Darkest Dungeon: The Color of Charity - Baer's Runs (Attempt #3)

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like this is this is an unusual volume of streaming for me I know that for a damn fact and yeah we are gonna rename these guys so I'll go ahead and get that raffles started pretty soon here but I'm feeling like we're about ready to go actually I've got my trinkets all set up for these guys as well as you saw down there I'm gonna go with the focus ring berserk mask combo and this boy so he's gonna have a bunch of crit chance at it on mercenaries gonna have something similar although he's going with Mildred's locket to make that Miller fight quite a bit easier and it gives him more speed in general so that's pretty nice the Jester is rocking this dirge for the devoured so this is the only crystalline item I'd purchase you'll notice I have a few a few fewer shards than I did prior to this the dirge I think cost like 60 or something like that it was one of the cheaper ones and I think it's a pretty damn good option because that damage bonus with laudanum in the inventory which I'm pretty damn sure I'm going to have for the most part is pretty great on top of the fact that it now makes the stress heal I think like 18 or something which is [ __ ] fantastic so that seemed like a really good choice and then we're gonna have super healing vessel of course as is tradition so I think we're ready let's go ahead and provision get everything we could possibly grab all the food no shovels anti-venom obviously want laudanum no keys holy water bandages herbs that'll work and we'll just go ahead and bring shard dust as well why not how are you gonna get the gesture in front Derk stabs I guess I'm not really relying on it too much I'm kind of assuming that he's gonna be a buff machine for the most part he's gonna buff he's gonna cure stress where we need it but yeah it's gonna be interesting I know but the thing is like check the leaderboard this is the composition that's working right now and I'm fairly certain this is going to be like the skill set that they used for it so uh alright yeah we got to rename these guys too so let's go ahead and do that turn subscribers mode on real fast then we'll go ahead and start that raffle up real quick so ex claim or raffle in the chat go ahead and enter it in right now and you'll be potentially chosen as a new member of our endless crew this is going to be the winning squad by the way so this is the one you want to get in hmm again thank you very much I'll just go ahead and take this moment to say I really appreciate you all tuning in for all this it has been a shitload of stream and I know that much it's been a lot more than I'm used to and I am very very happy to see so many people tuning in and enjoying the content and loving the new DLC like I am so thank you for the support doesn't mean a lot let's go ahead and draw those names real quick Boop first one laser TG whoo I think maybe we already chose booth but either way we'll go ahead and put you in do you do there you go laser TG you'll be our jester next up what's at the leper draw long night deliveries I love that I might have to shorten it a little bit though long night deliveries long night deliver that's pretty good that's pretty close I'd say and the final leper final winner gonna be Debbie Debbie day upon D Pondy well c'mon in but that doctor you are or pond old maybe by the way rig the third time god damn it why is every vote Riggs bear yeah you let just let us be legitimate for once just one time man back to the farmstead boys for the endless run to end all endless runs to lepers a gesture and a vestal also known as a vessel mm Oh seems safe enough for now let's go get that sin out of here we want to take him down I want that first place spot baby inspiration and improvement let's go stun game so this is gonna allow me to establish the pace here I got to figure out where my weaknesses are whether or not I want to use the buffs early which certainly seems like a good idea right now the thing about it though is that they're a good option to use when the leper is getting moved so I'm wondering if maybe I should just go ahead and chop with them straight away and then wait until maybe they get shuffled around to do that but I'm sure it won't matter that much happy to see you he recreates and I'm sure I'll say this several times but I am going to be healing like [ __ ] crazy that feels nice especially cuz which one of these guys has the Fairweather fighter yeah Pond all had Fairweather fighters so well if I can keep him I'm pretty sure he has to be at full health I don't think 62 out of sixty three would do it maybe it would be I don't know but either way got to make sure to try to keep him at full health whenever possible so he gets that extra twenty percent damage because that's obviously pretty massive i it's me the raffle ruin a welcome pack factor you're not the Rattler owner you know what you're the good sport you could have been the raffle ruiner but instead you're the raffle enhancer that's what you are good sixty-two out of sixty three is ninety eight point four or something oh my god so we're like 0.1 percent away from being rounded up to ninety nine that's a bummer so maybe if I had actually given him a health buff you would be able to do it without being at full although I guess if you're gonna be at near full you might as well be at full right and I really should focus on healing him because he's the only one that gets that benefit I will donate a dollar for every successful death's door resist please live bear oh my goodness doctor and welcome back for thirteen months thank you thank you very very much so we are one shotting everything with these levers so far which feels pretty [ __ ] good [Laughter] these guys just opie as hell yeah this is doing pretty well so far I gotta say what is their crit chance right now I haven't even really been paying attention sixty-four oh my god another abomination cleansed from our lands Wow let's just do that I guess why not and yep Oh time to perform beyond ones living that's what I was gonna say Jake yeah like from my perspective I'm hoping that you don't pay me any money because I don't want to hit that story from my perspective the Jedi are evil see this is what I was talking about like it's sort of sucks that I have to just pass turn here cuz otherwise I would just be shuffling the lepers and that's no good so I guess we can relieve some stress here and I hopefully can move the vessel back and that's fine why double leper cuz watch this size alone does not dissuade the sharpened blade that's why and there we go 8:16 yeah it's gonna take it all off right yeah oh my goodness and that feels nice yay yep speedy lepers make for speedy kills indeed yeah the battle ballad combination with these guys is nuts very very strong and that's an unfortunate shuffle and I wish I had some way to deal with that but I don't really you know apart from that inordinate exsanguination be considered a virtue and I need a special have you tried a finale jester party yet I mean this kind of is that certainly not built around that but that is an option we have with this team I might even take off finale watching the way this is working so far I kind of doubt we're gonna have a lot of options to use it I'd replace it with well jesters in spot three by default so I could give him like slice off and he can deal decent damage with that not to mention the crit mod try that out kind of convincing myself that might be worth it but the finale obviously I mean like if we ever get into a position where we can even use the finale is gonna be a massive benefit I don't know if maybe just having the consistent damage will be more worthwhile than having a one nuclear bomb that we can use with that guy slice off also builds finale right but I'd be trading off finale for slice up so it doesn't really make a difference there well here's our finale opportunity I guess so that kind of eliminates that argument doesn't it yep yeah I know we'll go ahead and keep that yeah 100% great that's kind of nice I really want to get rid of that just yet okay oh my god not to mention the fact that with this crit build you get those crit buffs which are just making him better and better and better it's insane like he is so [ __ ] strong right now and let's go here I should try to carry over the round buffs too I guess I'm about to get teleported out though so I don't know if I'm actually gonna be able to do it oh yeah 14 months in a row thank you thank you very much well that's that I guess I think I'm gonna get teleported out right now yep all right I lost some sheltered corner of reality as a stress relief right yeah that's for everybody I think oh that's only for one person well that's stupid okay welcome to the bear I didn't switch my party around damn it captain crab welcome to the pile my friend thanks very much for the twist Prime subscription I appreciate it I'm go ahead in knots do the revenge immediately this time I'm gonna I'm going to allow for the opportunity for the enemy to shuffle me around and try to accommodate for that yeah I'm currently in eleventh I am NOT I have not put up a good score I got past the sleeper which feels good and now that I know that that's a thing I know I kind of know how to better deal with it but it's still gonna be a threat allow them to shuffle maybe that doesn't really make a ton of sense let's just keep killing here I go killing again a momentary did you do on eonni if you just click the subscribe button up above the video player it'll give you the option this is going pretty well it's going pretty good why aren't you using the lepers attack that can hurt the first two positions but Hugh right - 40 percent damage modifier less crit chance does hit both positions but I mean I don't need that a level of AoE and I think that's at all necessary and it's so disappointing what I don't one shot him now let's do this if I want those guaranteed crits I got to get that revenge buff right holy hell okay I might requires some stress healing it doesn't really it really does it I can keep buffing [Music] this is going quite well I don't think I want to risk well hold on what's who's got the better chance of critic this guy probably me right yeah cuz these are the Fairweather flattery does more damage anyway so let's have him do it quite Hickory quite Hickory indeed welcome to the bear pile friend oh my best tool is critic [ __ ] let's go let us go forth I could even like remove those D puffs right I'm pretty sure I can yeah this seems way better than my previous team that's for damn sure but again we're very early on right now let's not let's not count our chickens altered stage welcome to the pile my friend thank you for subscribing with twitch prime please get some bear hugs up for the newest members of the pile as we just continue to Massacre these infidels I absolutely will scream yeah every single one of these color of charity runs along with our colour of madness playthrough are going to be up on YouTube for antiquarians win I'm gonna have some fun with some builds in that playthrough for sure the other one that I just mentioned I'm gonna have some good times with that one I've streamed four times today I mean technically I think that's true right in the past 24 hours or maybe like the past 36 hours I've streamed for x which is madness appropriately yeah no need not to do that no more and then let's go for the grit well struck thank you you do whatever you want you can do whatever you like hi welcome back sleepers dream a place of refuge if only for a fleeting moment that's nice cool alright let's go ahead and switch the part you composition back to normal and I do that for fun okay cool onward oh boy we did it good put our stress healing is [ __ ] nuts right now I love this stranger thing song it's so good this music is awesome I totally need to buy this soundtrack it's incredible top [ __ ] tier I did a bang-up job with this new music I'm fine just delivering normal hits like I'm not really concerned too much about these enemies judge jeez so thank you for the five hundred bits my friend very kind of you thank you thank you for your support and Toronto boy to the well c'mon in my friend thanks for the Twitter Prime subscription no problem not a problem easy heals their debuff is oh that is a pretty big debuff we do have like 15 herbs I might as well take that off yeah we kill worth it worth it now let's see still no need to stress heal right I could knock off all of his with a single tune though which feels quite good go for a stun again to try to prevent the disease it's nice gives her the buff and goodbye what do you think about a character called packrat that increases your bag space by one full bar we've always talked about that the ability to expand your backpack space somehow it would be nice wouldn't it but it's it's interesting to consider I don't even know if that would really be worth it for like anyone why don't I do that by the way that was a perfect opportunity to use my BOB I was thinking maybe antiquarian could have something like that but it's just it just seems like it's not nearly as valuable as we're trying to make it out to be you know what I'm saying [Music] that's basically the antiquarians job with making gold stack more right exactly yeah you're basically getting the same effect from that I really wish I'd done my buff here we're gonna be in kind of bad shape I'm just kidding we're good let's do this oh my goodness yay buffs I could do this turn it into a finale on the Skeever because I'm about to finish up here anyway guys before Tate looks like it's working thanks for the hundred bits dude oh boy nice it might be a stun okay okay probably just end up buffing there anyway considering the circumstances we couldn't then kill you Oh baby see a pal decisive humbly give me that speed boost come on leper ah damn it don't get me disease please alright we didn't get disease right thank God it's the only thing we had to avoid Wow oh you brought your friend back he's such a cutie patootie all right fix is that god damn you know oh I told you this is that one thing that one [ __ ] thing hipster Hitler all right welcome to the bear pile thank you for the subscription I appreciate it and Joey beds and emails buddy boom the music is fantastic I love it so much yay this track is nameless innocence that's a sweet name I did say you see what they did to the stalling tactics yeah they made it much more difficult need a little bit of stress healing there probably have heard judgment this guy to death of course not why would that work devastating blow that's better okay that's really not that bad honestly although unfortunately I think we're about to get Warped out yep bye maybe I'll get a stress relief oh no it's Mildred hi Mildred and robber Bart be quick how you doing waiting to be spent I'm gonna throw this in the trash Mildred that's what I'm gonna do with that god damn you okay back to business I guess right onward and did enemies she gave you a ring you monster I needed a pendant which I guess I already have I mean a locket she tried to put a ring on it and she failed fortunately for her ooh baby quick healer a quick yeah go for it's not here Mildred is quite the name that's the name you give to your daughter if you want her to age like exponentially if you want her to start out in the third grade at the age of 45 that's that's what you named your daughter that's a grandma name same with Gertrude yeah Gertrude's right along that same line now offense if your name is Mildred but I just assumed that you're above the age of 68 it's kind of up there - yeah Agatha also one it's just old school Dolores isn't up there anymore dude Westworld fix that Westworld made Dolores cool again no way man Dolores is hip Eleanore yeah Lady Eleanor Roosevelt she kind of made that an old lady name didn't she I hope I'm not hurting any feelings with this what other names should feel bad for their birthright feel obligated to buff right now let's go through the list of baby names and insult everybody yeah let's go through the top ten popular ones let's get to these people that really are gonna feel hurt I'm Lenore and I'm tragically hurt bear you're kind of on the you're on the cusp Lenore you're you're close I gotta say I gotta be honest with you I'll let chat vote yea or nay vote yea or vote yay vote your vote you know what I'm gonna fluff the vote [ __ ] it let's not even do it this is no longer a democratic process [Laughter] there's nothing that can be done anymore you can go by Lenny which is cool that's true yeah you've got options at least some people don't count yourself lucky Lenore is an elegant name yeah I agree with that MTV's fluffed the vote I'd watch it I'd host it probably I'd be the voiceover for that show it'd be real sexy MTV's fluff the vote oh yeah what are we voting for it doesn't even matter baby just fluff that vote oh it's a satisfying just thinning the [ __ ] herd here aren't we I think Bob is a pretty old name now I know a Bob who is the I mean no offense to him because he's technically related to me technically related to me why I guess that's true anyway he's the most boring man on the planet and I think Elise would agree with me gotta love the guy but man oh man he is just a standard human not all Bob's are boring and we got a Robert in the mix you know some of them are wacky some Bob's are apparently just cut straight from the same cookie cutter hey big doggie Lester is a redneck name is redneck an offensive term now was it ever I like saying redneck and I don't want to feel like him being a goddamn I guess that's not really anything is that I was trying to go through the list of offensive terminology but now that doesn't really fit any criteria that's just sort of like a word that means well white trash is probably a lot more offensive right so if I said oh no redneck is a word that means white trash which is that must mean that's not offensive at all [Laughter] who cares about offending rednecks anyway see that's the attitude we have to employ region test I guess yeah that would be the closest thing I kind of want to stab you but I'm not gonna northern aleady asked us pnw we don't take counted damn children folk he says with a southern accent for some reason lewd name here unsere 3 subscription oh boy tier 3 drop the bear brown the color of madness the true color madness thank you thank you very much for that bear hunts' please for the tier 3 sub whooping light octal various welcome of a pile thanks for the twitch Frank somebody appreciate it thank you for the bear brown drop your bear brown for its lewd please welcome on in my friend alright so we're gonna eat half here at assume right I'm not gonna pass up on the opportunity for it'll respite a chance to steal oneself against the coming horror don't want to waste food let's prioritize buffs so this looks good then tiger's eye for either of these guys is fine by me bloody shroud I guess good work but just want to make sure they've got all the accuracy they can get ooh praise really good isn't it because the very religious right the lepers religious right right right yeah so yeah that's pretty damn good alright let's do that then not to mention the stress relief from that so I love it these guys are buffed to [ __ ] nice let's go Hey alright thanks game this is a nice start read beyond the reach of reality I know but I mean at least it's it's nice looking right it's some bright lights and pretty it's not so bad Wayne right ooh that's probably not a stun let's go ahead and do some damage back there three damage there we go that's how we kick it off kill count now is at 37 so nothing noteworthy yet you get a little heel there I'm loving these resistances feels so good oh wait no I thought I'd give him the immunity mask I guess I'm just getting lucky okay cool yay speaking of lucky madness yellow time yeah the horror I got to get those battle bellies back up direct heal there we go I think is he taking less heals from yeah it's the berserk mask that's why okay hmm kind of want to do a revenge now yeah I'm gonna do it got the numbers here he's gonna do a howl probably I'd have to assume let's do the same there yep I don't think I'm gonna use laudanum for this either I'm gonna try to preserve my items as much as I possibly can especially because the jesters item relies on us having laudanum in the inventory so I don't want to use that unnecessarily oh come on we need to crit here game it at Creek gaming it crit and there's no need to stress you yet we have six and a half more hours until the submissions close minimal damage instead of crits is not what I'm looking for yield up I should have focused on him actually just to get him back up to full another stack of hoorah okay now that's beginning to look a lot like maybe wanting to get rid of it and or Christmas yeah I think I could use a lot and I'm here especially cuz he just got the the worries unfortunately that's gonna make things a lot worse and he is not getting lucky with the disease is he Oh nor am I getting lucky with my [ __ ] crits anymore where'd those go there we are back to normal a little bit stress relief off that - obviously quite nice it can be stunned easily let's go for that SiC I know it too waited okay I believe it and I appreciate the vote of confidence why is that lever have crystals on his character sheet he's a mercenary we got him from the stagecoaches new area it's a it's a character that will only go into the farmstead endless runs and will take 10% of all the shards that you weren't in there all right let's go here my official record is 87 yeah mmm I think it's probably more worth it to keep the battle ballad going what a terrifying spawn how horrible what's my unofficial record 904 but that was when I was lying about it no democracy gift it from the bomb amazingly a bomb amazingly thank you for sharing the love and welcome on into the pile Lord more bear hugs please you got 6900 nice it's a pretty impressive score keep it up I try to carry it over to the next area here I'm sure the leper will go first right let's go ahead and just top everybody off then very nice hi battle behind battle ahead but for a moment peace hi Miller oh so nice to see you the poor fool still stands battered and broken as his precious mill is the same man betrayed by the locket the holy water for the boss fight here that sounds smart Miller time baby stun probably not gonna happen but crit what a way to start booster healing skills and let's do the revenge yeah will do that's the same holy water tactic here of course we're gonna be buffing like crazy with a gesture starts off with a farm hand no problem we actually already have full buffs from that don't wait yeah so might want to look at a stress field opportunity if I needed maybe even a dirt stab because we have finale buffs right yeah we could use no it's actually not that high up so let's wait until we got something better with that now let that go that's fine try to stun you and give a guard off there we go lepers can hit Oh baby that feels pretty good oh boy can they hit no kidding naĆ­vi damage this turn from those two oh my god they don't hit they destroy all right yeah yeah it's damage taken so he's gonna have to deal with a little bit from the reefing obvious he'll 69 health Miller Hale got to do that right yeah I know crit [ __ ] well obviously that in that I should have happened first please yeah well [Music] he farm kills against the millers summons - do they not count I don't think they count anyone confirm that I haven't actually been paying attention I guess I can look now around forty five and another horse deck now okay good I think I'll give her a stress he'll real quick not too bad should be another immortal beloved right yeah okay so if I can cut through this guy then I can get a hit hit with a leper here let's see if this council at our total doesn't look like it does does not count okay yeah that's a bummer well lose a single stack of battle ballad but I think it's good in favor of hearing a bit of that stress good hit this one more actually you know let's do this and I will heal the gesture solo after that big shot moneymaker well probably try to heal up that's unfortunate Wow untimely I really need to heal him are you [ __ ] kidding me he knew he was going down so he had to make my life [ __ ] hell didn't me he just had to make it worse for me didn't yell you [ __ ] [ __ ] you know what I'm gonna heal a little bit we think about that getting Letty I rest upon the dirty Harold food through this layer there jeez Louise that wasn't very nice [Music] that's the Miller for you yeah I've had to make it worse curiosity's begging for examination I don't really need this I guess I can get rid of a single herb though that's fine okay we'll off some steam for the gesture and a single death's door debuff unfortunately that really sucks can anybody get rid of that I doubt it yeah I'd be looking at a crusader for that I guess I'll be doing well - captain caffeine gonna have you all right let's do it I guess I don't really want to waste food on this vessel can't she guys a bonus for if they have mortality debuffs but she can't herself remove a mortality debuff No okay I think it's time to go I don't want to waste any food on this I'm pretty sure I'll be able to heal sufficiently all right that sucks that's kind of scary actually oh [ __ ] oh good I have 95% chance to hit that'll help a lot I still have my speed right I got a little bit of my speed at least all right healed up and not die goes there little horses I don't know what you guys are talking about thank you very much for the thousand bits nothing beats watching bear stream with a big up mug a hot coffee thank you very much for the bits I appreciate that let's just keep the numbers thinned keep that advantage pressed that's fine by me color of madrenas that's a bandage opportunity for sure please die yay [Applause] but and yeah go ahead no need to stress you all right yeah we're doing fine [Music] now I think we're okay Leopard don't you show a little more confidence pal you deserve to I mean you're doing quite well that up I think and let's see I'm not getting a lot of damage down there I think it's time to do a solemnity hello mark of Raven the other stream I asked if you were ever playing darkest dungeon again you seven the new DLC comes out indeed it is the new Dells DLC the mine welcome to your future okay [ __ ] is not a big deal I think we can finally group heal again [Music] wish this was the dude with the Fairweather fighting I think it's too late to do revenge to can still do that and pop it and one more crit will do them in yeah this run is going really well really really well I'm gonna keep going with this yeah the art in this mode is terrific too they really I think they killed it with this update only five dollars for this DLC is just such a great deal alright so this is where we use revenge if he gets push but luckily that didn't happen every one of them would have fall still not worth the laudanum sadly didn't get him with the crit there but I'll go ahead and pop them once more these ghouls are gonna take a while every single time oh [ __ ] that I might Dirk stab him I think I'm going to that's better than letting the horror stack up again that's gonna become a problem oh that sucks yikes damn it hmm if I move the vestal back then I could finale there that's unfortunate [ __ ] I think I have to I'm gonna dirt stab if he comes up yeah for sure that's fine maybe move the vestal back so the leper can just move up one next turn or actually finale would set him up then wouldn't it I got to do this of course which is helpful anyway I'm gonna move her back I think that's the better play now I definitely need to start thinking about stress healing this guy that's getting bad oh god what okay all right then [ __ ] yeah that seems fine I said 87 that's not good that's not [ __ ] good let's try to prevent that resolve check if we can I don't know I think I got a finale this guy yep no prick damn you most of my buffs are gone now - where are my crits I missed my crits rig slam okay okay okay now create at least I am going to be stress healing like mad now maybe even normal healing vessels a little low crit it's still need a big kill or a big hit to even kill him ooh that could be bad that could be really bad nice good resistance we get the move come on we need a crit yes there it is we're back in business baby what does that recover 17 that's awesome plus that lowers the stress he receives all right we are taking care of this this is gonna be the round wherein we fix [ __ ] I think every single person actually is gonna heal maybe I'll let him kill this thing that seems fine I guess whoot Barrett is yes indeed the recovery of 34 stress and cross two turns is pretty [ __ ] fantastic and that looks like a better choice actually oh my god so good so good in that scary Wow okay oh man start there looks like we might be teleported out which means I should try to focus a little bit more on stress healing again maybe try to kill her with the lepor stun is definitely a good choice very nice stress heal and leper kill oh damn it yeah both minions they're not [ __ ] around in here teleport nope alright praying for teleportation yeah seriously that's a little more stress okay please give me an action I'm not I'm not fast enough right now man okay so self heal get this kill absolutely self yield stress heal normal group heal on the squad and that's pretty damn good yeah that feels good [Music] I didn't do either of his buffs this time which is probably what hindered him quite a bit there we go finally great turn then that went well the instruments pause but the symphony will soon continue yay still some stress though unfortunately just a couple rounds on these things we need to start these buffs up again let's get that sorted and good to go right I think so yeah there we go hey Joe like we're doing pretty good he regained 55 kills so far and I'm feeling pretty strong I'd say let's uh let's start with the buffs this time I keep waiting until like the right moment to do it I think it's gonna be a lot more effective for me if I just started off with it right away good to have you co Knight the Jester drinkin it's a crystalline one the dirge for the devoured more stress skills and added damage if we have laudanum which indeed we do let's do that okay yeah we got to get these buffs started although we are pretty high on stress already and these guys will sow the seeds a lot if they get the opportunity since we're already so high up and we're not gonna dodge a lot either attempting to use a lot in them there especially if that stacks yeah it's getting bad roots hmm I'm gonna get rid of that debuff that's that's nasty and keep doing this this composition is the tits that's what this is it's going real nice not gonna do that not gonna do that obviously let's I think I see them with a group heal yay feels good damn it feels good to be a gangster good withstand to probably do that on him as well we keep stress healing well how that thing to pop up oh that's unfortunate Tristan madrenas coffee did not heal your femur I thought maybe it would I had my hopes up that's a bummer yeah obviously did not consume enough madrenas yeah that's a fair point actually I should have let him do that I don't know what I was thinking let's keep the control going but he want at least one of the lepers in case both front liners are almost dead just finish him off yeah I mean it's worthy of consideration a lot of people are saying Hugh overed self heal and I I struggle to believe that that's the correct choice at present time but I see the advantages obviously especially with the amount of crit we have in fact yeah if we double crit things that would that be pretty goddamn good but maybe I should use like I don't know like it's tough to argue against being able to take care of both of these guys by themselves that's so useful I think so I'm probably just gonna keep rocking this it's working really well so far so I don't think I want to eat broke right control game and if I replace what stand on one of them it's I don't know it just I'm not gonna again I I don't feel the need to change it yet so I'm not going to no I will go ahead and let him heal himself this is getting bad all right all right he does still have that debuff that's allowing her that's oh no I thought it was the one that was making it so he has a random chance not to hit the right target luckily that is not the case though all right time to kill [ __ ] nope just kidding I am going to attempt to top three hundred thirty seven kills yes I'm gonna do my damnedest it's gonna take him in and I know that death waits lapse in concentration Dan I saw the sleeper's Herald enemy and all I can hear is the sleeper has awakened thank you for the thousand bits Deadeye another thousand bits right after the previous one thank you thank you very much that's too much stress guys that's a little too much you can just go ahead and knock that off for me it'd be great I think I'm gonna try to stun although the heal is way better yeah that's definitely better and let's do finally do this I think now let's rid ourselves of lo now let's do this gasp on Forte doing references yeah see I didn't catch that one but I'm glad somebody got to let the leper do this some he doesn't get stunned somehow or something a blight lads unfortunate probably get rid of that goodbye yay Kirby's on the run with two hundred thirty three kills nice I'm hoping to get up in that like 200 region at least but I would love to win obviously do okay this is getting to be a bit concerning here you might want to try to employ a little bit of cheese their optimal all day long don't do it again thank you I just want numbers one numbers here in a group he'll very nice see what they hit us with okay nice good [ __ ] let the leper clear that out and yeah that's what you should have done the first [ __ ] time I only have any of my buffs right now either unfortunately and you have a battle ballots now I'm gonna stress you all the whole damn time managing to control the stress for the most part though obviously we have to use the leper here let's do it yippee dodge again nah [ __ ] it resistances though okay hi dog Oh [Music] mm-hmm got one shot this guy please please please thank you all right that's fine give him another big fat he'll solemnity oh no I might be able to create death him oh my god so close got to keep doing this I think I'm gonna finish him off let those seeds of madness pop up there that gives the leper some heels and keep working on this I guess right yeah let's do it on the gesture actually because the lepers can feel their own stress obviously and we yo love the color of madness so far highly recommended this endless mode is really fun for me yeah do that I'm get close to max again red healed off at hell yeah a little more stress relief too all right I think I was correct in doing the buffs in the beginning of this session I think I'm gonna do that it moving forward just buff right at the beginning of every single one cert mccr it's not really happening nearly as frequently though mostly because I don't have battle ballad I'm sure [Music] getting down there one more on her she's gonna be in great shape nice there we are that's what I need it healed our stress up a little bit too so allow him to kill that one obviously hopefully well okay I guess I got to do that but I could also do this nice oh well that's inconvenient whoops finale time oh wait no I could just stab it Oh perfect yay I guess I should have done the finale huh okay you two there what does this one do again just gives us shards right Zarek if only treasure could staunch the flow of otherworldly corruption birthday this past weekend spread the love and good times best of luck and endless mode thank you buddy happy birthday appreciate you sharing the love that way sometimes greedy is good cool okay off we go right yeah let's do it radiant's blazing again blazing again oh that's a fine starting set though boys tasty waiters hmm time for buffs let's do with Stan for disease resist right now that doesn't have his even disease-resistant welcome well do my best to reduce this stress put it to the test and I'll beat my chest as I am the best I ran I ran best with best don't give me too much credit there with Stan come on dodge it up oh yes see no reason not to continue stress healing shoulda run best with fest what are you backs eating my rhymes now come on I know there's other worms that rhyme with it I said other worms didn't I I definitely said that tatis happy birthday to me bear's back in the dungeon Tanis happy birthday to you too thank you thank you very much for the thousand bits y'all are killing it thank you thank you for the support [Music] more battle ballots all damn day hello Eric how are you I'm a semi-professional rapper here thank you yeah thank you for the respect I made an EP in my house with my PC that I don't know what I was doing really but I made it I made it goddamn it more than most can see right that's nice Tenace gifted a sub from Sonu Sonu thank you thank you so much for sharing the love around Tanis well c'mon into the pile happy birthday what a gift what a treat some emotes and a badge lovely thank you thank you for the support it was a bit of a Sean Connery voice there one next report ain't enough support oh boy they don't like her welcome agent muffin well we're the pile thank you very much for twitch crime subscribing welcome to the bear pile as well thank you Eric for the subscription enjoy your badge of emotes thank you for the support well c'mon in bear hugs please for the new members get them nice and cozy for us i oughtta maybe you've just done judgment there but I think that's probably the safer place here comes the 69th kill get your lyin slabs ready group hill nice it's actually quite helpful that adds 20% damage here let's get a mega crib with it ah let's see here I think it's time to battle ballot actually finally time to start battle balloting again let's see it Oh baby blood in the mud that's sixty nine here's 70 I told you to be ready with that lion slab you only had a brief moment now it doesn't apply anymore if you use it at this point you're a failure I'm sorry to say I'll [ __ ] and yet II bet I can still keep going for that that crit chance it's pretty wild yeah I like it a lot 58% oh goodness that'll work actually stress healed about as much as just doing a stress he'll would have done we get to camp out for fun yippee okay so let's do hmm I really want to do the buffs again so we'll do that I want to take bloody shroud this time let's do chant and do that on him also pray and bless and now we're done great night web well go to the pile thanks for someone what's with prime my friend I appreciate it on where'd we go to fight the crystal dick but what my chat would have me believe is a crystal dick that sucks I think I should go ahead and buff him now too I wanted to try to clear out one right away but I think buffing is the is the better choice and we'll go ahead and buff there as well hopefully he just doesn't buff this guy up lets me get the quick Joe in fact let's just go for it perfect alright I'll give I'll give it to you that it looks moderately phallic okay it's a little phallic but I still think you're kind of stretching lakritz though supposed to crit dammit and it brews it grows yeah goodness you definitely go here now I didn't do the shop or the revenge on him yet either Tanis some bits for all the fallen and just saying thank you for the pile thank you to the pile thank the pile and what the [ __ ] was that I was really trying to pull it together there was no recovery from that Wow thank you pile thank you for the support thank the pile thank the pile please get a crit yes the savior words are hard this is why I'm a rapper cuz I clearly have incredible levels of focus [ __ ] okay let's get ready let's get real gritty here super greedy or not super greedy not super greedy I'll probably go for a Dirk's tab oh never never mind we'll do that and how about a stress he'll to get him down to zero just cuz I'm getting really greedy here you know I should keep the battle ballad stacked for sure definitely the way to go and hopefully I can find a crit somewhere for him this is obviously going much better than the previous attempt holy [ __ ] [ __ ] you know what do it he's dead that'll work thank you thank you very much and here we go hey look now we get to do another buff all right got to expect he's gonna be hitting us with every single one of these so let's just go all in with the damage what else can we do right that was convenient I should do this but too late minimum damage keep this up [Music] it's the ball mine that's what this is oh baby there's the critter okay dodge double crit of the opposite yeah all right do it he's not gonna be a max health anymore we can kind of assume that rid ourselves of this that is a lot of stress on like everybody right yeah for eight rounds holy hell eat the buff up oh geez sorry Jay sorry Jim I'm hitting the microphone it's a speedrun that's all we can do we just gotta out damage him and we got good good odds there I'd say come on that crit chance has just got to be ridiculous so much horror oh that is so much horror I'll pop another laudanum here yes okay tempted to do a judgement yes nice I'm gonna help him out too give me the crit Oh baby Dirk stabbed Turek stabbed for the win yeah Wow please so much better so much better oh my god like comparably easy that was awesome okay onward onward have I seen hunting yet good Moscow thank you for 150 bitties more stress that sucks I think this is just really bad isn't it okay let's get our bleed resist up really fast against these guys that seems kind of like a good idea maybe go for a stun to that item is a memory which you use to make stronger buildings in the state in the districts yeah I'll go ahead and do it stand here this music again it's so good killed it with the music this is why we would stand no bleed right no not only bleed we also get rabies thank you although you know what maybe we can actually use that to our advantage because we have the focus ring on that guy dad Congrats on being the gente boss the floating shrooms are very funny thank you my friend I appreciate the thousand bits yet again thank you thank you for your generosity that I I'm growing stronger nice crit heal okay I'll take that I've gotta try to do my best and reduce this stress again luckily they're spreading it around how do you say it how do you say gente is it hand tie is it hand toy sorry I met hentai my bad [Music] [Laughter] and hentai like a type or a head fair doesn't even know how to pronounce weird porn names it's not weird don't let me make you feel weird don't let me kink shame yeah oh baby hint outs I get it I get it that's not supposed to happen that doesn't make any sense that doesn't make any sense yeah god damn you my jobs hey buddy what are you doing that's a good boy he just wants to come hang out she doesn't want to be by himself anymore I turned on the stream for him downstairs so he must have figured out where I was or just walked around the house the way he always does I'm trying to give my dog a little bit more credit than he's due maybe but he's so damn cute dog our small horse I think he's a dog I haven't checked in a while though yay pet your small horse for me will do still no revenger which is prohibiting me from the heat performance of my leper I do have quite a bit of stress I'm still looking to abolish producing quite a bit more you give him some headphones the title they know yeah I'm down there with that surround sound baby you don't actually lose them if they die man let's run no Jax what they do is they go into the madness they go into the void for a week and then they come back and they're fully stressed and you have to commit them to stress relief to get them to be okay that wasn't a necessary bandage I really need to be more conservative for those things I can heal here but it's probably smarter to do that so two men and arms with bolster give the party plus 20 dodged every fight a gesture in a vestal okay but where's your damage coming from [Music] because like I totally understand the logic behind trying to create an unkillable team but if you if you can't deal damage at some point you're gonna get [ __ ] you don't need damage if you can't die yeah I really don't think it's like truly viable unless you want to spend 400 hours doing it which you know more power to you give me that crit I need to get my battle ballets going again so I can start critten I think I'm gonna pop the actually it's too late to do a revenge I'd say you still going the mantle arms can do yeah I mean his damage is not nearly as good as the others though when you're looking at man-at-arms compared to like a leper for example it's not even close they have resistance nice Allah withstand hello would stand I really love withstand holy [ __ ] he's so goddamn good try to kill him nice all right getting a lot of stress healing done from this to let's do let's do that we are in fantastic shape let's keep going with the battle ballads and allow the crits to just try to fix the stress issues on their own oh my goodness it's beautiful it's [ __ ] beautiful still only eight damage from a marked target and there's our port I lost echo forever in the sparkling void yay off we go reality regained greed is good we're approaching my new high score let's do revenge right away we got numbers and keep the battle ballads going riposte was the [ __ ] when it was new I remember those days yeah riposte used to be just ridiculous building riposte parties was so much fun he would never attack you would just build for riposte no two months in a row welcome back thank you very much for returning much appreciated thank you give him a small heal there he's going again trying to rely on the crits to allow the lepers to stress you all off that that's fine too who feels good it's not quite enough for him though is it no damn get about 20% damn it's probably won't matter though sweet stress is no longer a factor if I perform one stress he'll on my vest oh that's basically eliminated then maybe he needs one yeah he might need one too but still like holy [ __ ] this is good this is really really nice yeah oh he hasn't he didn't do revenge I did he know okay I got to do that on him real quick keep him topped off fine yep [Music] and I think next turn I'm pretty sure I'm gonna go for the the stress he'll on either the vestal or the leper here I should just let him grit which means revenge is coming up next time to buff up floaty dog oh there we are wonder if I can judgment that to death nice all right gives us another buff opportunity and let's do this now [Music] terrific there we go - oh man somehow the gesture only took free from that yeah I get to finale oh my god finale please that's fine that'll work oh my goodness poor farm hands bring them on and there's our new high score baby add on another to the SEC meet welcome to the pile my friend thank you for subscribing I appreciate it dodging emotes I please for the new high score we are killing it absolute madness welcome to the bear poison tiger welcome to the pile my friend thank you for the twitch Prime subscription enjoy badging emails as well thank you thank you thank you for the support y'all the leper is a monster I am so glad I tried this composition no wonder it's been getting these high scores so no another five hundred biddies from so no thank you thank you so much the 29,000 on the week now all these [ __ ] absolute insanity give you a falcon welcome to the pile my friend thank you for all the subscriptions for the twitch prime support everybody certainly means a lot DLCs five bucks it is absolutely worth it high score high let's go another thousand biddies from : our thank you just chop chop chopping away man I'm actually I'm gonna switching to left hand here and kind of sore probably because I've been playing darkest dungeon for like 15 over the last 36 hours now to do it yeah I can't repost if he's dead exactly 14 10 nine not worth it how many hours we have left we have until 10:00 p.m. Pacific which is a little less than six hours from now oh my goodness they're really rockin is 72% crit chance it's complete madness absolute and complete madness I'm getting arm fatigue I'm getting a legitimate videogame ailment no wonder the w-h-o classified it look how [ __ ] perfect this is what a great setup okay we are at ninety five kills boys and girls and tell you what I'm gonna take a small break here to rest my wrist and let my dog out go to the bathroom etc etc so I will pause the game here and we will be right back with more of this color of madness run in the color of charity event and I'm going to continue this endless mission I'll see you soon Chad I just realized something I'm the worst dog owner in the world I realized like an hour ago well I guess a lot more than an hour ago at this point probably two hours ago I told my dog I was gonna take him on a on a secret on a waa okay I can't say the word cuz he didn't hear me on the TV I told him I was gonna take him two hours ago and I never did he never did darkest dungeon took over I forgot and he's probably so sad he's probably so heartbroken I'm the worst I'm the worst so I gotta fix that right now I've got a slightly higher priority don't you shout it out rain he can read he's a really smart dog splendorous magnificent alright let's do it we're about to hit a hundo baby I am actually really excited for that too that was my first big milestone I was hoping to get and we're so close really making an effort don't do it he's already heartbroken I made it so painful for him he's dodging yeah yeah hey you go ahead and take him on a walk if you want come on over splendorous resistance in the world that is nonsense compassion is a rarity I said the word no job I should is really shouldn't work him up more I'm making a big mistake it's for the bit but he needn't know that chubs doesn't understand comedy all he understands is words and what they mean god damn it what if you'd wanted you done yeah easy and stream lock the dog I like yeah right ahead of a hundred you know what bucket guys I can't take the pressure I can't take the guilt I have to walk in wow that's a hell of a bleed holy [ __ ] I'll just bandage that that might be what does this in is that damage over time that's a little concerning and I'll frickin crits come on Mike Ritz act stream the walk I guess I technically could now good night please please please crit him yes taking some lickin's here these guys are no pushovers but we did start off this whole fight by buffing quite a bit so that explains a lot of that now that I've got my priorities in order here there shouldn't be too much more concern although that sucks ass come on now come on now really 97 nice that'll do what again [ __ ] brigands oh alright then you know what I'm gonna finish him off set us up for the leper shot and then he's gonna sell feel good [ __ ] [ __ ] II know I don't know where five thousand bids for me casino thank you very much so many bits y'all are just covering me in Betty's today thank you for the support stream Lea generous 99 oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] bits fuel crits true that that's a scientifically proven fact the more bits I get the more critical hit verifiable statement it's a Betty Stream now it's done here my odds are pretty good but I'm pretty sure I should continue healing stream Liege anarres help keep that up fine with this totally fine with this - thank you you might do rush shot now yeah sweet double lepers shake my head not even quad I am giving up a pretty substantial advantage there aren't I pretty foolish of me Oh baby unnecessary crits although it is helpful for this dress I guess I just left all three of these spiders alive what is wrong with me thank you for the thousand babies I like that little animated charm that's cute let's go for a treat for jobs hype for crits thank you for the bits my goodness and how about that for a hundred kills perfect thank you for the bits to celebrate a hundred kills how about that he's done it he's actually done it okay guys start killing some Spidey boys don't want to let those synergies keep rocking our [ __ ] care level zero is up to 500 now well alright that dream was short-lived oh my god that's crazy top ten cool that's actually great I mean there's only like fourteen people competing but hey I'll take it yes I love the expansion so far I'm a big big fan all right maybe a couple self heals here assuming nope never mind rinse though grits are good oh my goodness so no as well oh my goodness guess you should just drop five thousand bits casually let's go ahead and toss that in the mix thank you thank you so so much for that holy [ __ ] [ __ ] [Music] unbelievable guys thank you so much for the bed stuff so knows only fifty thousand bits away from for only fifty thousand away please just goes to show you how much room port in holy crap all righty yep oh that's that's a good feeling even if it doesn't kill him that's good feeling Jesus chin I then I with the twenty thousand bits oh my god and soul tech welcome to the pile oh boy thank you soul tech for the subscription Deadeye you did it oh [ __ ] oh that stinks twenty thousand bits thank you thank you for landing that judgment appropriately okay okay Wow y'all are blowing my [ __ ] mind here thank you there you can see those [ __ ] happen oh my god this music is so appropriate the bid wars have commenced who shall emerge victorious only time will tell Derrick's tab you keep getting emotes enjoy your football emotes everybody yeah courtesy of these generous generous tippers and bitters he come out like hundreds of he pokes in yeah I had to deal with that unfortunately that's not too bad though it's a little stress for the damage too shabby and there's the teleport okay great refraction mmm supplies okay probably it's gonna have to dump these trinkets that assume a handsome reward well I mean do I really want to I can just pop this holy water right now yeah it's probably worth it for the aliens I've been I might say I think I'm gonna want out those later on and let's go ahead and organize [ __ ] a little bit better here the this this new this here we go Andy that yay all right sweet ain't pleasantly twisted how you doing yeah the supplies are very useful I agree Mon word haunte weapons 105 let's keep it rolling all right so the haunting probably won't have a lot of effect here start with withstand obviously on the weaker guy and then he's gonna be marked as a result of that unfortunately but I think I'll be okay I'll probably be able to manage it and same here that way they're both marked and let's get the battle ballad going right away it does look awesome doesn't he'll love the look here okay if they do both do attempting goblet on him that's extremely potentially bad and there it is Deadeye end the bit Wars I have clearly yeah I think you pretty much laid the hammer down my friend holy [ __ ] and thank you for another 4,000 on top of it good gun new emote yeah y'all are insane seriously thank you very very much incredible amount of generosity displayed here thank you for the thank you so much fun and that'll help let's get revenge going too just cut through them like butter so no here's my hammer so no answers back the absolute madman Sonos hammer is mighty another five thousand biddies maybe not mounting to the pile my friend thank you very much for the subscription I appreciate it I am just desperately clinging to life here or at least clinging to the hope of not being afflicted please help well this isn't actually all that great yes that's fine this is dangerous actually [ __ ] you know what that's the better plate then healing him I actually think it's a lot better for me to do that allows solemnity to provide the actual physical heal and then I desperately got to continue to try to bring this down and helpful or hopefully prevent them from dealing any further stress damage on to him but I'm sure he's gonna do that very thing yep of course however I think I did prevent the check as a result of that they [ __ ] hate this guy they really [ __ ] hate this guy there we go switch it up a little bit yeah share the love okay keep it going whoo man take a [ __ ] sip yeah Deadeye it's hammer time he takes the lead the bid wars continue Deadeye thank you thirteen thousand bits oh my god just unbelievable thank you so much I don't even know what to say anymore this is outrageous thank you in the in the great X 4 mods yeah they used add permitted term [ __ ] Christ because somebody got caught by the I don't my head for saie see you look now you didn't get bad there we go we're good site for this sniper welcome to the pile oh this is a little dangerous here too much stress too much no knock back luckily but goddamn take her easy here huh how about how about that no that's not good cooking fry ste shucking frist is what you said but I out know someone said cooking thirst that's closer I love you silver night oh god please not 22:17 is fine just don't do it again thank you it's like a cure 17 I can take care of that and he's got 60% less stress received here so he should be fine he should be a-ok I feel like now's the time for us to be able to recover from this right because we have numbers finally so let's do it oh my god come on okay thank you trade off that's that's fair I guess there's that I was doing perfectly fun until my lepers got drunk yeah okay no crit at least we still have a reduction on that to keep them out out of harm's way for a moment there just heal it up buddy he lit up no crit oh thank you and a spider okay that's fine perfectly acceptable and that is definitely a move I like to see them use keep it up now you need to die right I have a 51% chance to hit I desperately need those accuracy buffs I also have a minus 20% crit chance with that [ __ ] there we go I need to use a revenge I think I'm gonna do it I need to make sure that I'm actually gonna be landing these shots and now I need to focus on the lepor heels I might want to try to like cheese this for a little while not maybe necessarily cheese but at least just like slow played a bit these guys are not that threatening the wall yes provide us the wall where are the shield walls more heels please allow the leopard to destroy the seeds of madness well you know what self healing what this guy seems like a much more appropriate play and then letting the leopard kill this one is probably better that's why we do that yep okay immediately negate that with one move cannon judgment clear this guy not very good odds I don't think I want to risk it the wall is too thick don't crit thank you and gotta love that resistance okay keep working on this it's the only thing I can really do still only at [ __ ] 70 and that works and nearly hit this guy on accident that would have been a big goof okay not sure actually what he can do from the back that's not a good idea let's keep doing this okay that might be enough pretty decent crit chance too nice okay that is very helpful doo doo and keep going with these I'm assuming another self heal on his end so that's why I prioritize his health that's not too bad another one of these and then he's finally in decent condition okay I might finally be able to get my battle balance going again to buff that accuracy up ouch I don't know if he could have done anything from spot for I might have wanted to leave him in the back but whatever I think was still better to kill the shield wall while anti-venom here for sure getting low get low get low finally can battle ballad speed accuracy and crit exactly what I need right now [Music] antivenom here and let's get the kill on the spider and another self-heal from a boy I don't necessarily mind leaving him alive for now no crit perfect ooh this actually isn't too bad I can take a series of graveyard slashes that's fine by me not getting the crits I'm looking for but again we need to boost up our need to boost up a crit chance via the battle ballad here's a little bit more stress healing I'm gonna heal him one more time and let's go ahead and stack that once more two and then we have the speed to match these guys yeah graveyard slash is not gonna be an issue so long as it doesn't crit alright that's fine and see it's a man this is great - actually it's gonna provide me a quick heal oh I can't target him okay all right then it's making my decisions for me here which means battle ballot is not really the greatest choice anymore so let's go ahead and work on the gesture a little bit mm-hmm and by the bull I don't really mind not having Hugh here to be honest with you like I understand that it would be valuable but it's also fine for me to be able to just be use this situation to heal up my squad nice dodge was hoping for that again nice okay that's not too bad bringing this boy back from the brink - he took some damage there well played mr. jester okay and now let's go ahead and get some kills here that stress a little bit more I think he'll likely have a similar outcome nah damn it's a boy up front is doing a lot better will definitely hit him up with a group heal here nice dodge jesters killing it hmm and no luck I think I am gonna go ahead and let the let the pepper try to get the kill on this guy and judgment could grab the bone boy - that's an unfortunate outcome oh well that'll create another another crystal that shitty gesture cannot be hit holy cow I don't know how they keep getting hit by these bleeds - he's got such high resistance okay he's done thank you kill counts up to 114 I think I'll save the bandages here and just go for a solemnity yeah double blood letters is a little scary until one of them immediately dies yes thank you and keep going I want enough speed to be able to just do everything before he even acts next turn very good very good even if I create he doesn't die okay well that's good then gotta go for solemnity here I think I'm gonna go ahead and pop another stress he'll as well I think I'm going to allow him to attack once more I'm not too concerned about that oh hell yes excellent result here and we'll go ahead for the other party he'll good [ __ ] just miss well that's fine too yeah apparently someone's up about for around 500 right now so it's gonna be a tall order ahead of us but I will push forward nice all right that means the guaranteed solemnity from the leper let's uh you know what I'd like to get the speed up so I don't have to deal with this guy although I might just get teleported pretty quickly here we'll find out yeah 500 no I'm not making that up apparently that's where the bar is now no stuns will the crit now stops though okay it's very helpful I think I'll have to use the lepers for these to repeal for sure stress seal yeah lepers of course got to clear this thing out sweet runs still going yet so it's gonna be it's gonna be tough to place I think there we go unfortunate timing but alright let's see we'll go ahead and use holy waters right away man I don't need more anti-venom or herbs I'll just well I mean I guess I could get rid of these and get those that's probably a better idea okay cool if we go reality regained I think again we start with the Buffs don't need to necessarily withstand this time since we're not really dealing with any d-o-t I forgot the keys now we're screwed I was gonna start going left-handed I forget about that I guess I feel fine now I'm all better I'm ready for action the memories used to upgrade districts I've loved oh my god that bit leaderboard is out of [ __ ] control half loaf with another 10,000 thank you so much thank you guys thank you thank you thank you unbelievable level of support tonight you all have been completely unreal just an infinite amount of thank yous goodness okay keep it up give him now hufflepuff I can't stop can't stop won't stop rocking this [ __ ] big group Hill coming up Big Creek coming out big one shot kill coming up from a boy the lap Oh close one now of course he would be fantastic but oh well I guess I should let him hit first since he does slightly more damage [Music] and healed up so many dabs in this expansion I know it's weird that we're noticing it but it certainly is noticeable I'll probably let himself he'll know cool just get the same crew again currently at 118 on the kill total chick chick come on you know they're so low that that would happen I think I'm gonna set up a finale let this guy Papa withstand okay he's gonna be a bit stronger a bit faster the problem finale gotta clear him out I don't know if I'll go first yeah okay I guess not that means the lepers got to kill him oh my gosh nearly nearly did a Dirk stabbed yes dad I this is where we hold them this is where they die Spartans tonight we dine in here dead I will not give up his position so easily another thousand bits to secure the fort thank you very much thank you thank you thank you 121 actually my odds aren't tremendous there I think I'll go with this we're living by the crit absolutely living by it hopefully not dying by it I think I'll Turk stab here although the battle ballad is kind of falling off hasn't it so let's go ahead and stack that once more here oh never mind that's a stress he'll coming up yep yep there's a stress he'll and I've got a billion anti-venom so we're gonna use those liberally bear what is my favorite soup I like broccoli cheese that's the first one that comes to mind and I'm sticking with it it's tasty what does that say about me this is a culture right says I've got good taste that's a good suit good all right that shows correctly apparently yeah keep your appealing right keep antivenom [Music] okay sick gonna pop a stress yell here to up to 47 is not good hmm let's stand right now we're pretty close to the end of this one I think 66 [ __ ] damage is crazy feels good 124 kills 669 already so I can play it myself I'm working on it one by one man [Music] bringing this down pop him expecting the teleport probably pretty soon after that it's a little bit too much stress here I think I'm gonna still work on that to [Music] the crits beautiful I think I'll be one more stress he'll on her and then one stress you on the gesture I'll probably fix this up ooh judgment here bit risky I don't think it's worth it you're gonna have to do this with chop no matter what anyway alright as planned I think we've got a Miller fight coming up don't we I'm assuming we're gonna loop back around and have to fight the fight the Miller again here oh my god that sucked Wow there's Miller time it might be Miller time oh wow untimely [ __ ] it is good no no it's not in this second situation [ __ ] okay well I feel like it's probably a Miller fight so I guess it's Miller time let's do it you owe me a site of mud rain that's not the Miller but thing from the stars whoo that's gross look at his foot his foot is another person it seems who is walking on their hands what it's got like horse hooves for arms this giant ass sword what in the hell Oh God buff up it's got two actions buff up buff up oh boy speed boost please I am terrified of a stress check here I was considering trying to prevent that let's see let's go for a judgement I guess see what we can do okay there doesn't have any retaliation attack please do not spoil the boss's moves or anything don't don't try to don't try to help me I want to do this myself Thanks all right we definitely need to provide a stress he'll slash individual here oh my god are you kidding me thank you oh thank you okay please give me the chance to fix this [ __ ] you wow that was convenient okay so we created an aberration ah let's just clear it off I guess that was really lucky holy [ __ ] let's use revenge need to give them an individual heal in an inspiring tune obviously okay okay okay and no not that right there he does look intense doesn't his guy is a menace that moves not too bad but it does have the added stress oh my god please okay not there yet oh my goodness you know if I go all in with the lepers here it's not gonna be enough but it's close it's tempting I've got revenge activated now so I'm definitely gonna do it on him let's see what we're looking at maybe like a crit for 60 or something or just 32 that's also fine thank you this is not too bad so far at least I'm sure he'll get stronger or use something different yeah this is pretty common looks like he does that every turn actually okay we keep doing this I'll change the formula if we don't have to even him in decent shape we are beginning to stack on stress on the entire team here unfortunately I don't know how likely it is that single chops will get us through but if they keep creating that'll probably do it uh-oh a crit and that's gotta be a stun right yeah damnit all right I'm going all in yikes oh I need some stress healing but I'm going all in for sure right now because we can hit him with both lepers so I got to take the chance wait what 80% protection of health below 45% oh my god okay [ __ ] that's kind of unfair oh yeah as I suspected he is much much stronger now phase two yeah effectively whoo good dodge okay come on now it is he is stacking the [ __ ] stress on if we can avoid a resolve check here it's gonna be a goddamn miracle we have to keep destroying these there's no way we can avoid that what do you get what do you get here's the check that's so much [ __ ] stress from this guy god damn dare I add damage from the Dirks tab I don't think so I think I try to prevent checks from this point forward 39 damage I don't need to heal here I think I can add on one or two the stun chance is not actually it's pretty terrible yeah it's not a good idea 37 [ __ ] damage don't pass your turn please don't pass your turn please I need crits I need crits does it hurt it hurts itself with this right and the gesture is about to check it takes nine damage when it summons these crystals homeless Oh wonder if judgments enough dammit he would certainly be nice here now I actually heal him that's I'm taking too many risks I'm gonna allow for Dirk stab dirk stabs gonna finish this try another crit there please sevens good so tech you need crit I have bits well thank you pal I think that'll get us closer but I'm looking at another result check here for sure oh my god it's just incessant it's very rare to get virtue in this it seems finale but for my finale yes indeed all right I have to assume that that thing was still gonna blow up in my face yeah let's heal him we did it we took him down goddamn 45 shots and holy orders all right definitely not taking the holy orders obviously whoo that was tough pardon me okay that seems like a good choice here now I'd say double quarantine you didn't do it [ __ ] reflections gonna be wonderful for these guys I'm pretty sure that's the best play despite the fact that it didn't reduce a ton of stress but it gives them massive buffs on top of reducing stress in the lepers so that's that's pretty effective I'd say and there's a bunch more stress all right all right well obviously it's gonna be quite the quite the tall task to take care of these afflictions but and it's the hand we were dealt let's do it I gotta focus on one at a time and I think focusing the gesture is gonna be the smartest thing to do however if I can focus a leper then I'll be able to do it twice as quickly so it's it's perplexing wonder really what the best approach is gonna be that's just a terrific start isn't it Thanks okay let's let's play defensively I guess to begin with you know I should actually build four crits right away to just allow them to try to cure themselves that way so let's get revenge straight up dead I use the shards for buffs oh yeah the moon shards I should try that I'm not hard to censure what they do there's more stress good lord I should probably prevent her from getting a check but I don't know if I'm gonna be able to do it and this is not a great opportunity for finale but I guess I have to [ __ ] garbage know well that helps at least um let's done no judgments probably better even though I know that's not really all that good either I've got to stress yo like basically every single opportunity I get at this point I cannot attack when I have the opportunity to stress yo and they can't do solemnity in the back can they and that really sucks so he's just gonna have to move forward well there she goes damnit fragile like a robin's egg it's really [ __ ] frustrating okay what can we even do here I think I gotta try to work on this one up front yeah free masochist that's really gonna be easy to figure out what's up virtue I've never heard of that I don't think that's a feature in this game I'm not gonna worry about him he'll sew the seeds that's the worst okay at least there's that I'll just probably have him move forward here but Stan might have been okay but I'd prefer him being upfront and again every single time I can do this we're not getting out no that's not a thing we're doing anymore the moon charts don't matter [Music] those are throwaway it's all about high score alright I guess I don't want them to sow the seeds anymore this entire experience oh my god thank you thank you thank you thank you and at least we get a solemnity here and we get to pop an anti-venom staying in it I gotta move him back it's too much [ __ ] stress there's so many sources of it everybody shut the [ __ ] up everybody shut the [ __ ] up kill it yes thank you welcome Zach Zach amen well come on in my friend thank you for subscribing I appreciate it that is welcome thank you for the crit stress he'll - how many kills Maya now like 130 I want to say yeah 130 I don't need that don't [ __ ] need that keeping away from heart attacks right now I'm not even working on getting down to zero they [ __ ] know that's my weakness right now - I have no accuracy this sucks ass that's worth a try maybe try to kill him now not good odds there this is bad this is very very bad 179 154 okay yeah sure go [ __ ] yourself [Music] we have five more hours to submit a score I need the lock on my side at this point much else I can ask for still 50% still the way to go here god it's not a stress attack at least thank you that's a little lucky got a little lucky there keep this up love us crit stress heel - thanks for not picking the leper oh come on ah okay oh I thought he was just gonna send himself to a heart attack alright well you know what let's do this rid of these things here I guess that buff doesn't go away or that debuff rather you guys see No thank you for the hundred biddies Tubbs must be playing against you he really wants to monkeys can't see the word can't see the word [Music] she came alive why did I not do an anti-venom that was dumb try it there we go okay I needed that just needed the numbers advantage again and there it is once more a little bit of stress healing to boot okay okay 186 just don't talk about it just let it happen and shut your [ __ ] mouths thank you no I said shut up you [ __ ] stress heal nope let's get rid of this debuff yeah I guess it doesn't really matter whatever okay that's helpful that's not please so then that he's got to be the way to go oh yeah there he goes just taking care of itself like damaging me okay they in the back there the problems that's fine that's not very likely I should use revenge I really should have done it a long time ago and let's go for this nice I really think at least taking one down every round is probably better than leaving all four alive my heavily value the numbers advantage here you know what I got plenty of other happy campers that will love to take this too and if you don't want it okay you're not that goddamn special okay sure yeah that's fine appreciate it don't kill him don't you [ __ ] kill him don't you [ __ ] do it come on come on this is helping oh yes [Music] you [ __ ] [ __ ] aah all right hit that was really stupid I deserve to die for that why did why did I do that why why did I do that whoops oh cool thank you convenient bear are you okay not anymore clearly for the love of God thank you yeah I I feel bad now what don't assert to have him really [ __ ] that up oh well still kicking everything's fine everything's completely fine oh okay please just let me do stuff that's all I ask it's just let me do the things and you know what you're gonna take it I know you're gonna take it man man oh man do not shuffle around that's all I ask there we go that's wet better odds for sure nice no crit unfortunately but hopefully we get one here dude honestly though honestly though I abandoned a heel for that teleport me out of this misery please get me out of here supplies perfect thanks love seeing that all right eat up it was not really a lot there okay good get rid of this give him a holy water give you a holy water give you a holy water you know what you two everybody gets a holy water okay I'm dead let's go benevolent haunting perfect in a squiffy gassed because you know we don't have enough stress right now could you use a bit more stress game if you wouldn't mind we got to blow his ass up obviously let's do this now one tends not gonna work I do not have good odds there let's just do that okay thank you hmm he buffed the [ __ ] gas I don't think that even actually does anything he does mainly stress damage okay I have got to try to kill him gargling dirt alley I have to get him though I gotta get him first I got the crit there thankfully this leper is not in good [ __ ] shape I think I got to expect that he's gonna hit me with the off-kilter jig which means heart attacks for everybody especially now that that happened this is really awful this might be my only chance please nope marked himself okay how about a crit close okay that's actually really good thank you for not using the jig I don't know why you didn't but I'll take it [ __ ] that I got to do the stab that was actually low odds of hitting that to James of rough thanks for the gameplay you damn awesome very entertaining thank you for the bits thank you very much just put himself on death's door everybody just so you're aware that's what happened with that Oh God God God Wow God yay finale yeah nice leopard chopping down baby give me that tasty Creek nice here we go lepers staying in it pal no stunts no stunts damn it 195 oh my god my god there's a stun on the [ __ ] vestal great alright that's good injury and despondence heart attack cycle coming there's another crit oh boy oh my god the horrors all is lost the end humanity now god damn you oh [ __ ] no there's the heart attack there he goes there he goes rip ah this is no place rep wrap that's it get as many as we can here add on to the tally all right more dust more bashes more disappointment man that hurts goodbye shards in the pursuit [Music] you know what honorable honorable I'm happy with it I'll take it 146 146 much much better than last time little unlucky with those afflictions but what can you do there is a great horror beneath the manor a crawling chaos that must be destroyed yeah that was good he's good run feels nice top 10 yeah do we find out what the refracted status does then I don't think so well all that is is I believe that just is the affliction that's applied to them when they die in the endless mode so when they refracted that just means they're gone for a week and then they come back no one dies in the endless mode technically and they'll come back with their trinkets - I believe so we don't need to worry about that okay I think 500 is actually gonna become the number to beat pretty soon it's gonna be tough well you know what that was pretty much my lone shot I'd have to go through and find some more lepers I don't have another jester up here got Vestals obviously but the remainder of the composition isn't really looking all that strong so I not to mention the fact that I have been going crazy with the streams for the last couple of days I am quite tired I'm happy with the performance I put up it's not a victory but I'm okay I'm okay I will rest I will indeed rest yes I'll call it good I've gotta give chub some walkies yeah you need some love I've been ignoring pork chops today and yesterday he needs some love oh well you know what it's a little bittersweet to be honest I had high hopes for this and if you did if you paid attention to the the preliminary voting there was a straw poll going out asking people who they thought would win and I was the heavy favorite so unfortunately I couldn't live up to the expectation but you know what as I mentioned I'm pretty happy with the performance we put up here Deadeye with another 3,300 bits to finish us off thank you so much for the extreme level of generosity you've displayed here tonight and all of you have just been extremely kind to me thank you thank you so much for sticking around for watching and for supporting this event of course a big THANK YOU to Red Hook and everybody who participated in this event as well it's a fantastic event of course everyone's playing for their charity of choice I elected to choose the check point video series which you guys may be may be familiar with because we did a stream supporting their Kickstarter back in the day if you use the exclamation point check point comand in chat you can find out more about check point organization we didn't necessarily win the prize money for him today but hey maybe toss 10 20 dollars their way as a donation consider that in help check point to do better work a charity connecting mental health with games as moobot says therefore you find out more information about them via the link also certainly fitting to mention my newest sponsor better help if you're stressed well boy howdy you gotta check out better help online therapy services and counseling that I use myself and can highly recommend we've ever been considering therapy but didn't necessarily want to go see somebody we were thinking maybe an online service is the way to go I recommend better help and thank you all again so much for watching all the VOD from this will be up on my youtube channel youtube.com slash bear today soar so here and also of course I want to send a big thank you to my sponsor madrenas Coffee dreams cough cough massage bear taffy using coke bear coffee say 40% on anything on the online store I will be back probably tomorrow in fact for even more darkest dungeon we will be continuing our playthrough that we have started yesterday morning but of course we put on hold to be able to play that proper save file so that's what will we end up doing tomorrow I am going to send you guys over again we rated her yesterday we'll go ahead and send love over again to her today it's Sur explains who is a number member another member of the color of charity event that we've been doing here please go share the love over with her send the bear raid with the bear omg's and the bear hugs give her all the love please sir explains send to the raid love thank you all again so much for watching I'll be back tomorrow to continue our color of madness playthrough you're on twitch thanks for watching goodbye [Applause]
Channel: BaerTaffy
Views: 39,374
Rating: 4.9506936 out of 5
Keywords: twitch, games
Id: ATiHTF_apF8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 147min 8sec (8828 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 21 2018
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