Dan Mohler @ TSC - Encounter Weekend - 4 - Redemption, Repentance and Holy Spirit Baptism

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[Music] our brother says the kingdom costs you everything and he's totally right when he says that and then they sing that song let me just put a little definition on what that means that the kingdom cost you everything because it costs you everything to become what he paid for but what it costs you is everything you were never created to be in the first place and it just shouldn't be hard to give that up what's so hard about giving up a lie to obtain the truth you were never created for yourself you were never created for your own image in your own glory you were created for His image for his glory what an honor to have the Living God live on the inside of you and bear witness of who hears through your life through your attitudes through your perspectives through your motives it's not that hard when preachers and pastors say this gospel will cost you everything it's not a hard thing we ought to put clarity or what accost me is what I never was anyway I'm just giving back what Adam made me to be so I can step back into what he always intended it's a lonely place to live for yourself it says unless a seed dies and falls to the ground it abides alone at the end of your journey you have nothing to show for your life but self-centered pursuit to make it through a day in the way you prefer but you have multiplied nothing you'll find you have lived at the expense of other people to make sure your preferences were fulfilled sometimes without even realizing it you're not on this earth to survive you're on this earth to shine and if you miss shining you miss what he came for he did not come to bless you he put his life inside of you and I would call that blessed where he gets you free from you he gets you free from the biggest lie of your life you living for you when you were made for His image when you get free from you you're done with issues anger frustration he-said she-said just mad at people just kicked off at things that people failed to do and say just feeling like somebody left you out or don't spend enough time with you it didn't call you when you thought they should come on we have sold so cheap and yet were bought at such a price man all I'm preaching is the gospel it's good news you can get free from you you get free from the biggest enemy of your life and you thought it was the devil he only works with what you give him he only works with what you give him jesus said the ruler of this world cometh and has nothing in me we always think it's because he was God that he says that stuff he said it cuz he was selfless and he was modeling a life he called us to follow he was selfless the enemy can't work with selfless if you become merciful how's he stop your heart the thing that Satan can't defeat about God is mercy because a mercy of the Lord you deserve judgment I deserve judgment I'm filled with the Spirit of God how does that work cuz it's mercy triumphs over judgment now wonder if I don't just receive that but I become that wonder if you become that wonder if we become a merciful people I think I read it somewhere my Bible be merciful for I am merciful we didn't just obtain mercy to obtain it but to be so touched and affected by it that it becomes our heart expressing he didn't just forgive you so you can enjoy being forgiven and so you understand the beauty of forgiving and see that thing and you become the very expression of what sets you free the Bible says if you're not willing to become what he gave in Matthew 18 and did you're an evil and wicked servant you'll find yourself bound and living in a dark place your soul will be in prison you shut people in the prison of your heart because of what they owe you and he delivered you and forgave you of everything you owed that's not cool you don't get safe for your own gain you get saved for his great name and for his glory are you all good man I'm just not selling what we've been doing all weekend who's the first time here tonight this is your first service here tonight okay I felt like there was a bunch over you're good thanks for coming listen this is where we've been all weekend man the whole reason Jesus come is to take the lie off of us and put the truth in us to get that old identity and that old thing off of us so we could walk and live in the new Adam was made to be something on the earth there's an intention when God makes man he's not just so full of life and one day he's kind of bored with heaven and angels and he's just fiddling in the earth and he sneezes into the dirt and a man pops up cool that's not how it happened he made man with intention he said let us make man in our image it's not happenstance and he didn't just make man he wasn't just experimenting he had a plan that gives us a purpose there's a reason we're on the earth it's for the image of God and if we're not pursuing to walk in and live by the spirit to make known who he is through our lives were missing why we're here that's why life's a grind for people and they use the gospel to try to get through life instead of become more like him so they have an expression in the midst of adversity you can't let your trials and the things that you're going through decide who you are and how you're doing what he went through is the truth about you you have to start there if you're gonna run well and if you start where he finished that's a good thing you do not get saved just for blessings and benefit in favor and vats and barns full and protection and provision those things are all part of the nature of God that all flows through covenant you seek you first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things fall in place yeah it's really exciting or you can get caught up with life and issues and have attitudes be non-productive that's your choice or you can be a believer and not just somebody that goes to church you can be her come on man this is why he came he didn't just come so you feel good today he just comes to things go the way you prefer he came so that in the midst of how life is unfolding you can look like him think like him walk like him talk like him and then see the light in your life and give him glory and they understand that there's a God because they see him not just hear about him I'm telling you your attitude matters so much your perspective your motive your reason for being is vital to your Christian expression to Christ in you please don't let your heart be deceived in this hour please don't let trivial things that won't mean nothing in the end dictate your life today don't let what a person said or didn't say matter so much that you're affected by it unless their name is Jesus I've pastored long enough to know that we've let too many things matter more than what matters most don't let that be you friend your life is worth way too much to sell cheap you're not even for sale if you reach a Bible you've been bought with a price and you're not your own so it costs you everything but all it cost you is what you never were anyway what a bargain give back the lie to obtain the truth come on this thing is so real Adam was made to be something let us make man in our image so in the likeness of God he made him verse 27 watch what it says ladies you'll love this both male you guys are so amazing they got it up there don't they okay you're a God for John it's Genesis 1:27 but it's both male and female he made both male and female after his image and likeness so guess what the created value of a man and a woman is it's not the woman's not here to serve the man like everybody says they see well they haven't he needed a helper and he's not complete he's not complete cuz he has no expression of for love he can't let love express love can't flow anywhere if man's just you're alone in the image of God he's power-packed for nothing didn't make woman cuz mans lonely and incomplete he made woman cuz there's no expression for what he made man to be it's called love so woman came out of the fullness of God in man he didn't make another lump of clay he reached into what was one and made it to subdue could be one and be multiplying and covering the earth with his glory has nothing to do with sexual impulse sex drive orgasms has nothing to do with that garbage that came through the fall of man has to do with covenant and love and to being one and man leaving his father and mother and cleave to his wife in the two becoming one for this is a great mystery but it was from the beginning yeah so God created man in his own image in the image of God he created him male and female he created them guess what the highest value of the woman is his image guess what the highest value of the man is his image when to surrender individual wills souls emotions genders they come together and join in a covenant for one cause the glory of his name and when you're real about that you'll resolve conflicts you you might not agree on everything but why do you have to war if you're seeking first the kingdom when you understand the synergism of your relationship and that to make one and Express the glory of God it ain't worth living any other way and it costs his blood to restore this truth it must be important when you get this you stop animosity in your home you realize it takes two to tango and you won't be in that equation you pursue peace and make peace because blessed are the peacemakers because they are the sons of God not the ones that speak the language the ones that live the life you're good so women that's awesome the reason you're on the planet is not to serve the man is to be found in His image and when you're found in his image you will serve people with your life men when you're found in his image you won't wait need women to scratch your itch and serve your pleasure it will value them and honor them and love them and you'll find one that you can step into covenant with and two can become one to fulfill one great will and plan called his it's called marriage it's a little different than her he's cute Wow she's hot look at her looking at me what else she likes me now you got two kids and four years later you ain't talking and can't stand each other it wasn't love it was need you're mystified there's more pain in relationships than blessing I'm convinced and that's a sad scenario I love you has caused more pain than ever as good because people said to manipulate and get what they want I love you means you take no count of a suffered wrong then why are you so broken up by what they did why is it still in your language why is it your story why is it your memory why is it the first thing you tell your new friend what you've been through and what they did if love covers a multitude of sin why is it still in your mouth because if it's in your mouth that's in your heart because out of the abundance of your heart your mouth is talking I read the Bible I understand this stuff I feel the authority of heaven he is serious he shed his blood for this thing and he said why don't you give back the lie so you can walk in its glory you don't incorporate him into your life he becomes your life it's not Jesus incorporated it's Christ in you okay I've said enough about all that that's the gospel I just nut shelled the weekend that's where we're at BAM we're all together now now I'm going to preach yeah because there's two things we've got to do tonight and it's gonna be a blast and it's going to be awesome we're gonna see people healed of things that they've regretted things that snuck into their life through sin and former conduct be prepared tonight to listen to a message open your heart and walk in repentance and receive God's love because he wants to clean slates in people's lives he wants to take the past things out of you because your new creations if you're a person that was into cutting you go ahead and you just listen tonight and let's just let those scars come off of your body because he's a redeemer yeah you got an STD do not you just listen and let's let God take that out of you because if old things pass away and all things become new then it shouldn't be there it should be resting in a dead man not a live person that's new if God won't judge you for where you've been why is where you've been judging you things are gonna change in people's bodies tonight and honestly I'm not being arrogant there's nothing nobody can do about it cuz I'm gonna preach the truth and the truth will back it up and he has a name Jesus then we're gonna teach on the baptism of the Holy Spirit and the Lord wants me to and we're going to show you scripturally how scriptural it is how it's a separate experience and how he will come and empower you and immerse you and dip you into who he is and make you one with him and he's going to come tonight and anybody that's never been baptized in the Holy Spirit we will welcome you and he will meet you here and come and meet you with a Holy Spirit and Fire and he will empower you to be a witness I will cover it so thoroughly with Scripture you won't have concerns questions and if you were taught other things you'll see in the word that you won't talk correct because it is undeniably scriptural and I will cover every base you can imagine and there won't even be a question when I'm finished and I'm not being I'm not being arrogant are you with me I got saved at seven o'clock on a Sunday night I woke up on a Monday morning to in the presence of God praying in tongues at a wild pace and level and nobody laid hands on me and I thought were she a little too late for me unless you say that was a devil and I've been living with an evil spirit for 23 years seeing lives transformed I don't feel like nobody can mess with me right now there's something on me right now too late to mess with me tonight go to Roman's five with me would you please we're going to do this quickly we're going to pray for people it's going to be fun My Lord Jesus you're gay say I'm done debating with people most the people that debate have no Christian experience in God the people that don't believe in healing they've never pursued it because they don't believe in it so nothing is their testimony so that's a dangerous place because if somebody does have a testimony then they say it's either a lie or the devil and that's terrible position to take that everybody that has a healing of testimony is either exaggerating lying or of the devil that's a scary position so the lady that wept and cried today in the afternoon at the luncheon whose condition changed I guess she's exaggerating I guess she's emotional you be careful with human wisdom it's you be careful with unbelief so many people boast in unbelief and don't even realize what they're doing Christian's well I need documentation well I bet that it's not cool before the Lord because there's no document document ation good enough for unbelief and faith doesn't need any because it already sees because faith faith sees unbelief never ends it's it's evil but for the Lord it says it's an evil wicked heart because it's just well how do I know that's their X ray well how do I know that was their picture how do I know that was their bone well you might have somebody else's this picture of their cat scan the second one might not be their lungs unbelief is never satisfied and honestly there's a lot of it in the body of Christ scary very scary don't boast in your unbelief pursue faith you've been through a hard time you prayed for a loved one like I prayed for my mom and watched her die of sickness don't you change the gospel to meet your story you stay with the gospel till your story changes don't you keep jumping ship and try to preach something that fits your life to make you always okay sometimes you just say man if I knew you more if I walked with you closer if I understood and saw some things different I think I could see some more fruit I just know this if you touched her things are good you're in me and I represent you that keep growing working me God but I ain't changing my mind I found truth through you I found the father through you I'm not finding truth through a passing mother and I have no need to create an analogy to explain it I'm gonna go after you and grow up in you and all things and I believe that's a place of humility and honor yeah you don't find God you don't find God through your life everybody's defining God his life unfolds you already found God through his son if you're looking in the right place when you see him you've already seen the father he came as the expressed image of him the out rang of his brightness the expressed image of his person and when you see him you see the father so the life of Jesus is the father revealed he said I only do what he does say what he says I don't do anything on my own I do what the father's telling me so when you see Jesus's life you see the father in action through a man so simple so I said well yeah but brothers sometimes God where did you see that in Jesus's life sometimes we get so troubled in our heart we make up analogies to comfort ourselves in our trouble but that's its concept the cost of truth and now that's a problem cuz truce what makes us free and now we're disarmed unarmed or our short sword is stuck in our sheath because of what we believe and now we're afraid to get it out again because the last time we got it out now we came up with an analogy now we don't even have a sword sometimes we don't even have armor sometimes we're not even believing anymore because of our analogies sometimes we're just saying oh well if God wants to he will praise the Lord but it's not scriptural then we're called the sees the land man we're called to go after things there's things we get in agreement God works with himself in people his eyes are searching to and fro for somebody whose artist totally after him and totally given to him he's searching to and fro looking for that person movies God why didn't he just do it cuz he gave man dominion on the earth he works through man he's amazing he wants relationship he is not a puppet master he's our Father and I love him for it he doesn't ever remote with my name on it he doesn't you see why I'm not a flagger I really mess it up by somebody that prays pray for me we got to get through this oh my goodness the gospel the Bible says in Romans five that we were justified by faith we have peace with God through Jesus our Lord it so therefore if you back up to at the end of Romans four it's it's amazing what he's saying he's saying that he's talking about well it's amazing and he in it in in Romans 4 how he talks about Abraham it's just amazing now I'm back in I'm trying to hurry I'm in so much trouble you know how he talks about Abraham and let me just jump in here I'm just looking at it here he says okay he's talking about the promise for the promise verse 13 of Romans 4 I'm back way back in Romans 4 in the middle for the promise that he would be heir of the world was not to Abraham or to his seed through the law but through the righteousness of faith so he was calling Abraham to believe what he promised right okay now watch for for if those who are of the law are heirs of faith are heirs faith is made void if those of the law are heirs of faith or of the heirs of the promise then faith made void and the promise made of no effect because the law brings about wrath for where there's no law there's no transgression you guys get this watch therefore it is of faith that it might be accounted according to grace so that the promise might be sure to all the seed not only to those who are of the law but also those who are of faith of Abraham who is the father of us all he says I have made you a father of many nations in the presence of him who he believed God who gives life to the dead and calls those things that do not exist as though they are who contrary to hope he's talking about Abraham in Hope believes so that he became the father of many nations according to what was spoken and not being look at verse 19 now this is fascinating and Abraham not being weak in faith he did not consider his own body already dead since he was about a hundred years old and the deadness of Sarah's womb interesting probably in her nineties he did not waver at the promise through unbelief but was strengthened by faith or in faith giving glory to God I'm puzzled with that because when I read Genesis he wavered he looked at his body they looked at a time frame Sarah got talking and said hey maybe God wants you to go into Hagar and that's the way he's gonna make this happen cuz ain't nothing happening we ain't cuttin it aid and I'm sure Abraham's looking over there is Sarah in that Old Testament Bible day we're at Hagar then he Sam really you want me to go into Hagar I think you want to well let me go pray about he's saying girl bring her on just do it if it works great so when I read my Bible in Genesis Abraham waver he compromised he made his schmell he did consider his flesh but when I read in Romans after the blood when I read in Hebrew sees a patriarch in the father of faith it's a Sarah Sarah received strength to conceive in her womb in Genesis she laughed and lied in 30 seconds to God in Romans Abraham as a patriarch of faith in Hebrews they're both listed why because something changed in their heart called repentance and they said duh we failed to believe the truth we stepped out of the Covenant promise let's get her eyes back on him and through the blood when the writers writing he judges Abraham and Sarah as if they never flinched and as if they never sinned coz through the blood I'll separate it from the east and the West and remember it no more I'm looking at a whole lot of patriarchs of faith you don't have to have some Old Covenant Old Testament writing when you stepped right into the new why would you remember what he hasn't he can't even write Genesis in Romans he has to write through the blood they're sittin having dinner with Abraham he says surely your wife will conceive Abraham's wife is listening through the tent and she giggles sarcastically yeah after all this time me and Abe's tried to swing in how many times it ain't work a beam working to good and I am working at all we just too old and God says no you're gonna have a child he says why did she laugh I don't know she laughed and lied in 30 seconds in the presence of the Lord you think she'd turn into dust he's so amazing and now he's writing about her generations later Sarah by faith we see strength to conceive I'm trying to preach romans 5 and that thing hit me I had to share it with you and use the time it took why so you need to see there ain't no old story about you there's just a new that's why we're gonna pray what we're gonna pray tonight see we don't understand brother I made mistakes I should've been using but I was and I knew better cuz I grew up in youth through well I know you say you should have knew better but you got deceived and you didn't take earnest heed and you did whatever you did and that thing bit you for keeps and your heart changed you said duh and you ran back to God so let me ask you are you still a young immature kid are you still somebody running with rebellion are you still somebody using or sleeping around are you somebody that got a grip and ran back to truth and truth is holding onto you and his name is Jesus you see ya but brother I earned it I made my bed I gotta sleep and no he makes her bed get out of the one you made cuz when you repent you'll get a brand new bed and the sheets are amazingly clean and you get in there and sleep with him you are until you repent I've watched too much I'm passionate I'm a madman I've watched I watched too many incurable STDs just come out of people I've watched too much hepatitis I get emails of HIV I get test results negative negative negative no more they take him off the list I got people in my hometown I got a lady who needed a liver transplant because I have put itis and heroin and prostitution but seeing a prostitute no more and if mercy triumphs over judgment and God ain't judging her how does hepatitis have the right if she's a new creation and God doesn't see her as if she's ever slept around and prostituted he sees her as his daughter hepatitis loses its hold and it has to flee when we understand [Applause] she never got a liver transplant she came to a service and heard this message I mean she got in her car heading to an appointment because her numbers are so off the charts that they said if we don't find a match soon you ain't got long so she was so tired of these appointments cuz everyone she went to they just told her how worse it was and how much closer she was to dying and she got in her car after the service she never got up for prayer don't you do that tonight you let us pray she never got up for prayer because she had to go this appointment and she got out in a car and got an appointment and this frustration came over her but it was holy and it was righteous and guess what she said in her car she said this is crazy I can't have hepatitis I'm not a prostitute I'm not a heroin addict those things are no longer in my heart God gave me a new heart he forgave me of sin why would I be paying a price for where I've been now that he's done what he's done in me hepatitis shouldn't be allowed in me I'm tired of these appointments and doctors and people saying I'm gonna die when he says I'm gonna live I can't have hepatitis and she said she threw a fit in the car and then she calmed herself down and started her car and drove for her appointment she went in there and got her blood tested so they could tell her how much closer she was to death and all of a sudden they're freaking out I am NOT against the medical field but I love when their minds explode I told you that that heard it I told you the the testimony that came on my phone yesterday by the leader where I was last week he sent me the text to the man he said brother I just got back from the doctor they took an x-ray the golf-ball-sized long that was in my chest and the x-ray showed there is nothing there I like they came and they said we don't even know what to tell you your liver enzymes or whatever they called it and they're your numbers are all in the total normal zone there's no swelling dysfunction and we can't even find hepatitis in your blood [Applause] [Music] she didn't have her kids because of her lifestyle she's out-of-state unprecedent at first time in her States history that the social services released her children to a mother out of state because God moved the heart of the king part of the king in the hand of the Lord like a Mighty River Hood turn it where he wish the laws say one thing unprecedented God says I heard a judge once say it's against my better judgment not a good way to get reelected but he didn't even know what he was saying because he didn't know why he was saying what he was saying so he told a 19 year old that had two life sentences it's against my better judgment but I'm gonna turn you over to this ministry and give you a chance that's the heart of the king being turned by the Lord you're with me Romans five so he talks about all this faith and then he says therefore having been justified by faith we have peace with God through the Lord Jesus Christ in whom we also have access by faith into this grace in which we now stand come on that's right and and rejoice in the home of the glory of God the writers excited look and he says watch he says and not only that but we glory in the midst of tribulation [Music] now we don't get excited some of us are Christians to avoid tribulation you're in la-la land man that is not what christianity is for does that mean I said you're in la-la land I didn't I've never said that in my Christian life while I was preaching maybe slow on land it's deception if somebody told you a Christian you're a Christian for your sake and for life to go good and smooth they're deceived you're deceived for believing it many are the afflictions of the righteous the Lord's gonna deliver you the hell of them all he said he said in the world in the world you're gonna have tribulation but didn't mean you have peace why cuz he showed you the way to walk through it he said in the world you're gonna have tribulation in me you have peace so be of good cheer because I have overcome the world talking about stopping tribulation if he's talking about that II wouldn't have it he's talking about showing you the way to walk through it and conquer it and continue to shine and not lose your countenance and productivity that's the rule of this world coming and having nothing in you he says it's so glorious he says you've been justified by faith that means just as if you've never sinned by believing it's for the finished work blood speaking better things and it's peace with God through the Lord Jesus Christ I don't know about you but peace sounds way better than contention condemnation can't believe he loves me I'm ashamed peace with God through Jesus and now we have access by the same faith into God's empowerment God's grace and ability on our behalf to make us what were created to and we have this Hope standing in the glory of God and it's not only that in the same tone and not only that we glory when everything's all messed up and going against what you're hoping coz your preferences aren't Lord he is you're not a Christian for smooth seas you're Christian to shine when everything's rough you lay down your life you love not your own life under death it's the only way to overcome you can plead the blood to your blue in the face in the word of your testimony but if it's for your own self self in your own sake there is no response from heaven he will not teach you to live there when he wants you out of there do you ever see the mom in the grocery store I think she'd be asking me for candy I don't want you to ask me today I am done with that if you do what you did to me the last time hello yes never see that God will never do that he will let you scream for the rest of your life because he loves you way too much to leave you the same he is not here to meet your physical needs he's here to make you more like him Jesus said it in Matthew 6 he said you're worrying about this and you're worrying about that he said come on the birds and the flowers they ain't even got the issues you got he says so life you're not supposed to worry about what she's gonna eat worry about what you're gonna wear he says it's powerful isn't life more than these so then I guess we better find purpose and while I freely yes we hope in the glory garden only this would glory in tribulation why because it produces perseverance perseverance character and character hope and hope does not disappoint because the love of God has been poured out in our hearts through that mighty Holy Spirit who has been given to us for when we were still without strength in due time can can I have somebody play keys for me whoever is willing able and wants to will you sir thank you my friend man he's multi-purpose gifting man he led on Friday night in some of them songs and I was blessed he was tearing it up for you it's like and then the next night he's over there I thought where'd he go I went oh he's I said to his wife I said he's amazing she said he's so amazing points points I got two points for when we were still without strength in due time Christ died for the ungodly for scarcely for scarcely would a righteous man for a righteous man scarcely for a righteous man would somebody die yet perhaps for good man some would even dare or think about it consider to dare die but God demonstrated his love toward us that while we were still busy sin and believing that so we were in our lot in life Christ died for us guys this is such good news how could he pull that off because he knows what we were from the beginning that's how Jesus says Father forgive them they know not what they do why was Jesus was there from the beginning always there with the father from the beginning he knows why we're here that's why he's dying he wants to restore the truth it's not dying because you're a sinner he had to die because we sinned he's dying to get the truth back in us and get our identity back and put life inside of us the cost isn't that about just forgiveness the cross is about restoration and redemption the cross is about making things right setting the record straight bringing you back to original value through a price that's the gospel friend you think I believe that and I'm gonna have people issues today you think I'm gonna be hurt cuz you didn't call me actually I'm not don't call me too many calls for one guy sometimes we want to understand there's just one person too many too many crops so I'm not gonna be here that was a terrible illustration family members do to each other all the time I can't believe he didn't call me what did you call them why are you waiting who's ever went to a church and heard somebody leave the church and said well you know I was it man I'm not sure I'm going back it just didn't seem that loving nobody really noticed me nobody came over and greeted me you think they'd had people to at least say it's like a no-win situation because then when they do you think it's just their job and they're a scientist say hi so did you ever hear people say that well you know I went to this place and it just wasn't that loving and I'm thinking it should have been you were there [Music] somehow we got tricked into what we get out of things instead of what we offer why don't we follow Jesus enough for our lives why don't we get our eyes off of whether they're right or wrong and just give our lives why don't we live in righteousness and that makes wrong things right and it gives people an opportunity to live something different than we've seen him for righteousness is how he rules his kingdom it's what we live in we're ambassadors of God pleading to men to be reconciled to him who did not impute their trespasses toward them that's how we're to live and it's amazing why wouldn't you want that life why would you want yo feelings and frustration and he said she said and self-consciousness and identity issues and esteem struggles I when she died to the rat-race and died of being a rat and go ahead and live being his come on man if you're not born again tonight would be the night just get born again you just say dude what was I thinking and his students convicted my heart this thing's simple I've been living for myself I've been mad at God that's a good sign you're selfish when you're mad at God it's a real good giveaway when you're mad at others that you are number one while we were yet sinners God sat there ticked off and mad for God was so frustrated and at wit's end with humanity he finally pulled the ace card and sent his side never read those scriptures because they're not there for God so loved you and never stopped seeing you for who you're created to be that he sent his son in the likeness of sinful flesh to fulfill what man failed to become in appearance what man appeared to be to hang and die on a cross as if we died on there with him and he took the lie upon himself to get the truth back on his people you did not pray a prayer to go to heaven heaven came back inside of you so you could shine as lights in the world yeah that's one mighty fine gospel right there hmm I just got born again again Pastor Dan you are tearing it up you're preaching my man it's not my fault no man taught me what I'm preaching because nobody in my personal life ever taught me the gospel this way they just made me a forgiving sinner and left me there but someday I'll go to heaven Holy Spirit came into my bedroom and showed me different that's what's wrong with me no it's the truth it's good tidings of great joy I don't know what to do with this good news but be like this life has no power over me circumstances family members I'm on the earth for one reason to walk in love and walk in the light as he's in the light it's the whole reason I'm here and it's too late to talk me out of it so I don't have issues I'm not weary in ministry I don't have pastoral struggles with leaders I don't have people issues I have the kingdom and I'm living really free so I'm either the most deceived man you've ever met in your life and I need severe delivers [Music] or I'm free I guess time hotel but in the mean time I'm gonna put all my chips on the free space and keep living my convictions would you up here in Edmonton follow me and go with me as I'm following him now follow me as I'm following him would you lay down all these things that have never produced life who's ever been blessed when they're frustrated who's been producing good fruit when you're sure you were done wrong and you took it to heart who's ever produced life when they were discouraged there were all traits of self-centered living discouraged people attend church every week and it's a sign we're letting life speak louder than truth and we don't really understand why he came so in all you're getting Church get understanding because we're destroyed for the lack of it and yet the world taught you growing up what you don't know won't hurt you that came from a different camp it's a lie which you don't know it's destroying you Paul said don't be wise in your own opinion you look at social media there's a lot of that going on James said slow to anger slow to speak quick to listen what have we been most of our lives ticked off don't want to hear it and got a whole lot to say it's not an accident that we've lived totally opposite of what that book said because one day what was made to love became self-centered and needed it instead it wasn't and you must be born again God never made a man to wake up and need love he made a man for his image God made man to love not needed so what do you say we die to the old so we can live to the new what do you say we put off the old man in his deeds Colossians 3:10 and put on a new man who is renewed in knowledge according to God's image what do you say what do you say mark what do you say we just don't be believers people say Dan you're really awesome hear this they say a lot of nice things to me you really do I hear a whole lot more nice things than people say bad things I guess the bad things people are saying saying them to me but people say amazingly nice things to me and I'm not trying to be falsely humble nobody has a thing unless God's given it there is no boasting in men all I'm gonna be guilty of when I stand before him on that day is being a believer and these signs shall follow them that believe so I would encourage you as a big room of people in Canada an army of the Lord pursue being believers yeah are you okay back there you were doing so good it's ridiculous yeah and I know it's not his fault because if any man has anything it's been given but isn't that beautiful come on let's do this God demonstrators in love towards us that while we were still sinners Christ died for us much more than much more than now having been staff I'd by his blood seen and judged as if you've never sinned we shall be so so saved from wrath through him what's he sayin that mercy triumphs over judgment that love covers a multitude of sin 1st Corinthians 5:17 any man any woman who is in Christ Jesus is absolutely a new creation old things have passed all things are new you green the water baptism death burial resurrection you die in the likeness of his death once for all right you go under there and die to sin like he died to sin to everything you've ever done to everywhere you've ever been it all dies in water baptism with him you get buried in baptism with him you get baptized into his death if we were baptized into his death surely we will raise up in the newness of life what happens when you go under there that person you were dies in the sight of God through the blood what happens who will you come up Holy Spirit is hovering over the expanse of the water and he takes away the chaos and brings form to what had no appearance he takes you to the beginning and then that mighty Holy Ghost comes and he breathed life into you and then he comes upon you to empower you and immerse you in the beauty of who he is so two can become one and you can be a witness and that awesome it's called Christianity I'm gonna be narrow not facetious nothing else is everything else is a version this is why he came do you hear how backed it is by scripture do you hear how many scriptures just tied up everything that was said there is no way out except that a man would say I don't want that but you can't say you can't hear it if God demonstrated his love while we were sinners much more now because he lives we're gonna be safe from wrath through him I promise you a man does not have to reap what he sowed when he repents if it's in the natural if it's legal stuff he might have to go to prison but if it's spiritual and upon his body I'm telling you the blood of Jesus is speaking better things we got to do this quickly if you hurt yourself through former conduct if you were a Christian and you made mistakes in the process and you did some things that you wish you wouldn't do and you got bit in the process if you were promised you if you did drugs if you just went out on a binge one night because you were ticked off and mad at somebody and got drunker than you've ever been here than you've ever been and your concentration just hasn't been the same since and somehow you knew you hurt yourself mentally and so luckily because of that night you related to that night I'm telling you your mind can get crystal clear tonight I'm telling you Holy Spirit can breathe into you and bring back your memory your concentration and make it as if you never went out that night why because of the blood because if you could go back and change that night you would but you can't and regret is not an option second Corinthians seven it's the world's way and produces death godly sorrow leads to repentance what a finn dication of your self its ass are you with me you got us STD you got hepatitis they said the STD is incurable it is not incurable it will come out of your blood because of him I tell some stories over and over because they're just my favorites they're all amazing I was in a Mennonite Church Mennonite Church and I did one of these altar calls and I was just fascinated that people responded in a Mennonite and my eyes fixed on the young man about 20 years old coming down the aisle and I didn't highlight anybody didn't prophesy wasn't there to prophesy I was just there to believe God redeems but if it comes on you he ain't pushing it off I looked and I said son I'm so proud of you I can see that when you were a little boy BAM and I see that bang and God says and even in your mind you thought and God just boom pow and he's just froze just crying and trembling and all the people cuz it's a family unit Mennonite Church grew up together breaking bread together all related they're all crying why cuz they watched him grow up and they knew what I was saying was exactly what they saw and they're the fear of the Lord came in the room and they're like this is sis's God I didn't know he was mutilated I didn't know that in his young years for some dark reason he took a knife and util ated his male genitals and he carved and he cut and he sliced and he he butchered [Music] you should have heard his wife described what he looked like he mangled himself she knew she was his wife while I was prophesying over him guess what Jesus did I go into church the next morning there standing over by the wall they can't function I'm not kidding her weeping and there trembling and pastor said they're waiting to see you pastor didn't even know what he did to his body she called it mutilation she would now she's his young wife I went over and he can't talk he sees me and just cries and I said what's going on she said and I had to listen it was hard she could barely communicate she said he went home got ready for bed and when he was in the restroom in the bathroom he looked at himself and there was not one mark of mutilation on his body you see what's wrong with me you see oh I don't believe that brother I understand there's tons of unbelief in the church but that brings no honor to God you'll find out one day that these things happen in our true I hope that day soon and not that I feel my heart breaks for people that are ripped with unbelief unbelief comes from self-centered foundations you Harbor hurt you don't see prayers answered you lose loved ones and you let that stuff affect you instead of cling to God you let the questions outweigh the things your heart once knew and now you're in trouble and it's called unbelief and it's wicked and it's wretched and I'm Way past debating with you friend I'm gonna keep on trucking I'm gonna keep speaking over those boys and over those girls as I was in another church and this girl comes up and she's 34 years old but when she was 17 she broke her little purity vow ring that she put on in youth group when she was 13 when she was 17 she was sure she was in love because they're getting married take out a couple years to wait but try about 19 we're gonna do this thing cuz I love you yeah I love you ho but I love you what we shouldn't well I know but I feel like and guess what happened genital warts start popping out on a 17 year old she slept with one boy one boy that she believed was gonna be your husband and Jenna the word started popping out on her body [Music] their relationship disintegrated they never did get married [Music] three specialists because they kept sending urn because they were mesmerized by it never saw anything like it she was grossly covered with genital warts in her vaginal area for 17 years without one day of relief they'd incoming go perfuse she said gross perfuse so guess what she did at age 17 she decided she wasn't going to ever step into a relationship even though she wanted a husband she wanted to be a mother but she said I brought this upon myself I'll carry this cross I don't want to bring a man into something so gross and expect him to understand and have to jump this hurdle I'll just let Jesus be my husband 17 years later I happened to be in her church and God put this message on my heart I preached it with passion people came up everywhere and were crying and receiving God's love and we just touched and prayed and moved fast and I never talked to her I never prophesied I just prayed and we got through the people cuz it's Jesus it's not men it's truth you preach it it comes in the room in truth has a name she went home that night sobbing she gets to the threshold of the door of her apartment she sticks the key in the door and the Holy Spirit hovers over her and says don't you be afraid to look at what I've done to your body she ran into the bathroom she inspected her body not one single genital wart sobbing and crying on her bed she falls asleep wee hours of the night sobbing she finally falls asleep at daybreak whoo she wakes up and thinks surely this is a dream 17-year not one relationship the whole time with a man she wakes up and says Shirley's dream she inspects her body not one single heart she comes to service I'm not kidding she's shocked she pulls me and pastor and his wife in the office and tells us the whole story and we're all sobbing we're all marking we're all just pulling a mark you know messiyah she told us the story TJ it was so beautiful at the end she looked and said so who knows maybe God will let me have a husband and I could be a mother still and that's it out Betty Betty what if you've hurt your body if you're carrying something from your past there's only one thing that qualifies you today and it's not works it's hard if you say in your heart knowing what I know now if I could go back and do it over surely I would that tells me I ain't talking to the person that did that thing remembering you've become changed and you've become new and if I'm reading my Bible clearer which I believe I am when that takes place God will never judge you for where you've been God Himself will judge you for what you've become so if God won't judge you for where you've been wise where you've been judging you when he is greater if you hurt an Oregon if you hurt your kidneys your liver through alcohol through drugs if you hurt your mind if you got some in your blood that's because of former conduct one thing if I could change it I would if I could do different I jump on that chance but I can't then God I believe you love me and I believe you forgive me and your redemption is greater than my sin you get up here right now if that's you don't you stay in your seat I need you up here right now get up here right now come on don't be ashamed everybody has sinned everybody has fallen short of the glory of God there's people that have done the same things you did and didn't get marked there's no mercy out there it's not fair but there's mercy and God you get up here and don't hesitate line up as best you can fill up the aisles but don't stay in your chair if I'm talking to you now is the time to get up because now is the day and now is the time for salvation guilt and condemnation and shame over for good everybody up here you begin to thank God that He loves you and you tell God that if you could go back and do some things different kiddo you would true then we ain't even talking or looking at the girl we're remembering come on it's good they're good tears don't you be ashamed of em I see them they're good tears there are the tears that bring Redemption godly sorrow leads to repentance no it's good you look right at me don't you be ashamed I'm nothing I'm so proud of you that you came up here you're so young what a time to receive righteousness what a time to receive restoration what a time to be loved by God yeah he's still in it I'm telling you he's changing things for you and he's gonna make it like you've never been where you've been or done what you've done oh I singled you out of a whole crowd you know why cuz God has had his eye on you there's things you've believed that aren't true and there's some stuff you've struggled with and you've even wondered about him but he just stopped me in my tracks and pointed you out of this whole crowd to show you that it ain't true that his spy has been on you the whole time you see that he's coming on you he's gonna make things right you keep your eyes on him because he has always had his eyes on you you ain't locked in nothing you ain't missing nothing you ain't no more trying to fit in either he makes you fit in right where you belong these words make sense to your heart cuz I know when I see clear cuz he's my father and he's your father too bless her Holy Ghost and make her clean break every lie that's good that's his love receiving that's the love of King Jesus yeah he's breaking every lie the season of darkness I'm telling you it's over you're never going back there those lives that have ravaged your mind those things that you couldn't get out of your head I'm telling you he's making things new and the way you saw him wrongly simply tonight he's just straightened that out and made it right he loves you and he's proven it receive his love right now just receive his love be redeemed in Jesus name do we have everybody come on I just got it I just got like I just saw the love of God okay now you be straight with me don't play with me I just heard seven people need to get up and get up here real quick I'm waiting for seven people don't you play God loves you I got so many people to pray for why would I wait for seven cuz God said he doesn't want you in your chair and he wants to wash you clean why you miss your moments I need my 7 I've gotta stop said we ain't ready I'm ready we're missing kids we're missing some kids see if you ain't on the picture something's missing a few wait there some a right this thing is real I've watched it my whole Christian life he's making it right I'm so proud of you people you see all these tears you're feeling let them be tears of Hope and tears and sighs of joy that God is good and you're not damned and he's making things right and he's judging you as if you've never sinned believe it with me say this before I pray say father thank you for loving me thank you you aren't judging me for where I've been you're judging me for what I've become I believe you're doing a work in me I have a different heart than I used to you have changed to me and I thank you tonight for taking yesterday totally away the coming of your son because you love me because you lift your hands to heaven with me woodsy holy spirit thank you for coming i can't touch everybody i don't need to he will you don't have to feel anything you believe it some of you are already healed I guarantee the whole mass of clean clean clean mind dreams holy spirit come now this is gonna be sweet cuz I just saw the love of God the comforting love of God I'm telling you the acceptance of the Lord is coming upon you come Lord yeah and just love your children and watch over them with your accepting love come Holy Spirit come and love your kids yeah breathe on your people the love and acceptance of God mark them for all time let them never believe anything else let them never again follow a lie let them walk out of here sanctified all the days of their life holy holy holy is the lamb and he said you beholding for I am hope holy spirit thank you Father God thank you Jesus you're amazing whisper in your heart thank thank you for loving you please just whisper in your heart thank you for loving me father thank you for watching me thank you for cleansing me thank you for putting this thing behind me and calling it dead I call it dead - I'm never looking back I'm never looking back I won't be like Lot's wife I'm your bride I'm looking up from whence came my help I'm gonna live in righteousness apart from yesterday today you have done a new thing and you've done it in me and I receive your love in Jesus name I'm proud of you Jesus name here yeah as his love that's his acceptance always receive it son always receive it God is so good [Music] yeah it's gonna be alright I love you people thank you for being humble and coming up here I want you to in this atmosphere and holy atmosphere of worship and Thanksgiving just try to make your way back as discreetly as quietly as easily as you can there's something else we got to do and I know it's late but if you can hang in there people just hang in there I'll do this as quick as we can thank you for coming up here thank you for coming up here in Jesus name JD an Amman on their CR TR Abbas honey Holy Spirit come sort of freedom in her life god I thank you for clearing her conscience I thank you for opening up her heart or mine causing her to see I think you've removed the things that seem clouded I think of the phrase I can't get it it doesn't happen for me I thank you the phrase I can't get it is erased tonight I'll thank you that her heart is open wide god I see eyes that see I see a heart that understands I see someone so precious to you so precious to you mm-hmm I'm not trying to embarrass you but I'll have my hands on you and I see you've struggled with your own personal value you've went to lengths to feel good about some things and find a appreciation in certain ways and acceptance and none of that's worked and penned out well and God saying my appreciates you I made you special that thing you're looking for it's like a pipe dream there's no answer there don't hurt yourself on that road I called you to be with me I'm gonna love you I'm gonna strengthen you I'm gonna make myself known to you stop search and say your search is over and let your heart settle on me because I will never fail you I will love you I will make myself known to your understanding thank you for total freedom in her life I thank you you erase there's like a five-year span in your life that I see him erasing me racing I see it being erased yeah it's too late it's being erased there's a five-year span you won't even look back on it won't have any effect on you a psychologist to shake his head and say I don't know how this can be and you'll say his name is Jesus and he's the Living God and he was and is and is to come and he loves me and he's inside of me I'm not longing anymore I'm not searching anymore anymore I was lost and he found me I was crying out and I didn't even know who to and he heard my cry and he came in to Leverett me and he raced a span that was in my yesterday and he placed my feet solid in today and I have a destiny and my life will go on and flourish because he's gonna teach me how to value it and how to make the most of the day [Music] in the book of John John 20 I'm gonna do this fast you write scriptures if you need to I'll quote them and I'll tell you where they're at in John 20 the end of the chapter verse 20 I believe right around verse 20 it's right there it's the end of the chapter he said it says it's verse 22 when Jesus showed up in the in the Upper Room we're not in the Upper Room in the room they were assembled after he raised from the dead you're with me he rose from the dead in John 20 Mary was there he thought that was the gardener and thought somebody stole Jesus you guys with me Jesus showed up that evening that same day in the evening in the room where they were assembled for fear not praying for fear of the Jews afraid that what they just saw happened to Jesus was about to happen to them we'd have been there too we'd have been afraid we're not judging them they were lost they were under the fear of the bondage of death they were confused he was the best thing that ever happened and they watched him die he said he would raise again but they were so under the mid dominion of death that what he said was overpowered by what they saw and on that day they were afraid he walked in the room and he said peace be unto you he didn't say hey you bunch of knuckleheads you're getting it all wrong he told Mary to go tell his brother it not his low life to face running chicken-hearted backstabbin you go tell my boys my brother in covenant term what's he saying I haven't changed my mind about them he raised from the dead he is not offended he is loved and he came right to those boys and he showed him his hands and his side and they were glad it was the Lord and then he said as the father sent me so I send you and then he did something fascinating he breathed on them why did he breathed on them he said receive the Holy Spirit why didn't he just line him up and get charismatic and Philip can you catch Phil Phil Phil why do you say why didn't he say be filled with the Holy Spirit since he holds all things together by the word of his power why did he breathed on them and say be filled with Holy Spirit because he's the Redeemer he's taking them back to day one because his Bloods on the mercy seat of sin never happened how did God make man what was lost when man sinned what did he restore that's so powerful the blood of jesus' as if sin never happened people make a huge mistake and they say well they say did you ever receive the Holy Spirit did you ever get baptized in the Holy Spirit they said well I received the Holy Spirit when I got saved you receive the Spirit of God when you get saved no no you receive a recreated reborn spirit where life comes into you because a minute ago you were dead you become wheat not a terrier keeper fish and not a throwback you're sealed for that day of redemption the life of God comes back inside of you when you get born again he said receive Holy Spirit's not the baptism of Holy Spirit it's their born-again experience how do you know that Dan because in Luke 24 he said tarry in the city so the promise of the Father comes upon you and you'll be endued with power in acts 1 Luke gives a little more explanation and says he's talking about Holy Spirit Holy Spirit's coming not many days from now you'll be baptized in the Holy Spirit well I thought we already received the Holy Spirit no in John 20 you got born again and life came inside of you but in acts 2 you're gonna get in dude with power to be a witness in John 4 he met a woman at the well he said if you knew who I was you to ask me for a drink and I did give you a drink and you would never thirst again that drink is living water and that drink would be a fountain in you springing up into everlasting life what's the drink he's talking about your fulfilled identity through your born-again experience finding yourself and your life in him your name written in the book of life and a well springing up into everything about you getting born again in John for a well springing up into everlasting life John 7 if you believe in me as the scriptures say out of your belly will flow rivers of living water does out of your belly flowing rivers of living water sound different than a well springing up into everlasting life the next verse this he spake of the Spirit who had not yet been given because he had not yet been glorified John 20 is a well springing up Luke 24 is a river pouring out baptism the Holy Spirit are you with me Luke an ACCI with me you got a look in acts 8 it's absolutely amazing if you want to put it on the board it would be helpful for the people you could put it on the board acts 8:14 because you guys are incredible it'll be up there in a moment look at that these guys are ridiculous who are you where are you where who yes hey thank you give them like some kind of appreciation they're amazing you know they're like 15 probably right they're like just techie like crazy with this stuff just like putting on socks it's like I'd be like aah oh my goodness when the apostles who were absalom heard that Samaria had received the Word of God they sent Peter and John to them why who when they had come down prayed for them that they might receive Holy Spirit wait a minute I thought you receive Holy Spirit when you get born again if that's true why they have to go that they might receive him why did it have anything to do with John and Peter for us yet he had fallen upon none of them they had only not the baptism in Jesus name in water isn't important but there's more the only just means they didn't get it all they had only been baptized in water in the name of the Lord Jesus he hadn't fall upon any 'm and when they laid hands on them people said will you get the Holy Spirit when you get born again no you get a reborn spirit [Music] Holy Spirit is an endowment with power they tarried in the city he came upon him they were in dude to be a witness the word baptize means to be immersed and dipped into you take the white paint can you kick off the ends and you run a stick through the white pink can when you bring the stick out the other and let's just say the stick is you and me and the pain is Jesus and we run the stick through the white pink can we bring the stick out of the other side of the pink can and you can't even see the stick all you see is what it was baptized into but the stick is still there that's baptism in the Holy Spirit the stick in the paint become one you get dipped into an immersed into the paint and to become on specters when they laid hands on them they received Holy Spirit that's okay we don't need that one thank you that's that's a whole nother story about Simon in acts 10 in acts 10 in in 38 Peter starts preaching or earlier than that I mean I'm sorry in 38 when he said how God anointed Jesus of Nazareth down in 44 acts 10:44 while Peter was still speaking these words the Holy Spirit fell upon all those who heard the word and those of the circumcision who believed were astonished as his Nennius game with Peter because the gift of Holy Spirit had been poured out on the Gentiles as well for they heard them speaking with tongues and magnifying God and look what Peter he's so sharp look what Peter said he said can anyone forbid these guys water that these should not be baptized to have receives Holy Spirit just as we have in Samaria they have baptized in water Holy Spirit hadn't come yet Peter and John must have thought it was pretty important because they didn't have buses taxis cars motorcycles they went 35 to 50 miles 35 to 50 miles so they can lay hands on them so Holy Spirit would come upon them it must be important no wonder we fight over this stuff today it's amazing how we fight over everything that's so important [Music] Peter and John walked 35 to 50 miles to be sure he came Cornelius household he just came and Peter said he came let's get him in the water Brooks cool I got saved on a Sunday night Monday morning I woke up in bed crying aware of the presence of God praying in tongues profusely I'm too late to debate with you you're too late to debate with me weeks later I was in water and it hit me baptism not I wasn't even weeks it was shortly after I didn't know if it was legal but I baptized myself it was so intimate and so ridiculous it was so personal it was so holy I was in the water and I said I'm a brand-new man I'm changed forever my life will never be the same you filled with the Holy Spirit I'm praying in tongues I want to be baptized in your name when I go under I thank you everything I've ever been and done everything ever done to me is dead I'm never looking back and when I come up you'll receive me Holy Spirit I believe you'll present me to pop a look a brand-new baby boy thanks for saving me I give my life to you thank you for the blood and I slipped myself under the water and when I came up it was amazing how he just showed me the Father and I just knew I was look at acts 19 absolutely amazing first verse would just jump in the first verse and it happened while Paulus was a Corinth and Paul having them passed through the upper Regents came to Ephesus and finding some disciples he said to them man it's an awesome day isn't it we're getting a lot more Sun than we're used to have in this time of year hey where are you guys heading can I hang out no Paul looking at their attire seeing their dress code knew they were a part of some sect belief he knew they were disciples they were followers of something and he was believing they were Christian and he said hey watch what he said did you receive the Holy Spirit when you believe he's talking about the baptism of the Holy Spirit John said surely i baptize you with water but there's one coming he will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and Fire we say over and over again you get the Holy Spirit when you get saved if that's true why is Apostle Paul asking that question if it's true why did Peter and John go 50 miles if it's true why does Luke 11:13 say if you being of evil nature know how to get good gifts to your children how much more the father will give the Holy Spirit to them who asked if he's automatic why do you have to ask if he's automatic why is that question being asked if he's automatic why does Peter and John have to go on a journey I tell you what's happened in today's Christian society there's so much cross teaching there's so much fear implemented there's so much talk of false teaching false prophet that's the devil wolf in sheep's clothing and we have done great injustice to people people don't even know whether they're coming or going new believers have red flags all over the place there's a twisted movement of grace out there that says just go ahead and do whatever God's grace is sufficient we're always gonna mess up so hey he loves you anyway it's a perverted movement of grace so men of notability try to address it and then they talk about grace movement perversion of grace and they give everything a name then a new believer here's a sincere priests are talking about the beauty of grace and a red flag goes up because of the warning they heard the gospel has always been about grace you're saved by grace we beheld in grace for grace and grace and in truth and you are what you are by the grace of God you saved by grace through faith you can't get away from grace but just just somebody perverted it we don't have to attack and put red flags we're in this pendulum syndrome and this loose camp is way over here so this other camp tries to tighten and then this camp reacts source and this camp wraps wounds that Jesus is right here there's so much fear-based stuff in the body of Christ and needs to stop let's just get back to the word I'm putting it right up there putting it right up here but we're reading it it's not my notes hey I was right Luke 11:13 I read the book if you've been the people nations are not a good gifts to your children how much more will a Heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to them plants if he's automatic we wouldn't have to ask he's not talking about your recreated spirit he's talking about the undo man with power he's talking about a person and he's holy and his spirit he's your friend he's not an int he's not a breeze he's not a goose bump he's God the Holy Spirit he's your helper he reveals Jesus to your heart he shows you things to come he always does what glorifies the king he is your friend he empowers you he teaches you his Holy Spirit it's not a doctrine is not an experience it's not a tremor he's a friend and he's holding any spirit and he's been living in me for a long time it's what's wrong with me he teaches me how to never be ho-hum he teaches me how to not be discouraged he teaches me how to not live offend it he teaches me how to shine he empowers me to be a witness he teaches me how to not take wrongs personal he teaches me how to see you clearly I ask him questions and he teaches me he's holy and his spirit and he's here tonight and he wants to come upon you if you've never received him people get so messed up because camps and people have done so many things they get to try to get people to try to make them pray in tongues they say well if you didn't pray in tongues you can get the baptism of Holy Spirit what's that say the father gives the Holy Spirit if you ask do you have a hundred percent guarantee that he comes if you ask and then we say misinformed people try to buy you into an experience instead of a belief other tongues is the only word manifestation listed in the Bible for the baptism of Holy Spirit so it's extremely scriptural but it's not the barometer you receive him like you receive salvation you receive him by faith other tongues as a gift Corinthians 14 says if I pray in another tongue who if I pray he doesn't control your mouth he doesn't make you a robot he doesn't it says if I pray in another tongue it's the Spirit praying within thee he gives me the utterance I pray the words you can turn him on and off in that way Paul said I sing in the spirit I sing with my understanding I sing in the Spirit I pray under saying I walk in my bedroom father I just worship you and magnify and I glorify your name Shion Amasya key and II also know my share Sedna maja said for you are high and you are only shown a man and a CI GND I'll never you're my king you're full of glory you live inside me you're my story show me I'm no mess and you say I don't know what you're saying neither do I but it's not for you it's for him for you understand let those critical spirits get out of your own head and start living from your heart stop judging what you don't understand it's so beautiful you don't want to live without him [Music] I'm sorry I'm not mad at you there's just so many critical spirits floating around and people grab onto her well what's he saying well he didn't even supposed to be doing that I don't know what he said it's not for you if I pray in another time I speak mysteries under God and edify myself it's not for you now if we're in a service and the service is flowing and somebody starts shouting out real loud in tongues paul says hey if you're gonna do that let one interpret because it's unprofitable to the years I'd rather speak five words with understanding than a thousand in other tongues if there's no interpretation but you put me in my car about on there see Akio who saw Landon is Landon right do so Landon get that mic early start walking and pacing with confidence because he knows God I watch that boy worship all weekend he knows the Lord being trying to minister he knows the Lord he's walking he gets overwhelmed there's a synergism he's a young man he's got this mic in God's ear and all the sudden he he just did you see did you hear him he's praying in the spirit he wasn't the same he's a young man he ain't thinking I hope nobody's judging me I wonder if there's anybody thinking he's just with Jesus man he's like 13 or whatever he is and he knows the Lord and he says what a son of Emma can do and he's trembling and he's excited some of you wish you lift that way why don't you let go and why don't you let him in and have this way proud of you boy you're gonna go a long way in the Holy Ghost you and that guy represent I'm not mad at you don't you get some critical thing going don't you get so theological that you missed the heart of God if I pray in another tongue my spirit prayeth there's several places in the Bible acts 2 acts 10 where Holy Spirit just came there's several places in the Bible where men that were filled with the Holy Spirit laid hands on people and he came tonight he'll do both I promise if we ask he's coming did you read it you don't have to pray in tongues to believe you're baptized in the Holy Spirit you just have to ask for faith will you pray in tongues can you pray in tongues you gonna pray in tongues it's a gift he'll come we'll believe for that I'm believing for that I'll feel good saying that I pray for people they just praying in terms I pray for some they didn't pray in tongues right away but they just kept talking to him and thanking him and sometimes they get alone and they be singing because they were taught it's not for today they were taught well how do you know you ain't just making it up well you're just speaking rubbish or they got into service where somebody said pray yabba-dabba-doo backwards three times and you'll have it we making nobody pray nothing it comes in here I've seen people hold it back till they were ready to blow up their language and I look at them and laugh and say you better let it out you're gonna pop I've had two workers that were taught against what I'm preaching their whole lives but they saw my life and got convicted by my life they said what's different about you I said probably Holy Spirit he's my friend is he yours as he baptized you and endued you with power well I was told that I got the Holy Spirit when I got saved well then maybe you ought to look at these scriptures and they go hmm see some people don't read for themselves they just listen I had several co-workers leave work ask God in their car if this is for me let me have him I'm not afraid to ask you if I ask you you're not gonna give me a stone a fish would you baptize me in your spirit if this is for today and they did not make it home without pulling off the car weeping in the reality of the Holy Spirit and they prayed in tongues on the shoulder of the road fun if you've never been baptized in the Holy Spirit we want to pray for you all we're going to do is get you up here and we're going to ask him to come and you're gonna ask father to baptize you in the Holy Spirit we're gonna say Holy Spirit come and empower your people that's take the land God that's battle for Canada would you come and empower us to be a witness and I'm telling you he will come many of you will just know he's upon you you'll just begin to weep and pray in tongues some of you you just thanked him he's here and you receive him because one hundred percent if you ask he's coming are you with me and then I'll probably have some summit folks and my Alabama family and my Florida family and and and and my vegetable McHale that's how I remembered his name see he told me to he's not offended he knows Jesus he said just remember I'm in the vegetable family that's how I remembered your name I saw you on a platter and you summit folks that are baptized in the Holy Spirit I'll just have you come gently behind the people in front of people and just lay hands on them gently but we're gonna let Holy Spirit just come a move on the people it's gonna be the most beautiful thing Holy Spirit is here and he wants to empower you to be a witness it's not a freaky thing it's so scriptural it's amazing they all speak with other tongues Paul laid hands on them and they spoke with tongues and began to prophesy it's so scriptural if you've never been baptized in the Holy Spirit and you want to be endued with power and receive him please come to the front line up if you've been taught against it just come up and say god I want what's real I want what you want for me I want what you paid for me don't come up in rebellion don't come up angry say Lord I've been believing other things this man is freaking me out with passion tonight I want holy do you see all these people do you see why we're teaching this oh come on people get up here step up here slide over as far as you can come up the aisles on the side just get up as magic in come in the aisles can the worship team come up can you girls just just start to sing soft and welcome Holy Spirit just as Holy Spirit welcomed song yeah yeah whatever some just ask that we're gonna invite him this isn't hype we're not trying to create atmosphere this is a holy moment for us listen to me guys this is amazing Peter and John heard Samaria had received the Lord and they got on a donkey a horse or they walked 35 to 50 miles to make sure they received what we're here for right now you just had to walk a mile this is easy come on I want everybody we need that's never been baptized in the Holy Spirit you've never been baptized in the Holy Spirit please don't stay in your chair join us be family don't say I'll just wait and pray on my own just join us be family make sure you come come on either the reason I'm saying it because I know I'm waiting for a couple more thank you dear see God's good man he doesn't want me to start he knows he knows I'm not just trying to get a big response are you kidding me got way many people to pray you people that that are baptized in the Holy Spirit I'm assuming the people sitting out there a baptizing Holy Spirit so why don't you all stand up with us invite him to come just sing the holy spirit ask him to come just prepare your heart and tell God you want him right now in the person of Holy Spirit just tell the people that are standing there baptized and Holy Spirit just thank him touching our brothers and sisters in a very powerful way we're gonna pray in a second and ask him to come was this in your hearts everybody that responded just talk to him close your eyes don't be distracted don't wait for a feeling just start to talk to God and tell him you want him the person of Holy Spirit tell him you want to be endued with power telling you one to understand mysteries you want your life to glorify Jesus come on tell him tell him you are ready to be baptized in fire come Holy Spirit come Holy Spirit okay guys just lift your hands to heaven we're gonna ask him to come say father baptize me immerse me into the person of Holy Spirit tonight empower me to be a witness empower my life and let me be changed for your glory for evermore if you paid for this then I want this I'm receiving a person he's holy any spirit say this with me Holy Spirit come baptize me right now with your spirit and your fire and release that language of other tongues I'm not afraid I want you tonight Holy Spirit I asked you to come guys begin to just lay hands on some people and just ask Holy Spirit the people that are baptized in the Holy Spirit out there just slide over and touch a few people just lay hands on some fake folks Holy Spirit come baptized in the Holy Spirit Holy Spirit and Fire yep shade up about my past Sunday out of us Shaunda ba-ba-ba-ba casa people out there that have the gift of tongues pray in the spirit show the other my mama son never shut up be filled be filled in Jesus name be baptized in the Holy Spirit [Music] [Music] shundi [Music] [Music] [Music] yeah yeah yeah [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] don't be afraid [Music] [Applause] [Music] get over it touch [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] touch your people [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] okay I just want everybody to begin to thank Holy Spirit that is here just believe right now and say thank you for coming thank you for coming upon me thank you for empowering me listen I'm not gonna take surveys right now I heard a lot of people praying in tongues I see a lot of things happening but here's the deal we asked he's here my pastor my first pass through my life his wife was taught so many things that when she got in a service like this she was so in a place where she just wanted to believe she was going to receive him according to Scripture she wasn't even really thinking about other tongues because she just didn't she just didn't know three months a pastor's wife for three months every day commune with him and talk to him Holy Spirit I appreciate you in my life Holy Spirit I thank you for loving me thank you for showing me truth she'd open her Bible Holy Spirit thank you for revealing mark hey what's God mean when he says this would you help me she just communing with him he's her friend her new friend for three months she's never prayed in tongues she has even thought about it she even she turned that off she just said I'm receiving him three months in her husband's out of town strong personality never saw him cry he's out of town young life he calls he breaks down and cries he's in the middle of a thing she can't help him she's far away he had to cut the conversation and hang up because of whatever it was but he hung up crying her young heart grip for her husband she's pacing the floor God she had no idea she was overwhelmed she didn't even know how to put in words she realized about seven eight ten minutes in she was walking the floor praying for perfuse Lea and other tongues because she knew not what to pray she was overwhelmed and God began to intervene and speak through her heart for her husband because of love and then and the so legal that bondage of her mind from all the cross teaching and the bad things she saw him was a part of and people trying to get people to say stuff she just shut it all off him in a moment of crisis when she didn't know what to do and her heart was overwhelmed she found herself praying here's my point he was there the whole time he was there the whole time the language was there the whole time so you just receive right now and come on lift your hands and say Father thank you for empowering me today I'm gonna walk in love I'm gonna do exploits I'm gonna be a witness Holy Spirit I welcome you thank you for your friendship thank you for loving me helping me empowering me thank you for instructing me my eyes are fixed on you you're gonna walk me through my life's gonna matter and my life's gonna make a difference amen thank him for it [Music] holy you want to take over um I think I'm done Oh let me say something listen guys you guys know I love you right you know I came back here twice right now listen don't hear this wrong I'm not trying to put a sour thing on the very end there's a gathering after here at the host home where I'm staying it's my last night I'm shooting out first thing in the morning there's a ham for leaders and a bunch of folks coming that I've gotten to meet and there's some people there showing up there I know people like to say hi and thanks and stuff and I've made myself pretty available but tonight I'm gonna ask you if you'll let me just kind of make my way out as I say my goodbyes without a lot of questions or things or time I just want it's late I gotta get up really early to get to the airport so I just like to go back and close out my weekend with this household there make it send out food and they're amazing they've been working all afternoon just to set up the house for this little moment we're gonna have so if you guys could understand and just release me to that moment to wrap up my weekend I would appreciate it okay now trying to get mushy-gushy but I feel like I love you guys I love people I love Jesus that's why I love you your major is image you've got every reason to run this race the only person that can stop you now is you not believing the truth believing some kind of lie so why don't you wake up and shine every day once you wake up and talk to him every day why don't we go ahead and all these things about battle for Canada and revival why don't we let them not just be dreams but why don't we watch them come to pass in our day why don't we be the revival amen so I love you stay fired up and let's go after this thing called Jesus amen hang on aren't you thankful for Dan thank you so much for all you released you
Channel: New Creation LIFE
Views: 16,185
Rating: 4.9200001 out of 5
Keywords: Dan Mohler, 2019, Encounter Weekend, The Summit Church
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 121min 31sec (7291 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 23 2019
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