised as clone trooper would shut that down i gameplay is if it's making money yeah i don't know if it's using assets yeah but dude i've seen i've seen some some channels use i think cinematic captures i think he uses battlefront 2 assets and i saw like the the main guy from ea or from ea star wars like retweet and be like it's amazing what fans do with our assets this is awesome i'm like yeah you guys are such hypocrites when it comes to me hey like i know it's really weird like i don't understand it at all like i really don't like there's some like yeah we could go down a whole rabbit hole on this because i really don't get it because you're right there are people out there that do stuff they will not only leave them alone but then they'll actually like elevate them and be like promote them nope i mean think about what the 501st even is you know what i mean like the 501st is like an official i believe they're 501c3 they're a little nonprofit that's associated with the fish license stuff you know what i mean like they're official through disney so it's like i don't understand it dude i yeah i don't get it yeah i guess if they just don't like you they don't like you you know that's the thing like that might just be it dude like they just might literally be like i don't like this person and i also think that when it comes to their sort of well when it comes to like their mainstream media stuff like dude the thing is i don't think they can necessarily trust people like you and me because like we will slip in like not only like realness but like maybe even potentially like a real question right so like if we were ever to be given an interview or something and we've maybe asked like a real question that just is not what uh like the shill access media would ask et cetera et cetera yeah you know right because we're not because we're not part of it because we don't give a because we don't care about uh disney like that we like star wars well we're fans you know of george lucas so we we are we are fanboys we're not we're not a corporation we're not a company that's um doing interviews for the sake of doing interviews we're doing interviews for our own personal enjoyment of understanding and learning things about the franchise we love so we would ask questions that wouldn't necessarily promote their projects but it would satisfy our own understanding of this larger world behind the scenes maybe yeah which can leave it up to you know right where well think about this even as respectful as we've been tonight i feel like we've done a great job i think we're always respectful right but from their perspective they're probably like but i still don't like how they're making us look like we're corporate hack job people but it's true like that's the thing like i'm not even like that mad about it i actually understand it and i think that you know like it makes sense and hopefully they just learn from it but they just hate that so much like they just hate being exposed for making the wrong call or or being valuable or whatever it is it's like really crazy to me but that's that's the disney way dude i don't know man i know there's some parts of um lucasfilm that don't mind me the people that i've interacted with um and then i know that there's other parts that are just like blacklist yeah which is weird i was told i was blacklisted a couple of years back when i made a kathy kennedy video oh nice yeah somebody told me that one of my uh connections was like oh yeah bro you ain't ever getting press yeah yeah i'm pretty sure i'm blacklisted too yeah i think it was for the whole uh the the copyright claim thing i think yeah well you know that's these companies man these companies and you know like uh i'm gonna freak out about i'm going to do a whole rant tomorrow about verizon on my uh morning stream okay freak out about them because these corporations dude they just they've gotten so in the habit of not having to actually treat their customers well right and uh it's [ __ ] and it's gonna change i mean you know what i mean like things are changing the industries are changing and these companies that have just taken their fan base for granted uh are gonna have a lot of rude awakenings so but you know star wars doesn't necessarily have to be one of those companies again i think that the ultimate current i feel to actually cut you off sorry also i feel like um we're insignificant in their eyes you know and we are we're just fans we're just fans who's like amassed a following at the end of the day where no one um we're just fans dude like that's yeah but here's the thing if i could push back against that a little bit because i think from their perspective that's true but i also know just from what i know of tv ratings that like nbc abc fox and these other networks they get like the biggest network last month i think was like fox and i think they did like four million views total on their network in a month that's it that's what i'm telling you so what i'm telling you is you do that can't be that can't be right dude no it is right and what i'm telling you is the these us just fans you know what i mean like that people are going to start to understand where attention and views actually are and then maybe they'll be like oh [ __ ] maybe it's not just fans yeah because i'm telling you like people have no idea and those numbers for network and cable they're not even real they're based off these antiquated systems it's very likely that their views are not even that good huh yeah i have a hard time believing that fox got four million we can yeah look it up look it up it's pretty cool dude in december i got 60 million yeah that's insane there's i dude no network cable company 60. i was doing live streams hitting 23 000 live viewers and like for me that's big i know for like doc and like disrespect that's like nothing but yeah but that's huge for me that was huge yeah like i feel like that's a big that's a that's a lot of people that's a lot of eyes you know yeah so i mean i can see where you're coming from in that sense but at the end of the day like i just kind of think of us as we're like we're just we're just fanboys and i think i think the problem is that because there's probably so much malice in the whole um community of um fake people and trying to leech off of you know make money off of um star wars there's a lot of people like that right yeah i wonder if they see us like that we're like oh just just dudes like trying to and i know some other star wars youtubers paint me in this light because that's actually what they're doing but i can see them doing that or thinking that at least having the misconception that okay you know just paint saw with this one brush of like we're just dudes just trying to get our bag and it's like yeah a lot are but you know you and i are actual fans we actually live and breathe the stuff and um we're lucky enough to have made a career out of it just simply by being fans and making stuff we think is cool and it resonates with you guys um so far which is neat so yeah no i mean dude i totally agree well i think just like in just like in movies you know even youtubers there are youtubers that while maybe not corporate because that's not the right word it's very sort of shallow you know what i mean like you you can like i call some some of these people algorithm junkies you know what i mean where they're oh my god yeah i know one channel in particular algorithm junkie like every word he says is filled with an algorithm keyword um so that when the the the closed captions pop up that youtube recognizes it really feeds into the system and the metadata and it's like it's just it's ridiculous like this dudes aren't even a fan of anything oh and they don't even do like some of the people that i know in like the marvel community man like the content is so soulless and it's like so like as opposed to making a video like um oh my god this thing happened and as a fan i'm so excited and i can't wait to talk about it yeah it's more like they're like oh this thing happened i got to capitalize on it yeah right exactly here's how i can reverse engineer views out of it you see the guys that like capitalize on the chadwick boseman death making tons of videos and just like chadwick bows and chadwick bows chadwick boseman black panthers like dude yeah yeah it's pretty [ __ ] up and mainstream media tried to do that as well right where they you know they sort of uh i forget there was one maybe it was deadline or screenwriter or something they ran an article like the the next day about replacing chadwick and it was like super out of taste or bad taste um but you know what i can't also i find so crazy is that the channels that do whole videos over twitter drama you know what i mean like people are literally well i've done them before i've done one on uh you know if it's a really big deal but usually i was pretty pissed that was pretty fast i've done it before i did it with uh some things that i thought were a very significant thing but like i'm telling you man people like are scouring twitter looking for a a star wars actor or actress to say something that'll rub people the wrong way so that they can just squeeze out some adsense from it dude it's like it's really whack why i wasn't aware that but i've seen yeah definitely you know what look drama is numero uno in terms of views and if you're trying to get money um you know drama man like it's that's the thing like i remember sadly when i made my twitter video i it it performed very well which wasn't my intention but it was to merely vent to be honest event and i just i felt attacked by tens of thousands of people and i just made a twitter drama video and uh that's a little different though because that happened directly to you i was referring to like like literally a celebrity and you know wow like to consider that a hollywood celebrity would tweet something left leaning politically around the time of election what a what a freaking crime right uh and so i just find it so ridiculous that like people are scouring the internet finding hollywood celebrities that say something you would expect a hollywood celebrity to say and then act like it's this most shocking horrible thing and then want to like either cancel them or monetize uh complaints about it it's it's so it's so unintellectual low-hanging fruit garbage and uh i i not a fan i would disagree i mean i can understand where you're coming from i would disagree if if someone is un presents themselves as a news source or wants to get money then you know they're they're they're doing what they wanted they were they're doing what they set out to do they're now the ethics of it right yeah i think everyone's ethics is totally different um i can't i don't really i'm learning to not um put people in a good or bad box i think everyone has a different sort of i think everyone in their own right is good i mean what may be acceptable in your community or home is something that is totally unacceptable somewhere else and vice versa so i mean i think it all comes down to perception and and well i would say yeah and i understand that and i get that and i'll tell you that some of these people are like some of the people that i'm talking about i consider to be friends and i still can't get down with the way they do youtube and the way they do divisiveness but i will say this uh to throw a dog a bone like they didn't create the system they didn't create the state of the world they didn't they didn't make sure that everybody gets triggered by these certain things i mean at the end of the day um you know like you said like drama has been selling newspapers since like the 19 freaking 20s or whatever like so absolutely essentially it's it's not necessarily their fault for me personally though i just personally make the choice to try to lean more towards hype like if if if both are a little impure right like getting like way too hyped up about something maybe you shouldn't necessarily do right in the same way that maybe you shouldn't freak out about twitter drama i personally feel a little bit better when my head hits the pillow having gone out on a limb in the hype area rather than the divisive area you know what i mean but that's more of a personal choice i guess yeah absolutely it's it's definitely subjective and i guess um teach their own so i can say to that um i really enjoy like i mean some people they'll be like oh this guy is an idiot like he i'm in debt from all the projects that i do they're gonna make money on themselves but um here i am you know when i hit the pillow i'm like oh cool i get to wake up and see the new progress on this animation or the cinema you hit the pillow i'm getting off the pillow man yeah i know yeah right yeah like this morning it was like uh oh i actually ended up taking my dog to the vet today so like it oh man yeah when i went to bed at seven after i talked to you um she was like hacking up so she has kennel cough what yes and she's been vaccinated so apparently it's going around so i had to take her and got to sleep around nine and uh yeah that's one reason why we were all so late sorry guys but it was one of those days for sure she's gonna be okay though yeah monitoring her for the next two weeks they said and then um medication if not better so she doesn't get pneumonia yeah right um okay that's important yeah i went to bed and literally like she's just like uh hacking so that can be scary dude just so yeah i just got dressed you know went to the er the 24 7 vet nice 24 7 vet yeah dude you're close to like a lot of clutch things i wasn't i just imagine you like living what's up it wasn't that close it wasn't that close because i just imagined you like i don't know up in canada like you open up the door and there's like a forest and there's just snow everywhere and then it takes you like miles to get into town or something like that that's if you live like more in the boonies but no i mean yeah i love canada i love it here it's the best i know a lot of you guys didn't know i'm canadian you know yeah we don't know much about other cultures so i've noticed that yeah my fiance is american yeah yeah you guys don't know much about anything other than the bubble you live in yeah we're like we're really not interested like what's europe right well it's funny you said that my sister was saying something about europeans to me the other day uh and she was like trying to and i'm not gonna like get political on it or whatever but i basically just said like why would i care what a european thinks of america like i was literally like why would i care that's the most un-american thing ever i'm sorry if you care about particularly the brits and if you're watching rathole this is some real [ __ ] my friend particularly the brits why would we care at all what a brit thought of us just gonna say that's all i don't know i don't i would argue that you shouldn't care what anyone thinks of you amen see that's a very american thing but that's that's that's the canadian version of that which is why you because you guys are like the nice version of us yeah i guess yeah yeah we're like the more jedi side of america uh yeah yes you punch us in the face we're gonna say sorry right i'm sorry sorry sorry sorry yeah that's pretty nice no not really but anyways um my wife predicted maul's return back in 2000. we all called her crazy little did we know lol she is the chosen one yeah duel of the fates is superior to rise of skywalker amen uh i think that moff gideon is probably not force sensitive in my opinion he is probably searching for the child because he wants to study him in depth maybe interesting talon under disney control probably will suck wait what someone said talent under disney control will will probably suck well it might be a little watered down but we can hope that it would be really cool and uh no i think you just get the right people behind it yeah hey are they making another deadpool or is that no oh yeah 100 he signed yeah he apparently he signed a big contract and it's like there's gonna be it's rated r that's the rumor i i don't know i i do think they'll push it either way they could do a hard pg-13 um but they could also do r as well i don't know when are all the fox movies coming to disney plus you know hopefully soon hopefully soon i know a bunch of them have already moved but i would say like yeah before the end of the year maybe like around uh christmas time a bunch of alien bunch more of them will hit we get an alien yeah but they'll have that new version right um or rather they'll have the um the like r-rated touchstone pictures thing on disney plus so you can watch the alien there yo alien and alien 2 are incredible man i have not seen alien 2. i got what yeah i know yeah yeah and i'm a huge alien fan i know i guess it's not big enough so you got to see it it's really good yep yeah prometheus was crazy covenant yeah those are nuts did you see raised by wolves no ah i told you a little bit about it but it sort of potentially could tie into the alien universe no it didn't yeah you should check it out bro it's like the best show on television i'm telling you well now that mando's back maybe not but what about cobra kai cobra kai is pretty good bro i'm very excited for january 8th this basic idea could still work post sequel trilogy if you replace maul with jar jar talon with rey and luke with either ben solo back from the world between worlds but dude i i don't i don't like world people no you can't whirl between worlds any time that your fan fiction takes you to the world between word worlds you just have to stop yourself you just have to be like no i'm sorry yeah like you basically just have to be like no that's that's for david he said that it's not a time travel thing at all it's just a string of events that have happened but then i i argue i'm like well dave he literally took ahsoka out and saved her he was about to take kanan out and save him so what is this obviously it's a it's a time poor thing i mean come on call it uh time displacement uh not necessarily time travel so it's not necessarily yeah that's what i would sound like george yeah i was trying a little george do you think kira's maul's apprentice could they do the storyline with her like she's force sensitive maybe maybe be interesting maybe but i don't think so sexy chad lucas trilogy versus virgin disney films that'd be a great little meme that's funny uh first star wars theory in a long time i'm a longtime fan first star wars theory i'm a longtime fan is if this is all true then disney [ __ ] the bed as a writer myself the story arc sounds incredible you can tell lucas had respect for legends content i agree you know what that's another thing because people always talk about that how like legends was just legends and george didn't even like it definitely seems like george had some things he liked from legends yeah of course talon being one of them right of course what's this felony verse i keep hearing about josh so the felony verse is a rumored suite of star wars action shows being developed for disney plus apparently all of them will be under the direct supervision and writing control of sir dave filoni no that's that's the felony verse if you want to replace the sequel trilogy be the felony verse sequel trilogy instead of building off the disney star wars then jar jar could still work instead of maul yo i mean technically that is true maybe solo two and three right and ahmed best said in that live stream which i never saw uh but heard about that that supposedly jar jar was supposed to be a sith lord i think it was clown and he said it was filmed i know he said that he's just kidding i think he was clowning yeah and george changed the script because people hated jar jar no no no i think ahmed best was lying and just having fun with us maybe i think maybe maybe disney will never allow anything close to this now that now since this has come out if disney what disney will never allow anything close to this now since this has come out it because if they did it would admit this the screw-up i think there's something really honorable in um saying hey we screwed up i 100 agree yeah i think it's very honorable yeah i agree but i don't know if they'll ever necessarily do that but i think um i think we know enough to know that they have learned i mean it's just clear the proof is in the pudding you know look at the merchandising this year look at how different it is than years past look what they're selling look at we're getting a boba fett show for god's sakes i mean just look at what's happening it does look like they are learning the lessons um but i do see the point of that of that super chat because what he's saying is like they would never do this especially now that it's come out right but but again i don't know if i necessarily agree with that and maybe if they did put talon in it could be the closest thing we'd ever get to like a little uh i'm sorry and a winky face from disney you know maybe i mean look you guys want to make money you know how to make money you know put the people who uh know this story in charge and that's it yeah i mean that's it like which i think they've you know they're doing together man they're doing and that's that's all you need to do i mean literally literally just like yeah put john and dave fellaini in charge okay yeah i'm gonna take a vacation see you guys later like that's it that's all you gotta do yeah easy-peasy just yeah and then give feige a call if you ever have any really tough questions he's literally working for the same company you know what i mean should be should be easy do you think we're gonna get all the avengers cast and star wars movies now you know the big rumor right now is all about robert downey jr and i was trying to think about that i was like who would i like to see rdj play you know what i mean if he was going to come into star wars as a i don't know i'd almost rather see like chris evans or something you know what i mean i wasn't a fan of the uh captain america character yeah he's just too rigid i love that captain america too rigid man not chris kevin's performance his performance i'm talking about the character i think just captain america in general just like no he's supposed to yeah he's the boy scout you know yeah like ah dude take the stick out like god yeah but that's what makes it so fun is like his interactions with you know with him yeah he's like from the 40s or whatever so it's like all right i get it yeah again again but i don't know just just give me some scar joe hey that'd be nice hopefully we'll get that movie someday nice i think moff gideon we've already read that so i'm not gonna read it again um small spirit imbued in his lightsaber trained talon that escaped slave tweet or like a you know holocaust slave tweet on tatooine is telling oh that'd be crazy she's green then somehow she turned red yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah i served jabba that bastard um so what's the goal where do we go from here what do you guys want to see i just want good star wars i don't like the sequels but i don't know what they could do to make this all better you can make a show about luke's adventures no there's nothing you could do really about it's it's just kind of ruined now um it's okay here yeah if if i was bob iger all right if i had that i would make an announcement and say look guys it was it's it's we're creating that's an alternate timeline we're creating another timeline you can choose which timeline you want just like the spider multiverse yeah we're gonna do something a little different so we're now gonna go and we're gonna create this story i don't know i think or or or they could create george's story before episode seven that's what i think they'll do yeah so like i think there's no getting around the sequel trilogy like the sequel trilogy happened but i think like the what i would do if i were disney is i was built i would build up some awesome stuff um in the lore before it i would give fans a little bit more of luke and figure that out with either show cameos or whatever and i'd figure that out um get more of an explanation what you really need is you need a clone wars type series with ben's with a young ben solo uh laura santeca and luke skywalker you need like the clone wars animated show but with those characters because what the what that show did was really help people with the character of anakin and the prequels uh and with his relationship with obi-wan and just the clone wars in general and so there's plenty they could do to sort of soften the i guess the edges uh around the sequel trilogy but as far as retcons i think that's out of the question however they can still do like if felony versus crazy and impactful that might be more of what people even go to when they're thinking of post-jedi right which i don't think would be a bad thing is like let's let's make that so epic and crazy that that's what people really talk about post-jedi and then the sequel trilogy becomes sort of like oh yeah and then this happened in these couple of years you know what i mean yeah uh and then build past it with some other crazy stuff and then i think you're fine yeah i agree i think that'll be cool yeah i'll be down with that yeah i mean just tweak the story a little bit put it in between six and seven make it all about luke and leia and this new sith yeah yeah done done easy peasy easy you get your profits we get a really cool story we buy all the merch exactly i mean it's pretty simple so yeah uh anthony thank you for the generous super chat man in alternate timeline i would have liked luke to live till the end of the trilogy and he promoted ben to grandmaster he sees his work is done and leaves to travel the galaxy where the jedi never explored and he takes finn with him as his apprentice yeah be neat yeah that'd be really cool i would love to see more finn and i hope we do see more jedi finn uh past episode nine i i think that would be really cool yeah that's what we should have seen yep yep 100 so they played with a lot with that whole stormtrooper thing in rebels yep so i mean just pre-ordered the new mandalorian black series helmet that will come out june next year it looks pretty nice i gotta say yeah i'm excited i love those helmets yeah dude i'm excited to get it uh oh do you drop it no oh no yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah oh no how do i do this it won't be firing it like clicks here it's actually a hard pressing down i don't want to break it all right yeah this is the black series one so yep yeah i got the same one over there i've got the iron man one i love these helmets bro yeah they're really good really good really good yeah i'm gonna do a review on this one because you guys wanted that so can't wait to do that as well as a review on the lightsabers and stuff but yeah the manual helmet looks pretty sick mma says if boba reveal was only a tease that's cool but i have never seen a show reveal tease done better honestly it didn't feel shoehorned it was the best yeah it was great yeah it was great yeah as evan from the best but it got us so hyped yeah i know that's why i think his expectations were so up top on the first one and the second one was like what unrelated completely and i totally recognized that like i'm not one of these people that's like yeah totally i'm not one of these people that's like oh well if you did if you felt that way you're clearly stupid no like obviously i get people they're very different episodes and i totally get people being like oh man i really wish this one was more like that one sure yeah it's just for whatever reason man it just it just worked for me and i found myself enjoying it so much um so i'm hey i'm happy to be in the minority so maybe sequel fans could learn something about that being like hey let's find you know people like it i like it whatever you know yeah uh bring back the night sisters to introduce talon would be the perfect link between darth maul and her you can even make her maul's sister through towson oh yeah that'd be neat that would be me i think daughter would make more sense but but but he doesn't have a wee-wee so yeah be tough maybe uncle maybe shabbat sabaj sabotage oh maybe yeah but savage wasn't really even his true brother right i don't know it was like his brother in this clan i don't know right um if amanda doesn't know anything about jedi how does he know how to say may the force be with you right so this is a question that i saw a lot of and i was going to make a video on it um so my theory on this is that after luke took over and all you other channels out there i know you guys love tuning into this show and writing down the notes uh get your pen and pads ready because i've seen a lot of stuff that you and i talk about turned into actual videos which i know right what the hell yeah yeah so get ready my man had the prop for y'all oh yeah okay um think for yourselves goddammit um yeah so basically what i think is after uh return of the jedi the whole galaxy knew that luke saved the day okay and he knew that they knew that he's obviously very embodied with the force he's very akin to the force and the force was something that really helped with the vanquish of the empire that and the fact that leia is moving up further in politics and she is the sister of luke skywalker so she's probably using that term as well may the force be with you because she believes in it more than anybody so you know besides luke of course so i feel like it's just kind of this like common term that the new republic uses now may the force be with you may the force because it all comes from luke and them hearing the story of how yeah and he was he said it to blend in he was trying to get them to be like oh he's one of us yeah that's all so i think i that's my theory on how you know the answer of like how that actually happened why he said that how he knows i love it also i mean he was saved from the death from death he was saved by death watch from the separatists which was a big fight between the separatists and the republic the jedi so he would know all about the jedi he would know may the force be with you you're just doing it to fit in just kind of flying under the radar i agree with that 100 yeah yep i think that makes the most sense yeah so makes sense to me what's chat saints here talon escapes slavery on tatooine due to her force powers and finds maul's lightsaber imbued with spirit which trains her in the dark side dude that would be kind of cool though like i i'm seeing that come up a lot and that just it kind of it's kind of nice oh yeah there is a darth talon fan film right i think i've seen it talented plays are great dude yeah yeah talon escapes slavery on tatooine due to her forced power wait do you send that three times elijah thanks man uh watch episode one may the force be with you wait what what all right uh we have a horror story it's in the clone wars with the brain worms on genosis huh what brain worms on genosis do you mean the couhons from corset i don't know what that i don't know what's going on i'm confused bro yeah me too charlie thank you uh the arbeiter gamer you german ah bison uh strange question but what do you think they did with all the dead jedi's lightsabers after order 66 and all the rather like so this was actually in the canon comic um a vader covered a video on it three years in the catalyst a little too oh yeah so they basically held a um like a performance uh in front of the jedi temple where masamita had this massive kiln on fire and he tossed all the lightsabers in there and finally the last one that he tossed in was yoda's and he tossed it in and it was boom big explosion yeah they give some of them they they have some of the jedi lightsaber kyber in the catalyst novel and uh jyn erso's dad and his team are like given some of it and they're like experimenting with it and i remember somebody makes a comment it might have even been in his uh wife that's like we know exactly where they got these kybers from like kind of saying like that they knew they had killed jedi uh to take the kyber uh which was kind of interesting but yeah i think most of it was destroyed in ceremony uh by masamita yep it's crazy israel looked too dead i like this format a lot more no it's not dead man i've spoken lots about it so mark's just busy uh elijah thank you lord kid thank you john harris thank you for being a new member um i think i'm gonna upload the episode of once upon a theory for you guys it's not remastered but i'm gonna upload the full thing for you guys so you can enjoy it for join members only so nice what up theory excuse me love your show what up iron nerd you guys are awesome together keep up the great work what up iron nerd he says again always keep it a buck brother nice thank you what if the apprentice maul takes to the dark side is ezra's apprentice dude i was thinking that i was thinking about the exact same thing that would be fantastic that's kind of cool fantastic i didn't even think of that man just dope yeah that's dope thanks rain salute oh he says it again uh salute iron nerd and captain canada jessica henwick said she was turned down for ray roll who's that oh interesting i i think she would have made ray more believable thoughts i don't know who that is yeah i'm really bad with actors and actresses so sorry i don't really know i found the child eating everything was not only funny but a very real thing don't eat that is often said by parents with toddler toddlers yeah and dogs what sith do you think would be the best golfer i don't know dude golfer have you heard star wars radio drama shows from the original trilogy if you haven't it's amazing i've heard some of them yeah i've heard about them but i haven't heard them dude they go way more into detail than the books or the movies that's cool mind-blowing like it's like it's interesting that's sweet does anyone know if the realistic baby yo doll's mouth is elastic uh i have it sitting right there you want me to check the mouse is the last thing is that he's asking no it's not nope it's not elastic he's cute though he's a cute little guy man for sure no one could ever replace chadwick boseman i agree does anyone yeah i like turtles that's nice man thank you so much for telling me that appreciate it any truth of the rumor of the qui-gon project i didn't know there was one i haven't heard anything about that so as far as i'm concerned no truth hmm any advice on which store to buy my first realistic lightsaber from i like corbin so make sure to stay tuned for tomorrow's lightsaber review video i've got a really nice cool intro for you as we unbox anakin's dude would world between worlds is probably the dumbest idea anyways put into star wars bearing some very obscure eu stuff i don't think it's a dumbest idea i just i'm not a fan of it yeah or at least the way it was explained i just or showed or portrayed i just don't think it was the best i think well plus it's like it should it's a it's not a device that should be used you know what i mean it's one of those things that's like it almost is more for fan fiction than anything yeah you know what i mean like it's almost like a gift for us but it shouldn't be used in the main star wars canon right would love to see some games tonight when are you streaming again i'm just going to stream tonight we're going to play god of war 4 so make sure you join the gaming channel theories arcade games i know josh you have a live live stream channel too den of nerdsync yeah denna nerd's live uh normally i stream in the mornings um and do a morning show they're just talking about a bunch of nerdy things and a little bit of gaming here and there yeah so i stream every day um more of a late night not late night but nighttime does it irritate you that they're announcing and filming other shows instead of fixing the kenobi series no they're probably fixing it they're just not talking about it yeah disney put so many star wars projects that were rumored or confined on ice or confirmed on ice or scrap completely i'm hesitant to accept anything they say yeah that's i think that's totally fair yeah it's not necessarily a bad stance to take uh but i will also tell you that well just watch the rest of man know and then see if you feel the same way that's all awesome yeah we'll see why is the lettering on your hat and the books you've shown backwards it's not dude unless it is on the stream is it no oh it is backwards on the stream oh is it yeah just zoom probably because this is the same way it's because the way the window capture came in yeah i could flip it but whatever uh it's uh redrow backwards six backwards six yeah dude duh the new hat it's the first time we're using zoom usually we do skype uh so which of the lucas sequels is fake news exploring the wills or darth maul and tannen or how ambitious was lucas sequel's lull right yeah which one it's a good question i think both i think both because yeah yeah yeah because like okay so for instance like the plot all george is saying is that like the basic plot right but if you have main characters and they're they're like dealing with the force and also we're we're following luke right as luke is trying to further explain the force and try to understand it maybe for his students um and so there's the potential for like luke to be going into you know a lot again what we saw with yoda sort of at the end of clone wars where he's like doing the mortise thing and like it's getting real trippy so like there's potential that like luke because i think one of the things that could be interesting is like luke is just doing his jedi thing and he's not necessarily helping leia uh fight and and the republic fight off all these crazy imperial remnants because luke is just training and doing jedi things right right and so you could have like this juxtaposition where luke is meditating and like learning about uh the midichlorians and trying to deeper trying to understand deeper like what the midiclorans are and how they communicate to us uh all while these other things are going on with like leia and uh and all of them so i say why not both by the way this is the um anakin skywalker uh hilt that is pretty sick dude yeah did a full unboxing video it's filmed i just gotta edit more of it it's really nice it's really really nice nice yeah i'll do a comparison later between this and the um the luke yeah so yeah whoo yeah dang dude screen accurate yeah and then i'm sorry what's the company again corbin's corbin's yeah yeah they're they're getting my the next saber i get is coming from corbin right they're good man yeah yeah so this is the second sister's uh soundcloud i think yeah yeah that's nice not sound i don't know what nice i want to get one that just does all of the lines that uh the trade federation says in phantom menace dude i was five hours last night i was working with kyberfonic who does um a lot of the the fonts um five hours reprogramming this thing it's a lot of work to program this stuff but yeah five hours five hours dude yeah yeah like we're putting different fonts yeah it's like programming everything so it's it's a program called um what's it called i forgot it was called offy or something whatever um and it's it's for programming droids robots wow okay sure yeah right yeah so um you can do anything you can change like you guys will see in the review that is cool keep him keep him tethered keep him waiting yeah just like that boba yeah just like the boa what kind of character would sir patrick stewart play in star wars new republic leader general it would be awesome if he ever made a cameo no he'd be a uh a chiss uh general thrawn yeah yeah dude at the helm are you kidding me yeah leighton james thanks man if they do an alternative timeline from episode seven before episode seven how do you think they would treat the fact that carrie fitcher fisher is no longer with us yes it's it's tough but i mean if they get the blessing of her family and maybe get her daughter to play the role and then they just you know deep fake the face a little bit yeah 100 yeah that's the move i think that's respectable i do too yeah what if the child becomes a mando and then him and din build a set of a sect a force-powered mandos it'd also be fitting for the dark saber to go to him i don't think he should have the dark saber maybe yeah no i don't think so i think you should go back to bow yeah it beau or maybe bo buh we could see that could be cool yeah we'll see we'll see what happens with that bow is the rightful uh the rightful one to have it though i have the vader poster on my wall too i love it oh you mean from the fan film that one that's pretty nice thanks man i still want to see baby oda grow up and get decked out in some vascular armor he'd be like a force user mandalorian it would be cool do you think it would be a good idea to just start a new trilogy in 138 aby and legends after darth crates war and the creation of the galactic federation triumvirate sith infiltrating the government um could be yeah something similar i mean you can't do that timeline but you could do something similar it'd be cool i want to see darth sion yeah no that'd be cool i really want to see um nihilus i think nihilus would be a really cool way to go with it he's op man he's super op but i mean think about it like we just had friggin palps friggin lightning a whole fleet you know what i mean so i think nihilist could work the guy set up nylas freaking eats worlds like yes yes and he could like siphon off like a dementor like suck the force out like a four seater yeah that'd be kind of cool to see as if all the happiness in the world went away yep it's dark the dementors don't forget akbar used it in return of the jedi before the endor battle began used what the hypersupporters be with us i guess is what he said oh yeah yeah palpatine 2024 for a safe and secure society for a safe and secure society he was talking about the zombie episode of the clone wars well there's a zombie episode of the clone wars but also the the the dead troopers or the death troopers come from a story in legends where death where storm troopers were literally turned into zombies what was with the death troopers talking in rebels oh they can talk i know but like hearing them talking it's not just like yeah i don't remember that episode too much but i know in one of the thrawn isn't it in one of the thrawn novels or yeah where they're on a mission and they're working with death troopers he's got death troopers with them um and i just remember them like they literally took their armor off and looked like they were just like civilians yeah but they were still like hard as nails of course what about ultra sabres heard mixed things also good day from australia i love watching these streams when i can yeah so i ordered a ultra sabres lightsaber from ultra sabres for um vader episode 2 but it never arrived the customer support was non-existent it was atrocious and um yeah that's it for me i don't need to do that again you know what i mean so yeah i have a couple ultra sabers uh the one i really really like and the one the the one is more expensive and i actually don't really like it all that much so i'm gonna experiment around i'm gonna check out the one that that theory was talking about i also got i got a saber that is literally wrapped like a katana it literally has a katana wrapped i forget what the company was called uh it starts like a tea or something like that um uh so yeah there's a ton of people that make sabers there's independent people that like make their own sabers as well if you go to cons you'll meet some of them if we ever go back oh man i can't wait to go back to a con oh dude i want to go back to like celebrate i want to go to celebration 2022. but i don't even know if that's realistic at this point uh yeah i think it will be i mean yeah it will just depend right i mean vaccine this new vaccine seems kind of promising it'll still be quite some time before that goes out uh but the thing that's interesting about this vaccine not to necessarily go down this rabbit hole but that it's 90 percent um uh effective which is really really high like we would have been happy with a 50 effective vaccine because it's all about cutting off potential outlets for spreading so uh who said that actually that's what the reports are from pfizer or whatever the company that's doing it so hopefully you grow a third head yeah probably i'm not taking the first batch but uh you know we'll see yeah yeah anyways um yeah so that's my view on ultra savers so i go with corbin i have a vader's vault also a great saber so so far i've got a lot of corbin now um the reviews to come are leia sabre which is actually a beautiful saber by kr sabres um through corbin or actually corbin through kr um anakin dooku qui-gon vader forgetting one uh luke so those are the ones that are in my possession well the leia one isn't but uh those are the ones that are in my position right now which i'll be doing reviews on over the coming weeks which uh hope you guys will be yeah yeah they're pretty cool like unboxings and all that stuff so they're really really crisp hilts they look really nice yeah well that's the thing the thing that upsets me most about the new one i got is it looks great but in my hand it feels horrible um legit feels horrible ultra savings ultra yeah it's ultra saber yeah so it's just not a good hilt um it looks great but yeah it's it's really for show and because i've been trying to get into actual combat it's like i can't not with that yeah i don't know much about their quality uh but i know that the customer service was garbage so uh with my experience so i yeah i'm going corbin's man i mean look look how good this looks like this is legit dude you guys will see this all in the review tomorrow tomorrow's video so so that's faulty programming that we did yeah i want to get one that is double bladed and when i put out both blades uh newt gun ray says this is getting out of hand now there are two of them there's a you can do that my buddy kyber phonic help me out with it thanks i check out how bright that is dude i mean that's so nice dude yeah and it's like flickering and yeah dude that's nuts i'm gonna i'm gonna dude i just told my i just bought one today and i told myself i'm not gonna buy anymore but i might have to check out the website just to see yeah so make sure you guys stay tuned for the video tomorrow i mean there's no go away that's your that's your lady man no the force is i'll never join you that's not true yo you ever seen the robot chicken of that scene i think somebody's like that's not true that's unprobably this is the uh i think this is a hyperspace one the force is with you no no no no yeah oh that was kind of cool uh is it no this is not the hyperspace one there's a cool dude the the coolest one on here that i'll have on the review for you guys tomorrow is the tuscan raider one from anakin episode two it is like you're like i'm like spinning it and clashing and stuff and like tuscans are dying they're like that's awesome it's mind-blowing oh my god right here right here right here and you guys will see that tomorrow you're just slaying through tuskegee i knew my reaction was like what the hell is this and there's a cool one with um ob1 versus django on camino where like um the lights are actually the rains hitting the lightsaber so it's like yeah it's really neat wow yeah so yeah make sure you guys sub to the gaming channel because i'm going to be doing lots of uh uh pov with my webca with my um gopro um running through forest and stuff being an idiot so uh that's gonna be sweet yeah it'll be cool uh cool thing and snowing now so i'm gonna go up the mountain and they're gonna be like what are you doing here up the mountain with this and i'll be like it's trees and then spread away yeah run into the forest snowing slip fall about sith star wars movie or tv series i think it definitely must be darth bane's story it would be perfect start for old republic cinematic universe because of his story you could easily sympathize him yeah i think bane is a common ladies and gentlemen i think bane good question a man henry cave hmm i don't know if he's right for bain tom hardy tom hardy could do it i could see it the more i the more i uh marinate on it yeah tom hardy could be great um i don't know dude get the rock literally just do it just put a saber in the rock the rocks hands dude that'd be great yeah i don't know probably not him yeah uh which saber form would you pick form five from me um probably form five yeah yeah but dm so yeah yeah that varies i don't know much about the saber forms i wanna learn more um i want to learn more about them are they based on actual martial arts yeah there's a lot of inspiration pulled from them i'd need to do more research on it to know which forms in particular but yeah that's cool that's cool yeah it's pretty neat the seventh form is like the most aggressive and acrobatic which is the the form darth maul used and uh mace windu used a variation of it which he created called vape okay cool yeah i want to look into that and see because i know like there's like there's some kendo there's some uh aikido there's you know there's like uh different things that are going on you know it's funny before um before uh dooku in attack of the clones i remember my father's uh martial arts teacher was talking about the curved um sword the curved saber that was going to be in there because in the art that we studied that was a big thing but the thing that's funny is the the ones we have the hooks on the other end so you're fighting with like the hook on the other end so that you can get around you know what i mean and do stuff like that okay i guess they couldn't figure that out with the saber so they just flipped it yeah um but either way like i just remember like because we had like some some curved sticks like that that were that were used it was kind of interesting i just got dooku's today i haven't uh it's still in the box i haven't even opened the box yet i can't wait to film it love the design and i just it's so like fencing like rapier like kind of different yeah i really love it yeah i love it yeah and qui-gons is probably my favorite i'd say qui-gon insidious is the other one that i have really cool yeah because it's like so tiny and like compact and weird looking yeah but i have sidious master replicas one signed by ian mcdermott in the closet right here but nice um it's not a dueling one of course nice yeah dude he signed do it on it it's pretty neat that's pretty cool uh guys i need a vote okay so tomorrow's video is going to be about anakin's lightsaber but after that what do you want to see so type 1 for vader empire strikes back type 2 for luke empire strikes back type three for dooku episode two type four for qui-gon and what am i missing here i think that's it yeah that's it so i voted what's your vote three dukes i want to see dukes dude yeah duke's pretty cool yeah he's pretty awesome man i would have loved to see more of hi that character explored too yeah i mean they did in the books but i mean they should do it more so in the actual movies yeah yeah the books did a good job of it but it's like it's pretty crazy him um because he didn't because he never like really loses the name count like he still like sort of holds that power so he must have always been a little unorthodox with the within the jedi right yeah dude are you looking at chat right now jesus i don't even know what the hell like what yeah that's a lot of numbers ah that's a lot of numbers i see a lot of four yeah i see a lot of qui-gon well now all of a sudden a lot of threes but yeah it looks like a lot of four i don't know it's too hard it's very mixed yeah it's very mixed so oh well yeah you'll see them all eventually um what do you think about the show and about the how fiverr first transitioned to the empire under vader yeah that'd be great joe yeah all about clones 100 give an interest in the chiss ascendancy would love to see ezra and thrawn rescued by them maybe even a chess series keep up the great work yeah yes please written by timothy zone please yeah dude who wins vader and superman or palpatine and electro vader vader oh sorry oh vader and superman together against palpatine and electro why why is electro in there at all because of lightning i guess why not thor oh yeah nah well if anything it'd be storm like storm could bring that pain you think storm would beat up thor yeah well okay that's tough that's actually pretty tough it would probably do a video on that yeah would storm beat up thor hmm well i don't know storm's pretty freaking strong but uh so is thor obviously thor is like so strong in the comics that it's i'd probably have to give it to him in the comics it would depend in the movies i guess yeah i mean he's a god can't really kill him yeah well you can kill him but i think they'd like resurrect well it depends on uh the comic but yeah they can die or the uh the asgardians can totally die because there's like an after life for them and stuff too right well i guess i mean thanos killed well he's not as guardian so thanos killed a bunch of them though killed half of them that's that's another thing that people don't talk about that's so messed up is like he so he was killing half of like even when he was doing like the war stuff like so at the beginning of infinity war he kills half those asgardians uh but then he does the snap so they're technically getting 75 of them are yeah you know what i mean yeah like nobody talks about that yeah i guess he just hated them yeah or he's just not good at math didn't he have like very bulletproof skin oh yeah dude his skin is super hard to penetrate that's why the iron man can only get a drop of blood out of them i wish they didn't do the time thing the time thing was weird um but i like i like endgame quite a bit i always say though i think um i think infinity war is a much better total movie it's a much uh more clean movie but endgame is a much better ending to uh to the whole thing so what's with um hulk not appearing man stupid professor hulk what it's literally just bruce banner come on yeah a lot of people have that opinion as well and i like savage hulk i want hulk to go back to being savage so i i ragnarok yeah yeah like exactly so i hope we get back to that um but i don't know we'll just have to see it would have just ruined one of the best characters if they don't take him back i agree but then maybe they'll do red hulk and we'll have red hawk instead you should both start a star wars tabletop rpg campaign like dungeons and dragons oh i was gonna play baldur skate oh yeah if you do get on there uh let me know i'll run i would run a campaign with you on uh baller's gate that could be fun apparently the graphics look real nice right oh my god yeah the graphics are nuts um i will say this to that question too i was actually going to try to get theory to play um some dungeons and dragons i really want to get into it yeah it sounds like something i'd love yeah they're really really fun man okay let's do it take me under your wing yeah yeah yeah we shall do it she want to say i started coming here for theory but i'm now an avid den of nerds fan nice oh thanks man nice andrew awesome glad to see that i might be wrong but there are no mandalorians in the sequel trilogy right why lil none that we see you're right a lot of people thought zory bliss was a mandalorian i'm like no no no no but she is awesome looking um favorite lightsaber hilton y mine's leia oh then you're gonna love that review in a few weeks probably sidious or quiegon are you still selling the 66 hats i tried to get one on the website was down and i love them hat so they were sold out for a little bit but i mean there should be back up dope yeah those hats are great yeah they're cool um i just not a fan of this like mesh stuff that they do so i want them to you know come up with a new option of um i'm just kind of limited to uh what teespring creates so i don't know i think they got three different designs yeah but even the other design is like um what is it like i don't know i'm trying to find something it's not i just i don't know i'm not really interested to see them because i just ordered some for us too so i'm interested to see what they're like yeah cool yeah i want to send you some stuff by the way i said that a while ago i got sent me i wanted that's actually what you were telling me i want that yellow one of the 66. i think that i like that pure yellow one so this is not this is just like the yellow and black oh okay do you have a pure yellow though i do yeah dude that that would be kind of my thing because sometimes like every once in a while i just like wearing something really loud like just really loud and ridiculous yeah it's somewhere yeah i don't know i'm i'm messing with this light one this white one right now silver one looks pretty close um except right now it's reversed for you guys i bought three from ultra sabres all arrived here san francisco from texas within less than a week all fantastic never any problems i'm glad you had a good experience with them dude yeah that's probably why they're one of the most successful saber sellers i think yeah they do a lot of business so yeah well it's uh unfortunate that i had a bad experience because i ordered like six from corbin so yeah dude sometimes that happens dude you know that's that's one of those things where because i've had a bad experience with a certain printing company that a lot of people have had good experiences with and they ruined some shirts for me that were like for a really important thing mm-hmm and i'll literally never work with them again you know what i mean like yeah i know what you mean yeah you know it just is what it is some stuff like that i'd actually lose money just to not work with like eb games like i would not get a ps5 if they're selling let's say they're like hey you know what we got a million ps5s right here for you for a dollar i'd be like nope just out of the the principal like no but that's that's the kind of dude i am it's kind of stupid but well i think a lot of people are like that in their own ways though and that's why companies need to just as much as they can try not to screw up like that you know yeah don't piss people off because they're your customers right like they're paying your bills right do you ever think they'll ever do a series on the wookies maybe something about the aftermath of the droid attack uh i think they'll work wookies in there like they did with fallen order but i don't think we'll get a full-on show about wookies is there an anakin killing youngling sound option on the saber theory no but we can put one in there yeah we can make something hey theory and josh love to collab with your channels keep up the great work oh thanks keaton uh are you streaming tonight or no you're done after this because you're three hours ahead yeah i know i'm done after this i might work a little on my dnd stuff just okay i'll wrap it up uh i really wanted a jedi temple guard one from ultra sabers but reconsidering after your experience yeah i mean well like i mean zack said he had a great experience so look i've had nothing but good stuff to say about corbin uh vader's vault has been great vader's vault just took literally like seven months to get to me so six months i mean so i'd it it's you know it's great but i want it now right i don't have to wait so um yeah for me as corbin is my guy right now i'm gonna have to start saving for the return of the jedi luke skywalker saver from corbin's by far my favorite lightsaber in all stars yeah that's the next one i want on my list so maybe like december or something i'll get that nice how about a cop style show with dave filoni patrolling the skies in his ex why not dude you know what yeah yes yes do you think best guard is stronger than vibranium this was a debate my brother and i had last night no dude vibranium's way stronger i think you think yeah cause like best car so like best car is really strong and it can take like all those blaster bolts and stuff like that but vibranium is like it's strong and it's kind of like magical yeah you know what i feel like you can literally like fuel engines with vibrating yeah i guess do you think adamantium could destroy vibranium adamantium and vibranium are that's like a big marvel debate i still think vibranium wins um but adamantium is quite strong let's say logan was going to go up to something made of vibranium and just hack and slash yeah i think they've actually done that before right i don't think he can get through vibranium because he can't get through cap's shield but i think in the comics cap's shield is vibranium and adamantium the amount of why the hell did a shield break against thanos then dude cause thanos is just a freaking boss what was his what was his blade made out of i mean that blade is probably made out of like similar material to thor's stuff right so it's it's either like uru or stuff dark yeah like dark steel or something and it's also probably magical yeah and yeah yeah that makes sense had some magic yeah um hey guys love the show have you thought about putting this on apple podcast it'd be sick yeah so i'm actually working on that right now so stay tuned yeah lots of i hate when people say yeah big stuff coming but yeah actually yeah a lot of stuff coming so well guess what i don't hate it and i say it way too much do you so so i'll say it again here lots of stuff coming ladies and gentlemen hold on to your butts no i think i just hate it when people who really don't have jack she coming and they're just like yeah hustling grinding like big stuff coming it's like dude shut up right just show me yeah yeah yeah yeah all right got my ob1 hats and uh it's treason then shirt a few weeks back love them i do thank you man appreciate it it's not an ob1 hat it's an ob hat literally o and b yeah guys god yeah come on dude embarrassing what are you doing yeah what are you even doing do you even star wars thanos is a thick grape vibranium absorbs vibrations not heat so vibranium beats adamantium but lightsaber beats vibranium mmm interesting you should make a video on this josh yeah i should make a video on this write this down i'm gonna get real sweaty yeah yeah yeah just like everyone else god damn it all right guys we got a great show josh you want to add anything else i i mean no man i just love uh look i'm just really happy that uh people are responding positively to the podcast i think we're we're they love star wars this grows more and more every week like well we had 42 4300 or something like what the hell live that's crazy that's crazy dude yeah and i think that as star wars is doing much better now that's kind of really nice because people are more positive on it and look we were able to touch on a very crazy story tonight without being overtly negative in the way that i think some other channels would so i really do think that there's something really cool happening with this podcast and i'm just very blessed and uh grateful to be a part of it so i want to thank you uh theory i also want to thank mark i want to thank you man if it wasn't for yeah it wasn't for mark true if it wasn't for mark we would have never linked up um and uh you know just thank you and thank mark and thank the fans and thank the force and thank the creator and uh yeah things are good man thank george lucas and lucasfilm yeah dude already over 110 000 people have watched this episode yeah it's pretty wild which will update over the next few days but yeah it's pretty wild man that's pretty cool that's yeah not bad not bad not bad at all getting off to uh my own brew here so i'm gonna stop doing that because i hate when people do that um uh wait what what what what what what what we say alex who says big sorry dude autocorrected to obi-wan it's all good man i appreciate you all right guys we love you uh go to the gaming channel i will be streaming in about an hour with the community there and go to josh's gaming channel live stream channel and we also have breakdowns josh has to break down every mando episode literally as it comes out so oh yes all right are we gonna figure out an outro we will eventually figure out an outro yeah yeah all right see you guys later
Channel: Star Wars Theory
Views: 571,897
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: george lucas, darth maul, star wars, george lucas sequel trilogy, star wars explained, luke skywalker, sequel trilogy, star wars theory, darth vader, kylo ren, the rise of skywalker, george lucas star wars, episode 8, kathleen kennedy, the last jedi, mark hamill, last jedi, anakin skywalker, obi-wan kenobi, george lucas interview, george lucas reaction, baby yoda, star wars trailer
Id: fGwIRnpopf0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 142min 35sec (8555 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 10 2020
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